The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Wanted Female Salary 32 STUDENTS 50 Needed 18 or Over Immediately. For personal Interview. Call Mr. Cosarove at 736-1240 bet. ween 9 a.

m. to 1.30 dolly. a. 10 11 a. m.

Saturday. SHIRT PRESSER and Folder. steady, work, top wages. Many benefits. Apply in person.

Milgene Cleaners, 143 Eastern Full or Port- Downtown In surance office, day week. Box 321, Union Oince. STATISTICAL CLERK must be oc curate working with figures, able to type like detail. excellent per sonal policies, solary commensurate with ability, For Interview call 532-9461 SWITCHBOARD 1 OPERATOR Permanent full time position for relief operator, 10 hr. week- Sot.

Sun, 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.. Mon. Tues 2:45 p.m p.m.. Wed. m.17 a.m.

Off Thurs. Fri. Good salary and liberal fringe benefits. Apply: Personnel Dept. WESSON 141 High HOSPITAL St.

Solid. (Across from main hospital) SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS General operators and partly experienced power sewing macine operators. New Modern Sewing Plant Located Downtewn Solid Urban Renewal Area All Union Benefits High Plece Work Rotes Free Parking Rainbow Girl Coat Co. 40 Congress Solid. Summer opportunity with triple a rated company.

Besides $600 mo. salary. we, have 15. $1000 scholorships, 3 trips to sunny ACAPULCO and incentives. Must hove neat appearonce, ability to converse intelligently, and be able 10 stort PROGRAMMERS SYSTEMS ANALYSTS New Wide Open Opportunities At All Experience Levels at Because of greatly expanded activity in our Information Systoms Department, we have number exciting openings available for individuals with drive, dedication and experionce in programming systems work.

If this sound like your kind of action, please call Mr. H. M. Heldmenn right now 565. 7440.

If more convenient. send your resume to Mr. Heldmann. Professional Placement, Office A.3, Pratt Whitney Aircraft. East Hartiord, Connecticut 04100.

An equal opportunity employer, PRATT WHITNEY AIRCRAFT Division of United Aircraft Corp. East Hartford, Comm. EMPLO 'MENT Help Wanted Female Salary 32 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Girl Office Hr. $100. Apply Bor D.

Union Office. SECRETARIES Leading travel agency hos positions open requiring good shorthand and typing skills. In interesting diversitied work. Fringe Benefits. Call 739-6002.

TIME FOR A CHANGE! Hoirdressers wanted. Excellent working conditions. For the right person wonderful opportunity to keep! abreast of the latest styles. Mr. Roberts Salons, Sptid, Aguwam Eust Long.

Coll ofter 6:30 566-3104. TRAY GIRL Permanent full time DOSi. tion in our dietary dept. Assist in preparing trovs tor potients. hr.

week, rotating shifts. 9:30 o.m 6 p.m. and 11 a.m. -7 30 p.m. Some weekend work.

120 per cent bonus). Liberal benefits, Apply: Peronnel Dept. THE SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Chestnut St. An Eaval Opportunity Employer TRAVELODGE A MOTEL needs full maid. Apply in person.


APPLY IN PERSON TO MRS. WILLIAMS 110 FORT PLEASANT AVE. 9 TO 5 WAITRESS, Full or port time. Ap person. Colony, State WOMAN with mechanical drawing background 10 work In Art of name plate Co.

2176. WRITER tor women's department of daily newspaper. on school or college paper might quatity YOU. Write letter stating education, other qualifications, salary needs 10 Box D319, umon Office WOMEN phone order sales deport ment, (enter city office. Salary plus bonus.

Call 739 4213 or CONY Whitney Bido. 411 WAITRESS for co*cktail lounge. 733-7445. WAITRESSES. over 21, also tor catering, 596-9357.

WAITRESS Counter Help. Soturday and Sunday nights. p.m. 10 Inquire Ray's Grinder 17 Longhill Springfield. WOOL or Silk Presser, full time.

Apply at Sentry Cleaners. 803 James Fairview. Moss. Just outside Westover's Main Gate. WAITRESSES, full of port time.

Poid vacation, noid holidays, and Insurance benefits. Must be over 1515 Apply Northampton Howard Johnson Holyoke. Co. WELL KNOWN firm requires clerk In its modern downtown fice. Typing helpful.

We troin. Apply Electrolux 55 State. WOMEN OR GIRLS, counter work Apply Water Wheel Restaurant, 18 Maple St. WANTED woman to work in Catholic Rectory. Live In.

Write 0299 Union Office WAITRESSES. Dining Room, Elm. crest Country Club. 525-6641. Help Wanted Male Salary 33 SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS BOX NUMBERS FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS net the identity any classitied advertiser using box number.

Reeders answering blind bor ads whe desire te protect their Identity con tallow this precedure: Enclose vour reply the box number envelope cadressed to the Clossified Manager, SPRING FIELD NEWSPAPERS together wish meme listing the companies de NOT wont your letter. our letter proved 11 the advertiser one mentioned. net it be forwarded in the usual NOTICE Discrimination in empley ment cause of sex prehibited Massachusetts Prectices. (G. L.

4). The use columns this pose is solely the convent ence of the reading public and oppertunities advertised this are available beth sexes unless bena fide occupational qualification Is stated in the bedy the AN AGENCY FOR professional people. College grads Assoc. depree. You are A invited to register.

UNIVERSAL PERSONNEL ASSOC. 14 Maple St. (rear) 736-2761 AUTO work ott Body benefits. Good steady Apoly west Side Auto Body Inc. 1050 Main Sofid.

LICENSED driver to do errands lanitor work. Apoly in person. Atlas Auto Body, 1 Bel. mont Solid. ATHLETIC DIRECTOR, Gym, yeor round pool, oll fields, Private school on new Campus.

South Western. Moss. One hour Hartford, and Springtield, excellent solory. September openino. Call of write Kolburne School.

West Rocks Rood, Norwalk, Conn. 06851, 1-203-847-4266. EMPIOYMENT PAPER MILL WORKERS FOR SHIFT WORK A Apply in Person PREMOID CORPORATION Front Mittineague West Springfield ARE YOU ON STRIKE? Make money' selling H. P. Hood ice cream until you are called back to work.

Over $150.. week. APPLY NOW DING DONG CART 15 CHICOPEE STREET CHICOPEE, MASS. 1 1, BRADLEES in West Springfield has immediate openings for full time and part time CASHIERS CLERKS Experience helpful, but not ACT QUICKLY! APPLY TO: Bradlees Mr. Saul Solin 230 Memorial Drive West Springfield, Mess.

INTERVIEW HOURS: thru Sat. 10 a.m. -0 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer Help Wanted Male Salary 33 AUTOMOTIVE Distributor driver and stock man. Krahne Sons.


1567 State. A SERVICE STATION attendant with mechonical obility for full time. Uniforms furnished. Good starting pay. Apply in person, Eastfield Atlantic cornet Boston Rd.

Parker St. APPRAISER to estimate domoue 10 buildings and personal proper ty in connection with insurance loses ond claims. Experienced in the building trades, ond high school diploma required. Excel: lent fringe benefits and compony cor furnished. Mr.

Goonon at: General Adiustment Bureou. 95 Stote City, 739-2571. Mechanics: ubercation mon, use car mechanic: auto body man. A. J.

Stonina, 67 Exchange Chicopee, Mass. ASSISTANT CREDIT MANAGER Responsible position, requirina correspondence. Necessary to effect I correction from the delinquent accounts. Supervision of clerical employees. Some experience preferred.

Call 739-6951 for appt. or submit Resume to Personnel Deportment. BUNTON, INC. 1265 Main St. Agawom, Mass.

ALW ROOTBEER DRIVE- INS Now hiring Inside counter help for desirable time shifts, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., 11 U.nt. to 5 p.m. Apr ply in person: 603 Riverdale St, 555 Memorial Drive, C.F.

driver wanted for Light delivery Truck 40 nour a work. Cod pay; interviews doily between 10 12. Shokour Labortories 187 Taylor Mass. AUTO MECHANIC WANTED Harold Kent Ford, Chicopee AUTO BODY MAN WANTED Harold Kent Ford, Chicopee AGENCY ASSISTANT -Degree some gen. exp.

Exc. firm 10 $9M. FEE PAID. AMERICAN PERSONNEL, 95 Stole St. ACCOUNTANT Recent grad.

or about to grad. Some exp. to $8M. FEE PAID. AMERICAN PERSONNEL.

95 State St. AUTOMOBILE Mechanics and Cor Polishers. Will Train, 5 Day week, Contact Service Manager, Germono Pontiac Buick, Westfield, Mass. Tel. 568-1631.

ROCK and Roll Bass Plover. Experience necessary, Call oft. 5:30 m. 536-7427 ARE YOU LOOKING: 18 We ore accepting full and port i applications. Good.

pay and many fringe benetit*. if yOU enjoy meeting people apoly in person at: FRIENDLY ICE CRFAM SHOP 309 BERKSHIRE AVENUE AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTOR needs outside salesman for local established territory. Must hove automotive background. Interesting re. wording for right person.

Contact Mr. Equipment Holpern, Inc. 538 Holyake 8725. Auto Ports mech. draftsmen, senior fu duction and defense nonde-1 methods to 18K Fee Pd.

METHODS ENGINEER for large non deiense info (O. must hove some backoround In consumer products. 9-10K stort Fee Pit. LAB TECH. 1 vr.

college chem. or PAD to 8k Fee Pd. SALESMEN, service rep. Industrial, trainees, to 15K For Fee P'd THREE FOREMEN tor ground floor opportunity! Good chance for advancement with nonde. tense organization $115 $125.

wk. plus overtime Fee Pd. Employment 145 State St. 739 11331 ACCOUNTING or Systems Trainee. To assist in special proiects and cost, general accounting and systems Opportunity to agin perience with management.

Salary open. Textile Plont in Statford Springs. Write Box 7207 Union Office. AGGRESSIVE man for field investi. gation and collection.

Will troin. RE 6-4807. AUTOMOBILE Agency wants mon for used car reconditioning. Full time Good benefits and working conditions. Contact Mr.

Doion, Ralph D. Jones, Inc. 781-1820. AUTO REPAIRING Auto Air Conditioning Mechanic Steady iob. Good hourly rote.

Paid holiday vacation. Other benelits. Fast working shop. Enoelson's. 470 West Columbus Ave.

ACCOUNTANT an excellent management opportunity for a responsible qualified individuat. Excellent trinoe benefits. Call Hampden Oil Corp 736-6311. ONCE 25 MEN to sell Hoods Sons Ice Cream Time. Eorn over $150.

0. week. Apply Dino Dong Cort. 95 Chic. once St.

Chicopee. AUTO MECHANIC full time. Good poy. fringe benelits. for muffler shock absorber installa tions.

Front end tune UD work Apoly in person. Minit Auto Care. Auto Service Center. 1245 Liberty Spild. Pools, 445! Parker 51.

SoM1. 543 1041, A-1 ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES ENGINEERS, ASME, BSCE, elec.1 BUYER 2 or 3 cors General Experionce. College graduate with Tech. nical background preferred. Exrelent opportunity and 900d salory.

Write Box D316, Union Office AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M-F DARDER WANTED or opprentice. 16 Acres Barber Shop Between 1-6 P.M. or 732-2162 Eve. BARTENDER. Good hours.

Good DOV. Apply in person between 4.7 p. m. 1762 Main Agawom. Help Wanted Male Salary 33 BERKSHIRE ndus.

Supply, tutl time cart time. Mfg. of wooden containers, 40 to 50 hr per wk. Southamptom. Mass.

532-9936. BAKER full or part time. Write Box 7211 Union Office, stating qualifications, living accomodations arranged, BRIGHT or person to learn Start Pus stock. 780-6101 Hard. rewarding business.

BRAKE WHEEL olianment man, passenger cars only, experienced. Apply: fire Mart, 200 Taylor St. BARTENDER, apply In person, Student Prince. 8 14. 'Fort Sptld.

BARBER 10 toke over. retiring. 218 Exchunge Chic. Center. BOOKKEEPER, work 12 to 8 0.01..

in modern air condition, office. With Un to date equipment. Will train, Apply Howard Johnson Motor Lodge. Route 5, Holyoke, between 8 and 4 p.m.

BOOKKEEPER, 1 man office. Monoge industrial complex. Salary commensurate with experience, hour week, steady secure job, vacation with pay, and oher benefits. Bondsville Realty Inc. 283-3289 ask for Mr.

Endoson, owner. Leave name ond phone number if not in. CELLOPHANE polyethylene chine operator. Must be eXperienced. 1st shift.

PACKAGE PRINTING CO. 33 Myron St. Opposite Topp's (Of Riverdale Rd.) West Sofid. Mass. COOK WANTED for 1st class taurant, Write Box 7212 Union Office stating qualifications.

Liv ing accommodations arranged. COLLEGE GRADS Many firms require your services. AIl fields. I ExC. starting sulories.

Most Fee Paid. AMERICAN PERSONNEL. 95 State St. CARPENTERS carpenters help $. Colt off.

6. CUSTODIAN-MALE The Fintield Boord of Edu has full time CUStodian positions available due 10 men retiring, June 30. 1948. New storting salary for 40-hour work week. Custodian benefits include, paid vacations, holidays.

sick leave, CMS, Blue Cross and Major Medical. Also, three quarters of the family portion of CMS and Blue Cross will be poid by the Enfield Board of Education. There is a retirement policy available tor all emplovees. Applications are avaltable at the office of the Superintendent of Schools, A. D.

Higgins School. North Main Street, Thompsonville, Connecticut. CARPENTERS, time. wanted, all Non around. Union.

CLASS DIEMAKERS Highest wages' paid in area. Apply HEMCO 100L DIE South Maple St. Rte. 10-202 Westfield. Moss.

COUNTER Help wanted. Days. Soturdoy and Sunday. Inquire Ray's Grinder. 17 Longhill Street.

Spring field. CHOICE VEND DIV. OF SEEBURG Turnpike W. Locks, Conn. IS HIRING CLERK FOR DRUG STORE Monday, Wednesday.

and Friday nights. Parker Drug Store 782-2318. COUNTER HELP, days, good DOY tor experienced man. Apply Hondy Lunch, corner Moin State St. COLLEGE STUDENTS Teachers full time summer employment in sales of books and publications, no car necessary, guaranteed weekly salarv.

Coil 732 4198 for information. CARPENTERS (2) tor new work remodel. Good pay to night man. JC 4 7045. CARETAKER Estate near Roston.

House plus $300 or more. Agency Northampton 584.4006. COOKS, full or part time. Paid; vacation, paid holidnys and Incur ance benefits. Must be over 18.

Apply Howord Johnson, Co. 1515 Northampton Holyoke. CLOTH SPREADER EXPERIENCED CUTTERS For substantial company. Steady work plus overtime. Paid holidoy; paid varations.

Sick benefits, free parking. Apply Chicopee Clothing Mto. Co. Inc. 165 Front St.

Chicopee DISHWASHER full or port time evening work. Apply in person Viamori's Riverdale Rd. West Sptid DRIVER SALESMAN, like to drive, like to sell. Estoblished! routes, salary plus commissions. STEWART SANDWICH SERVICE 23 New Bridge West Sofid.

DELIVERY MAN. 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Must be neat, Magazines Bakery. 1132 Dwight St. EX.

Service man or high school graduate. Looking for immediate emplovment at $600 month. Call Mr. Richards between 9 doily. 736-1240.

EXPERIENCED, rooting and chimneY man. Too money. steady work. 509-9110. EXPERIENCED Resillent Flooring or Ceramic Tile Mechanic 12 mo.

per year employment assured. Average Annual Income $8200 plus 6 paid holidays. One Wk vocation Health and Accident Insurance. Pension Plan. Call Collect 413-442- 878 Or Write Childs Bishop Floor Covering 351 3571 Main Pittsfield, Moss.

ENGINEER BSME-BSEE DEGREE PREFERRED with REFRIGERATION DESIGN EXPERIENCE EXCELLENT SALARY FRINGE BENEFITS Write BOX D300 UNION OFFICE An Equal Opportunity Employer ME ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Machine maintenance mon necded with electrical backaround. HAMPDEN BRASS. ALUM. CO. 262 Liberty Street Personnel Department 736-1808 An Equal Opportunity Emplover EXPERIENCED shoe salesman for work.

Only two nights. Good pav. Liberol benefits Send resume to Box 324 Union Office. ENJOY THE Working in a high volume station in Chicopee Falls as Service Station sales Attendant, Pay starts at $100 per week plus comI mission for dovs to 5 No night work Paid vacation Coll 593-9158. or 593-6793 ask for Bill or Bob Holmberg.

EMPLOYMENT ASSEMBLERS MACHINE OPERATORS 7 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. SHIFT Applications being taken for general factory incentive and non-incentive work. Ideal working conditions including high earnings and liberal benefits. Apply in person only from a.m.

to 11:30 a.m. 1 to 4 p.m. BUXTON, INC. 265 MAIN ST. AGAWAM, MASS.

INJECTION MOLD. FOREMAN SETUP MAN Experienced men to fill the expansion needs of our new million dollar plant. CALL: MR. GLEN WHITNEY PLASTIC PACKAGING CORP. 1227 Union W.

Spfld. 705-1553 JUST PAST SEARS' SHOP. CTR. CARNIVAL By Dick Turner GIANT ACCESSORIES DEODORANTS! BATH OILS DENTURE 1 SHAMPOOS HAIR COLOr "I'm going to quit this job and get one where I can meet people who do something I besides watch television!" Help Wanted Help Wanted Male Salary 33 Male Salary 33 EXPERIENCED or will train for Mart Mass. Apply 200 Taylor Street, el Tire Truck Tire Service.


Call 734-5352 between 5 8 p. m. EXPERIENCED TOOL GAGE MAKERS CHUCKER OPER. Clean modern plant, overtime, excellent fringe benefits. ALPIIA MACHINE TOOL CORP.

54 Myron, W. Spfld. 739-9661 EXPERIENCED. RE PAINTER- 7-8816 EARN EXTRA MONEY Friendly ice Cream Shop, Spild. Piazo, 1295 Liberty St.

Has opening for cleaning mon. 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. This would be a good job for retired person. Apply in person for interview.

XPERIENCED tree climber. 5 years work. Top experience. waves. Call Year 567-5553.

around EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIV. ERS YARD HELP needed, day week plus overtime. Peck Lumber Westfield LO 2-9651. EXP. Bridgeport Drill Press oper.

FOR asphalt driveway Drive Truck. RE 2-4340. FULL TIME help wanted Apply in person only Cor Wash River: dole Rd. FOOD PROCESSING PLANT WORKER Friendly Ice Cream Corn. seeks reliable full tome people 10 assist our exponding syrup processing operations.

No experience necessary, training provided on the iob. Exceptional working conditions. Group insurance, bonus plan, paint holidays, vocations retirement plan. Working hours 9 a. p.m.

and 7 a.m.-3.30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply in person 9.11 0.m. or 2-4 p.m. daily.

10-12 noon on Saturday. FRIENDLY ICE CREAM CORP. 1855 Boston Rd. Route North Wilbroham, Mass. An Equal Opportunity Employer FARM HAND Must have at least veors experience in artificial insemination of cows.

Hank Milker. harness drive horses and run all farm machinery. $1.50 per hour plus board room. 48 hour week. Contact Mass.

Division of Employment Security. 1592 Main Spfld. TOOL FIRST CLASS DESIGNERS Minimum Ten Years Experience Top Wage, Plus Benefits Must be able 10 handle loh shop type work with minimum supervision. CAPITAL DESIGN MFG. CORP.

Mainline Drive Westfield, Moss. (413) LO 8 8609 FURNITURE Salesman Decorator for modern furniture store and upholstering shop. Full time. Will train. Crown Furniture, 23 Rd Winchester Square.

FULL OR port time truck drivers helpers. Apply mornings only. 115 Day West Spild. FLATBED STITCHERS 3.30 D. m.

D. m. 11 D. m. nerienced Flotbed de Stitchers on 7 a.

Immediate openings for shift. BUNTON, INC. (265 Main St. Apawom, Mass FIREMAN, LICENSED 1ST OR 2ND CLASS Apply in person Chicopee Manufacturing Co. West Main St.

Chicopee Falls, Mass. An Equal Opportunity Employer FULL TIME. Yard man wanted. 783-2111 FIRST SHIFT In Box Plant. Good pay and fringe benefits.

Apply in person a. m. or to p. m. Eastern Container Corp 320 Parker I.

0. GUARDS WATCHMEN. Full or port time. Must have clean rec. ord.

Work avallable In Springfield, Monson, Stafford Springs. Call 739-1678. GOOD TOOL MAKERS AND MACHINIST SHOULD APPLY AT HOPPE TOOL INC. 107 FIRST AVE CHICOPEE GLAZIER for wood sash. Apoly of Rov umber Cal Sutton, 861 Meadow Chicopee, Mose Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers Year Round Work Call Charles J.


Fri. 0:30 a.m. 4:30 SAT. A.M. 12 NOON An Eauni Opportunity Employer Help Wanted Male Salary 33 DRAFTING: TOOL FIXTURE DESIGN FOR LOCAL BLUE CHIP CO BENFTS 56800.

MR. O'BRIEN 701 0235 SNELL, ING SNELLING 135 STATE LOOKING for kitchen help davs Apply ot Howard Johnson's, West St. off Chopin St, Ludlow. Muss, LAUNDRY HELP wanted. Stendy employment tor those who quality Hest of working conditions, Poid vacations holidays.

Free Blue! Cross Blue Shield Many olher benelits. Apply in person Belmont oundry, Belmont METHODS CLERK. Local emplover is interested In hiring 0f1 aggressive person who is capable and willing to learn how 10 toke job studies and set rotes, 39 hour week. Write to BoxD-310, Union Office. MECHANIC OR Mechanic's helper with Driver's license.

594-4000. MASON Cement finisher experienced Steady wor? Call between 7 a.m. 9 om. RE 7-0045. MECHANIC LUBE MAN between 10 and 2.

MACHINISTS for rapidly expanding fleet of trucks. Must have diesel experience and some tools. Good pay. UD to wks. pd.

9 paid holidays, jor medicol group overtime pay opportunity. For interview appt call Mr. Nelson, 732 3131. ext, 276, 8 0. p.

m. MEAT CUTTER Work in processing plont. will train reliable and scientious person. Call between 2 weekdays. RE 4-8273.

MAINTENANCE MAN for local college 5 days a week. Hours 8 to 5. Excellent working conditions Educational benetit* for family. Reterences ssorv. Apply Mallery Hall.

144 Wilbraham Rd. Work for nearby Warren Pumps, with highy stable em ployment record, 4ood fringe bene fits ond overtime. We require operators tor Engine Lathes, Worn Lathes and Turret Lathes. he We technical will aptitudes train as applicants machinists. with Our Personnel Department will be open for interviews from 8 A.M.

to 5.30 P.M. Monday through Friday land Saturday mornings untit noon. Coll 436 7711 for more information. Warren Pumps, Inc. Warren, Massachusetts An Equal Opportunity Employer MEN for general landscaping.

Call MECHANICALLY position, inclined Will mon train. for National Imprint Service, 357 Shoker East Longmeadow. MECHANIC small engines pump repair. Contact Mr. Rollins at F.

C. Toplin 2005 Riverdale W. 736-7201. MAN for machinery repair work Night shift. Apply at Asley Whitney 130 So.

Hampton Westfield. MAINTENANCE MEN needed for 3 to 11. shift on full time and part time basis. Excellent working conditions, fringe benefits. good salary.

Wilt consider active retired man. Apply Johnson Memorial Hospital. Stafford Springs, Conn. Phone, 684-4467. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Training program tor college graduates which Includes Accountno Personnel Administration QualIty Control and Expense Control.

Good growth potential. Starting salary $7000. Qualifications needed: bachelor's dearee, willingness to relorate: abil. ity to deal effectively with people. Should hove satisfied military obligation.

Please call Miss Perry. 785-1261 for interview appointment. AETNA LIFE CASUALTY An Equal Opportunity Employer MAN to work in steel vard, full time job. Must have drivers license, and be over 21. 785-1549.

MACHINISTS Immediate opportunities for qualified men. Medium size local non defense plant with no travel or parking problems. Outstandina beneftt programs. Plenty of overtime excellent working conditions. above average wages and for advancement in expanding plant.

STACY MACHINE INC. 270 Main Agawam. Mass. Equal Opportunity Employer MACHINISTS WANTED. The Shield Industries Inc.

Will Palmer Rd Southwick, Moss. 569-5531 MECHANICS experienced, top wages $3 to $3.25 depending experience. All insurances. holidoys. plenty of overtime.

See Robert Higgins, Service Mor. Konner Rambler, 679 Main Holyoke. PROGRAM: CO Hege graduate MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT with 0 business ence. $8000 A FEE PAID. HPI CONSULTANTS.


$6200 MR. EDWARDS 781-0235 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STAT MAN for siding for must roofina know shinoles. Good pay, work. JE 4-7045. MAN for steady milk plant work.

Apply Miller Dairy, 321 Center Ludlow. EMPLOYMENT CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? Our highly successful training program provides you with the required abilities, and our rapid expansion guarantees the Opportunity. Starting Salary: IF YOU ARE EARNING $6- $10,000 WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU. Excellent Fringe Benefit Program, including merit raises, major medical, reserve time off with full pay adjustments, paid vacation, complete flexibility for reservists. Management Average Income $14,600.

HOW ARE WE DOING? 30 Consecutive Annual Sales Increases 35 to 40 New Shops Open Each Year The majority of company executives are from retail shop management. Over 400 well trained employees working on team that gets things done, and done right. For further information call (413) 543-2400 or write: Employment Manager Friendly ICE CREAM CORPORATION NORTH WILBRAHAM, MASS. 01067 NOW OVER 160 SHOPS IN STATES An Equal Opportunity Employer The Springfield Union, Thursday, May 9, 1968 63 INDEX TO CLASSIFIED DIRECT Announcements TO 10 Automotive 11 TO 17 Business Services 1010 31 CLASSIFIED 32 TO 37 Financial 30 TO 41 42 TO 46 PHONES Livestock Merchandise 50 47 TO TO 49 Room and 67 10 073 737-5366 Real Real Estate Estate Sale Rent. 02 74 10 TO 90 61, Help Wanted Male Salary 33 MAINTENANCE at Man Birch for full Manor time Nursing Home.

Must have own Transportation, Call Mrs. Austin 592-7738, MAN for finol Inspection of aircraft engine parts. Minimum years experience required on air. croft quality work 50 hour week. Liberal fringe benefits.

METAL TURNING CO. INC. 33 Hendee St Springtield, Mass. 734-1951 MANAGER, Mr TRAINEES. McCormick.

Apply Ken- in tucky Fried Chicken. 497 Bel. mont Ave. MANAGEMENT TRAINEES National Firm wants men to train as retail store manapers. a pid assignments otter short training period, You will receive liberal Company benefits, including paid vocation, group hospitalizotion.

lite insurance and retirement program. Apply In person 10 AM 10 5 PM FLAGG BROS. SHOES Eastiield Mall, B41, Spfld. MISTER SOFTEE of Springfield is now hiring full and part time driver -salesmen, Apply 396 Moini Agawam before 12 noon. MACHINE OPERATOR 2nd shift Apply in person CHICOPEE MFG.

CO. West Main Chicopee Falls An Equal Opportunity Employer MACHINE OPERATORS for printing bag room. Will train right persons. PACKAGE PRINTING CO. 33 Myron St.

Opposite (off Riverdale Rd.) West Spfld. Mass. Help Wanted Male Salary 33 NEED EXPERIENCED painters Ray Richard NON UNION Cement Finisher. Call after 5, JU NEAT MAN experienced. Fut! Port Time, Longmeadow Center 400 Longmeadow St.

O.S.N. D. CLERK Experience preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Liberal pony benefits.

Nations number motor corrier. Consolidates Freightways, Warehouse Conn. (203) 788-0995 Mr. An Equal Opportunity Emplover. OUTDOOR WORK 75 Steady if ployment.

Vacation. Call. 780-6107 between 9.4. os Clerk for 0 furan mid western trucking concern Oopar. tunity for responsible quautied person.

Some experience re-. quired. Reply Box Union Office. 01L BURNER Service Technician. Licensed for power burners: 24: light heavy oil.


and Mr. 7 to Walsh. 3 shifts PART TIME 2.43 or. hour. F-ve ning work.

Car necessary. 732-6792 for appt. PART TIME service station tendants Sundays p.m. p.m. Call 567-7089 ask for Dogs PERSON manufacturina to work for company.

small Will manus willing to train. Apply at ChemGraphic. 240 Plainfield St. between 1-3 p.m. PAINTERS poper hangers.

perienced only for steady work. RE 3-8044. PART TIME over 16 to work small factory. General Mfg. Taylor St.

PART TIME DRIVER, morning. ST 2-2641. PART TIME STEADY vear round. midnight Saturday to Sundov. Good Apoly Samuel Black 100 Memorial Sofid.

Must have license stamp Class 2. EMPLOYMENT GOODYEAR TIRE RUBBER IS MIRING are looking 101 an aggressive man tor our Credit Sales Manager troining program. Some sales Derience helpful but not necessory. We will train. All benefits including hospitalization, major medical, 2 weeks paid vacation, and lite ance all paid by company.

Call Mr. Scaccio, 562 2357 for interview An Equal Opportunity Employer GENERAL laborers and ware. house workers needed. RE 6 5406. GRILLE MAN for Elmcrest try Club.

Call 525 6641. HANDYMAN All round type. Light assorted duties. Salary plus living quarters it desired. Any age considered.

Coll Mr. Francis, HOWARD JOHNSON'S Looking for Manager Trainees. No experience necessory, we will train. Openings in area, and as far Vermont, Pittsfield. Natick.

For interview apply Howard Johnson Restaurant, 3 East Moss. Pike off East Ludlow, Mass. 583-8843. HELPER MECHANICS tor truck equipment instollation and repoir. We will train.

Apply in person at New Plant of 0. R. COTE CO. 124 Ashley Ave. West Springfield INSTALLER WANTED shades, ve.

netion blinds, traverse rods, will train, driver's license necessary, 315 Main West Springfield. JR. accnt. sm. exp.

orea Mfg. ExTo $6500 NATIONWIDE 145 State 732-4104 JANITORS full and port time tor Eastfield Mall. Apply Manage ment Office 9 5 doily. JANITOR RESCARCH DIVISION Apply in person Chiconee Manufacturing Co. West Main St.

Chicopee Foils. Mass. An Equal Opportunity Employer JANITOR for for 16 opt. block to live in. Inquire 28 Maple St.

JANITORS Monday thru Friday 58 p.m. downtown area, over 21. 532-2770. JANITOR for loco! college. Experi ence desired.

Excellent working conditions and educational benetit* for family. Hours 7 a.m.-4 p.m. 5 days a weck. Apply Mallary Holl. 144 Wilbraham Rd.

between 10 and 2. JR. ACCNTNT: TRAVEL NEW ENG PERFORM AUDITS-TAXES $6200 MRS. WILKS 781 0235 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE. OB Openings here for and Stoft: From Trainees, to V.P.'S...

R. P. PERSONNEL State JR. ACCOUNTANT with advancement opportunities in growing company. Responsible tor inventory control, assist Manager in general occounting responsibilities.

All benefits. Call E. W. Whitehead at 734-4992 for appointment. STACY MACHINE CO.

INC. 270 Main St. Agawam JET TOOL 307 Silver Agawom Experienced operators tor airparts: Turret Lathe Engine Lathe Hardinge Chucker Bridgeport 0 Grinder Jin Grinder 55 minimum work week. Blue Cross Bive Shield paid. Profitsharing plan.

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AIRCRAFT OPPORTUNITIES Have Machining Skill? Want Machining Skill? The Aircraft's the Place for You If you're a machinist, you'll want to look into" a Pratt Whitney Aircraft job right now. You can start immediately at jet-age pay in a job that offers advancement opportunities. The Aircraft continues to grow, and if you, have the ability and ambition you can grow too at the Aircraft. If you want machine training, the Aircraft's the place for you, too. There's a wide variety of training courses that range from three weeks to four years and you'll earn jet-age pay while you learn.

One of them could be just what you're looking for! And remember, you'll find the Aircraft's big package of benefits hard to match. It adds even more value to your paycheck at Pratt Whitney Aircraft. Apply today! FREE TRAINING WITH PAY IF YOU, DON'T HAVE SHOP EXPERIENCE- you may. be given 1201 hours of instruction and training on the machine you have been hired to operate. Instruction will be it our own machine training school.

ACVANCED TRAINING APPLICANTS may be given courses ranging from, 22 weeks to 93 weeks in Michining, Jet Engine, Sheet Metal, Tool, Dis and Gage Making, Machine repair, and Pipe Making. APPRENTICE CANDIDATES may be eligible for courses ranging from three to four years in Jot Engine Metalsmithing, Machining, Tool Die Making and Electronics, JET-AGE JOBS OPEN NOW MACHINE OPERATORS WELDERS SHEET METAL ASSEMBLERS BENCH MECHANICS TRAINEES AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS AND TESTERS TOOL AND DIE MAKERS MACHINISTS AND MANY OTHERS VISIT THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Willow Street, East Hartford, Connecticut OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. SATURDAYS 8 A.M. TO 12 NOON Other Connecticut plants in North Haven, Southington and Middletown PRATT WHITNEY AIRCRAFT Division of United Aircraft Corp.

An equal opportunity employer..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.