The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


IibXJISliLE -THEATERi tEWIS BAKER, Solo Lessee. JAMES S. WALLACE Manager. JOHN T. LORTON, Stage Director.

PRICES OP ADMISSION Dress Circle and Parquette 75c; Third Tier, 25c Private Boxes, Colored Boxes, 50c; Colored Gallery, 25o. T-Box office open daily from 10 A. 1 P. and from 8 to 5 P. M-, where seats may he secured of ALFRED N.

GILBERT, Treasurer. j-NoTiOB. Doora' oyen at 7, and Overture to commence 1 JAS. I. E.

J. DA UMONT. AITi JC ft. JUJb.lTJ.UN tu. DEALERS iu fine WATUUES, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Main street, between Second and Third, opposite Bank of Kentucky.

TTTF.1TJK TmwMJTTTlT ftnrt wholesale ripalpr in Watches and Jewelry, Main street, between Fifth and Sixth, (over the store of Montgomery o.n T.fiiiiovillfi kv. nave reoeiveu uue ui uiu finest stocks of Watches, Jewelry, Watetunakers Materials, Notions, Ac, ever opened in this city, which I invite country and city merchants to examine before purchasing elsewhere. My old friends and customers will nnuasiargea stoca: aa usuai ai respectfully solicited. TTTTT mo dtf JULIUS MENDEL. WJtf.

KEiVDIlICR, Tl THIRD STREET SPRING SUPPLY I would Invite atten- tBai tion to my stock of SILVER WARE, which BUB embraces, Pitchers, Tumblers, Goblets, Cups, Forks, Spoons, and a great variety ol fancy Silver, of which I have a full supply. Also, among my PLATED WARE are some very rich Coffee and Tea Setts, Castors, Waiters, Pitchers, Goblets, Butter Dishes, Ac, of most superior quality and latest styles. ap5 eAw GOLD PEN MANUFACTORY. T. II.

XCOSKINS, 88 Tlilrd bet. Market JcAorson, LOUISVILLE, OFFERS to the public Gold Pens of his own manufacture at wholesale and retail, warranted equal to any made in the country. GOLD PENS REPAIRED AND REPOINTED. Old Pens sent by mail, accompanied with in money orstamps, will be repaired and returned by next mail. Also Agent for J.

C. Parr A Co's Writing Fluid. jan23 dAwtf J. J. UIKSCH1IUHIVS WATCD7, Clock, and Jewelry establishment, No.

529 Main street, one door above Third. Aa I have lately received a new and splendid stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, I desire to call the attention of my friends arid customers to the same, which consists of Gold magic-cased Watches; Ladies' Watches, diamond -selted and plain cased; Uold and Silver bunting and open-faced Chronometers; Patent and Detached Levers, Lepiues, warranted best quality; Gold Fob, Vest and Neck Chains; Diamond Rings and Pins; Ladies' Chains of all descriptions; Miniature-Pins; Lockets; Bracelets; Coral Jewelry in whole and half sets; a large variety of La dies' and Gents' Pins, Setts and Buttons; Ear-ringsial Charms; Gold Pens, in gold and silver holder of theU test improvement; Opera Glasses; Anroid's Portable Barometer for Parlors and Steamboats; Silver and Plated Ware of all descriptions. Known for many years to the community as practical and experienced watchmaker and machinist, respectfully solicit the patronage for repairing of fine Watches, Music Boxes, Ac, to which TmS will pay personal and particular attention, and warrtC his work for one year. J. J.

HIRSOHBUHL, No 529 Main street, -25 one door above Third. JEWELRY STOKE FINE WATCHES. UNDER, the national uotel. Tlie undersigned invites his friends and the public tn assortment of every desirable article, including the all of which are oflered on accommodating terms Fashionable jewelry Coral, Pearl, Diamond, Ac; Chains, Lockets, Rings, Ac-English, Swiss and American Gold and Silver Watches, tine Spectacles, Optic Glasses, Surveyors' Compasses, Watchmakers' Materials, Manufacturers of Silver-Ware; Repairing in every department. j-27 dtf EUGENE MICI1I0T, Main street.

MISGELIiAlNrEOUS HUDSON HALL, Northwest Corner oi" Fourth and Green streete, LOUISVILLE, KY, MThe proprietors of this house, tut? leave to inform the public Unit this cstaAdislmient has been newly and handsomely refitted and arrnngi'd. They are just in receipt of a choice stock for the "summer campaign," Their Liquors are as tine as can be found in thu city. They especially ask tlie attention of judges tn the quality of their liUANDY, WHISKY, and CIGARS. Epicures and others are respect fully Invited to call and try tluvm. UUDSON IlALUsuaU at all times, under the management of the undersigned, be conducted in the style and order becoming a tirst-class establishment.

ap'39dlm STOKE SIPPEL. AMERICAN FLOWERS, RUSCIIES, TRIMMINGS, ifctf. nnilE subscribers beg to draw to their depart-JL in en of American Flowers, Kuschcs iiml Trimmings, which will be found complete, th designs being taken from the fashionable French, and the manufacture cwf-finedtoUieir oicn Fartorits. Wtokntte Buyers only are requested to examine samples. JNO.

MtiKDKKSON SMYTH fb24 d8m yOU broad way. New York. PREWi1Jm1uX ICflJu I If A 8 i and IMPRESSION PAPER A Principle ol Writing without Pens or Ink First premium awarded to them by the Ohio State Fair, October, 1S5V. It is a beautiful and useful article, with which to write a letter and obtain the copy at the same time, without the use of pen or ink, reudvring il invaluable to persona traveling. It vil take the correct impression of any leaf, plant, or Oowar, and is equally adapted for writing on nAjier, cloth, wood or stone, in the copying of plans, designs, music, Ac, (without, the use of pens or ink,) with a bone or common stick.

Price, single packages, 25 cents; by the dozen $1 50, sent free of postage; or $10 per hundred packages. All orders must be sent to C. HAGAN 507 Main street, ap20 Louisville, Ky. BANKERS AND MERCHANTS WRITING- AND COPYING FLUI1 JC. PARR (late Butler Parr), warranted equal to Arnold's ov Stephens's, and 20 per cent cTySaper.

Has received 90 first premiums and medal3 overall competition East or West. For sale, wholesale aud retail, at manufacturer's prices, by their sale agent, T. II. 110SKINS, Gold Pen Manufactory, SS Third street, between Market and JenVrsi.n, feb2T dly Louisville, Ky. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES, m.

i managers. CAUTION7" NOTICE. PERSONS living at a distance should be extremely cautious of whom they order Lottery Tickets or Certificates of Packages of Tickets. The country is Hooded with bogus and swindling Lotteries. Every inducement is held out to get persons tn Invest money in them.

Capital Prizes of from $20,000 to $40,000 head thelrychemes with tickets at One Dollar. $100,000 Capital Prizes are offered, tickets $5. All such, in every instance, aro frauds; and If money is sent to them for tickets, it is so much thrown away without tlie shadow of a chance of getting a prize. Deware of all Lotteries whi-re the Capital Prize is unusually large in comparison to tlie juice of tickets. In every instance where large prizen are offered for a small cost of tickets, put it down as a certain frtuid.

The Shelby College Lottery of Kentucky, for the benefit of the 'Shelby College, under our management, is the only Lottery in the United States which i3 legally decided by the Maryland Drawings. All other Lotteries which purport to bo decided by the Maryland Drawings are frauds. One thing look to, and that is, if you order from any licensed vender in Baltimore, do not receive any but Managers' Tickets ami Managers' Printed Ceilltlcates ot Packages. The Managers' Certificates have tlie numbers printed, and have the lithographed Mgnature of R. FRANCE CO.

No one has a right to send his Individual certificates and if he does it, be sure there is a fraud at. the bottom of It. R. FRANCE A Managers of Maryland State Lotteries, mlTdSm Also Shelby College lottery of Kentucky. Extra; FArtiiii'v antd bakeks EliOUR! Regularly received from the following Mills New Albany City Mills Extra White and Red Wheat Flsherville Telegraph Utica Washington Labanon White River Jefferson Shelby street Harrow's Creek Lowell Reddington Greenville Franklin Crescent do: do: do; do; do; do; do; do; do; do; do; do; do; do; do do do do do do do dd do do do do do do do do dt.

do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do pP TEWtB! S. MAIL LINE STEAMERS. THEHteameraof this Line will leave for CINCINNATI EVERY MORNING at 12 o'clock, which ensures the making of the 6bcloc-morning connections by Railroad from Cincinnati to the North and East. For. freight or passage apply on board or to JOE CAMPION, Agent.

Mail Line Wharfboat f0ot Third st. i26dtf New Orleans. SPEED, LUXURY, SAFETY AND COMFORT T3 TIie flne an(J magnificent passenger steam-tjgjjgfier; FANNY BULLITT, L. Dunham, will leave for tlie above and intermediate ports on Friday, the 21st at 4 p. m.

For freight or passage apply on board or to. D. S. BENEDICT SON. or C.

BASHAM, Agents. The fine nassenser steamer PACIFIC, Jesse K. Bell, master, will leave for the above and intermediate landings Wednes day, 20th at 4 p. m. For freight or passatre apply on board or to mlS C.

BASHAM, Agent. plan of the cabin of the Pacific can be seen at the office of Dumesnil 43 Wall street, where state-rooms can be secured. C. B. The fine steamer R.

J. WARD, Silas F. Miller, master, will leave as above on Mondav. the 24th at 4n. m.

rur ireignt or passage apply on Doaru or xo CHAS. BASHAM, ml9 or DUMESNIL Agents. SFTheplan of the Cabin may be seen at Dumesnil Wall street, where stateroom may be secured. ip The fine steamer E. H.

FAIRCHILD, iJyBlFawcett, master, will "leave as above on MSEaisanTuesday, the 25th, at 4 p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to littWTvrnT cam m20 or CHAS. BASHAM, Agents. The fine steamer JAS.

MONTGOMERY. Montgomery, master, will leave as above thtg day, the 21st at4 p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to m31 C. BASHAM, Agent.


The fine steamer MOSES McLELLAN, ll Remeli master, will leave as above on riii imSr Miiitl in il i 2'2d May, at 12 m. For freight or passage applv on board or to ni20 C.BASHAM, Agent. -pojf Tlie tine steamer SOUTH "AMERICA, jMm Shepherd, master, will leave for the above $Ljfetaiwison this day, 22st at 10 a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to m21 MO OR HEAD Agents.

St. Loul and St Faul. The fine steamer KEY WEST, Evans, laE master, will leave as above on this day, KSaCTeaaastlie 21st at 10 a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to m21 MOORHEAD Agents.

Nashville. REGULAR THURSDAY PACKET. Ia The fine steamer JOHN GAULT, Bunce, lmaster, will leave as above on Thur-s rniiw iMTTt li "7th in 'if fit 1 in For freight or passage apply on boji-'or t0 m2i N- gONGA Agents. Columbus, Hickman and MemplUs. REGULAR U.

S. MAIL PACKET. Tlie splendid steamer ALVIN ADAMS, Lamb, master, will leave as above on Fri day, the Mist at 4 p.m. For freight or passage apply on board or to m20 C. BASHAM, Agent.

Evansville and Bowlinggreen. The fine steamer HARRISON BRIDGES, JCjjNEverhHrt, master, is expected to arrive, and firSjhave quick dinpaich as above. For freight or iianaaire apply on board or to m20 N. S. LONG Agents.

Farltersburg and Wheeling. The fine steamer ALTAMONT, master, will leave as above on Fri-gnday, 21st at 4 p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to m20 MOORHEAD Agents. Parkersburgj Wheeling and Pittsburg- The fine steamer LEBANON, Willjam.

master, will leave as above on this day -1st at 4 p. it. For freight or passage apply on board or to ni9L MOORHEAD Agents. Owensboro and Evansville. REGULAR TUESDAY AND FRIDAY PACKET.

The RnimVul Pusssnner steamer JOHN N. H. Cobb, P. W. Garner, iclerk.

will leave as a reoiilar. and pe.nna- neni packet for the above ports and all intermediate landings, Friday, the 2 1st at 5 o'clock p. frm Portland, positively. For freight or passage apply on board or to MOORHEAD or MARSHALL HALBERT Agents. N.

B. Freiehts for the John Brlgcs will be called fur by tm in anv nart of the citv nnon notice beinc left at our office, and all packages, letters, left there or at the stores of Messrs. Marshall Halbert and Lane Bartlett's wilt be forwarded without delay. m20 M. CO MISCELLANEOUS.

SHELBY COLLEGE LOTTERY OF KENTUCKY. FRANCE Managers of the Shelby Xt College Lotteries, present the following Splendid Schemes FOR Ml. 1858. 5-Purchasers o' Tickets will bear in mind that, tlie Shelby College Lotteries of Kentucky are drawn by Stale authority and by State omcers ana an schemes are amined and approved by them. "Beware of all Lotteries with extraordinary large Prizes for a small cost of Tickets all such are swindles.

The Managers of the Shelby College Lotteries present as large and fair schemes as can be made for the price of Tickets; and persons purchasing in them, if they draw a Prize, will certainly be paid. In the others, every dollar nvesteu is so much thrown away. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. SHELBY COLLEGE LOTTERY OUT1 KENTUCKY. Extra Class 141 Decided by drawing of Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class J.

To be drawn in Balti more City, SATURDAY, May 22d, 1S5S. 1G Drawn Ballots out of TS, Making more Prizes than Blanks. Every Package of 2G Tickets must contain lb drawn numbers, so mat there are 16 Prizes to 10 Blanks. 1 Grand Prize. 1 Prize or.

10,000 1 Prize of 5,000 1 Prize or 5,000 ,2 Prizes of 2,850 5 Prizes of 1,800 10 Prizes of 1,000 10 Prizes of 400 10 Prizes of. 519 Prizes 02 Prizes of. 02 Prizes 62 Prizes of. 62 Prizes of. 7,192 Prizes 80,256 Prizes of.

...100 ....70 ....60 ....40 ....20 ....10 38,250 Prizes amounting to $601,000 Tickets $10, Halves $5, liuarters $3.00, jsigntbs A Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, Do do 26 Halves 62 Do do 26 Quarters 31 Do do 20 Eighths 15X HAY ANA PLAN. THIS IS THE OLD MODE OP DRAWING. PRIZES IN ONE WHEEL AND TICKETS IN ANOTHER. EVERT FRIZK IS DRitVN OUT. Frizes Paid In Full, without any Deduction.

SHELBY COLLEGE LOTTERY OF KENTUCKY. Extra Class 147 Decided by drawing of Grand Consolidated Lottery, Extra Class C. To be drawn in Baltimore, SATURDAY, May 29th, 1S5S. 20,685 Prizes! 40,000 SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize of $81,460 4 Appr'x to.

rnze ot 5,000 1 Prize of 5,000 1 Prize of 5,000 1 Prize of. JvnOfl 16 .100 1 Prize of .2,000 i -1 prize of 2,000 1 Prize of 2,000 1 Prize of 2,000 1 Prize of 1,260 1 Prize of 1,260 1 Prize of 1,260 16 .100 .100 .100 ..80 ..20 1 Prize of 1,260 mica ui l.UUO 10 Prizes of 800 10 Prizes of 258 100 Prizes of 200 16 40 40 400 20,000 Prizes of $8 each. The 20,000 Prizes of $8, determined by the Drawing of the Capital Prize, whether odd or even, Whole Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2.50. A Managers' CertiBcate of 16 Wholes where persons wish to pay the risk only, will be sent for $96 Do Do Do no is Halves, 48 do 16 Quarters, 24 do 16 Eighths, 12 Managers have been compelled from tlie numerous complaints made to them, of unfaithfulness on the part of those who have been attending to the filling of orders, to resume the correspondence business and in their own name. lTSOrder Tickets from the Managers only.

Address all letters to R. FRANCE ap22 dim Louisville.Ky. NORTHERN ICE. WE feel very thankful to our customers for their kind patronage, and wish them to continue with us. Also remember we have a full supply of pure family Ice on hand, and we are ready to furnish all who may favor us with call at the shortest notice.

Again, those who begin with us will secure their Ice for the season without change of price. Orders leftat office on Third street, between Market and Jefferson, or engaged of drivers, will be duly attended to. ap3 d2m GOSNELL SCOTT. CLAY STREET PLANING -MILL, Steamboat Joiner Sbop, Door, Blind, 11 nil.l OX CL A STREET, BAR UZ JV LOGISVII.1.1L TC V. keep on hand a general assortment of Doors, 11 Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Flooring, Steamboat Decking of all kinds, Shelving, Pine Lumber, dressed and undressed, Sash primed and elazed.

Also, we are nre- gared to manufacture to order Circular and Gothic Sash, oors and Mouldings; Window and' Door Frames of all sizes, Boies, Lattice Work, Weather-Boarding, Palings', Irregular Mouldings of any desired pattern, 4o. Also do all kinds of Dressing. Snllttinp. Scroll Sawinp. tn nr- der with dispatch, at the lowest cash prices.

uruers witn satislactory reference or cash remittances solicited, and will receive prompt attention. ST. FRANCIS HOTEL, tThis large and convenient Hotel offers very sur perior accommodations to the traveling community. A daily line of Packets connect at Pudj- cah for Nashville; tri-weekly Packets for Tennessee JWTer, All the comforts of a first-class modern Hotel can be found at this house. ray 4 dim SHIELDS Proprietors.

TXTE WISH TO PURCHASE FROM 50 TT to 100 Shares of Louisville and Frankfort Railroad Stock. m8 CURTIS WARREN, Main St. BY S. G. HENRY CO.

Plantation Molasses, English. Walnuts, Old Whisky, German Soap, Manufactured Tobacco and Cigars, Second-hand Furniture, at Auction. THIS fFriday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, we will sell at Auction-rooms 5 bbls Plantation Molasses; 6 bags choice EngllBh Walnuts; 10 boxes A No. 1 German Soap; 4 bbls very superior Whisky; 10 obis Bourbon and Rye Whisky; 5 boxes Manufactured Tobacco; 100 do Kentucky Cigars; 50 do Imported do; With a variety of other articles in the Grocery and Liquor line. Also will be added Second-hand Furniture; Three-ply Carpet; Cotton face Matrestea and Shuck Matr esses.

Terms cash. S. G. HENRY A my 21 Auctioneers. BY C.

C. SPENCER. Osatre Oranee Plants. Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Sewing Machines, Furniture, Musical Clock, and I or vaiuapie at aucuuii. rTlHIS MORNING May 21st, at 10 o'clock .1 at Auction-rooms, No.

520 Main street, will be sold, a cask of Osage Orange Plants (containing several thousand), 12 or 15 bbls nrime Sweet Potatoes, 10 bbls Irish Potatoes, 2 Patent Sewing Machines, a small lot of lionsenoiu ana iutcnen ana Tame ware, una the private Library and Book-Case of a gentleman removing from the city, in which will be found mauy valuable works of Art and Science, ancient and modern, Historical, Relieious, Classical, Poetical, Agricultural, Bio graphical, Geological, and Miscellaneous works; also a line MusicaljClock; together with many other articles not aeemeu necessary to enumerate. IjFWThe special attention of Horticulturists, Students Families, and Furniture buyers, is called to this sale The entire lot must be sold to-day. Terms caaii. C. 0.

SPENCER, my 21 Auctioneer. BY C. C. SPENCER. Peremptory Sale of a large and roomy Brick Dwelling, with large yard, centrally located, at Auction.

ivN THURSDAY AFTERNOON, May 27, at 4 u'clock V-' will be sold, peremptorily, on the premises, that large and conveniently arranged Brick Dwelling House and Lot situated on the westside of Seventh street, three doors from the corner of Walnut street. The main building has eight large and airy rooms, wide hall and garret, with an ell in the rear having a large dining-room, kitchen, and servants' room. The Lot is 65 feet front by 200 deep to an alley, with iron railing in front, and is properly graded and otherwise improved. There is also in the rear of the lot and on the alley a two story Brick House witli wash-room, two servants' rooms, coal-house, Ac. The lot is several feet above the level of the street, which renders it peculiarly pleasant, airy and healthy.

ffI ask the special attention of those wanting a private residence to the above property, confidently believing that a more desirable Homestead is not easily to be had in the city. I wish also to assure my friends that tlie House and Lot will be sold peremptorily and without regard to Its value- Tekms of Sale One-third cash; balance in 1 and 2 years, with interest and lien. my21 C. C. SPENCER, Auctioneer.

BY C. C. SPENCER. "Valuable and desirable Suburban Lots, for Country Residences, ou liberal terms, at Auction. ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 29th, at 8 o'clock, will be sold on the premises, 210 Acres of Land, fronting on the Newburg turnpike, and two avenues diverging therefrom.

Tliis land will be subdivided into Lots ranging from IS to 40 acres each. For country residences there is no property more advantageously located than this, being only 'i'l hoods, high and healthy, with beautiful sites on uach lot, commanding a tine view of the surrounding country. The land isof the richest quality, well adapted to gardening purposes. The sale will be positive aud without reserve. A plat of the ground can be seen at my CouniiiiK- rooin, and will be exhibited on the ground on the day sale.

will leave my store, No. 52o Main street, at precisely 3 o'clock, to convey persons to and from the sale free of charge. Terms One-third cash, or a negotiable note at four months with interest and lien, payable in bank; balance in one and two years, witn interest ami lien, my 2 1 C. C. SPENCER, Auctioneer.

BY S. G. HENRY CO. Positive and Peremptory Sale of Eighteen Large ana valuable ijots in rages ouuui vision oi Lots Nos. 1)7, 98, and 99, in Bullitt's Addition to Louisville, at Auction.

ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON, May 27th, at 3 o'clock we will sell on the premises, Eighteen Valuable Building Lota, Situated on the Seventh-street Plankroad, Sixth, Fifth and Oak streets. The Lots are 100 feet front by 200 deej to 20 feet alleys, and are well located. Terms op Sale One-fourth cash; balance in 12, IS and 24 months, with interest and a lien. A Plat of the Lots can te seen at our Auction rooms. S.

O. HENRY Auctioneers. BY C. GREEN. Thirty Building Lots at Auction, beautifully located, 50 feet front by 135 deep.

Sale without resei ve. WILL sell to the Inchest bidder, without any re-serve JL whatever, on the premises, on MONDAY, the 24th of May, au aesirableiiuiiainK x.ots, on tne oneioyviiie Turn pike, adjoining the Blind Asylum. A portion of these Lots front on the pike 45 feet and run back 150 feet; the remainder of the Lots front on Edwards street. 60 feet and run back 135 feet. The above Lots are all laid out, stacked and numbered, that every purchaser can see what he is buying.

There is no property in the vicinity of Louisville more desirable than the above property. Attend the sale for you will be sure to purchase when vou see the property. Terms One-third cash, and one and two years, with Interest and lien. O. O.

GREF.N, Auctioneer, Office No. 473 Jefferson my20 d4 near the Post-otlice. Al'OTIOX AM) COMMISSION II0SISK TTAVING taken store No. 51S Market street, between XI Second and Third, I am now prepared to receive eoi.signnu'nis of all kinds for public or private sale. All out-door salts promptly attended to.

I will attend to the Sale or Renting of Real Estate and procuring homes for Servants. In short, anything that pertains to a Commission or Agency business will meet with prompt atten tion, w. Auctioneer. I am authorised to use the following names as -REFERENCES: John Crabb A Main street. M.

0. Ramsey, Webster A Brother, Drs. Wible A Bemiss, Jefferson street. apUdly Coal Oil Letmps! KNAPP'S PATENT OH. AND JONES' PLAT-WICK LAMP! Tlie only Xampg that will burn tlie Coal uum wiuioui eiminiis any siueu or smoke while Burning.

TXAVING purchased the exclusive right for the sale X.JU oi itiese ijamps, cordially invite an to can and examine them. 'I he Oil is of very slow consumption and non-explosive, and affords the cheapest and best light in theworld. I keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Suspensions, Reflectors, Cans, Wicks, Oils, at wholesale and retail on reasonable terms. All orders from the country promptly tilled. The Lumps may be seen burning at my store through the day and evening, and all information given with pleasure.

Ladies and gentlemen, call on Jefferson street, between tourttiana jfirtn streeis, Louisville, Ky. luyBdlm F. F. SMITH. P.

S. Particular attention paid to altering all sohtr Lamps for burning Coal Oil, ami fitting up Churches, Sc. FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWUIES AN1 FLOWER MATERIALS. are uow receiving our Spring Styles of French J) lowers aim nower materials, wnicn tor variety and Deauty surpass any former season's itnporiuttims, Manufacturing nearly all the Goods we offer for sale, enables us to offer to Wholesale Purchasers inducements both in price and confined styles. Ostrich and Faucy Feathers in many styles, suitable for Spring Sales; also, every description of low-priced Fancy Feathers, for trimming Boys' and Children's Straw and lancy Hats.


BOUTO AM PTON, HAVRE OR REM UN. First cabin $S0 Second cabin 50 First $100 Second cabin 65 Steerage Steerage 40 In the first class naddle wheel steamshin ARIEL. 2.000 ions, u. u. ijuaiow, commanaer, ann nuiviu ktak, 2,500 tons, Edward Cavendv, commander, to sail from pier No.

North River, at noon precisely, carrying the united statesman, viz: LEAVE NEW YORK FOR SOUTHAMPTON, HAVRE BREMEN FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. SOUTHAMPTON. FOR SEW YORK. Ariel, Saturday, March 20. April 17.

April 21. North Star, Aprtl 17. May 17. May 19. Ariel, May 15.

June 12. June 16 N. Star, June 12. July 10. July 14.

These steamships touch at Havre. Specie delivered in London and Paris. For passage or freight apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, marld8m No. fi Bowling Green, New York.

OAKLAND COURSE, LOUISVILLE, KY, THE following 3takes are offered for the Spring Meeting of the Oakland Course, Louisville, By. 1st. For 8 year olds, mile heats, $100 entrance: half forfeit. Tlie Louisville Hotel adds $100 if the rav shall be run. The stake to be run for on Tuesday of the race week.

2d. Twa-mile: heats, $150 entrance; $50 forfeit. The Galt Hpuse adds $100 if the race shaUbe run. This race to be run onFriday of therace week. The Louisville.

Races are to commence on the' Tuesday following the Lexington Race. d81 dtf JOHN CAMPBELL. Ji wilson, bentist, yuera "ia pruieasionai services to tne citizens of Louisville and vicinity. His oince ana residence, tne same lormmy occunied bv Dr. J.

A. McClelland, ipvt door tcvCiiUiedral, on Fifth street. THavlng known Dr. J. F.

"WILSON for. 'nine ars, andbelnglwciracquainted with his dental operation, I can cheerfully, recommend him to my Mends as' a are-ful and atilVfiil Dentist. ap23 dlhi J. A. McCLELLAND.

NON-EXPLOSIVE FLUIDi npHIS Fluid is equal if not superior to any now in use, it.givea abetter light, burns longer, smokes lees, arid-is' certainly non-explosive. Manufactured and for sale, Wholesale and retail, by apUuly JOHN FLECK, Louisville, Ky. FIRE INSURANCE. iHOENX Tire Insurance Company, of New York. uapitai ana aurpius uuimjiiNWts and mekcawuihiu insured argainst Loss and Damage i osses liberally adjusted and paid by the unaersigneu in ijomsviue.

jutiK QiuiK, Agent, Main Third and Fourth opposite the Bank of Louisville, up stairs, jlS dtf over the store of Rawson, Cbbd Tood. WHOLESALE PAPEU WAREHOUSE CI. A. V. EUPONT, Manufacturers of superior News, Book, and Colored Printing Paper, and Wholesale Cealers in Papers of all ktuds, Bonnet Box, and Binders Boards.

Cards, Card Boards. Printinc Inks. Ac. No. 4T7 Main street, Louisville, Ky.

s4 For Missouri River. The union Line is composed of Twelve JTew, Swift, FirRt-t'lnxn Pas senger Steamers. One of these snlpn- dld packets leaves Saint Louis for Saint Joseph Mo every day at .4 o'clock P. forming, reliable daily line. Tiurcntah, billB lading for FretaM slened bv.

us to all Dlaces by the Louisville- and Saint Louis and Union Line steamers, from Louisville to Saint Joseph, Mo. For rates of freight and any other information, apply at our office, No. 85 Wall street. apiauti a. s.


master. Leaves Louisville as above, alternately every. Thdhsday, at a ciock, tr. ai. Passenirers and shippers may relv on these boats leav ing punctually, as advertised.

treigm or passage nppiy on ooaru or to mlT u6m MARSHALL HALBERT Jfc CO. For Mound City, Paducali, Cairo, Columbus, Hickman and Memphis. REGULAR TUESDAY AND FRIDAY PASSENGER PACKETS. Steamer SOUTHERNER, Captain George jJOtAw. Triplett, J.

B. Archer, Clerk, leaves jjgjSjSheverv Tuesday, at 5 o'clock p. positively. Steamer ALVIN ADAMS, Captain "William Lamb, E. W.

Halliday, Clerk, leaves every Friday, at 5 o'clock p. positively. Freights for these steamers will be shipped promptly by us (from any part of the city) upon notice being left at our office. And all letters, packages, left there shall be delivered to the clerks, regularly. For rate of freight apply on board or to mi tf N.


Mar tin, Gus. Smith, Clerk, leaves every Monday o'clock m. Steamer HIGH FLYER, Captain Tom. T. Wricht, S.

B. Halliday, Clerk, leaves every Wednesday at 12 o'clock m. Steamer MOSES McLELLAN, Captain J. Remeline, W. G.

Priest, Clerk, leaves every Saturday at 12 o'clock m. For rates of freight apply on board orto N. S. LONG Freight Agents, 85 Wall street. N.

B. Freights for these steamers will be shipped by ua from any part of the city, upon notice being left at our office, and all letters, packages, ic, left there will be put in charge of the clerks promptly. dtf N. S. L.

BRO. SAINX LOUIS PACKETS For Mound City, Cairo and Saint Louis, THE following boats will commence their regular trips on their respective das, and con-; tinie running during the season, giving particular atten tion to ail way Dusmess leaving Louisville Monday FASHION Capt. J. M. Martin.

Wednesday HIGH FLYER Capt. Thos. Wright. Saturday MOSES McLELLAN Capt. Passengers and shipperacan jglyjipon thesg-atS leaving punctually days, and connecting with ail the packei-'fui11ing above St.

Louis. For cr passage apply on board orto CHAS. BASHAM, Wall street. 186 ST I 58" LOW PRESSURE. REG UL A It S.

MAIL PACKET TINE BETWEEN LOUISVILLE AND MEMPHIS. The owners of the steamer Northerner, being encouraged with the success which has at tended her since her entrance into the Louisville and Memphis trade, and the liberal patronage which has been extended to her by merchants and shippers of both places, as well as all intermediate points, have placed the steamer Southerner In the trade, to run in connection with the Northerner, thereby forming a semi-weekly line, offering increased facilities to shippers and passengers. These boats will leave punctually as follows: ALVIN ADAMS, Lanab, Master, leaves Louisville every Friday at 4 P. returning, leaves Memphis every Monday at 5 P. M.

SOUTHERNER, Triplett, Master, leaves Louisville every Tuesdvy at 4 P.M.-, returning, leaves MempMa every Friday at 5 P. M. These boats are fitted up and furnished in the latest and most elegant style, with every regard for the comfort and convenience of passengers; are officered by careful and experienced men, well known to the community, who, by strict attention to business, hope to merit the continence and patronage of the public. D. S.

BENEDICT SON, IJWtf C. BASHAM. MISCELLANEOUS. VULCANIZED GUM BEATING, Ac-Vulcanized Gum Belting, New York make; Do do, Boston do; Oak-tanned Leather Belting, Eastern do; Machine Card Clothing, Philadelphia do. g3PHaving the direct agency for the above goods, I am authorised to sell at factory prices and supplied Ht all times with a large stock.

H. W. WILKES, 75 Fourth ap26 dtf next door to National Hotel. COAL! COAL! DRAVO SON, dealers in COAL, Third street, between Main and Market, have on hand a good supply of Pittsburg and Youghiogheny Coal, which they are prepared to furnish in large quantities or by the load 1o meet the wishes of purchasers. They invite particular atten tion to their superior Coal.

Orders promptly attend to. DRAVO SON, Third street, n2 dtf between Main and Market sts. NKW COAL OFFICE. TOR THE accommodation of residents up town, the undersicned have started a fine Coal Office coi ner Preston and Market streets, and given it in charge of Wm RICHARDSON, who will wait upon customers. A supply of good Pittsburg Coal will Ut; kept and delivered in any parL oi me uiijiim wciuamcu uiis.

n8dtf M. DRAVO SON PAPER-HANGINGS NEW ARRIVAL XXTE are now receiving our Spring Slock of PAPER- TV HANGINGS of every description. The have been selected with great, care and cannot be ex celled. We are enabled to oiler one ot tne riciicst an cheapest assortments of goods ever offered in this mar ket. Those who design Papering their houses are par ticularly invited to call and examine our stock hefor purchasing elsewhere.

KVAKTB UK TUN, ap7 541 Main between Second and Third. "ENGRAVINGS. OIL-PAINTINGS, tec. WE are now receiving our spring Importations direct, which for elecrance and new desijrns cannot be sur passed. The lovers of art are particularly invited to call and judge ems elves.

ftp7 EVARTS MURTON. COAL! COAL! COAL! mo HOUSEKEEPERS. We have on hand a supply of I Kanawha Splint Coal, fresh from the Wmiinred Mines, which is a superior article for Parlor, Cooking and Steam use. A Bituminous Coal partaking of cleanliness of the Cannel burns with a lively blast, aud all persone who have used it preier it to any other coal. We intend to keep a supply always on hand, and ail we ask is a trial.

We warrant it to pive satisfaction. Also a fresh supply of the beat Pittsburg, which we are prepared to ueuver at tne snorsesi. nonce anu uie lowesi oasn prices. uvvTor-it ec xunxat fb21 Lower City Coal Scales. PIANOS.



ANOTHER TRIUMPH1 The subscriber respectfully invites the attention of the public, and of purchasers particularly, JLo the superior I'KEiiuiuiu riAKua, nianuiaciureu oynim. Aspienuiu assortment constantly on nanu. Our Pianos have received a Premium two years in succession, 1S5C and lb57, at the Fairs of tlie American In stitnte, Crystal Palace, in competition with most of the leading manuiacturers ot new York and lioston, and are unquestionably of the beet quulitv of tone, full, round and brilliant, as well as finish and durability, and we natter ourselves, by tne approval ot renowned artists, in venturing to say that our Pianos stand superior to many others, and equal to any Grand Piano in regard to volume of tone and elasticity of touch, combined with the greatest firmness, which is very rarely met with in other Pianos. We respectfully solicit an examination from strangers and friends, to convince themselves of the above heiortt purchasing elsewhere. All our Pianos are warranted.

H. HANSEN, Manufacturer of Piano Fortes. Warerooms, 100 Centre New York. ap7 dOm THE CHEAPEST, NEATEST, AND most durable CHIMNEY TOPS ever manufactured in the West, for sale wholesale and retail, at P. BANNON'S, Falls City Terra Cotta Works, Louisville, Ky.

P. S. Chimney Tops put up on the shortest notioe. d2dly ON MANHOOD. AND ITS PREMATuKE DECLINE.

Just published, gratis, the 20th Thousand: a tew woras on me national Treat ment, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Imnotencv, and Impediments to Marnaire gen erally, by B. DE LANKY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming com plaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youtn, may be easily removed without mrdicink, is in this smau tract, clearly demonstrated; ana toe entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Autnor, luuv exnia ned. ny means oi wnicn every one is enabled to cure himsrlf penectiy anu at tne least pos sible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day.

Sent to anv address, gratis anil post free a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to ur. a. XJti lajski, 53 tiast sist street, new xorit uity. apyy oawti KENTUCKY MARBLE WORKS. NO.

472 Jefferson street, near the postofflco. Italian and American Marble Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Head and Foot Stones, kept on hand and made to order in the latest and most improved styles, and of the best ma te rial from the city and country respectfully announced. "Work carefully boxed and sent to any part of the country- JOHN K. FE3LER, Agent. jyl6 V.

THE THREE BEAUTIES, BY MRS. SOUTHWORTH. The work is published in handsome style; the type Is large, paper white and good, binding strong and handsome. Price, single copies $1 25; $11 25 per dozen. The Three Beauties is a story of touching pathos and absorbing interest, carrying with it a moral worthy to be inculcated.

The character of Imogene Summerfield is one of the most beautiful specimens of portraiture we have ever met in which all the elements that ennoble and render lovely the female character, are most happily combined. The plot of the story is Ingenious, well planned, and well carried out. The authoress of this volume has won golden opinions In her literary career. For sale by C. HAGAN my 19 Aw Louisville, Ky.

WILLOW WARE MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned has established a Willow Ware Manufactory, and having engaged "experienced workmen, is now prepared to fill orders for Willow. Cabs, Carriages, Cradles, Nursery Chairs, and Baskets of every description, at short notice. of work ready for inspection. Price list sent by mail on application.

Orders solicited. ap26dlm W. W. TALBOT, 98 Fourth fltreet. Tmrnmr Mm mmm Bill iirtl 111 DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION.

DYSPEPSIA. A MORBID sensibility of the stomach and bowed, at-iJLtended with obvious disorder of the digestive organs. Dyspepsia and its attendant ills, such as Jfaitsea, 'ITeadache, Vertigo Dimness of Sight, Debility of the Nervous Systemt ffypochondria. Jaundice, -Loss of Appetite, Wasting of Vie Strength, Flatulence, wWifrequent belching of ic-tod, Vitiated taste Constipation and uneasiness of the. bowels, Bilious Vomiting, Burning sensation at the pit of stomach, Liver Complaint, Oppression after eating, Palpitation of the Heart, Pavn in the pit of tJie Stomach, or toward the right side, Sallowness of complexion, Depression of spirits mid irritability of temper, Have in many cases defied the skill, heretofore, of the best medical practitioners in theworld, and many cases have been abandoned as incurable.

Dr. J. WILLIAMS, Chemist and Pharmaceutist, after Btudying closely the practice of Drs. Abernetliy and J. Johnson, England, and observing the nature of the disease in all Ita stages, during a Bojourn in the southern and western portion of the United States, where it prevails to a greater extent than elsewhere, procured from South Amek'ica, certain roots and lierbs, from which he prepared an which, after eighteen years' use in private practice, has proved itself more efficacious in the cureui -dyspepsia, man any medicine that lias ever been prepared in any age or any clime, for the same purpose.

Having submitted it, with an explanation of Its comno- nents, to a number of Physicians of Philadelphia, among whom were the late Drs- Joseph Hartshorne and J. O. Morton, it has received their entire approval, and many of the Medical Faculty are not only prescribing it for their patients, but are using it themselves personally, and in their families. As a tonic, it is unequalled, and its prop erties are oi so invigorating a nature, that it is given with perfect safety and success to the most tender infants. The "Elixir" ia verv eradual.

but certain in Its upon the organs of digestion, the increased secretions of the liver, pancreas and mucous membrane of the stomach, and requires that only one dose be taken in twenty- iour noma, lur uuuurmeu dyspepsia can oniy oe cured bv gradually restoring the orirana of digestion to healthy state. The great success met with in curing the most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, accompanied sometimes with a high grade of hypochondriasis has estab lished the most unbounded confidence in the curative properties of this "Elixir:" in corroboration of which read the following testimonials ATTESTATION. We, having used William's "Antl- Dyspeptic Elixir," with the most perfect satisfaction and success, take great pleasure in recommending if to all persons suffering with Dyspepsia, as we are fully convinced of its moat estimable qualities iu restoring the digestive powers, removing all pains and uneasiness, and imparting aueaiuiy tuue tu uie siomucn: John R. Penrose, 84 South Wharves; Casper Morris. Tacony; Thomas Alibone, President of Bank of Pennsyl vania; Abner Elbes, Market street above Sixth: Edward H.Rowley, No.

14, North Wharves; Michael Dunn, Superintendent Merchants' Exchange; Hnnnah Stiles, uranKioru itonu; taannanjvDoo iiioert street; il. n. Sperry, 12 Edward str-eet; Lawrence Newbold, No. 896 Chestnut streetv Philadelphia. Wm.

Yard. 6 Citv Row: RudolplvLlArni.3C7 Broadway: H. N. Winans. 94 Water New York.

The list of names could be extended to almost any length, but the foregoing is deemed sufficient. Testimony of II. JY. Sperry, who was abandoned sj incurable and- given up to die. Dr.

J. Wiu-iams Dear Sir; For fifteen vears previ ous to 1S54, 1 suffered so much from Dyspepsia, that I became completely prostrated, both in mind and body, and at length became so weakened I could not attend to my business, and was siuking into a decline, and it was believed I never could recover; the best medical aid was procured for me, and every means resorted to without any relief, till I was advised to use your "Elixir," and from the time I began taking it I gradually improved, till I was completely restored to health. The dreadful suffering 1 indured from Dyspepsia I cannot describe; but I am confident that without the use of your should be in my grave, 1 assert that 1 solemnly believe your "fciiixir" lias saved me lroin an early death. I continue now in the enjoyment of excellent health. H.

N. SPERRY. June Ctft, 1S57. No. 110-1 N.

Third Philadelphia We, the undersigned, have known Mr. H. N. Sperry for several years, and take pleasure in stating that his assertion can be perfectly relied on, and thafwe ourselves know that he has been wonderfully restored to health from the brink of the grave; and we believe, as ho asserts, solely by the use of Dr. Williams' "Elixir." Tiioa.

J. Ghadoler, No. 143Phcenlx street. John Ehrkt, Race street, above Second. Personally appeared before me one of the Aldermen city of Philadelphia,) H.

N. Sperry, ho being duly affirmed, doth depose and say, that the fftots set forth in the above certificate are true iu every particular. Sworn and subscribed this 0th day of June, 1S57. FREDERICK REEL, Alderman. The "Elixir" la sold in bottles at $1 00 each, or 6 bottles for $5 00.

Also, Dr. Williams' "Cincbomara," for the positive cure of Ague, Chills and Fever, Proprietor, JAMBS WILLIAMS, M. Chemist and. Pharmaceutist, No. 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Principal agents for Louisville, Messrs. CARY A TALROTT, Market street, between Third and Fourth ata. For sale by druggists generally. Feb9deo.d&wlr Private and Confidential MEDICAL ADVICE AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSPITAL. -Established for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal Wcak.ueas, and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, DYSPEPSIA, GJSRKEAL XXSMILITY, FEVER AGUE, Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Erysipelas, Great JmpvrUg of Mood, Salt Rheum Pimples Fistula, Asthma, Incipient, INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH, OLD AGE, Ac.

NO MERCURY USED. DR. AMOS SON, (CORNER OF MAIN AND QUAY STREETS. BUFFALO, NEW YORK.) ARE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, may be consulted from o'clockin the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptoms of Disease. A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION.

An instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Ac. Can be permanently cured In from fifteen to wenty days by the use of this instrument, when used con-olntiy with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS A SON take pleasure in announcing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure oi the above diseases.

It has been subjected to a test by (he moBt eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful Instrument ever yet Invented for the cure of Semiifcl Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs caused vy the secret habits of youth. Er. AMOS SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument In good order. Price Ten Dollars by Mail or Express. NEW REMEDIES AND QUICK CURES, For the Venereal Diseases, and all private complaints.

gleets, strictures, seminal weakness, pains in the loins, affection of the kidneys, diseases of head, throat, nose and skin, and all those dreadful affections arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility render marriage impossible, and in the end destroy both body and mind. The treatment they adopt is the result of upward of thirty years' extensive and successful practice In Europe and America. COUNTRY INVALIDS. Persons in any part of the world may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their case, with a remittance for Medicines, Ac. Address Dr.

AMOS A SON, corner Main and Quay Buffalo. N. Y. mQ jAw iy REMOVED. MADAME BLANCHE The Great Planet Reader Fbysiciasi HAS removed her office to Fourth street, betweeen Jefferson and Green streets, where all who wish to consult her in regard to the final result of any and all kinds of business, what kinds of business they are best adapted to, and will be most successful In, "must call immediately, and all who are unlucky in business, can secure to themselves success by getting one great ROMAN TALISMANS.

Persons who are unhappy from disappointment in Love, can gain the object of their affection by the aid of the celebrated TALISMAN. Wives having drunken or unfaithful husbaudB, can reclaim thorn by this wonderful TALISMAN. N.ll. Persons born in March, April, May, June, September, October, and December, the Madame will select numbers in the Havana, Alabama, and Maryland Lotteries, that will draw capital prizes. Parents having children born in these months can get their numbers and draw prizes on them.

Office Hours 9 A. M.toil P.M. Reading the Planets Liauiesaii uenuemen iiotterv numbers Talis- manB $5 to $20. This is tlie last visit of tlie Madame to Louisville. Ail business attended to bv letter thesame hh If personally.

Talismans and numbers sent to any part ui uiecoiuiujr uy man, on receipt, oi required: iee. Correct date of birth required to select numbers, but not to get a Tansman. Abt, illaKASEa TREATED FREE OF CHARGE The following are araone a few of thf DlnHpn whfoh Madame Blanche cureB without fail: Coutrhs. Colds. Con- Humpiion, uroup, inuuenza, Astnina, Bronchitis, and all other diseases of the Throat and Lungs.

Also, all Diseases of the Skin, Lumbago, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all derangements of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels; and also, all Chronic Female Diseases, and Pains of the Head and Side, or Back; Palpitation of the Heart and Sick Headache, cured in from mif tn three honr. The Madame uses no Mineral Medicine. What is obe person's cure is another's poison, is an old and true saying. So nature provides a remedy for all persons and all uiseases; uui, 10 nnu itiem, nature nerseir must be searca-ed and studied. Such has been the Madame's study and practtceior years, successfully.

PRIVATE MEDICAL OTSPESTSAH V7 TVR. GATES has the pleasure UlS of annonncineto the nubile inatne nas tau-en tneomce formerly occupied by Dr. KING, and permanently located In Louisville, where he would call the at tention of all those afflicted with diseases of a private or jonndentiai nature, to tne new metnou or treatment as practiced in the English and French hospitals. Having ior several years maue lius uiiwa ui uia eases a spkuiality, with the knowledge he has of them, warrants him in saying that there is no form of symptoms which they as-ime thatis without a quick and permanent cure. Dr.

mode of treating these diseases Is entirely new, hav ing never been adopted by any other Physician in this country. YOUNG MEN Who, by Indulging in Bolltary habits, have contracted that mlnd-harrowine and bod v-deitr ow ing disease, seminal weakness, which leads to the moBt alarming ana iatai consequences, snouiu apply immediately, either in person or by letter, and have a cure effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this disease, whioh never fails of effecting a quick and radical cure. TO THE LADIES Dr. G. is agent for M.

La Croux's French Preventive Powders, by which those who. frnm any cause, deem It necessary to avoid ennnentinn. nnn do so, without Incurring danger to health or constitution; Srice $2. Also, agent for Madame Capraual's Female lonthly PUls, a Bale and effectual remedy for Irregularities, Obstructions, Ac; price $1. OadtionI These PIUb Bhould not be taken during Pregnancy, as they are sure to produce miscarriage.

The Pills and PowderB sent by mall to any part of the eountry. Persons at a distance mav be cu'rad at home bv ad dressing a letter, stating case, symptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and have medicine forwarded free from damage or curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions for use. Letters asking, advices, also orders for pills or powders, must contain a postage stamp. uonsuitauon may be held from a a. m.

iov p. m.f ainu ffice. northeast corner of Third and Market rteeta. private entrance on Third street, Louisville, iecrecy inviolable I Don't iorgec tue name and number. AR letters should be addressed to U.

GATES, M. dlSdiwAElaw Louisville, Ky. RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, The public will please bear in mind that the genuine Goods are always sealed with tbe foil signature of the firm, via RICHARDSON, SONS OWDKN, J. BOI.LOOKE 4 J. B.

LOOKE, Agents, 86 Ohurch Street, near Barelay New York. fb24 d8m Steamboat and River JVews. STEAMBOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. FOB PARTICULARS 8KB ADVERTIsem*nTS. JACOB STRADER, Ditman, Cincinnati.

SOUTH AMERICA, Shepherd, St Louis. FANNY BULLITT, Dunham; New Orleans. JAS. MONTGOMERY, Montgomery, N. KEY WEST, Evans, St Paul.

ALVIN ADAMS, Lamb, Memphis; ALTAMONT, Johnston, Wheeling. LEBANON, Williamson, Pittsburg. JOHN BRIGGS, Cobb, Evansvtlie. Ths River contiuues to fall slowly, with 9 feet water on the falls last evening. During the previous 24 houra the river had receded 5 inches at the wharf.

Boats are enabled to ascend the falls, under the guidance of falls pilots, and the city wharf is still active. The weather is unseasonably cold cold enough for frost, though quite cloudy, and, as it is now the "light of the moon' the frost cannot injure the fruit. At Pittsburgh there were 10 feet water yesterday a good stage for all navigable purposes, and water enough coming to keep the falls in use for sometime yet. Our despatches from St. Louis announce another rise in that quarter, and the Illinois again at flood height, even higher than ever, and over its banks in every direction.

The Wabash river, as we learn by special is hicher than ever was known, and spreading all over the country in the vicinity of Vincennes, where tue river was ren miiea wme. That is a world of waters indeed, which, when to the flood in the Mississippi, will be very apt to deluge the lower country in earnest. White now is equally as high and over its banks in aU directions, and the Ohio Mississippi railroad is much damaged and obstructed, as well as the Illinois road, thus cutting off the tr.ivel to Cairo. For miles the water is on a level with the track of the E. 0.

railroad. The grain crops of the beat farms in the county are ruined past redemption. We leara that the river at Terre Haute has overflowed the whole country, and had risen four feet since the rains of Friday evening, and was still coming up at the rate of an inch per hour. Three bents of the toll-bridge had given way, and hundreds of the citizens had assembled on the banks momentarily expecting to witness the destruction of the whole superstructure. The foundation of one of the piers of the T.

H. Alton railroad bridge was washing away, and the trestle work about three quarters of a mile west of the river, was also giving way; the danger had become so imminent that the trains had been forbidden to pass. For Cairo and Memphis. The fleet Alvin Adams, the fastest boat afloat, is the regular and reliable packet for Memphis and all way places this evening. She takes freight and passengers for all points, including Cairo, Hickman, and Columbus, and starts at 5 o'clock from the city wharf.

The Adams is in charge of Capt. Wm. Lamb, a competent, careful and popular boatman, assisted in the clerk's office by E. W. Halliday, one of the most attentive and correct clerks on the river.

The fare on the Adams is most sumptuous, in-eluding, among other luxuries, the most delicious strawberries, which are provided to passenffp people "of Memphis have had good, ripe strawberries now for two or three weeks. An other victim of the Ocean Spray disaster has been found, which makes twelve lives that are known to have been sacrificed, and the severest punishment should be visited upon the heads of the guilty parties, whose recklessness caused the destruction of the boat. The Ocean Sprav was neither a fast boat, nor a staunch one, merely a co*ckle shell upon the water, and why such desperate means should have been used to make her beat another boat is difficult to understand. Boatmen generally take much pride in the speed of their boats, and the officers of a fast boat could be excused for endeavoring to maintain its reputation. For New Orleans.

The splendid passeuger packet Jas. Montgomery, one of the fastest and most commodious of our Louisville line, takes her departure to New Orleans this evening. She starts at 5 o'clock from the upper wharf, providing the choicest accommodations for passengers, and in charge of prudent, courteous officers, Capt. Sam Montgomery in command, with Jno. A.

Lowrv, one of the best aud most attentive clerks on the river, in the office. Capt. J. Ed. Montgomery, formerly of the Republic, takes charge of the Montgomery this trip.

JT'Thanks to our clever friend Topping, clerk of the Jacob Strader for a manifest. She got in hist night at half past eight, less than eight hours out, and attending to all the way business. The Jacob Strader is the mail and passenger packet for Cincinnati and the East to-day. She leaves from the foot of Third street, at 12, in charge of Cant. Dittman, and connects at Cincinnati with all the early trains.

The clerk, Robt. S. Dunning, is the most correct and attentive on the river. For Owensboro and Evansville The swift and commodious John Briggs is the regular and punctual packet for Evansville and all way places this afternoon. She is in charge of Capt.

Cobb, a thorough and clever boatman, assisted in the office by Slr.K-J-arner, who is attentive and accommodating to all. She starts from the city wtmrf at 5 o'clock, and will take passengers to any point along the route. JA boatman, who arrived from St. Louis yesterday, informs us that times are excessively dull there, especially among the steamboat interests. This is mainly caused by over doing the business, especially in the Missouri river trade.

About this period last year freights from St. Louis to St. Joseph were abundant at two dollars per hundred, and now they are scarce at 12 cents. SggPThe Emma Dean, in from Carrollton yesterday, discharged at Charleston, an iron jail, for the good, or rather bad citizens, of that locality. It was manufactured in sheets, or sections, to fee riveted up, and when "all complete makes a good sized cage for jail birds.

Its weight is 24 tons. gfgTThe Nashville Gazette, in its river items the other day, hit the Captain of the Poland the following unkind dig: "A Pittsburgh black smith, that voted for Fremont, is at-the wharf to-day, a candidate for the patronage of Southern shippers He will doubtless have a most refreshing trip from Nashville." SpT'The Lebanon came in from Pomeroy, or thererbouts, last evening, with 1,500 bbls salt, to be reshipped to Nashville. The Tempest took a portion of it. The Tempest, for Nashville last evening, hud a big' lot of railroad iron for the railroad. The pretty, neat and comfortable Fanny Bullitt, having been thoroughly am! refurnished, is now ready to resume her trips in the trade.

She is at the city wharf, advertised for NY Orleans this evening. The Twilight, Capt. Shaw, will probably leave St. Louis to-day on her long mountain trip for Fort Pjerre and the mouth of Yellow Stone, and all wjay points JTMr. Charles Beckley, watchman on the Statesman, was lost overboard a few days since between Cannelton and Troy.

He leaves a family in Evansville. 83The J. H. Lucas is about to be- withdrawn from the Missouri river, and put in St. Louis and Memphis trade, to stay there so long as she is able to turn a wheel.

(SpThe Glendale, Capt. Bugher, starts to Memphis this morning at 9 6 clock, offering choice fare to passengers. W. M. Morrison, from.

New Orleans, a Cincinnati boat, arrived at St. Louis yesterday evening. -Tbe fleet packet E. H. Fairchild left New Orleans last Monday.

She is due Sunday. The R. Ward left New Orleans Saturday, and is due this evening. The Woodford left New Orleans Tuesday and the Pacific Wednesday, for this port. grThe Mississippi at St.

Louis had risen a foot yesterday. PORT OF LOUISVILLE, ARRIVALS May 20. Telegraph, Cin; Emma Dean, Carrollton; Scioto, Henderson, Jas Montgomery, Portsmouth, Ctn; Lebanon, Pomeroy; Ohio Belle, Alvin Adams, Memphis; Prairie Rose, St Louis. DEPARTURES. Telegraph, Cin; Emma Dean, Carrollton; Chancellor, NO; TO Twichell, Portsmouth, Nash; Ohio Belle, Cin; Scioto, Henderson; Tempest, Nash; Coin.

Perry, Pitts; Madison, NO. MEMORANDA. The Alvin Adams left Memphis Monday, May 17th, at 8 P. M. Met John Raine at Memphis, Diana at Island 16; Fashion at Mound City; Baltic at Sisters; Antelope at Elizabethtown; Southerner at Tow Head; Eclipse at Henderson; loading at Evansville; Highflyer at Owensboro; 'Chancellor at Brandenburg.

RECEIPTS II IS RIVER. HMBBAOINQ ONLY THB ARTIOLBfl OF IMPORT. CARROLLTON Per Emma Dean 3C3 bbls whisk 24 bbls flour, '33" bbls. beer, 05 bales hay, 2 bags wool, 82 wheat 5 kegs bags corn, 23 hhds tobacco, 6 5 pkg3 leather, 15 pkgs, owners. NEW ORLEANS Per Ohio Belle SO tcs rice, Moore, AH.

POMEROY Per Lebanon -1, 500 barrels salt, Smith CO. CINCINNATI Per Jacob Strader 73 bbls whisky, Cobb, Martin Aco C6 empty bbls, Metcftlf 7packages furniture, Glore 7 pkgs furniture, "Walton; Barrett 8 pkgB do, H'Stpkes 12 D-PIbrttbxs, James Low 11 pkgs furniture, Mon'ohan-r-28 casks, Starbird 22 els rope, Sherley, Beli.Sco 13 pkgs, Duvall 10 nesls tubs, Terry, Knott 40 bxs tobacco, 45 bbls whisky, Smith 48 pkga furniture, WmFrick 2C pkgs, American Exp Co 17 pkgs, Adams 84 pkga furniture, Watson 10 bblB planter, St Buchanan 20 bdls iron, Wright 200 bdls paper, Dupont 12 wheat fans, B. nAn NEW GOODS JtJST RECEIVED 991 WOOD We are in receipt of our flv Epring stock which is very large and complete, in consisting in part of Gents' fine sewed Boots and Gaiters; Do do Oxford and Steap Ties; Do do Patent leather and WaBhingtons; Do do Buckskin and Lasting Gaiters; Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, with and without heels; Ladies' Kid and light Morocco Bootees, with and without heels; Misses' Kid and light Morocco Bootees and Gaiters, with and without heels; Children's Kid and light Morocco Bootees and Gaiters, with and without heels; Do fancy blue, green and brown Parodi Ties; Do- Ao and black Kids and Ties; Do Mack and colored Bootees, all varieties. AU we ask la an examination or our.goods before purchasing elsewhere. Oar goods are of the best, our pri-ces the lowest.

QWEN 4 w00r, Mlrket 6treeti jny8 one door above Third. MARTJNE'TTI AND BLONDIN FRIDAY EVENING, May 21st, will be produced the Classic uroupings oi tne rwu wlialiiaauivo by the Martinetti Brothers After which will be performed the new and beautiful BaUet, termed the ISLE OF NYMPHS Queen "of the Nympha, Zoe Gilbert; Favorites of the Queen, (Nymphs), M'llea Capel and Desire; Salvator, a painter, Velarde; Edward, ahunter (hisfrlend), Ignacio The performance to conclude with the grand comic fairy spectacle of MAZULM; or, The Black Raven ov tub Tombs Chevalier Bariano, a dissipated gallant, Maclon, servant to Belarno, J. Martinetti; Cologne, an M. Coillne, miller's man, P. Martinetti; Cavuaso, a surgeon, Blohdin To c6pamence with the favorite.

farce" of the SWAINS Rosetta, Miss Henrietta-Baker; Swig Mr. Scallah; Burgomaster, Townsend; Walter, Swift; Dame Glib, Mrs. Gilbert In the course of the piece the popular song, "My Mountain. Home," will be sung by Miss Henrietta my21 til THALBER6 VIEUXTEMPS FAREWELL CONCERTS I BT A. 3VE I And Positively tlicir Last Appearance in tills cltyprlor to their Departure for Europe.

QN this occasion, MADAjHE U'AIVGRI, Cantatrice di Camera to the Emperor of Austria, and Prlma-Dorinaof all the principal Opera Houses of Italy, London, Parig, Petersburgy Madrid, New York, one of the very few great European "Vocalists who has not yet been heard in this country, and who will on this occasion make HER FIRST AND ONLY APPEARANCE in this city on FRIDAY, MAY 28TH, 1858, AT MOZART II ALL. In announcing the appearance of Madame D'Angri, perhaps the only European Vocalist' who has yet to add the verdict of the New World upon her reputation to that of the old, the management of the Thalberg Vieuxtemps '3 Concerts have therefore to. congratulate themselves upon having been able to enter' into an arrangement with MADAME D'ANGRI, whose name has obtained so wide and enviab'e a reputation in ail the principal Opera Houses in the World In addition to this, the management takes great pleasure in announcing the engagement of JULIANA MAY andSIGNOR ABELLA, who will appear jointly with D'ANGRI, THALBERG, and VIEUXTEMPS, on the same evening. On this occasion the programme will be the most attractive that ever lias been offered in any concert room. It will contain, besides other -selections, the celebrated DUETTE ON SOMNAMHl'LA, composed for Violin and Piano-Forte, and be performed by VIEUXT-EMPS and THALBERG.

HENRY VIEUXTEMPS will perform Norma Fantasie on strimr. This extraordinary and difficult muulcal composition, wnerever it naa wt. jj. MR. VIEUXTEMPS, has produced the most intense sensation, having never been attempted by any other artiste.

MADAME D'ANGRI will sing Ronde Cinderella" Cavatina, Barbiere di Seville, Brindisi, and Lucretia Borgia (English anil MR- THALBERG will play Huguenott, Russian Airs, Don Giovanni, Last Rose of Summer, and Duette with Vieuxtbmps. MR. VIEUXTEMPS will play Lucia, Norma, Yankee Doodle, and Somnam-bulu. MISS MAY will sing Cavatina Ernani and Floating on the Wind. THE PRICE OF ADMISSION, notwithstanding this great attraction offered, will remain the same as charged before, viz: $1 50 and $1 OO, ACCOHDINO TO LOCATION.

(ggTHE SALE OF SEATS will commence on Saturday morning, May 22, at the Music Store of D. P. Faulds, where the plan of the Hali may be seen. The Grand Piano used upon this occasion is from the celebrated manufactory of Chickering aud furnished by Tripp Cragg. N.

B. Mozart Hall has been entirely renovated and arranged expressly for this Concert. C-Doors open at 1. Concert at S. mliltdc 3VE i AJ5SQ3NTXO TEIVCFIjE.

GRAND CONCERT. THE MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY WLL give -their third GRAND INSTRUMENTAL ANB VOCAL CONCERT on Friday next, lhe Slat which occasion will be performed, for the first time in tmscity, celebrated sympnony in "Single Ticket, 50 cents. Double Ticket, admitting lady and gentleman, 75 cents. ivo Reserved Beat's- my IS d4 jEMOVAIi. OUR COAL OFFICE is removed from oppnalle, he Post-office to THIRD STREET, BETWEKN MMN and MARKET, where we shall be pleased to see our old customers andas many new ones as may favor us with a can.

BEST PITTSBURGH COAL always on hand, also Syracuse and other coals, as good as the best and as cheap as the cheapest. W. AH. CRITTENDEN. mlT COAL! OAI! CO A XXTM.

L. MURPHY keeps constantly on hand a large TT supply oi tne nest Pittsburgh and ougtuoheny Coal. Also the "Hartford City Coal," none Wttrr for steam or cooking purposes; used by many families of the city, who pronounce it nearly equal to Pittsburgh and superior to any other now in use for steam and family purposes. Ail I ask is a fair trial of it, antLJ warrant it will give satisfaction. Sold wholesale ana retail at the lowest cash prices.

KSPOfiice, east si le Fourth street, below Main. myS dtr ICE CREAM SALOON. THE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and patrons, that his spacious and legant lux- utiLAfli daiuuin, on jeuerson, between m-stand Second streets, is now open for the season. He will, as nereioiorc, jurnisn ice uream and Sherbets, in a style inferior to no establishment in the West. He so ttcits a continuance of the favors so liberally billowed inpast years.

my8 1m M. STEVENS. ItMAT. I win give ttie highest market price for Wheat, delivered at Portland or Louisville. FRANCIS McHARRY, Main st.

bet Eighth and Ninth. CEMENT, Hydraulic Cement, Plaster Paris and White Falls Lime, manufactured and for sale by FRANCIS McHARRY, jeldtf Main st. bet. Eighth and Nintfi. LIGHT COUNTRY HOLLOW WARE Our stock of light Juunti-y Hollow Ware is now the largest and most complete ever offered in this market, embracing every article in the line, such as English Pots, Stew Pots, Dutch Ovens, Biscuit Ovens, Skillets, Dog-Irons, All of which we are offering to the iradeaB low as any house west.

apS WALLACE, LITHGOW CO. AN EXCELLENT STOCK of Wostenhom Rodgers' Pocket Cutlery; Spear A Jackson's Files and Saws; Tuttle's Patent X-Cnt Saws; Lake Huron Grindstones, from TOD to C44 lbs; Steel Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, just received and for sale by J. GEO. DODGE, 501 south side Main street, between Third and Fourth, apll FAMILY FLOUR 10 bbls white wheat Flour, Macklin's brand, in bbls and sacks, just received and for sale by T. J.

F. JEFFERSON, myl5 Corner of Brook and Market streets. EGGS AND BUTTER-500 dozen Es and 500 lbs good to choice Butter just received and for sale by Fl J. F. JEFFERSON, yl5 corner Brook n.n.1 Market streets.

COUNTRY BACON A flue lot of HamsV Shoulders and Sides, just received and for sale by T. J. F. JEFFERSON, myl5 corner Brook and Market streets. MACKLIN'S HAMS 150 Macklin's celebrated canvassed Hams just received and for sale by T.

A J. F. JEFFERSON, myl5 Corner Brook and Market streets. EAST CAKES A fresh supply of the re-nowned Baltimore Yeast Cake3 just received and for sale by T. J.

F. JEFFERSON, myl5 corner Brook and Market streeta. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR 28 hhds prime in store and for sale by my5 W. A H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street.

CRUSHED and POWDERED SUGAR, 75 bbls received and for sale by my5 W. A II. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street. TEA Green and Black, 50 chests received and for sale by my5 W. H.

BURKHARDT, 417 Market street. COX'S GELATIN 2 gross Cox's Gelatin in store and for sale by my5 W. H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street. TpUTE FISH 10 half bbls just received and TT for sale by my5 W.

A jH. 417 Market street. ALMONDS 10 bbls softshell Almonds received and for sale by my5 W. H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street.

PRESERVED GINGER 3 cases in store and for sale by. -ry5 A H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street. CIGARS 50,000 Tmported Cigars; 80,000 Cuba Sixes; In store and for sale by my5 W. A.

H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street. MACK LIN HAMS 200 Macklln Hams in store and for sale by my5 W. H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street.

BASKETS- Clothes Baskets, 20 nests; Market do, 50 do; -Fancy do, 2 dozen; In store and for sale by my5 W. A H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market street. "DUCKETS Painted Buckets, 75 dozen: Do Tubs, 25 donai; In store and for sale by my 5 W. A H.

BURKHARDT, 417 Market stroet. SPLENDID PIANO FORTES NEW ARRIVALS Twelve of the most elegant Piano Fortes ever before received in this market. Iirvr innt arrived from he manufactories of Steinway A Sons: A J. Keagh; Haliett, Davis A For sale at reduced prices by D. P.

FAULDS A 539 Main street, between Second and Third, And FAULDS A HUBER, Masonic Building. roy5 AUM DROPS. VX Lemon and Pine Apple; Strawberry and Liquorice; Jujube and Marshmallbw Paste; Preserved Jamaica Ginger, dried; Dellue's Extract of Vanilla; Fresh Vanilla Beans; Just received and for sale by GARY A TALBOT, Druggists, 453 Market street, bet. Third and Fourth'; RAISFNS 850 packages assorted Raisins for sale low to close consignment by ml2 H. D.

NEWCOMB A BRO. do; Shelbyville store and for sale by PETER SMITH, north side Main street, o2Sdtf one door below First. PORTABLE EORiES For Jewelers, Coppersmiths, Millers, Planters, Railroad Builders, and every Mechanic who needs a Smithshop in complete order. Also a general assortment of Mechanics Tools, wholesale and retail, by A. McDItlDE, No.

59 Third bet. Market and Main, Where everything in the Hardware line may be obtained at the lowest cash prices. ap'27 CORK OO AXED WROUGHT IKON AN1 WIRE RAIIilNO. (Secured by Letters Patent.) ADMIRABLY adapted for enclosing Public Grounds, Cemeteries, Balcony, Cottages, Sheep and Ox Hurdle, Patent Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every variety of Folding Iron Bedsteads and Iron Furniture; patent Wire Coal Screens, Ore, Sand and Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Musquitos, Sheep, Poultry and other purposes; wire Summer Houses, fancy wire work In great varieties for gardens, etc. M.

WALKER SONS, Manufacturers, No. 735 Market, N. E. cor. Sixth au4 dly Philadelphia.

JUST RECEIVEIA splendid assortment of LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS at manufacturer's nrices. Also. FRENCH LINEN EMBROIDERED CHEMISES; FRENCH EMBROIDERED BANDS, suitable for skirts; Which I am selling at prices to suit the "hard times." UHAB. KAUUlUb'USS, t)9 Fourth street, ap21 betwen Market and Jefferson. CASH EOR RAGS We will pay the highes marilt price in cash for cood nnnntrv Rno ilpViver- ed at the office of the Louisville Paner Mm.

477 Main street: ap6 C. I. A. V. DU PONT.

PICKLES, SAUCES, Ac 50 dozen Pickles in glass; 20 do: Sanr.pq and Cutauns. ncRnrtpri- 2 bbls Tomato Catsup at 50c gallon; 10 dozen Salid Oil; 50 do Can Fruits, assorted; 10 do fresh Table Fruits In glass; 500 whole, half and quarter boxes Sardines; 50 dozen assorted Wines and Cordials; 50 drums new Figs; 50 boxes Raisins; 1,000 Cocoanuts; 100 jars Prunes. The above, with a sreneral assortment, nf ntflq unii fine imported Confection aries, Candies, and Sirups of all flavors, made by ourselves and warranted as good as the city can afford, and at prices to suit the prices of Sugar, which of course must regulate the nricea of Cordials and Sirups' if made of Sugar. CaUor send vour orders to us diieiot. DOWNING aplS corner Second and Jefferson streeta.

1 RES II AliE 100 bbls fresh Summer Ale just re-. ceived per steamer J. U. Ford and for sale by J. IJ.

SCHKtEDEK, Agent for ap8 G. AY. Smith's Pitts rgh and Wheeling Ale, do do do do.

The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.