The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Ritual Chapter Text Chapter 2: Revelations Chapter Text Chapter 3: Ruin Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Redemption Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: The Second Ritual Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Return to 1994 Chapter Text Chapter 7: The Isle of Wrath Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Messrs Moony and Padfoot Chapter Text Chapter 9: Ancient Heartstring Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: The March To War Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: The Finals Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: The Aftermath Chapter Text Chapter 13: The Trial and The Locket Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Return to Hogwarts Chapter Text Chapter 15: Crossing the Rubicon Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: The Fourth Champion Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Ddraigaraith Chapter Text Chapter 18: The Lioness Roars Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: The Calm Before the Storm Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: The First Task Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: The Aftermath II Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: The Question Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Schemes, Slander and Salvation Chapter Text Chapter 24: One Remains Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: The Yule Ball Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: The Truth Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: New Wands, Ancient Houses Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: The In-Laws Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Normalcy Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: New Year, New Problems Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Courage Chapter Text Chapter 32: Cyrus Greengrass Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Courting Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: The Second Task Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Warnings Chapter Text Chapter 36: Final Steps Chapter Text Chapter 37: The Third Task Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Duel among the Dead Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: The Aftermath III Notes: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Ritual

Chapter Text

After two years of research, and 6 months of preparations, now was the time for the biggest gamble in years. Harry Potter, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, had just finished drawing the runic circle in the basem*nt of his Yorkshire house. It was a magical house he had acquired for the sole purpose of using it for his own private research. The main floor and upper levels were fully furnished, and he and his family could live there quite comfortably.

The true magic, however, was in the basem*nt.

Already outfitted with space-expansion charms, creating a room the size of the Great Hall of Hogwarts, Harry had reinforced it with various runes and enchantments, creating the perfect space for magical experimentation. The only flaw that had never been fully fixed was the containment wards. Simply put when the room was sealed, i.e. the door was closed, the wards operated at full strength allowing the room to contain and if need be, neutralize, and magic that could threaten the rest of the house or even the surrounding area. This meant that if the door was opened before the magic could be dealt with, it would be released and potentially cause severe harm to whoever opened the door.

Because of this Harry had made it a point to ensure anyone who entered the house knew not to enter the basem*nt if the door was closed while he was in there. They were to knock and wait for him to answer. He'd even set up the magical equivalent of an intercom so anyone could talk to him if he didn't answer immediately. Not that he expected anyone to be bothering him. With the kids at school (Lily was wrapping up her second year of Hogwarts), and Ginny meeting with her friends at the Daily Prophet, he fully expected to have the house to himself for the next three days. With Hermione as Minister for Magic, it was easy enough to get the time off. It was all a matter of timing.

Now was the time.

The golden runic circle was based on the works of the Celts, specifically the Druids, and in his hand was an amber potion that, when consumed, would begin the ritual to become an animagus.

Since graduating from Boy-Who-Lived to Man-Who-Won, Harry had wanted to learn more about his father and the Marauders. He wanted something that would bring him closer to them. Wormtail was a traitor, Sirius had died in the Department of Mysteries, and Remus had fallen during the Battle of Hogwarts, along with Nymphadora leaving their son an orphan. So much had been lost, but this one thing could give him a connection to the ones he'd lost.

But something was wrong. Whenever he tried the meditations needed to find the animagus within, he'd come up empty-handed. All he would find was the rough terrain it lived in, and he could faintly recall hearing the roar of a creature. Something big, something strong. Something like that, he could definitely use as an Auror. Hell, it probably would have helped when he was fighting Voldemort and his Death Eaters. But the idea had come too late, and now it looked like he would never have succeeded anyways.

But after doing his research, he'd discovered a ritual designed by Celtic wizards to allow them to become one with their animagus. The catalyst was the potion, and after three tries, he'd perfected the formula.

Eat your heart out Snape, no dunderhead could pull THIS off.

Removing his clothing and stepping into the circle, he chanted the words of power that began the ritual.

The runes began to glow.

He chanted the words again.

The potion began to glow.

He drank the potion and chanted the words a third time.

Every went golden, and as his body warmed, he found himself again in the same spot he found himself every time. Looking around, he got a better look and the terrain reminded him of the Peak District uplands.

But that wasn't what caught his attention. In front of him, 20 feet away was a massive iron cage. The cage itself was as big as Hogwarts, maybe bigger, and was wrapped by two titanic chains, etched with glowing purple runes. The inside of the cage was black, obscuring whatever was contained within.

But Harry instinctively knew: THIS was his animagus. Somehow, it had been locked away inside him, still part of him but contained in a way that he could never reach it.

Until now.

Stepping forward, the beast within thrashed against the cage, letting out a frighteningly loud roar. A roar of rage, power, and pain. At first, the thrashing became more wild, and the roar became louder as he got closer. But then, as he was three feet away, the cage went still, and all was silent.

Now directly in front of the cage, Harry could see two great green eyes staring back at him, appraising him, to see if he was the one responsible for its imprisonment. Realizing this was not the offender, it calmed and waited to see what its visitor would do.

As he reached out, the animagus pushed a limb forward, a limb ending in a massive clawed hand, coated in red-golden scales. He wanted to grab the limb, to finally fulfill this one goal of his. But now, like with so many other things, someone had interfered and now something was in the way.

His hand was pushed back by a purple barrier that appeared from nowhere, and a rage he never felt before welled up within. Not knowing the source of this rage, he did the only thing he could do; strike.

Hitting the barrier with all his strength should have been stupid. He should have stepped back and thought of a way to bypass the barrier. But he couldn't, because he couldn't think past the rage and frustration that needed... no, that DEMANDED release.

Again and again, harder and harder he struck, seemingly doing nothing but entertain his audience of one. The animagus made noises, noises that seemed unusual and sounded suspiciously of laughter, but then he realized, it was a cry of hope. Hope for freedom, as the first barrier shattered, and one of the chains collapsed around him, rusting into dust.

Whatever he was doing was working, and he continued striking the barrier, becoming dimly aware of a fire burning within him. The warmth rushed through his body, infusing it with power and might like nothing he had experienced before.

It felt good. It feltright. Like a piece of him had been missing for so long, and it had finally been returned.

But it wasn't enough. He wasn't complete yet. This final barrier was the stronger of the two, and it held firm against his onslaught.

Then the cracks began to form, and he could hear a voice calling out to him. It was different, deeper, yet he knew it was his.

No, it is our voice.

Startled, he looked into the cage and made out the outline of the mighty creature within.

Yes, Harry, I can speak. We can speak. And soon, we will be FREE.

The cracks grew.

We shall be free of our prison. YOU shall be free of your chains.

The cracks expanded.

All who made us suffer shall know our power, our might.

A hole began to form.

All who betrayed us

The barrier began to shatter.

shall learn to fear

The chain broke.

the Dragons Wrath.

The cage burst apart amid a roar of triumph, one Harry shared, until his body again began to burn. It still felt good, but it brought something else with it. Something he never thought he'd fear.


Ginny Potter had Flooed into one of the hidden rooms of the Drunken Dragon, a magical-owned pub not far from their Yorkshire house. On her way out she noticed Neville Longbottom. She wondered why he was there. Even on a weekend, he rarely left Hogwarts during the school year. She then noticed he was speaking with a wizard wearing gardening clothes.

Consulting work, she mused.

Well, hopefully, whatever they were discussing went well. She'd stop to talk but needed to get to Harry. She'd tried to Floo-call him but no answer, and he'd deactivated the Floo so she had to walk for twenty minutes.

As she walked, she began to think back over the years, the life she had lived, what she had, and what she had done to get here. And some of it disgusted her, both what she had done, and what she had allowed.

She'd learned of her mother's schemes too late to stop them and had gone along with them for fear of what she'd lose. Now, enough was enough. She'd finally learned how to undo Obliviation. She had to make things right.

As she opened the little gate onto the property she told herself one thing.

Even if they hate me, they'll have their freedom. That will have to be enough.

Then came a bright flash of light, the sounds of stone and wood shattering amidst a terrifying roar, and a shockwave that propelled her back, and everything became fuzzy. The last thing she recognized was a massive figure rising from the cloud of smoke, then her mind slipped from consciousness.

Lord Neville Longbottom was finishing the drink he'd had while sharing his expertise with an enterprising herbologist. He had plans to create a magical greenhouse, one that would allow him to grow a vast amount of plants, and needed advice on what to set up first. It was fun being hired as a consultant, and it humoured him to remember the time when he would have been too timid to offer his advice to anyone seriously asking for it.

Then the shockwave came, blasting out the windows of the pub, and knocking everyone and everything flat. Rising unsteadily, he made his way outside and saw the smoke. A towering pillar of smoke, like something from a warzone, rose in the distance, blotting out the sun itself. Then, the roar came. That monstrous roar rattled his bones and shook his very soul. He knew better than to wish to never hear it again, for now, he saw what made it. Emerging from the pillar was the biggest dragon he had ever seen. He remembered the Horntail from the Tri-Wizard Tournament, a 50-foot-long monster built like a living weapon.

This one dwarfed that monster. At a guess, he'd swear this one was ten times the size of the Horntail. Whatever it was, it truly was the biggest dragon that ever lived.

He almost fainted with relief when it spread its wings and took off. Then his blood went cold as he realized,that was Harry's house.

He took off at a sprint, desperate to prove himself wrong. Desperate in his hope that his friend was alive and unharmed.

Then he remembered seeing Ginny leave the pub, and he doubled his efforts, arriving at the house in 2 minutes.

What greeted him made his heart drop. Across from the property he saw Ginny and ran up to her. She was alive and unconscious, but breathing with difficulty. Across the road, was the crater that once held a house his friend owned. A house he remembered being in regular use.

The words escaped his throat in a whisper.

It got him. It got Harry.

Hermione sat in her office, with a magically enlarged telly set-up to show muggle news reports. For the past week, the entire world had been headlining one thing.

A dragon had been sighted. Adragon.

This wasn't too uncommon. Muggles were obliviated of memories of dragons on a semi-regular basis. Every now and then some would stumble upon a dragon reservation, but this was different. A 500-foot-long dragon, bigger than anyone had ever dreamed possible, had appeared in Yorkshire, and flew north across England and Scotland, disappearing past the Hebrides.

The advent of the internet made keeping something like this secret impossible.

Standing in front of her desk were the Heads of the Department for Magical Creature Regulation, Magical Statute Incidents, the Department Of Mysteries, and the Deputy Head for the DMLE.

'Where's Harry when I need him most?' She thought to herself.

Her thoughts were broken by the interview of a frightened man, with two excited children next to him.

"It-It was huge! Bigger than anything I've ever seen!"

"And it had claws!" One little child said grinning.

"It grabbed a whale!" The second cried out with glee.

Changing from one channel to the next, it was all the same, whether British, German, American, Russian, or Chinese, everyone was talking about the dragon.

Turning to those assembled, she asked a simple question. "Well, gentleman?"

The DMCR head spoke first "Well, from what we've gathered it's a Great Caledonian Fire Drake. But they went extinct over 2000 years ago."

She glared at the man. "Right now, I don't care WHAT it is, I want to know WHERE it came from, WHERE it is now, and HOW has it avoided us ALL THIS TIME!?!?"

Flinching, he looked to his colleagues, desperate for some relief.

The DOM Head had some ideas. "The most likely explanation is it somehow found an unplottable island, likely a former magical outpost and is making a nest there."

"Is that even possible?"

"The Great Fire Drakes are known to have been the most magically attuned dragons. Finding an island no one else can is child's play."

"Hmmm. Has anyone in the DMLE heard from Harry yet?"

The Deputy cleared his throat. "No ma'am, and no one's heard from his wife either, so we're running in the dark right now."

Before she could respond, a knock came from the door.

"Minister, Lord Longbottom is here. He says it's urgent, and it's about the dragon."

"Let him through then."

Bowing her head, the secretary let in Neville, who looked haunted. With a pale face, and a stricken expression, whatever he had to say wouldn't be pretty.

Then again, when has anything in Wizarding society been easy or pretty?

The others bowed towards Lord Longbottom, recognizing him as a hero and man worthy of respect.

"Neville, what's wrong?"

"Hermione, I was there when it was first sighted."

Light gasps could be heard. Hermione beckoned him to continue.

"I was doing some consulting work, when the shockwave came. It knocked everyone flat, and then we saw the smoke. It was like a pillar from Hell, and that monster rose from it. Then I realized, it emerged near Harry's Yorkshire property."

She felt her heart sink into her stomach when she realized what he was trying to say.

"I found Ginny, badly hurt and unconscious. She's at St. Mungo's with Susan Bones. But the house, it was gone. Just a crater. And it... it... it got him."

No one spoke. No one moved. No one even breathed, as Neville said what he prayed wasn't true.

"It got Harry, Hermione."

At that, she slumped into her chair. She had never expected this. After everything they went through, everything they overcame, he was gone. It didn't seem possible. It shouldn't be possible. But it was. Shock and grief would have to wait because anger was taking charge.

"All of you, get me every dragon specialist you can find. Get every enchanter and craftsman in contact with us, ready to build at a moment's notice. Get me every resource at my disposal ready to use. We're finding that dragon, and by the New Year, I want its HEAD decorating the Atrium!"

Everyone but Neville rushed to fulfill their orders, as he shared a look with Hermione. A look that said one thing.

For Harry.

Chapter 2: Revelations

Chapter Text

Three days had passed since Neville broke the news of Harry's demise to Hermione. Since then she had barely left her office, in part to avoid the press. When people heard the Man-Who-Won was the first victim of the dragon, shock and horror took hold of Wizarding Britain. Those who followed his exploits at Hogwarts knew he had faced a Horntail and won. That a dragon capable of defeating him was loose in the world was a terrifying thought.

A legion of reporters was all but camping in the Ministry Atrium, all of them clamouring for word on how the hunt was going, were there any new sightings, and did the Minister have a plan? Her secretary, bless her, had done an excellent job keeping them from breaking down her door. She'd resorted to using Patronus and owl messengers regularly to communicate with the Departments, and her secretary had spun the narrative in her favour, stating she was absolutely focused on avenging their saviour.

That was at least partly true. She had been dead set on finding that monster and making it pay for what it had done. But there was more. Since that horrifying revelation, Hermione had been feeling... strange. She felt things she shouldn't be concerned with during a crisis like this. For God's sake, the ICW was all but calling for her head, demanding answers on how this had even happened!

Yet here she sat in her office, feeling guilt. Not over the loss of her friend, but over Obliviating her parents, and sending them away. It made sense at the time. The Death Eaters were hunting her, and anyone close to her would be targeted. Her Muggle parents were a juicy target, so sending them to another country was the rational decision.

But why use Obliviation? Why did she completely remove all the memories they had of her, of even having a daughter? Taking away all the joy they had felt together, seemed unnaturally cruel now that she thought of it. So why had she done it? Why had she been content to cut them out of her life completely?

In fact, the more she thought, the more she wondered why her life had come to this. She was proud of being the first muggleborn Minister for Magic, but that wasn't the problem.

The problem was, she was married toRon of all people! Why? She never felt love or any sort of romantic inclinations towards him. In fact, she was often downright repulsed by him. The man had the table manners of a starving troll, and the personality to match. She hadn't forgotten howhewas the reason she was even in that bathroom in the first place.Hewas the one who started a fight over a broom that wasn't even his, hehad abandoned Harry during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, andHEwas the one who abandoned them during the Horcrux hunt.

Of all the people to marry on God's green Earth, WHY had it been Ronald Weasley!?!

In fact, now she realized who she had wanted to marry first. The boy who had saved her from that troll, and faced a Basilisk alone. The one she held tight while riding a fugitive Hippogriff, who'd faced Voldemort alone in a graveyard. Harry was the boy she loved. It had always been him in her mind. Whenever she dreamt of romantic nights, Harry was the boy she thought of.

She knew she loved him since her third year. Riding Buckbeak, her clinging to Harry while he was seemingly afraid of nothing, had been the last step. She loved him and dreamt that he loved her, and she... she hadn't told him.

Again, why??? Why didn't she admit to him she was in love? Why did she attend the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum? Why had she been jealous of Lavender when she never wanted the ginger git?

So many questions she had no answer for were giving her a migraine. She had to snap out of it! She had to find the dragon and make it pay for taking Harry away from them.

And from her.

But first, she needed answers. The Aurors had been going through the crater that once marked the Yorkshire house with a fine-toothed comb. Anything, no matter how insignificant it seemed, was potential evidence. Progress had been slow, but steady. While nothing definitive had been identified as of yet, that was about to change.

The Aurors had recovered documents in the remains of an enchanted desk. It had been reinforced to withstand incredible amounts of damage, yet the structure had collapsed. Still, some of the enchantments held, with one of the drawers containing said documents. The Department of Mysteries had been reviewing them, and now the Department Head, Silas Bonewraith, was on his way with their findings.

A knock at the door broke her from her thoughts. At her permission, her secretary poked her head in.

"Minister, Department Head Bonewraith is here. He's also brought Headmistress McGonagall with him."

"McGonagall??? Why would she be here?"

"He wouldn't say, but they're ready for you. Also, you received another Howler 5 minutes ago."

"That's the 10th this week! Who sent it THIS time!?"

"Ron. Basically, he's demanding you come home to 'fulfill your wifely duties'."

"Rrrggh. I'll deal with him later. For now, send our guests in."

Nodding in acquiescence, she stepped back, and the hooded Silas stepped in with Minerva close behind.

Hermione smiled at them, Minerva in particular, and gestured for them to sit in front of her.

"Headmistress McGonagall, as happy as I am to see you, even considering the circ*mstances, I do wonder why you are here?"

Before she could respond, the robotic voice of Silas spoke up. "I invited her Minister. Given what we've uncovered her knowledge will be required."

"I'm happy to help, but I must ask, what exactly is it you need me for?"

Rather than answer, he simply conjured scrolls of parchment and unfurled them on the desk. What was written on the scrolls was mind-boggling.

The scrolls contained knowledge required for what appeared to be a powerful and complex ritual. Several inches were dedicated to an impressive runic circle, complete with runes she was both familiar and unfamiliar with. Resisting the urge to bury her nose in the writings and study, she looked to Silas for an explanation and noticed McGonagall had gone pale upon seeing the scrolls.

"As you can see, these scrolls pertain to the completion of a ritual, one that would require months of preparation for even the slightest hint of success. All of these runes are Celtic in origin, likely the work of the Druids, and some are unknown to us. Of the runes we can identify, they're used in a configuration specifically geared towards mind-delving, entering one's mind like a meditative trance. Others are used as a form of stabilizer, and some, we think, are geared towards the amplification of effects, strengthening the power of the runes to fulfill their purpose and reinforcing them against disturbances.

"But that's not all. We found a notebook." Pulling said notebook from nowhere, he began flipping through the pages before finding what he was looking for. "The notebook contains notes, not just on the runic circle, but various formulas for a potion we've never encountered. Given the circ*mstances it seems likely this 'amber potion' as it's called, is the final component of the ritual this runic circle is meant for. The book also mentions the provider of the scrolls.By name."

Minerva simply sighed in resignation and then spoke. "They are mine. I provided these scrolls to Lord Potter 2 years ago."

Hermione fixed the most disapproving scowl she could and spoke in a low voice. "Minerva. What, exactly, did you give Harry?"

She said nothing, seemingly debating with herself on whether or not she should answer until her mind was made up. "2 years ago, Lord Potter visited Hogwarts. He wished to discuss a personal project..."

"What am I doing wrong!?"

The words came out more forcefully than intended, but the point was made. Even as several of the portraits in the Headmistress's office flinched at the tone, Minerva McGonagall gave Harry her full attention as he sat across from her desk.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you, Mr. Potter. I'm a school headmistress, not a miracle worker. That seems more along the lines of your work."

"Don't patronize me, Minerva. You were the transfiguration professor for years, and you're an animagus to boot. Even more, as Headmistress of Hogwarts, you have access to a vast repository of knowledge. If anyone can solve this, YOU can."

Minerva shook her head in exasperation. "What do you want from me, Harry?? You've conducted the meditations?"

"Three times now."

"With powdered mandrake root?"

"The best in Britain."

"And you've never seen the animagus form?"

"NO. The most I see is highland terrain, with something roaring in the background. Then the meditations end almost as soon as they begin. It's like everything else that's happened in my life. Something is holding me back."

Harry was pacing the office now, increasingly agitated at the lack of progress. Minerva, likewise, was beginning to lose her patience.

"Well, the thing holding you back seems to be that attitude of yours. I'd expect that from my students, not a lord of the Wizengamot."

At that, Harry slammed his fist down on one of the small tables lining the office.


A wave of raw magic rolled from Harry, rattling the windows, knocking portraits off the wall, and leaving the normally stoic Headmistress unnerved. With great effort, Harry took deep breaths and forced himself to calm down, reigning in his anger and raw magic.

"I'm sorry, Headmistress." Sitting back down he hung his head low, ashamed of this outburst.

"I didn't realize this was so important to you."

"I've lost every connection to my parents. Sirius, Remus, even Wormtail. All I have left are memories that are too few and pictures that tell me too little. But this one thing, being an animagus, it's a personal, if indirect, connection. If I can't even get this right..."

Sighing in resignation, he stood to leave.

"Wait, Mr. Potter. There may be something I can help with."

At that he perked up, eyes filled with hope for the first time since beginning this project.

Opening a drawer in her desk, she pulled out scrolls of parchment and handed them to Harry. He took them gingerly and began reading the information contained with eagerness.

"These scrolls are a culmination of a personal research project of mine. One I've been working on since beginning as a Transfiguration professor. I haven't had the time to review them since your parents were students, but I'm confident of the results."

"Headmistress, this looks more like Alchemy than Transfiguration."

"I suppose it's a bit of both. What you're reading is my research regarding the animagus rituals of the Old Tribes of Britain. The key difference is the ritual binds the wizard and the animagus together, far more strongly than any ritual known today. But the final piece that I was always missing, was the catalyst. Something called the 'amber potion' was needed for the ritual to work, and I never had the talent for potions.

"I don't know what is blocking you from achieving your animagus form, but done properly this ritual should provide a strong enough link for you to complete the transformation."

"After that, he left my office and I never heard back from him regarding his progress. If I ever tried to bring it up, he'd simply say he was working on it and nothing else. I wasn't sure he was making progress, but if he had these notes on the amber potion, then I can guarantee one thing."

Hermione had been listening intently, and as Minerva spoke everything clicked together.

"He succeeded."

Silas' reaction could not be seen beneath his hood, but even his robotic voice carried a hint of disbelief.

"Are we actually saying that Lord Potter completed an ancient ritual and has turned himself into his animagus, which happens to be a 500-foot dragon???"

"I'm afraid it's worse than that, Mr. Bonewraith."

Minerva again had all attention focused on her.

"The ritual does more than allow you to change your form. The key difference is in the depth of the bond. My animagus form, a cat, is just that. A cat I take the form of. Had I completed the ritual Lord Potter has, I would have more than an additional form. The connection would also grant me traits and abilities akin to a cat. My senses would be heightened, from my sense of smell to hearing and sight. My reflexes would also be enhanced, granting me catlike agility. I would also possess an additional layer of protection in terms of Occlumency."

"Before you go any further, Headmistress," Hermione interrupted her lecture with great reluctance. "why hasn't Harry simply turned back?"

"Because I don't believe Harry is in control. Rather, the dragon has taken control, and Harry has been unable to reassert himself."

"The animagus can take control?"

"With this ritual, it's possible. One of the reasons this ritual has fallen into obscurity is the same reason it's so powerful. The animagus becomes, to a degree, sentient. It possesses its own mind, its own thoughts, its own will. And while these all may line up with the thoughts and desires of the wizard, the animagus can disagree.

"However, for the animagus to assert control over the wizard takes far more than simple disagreement. It takes remarkably powerful emotions to cause such a change. Even worse, as the feelings become more intense it becomes harder for the wizard to regain control. In extreme cases, it can even cause the change to become permanent."

"What could cause this kind of change? Joy, or relief over his success?"

"Unlikely. He would have turned back by now, or at the very least attempted to be found so he could reveal his success. Something else has caused this transformation. I can only assume some sort of intense rage has overtaken him and continues to fuel the dragons' power. But I can't imagine what could cause such intensity."

Unknown to all, 150km northwest of the Hebrides, lay an unplottable island. Once the home of a mighty wizard, its fortress now lay in ruins, forgotten by all, seen only by those immune to such magic. Deep within the gutted remains of a magic fortress, a mental battle for control raged amidst the consumed remains of whales.

I am Harry James Potter. I must regain control.

We are power. We must have our revenge.

I must return home. I must see my childr-

We must find our enemies. We must destroy them.

I can't just-

We know who betrayed us. The false friend. The potions mistress .


Have caused us pain. We are their doom.

I... I will get my answers. And then...

We will have...

Our revenge.

Chapter 3: Ruin


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The entire world held its breath as it followed the movements of the mighty dragon that had appeared in Yorkshire. To the amazement and horror, of those who paid attention, the dragon was a remarkable specimen.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (1)

At 500 feet long, it was already larger than even the Blue Whale without taking the wings into consideration. At 200 feet each, the wingspan combined with the sheer power of its limbs meant each wingbeat was a small hurricane. Combined with the body length, the dragon was the largest, and most powerful creature the world had ever seen. The presence of four legs, each as thick as a rhino, meant it was just as capable on the ground as in the air.

Perhaps the most, or least, shocking aspect was its capacity for hunting in the oceans. Ever since the interview in which a child had stated, with the glee only a child could feel, that the dragon caught, and presumably ate, a whale governments and environmental groups had been watching it intently. Governments for fear it would attack naval assets assuming them to be its prey, and environmentalists are desperate to keep track of whale populations in the face of the world's apex predator.

Contrary to expectations, keeping track of the beast was a complex matter. It was capable of flying at speeds remarkable for something THAT massive, and had a tendency to disappear into cloud formations only to reappear at a completely new altitude. Sometimes it would be low enough that people could make out the scale pattern on its body, and sometimes it would be so high up it bordered on entering the mesosphere, 50km above sea level. Just how it managed this was a fascinating mystery to some and a terrifying implication to others,

Even more worrying, its preference for hunting the biggest sea life available meant it dived beneath the waves at semi-regular intervals. Whenever it surfaced, often hours later and miles away, it carried some form of prey in its claws, searching for land to begin feeding, or in its massive jaws, being swallowed as it soared through the sky.

News crews and self-described "dragon watchers" followed it near obsessively, noting that the dragon seemed, for the moment, content to fly and feed as it willed. Indeed, it seemingly had no clear direction in mind, as it flew north from wherever it was hiding, only to go west, and finally south. It wasn't until it was seen flying over the Sea of Japan that someone decided to take a chance in fighting the beast.

Within Harry's mind, the battle for control raged on. The Dragon possessed an overwhelming need for revenge against those that had wronged them, while Harry held firm to his training as an Auror, and Head of the DMLE. First, they would confront Ron, the false friend, and Molly, the potion's mistress (more like the Howler bitch) about their betrayals. They would be dragged before the Wizengamot, in pieces if need be, tried and sent to Azkaban. After all, he had his memories back.

When he had overpowered the bindings that held the Dragon in check, keeping Harry from tapping into his full power, he overpowered the decades' worth of potions and Obliviations. Now he remembered the times he and Hermione had shared a private moment, only for Dumbledore to appear and Obliviate them of it. He remembered the night he asked Hermione to the Yule Ball, only for the night to be conveniently forgotten courtesy of one bearded bastard.

He wished he could say that was the extent of it. But the memories went on.

Memories of him discovering the true nature of his scar, and the Horcrux within during his fifth year. Memories of him confronting Dumbledore over leaving it in him, only for him to admit his plans for Harry to die facing Voldemort. The Boy-Who-Lived was a sacrificial offering to the altar of Dumbledore's glory. Not content with that, he admitted his onlyrealtask before dying was to impregnate Ginny, so Molly could gain access to the Potter fortune (so large only the son of the Goblin King was allowed to be their Account Manager) and split it with him.

"Now Harry, I've much to do, and your only task going forward is making that Weasley girl a proper Lady." Those words echoed in his mind as he saw Dumbledore produce the Elder Wand.

The old f*cker had died before Harry, but in the end, he won. THEY won. He had gone up against Voldemort with a fraction of his true power available to him, he had died in that forest, and he had married Ginny. Thank God for small miracles that Molly would NEVER get her hands on his gold, but somewhere in his mind he knew she already had. And if the Wizengamot wouldn't punish her, the Goblins certainly would.

But Ron, oh Ron, you have the worst of it coming to you.

Months before Lily was to begin Hogwarts, Hermione and Ron were expecting twin girls. Then a horrible fall in their house robbed the world of those two innocent lives. Only it wasn't the stairs that took them. It was Ron and his jealous temper, matched with his fists, that had taken them from their mother before she ever got the chance to hold them.

That had been too much for Ginny. She came to him and broke down into tears, telling him she had learned the truth, and so much more. She had learned of her mother's schemes years prior, having been kept in the dark since the Chamber of Secrets fiasco, and confronted her over them. Molly had a lifetime of influence over her, and berated her into silence, threatening that Harry would hate her and their children if he ever learned the truth.

Harry's biggest mistake was not summoning every Auror at his disposal. Instead, he went to the Burrow with murder on his mind, only to be ambushed by Ron, who'd been ranting to Molly about Hermione. At some point, he'd been Obliviated but not before Ron got a few kicks in. They'd sent him on his way, and no doubt threatened Ginny into keeping quiet going forward.

They would pay for everything they'd done. Ginny would be spared his wrath, if only because she had tried to do the right thing, only to be manipulated by the bitch that birthed her. Besides, the children would need her going forward. He couldn't imagine the ICW would be pleased with him going forward, considering the Statute of Secrecy bordered on being non-existent.

At the very least he'd kept the Dragon from total control. For now, he kept it away from Britain, soaring through the skies, diving into the deep, all so he could have time to plan their revenge. Starting an investigation should be a simple enough matter, assuming he can return to the DMLE. If he can't, at least he's owed enough favours to get the ball rolling on Molly.

Ron was another matter, but the stupid git lacked the foresight to realize he was being target-

A sudden explosion on his right side knocked him out of his thoughts and sent him tumbling down toward the ocean. It took seconds for him to realize he was in the Sea of Japan flying South, and whatever hit his right had come from the Korean Peninsula. At the moment he had yet to pass the DMZ, meaning the SAM that knocked him out of the sky came from his direct right, not his front. In other words, the North Koreans had launched a SAM hoping to either kill him or drive him away.

It did neither.

It took seconds for him to realize this. It took milliseconds for the Dragon to re-assert itself in a bloodthirsty rage.

If they are so eager to die, I will be happy to oblige them!

Before he could hit the water, he'd recovered and resumed flight, only this time he turned right and made a beeline straight for North Korea. With his powerful sight, he could see the SAM battery that had launched at him, and he could see the hundreds of SAM batteries and anti-air guns aimed straight at him. He could hear the officers shouting orders as the air was lit up by exploding shells, and filled with missiles. It was a fearsome display, meant to overwhelm entire fleets of aircraft. Now it was all turned to the destruction of one monstrous creature, flying at Mach 2 (2,385km/h).

As Harry heard the voice of the Dragon in his mind again, he realized one thing.

I am fire. I am death.

It would never be enough.

Hermione stood outside the office of the Director of Gringotts, King Ragnok the 10th. While she waited for the King to call for her, she could only think back over the events that had played out since learning of Harrys' transformation. Knowing that he was alive, she contacted Rita Skeeter, offering her a deal: Hermione offers her juicy insider knowledge of the Dragon Hunt, and Rita writes the story as she dictates. Her quill was as poisonous as ever, but she remained malleable only thanks to her unwillingness to register her beetle animagus, knowing just how many witches and wizards are waiting for a hint of blood from her.

The stories she'd been offered had indeed been juicy: The-Man-Who-Won was alive! He'd survived the attack and was hunting down the dragon, once again putting himself in great danger to protect Britain and the world. Even better, sightings of a British wizard with a Firebolt had made their way back to Britain.

It was all a lie. Hermione knew it, Bonewraith and McGonagall knew it, and she suspected on some level Rita knew it, though she doubted the vile woman knew the full extent of the lie. She did recognize what Hermione was trying to do; giving people hope that their hero was still out there. Something like that would keep the people from panicking, making it easier for the powers that be to handle the situation.

It was working at least. The people had hope, hope that their saviour would again protect them from the monster loose upon the world. Instead of huddling together, whispering in fear, they went about their lives with at least some confidence that things would indeed be better tomorrow. Sooner or later, the dragon would be slain, and Harry would return home a conquering hero.

On some level, Hermione was disgusted with herself for the charade but was grateful that it was helping. She only prayed that if Rita ever learned the truth, she'd know to keep her quill to herself. Or at the very least spin the story in a way people don't riot in the streets. People were getting ready to flee Britain as Voldemort gained power. How on Earth would they handle the transformation of their hero into a monster?

After her deal with the devil, she'd gone to St. Mungo's to speak with Ginny. As Harry's wife, she was probably the only one who could answer her most burning question: What could cause such intense emotions that Harry would transform into the Dragon?

Before she could, Healer Bones had insisted on providing a medical examination. Hermione had been a recluse for two weeks by now. Before she saw anyone, Susan would make damn certain that she was in good health. It wasn't up for discussion. Hermione had begrudgingly agreed, only so she could get her answers sooner.

When she was finally brought into the private room Ginny was staying she could barely breathe. There on the bed lay Ginny Potter, her sister-in-law. Even with magic at their disposal, the Healers had been hard-pressed to keep her alive, much less stable. When Neville brought her in he underestimated the severity of her injuries.

From the waist down most of her bones were reduced to dust, no doubt by the shockwave and subsequently being thrown back. Her spine had been cracked in three places, almost paralyzing her for life. Her arms fared a little better, being attached to her body solely by the skin. She still needed a neck brace and it was a miracle her skull hadn't been completely shattered.

Add in the organ damage caused by the shockwave and the shrapnel it was a bloody miracle that she was alive, much less talking. But she was, and she'd insisted on speaking with Hermione. Given she had her own questions to ask, this suited her just fine.

She only wished it didn't hurt so much to see her like this.

"Hermione?" Her voice was quiet, loud enough to hear but not enough to strain her.

"It's me, Ginny. Susan's here too. I need to ask you something."

"I have to tell you... while I still can."

"Don't talk like that! You're going to be fine. But Susan tells me you're refusing spells and potions to relieve your pain."

"The pain... It feels right... like there is... justice in the world."

"What are you talking about?"

"What I've done... what I've allowed... there has to be some justice for it."

Shaking her head, Hermione decided to get the conversation back on track for her.

"Ginny, I need to know, do you remember anything?"

"I remember the Inn... saw Neville... Went to the house... needed to see Harry... then the shockwave... and the smoke... so much smoke..."

"Ginny, do you remember seeing a dragon?"

"Vaguely... saw a massive shape... rise from the smoke..."

"Ginny, that shape, it was Harry."

The room went so silent the ladies could hear their own heartbeats.


"The dragon, IS Harry. An animagus ritual went very wrong, or very right, and he transformed into his animagus, a dragon.

"But something went wrong. Something has happened that caused such intense emotions that he can't turn back. Ginny, you're Harry's wife, I need to know if anything happened that could cause this?"

No one spoke, Hermione for want of an answer, Susan and Ginny for fear over what would be said.

Wait,Hermione thought,why does Susan look so concerned? What does she know? I've already sworn her to secrecy on top of standard confidentiality. What could it be?

"It should have been you." When Ginny finally spoke, it wasn't what Hermione was expecting.

"What should have been me?"

"Harry's wife. It should have been you."

"Ginny, what are-"

"Molly potioned you."

Now it was Hermione's turn to go silent with fear. Fear of what came next.

"Say that again."

"My mother potioned you and Harry. You should have married him, not Ron."

Hermione said nothing, not until her eyes took on a murderous glint.

"Tell me everything. NOW."

So she did. She told Hermione how starting in their fifth year they began receiving care packages filled with potioned food. How Molly began strengthening the doses going into their sixth year, determined to keep Harry and Hermione away from each other. She told how she caught her mother brewing the potions while pregnant with Lily. She could still remember their argument.


"Not at all Ginny dear, just Harry and Hermione. Couldn't let the mudblood take Harry from you, now could I?"

"Mud- Who are you?! My mother would NEVER say something that disgusting, and she'd NEVER do something so... so... EVIL!"

"Evil, am I? Then tell me Ginny, what does that make you?"

"I never knew about ANY of this until now!!"

"And yet, here you are arguing with me when you could be notifying Harry. Of course, what is he to think once he learns the truth??"

"He-he'll send you to Azkaban you vile harpy!!!"

"Oh, I'm certain he would. But then, what about you, my daughter? Would he truly believe you to be innocent of this? After all, I've taught you how to cook for your family, and I know how much he loves your treacle tart. Do you really think he'll believe you innocent of wrongdoing? And what about the children?"


"What will he do when he discovers all the children you've given him were born from potions? Would he say 'all's forgiven' and pretend nothing happened? We both know that isn't true."

"He-he'd never-"

"He'd hate you, and your children, renouncing them as his own. Then of course there's Hermione and her children. She'd likely do the same thing, abandoning her children when they'll need her the most. Truly Ginny, how could you endorse something socruel?"

Ginny clutched at her swollen stomach, fearful that her mother might be right.

"Speak none of this to anyone Ginny, and your children will grow up happy and healthy, loved by a father they love back."

"I kept quiet for years, even knowing I should tell you the truth."

"What changed?"

"Your twins."

At that, Ginny nodded to Susan, who cast a spell meant to undo Obliviation.

The memories came flooding back, but one, in particular, horrified her, leaving her on the ground in the fetal position.

Ron had been mediocre at everything that wasn't eating, and that included being an Auror. He got by solely on his friendship with Harry Potter, who advanced through the ranks far quicker than Ron ever could. That night, in particular, Harry had been promoted to Head of the DMLE, and Ron's jealousy went into overdrive. Ranting about how Harry was a 'good for nothing half-blood that got by on his fame' he'd been incensed when Hermione dared to tell him to stop putting down his friend.

Accusing her of cheating, he'd begun striking at her, even demanding to know if Harry was the father of her twins. Nothing she said could calm him, and the more he hit her the angrier he got before he began kicking her.

By the night's end, she'd been beaten several shades of black and blue, clutching at a stomach that had taken several savage kicks. She begged Ron to get her a healer, but instead, he took her to Molly where she had helped mend her wounds, but couldn't, orwouldn't,save the girls.

She remembered breaking down that night, being held prisoner in one of the bedrooms of the Burrow while Molly prepared a potion to alter her memory, given that Ron couldn't do a damn thing right himself. She remembered hearing Ginny's voice, her screams of horror, and her leaving the house in a rush. Then she heard Harry, roaring with rage, demanding answers from Molly, threatening her, only to be ambushed by his so-called 'friend'.

'Gryffindor my left tit. He should've been in Slytherin' was all she could think.

By the time she'd recovered, her eyes were a horrifying shade of red, tears fell from her face like a waterfall, and her voice had become hoarse from her agonizing cries. She looked at Ginny and Susan and saw they were in a similar state, sharing her horror and pain from these revelations. When her voice was hers again, she spoke.

"You know I'm going to kill your brother and mother for this?"

Ginny only nodded, resigned to what happened next.

"Now, why were you going to the Yorkshire house?"

"To undo the Obliviation... I finally learned how to do it."

"Even thinking that Harry would hate you for what Molly did?"

Ginny could only nod.

At that, everything clicked for Hermione. Somehow the ritual had overpowered the Obliviation, restoring to Harry his true memories, and the shock of the betrayal must have forced the transformation.

Maybe with that in mind, she could find a way to bring him back, to find the man buried within the monster.

She then returned to her office, with a plan in mind for saving the Man-Who-Won, only for her secretary to tell her 'Turn on the telly'

So she did and beheld a horrifying sight.

Harry wasn't in control, but that didn't mean he was unaware of what was happening around him. The Dragon had been incensed at being attacked and turned the fullness of its wrath upon the hermit kingdom of North Korea.

The coastline had been the first to be incinerated. The anti-air defences stationed there might have been impressive once, but against the Dragon, they were little better than sticks and stones. Now they were melted heaps of slag. The men stationed there had been reduced to ash, amidst their horrifying screams.

Armour divisions stationed further in the country had been mobilized to counter the 'monster unleashed by counter-revolutionary forces' or whatever dragon sh*t their propaganda mills churned out. Fitting then that the armoured vehicles were reduced to little more than scrap as the Dragon tore through the vehicles with its godlike strength. Every strike from its claws sent more tanks flying, every step shook the ground and shattered the resolve of the men scurrying about like ants.

As he got closer and closer to Pyongyang, more and more of the country was mobilized. Children were ordered into the factories, while men and women were given rifles, useless versus the armoured scales of the Dragon, and told to fight for the 'glorious revolution and the Eternal President'. When Pyongyang was finally in sight, it had been mobilized to fight an invading army.

Instead, it faced something far worse.

Descending from the skies like the god of thunder, the Dragon unleashed its fire upon the city, incinerating entire city blocks, and leaving no survivors. Those closest to the fires ran screaming in pain, as their mere proximity caused third-degree burns. Nothing was spared its wrath as it made pass after pass, incinerating the entire city, before crushing the ku*msusan Palace of the Sun beneath its massive frame.

For untold thousands of people, the last thing they ever saw, before being burned alive, was the roaring figure of the Dragon, raising its head to the heavens and spreading its wings in a terrifying display of dominance, reminding all who saw it, that mankind was no longer at the top of the food chain.

The scenario played out across the country, with army units and the airforce attacking the Dragon with everything they had, only to be consumed by its fire as it retaliated. As it moved closer to the northern border, the Chinese began mobilizing their armed forces anticipating conflict and determined to bring everything to the table.

By now the death toll was staggering. Millions had died, and millions more were missing as the Dragon tore its way through the small country. Those left prayed desperately for a miracle.

It was then a miracle happened. It simply turned and left, flying away at Mach 2.

Hermione knew this was no coincidence, and it was hardly a miracle. Harry was coming home, to bring his wrath down upon, if not Britain then at least the Weasleys. She needed to act NOW. While Harry might still have a chance at being saved.

At long last the doors to Director Ragnok's office opened, and she was brought before the Director of Gringotts and King of the Goblins. The Goblin himself sat at an impressive stone desk, wearing an iron-plated hauberk, and a great sword strapped to his back. Gesturing for her to sit, she wasted no time.

"Forgive me Director Ragnok, but I must make this quick. I understand that Gringotts uses lifecrystals to detect when an account holder has passed away, correct?"

"Yes, it's one of our more efficient systems set in place."

"Then could one of these crystals be used to track down a wizard, even one hidden by Fidelius?"

Ragnok narrowed his eyes.

"Why do you wish to know this witch?"

"Director Ragnok, if you can, then I need your help. I need you to assist me in tracking down Harry Potter."

"Isn't he chasing after the Fire Drake? Find that, you'll find him easy enough."

"Director, the truth of the matter is far more complicated, something I'm not sure I would be willing to reveal just yet. But you are correct, if we find the Dragon, we find Harry. But the Unspeakables believe its nest is set up in an area protected by a Fidelius Charm, or is somehow made Unplottable by other means."

"And you expect that Lord Potter is somehow going to lead you to the Dragons lair?"

"Director, I cannot stress this enough: If you can help, I you to do thisnow. There may not be much time left."

Sensing that was all he was going to get out of her for now, Ragnok sighed in disbelief. "It won't be cheap you know."

"Price is no object. I just need it fast."

"Very well. We'll have what you need by tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Director." At that, she stood and left.

Upon returning to her office she conjured a bed for the night and sent a Patronus messenger to Headmistress McGonagall. The plan was good to go.

I just hope this works.


OK, this was originally going to be one chapter called Ruin & Redemption, but it got a little longer than I liked, so I decided to split it in two. Redemption should be coming out soon, once I've made the necessary tweaks. Thank you to everyone who's been reading so far, and I hope to keep you entertained!

Chapter 4: Redemption


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ron was in a foul mood. Then again, he'd been in a foul mood for two weeks straight now. Ever since that damned dragon showed up, everything had gone tit* up.

First, there was Harry disappearing. Oh, the Prophet talked a big game about how he was hunting the monster to protect his beloved home, but Ron knew the truth. The truth was he was hiding, too scared to face the dragon like a man.

Sure, he could go and kill it, it was just a hunk of flaming muscle powered by a brain the size of a walnut.But he had more important things to worry about. Like getting the promotion he was long overdue. He should have been made Head of the DMLE, not Potter. The git got by solely on his fame, the fame he didn't want or deserve! Still, now that he was gone, or at least hiding, getting the job he was owed was well within his purview. After all, his wife was the Minister for Magic, despite her recent behaviour.

That, of course, had been another issue for him. With Hermione unavailable he'd been the one expected to care for the children and worry about the housework. He'd lost count of the number of Howlers he'd sent, trying to get the mudblood back to do her duties as his wife.

Ron smirked at that. She washis. Not Harry's, his.Those potions had done their job well, and he'd been enjoying bedding her for the past years, denying the git what he had wanted. But that lost its fun real fast, and he'd been more than happy to have a few mistresses on the side for when things got stale. Or when she got too mouthy for his liking. Thanks to those potions the normally clever bookworm was as clueless as Harry had been.

It was too bad Dumbledore had died before the rest of the plan could be carried out. If it had gone the way it was supposed to, half of the Potter fortune would be in Molly's hands, and he had dreamed of the mountains of gold their main vault held. Now though, it was all out of reach. While Harry had made Ginny a mum, he'd also claimed the Potter Lordship and the unimaginable wealth of his family. That gold should have been theirs, not Harry's. Or at the very least it should have been Ron's. He could be living like a king, complete with his own harem, and not even make a dent in that pile.

Well, Ginny was in St. Mungo's, badly injured and would probably be bedridden for a long time. If she couldn't carry out her duties as Lady Potter, then Mum could act as Regent for the kids. If that happened, then the Weasleys would have ALL the gold of the Potter family.

Being bedridden certainly seemed an appropriate fate for Ginny. Betraying her family by ratting them out to that git Potter. It was a good thing he was an idiot, or he might have brought backup. Instead, he got a stunner in the back, and a few good kicks to the gut, for his trouble. He'd have gladly faced him in a proper duel, he was a pureblood after all, but he couldn't risk Mum getting hurt, or the damnable half-blood fleeing at the first chance.

Ginny though, definitely should have been punished. He could easily deal with her, maybe forced some bindings on her core. He was an Auror after all, it was within his rights to do so. But Mum disagreed. She only warned her that if sheever went against the family again, it wouldn't be her that pays the price, whatever that meant. Not like anyone else could afford the amount of gold they'd extort from her. Mum shouldn't have gone so easy on her, but she knew best after all, so he'd let it go. But that didn't stop him from toasting the Dragon for putting the spoiled bitch in the hospital.

Speaking of toast, that food Mum was cooking smelled good. Her cooking always put him in a good mood, making it easier for him to put up with Hermione and the kids. Dad was working late, and the kids were visiting their relatives. That French tart could take care of the brats. He never understood why Bill went ahead and married the creature. Sure, she looks good enough and Veela definitely had their uses in the bed, but that was all they were good for. But lifting her up to be his wife!? That didn't make any sense!

'Wait, what's that sound?'He listened closer.'Sounds like the wind. Maybe a storm is brewing. Should probably- ohh food's ready!'

Just as Molly put a big plate of dinner on the table, something big landed outside. Something big and heavy enough to shake the whole house.What the bloody hell was that???

Standing up to go see what had interrupted his meal, he couldn't believe his eyes when the upper floors of the Burrow were torn away. Amidst Molly's screams of terror, he noticed something. Standing in front of the ruins of their house was the Dragon!

sh*t, the Floo's gone. No chance of getting away. Wait, what am I thinking!?!? If I kill it, they'll all be cheering MY name, not that git! Now's my chance to show Britain how it's done!

Whipping out his wand, he cast the strongest Stupefy he could at the Dragon, only to miss it entirely. He tried again, this time hitting it square on the nose. Nothing. He tried a third time, hitting its mouth. Again, nothing.

Switching tactics, he cast Conjunctivitis Curse and hit the face but not the eye. This time, the Dragon made a weird noise, only for him to realize'It's LAUGHING at ME!?' He cast the Curse again and again, growing steadily more frustrated as nothing happened to it, even when he hit the eye. Now no one could deny, the Dragon wasLAUGHING at him. HIM!!

"Pathetic as always Ron. Frankly, it astounds me you were ever considered of use to anyone."

It was TALKING??? A dragon that could TALK??? That's unbelie- wait a minute...

"Did you just call me PATHETIC!?!?"

"What else would I call you, other than the treacherous worm in the shadow of your betters?"


"Your blood matters little once spilled, and your rank as an auror is only because you're a parasite, leeching glory and recognition from those beyond your mediocre abilities."


At that, he cast the most potent curse he could think of.


The Killing Curse flew straight at the Dragon and struck it with a sickly green glow and then... nothing. The Killing Curse did NOTHING!? Before he could fully process this information, he heard the Dragon LAUGHING at him.

"Too stupid to use anything but the Killing Curse, and too weak to use it properly."

Furious, Ron cast the Curse again, and again, and again.


"Because, Weasel, our power has ALWAYS been beyond the feeble grasp. Now, it's time to end your meaningless existence."

The Dragon lunged at Ron, faster than he ever believed possible. Before he could Apparate away, he was pulled off the ground as the mouth closed around him, crushing his legs between the teeth. Before he could begin casting again, his wand slipped from his hand and he watched it be crushed by the jaws of the monster. He tried to claw his way to safety, only for that massive tongue to throw him back down the throat. He screamed in agony as the steaming hot throat crushed him, breaking every bone in his body as he desperately tried to worm his way back up the throat.

It was all for nothing as he fell further and further, until finally landing in some kind of massive pool. Those were his last thoughts as he felt the water begin to boil, and he screamed in agony and fear as his flesh melted from his very bones.

Outside the Dragons stomach, Molly was having a very bad day. Her house had been torn to shreds and her youngest son was facing off with a DRAGON. Listening to the monster taunting her boy, she considered her options. She couldn't find her wand, so Apparition was off the table, and the Floo was buried under rubble. That left her only option running for her life, but there was no way she could move faster than that thing could reach.

Maybe Ron can distract it...

That thought ended as she watched it swallow her son whole. The display shocked her to her core, rooting her to her spot as abject terror gripped her heart in its cold grasp.

"Well, that was satisfying. Now, as for you, Molly."

" you know who I am????"

"Much to my disdain, yes. I know you for a treacherous cow of a woman."

"How... how dare you speak to me like that!!!"

Cackling with cruelty, the Dragon grinned, showing massive sharp teeth, stained with blood.

"Like mother like son, it would seem. How fitting."


"In life he was sh*t. Now, he'll be dragon sh*t. Much like you and your potion schemes."


At the mention of her son-in-law, the Dragons eyes took on a cruel glint, as a sad*stic grin spread across its face.

"Your son-in-law? Tell me, who exactly is he, that you would use to threaten ME?"


"Oh Molly, you have NO idea, how wrong you are."

Molly waited with bated breath for him to continue.


At these words, Molly went pale as a ghost.

"And vengeance will be MINE."

At that, it roared in furious hatred, and a wall of fire burst from its mouth. It enveloped her and the last thing she noticed was the horrifying smell of her own flesh being cooked as her bones turned to char. Had she eyes to see, she might have noticed the look of exaltation on the Dragon as she screamed in agony.

The Dragons return to Britain had the nation into a tizzy. While only the two Weasleys at the Burrow were the victims, it still sent off a mass panic. For Hermione, it seemed poetic justice that those two had died at the hand of the one they betrayed. But the party could wait. For now, she had to act fast. Fortunately, the Dragon had again disappeared, returning to its hidden lair, which is exactly what she wanted.

The fewer witnesses around, the better.

Pocketing a rope Portkey, she Flooed to Hogwarts, and found herself in the Headmistress's office, with Minerva and Filius Flitwick waiting for her.

"Just him Minerva?"

"Indeed, he's been brought up to speed, and is ready to assist us."

"I admit, I'm as worried as I am excited. Entire armies have faced Harry and failed. Now it falls to us to bring him back. Are you certain we can do it, Mrs. Weasley?"

"Miss Granger, please. I intend to get my name back as soon as possible. And I know we can."

Nodding, they grabbed hold of the Portkey and felt themselves be pulled out of Hogwarts, and arriving at a small shack by the sea. Out stepped a man carrying three brooms, and handed each of them one. Nodding to Hermione, he went back inside, waiting for them to leave. Hearing their questions before they said anything, she turned to them.

"This is a DMLE safehouse in the Hebrides. Harry set them up to resupply anyone from the Ministry in need of assistance. I had the brooms brought in yesterday."

Taking off the two professors followed close, impressed by how Hermione was completely unaware of her fear of heights, and instead focused on the crystal she had hanging around her neck.

"Miss Granger, what exactly is that?"

"This, Headmistress, is a Gringotts life crystal, or at least a modified duplicate. The Goblins use these to keep track of when an account holder dies, and they have to notify their heir. This one has been modified with a Tracking Charm, causing it to glow brightly as it gets closer to the chosen target."

After that, no one spoke, all three of them focused on the task. The Dragon had again disappeared, which likely meant Harry had gone back to its lair, one that seemed to be hidden by magical means, otherwise they would have found it by now.

The hours seemed to tick by, with Filius and Minerva sharing the occasional worried glance, while Hermione devoted all attention to the crystal. Slowly but steadily, it was glowing brighter and brighter as they got further out from the Hebrides, and deeper into a seemingly empty ocean. Not a sound could be heard between them, with only the crashing of waves breaking the silence.

After three hours of flight, they noticed a violent storm on the horizon. Clouds as black as the void, lit by flashes of lightning as the sea churned violently, caught in the grip of a monstrous maelstrom, everything about it embodied the storms that haunted the nightmares of sailors.

Minerva and Filius prepared to change course, expecting to go around the storm before it shifted. Nothing surprised them more than Hermione speeding up, charging straight into the storm. Despite their apprehension, they followed her. The trio was forced to adjust regularly as the powerful winds attempted to push them off course. More than once Minerva feared she would be thrown from her broom entirely, cast into the merciless maelstrom.

Then, almost as quickly as it began, it was over.

The skies became clear. The wind died down. Even the violent ocean settled into a calm that was unnerving, had the trio been attentive to the ocean current. Instead, they saw what they were looking for, an island situated on elevated cliffs.

"This is it," Hermione spoke in hushed tones. "Harry's here."

Flying closer, at a much slower pace, they approached the island, flying over the cliffs that marked the boundary between land and sea. Then they beheld the island in all its glory.

It was massive, covered in thick boreal forests. As they flew overhead, they noted large gaps in the trees, where the forest broke into grasslands, with small freshwater lakes linked by rivers flowing through the forest. The island itself was populated by various species of wild boar, bear, elk, and even aurochs. Nothing about this island felt natural, as even the pines radiated fear, of a primeval sort from an age long before mankind dominated the world.

As they flew further inland, guided by the light of the crystal, they saw trees knocked over by massive chunks of stone. It wasn't long before they found the source, for at the highest point on the island they beheld the gutted remains of a once mighty fortress. Only the vague outline of an outer wall indicated there had ever been anything of note there.

Setting down outside the wall, Hermione turned to her cohorts. "Alright, here's what we'll do: I'll head in first, while you two will follow. One of you will hold the Portkey, while the other will summon me ONLY at the last possible moment if things go wrong."

McGonagall was appalled. "Miss Granger, do you mean to say you'll face the Dragon ALONE?"

"No Headmistress, I'm going to bring Harry back. I know he's still in there, and we've been through too much for him to be lost. I know I can find him, and maybe my presence will help him regain control. Now, who'll hold onto the Portkey?"

Before anyone could answer, a deep rumbling could be felt as the very ground shook. Birds in the forest took flight, and the trio went cold with fear as they realized the source of the rumbling was the remains of the fortress.

Their fears proved true, as in a near instant they beheld the full majesty of the Dragon, stepping on the ruined wall like it was an anthill. Minerva and Filius went pale as ghosts, for this was the first time either had seen Harry in his new form, only reading descriptions and the occasional photograph. Neither did any sort of justice, as it dawned on them the sheer unbridled power that young Harry Potter had locked away inside him all this time.

And now, they beheld the physical form of that power, and they shook with fear and awe.

Hermione, for her part, despite feeling the cold grip of terror on her heart, especially as the deafening roar of the monster reverberated within her soul, knew she should not falter. She COULD not falter. Looking into the eyes of the Dragon, she could see the anger, the hatred, and the pain. All these had combined to unleash a monster buried deep within Harry.

But just as she knew this monster had been locked inside Harry, she knew that Harry was still in there. Somewhere beneath the anger and pain, fueled by betrayal, he was still there. She felt it inside her heart. And now was the moment of truth.



WAIT!!! There are only 3 of them. They might be here for other reasons.



Wait, that voice...

Could it be...


"It's me Harry..."

She's HERE!?!? How did she find this place!?!?

It matters not. We must keep her here.


We must keep her safe. At all costs.

She's our FRIEND, not our PRISONER!

She will be safe with us.

"Harry, I know you're in there."

She knows it's me. How could she know???

It makes no difference. If she knows it's us, she knows she'll be safe.

What about her children???

The spawn of the traitor.

They are innocent. As are our children.

Then we bring them here. We hunt, we protect, and we keep them safe.

"Harry, you need to regain control."

She's' right. The Weasleys that betrayed us are gone.


Then we will face them, on our terms.


But we aren't what our families need. We aren't what SHE needs.

She needs us...

as a man...

not a monster.

"I know you can do it."

In all their lives, Minerva and Filius doubted they had ever been more terrified. They had faced off against Death Eaters and dark creatures during the Battle of Hogwarts, but now that seemed like child's play compared to this. Harry Potter, transformed into the largest and most powerful creature the world had ever seen, a transformation fueled by some deep-seated anger, was staring down at them after wiping out an entire country.

Though neither was as familiar with Muggle affairs as Hermione was, they were made to understand that entire cities had been reduced to ash in the blink of an eye. The body count was still being determined but it was known to be measured in the millions. And now Hermione was trying to pacify it with simple words.

If anyone could do it though, they figured it was her. They both remembered seeing them at Hogwarts, and both believed Hermione would be the next Lady Potter. Things hadn't worked out that way, but if her insistence on being referred to as Miss Granger was any indication, something had happened there they weren't privy to.

But that mattered little, as with every second Hermione took a step closer, and the Dragon stepped back, as if afraid of her. They heard the Dragon speak, something both thought an impossibility. They saw a massive creature turn from furious to passive in moments, as Hermione gently eased Harry back into control of his mind.

And to their astonishment, it seemed to work. The Dragon had begun to shrink, going from a truly titanic 500 feet to half in minutes. Slowly but surely it continued to shrink, smaller and smaller. Soon it was maybe 100 feet. Then it became 50. Now it looked like an oversized rhino. Until, finally, it gave way to a human form.

There. in front of the trio was Harry Potter, completely naked and on all fours, taking deep breaths as his body shook. In an instant, Hermione had rushed forward and enveloped him in one of her famous hugs. A hug he reciprocated, as both seemed fearful of letting the other go as if to do so would be to forsake them.

"You found me."

Hermione pulled back slightly, tears of joy and relief falling from her eyes. "It was easy," she said, inclining her chin to the crystal draped around her neck, now glowing bright like a star.

"No it wasn't," he replied, his face defined by an unreadable stoicism.

Hermione could only hug him harder as the tears fell faster. And the two witnesses to this event made silent prayers to every god they could think of, for they knew one thing: this was only the beginning.


Harry's back. Now things get interesting.

Chapter 5: The Second Ritual


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After two weeks of fear and panic, the wizards of Britain rejoiced. Harry Potter, the Man-Who-Won, had come home. The Dragon had been slain on an island hidden by an endless tempest, and would never again threaten the world.

Within the halls of the Ministry, flanked by Minister for Magic Hermione Granger (no longer Weasley as she insisted), he gave a brief but frightening overview of the Dragon and its sheer unstoppable power. A monster whose tail struck like a thousand thunderbolts, whose wings carried the power of hurricanes, and whose breath meant death. Those present held onto every word, every detail as presented by their hero, backed up by the Minister, eager to recreate the story for their loyal readers and listeners.

Of course, some reporters asked questions like HOW he had done it, and what kind of spells did he use. To which Harry would regularly reply that the spells came straight from the Potter Family Grimoire. That wasn't the most satisfying of answers, but those who had studied the History of Wizarding Britain other than the Goblin Rebellions knew better than to press. They had read stories of the powerful wizards and witches the Potter family had produced, in direct defiance of old pure-blood prejudices.

For a select few, it was an obvious, but carefully constructed lie. One meant to assuage fears and kindle hopes, in such a manner that no one would feel inclined to investigate further. Those few were Harry Potter himself, along with Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Silas Bonewraith, and Rita Skeeter. Astoundingly, Rita herself had been disturbingly quiet during the initial announcements. Everything she had written had been unusually flattering to Hermione, and Harry in particular.

For Hermione, this was an uncomfortable situation. She knew Rita would come calling, with questions regarding Harry's victory over the monster that reduced an entire country to ash. The ICW and governments across the world would have similar questions. As far as the Muggle government go, she'd pulled some strings with the Prime Minister: the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force would execute some maneuvers northwest of Scotland, offering plausible claims to the dragon's demise. Any remains had been quickly torn apart by a legion of hungry sharks, and what was leftover was swept away in the ocean currents.

That had been enough for the Muggles, though the ICW would be another matter. They were satisfied, mostly, by her claims regarding the dragon's death. They were more interested in what she intended to do regarding the near-total collapse of the Statute of Secrecy. The ICW was something of a lumbering beast, but threats to the Statute got it moving into high gear. And a massive rampaging dragon reducing a country to ash, even if it was North Korea, definitely constituted a threat.

Right now her best bet with them was to convince them to let this one slide as an "Accepted Anomaly". They'd done it before, primarily with stories of haunted houses and other abandoned buildings that found their way onto the internet. The scientific community was already buzzing with theories on the evolutionary origins of the dragon. Maybe point them in one direction or the other to convince them of the non-magical nature of such a creature.

If she ever managed to pull that off, it'd be the biggest miracle since the crucifixion.

Thank God Silas had already proffered a solution to the potential demand for memories. Creating altered memories was difficult, and they could be detected. But Silas was certain he could create a doctored memory authentic enough to pass inspections. One that provided the grand epic the people were expecting.

For Minerva and Filius, it had been a harrowing experience. They had seen one of their former students transformed into a monster by years of anger and pain, fueled by betrayals. Harry and Hermione had been silent as to what had caused the transformation, but within a week after, they were confident they had the pieces. Something had happened to the 'Golden Trio', something Ron had done, likely at the behest of his mother.

When the two professors remembered Molly was a Potions Mistress, it all added up. Molly had potioned Hermione, and possibly Harry too. Somehow the ritual Harry completed unlocked memories of the potions, and Hermione had uncovered it herself in the intervening weeks.

It was no wonder both of them had little to say regarding the deaths of Molly and Ron. In fact, Harry had barely said a word since coming back. Oh, he'd answered questions when asked. He'd given the required interviews, though people noted his answers were short, and to the point. His wife was still in the hospital, and would apparently be there for another month before being released. No one had been allowed to sit in on their talk, though the healers did note that Ginny seemed... relieved in the aftermath.

His children were another matter. They were thrilled to have their father back, and now he was an even bigger hero than before. James and Albus were rather proud of their dad, the mighty dragon slayer, though Lily would always give him an extra-long hug, sensing that not all was right with their heroic father.

Then, of course, there were the Weasleys. Charlie had sent over a dozen letters thanking him for avenging Ron and Molly, though his letters did always pester him with questions about what facing the dragon was like. Bill and George all but adopted him as their newest brother, while Fleur and Angelina doted on him in similar ways. Gabrielle had travelled from France to help with Harry and Hermione's children. Even Percy treated him with a measure of respect, and even reverence, that he had never expected.

Arthur himself was devastated by the destruction of a home that held so many memories, but that loss paled in comparison to the loss of his wife and youngest son. He put on a brave face, but it was clear he was hurting. And as much as Harry had come to despise Molly and Ron, he couldn't help but feel guilty for Arthur. For as long as he had known him, Arthur had always been a decent man. He practically embodied the magical version of Merrie England, content with his life, and grateful for the joy his family brought him.

And so much of it had been torn away. It wasn't his fault though. He was collateral damage. Molly and Ron bore the brunt of guilt, and they had received their comeuppance.

And then, there was Dumbledore. Just thinking of the man he once looked up to like a grandfather and mentor set his blood boiling as the Dragon roared in rage, demanding release. Every pain he had suffered, every misery he endured, every strike against him could all be traced to one man: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. And worst of all, the man was DEAD. He was dead, and his legacy had been all but secured. True, Rita Skeeter's writings had put cracks in the facade he had built, but that wasn't enough.

It would NEVER be ENOUGH.

Because of this, and the need to keep the monster inside him in check, he'd been withdrawn. He'd returned to work, but his Aurors noticed he wasn't himself anymore. He was still as determined as ever to catch criminals and went at it with gusto, but something had changed. He was quieter, barely offering a word to anyone, while his temper seemingly spiked out of nowhere. Then he'd pull himself in and avoid people for the rest of the day.

They all assumed it was some manner of trauma from his hunt for the Dragon. Those who saw the images of a country in flames could hardly blame him. More than a few nightmares were had because of the news reports. And they had been 'safe' at home, while Harry was in the thick of it. It had taken some doing, but they'd convinced him to see a Mind Healer, to try and mitigate some of the worst outbursts.

It worked, at least a little. He could talk freely of his memories of reducing North Korea to ash, while carefully omitting that HE was the one responsible. To the healer, he had simply borne witness to the horrific aftermath and felt guilt over not being able to help. The screams still echoed in his mind, alongside the roar of the Dragon. With time and patience, the screams quieted, but the roaring never did.

And it would never leave him.


Within his mind, he screamed in mind-numbing agony. The screams had died down, but they hadn't left him. And neither had the guilt.

What troubles you Harry?

YOU TROUBLE ME! I undertook the ritual in order to build a connection with those I've lost. Instead, I unleash a monster upon the world, and condemn MILLIONS of innocents to the fire!

They attacked us. We responded appropriately.

And incinerating entire CITIES!?!?

An appropriate response. They had mobilized the entire populace for the sole purpose of being sent into a meat grinder. If anyone should bear guilt for their needless deaths, it is their leaders, not you.

And what of the Weasleys?

Do you feel GUILT for those TRAITORS?!

For Ron and Molly, no. Ron was an insufferable git, and I should have dropped him like a bad habit. And Molly was a cruel and manipulative bitch that used her own children for her greedy ends.

Then what troubles you about them???

It's the fact that people are THANKING me for AVENGING them!!! I'm not the one that avenged them, I got my revenge by KILLING THEM!!!

Why not tell them the truth?

Oh, that'll go over well. Tell them that the mother and brother they've been mourning were actually vile traitors, and the man they think is a hero is responsible for their deaths.

I see no downside to this.

You must be joking.

NO. If they are true friends, then they will come around. It will hurt, but if they are sincere, they will recognize we did the right thing.

What about Ron's children with Hermione?


Mistakes?? THAT'S all you have to say about them???

They should never have been born. Had it not been for Molly and Dumbledore, Hermione would be your wife, and she would have been safe. She never would have lost twins to that jealous animal.

And there's another problem!


DUMBLEDORE!!! He set all of this in motion, he sicced Molly on us, he's the reason I took back Ron when I should have thrown him to Aragog. And HE wanted me dead so HE could kill Voldemort! All in his insane ambition to be remembered as the greatest wizard of all time!!!

Yes, he died too soon, and too quickly. He should have suffered. He should have died by OUR hands.

And that's just it! HE'S DEAD! He's forever outside of our reach!!! Even if we lived as long as he did, we'd NEVER be able to reveal the full scope of his betrayal, let alone convince the world that admires him of the truth of the matter!!!


What? WHAT???

I think I have an idea .

An idea for what?

A means of undoing the damage done by the bearded betrayer. But it will take preparations. We need to prepare the ritual by Halloween.

October is a week away. We'd have to move fast, otherwise, we need to wait another year.

Have no fear. For this ritual, time is on our side.

So began the preparations. The list of ingredients was as long as Harry's arm and included an astounding variety of items: Bones of a dragon, ground into sand. Merpeople scales, soaked in Runespoor venom with the heart of a Kelpie. Blood of a Chimaera. The list just went on. To anyone else, the insane list of ingredients meant this ritual was an impossible task.

Yet for Harry, this was all within his reach. He needed to spend gold and plenty of it. Thousands of Galleons were sunk into each individual ingredient, with thousands more being spent on ensuring silence regarding his preparations. The Dragon had offered little in the way of explanation regarding this new endeavour. All that was guaranteed was the chance to set things right.

With Halloween only days away, Harry underwent his final check regarding the ingredients.

It looks like that's everything.

Check the dragon bone one more time.

Fine, but I'm telling you it's been prepared exactly as you described.

I know you listen, but you are not yet used to the strength you now possess.

I've been meaning to ask you about that. I noticed my strength has gone up quite a bit. I've already crushed a few doorknobs by accident, not to mention how careful I have to be when hugging my children. Is this a side effect of the ritual?

More like a benefit. You've begun to acquire the gifts of a Great Caledonian Fire Drake. Your strength will become that of legends, your senses shall become heightened, and magic shall be no more a threat to you than a thornbush.

I'm immune to magic cast upon me?

Not yet, and not quite. Your body shall become highly resistant to the effects of magic cast with intent to harm. The Killing Curse will hurt, but it will require multiple casts at once to actually kill. The Cruciatus Curse will barely tickle you, while other curses, jinxes, and hexes will seemingly bounce off you.

So I'm basically indestructible now?

Don't get carried away. In your full, draconic glory, all that I described is amplified a thousand-fold. Your human form possesses a shadow of that power.

Is there a means of gaining that power without making a complete transformation?

You wish to sample the power, but not imbibe fully?

More like I want to utilize this new ability to its fullest, without risking another breach of the Statute.

Perhaps. With practice, we may be able to achieve some manner of form, one that allows you more of your full power without requiring a full transformation. But until then, focus on the ritual. We need to be ready for the witching hour.

October 30th was soon upon them. It was now time for one final item they had yet to collect. This item could only be found at Hogwarts. Which is why he found himself being escorted through the grounds by one Minerva McGonagall.

"I'm glad to see you doing well, Lord Potter."

"Thank you, Headmistress, but you didn't have to escort me. I know my way around well enough."

"I know that Harry. I just wanted a chance to talk with you."

That got him to pause. She had never called him Harry, always Mr. Potter as a student, or Lord Potter as an adult.

"That's the first time you've ever called me by my name."

"I apologize if I've offended you, Lord Potter."

"Not at all. It's just... unexpected."

"That may be why I wished to speak with you." She stopped walking and turned to face him. "Harry, are you alright? You've barely spoken with anyone since coming back."

Of course. She fears us, she fears our power, she fears what we can do. Perhaps we should provide a demonstration.

NO. Let me handle this.

"I appreciate the concern Minerva, but I'm doing fine."

"Harry, just know that people are here for you. You don't have to deal with... him, alone."


"I provided the research to you, Lord Potter. Did you think I'd forgotten all the details surrounding it?"

"I can handle this, McGonagall. I don't need my hand held."

"No, but you might benefit from hearing voices other than his."

How does she know I speak to you?

"How did you know I can hear him?"

"I didn't, I only assumed. It appears my assumption was correct. You can hear him."

"Yes. I can hear him talking to me. But I can talk back to him. I'm still in control of myself, and I can keep him in line."

"Is it that bad? I've pieced together why Hermione is again Miss Granger. Shall I assume he has more to say?"

"You're not far off. He definitely has other things to say. But I've learned what motivates him, and how to use that to keep him under control."

I am not a mindless creature. I can think, and speak, for myself.

I know, but for now, let's keep the thinking between us, and leave the talking to me.


They continued in silence until Harry had a question for his new partner.

Do you have a name?

Excuse me?

A name? Do you have one of your own, or must I always speak of you as 'the Dragon' or 'him'?

I have no name that I know of. If your parents ever had one for me, they never passed it on. And it's doubtful Dumbledore ever thought of me as anything more than a monster that threatened his plans.

Well, we can't let that go on. How about... Goliath?

The Philistine giant that fought David? I like it. It carries the weight of history and signifies power and respect.


"Beg your pardon?"

"That's his name. Goliath. Makes it easier to deal with him when I can put a name to him, other than simply Dragon."

"Well, I hope for all our sakes, Goliath can keep his temper in check."

It was then that they arrived at their intended destination: the White Tomb. Located on the shores of the Black Lake, it was the final resting place of Dumbledore, and the only grave at Hogwarts. One last monument to Dumbledore's pride.

"Well, here we are Lord Potter. What exactly did you need with Dumbledore's tomb?"

"It's not the tomb I need. It's what's inside that matters."

With that, Harry strode up to the tomb with quick, powerful strides. Standing next to the tomb, he simply pulled his arm back, and brought it down in a frighteningly powerful punch, piercing straight through the marble cover, and quickly found what he was looking for. Withdrawing his hand, Minerva was shocked to see him holding the Elder Wand in his hand.

"M-Mr Potter! What-What are you doing!?"

"All my life, Minerva, only one man had the means to place bindings on me, bindings that kept me from my animagus. And Molly wasn't clever, or brave enough to potion me or Hermione. Not without help. Who do you think could have done that?"

"Harry... what are you saying?"

"It matters not what I say. What matters is what I'm doing. I'm setting right the mistakes made because one man couldn't stop toying with the hands of fate. All this means nothing in the end."

With that, Harry Apparated from Hogwarts with a crack of lightning.



The way you handled McGonagall after reclaiming the Elder Wand.

I wasn't aware you would be offering commentary.

Joke as you wish. By implicating Dumbledore, and the manner in which you did it, you've bought us time. She will wait before contacting others and will seek answers from the portrait in her office first.

Wouldn't he just lie to her?

He can't. He might try to twist the meaning of the truth, but if she commands him, as Headmistress, to speak truthfully, he will have no choice but to obey.

And what happens when he answers her?

She will seek counsel from Flitwick, and then they will contact Hermione. After, she will search for us to get answers, but it will be too late. We will have completed the ritual, and all of this shall mean nothing.

And exactly is this ritual intended to do? You've brought me to Stonehenge but told me nothing of the ritual or its effects.

You will see soon enough. Have you brought the Felix Felicis?

Yes, shall I drink it now?

Do it. The witching hour is nearly upon us, and your nerves must be calmed.

Grumbling at Goliath's attitude, he downed the potion and got into position. Across Stonehenge, his work sat waiting to play its part. Runic circles drawn in blood, fallen stones marked by scales, and bone sand used to bind it all together. It was an impressive piece of work, and as the Liquid Luck did its job, Harry knew this would all turn out well. Once the witching hour struck, he pointed the Elder Wand at the sky, and the ritual began.

"Pater temporum, Filius creationis, te invoco! Fati magister, Fortuitae maritus, te provoco! Fortunae domina, fati sponsa, precor!"

As the runes glowed with an ethereal grey, the bone-sand levitated and began to swirl around Stonehenge.

"Opera tua violata sunt! Confutata est voluntas tua! Ludi vestri polluti sunt! Intercessio peto!"

Faster and faster the sand whirled, enveloping Stonehenge in a storm of sand. Until, at the last moment of the witching hour, Harry slashed the Wand downwards, and in an instant, everything went white.

When Harry was next aware of his location, he found himself face to face with three towering figures.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (2) The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (3) The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (4)

"It has been many years since a mortal has called upon us." The first spoke with a voice that carried the wisdom of the ages.

"It takes great courage to attempt our summoning." The second voice held an immutable authority that brook no dissent.

"But we have answered your summons, and await your plea." The final voice was feminine and carried an undercurrent of both kindness and cruelty.

"Who-who ARE you???" It was all Harry could think of at that instant.

"We have carried many names across the breadth of creation. Though you may know us as Father Time,"

"The Master of Fate,"

"And the Mistress of Fortune."

Harry, this is a delicate situation. You must get to the point of why we did the ritual. They already the truth behind our intent, but they will test us to see if we lie to them. DO NOT LIE.

As if I need any reminders of THAT.

"Father Time, Master of Fate, and Mistress of Fortune. I seek to undo the damage caused by one known to us as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

At that name, the three godly beings seemed to stiffen.

"He has tampered with the flow of time to suit his own ends."

"He sought to bind fate to his will."

"He has robbed others of the gifts I have bestowed."

"I wish to be sent to an earlier time, that I might stop him and Voldemort before the damage they did begins."

They seemed to become sombre at this request.

"To send you too far back would irrevocably disrupt the flow of time."

"The further you go, the more fates you tamper with."

"Yet there is no malice in his desire."

"His intentions are noble."

"His will remains true."

"His heart remains pure."

The three nodded at each other.

"We will send you back to your Hogwarts days."

"You need only think of the time you wish to arrive, and it will be so."

"We may speak more before then."

This is it, Harry! We're about to return to Hogwarts! But we need a specific time. Too early and we threaten the timeline. Too late, and the damage is already done.

How about in our fourth year? That damned tournament is when everything went downhill.

Good idea. We can destroy the Horcruxes during the tournament, and destroy Voldemort when they resurrect him.

"I know when I wish to return."

"Then we shall send you there. You will keep your knowledge, memories, and power of this time."

"The horcrux in your scar shall be removed."

"You will have the full power of Goliath at your command."

"But there will be no do-overs. What will be, will be."

"You must activate your soul bond."

"You won't like where we send you."

At that, everything went white again, and Harry felt the sensation of falling. Until, he found himself on a bed, in a room, staring up at the ceiling. Sitting up straight, he began looking over his body. His hands were smaller, his arms thinner. He was back in the body of a fourteen-year-old boy! It had worked! Harry felt so relieved, so overjoyed he could dance! That is until-


Of course, they'd send us back to the Dursleys.


And here we are! Back in the past, and stuck with the Dursleys again. Fortune's a real bitch.

Chapter 6: Return to 1994

Chapter Text

After completing a complicated ritual, Harry had done the impossible. He had been sent back decades in time, to the summer of 1994. Sirius had yet to return to Britain. The Quidditch World Cup Finals hadn't been held, along with the Death Eater riot that followed. And the Weasleys potions scheme had yet to be set in motion. The opportunities this afforded him were boundless, he could set plans in motion to save his friends and countless others. He could-


Of course, they'd send us back to the Dursleys.

I'd almost forgotten we didn't come back after the Finals.

All thanks to Arthur not knowing about the electric fireplace.

True, but the look on Vernon's face was priceless. Should we go to him?

No. The walrus only has two means of forcing you to do his bidding: physical violence, and being thrown out. Well, the blubber ball is no longer capable of intimidating us, and leaving is hardly a threat. It'd be more akin to a reward.

Still, Dumbledore made certain to intervene whenever they blustered about kicking us out. Best not to give him a reason to meddle if we can help it.

Fine. But if he raises so much as a finger in our direction...

you'll tear it off. I know.

Reluctantly, Harry dressed himself in clothes that were too big for him and stepped out of the prison cell he called a bedroom, and into the house he despised. Fortune hadn't been joking when she said they wouldn't like their destination.

Heading downstairs, he noticed a pile of mail at the door.

Of course. Couldn't be bothered to gather the mail himself.

No doubt the walrus is too busy fawning over that pig in a wig.

Gathering up the mail, he noticed the date on today's post: July 31st.

Happy Birthday, Harry.

Not everybody gets to have their birthday twice.

Noticing the empty living room, Harry made his way to the kitchen, where sure enough the walrus and his pig could be found. Breakfast had been served, and Harry remembered this was the year Dudley, and by extension the entire household, were put on a diet.

Good Lord, I forgot how fat Dudley could get.

I take back what I said. The walrus is fawning over that deformed baby Killer Whale.

Just as before, whatever food had been prepared was all dished out. The meaning was abundantly clear, as it was every year. They weren't forcing him to cook for them, at least not on his birthday, but they felt no obligation to do more than that. Giving Dudley extra was one more way for them to remind him what he was missing out on.

"BOY!!! WHERE'S THAT- Oh. There it is." The bellowing elephant seal went from a roar to a sneer in his typical manner, upon seeing Harry with the mail. "You overslept I'm afraid, so there's none left for you."

Like bloody hell will you be eating any of that garbage! It's your birthday, Harry, and you need a proper meal.

Even if they left any 'food' for me, it would barely pass as table scraps for the dog.

Not like Petunia ever put in the effort where you were concerned.

True. For now, I need to get us out of here.

Dropping the mail on the table, Harry kept his face unreadable. "That's fine. I've matters to take care of, so no time for breakfast."

Taken aback by Harry's reaction, or lack thereof, Vernon eyed him suspiciously.

"And what could a freak like YOU have to do that's so important?" Dudley had decided to speak up, the lack of his favourite foods meant he needed another means of entertainment. Tormenting Harry was his favourite activity after eating.

"Nothing that concerns you." With that Harry simply turned and left, watched by a pair of piggy eyes with suspicion and contempt.

Strange. I fully expected to get a reaction from them.

You mean you wanted Vernon to give you a reason to maim him.

I don't need a reason to torment THAT excessive waste of flesh. But it's strange he never attempted to ruin your day further. He's never been shy about his delight in your suffering. Especially when he hopes to use that damned belt of his.

Much as they despise me, and I'm certain they know the feeling's mutual, that would likely mean further interactions with me. I gave them a valid excuse not to deal with me at all today. They expect me to be busy, so they can ignore me, and their neglect can be disguised as a mere misunderstanding.

I doubt it'll last. The bloated idiot can't stand the idea of you being happy, and his son knows he won't be punished by them no matter what he does.

Fair point. So what do we do now?

Head to your room first. We need to know what we have available to us.

Making his way to his room, Harry opened the door to find a small pile of gifts on his bed. But most importantly, he saw Hedwig perched on the window sill. Once Harry's misty eyes settled on her, she flew over and perched on his should, affectionately nibbling his ear.

I'd forgotten how beautiful she is.

I'd forgotten how intelligent she is.

What do you mean?

She knows you've changed Harry. She knows you're not the same as you were yesterday. But she still recognizes you as Harry Potter, her friend and master.

That's good. She's been a wonderful friend and companion all her life. Losing her... was harder than I ever imagined.

I know. Even trapped within that cage, I could feel the pain you felt after losing her.

A few moments passed in silence, as Hedwig comforted Harry with her presence, letting him know of her affection. Harry, likewise, promised himself he'd protect her better. No Killing Curse would strike her this time.

I hate to interrupt this moment, but you do have gifts to open. And some mail.

I remember. The mail contains my shopping list for this year. As far as the gifts go, I think the best part was all the candy sent.

Because the Dursleys continued to starve you?

Because I had a stash of sweets Dudley couldn't touch.

Heh. Still, best not to get distracted. We still need to know what we have. Deal with the candy as you wish, then check to see how much money you have.

Setting Hedwig on her perch, Harry gathered up his gifts and hid them, knowing that Dudley would gorge himself on sweets if he could the chance. After finding his money pouch, Harry was content to find a few galleons and sickles, and his Gringotts Key.

Wait, I thought you left this with Molly Weasley?

I did, but I got it back at the start of summer. Thought I might need it to help Sirius.

When did you give it back?

During the World Cup Finals. She offered to do the book shopping and I never asked for it back.

A foolish mistake. She almost certainly used it for herself. This time, she'll get nothing from you.

Well, as far as money goes, we should be fine for now. What should we do first?

We need people that we can trust, people Dumbledore doesn't have easy access to. Who do we know that fits that description?

For now, Remus and Sirius. I'm not entirely sure where Remus is, but I know Sirius fled the country with Buckbeak. I can send a letter to them both, but we'd need somewhere for Sirius to hide.

Very well. We also have the goblins to consider.

The goblins!? After what Griphook tried to do!?

Yes, because he was acting alone. Once learning of the horcrux in Gringotts, he should have informed King Ragnok. The goblins despise horcruxes and they would have rewarded you for bringing it to their attention.

Then why demand the Sword of Gryffindor as payment for helping us?

I don't know, but it's clear he wasn't acting under the rules of Gringotts. I'd wager Dumbledore is connected to this somehow.

Then who among the goblins can we trust?

King Ragnok the 10th, and his son, the Potter Account Manager, Keeper Ragnok the 11th. You never met either of them before the break-in, did you?

No, those meetings came after the fact. Definitely don't want to do THAT again.

Then we meet with the Keeper first and inform him of the horcrux in the Lestrange Vault. That alone should get us a meeting with the King.

And then we inform him of our Dumbledore problem?

Yes. We should also inform him of the future.

Won't that just make him angry with us? We did break in after all.

But you haven't yet. Even if he could punish you for 'future crimes' you already settled the matter. He has nothing to use against you. But more importantly, he'll want answers from Griphook.

Alright. That just leaves the question of how we get to Gringotts. Do we summon the Knight Bus?

Are you a masoch*st? No, call for Dobby, but first, get some parchment. You've got a letter to write.

Grabbing a spare piece of parchment, Harry wrote a letter as directed by Goliath.

Keeper Ragnok the 11th

I apologize in advance that this is the first time you've heard from me. But I have only recently learned I even HAD an Account Manager. Nor have I received any letters or stationary from Gringotts before or after my 11th birthday.

I regret to inform you, Keeper, that I have reason to believe there is a traitor at Gringotts. I must speak with you and your father, the venerable King Ragnok the 10th, about this traitor's presence, and the threat he poses both to the Goblin nation, and the Potter Family.

For reasons that shall be made clear, I cannot risk walking directly into Gringotts and asking to speak with you. I have reason to believe the traitor is on the lookout for my appearance, and will potentially alert an outside presence of our meeting. If you know of a way to circumvent this possibility, please inform me at the earliest possible convenience.

I realize that my requests are certainly presumptuous of me, so I wish to offer some information as a token of my good intentions: there is a Horcrux in Gringotts. Specifically, Hufflepuff's Cup, located in the Lestrange Vault. This defilement of an artifact of a Hogwarts Founder was carried out by none other than Lord Voldemort.

I look forward to our meeting.

Harry James Potter

With that taken care of, now Harry called out "Dobby!"

A moment later, the hyperactive elf popped into existence, standing at the foot of Harry's bed. "Harry Potter calls for Dobby?"

Harry smiled at that. He never forgot how friendly Dobby was, and made it a point to always visit his grave at least once a year. After one of these visits, Harry had asked Kreacher if he wanted to be free like Dobby was. Kreacher had replied that Dobby was never a free elf. From the moment he tricked Lucius into giving Dobby that sock, a bond had formed between them. Harry had become Dobby's new master without ever intending it.

When Harry asked why Dobby never mentioned this, Kreacher replied simply 'Believing Dobby was free made Master Harry happy. Dobby would do anything to make Harry happy.'

"It's good to see you again my friend. Dobby, I know that you're not a free elf. I know that a bond was formed the moment Malfoy gave you that sock, but you said you were a free elf because it made me happy."

Dobby suddenly looked distraught. "Dobby is sorry to have lied to Harry Potter. Dobby will punish himself!"

"No Dobby, no! I'm not upset with you Dobby, and you will never punish yourself. In fact, I want to ask if you'd like to officially become my house elf."

Dobby went from distraught to overjoyed in record time. Practically bouncing with joy, Dobby replied "Dobby be happy to be Harry Potter's elf!"

Chuckling at his enthusiasm, Harry smiled as he gave his first orders. "And Harry Potter is happy to have Dobby as his elf. First, I need you to take me to the Leaky Cauldron. After, I want you to take this letter to Keeper Ragnok the 11th at Gringotts. Let him know I'll be having breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron."

"Dobby be happy to do this sir!" At that, the hyperactive elf brought them to the Leaky Cauldron and then took the letter to its intended recipient.

Well done Harry. That should get the ball rolling in our favour.

Let's hope so. Like Father Time said 'What will be, will be.'

We're still in a better position now than last time. For now, let's get some proper food in you.

While Harry enjoyed a large breakfast, Keeper Ragnok was having an unusual start to his day. Since Harry, Heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, had turned 11 he had been growing steadily more frustrated by the boy's lack of appearance.

The first time Harry had been to Gringotts, he had eagerly awaited his first meeting, only to be left furiously wondering why he hadn't shown. This had begun a pattern. Every year since he had expected some manner of explanation, only to be snubbed at every turn. Any letters sent demanding an explanation would be left unanswered, and he had no knowledge of his residence. If he did, he'd show up there, likely with a pair of guards, to demand an explanation.

And now, here in his office, a hyperactive house elf had appeared, offering a letter from the 'Great Harry Potter'. Ragnok had sneered at this, growing steadily angrier with the 'Boy-Who-Lived' only to be stunned by the contents of said letter. An owl-mail redirect, a traitor, and a horcrux! All in Gringotts, and all revealed in a single letter!

'That explains the lack of response on his part' Ragnok thought.'He has no idea he's even supposed to meet with me.' Well, getting him into Gringotts would be a simple matter, now that Harry had a house elf, though the meeting with his father might be another matter.'But if he's right about the horcrux, I should be able to get him in.' Summoning the Head of Security, he was ordered to take a team of curse-breakers to the Lestrange Vault and find the horcrux Harry claimed to be there. If it was, he was to bring the Lestrange Account Manager to King Ragnok for judgment.

While he awaited confirmation of his orders, he reviewed the letter and pondered the implications of it.

'An owl-mail redirect. Who could have ordered that in place?'It was a rather disturbing question, far more so than one would normally imagine. Gringotts, and the goblins in particular, took a rather dim view of those that shirked their responsibilities, and Harry certainly had them. As the last member of House Potter, Harry was the Heir to a legacy that stretched back centuries. For centuries now, the Potter Family had the largest fortune in all of wizarding Britain, possibly the entire wizarding world.

Within their vault, the Potter Family had more resources at their disposal than most countries. Ragnok remembered quite distinctly the literal mountains of galleons they possessed. Then, of course, there was the jewelry. Dozens of chests containing precious stones, along with boxes for rings, bracelets, necklaces, and more.

And that was just the monetary side of things. The vault also contained war robes, suits of armour, swords, spears, and even a handful of enchanted flintlocks and cannons. The Potters could arm and equip a small magical army alone. But the most valuable thing the Vaults contained was the Potter Family Grimoire, placed in there for safekeeping along with the rest of the Potter Library since James and Lily went into hiding. Some of those books were considered myths by Wizardkind.

'Whoever placed that redirect wants to keep Harry away from those resources, and is willing to risk us seizing the vault to do it.' Not many witches or wizards fit into that category. Oh, there must be dozens, even hundreds of wizards that would gladly deny Harry his birthright, but they would much prefer if it all went to themselves, rather than risk the goblins getting it all.

'I wonder if the traitor is part of this.' It was an idle thought, but a distinct possibility. Whoever the traitor is they had access to the Vaults, and were likely, as Harry suggested, keeping watch in case he decided to make a withdrawal. The traitor would be in contact with an outside influence, and in the worst-case scenario, would potentially grab items, likely the Grimoire and other books, for their partner.

That just left the biggest problem revealed in the letter.'A horcrux in the Lestrange Vault.' It made sense at least. While Voldemort had never had a Gringotts vault, most of his followers did, and it was highly likely that he had been given access to them. The horcrux also meant that he was still alive, in some form or another, since his defeat in 1981. This also raised one question: were there more?'If there are, I wonder if Harry knows their location.'

That also raised another question: how exactly did Harry know about the horcrux in the first place, let alone the vault it was in?

As he was pondering, the curse-breakers had been led into the Lestrange Vault, where they had indeed found the horcrux. While that was being taken care of, Gringotts security arrested the Lestrange Account Manager, bringing him to the King to face judgment. When the Head of Security notified Ragnok, he called for Dobby and asked him to inform Harry that he was being summoned to meet with the Goblin King. This meant that he could be brought directly to Keeper Ragnok's office, and preferably soon. Dobby promised Keeper Ragnok that it would be done, and disappeared.

"This is going to be interesting." That was all Keeper Ragnok said before he went to meet with his father.

Feel better Harry, now that you've got some proper food in you?

That was a fantastic breakfast. Tom's even better than I remembered.

You flattered him by coming to the Cauldron for your birthday. He decided to put in the extra effort. Now, are you ready for your meeting?

As ready as I can be I suppose. We're really going through with this?

Yes. We need access to your vault, and we can't afford to tiptoe around Gringotts. This is the best way for us to get that. Now, steel your nerves, and summon Dobby.

"Dobby!" The elf appeared. "Take me to Keeper Ragnok."

One moment they were at the entrance to Diagon Alley, the next they were in an office, dominated by a large, ornately carved desk, with a goblin seated behind it.

"Mr. Potter. At long last we meet. Before we do anything else, take a seat."

Following his instructions, Harry sat in one of the chairs before the desk and held his breath. He recognized this was indeed Keeper Ragnok, the Potter Account Manager. What kept him nervous was his memories of the Keeper. Ragnok the 11th was known for being as blunt and hard-hitting as a Warhammer, yet could be as sharp and subtle as a dagger through the ribs.

"Mr. Potter, in all my time serving as Account Manager for the House of Potter, I never expected to receive a letter such as this one. You claim to have had an owl-mail redirect placed upon you, and that there is a traitor in Gringotts. Yet, you also knew of the presence of a horcrux in Gringotts, and the very vault it was located in. That has raised some serious questions regarding the security of Gringotts.

"Yet it also tells me you know more than you were willing to let on. I suspect you not only know who the traitor is, you know who they're working for. And my father agrees with me. It is for that reason alone that you have earned the right to an audience with the King of Goblins. I expect that you will reveal everything in this meeting, Mr. Potter."

At that Harry simply nodded, which seemed to satisfy the Keeper. Following him out of the office, they were met by a small group of goblins in plated chainmail. Each goblin was carrying a fearsome battle-axe or a vicious halberd. These goblins, the Royal Guard, escorted them to the office of Director King Ragnok the 10th.

"When you meet with the King, you will address him as Director Ragnok,and don't even THINK of grabbing your wand." Keeper Ragnok spoke with iron in his voice, ensuring Harry knew the expectations for him.

Fortunately, he had done this before.

Led into the office, Harry once again saw the stern visage of King Ragnok the 10th, though this time instead of a look of abject fury, he had a look of curiosity. Whatever this young wizard had to say, he wanted to hear it.

Bowing low, Keeper Ragnok handled introductions. "Director Ragnok the 10th, King of the Goblin Nation, I present Harry James Potter, Heir of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter."

Time to make an impression. Remember what I told you.

Bowing as low as he could, Harry spoke firmly, but respectfully. "Hail Director Ragnok, King of the Goblin Nation. May your enemies fall, and your gold overflow."

Every goblin in the room, bar the Keeper and Director, was stunned by this display. Wizardkind had a reputation for arrogance, especially amongst the goblins. So few of them treated other magical beings as worthy of respect, let alone as equals. And here was this young wizard, meeting with their King, and he spoke with the respect only a goblin would even think to show. The silence was broken by one of the guards dropping their halberd in shock.

While the Keeper shot a look of venom at the clumsy guard, the Director looked rather impressed. "And may your gold overflow, and your enemies fall, Heir Potter. It is quite rare to hear such respect from a wizard, let alone one too young to claim their Lordship. I understand we have you to thank for alerting us of the presence of the horcrux in Gringotts."

"Indeed, Director. It was I who alerted Keeper Ragnok of its presence."

"Most impressive. Few wizards know of the existence of horcruxes, let alone our stance on such vile magics. As payment for this service, we have not only removed the soul from the object, the Hufflepuff cup, we have placed it in your vault as a reward. But that is not the only reason you asked to speak with us, is it?"

"No Director, it is not. As I'm certain Keeper has informed you, I have reason to believe a traitor is working in Gringotts. This traitor, when approached concerning the horcrux, demanded payment in return for his 'assistance'. This idea of assistance would have meant breaking into the vault to steal the horcrux. When that failed, the traitor would have abandoned us to Gringotts security, selling us out as thieves while he made off scot-free.

"This traitor is the goblin known as Griphook. I know that he is a traitor because the scenario I described has already happened. Or rather, it would have happened if life continued on its prior course."

Director Ragnok leaned forward, an unreadable expression on his face. "Heir Potter, what exactly do you mean by 'has happened' and 'would happen?'"

"Physically, I am the Harry of 1994. Mentally, however, I am the Harry of the 2020s. Decades from now I will perform a ritual that will send my mind back in time, to this very day, in order to prevent the irrevocable harm done to Britain, magical and muggle, by Tom Marvolo Riddle, aka Voldemort."

Director Ragnok went wide-eyed at that and sat back in stunned silence. Before he could muster a response, his son decided to step in. "Director, if I may be so bold, perhaps we should review Heir Potter's memories. It would undoubtedly be more efficient than having him repeat his story verbally."

The Director could only nod, curious to see the story as Harry remembered it.

For nearly three hours the memories of Harry Potter were viewed by both Director and Keeper. Everything from Harry's first arrival at Gringotts to the Gringotts break-in, the Horcrux Hunt, all the way up to Harry's transformation into his animagus, and the ritual that sent him back in time.

Throughout it all, Director Ragnok kept a stoic face, rarely doing more than raising his eye at certain events and asking the occasional question. Keeper, on the other hand, made his stance on said events quite clear. The betrayal of Dumbledore and the Weasleys, along with Griphooks treachery, left him furious, uttering a rather colourful string of Gobbledegook curses. The break-in was a shock, though he seemed impressed that Harry had actually managed to pull it off. But it was the final two rituals he performed that left him stunned.

"Time-travel, and a Dragon Animagus!? Heir Potter, there is far more to you than even I believed possible."

"Thank you, Keeper. I confess I was uncertain what to expect from this meeting given how things occurred in the original timeline."

"For that you have my apologies. I should have known someone was interfering. Hagrid should have been informed you were supposed to speak with me on your first visit. That you weren't in possession of your key should have been an obvious sign. Instead, I ignored the obvious and took my anger out on you. That will not happen again."

Director Ragnok chose that moment to enter the conversation. "I should hope not, son. Now, Heir Potter, what exactly were you hoping to gain from this meeting?"

"Your assistance going forward. As is now clear, Dumbledore and Molly Weasley are actively plotting against me. Molly is after the Potter fortune, while Dumbledore seeks to use me as a sacrifice for his own glory. I'll wager he's also after, if not the fortune, the Potter Library, and any other artifacts he might find a use for. This cannot be allowed to stand!

"As far as Griphook is concerned, I'm convinced he is in league with Dumbledore. What he seeks to gain from this partnership is beyond me, but I have no doubts the Sword of Gryffindor is part of the deal, likely the payment he expected."

The Director nodded in agreement. "I concur. That he had the nerve to demand the Sword as payment suggests he had his own plans for its use."

"I thought the goblins considered the Sword 'stolen' as Godric was not the maker of the sword."

"Ragnuk did make the Sword, and thus was its true owner. But then sending his subjects to steal it, and claiming to be the victim? He disgraced himself through his actions and forsook all claim to the Sword. Why do you think his crypt is in Godric's Hollow?"

"I wasn't aware that was his resting place. If that's the case, then what use is the Sword to Griphook?"

"For those that believe in the myth regarding its 'theft,' the Sword is a powerful symbol. Just having it would lend legitimacy and respect among our kind. He would be known as the goblin who righted a centuries-long wrong, revered as a hero by those that hold disdain for wizardkind. There is no telling what he could do with that kind of influence."

Giving a command in Gobbledegook, a pair of guards left the office. "He'll be arrested, and interrogated within the hour. Care to watch?"

"Thank you, but no. Now that I know I can count on you when it comes to Dumbledore, I need to send some letters. May I return to Keeper Ragnok's office?"

"Certainly. Keeper, escort him there and assist in whatever way you can. I'll see to Griphook, personally if need be. May your enemies fall, and your gold overflow."

"And may your gold overflow, and your enemies fall, Director."

Upon returning to Keeper Ragnoks office, both goblin and wizard were stunned to see a snowy owl perched on the desk. The sight of it brought a chuckle to Harry.

"Keeper Ragnok, meet Hedwig. Any owl communication on my part will be handled by her."

"Smart bird, Heir Potter. She not only knew where my office was, she knew you'd be here after meeting with my father. Now, before we do anything else, give me your wand."

Surprised, Harry did so and watched curiously as Ragnok waved his hands over it.

"A gift from Director Ragnok: the Trace has been removed. Now you can cast spells freely without the Ministry interfering."

Smiling, Harry sat down and proceeded to stroke Hedwig when he realized something.

"It occurs to me, Keeper, that I neglected to ask Director Ragnok if he could assist in the matter of my godfather's innocence."

"Yes, it occurred to me that might be brought up sooner or later. As far as Sirius is concerned, Heir Potter, Gringotts is under no obligation to turn him into the Aurors. Gringotts belongs to the goblin nation and thus is considered sovereign territory. Even for a 'notorious mass murderer,' the Aurors would have no right to arrest him even if he was standing right in front of them. Any infractions against Gringotts or her clients would be handled by us, on our terms, not the Wizengamot."

"Perfect. As far as I'm aware, Sirius is outside of Britain, maybe even Europe altogether, with a fugitive hippogriff named Buckbeak. Can Gringotts provide a portkey that would bring them both here?"

"Easily, though I'm a little surprised you'd want to bring the hippogriff along. That will definitely be harder to keep quiet."

"I've got a plan for that. For now, here's what I'd like to happen. I'm going to send two letters, one to Remus Lupin, and the other to Sirius Black. Remus can use the Floo Network to travel here, while I want to include a portkey to Gringotts for Sirius and Buckbeak. While we're waiting on that, I'll be scouting a potential safe house for Sirius and Buckbeak. If I'm right, I'd like to have a portkey for it made. Afterwards, we can check if we need to establish a secure Floo connection. Is there anything you'd like to add?"

Leaning back in his chair, Ragnok stroked his chin, until an idea came to him. Reaching into a drawer in his desk, he pulled out a pair of handheld mirrors.

"Just this: take one of these mirrors with you, and send the second to Sirius. All you need is to press your finger against the jewel at the bottom. Then simply say 'Keeper Ragnok' and you'll be able to instantly communicate with me. This way we know when to expect Sirius, and you can tell me when you've found your safe house."

Grinning like a loon, Harry gratefully accepted the mirrors. While Ragnok left to secure the portkeys, Harry summoned Dobby, and after being provided writing material, wrote two letters to some old friends.

Dear Moony,

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm sorry about how your tenure at Hogwarts ended and wish I had done more to prevent it. You were the best Defence teacher we've ever had.

I know I have no right to do so, but I need to ask for your help. I've learned of a conspiracy against me, one that has been in the works since the night my parents died. Perhaps even longer. I cannot tell you more, as what I've learned must be heard straight from the source to be believed. I can hardly believe it myself.

You should know that I'll be inviting Padfoot to this meeting as well. I know, I know, it's dangerous for him, and likely for me, if he comes back to Britain. But that is the severity of this situation. As it stands, you two are the only wizards I trust with this. But I have a plan to not only get him here safely, but somewhere the two of you can stay, regardless of your little 'furry problem.'

Once you get this letter, please travel to Gringotts and ask for Keeper Ragnok. He'll be expecting you.


That's Remus taken care of.

I really hope he decides to come.

He will Harry. After everything that's happened, he won't stand idly by while you face an unknown enemy. Not if there's anything he can do to help.

That's actually comforting Goliath. Now, time to get serious.

That was a terrible pun.

Dear Padfoot,

I hope you and our feathered friend are doing well. I don't know where you are, but I trust that the two of you are somewhere safe.

First off, I'd like to apologize. I'm sorry that I couldn't get your name cleared, and I'm sorry that Wormtail was able to escape. If I ever see him again, I'll make certain to bring back proof, one way or the other.

Second, there is a reason I'm writing this letter beyond wanting to get in touch with you. I've learned of a conspiracy against me, one that has been in the works for years now, possibly since the attack on my family, or even longer. Right now, you and Moony are the only wizards I trust with this knowledge.

Because I don't know where you are, or how long it would take to get you here, along with your new friend, Hedwig has also brought a Gringotts portkey and a mirror. Simply press the jewel and say Keeper Ragnok. The mirror will allow you to communicate with the goblin in question. The portkey will transport you directly into his office, along with our friend.

By the time you get this, I hope to have established a safe house, one where not only you two can relax, but hopefully Moony will be able to make full use of it as well. Once everyone is gathered together, I'll relay everything I've learned, and hopefully, we can make a plan from there.

See you soon,


By the time Harry was finishing the second letter, Ragnok had returned carrying a small box. "Here is the portkey, Heir Potter. The code is included within, along with the communication mirror. Once I hear from Sirius, I'll notify you and we can bring him here."

Thanking the Keeper, Harry took the package and gave it to Hedwig, along with both letters, and she took off. Disappearing through means unknown to Harry, he stood from his chair.

"Thank you for everything Keeper Ragnok. May your enemies fall, and your gold overflow."

"Farewell for now Heir Potter. May your gold overflow, and your enemies fall."

With that, Harry simply disappeared from the office.

Shaking his head, Ragnok began laughing to himself.

"This is going to be fun."

Chapter 7: The Isle of Wrath


Bit of a lore dump here, but I thought it necessary to get it all out of the way.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After finishing his meeting with Ragnok, Harry Apparated out of Gringotts, intent on finding a place only he knew about. Testing the limits of his abilities, Harry found he could Apparate quite comfortably from Diagon Alley all the way to the north of the British Isles. Specifically, Harry was now standing by the sea, in the Hebrides.

Why are we here? And what are you up to? We could have just used one of the Potter properties as a safe house.

True, but as far as Dumbledore is aware I have no knowledge of the Potter properties. What's more, I don't want to chance him keeping an eye on said properties and revealing our hand too early.

Fair enough, but then why are we here? There's nothing close by for us to use, and no people that would be of use to us.

Which means it's perfect for us to transform. But first-


"Great Harry Potter calls?"

"Dobby, I am going to attempt to transform into my animagus. When that happens, I need you to Disillusion me so nobody notices. But first I need to ask: can I summon you from anywhere?"

"So long as no elf-wards interfere, Great Harry Potter can always call Dobby!"

Grinning at the excited elf, Harry turned to face the sea.

Well, no time like the present.

Just take deep breaths, and focus. You don't need the full size, but that just means it'll take more concentration.

I can affect the size of my form?

It's difficult, but yes. Concentrate not just on the form itself, but the scale. How big do you really want it to be?

Breathing deeply, Harry closed his eyes and focused on his animagus. The 500-foot-long Great Caledonian Fire Drake, the most powerful dragon the world has ever seen. He could see it take shape in his mind. Now, he had to focus. He pictured the dragon at a fraction of its size. Slowly but surely, he defined the scale of the dragon, and when satisfied, he felt his body change.

It was different from the last time. His first transformation had been quick, but he felt a fire spreading throughout his body as the transformation took root. This was slower and more methodical. He was distinctly aware of his body lengthening, of a tail sprouting from him, of his teeth sharpening in a head that grew larger. His arms and legs changed length, and became thicker, with stronger bones as his hands and feet grew into claws. His skin tingled as he felt the armoured scales sprout from his body, and his back arched as the wings burst forth, ready to spread and take flight.

Within moments the change was complete, and Dobby was practically jumping in excitement. Seeing Great Harry Potter transform was incredible, and his form matched his greatness, or so he was saying.

"Thank you, Dobby. Now, you know what to do."

Harry's talking animagus nearly made Dobby faint, but he followed his instructions and then disappeared. Harry then turned and looked out to sea.

Excellent work Harry. 25 feet long is still sizeable, but far more manageable than 500.

My thoughts exactly. Now, it's time to see what I can do in this form.

Without hesitating, Harry bounded towards the sea and lept into the air, spreading his wings. He felt the muscles move reflexively, as though by instinct, and he truly took flight, soaring into the sky.

This new feeling of freedom was remarkable. He remembered his time as the dragon when he was no longer in control. It was nothing like this. Then his mind could only focus on the wrongs done to him, the betrayals he had suffered. Now, with all that in the back of his mind, he felt unbound by the weight of the world. He soared into the sky, dancing among the clouds, and dove downwards to the sea. He flew just above the waves, and felt the spray of the sea on his face, tasting the salt in the water.

It truly felt beyond his wildest dreams, which made it all the more infuriating that Dumbledore had kept this from him. Within his mind, Harry could feel Goliath stirring, eager for release.

We will destroy that bearded bastard for this, for EVERYTHING he's done.

We shall, but we will not give in to the anger. I will not give in.

He must PAY with his LIFE.

And he will, but not yet. First, we must set everything else in motion.

Then why are we out HERE?

You'll see soon enough.

The promise of revenge had sated Goliath, and curiosity kept him quiet. That was until he noticed a storm on the horizon. A strangely violent storm.

You clever little bugger.

Internally smirking, Harry raced ahead, charging straight through the storm and emerging in clear skies. Once again, the island was in his sight. This time, he beheld it as an explorer, not a raging monster seeking shelter.

The island was indeed massive. At a guess, Harry figured it was anywhere from 700-900 square kilometres. The southern end of the island was a sheer cliff, but as he soared upwards, he got a birds-eye view of the island. The easternmost part of the island dipped low into a natural harbour, flanked by the imposing cliffs that defined the rest of the island's coast. This shore gave way to elevated grasslands, dominated by herds of aurochs, along with small groups of boar.

To the south, the grasslands gave way to massive boreal forests. Clearings could be noted at various points in these forests, which gave way to smaller grasslands, or lakes that were filled with waterfowl. Harry noted that the forests were home to elk and bears. The North, on the other hand, was upland terrain, defined by great hills and lakes, home to goats that were actively hunted by packs of wolves.

The West, however, was another matter, and it was here Harry finally found what he was looking for. As opposed to the hills of the north, and grasslands of the east, the west was mountainous, with the rugged peaks reaching all the way to the coast. Nestled within these mountains, Harry dived down and transformed upon landing in front of his new safe house.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (5)

Bloody hell, I had no idea this place was so massive!

Compared to us, everything is tiny. But before you get carried away, check for any wards surrounding the fort. They might interfere with calling Dobby.

Pulling out his wand, he waved it in the pattern necessary to discern the presence of wards. What he found was astounding.

There's nothing.

What??? Impossible! No one goes to this much effort in order to hide something, and gives up halfway!

They must have figured the storm surrounding the island was enough. What exactly makes this place so special anyways?

This island is home to an intersection of ley lines, and this fortress was built right over it. The ambient magic made this place a natural lighthouse for us.

That explains why we just tunnelled through the mountain.

Crossing the bridge, and passing the gate, Harry found himself in a massive courtyard; one that happened to be filled with skeletons.

Well, that's not a good sign.


A minute passed, then two, then three, before the elf in question appeared, with an apologetic look on his face.

"Dobby apologizes for being so slow. Dobby had trouble finding the path through the bad winds."

"It's alright Dobby. I'm not upset with you. But I have an important task." Dobby perked up considerably at that.

"Dobby loves important tasks!"

"I need you to scout the rest of the fortress. If you find any lingering Dark magic or curses capable of causing harm orthat-"he pointed to the skeletons littering the ground "and you aren't certain how to handle it, come find me right away. Understood?"

Dobby nodded excitedly and disappeared.

Should we look around or wait for him to finish?

There's no way of knowing exactly how big this place is. Dobby could be gone for a while.

Taking the hint, Harry began exploring the courtyard himself, taking great care not to accidentally step on any of the dozens of skeletons or dusty wands laying on the ground. It was massive, easily the size of the Hogwarts grounds, perhaps even larger. It was hardly impressive, mostly overgrown grass divided by stone walkways leading to various parts of the fortress. The walkways were cracked and broken, with weeds sprouting in the spaces provided.

Beneath the weeds, in some parts, Harry could discern scorch marks. Other parts bore the telltale signs of battle: indentations caused by projectiles gashes in the dirt and stone by Diffindo, and craters caused by Bombarda. This fortress had seen a massive battle between magicals, and it had stood silent for who knows how many years, waiting for someone to claim it.

This time, it would be him.

Ten minutes later, during which Harry managed to find an enchanted armoury, a forge powered by magical fire, and a duelling arena, Dobby made his return.

"Dobby back Great Harry Potter. Dobby happy to say no bad magics found on island."

"Excellent work Dobby, thank you. During your search did you find anything that seemed unusual?"

"Dobby found big metal door, like one used in Family Safes, sir! Also, there be big book in Big Hall of Fortress sir!"

That metal door sounds like a vault. If it's like Family Vaults or Safes, as Dobby said, then we'll need some curse-breakers as a precaution. But that 'big book' sounds promising.

"Dobby, can you take me to the Big Hall so I can see the big book?"

"Easily sir!"

The next moment they were standing in the 'Big Hall' as Dobby called it. While it did bear some resemblance to the Great Hall of Hogwarts, this was oriented more like a throne room. The walls were covered in tapestries depicting scenes ranging from the discovery of an island, to the building of a fortress, to a coronation. Taken together, it was undoubtedly the history of the island, but that wasn't what stood out.

At the far end of the room was a stone dais, with a throne atop it. The throne wasn't made of gold but dark wood, carved with intricate symbols and iconography. But the most notable thing about this throne was it was occupied. Seated atop the throne was another skeleton, this one wearing wizard robes that had rotted away with his flesh. Atop the skull was a gold circlet, inlaid with precious stones.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (6)

However, the most notable thing about this apparent Lord, was he was holding, as Dobby described it, a 'big book.' That actually seemed to be an understatement, as the book was at least as thick as Harry's upper arm, and big enough that holding it in your lap was mandatory.

Approaching the throne slowly, Harry made a silent prayer, begging whoever was listening that he might be forgiven for this desecration. Reaching out, he grasped the book in both hands and gently pulled it away from the skeleton. The hands held firm, clutching the book in death as in life, but gave way after a firm tug.

Gently opening the ancient book, he found his eyes drawn to a few distinct pages.

April 7, 1199

I write with a steady hand, but a heavy heart. King Richard lies dead, brought low by a crossbow bolt fired by a young boy. Never, in all my life, did I expect the mighty Lion to be brought low by an Ant. Though his death is a tragedy for all within the Empire, I fear worse is to come.

Despite serving alongside him during the Crusade, he saw fit to appoint me Court Enchanter and have me remain in England to watch that brother of his, John. Now, without a legitimate heir to the throne, dynastic conflict will begin. John in particular, though cunning in his own right, is petty and cruel, and perhaps worst of all, he is no warrior.

Even worse, John has little respect for Wizardkind. I highly doubt my influence at court will last should he take the throne. I've been forced to resort to Divination to find a way forward.

April 10, 1199

Success! After consulting with a centaur, I have learned of a possible solution: to the northwest of the Hebrides lies an island, one regularly clouded by violent storms. Perhaps most interesting, the island itself is home to an intersection of Ley Lines, a powerful focal point for magical energy! I must consult further, and see if I can find it!

April 17, 1199

At long last, I have found it! Through dream divination, I have seen the island itself. Known only as the Isle of Wrath, it is massive, home to an abundance of natural resources, and best of all, it is completely uninhabited. Neither man nor creature has claimed the island, leaving it ripe for settlement.

This is it. This is what I've been looking for! A home for wizards, one where we can be safe from Muggles, and they can be safe from us.

It will take a great deal of work, but I've still got my wealth, and best of all, I'm still owed favours by others in the court. Time to collect.

Now that Harry had a name, he pulled out the mirror and contacted Keeper Ragnok.

"Ah, Heir Potter, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. How goes your search?"

"I've found the perfect safe house for Sirius. To the northwest of Britain lies an island called the Isle of Wrath. It's a got self-contained ecosystem and a massive fortress to boot. All it lacks is intelligent company, but I don't intend for this to be permanent. How long until we can get a portkey for the island?"

"That might take a bit of time. Portkeys require that you know exactly where you want to go. I've never heard of the Isle of Wrath, and I'm not sure if you can help us in that manner, even with your memories."

"Forgive me, Great Harry Potter sir, but maybe Dobby can help goblins?" Dobby chimed in with an apologetic look, but hopeful tone.

"That might actually work Heir Potter. It still might take time, but it'll be more akin to minutes or hours as opposed to hours and days."

"Very well then. Dobby, return to Gringotts and assist however you can in making the portkey. I'll remain here in the throne room. Maybe this book can tell us more."

With that Dobby disappeared, and Ragnok deactivated the mirror, leaving Harry Potter alone with the massive tome.

May 27, 1199

John's coronation is today. I should be present as Court Enchanter. But he's made it clear these last few weeks that he has no intention of keeping me around. My loyalties to King Richard make my loyalties to him come into question. I've gathered what supporters I can. We've prepared 3 ships to take us to the Isle, where we will set up our new home.

As I write this, I await the arrival of my sons Aurelius and Claudius. Once they arrive with the last of our settlers, we will set off. May Lady Magic guide us to our salvation.

June 6, 1199

Even with magic powering our sails, it took us a week to find the Isle, but we've done it. The Isle of Wrath is ours! It's taken us a few days to set up, but thanks to the elves we've already begun establishing a permanent settlement. I, however, intend to build us something grand, something that will stand the test of time!

Time to begin exploring.

February 1, 1200

We've done it! After finding the exact point of intersection for the ley lines, my sons and I got to work. It's taken months of labour, even with all our power, but we have finally done it! Our fortress is complete!

With this fortress, we now have the ultimate safe haven, should the island ever be found by those wishing us harm. Should those who find us seek our hands in friendship, it will serve as a demonstration of our power and influence. We've also begun using it as a school for the youngest of our community, as well as a meeting place.

But we have a problem. These past few months over wizards have heard of our island and sought us out, bringing their families with them, As we've grown, we've begun to experience a crisis of leadership. I've spent so long focused on this fortress that I've neglected my people. My sons have a proposal for me, one they reason is an efficient way to solve this crisis.

I await their arrival.

November 1, 1200

It has been many months since I've last made an entry in this tome. My son's proposal was shockingly simple, yet effective as they put it. Instead of allowing this bickering to continue, they convinced me to claim the mantle of leadership and proclaim myself Lord of the Isle of Wrath. Some of our new arrivals were hesitant, as was I, but the others seem to have accepted it, even encouraged it.

Anything must be better than the constant bickering.

As of last night, I was crowned Cicero Arcadius, Lord of the Isle of Wrath. May my reign be marked by prosperity.

It will be years before that ever feels natural to me.

July 19, 1231

30 years. It's been 30 years since I became a Lord. For 30 years our island has known a time of plenty. Our farms produce an abundance of food, our forests still teem with game, the sea still gives us its bounty, and our people remain as industrious as ever. We have built homes, started families, and lived our lives well. My sons have made me a grandfather several times over, and the children have brought me no end of joy.

But my sons have also been the cause of many headaches. As the years have passed, it almost feels natural that one of my sons should inherit the Lordship, and rule the Island when my time has come. But the question is which one?

Aurelius, my eldest, is seen as the natural choice by many. He is wise and powerful, with a strong will and a gentle heart. He seeks only to maintain the peace, and let our people know a continuing age of prosperity. He has even proposed reconnecting with our brothers in England. Henry III seeks to rebuild the Empire, and Aurelius believes we have a duty to aid our brothers in this struggle.

Claudius is another matter. My youngest is like his brother, strong-willed and powerful, but I can see the ambition in his heart. He has made friends among the so-called 'pure-bloods' that have settled here, attracted by the prospect of an all-magical society, akin to Atlantis. He too seeks to return to England but at the head of a conquering army. He seeks to build an empire of his own, one with the 'pure' at the top, and all others beneath them.

I can barely keep them from fighting every time they come within spitting distance. I must find a way to bring them together if only to secure the continued prosperity of our people.

October 31, 1245

Aurelius is dead. My eldest lies dead, killed by his own brother.

After 45 years of peace, we saw fit to organize a grand festival for All Hallow's Eve. Everything was going well until Claudius stood in the middle of the Hall and called upon me to make war upon England so that we might seize our rightful place as the rightful rulers of mankind. The cheers of his supporters were not as loud as I feared, but louder than I had hoped.

As I prepared to give my answer, Aurelius stood and made his opinion known. He denounced the plan, calling it the 'twisted dreams of broken men.' That got the loudest cheers I've heard since my coronation.

Unfortunately, that sparked a furious battle of words, with Claudius calling his brother a 'cowardly dirt farmer' and Aurelius responding in kind. The back and forth reached a fever pitch when Aurelius said this battle wasn't worth any of their time and turned his back on Claudius. Incensed, he drew his wand and cast a Killing Curse, striking his brother in the back. He crumbled to the floor before anyone even realized what had just happened.

I didn't see the shock on Claudius' face, only the dead eyes of Aurelius.

I didn't hear his pleas for forgiveness, only the soft thud of a body falling to the floor.

I didn't feel anything, but a cold numbness, only for it to be replaced by a burning fury.

In my rage, I felt my power surge. Without even needing my wand, I let loose a blast of raw magic that cast Claudius and his followers from the Hall. I declared them traitors and kin-slayers and exiled them from the Isle.

Though I wish it were not so, I know this is far from over. May God have mercy on us all.


5 years of civil war, and it ends with me.

With only me.

For five years we tore ourselves apart. The pure-bloods burned homes with wives and mothers trapped within. My followers slit the throats of children in their sleep. They laid siege for five years, while the Endless Tempest kept us trapped. Claudius proclaimed victory would bring a golden age for wizards. I could see only blood and dust, no matter who would win.

Everyone is dead. My grandchildren died in battle. Their mothers fell to poisons. All who once called this island home died, their bodies littering the courtyard. My own son, the last of my line, died by my hand.

But there is no joy in victory, only the foul taste of blood. There are no friends, only empty shells waiting to rot. There are no homes, only this damned fortress stands.

I'm dying. My wounds are mortal. If I could save myself, I would not. I no longer wish to continue.

With a final breath, I declare the mantle of Lord of the Isle of Wrath will pass on only to one judged worthy by Lady Magic. If you seek to claim this place, invoke her name, and let her decide if you are worthy. Those that are, shall receive the combined wealth of those that once lived here. The wards will answer to your will, and the Tempest will know you as its master.

Goodbye, friend. May you be more worthy than I was.

Well, that was depressing.

A dream of peace and prosperity, consumed by the fires of ambition. It is a tale as old as time.

Shall we attempt to invoke Lady Magic?

I wouldn't recommend it, but that's not going to stop you, is it?


Drawing his wand, Harry stood ramrod straight and raised it high. "Lady Magic, I call upon you! I present myself as a contender for the Lordship of the Isle of Wrath. I ask that you judge whether I am worthy to inherit the title and all the responsibilities that come with it. So mote it be."

As soon as he finished, the room filled with a purple fog, one that surrounded Harry and lifted him into the air. He could feel the power behind the fog searching his mind, as he got flashes of past events. Events where he tried to do the right thing, rather than the easy. He saw the moments he stood between others and death without regard for his own safety. He remembered the love that pushed him forward and motivated his insane ritual backwards in time.

I hear your plea, Harry Potter. I find you a worthy heir. The Lordship is yours. Use it well.

As the fog dissipated, he slowly returned to the ground and felt the power of the wards answer to him now.

That was incredible.

I confess Harry, I feared my anger and desire for revenge would taint Lady Magics' view of you. But it didn't, you are worthy of this power.

Thank you, Goliath. Now, we need a name for this place.

Save that for later. I just felt the wards. Dobby's back, and he brought company.

Apparating outside, Harry saw that Dobby had indeed brought Keeper Ragnok with him.

"A fortress on a hidden island in the middle of an endless storm? You don't do anything by half, do you, Heir Potter?"

"Not at all, sir. How's the portkey?"

"Perfect as always. I trust it will be to your liking?"

"Absolutely. Now before we leave, I'd like for you to see something. Dobby, can you take us to the 'big metal door?'"

"Happily sirs!"

Dobby instantly brought them to a room in the upper levels, facing a window that looked out onto the courtyard. Behind them, stood a vault door, 12 feet tall, and 8 feet wide. Before Ragnok could offer the curse breakers, Harry reached out with his magic. He could feel the door, as it responded to his very will. It acknowledged him as its new master, and opened, to reveal its contents.

The inside was a haphazard mess. Stands for ceremonial robes stood jammed between racks carrying all manner of weapons, including swords, axes, and even maces. Suits of armour stood guard next to display cases featuring every sort of jewelry you could imagine. Everything from rings to necklaces, to circlets was on display. A trio of shelves, 20 feet high, held bars of every kind of metal imaginable, along with boxes of precious stones, tossed together in a non-sensical fashion.

But in the center of it all, stood five chests. When Ragnok approached them, he waved his hand over them and muttered something unintelligible to Harry.

"Heir Potter, each of these chests seems to contain 1,000 Galleons. But something's off about them."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I don't know. If I may?"

Nodding his approval, Ragnok was permitted to open one of the chests and inspect the Galleons. After inspecting one for a minute, he suddenly went stiff and stared at the Galleon in his hand, and the chests, in shock.

"Keeper, what's wrong? Are the Galleons cursed?"

"Quite the contrary. These Galleons are from the 1200s."


"So 5,000 of these, translates to 30,000,000 today."


Still think we should have checked the Potter properties?

Shut up, and get us back to London. I'm hungry.

Taking a dozen of the Galleons back to Gringotts, Ragnok opened a new vault for the Isle of Wrath Galleons to be transferred to. 12 of the Isle Galleons convert into 80,124 Galleons today, so Harry put 78,000 in the Vault, put 2,000 in his money pouch, and converted the rest into pounds.

From there he decided to enjoy Diagon Ally for the rest of the day, enjoying lunch at the Cauldron and proceeded to wander through the Alley. It nearly brought him to tears as he remembered the state it was in thanks to the Death Eaters. The boarded-up shops, the new ones dedicated to the Dark Arts, and the fearful looks of those cast aside by Voldemort and his lackeys.

This time, Voldemort would not destroy people's lives. He would not taint this place with his evil, and he would NOT allow the Death Eaters' corruption to spread any further than it already has. Florean would not be murdered by those soulless wretches, nor would that slimy bastard Malfoy get his hands on Garrick.

With determination filling his heart, he made mental notes of everything he would need by the time he went back to Hogwarts. By the time he finally went back to Privet Drive, after enjoying the best dinner Tom had ever cooked for a customer, the Dursleys were already asleep. Harry would soon drift to sleep, knowing that tomorrow would be another busy day, making a mental promise.

I will end their madness before it has a chance to begin.


Well, that was quicker than I expected. But I'm satisfied with what I've written.

Chapter 8: Messrs Moony and Padfoot

Chapter Text

Remus Lupin, known to friends as Moony, was having a better day than he had expected. The August full moon was still three weeks away, and the July full moon had been a relatively painless experience. He'd gotten to his old hiding place in time for his transformation, and no one had been hurt. Well, he'd spent most of the night biting himself, but that was a small price for a clear conscience.

It was on this day he'd been reminiscing.

His education at Hogwarts had been better than he had ever dreamed of. With James, Sirius, and even Peter as friends, he'd even had a relatively normal childhood. He feared they'd turn away from him when they discovered his secret, but that just pushed them to become animagi so they could spend more time with their friend. Running through the Forbidden Forest with his friends was better than he ever dared to dream possible. Adding Lily to their group of friends just made things better, for she was possibly the kindest witch he'd ever met.

Then Harry was born, and things got even better. That little boy was a bright light in the darkness that threatened to consume wizarding Britain. A symbol of their hope for the future, their faith that we would find a way to win, and build a better world for the next generation to grow up in.

But it hadn't gone that way. James and Lily were forced to go into hiding after Voldemort took an unusual interest in them. Granted, he'd had it out for the Order since it began, but this was different. It was like their very existence, and the birth of Harry was a threat to him. So they hid at Godric's Hollow, only to be betrayed by one of their oldest friends. He didn't know how long it took for Peter to sell out James and Lily, but he would pay dearly for it. That was a promise.

Voldemort's defeat, while a time of celebration, was also a time of mourning. Harry had become the Boy-Who-Lived, but James and Lily were gone. Sirius was in Azkaban, and Peter was dead, or so everyone thought. It would be a decade before Remus learned the truth, that Sirius was innocent and Peter was alive, but that decade would be a new darkness.

He was a drifter, moving from job to job, town to town. He'd get drunk, a lot, and pick fights with wizards, muggles, squibs, it didn't matter. It gave him something to do, something to think about, other than his loss, and something to feel, other than horrible pain.

Then, after a particularly rough full moon, he had enough. It was the hardest thing he had ever done, but he turned his life around. He'd sobered up, gotten a Mastery in Defence, bought a house, and resolved to be a better man than he had been. One that would make James and Lily proud.

He had gotten a job at Hogwarts teaching Defence and had reconnected with Harry. That had been more difficult than he anticipated. He had no idea who he was, who his parents were, and even worse, had been forced to live with Petunia and her vile husband. That had come as a shock to Remus because he knew how things were between Lily and Petunia. Lily would try to reach a hand out to her sister, only for it to be smacked away, and be followed by a string of vile insults.

He couldn't imagine what life had been like for Harry. He'd thought of asking but figured that if things were as bad as Remus feared, he would open up in time.

Then Harry had found the Marauders Map and revealed that Peter had been seen on it. Somehow, Peter was still alive! He didn't believe it at first, but he had it seen it himself, the day Buckbeak was to be executed. Harry and his friends had gone down to Hagrid's Hut, only to leave it with Peter in tow! Sirius had been innocent the whole time!

Everything went downhill after that, because of his screw-up! He missed his potion that night and transformed. He had attacked Harry and his friends, with Peter escaping during the chaos. Sirius was arrested, and set to be given the Dementors Kiss, but fortunately had escaped! He didn't know for sure, but there was no doubt in his mind Harry had managed it. He was forced to flee, but he still had his life, which meant there was still hope.

Unfortunately, Snape suspected the same thing, and when he couldn't punish Harry, decided to reveal Remus was a werewolf. He doubted the parents would be happy to discover this, and had considered fighting to prove himself. But after nearly biting Harry and his friends, he would concede the point. He had to leave.

After bidding Hogwarts goodbye a second time, he returned to his home, a cottage in Yorkshire. It wasn't much, but it worked for him. His tenure at Hogwarts may have ended, but he had money saved up from the job, enough to keep him going through the summer, while he decided his next step.

It was during a light lunch that he noticed an owl messenger flying towards him. A particular, snowy owl that was recognizable to anyone who had spent more than a week at Hogwarts. It was Hedwig, Harry's owl. Once she landed next to him, he saw the letter addressed to him, along with one for Sirius. Taking his letter, she immediately took off for wherever Sirius was hiding.

Opening the letter, he quickly read its contents, and by the end, he stared at the letter in disbelief. A conspiracy? Since James and Lily died? It beggared belief, especially given that Harry had discovered it and asked him and Sirius for help. After all, Dumbledore was in a much better position to help Harry than either of them. Still, Harry was asking him for help, and he was in a position to get it.

'But what if I screw-up again? What if I transform again, and he can't get away?' His last mistake nearly cost Harry everything. Remus feared the consequences Harry would face if he became a werewolf.'But if he needs my help, and I ignore him, the consequences could be far worse.'

"No, I'm done hiding. It's time for me to step up for Harry."

The following day, Harry woke up in his room in the house of the people he despised. The day before he had made contact with the goblins, establishing a relationship with them, destroyed a Horcrux, and found a safe house for Sirius and Remus. The resources afforded by his island fortress meant he was more than ready to prepare for the upcoming showdown with Voldemort and Dumbledore.

But that would have to wait. For now, he needed to get ready for the day ahead. Instinctively grabbing his glasses he put them on... only for things to become more blurry than ever before. Assuming he needed to clean them, he grabbed a cloth and took off the glasses. He then realized he could see quite well. In fact, his sight was even better than when he had the glasses. He could discern the finest of details in the room, down to the wood grain of what little furniture was in the room.

Well, that's freaky.


I can see perfectly without the glasses. Better, even, than I ever thought possible.

That's not surprising. I did mention that your senses would be enhanced. Sight is one of them.

But I was still wearing glasses when the ritual was performed.

Because your body had developed. Your 14-year-old body is still developing, so the changes work themselves in more quickly. Check your physical appearance.

Rushing to the bathroom, Harry took a look at himself and was rather stunned by what he saw. He'd gone up a few inches, and his shoulders were broader than before. Most notably, he had begun to develop muscle mass. Instead of the skinny, emaciated teen he remembered, he was starting to look like a lightweight boxer.

Like I said, that's freaky.

Do you disapprove?

Not at all. It just feels weird to be developing like this overnight. I better get a workout routine going.

Good idea. It'll provide a valid explanation for your new physique. Keep the glasses, just alter the lens.

How many changes should I prepare myself for?

I'm not sure. Your appetite has already increased, though that might be temporary as your muscles develop.

I'm not going to develop scales or horns, or anything like that, am I?

No, though by the time you graduate, you'll look like a Greek God.

Well, that's something to look forward to. I'll need some new clothes if I'll be having growth spurts.

Yes, but not now. I don't know how long the 'growth spurts' will last. For now, let's get the book shopping done, after breakfast.

Keeper Ragnok was having, not an unusual start to his day, but an interesting one nonetheless. The day prior, he had finally had his first meeting with Harry Potter, Heir of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. That meeting had been the most fascinating in his life, involving traitors, horcruxes, and time travel! The Lestrange Account Manager had been arrested afterwards, for allowing a horcrux in Gringotts, only to be released once it was discovered he was under the Imperius Curse when it happened.

As a result, the Vault had been seized by Gringotts, with the goblins taking half of the fortune, and any goblin-made artifacts. Ragnok hadn't told Harry yet, but the remainder of the Vault was now under the ownership of House Potter, and thus, it would belong to Harry. A fitting punishment, considering what the Lestranges, especially that demented Bellatrix, had been responsible for in the original timeline.

While quick and easy, that interrogation and been rather boring for those involved. After everything he had seen and heard, Ragnok was in the mood for a little bloodshed. Griphook did not disappoint.

When the guards had arrested Griphook, he had been 'uncooperative', a euphemism for 'obnoxious', and the guards had been required to use more 'forceful means of persuasion' to get him into his cell. Afterwards, it had been a few hours of questioning, the Truth Crystals of Gringotts allowing no lies, and they had been illuminating, if somewhat disturbing.

As Harry had suspected, Griphook was in league with Dumbledore, but for far longer than expected. Griphook had in fact been working as Dumbledore's spy within Gringotts for years now. Griphook would provide information on the goings-on with Gringotts, and other favours, while Dumbledore would provide wealth or artifacts to further Griphook's career and influence within Gringotts.

Harry would change all that.

The night after Harry's parents were murdered, and he became known as the Boy-Who-Lived, Dumbledore had brought Harry into Gringotts, by means of a secret entrance known only to the goblins. After this, Griphook performed a Blood Test, on Harry, and had given the results to Dumbledore, while keeping an extra copy for himself.

Ragnok had reviewed the results himself, and even he had been astounded.

Gringotts Blood Test

Subject: Harry James Potter

Date Of Birth: July 31, 1980

Parents: James Charlus Potter (deceased) and Lily June Potter ‘nee Evans (deceased)

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Magical Core: Unclassifiable


Parseltongue (via matrilineal line)

Animagus: Great Caledonian Fire Drake

Animagus Guardian

Aura of Hope

Aura of Leadership

Total Recall/ Perfect Memory


Potions Resistance: 75%

Poison Resistance: 75%

Imperius Resistance: 80%

Ragnok had never seen a Blood Test quite like this one. He'd never even imagined something like it was possible, especially from a wizard still in diapers!

'Animagus Guardian', it was rare, but Ragnok had heard of this ability. The animagus possess an inherently stronger connection with the wizard, allowing them to communicate on a mental level. What truly made this ability powerful, however, was the animagus was immune to memory modifications. Even if a wizard was Obliviated with the Elder Wand, the animagus would remain unaffected. It was extraordinarily rare, even thought to be a myth, but it was real, and Harry was living proof.

'Auras of Hope and Leadership'', were even rarer, and no one had ever heard of someone possessing both. The Aura's functioned on a subconscious level, discretely using the magic of its owner to influence others.

The Aura of Leadership made its master a natural-born leader. Others would instinctively look to them for guidance and leadership. And that was on a subconscious level. Consciously, it could rally entire armies, and convince even the most die-hard fanatics to abandon their masters in favour of the Aura and its master.

The Aura of Hope was an entirely different story. On a subconscious level, it gave people its namesake, with others believing things would be better in its presence, or where the host was concerned. On a conscious level, it was the most powerful of mental magics aligned with the Light. It could bring even those lost in the depths of despair back into the light of hope.

But the most shocking thing of all was the Magical Core. Contrary to the beliefs of many, the Magical Core part of the test did not measure how powerful a witch or wizard would become. Rather, it was meant as a measure of the Core's actual development versus expected development. A child could have a core labelled "standard" or even "underdeveloped" and they could grow into powerful witches and wizards.

Harry's wasUnclassifiable. This meant that even as an infant, Harry's core was beyond anything Gringotts had seen. And after several years of training, there was no telling how powerful he was. In fact, Harry hadn't cast any spells since coming back. Aside from Appartition, everything had been done thanks to Dobby. This meant Harry had no idea as to the full extent of his power.

Afterwards, Griphook revealed the extent of Dumbledore's betrayals and deceptions.

He'd had Griphook place bindings on Harry, and it was that list that made Ragnok privately swear, if he ever got the chance, he'd strangle Dumbledore using his own beard!


Animagus: Great Caledonian Fire Drake - BLOCKED


Aura of Hope - BLOCKED

Aura of Leadership - BLOCKED

Total Recall/ Perfect Memory - BLOCKED


Potions Resistance: 10% - formerly 75%

Poison Resistance: 10% - formerly 75%

Imperius Resistance: 10% - formerly 80%

Additional Bindings:


Owl Mail Redirect

'13 bindings on the core of a baby!?!? By the Elders, what was Dumbledore THINKING!?'Of course, there was something of an upside, although a disappointing one. That final binding on Harry's core was so unstable, it had broken almost immediately after the binding rituals were complete. The magical outburst it caused had killed the healer responsible, thus solving one problem, though denying Ragnok the satisfaction of settling that matter himself.

In any event, that outburst had frightened Griphook to the point he had all but cut-off contact with Dumbledore for a few years, keeping the paperwork as an insurance policy if Dumbledore ever decided to play dirty with him. It wasn't until Harry was days away from turning 11 that Dumbledore came calling, and renewed their old partnership. This time, he was to keep an eye on Harry Potter when he came into Gringotts.

That was the true reason Hagrid had been chosen. Rubeus Hagrid had originally been chosen, he thought, because the Dursleys were known to be 'unpleasant', and Hagrid would certainly intimidate them, even when he didn't mean to. Hagrid was also the one who brought Harry to Dumbledore after the attack on Godric's Hollow, so he already had some manner of connection with the boy.

The true reason Hagrid had been chosen was, unlike McGonagall, he could be manipulated. Sure, he was loyal to Dumbledore and respected the man greatly, but that just meant anything that seemed wrong or out of place on his behalf was likely an 'honest mistake.' Hagrid had originally meant to take Harry to Ragnok. Even he knew the importance of Harry meeting with the Potter Account Manager.

The plan, as he thought it was supposed to be, was he would take Harry to meet Keeper Ragnok and be brought up-to-speed on matters relating to his family. Afterwards, he'd go down into the Vaults with Harry and Ragnok. Ragnok would help Harry get his money, while Hagrid went on to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone. Instead, he'd been placed under mind magics almost the moment he arrived by Griphook, and Dumbledore would handle any lingering confusion personally.

Ever since then, he'd been keeping vigil in the front area, making sure that whenever Harry showed up, he'd be kept as far from Ragnok as possible. And it had apparently worked. In the original timeline Harry never even knew about Ragnok until he had stolen the Hufflepuff Cup and broken out of Gringotts with one of their dragons. That, of course, was after Griphook had betrayed Harry even more than he already had, and stole the Sword of Gryffindor.

Figuring out the answer to that little betrayal had been a bit more complicated, without revealing the changes to the timeline. But the answer was no less disturbing. Griphook was an ambitious goblin, and his disdain and mistrust for wizards were remarkable. His interest in the Sword was not just in 'righting a wrong perpetuated by wizardkind,' but an attempt to rally other goblins behind him. He hoped to stoke the fires of rebellion in the goblin nation and use that momentum not only to usurp King Ragnok but begin another war with the humans.

Fortunately, his attempts to rally support thus far were practically pointless. Very few of the goblins were interested in starting another rebellion, and even fewer wanted to usurp King Ragnok. When the Sword was mentioned, Griphook had explained his intent to use it to rally the goblins behind him, and thus fulfill his ambitions.

It was a bold plan, Ragnok had to admit. Sadly for Griphook, all it got him was his head on a pike outside Gringotts.

'Well, no more time for reminiscing.' Given all that was revealed, Ragnok had decided to conduct an audit on the Potter Account and see just how much Dumbledore and his minions have stolen.

You think I should drop Divination?

Yes, and switch it for Ancient Runes or Arithmancy.

Is it really that bad? I know Trelawney's rather... out there, even for a 'Seer,' but that doesn't mean-

On the contrary: We need to put distance between ourselves and her because of her abilities.

During another breakfast, courtesy of the Leaky Cauldron, Harry and Goliath were having a lengthy conversation about the upcoming school year.

This is the first time I've heard anyone but Dumbledore say something good about her. And that doesn't inspire confidence.

We can blame the staff for that. Her great-great-grandmother, Cassandra Trelawney, was a famous Seer. When the other staff look at her, they see what she isn't, namely Cassandra. Because of this, they don't respect her, or Divination. And if the staff don't respect her-

The students won't either. Is it really that risky being in her class this year?

For two reasons: One, she's already produced two prophecies about you, and when she actually clears her mind of distractions, she can get her divination correct. We can't risk her producing a prophecy about us, especially in class, since it would get back to Dumbledore.

Alright, I can see how that would be a threat. What's the second reason?

Ron'll be taking that class for the easy grade, and I refuse to be near him any longer than absolutely necessary. Otherwise, Trelawney can predict the future with his intestines.

Charming. Alright, after breakfast I'll see about writing McGonagall. But I'm not dropping Care of Magical Creatures-


Recognizing that voice, Harry turned to the source and found Remus had just arrived in the Leaky Cauldron.

"Remus!" Jumping out of his chair, he ran towards him and gave him the biggest hug he could. Even after travelling back in time, Harry feared he might never see Remus again. After laying him and Nym- Tonks, to rest, it almost felt like yesterday was a dream.

"I'm... happy to... see you too... Harry." He spoke with humour in his voice, but it came out strained, as Harry realized he was much stronger than before.

"I'm sorry Remus! It's just good to see you."

"It's good to see you too, just be careful. I'm not as young as I used to be." Dusting off his jacket, Harry noticed he was looking thinner than he remembered.

"Have you eaten anything yet?"

"I'll be fine, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

"That answers that. Tom! The breakfast special for Mr. Lupin, on me."

"Right away Mr. Potter!"

Leading him by the arm, Harry forced Remus to take a seat.

"Harry, you don't have to-"

"I know. That doesn't mean I'm not going to treat the best Defence teacher I've ever had."

"I was only the third. The bar couldn't have been that high."

"True, but after Lockhart, I don't think it could get lower either."

Soon after, Tom brought out a platter of food, and the former teacher and student began catching up.

"You certainly look like you've been keeping busy Harry. I don't recall you having muscles during school."

"What can I say, it keeps me out of the house, and that suits the Dursleys just fine."

"I still can't believe you were raised by Petunia and her husband. I thought they hated magic."

"Magic, me, anything that doesn't fit their idea of normal. Of course, the feeling is quite mutual, so we've been giving each other some space."

"Harry... I-I'm sorry that you had to live like that. If I knew a way to change that-"

"It's alright Remus, I don't blame you for it, so there's nothing to apologize for. I am, however, working on something that is going to get me FAR from those three as possible. If I'm right, by next year I'm going to be with people who actually care about me."

"I'll help however I can."

"Thank you. But enough about that. Tell me about that cottage you've been living in."

Most people who wake up on a tropical island in the Caribbean would count themselves quite fortunate. Sirius Black was not one of those people. To be fair, he was extremely grateful to be somewhere sunny and warm, especially after twelve years in Azkaban. This, however, was not the life he was hoping for after breaking free. What he truly wanted was the chance to set things right.

That night, when Voldemort had been defeated, Sirius had made the biggest mistake of his life. Instead of tending to Harry, insisting that he go with Hagrid if he wouldn't give him Harry, he had gone after Peter. He had pursued that rat, determined to bring him before the Wizengamot to answer for his betrayal. Instead, he had been pranked by Peter and framed not only for betraying his friends but for the murder of twelve innocent Muggles. And instead of being given a trial, where he would be able to prove his innocence, he had been Portkeyed directly into Azkaban and thrown in a cell with the rest of Voldemort's minions.

For twelve years he had languished in that hellhole, with only one thought keeping him truly sane: he was innocent. It wasn't a good thought, because he had screwed up beyond belief. He hadn't done his duty as Harry's Godfather. He had gone charging off like an impetuous youth, so caught up in his own anger and grief, he failed to do what James and Lily would have wanted him to do.

Then Minister Fudge showed up, with that paper from the Daily Prophet, showing him what he was 'missing out on.' And there he was! Peter Pettigrew, alive and well, in his animagus form with a family of wizards. But worst of all, that traitor was the pet of the youngest son of the Weasleys, and he was attending Hogwarts, WITH HARRY! He knew then and there he had to get out. He needed to escape so he could find Pettigrew and expose him as a traitor to the world! But most importantly of all, he had to protect Harry. It was time for him to act like a Godfather.

Things had NOT gone as planned. He'd made it to Hogwarts, after seeing Harry in Little Whinging, and had kept watch for his opportunity. That cat, Crookshanks, was a huge help, and he might have been caught earlier were it not for his help, and his clear dislike for 'Scabbers' as Peter was called. But he had only managed to get him during a full moon! He should have been more careful, he should have timed it better, so that Lupin wasn't at risk of exposing his secret. Instead, he had transformed and nearly attacked Harry and his friends. His animagus form let him protect Harry, but then the Dementors, those vile demons, found him.

He wasn't sure when they brought him to Hogwarts, but he paid closer attention this time around. That bastard Snivellus took credit for catching him, and for 'saving Harry' from him. Then the bastard revealed he was going to be given the Dementors Kiss, a fate worse than death. But then, in what Sirius could only call a miracle, Harry arrived on a Hippogriff named Buckbeak, along with the witch Hermione. Given how well they worked together, Sirius would swear they were a couple but thought to save the teasing for another day.

They had given him the means to escape, and so he did. It had been a long flight, and Buckbeak was certainly cranky by the time they landed, but eventually, they made it out of Europe and arrived in the Caribbean.

They'd set themselves up on one of the smaller islands, one with minimal human presence, magical or Muggle, and kept out of sight. Here he reviewed his options and began considering his next step. He had to find a way to clear his name, but more importantly, he had to find a way to be there for Harry. Before his capture, he'd mentioned how he was Harry's godfather, and if Harry wanted, when he was free, he could come live with him. Harry didn't even need time to think about that. He had immediately accepted.

He didn't think much of it at the time, but now that he thought about it, it set off alarms in his head. After all, he had been feared as a mass murderer since his escape, and in one night he was ready to move in??? Something was going on there, and it could only mean bad things. Who exactly had Dumbledore left Harry with? And there was another problem: Dumbledore. The so-called 'Leader of the Light' had left him to rot in Azkaban for twelve years! In all those years, he never sought to give Sirius a trial or launch an investigation into what happened that night in Godric's Hollow.

If Sirius ever made it back to Britain, Dumbledore would have some explaining to do, and that was a promise.

'Wait a minute, is that an owl???' Sirius had just noticed something flying toward his hut. As it got closer, he realized that it not only was an owl, but a very distinct snowy owl. One that had been used to deliver him messages before his arrival in the Caribbean - Hedwig.

Landing on a tree near Sirius, she waited patiently for him to take his mail, consisting of a letter and a package.

'Huh. I wonder what Harry sent me? I hope he liked his gift.' Collecting his mail, he noticed Hedwig didn't fly off right away, meaning she was probably waiting for his reply. Or she was just tired and wanted to relax.

Not wanting to keep her waiting, Sirius read the letter and went pale as a ghost.

Harry and Remus were sitting in the office of one Keeper Ragnok. Minutes earlier, they had received a message via communication mirror. Padfoot had made contact and was ready to Portkey to Gringotts.

If one looked at the two of them, it would be easy to notice the apprehension both felt at the coming meeting. However, only Ragnok suspected it was for very different reasons. Lupin was worried about the state his friend would be in, and the fact that he was bringing a hippogriff with him. Harry, on the other hand, felt apprehensive from his last memories of Sirius. Memories of watching him die in the Department of Mysteries, and later speaking to him with the Resurrection Stone. This was definitely going to be one of the more awkward reunions going forward.

"He's ready." Ragnok kept it quick, taking that moment to expand the office, making room for their new arrivals.

A second later, with a loudPOP, the office had three new occupants: one slightly ruffled hippogriff, the shaggy wizard riding him, and the very annoyed snowy owl perched on his shoulder.

Before anyone could speak, Hedwig flew off Sirius and perched next to Harry, and proceeded to screech at him in annoyance.

"I'm sorry Hedwig. I didn't realize it would be such a long flight."SCREECH!"Wait, you're angry because I didn't bring you any bacon?" Screech! "Alright, I'll get you some bacon as soon as I can. I promise."Hoot! At that, she nibbled his ear and took off.

As she flew to parts unknown, the office was filled with the bellylaugh of Sirius. "And I thought Lily had James under control!" He dismounted Buckbeak and walked towards Harry and Lupin. "She's got you trained godson!"

Grinning at his godfather, Harry rushed forward and wrapped him in a, slightly less intense, bear hug. "It's good to see you too... dogfather."

Laughing even harder, Sirius returned the hug, and while Harry was happy to see him again, he fought back tears when he realized how thin Sirius really was.

Lupin approached them slowly, letting them have their moment. When Harry and Sirius broke away, Lupin stepped forward and was likewise pulled into a hug.

"Moony, you old dog! How have you been?"

"Fine Padfoot. Glad to see you've made new friends." Lupin nodded toward Buckbeak as he said that.

"What can I say? He's so understanding." Sirius had a cheeky grin on his face, one that Lupin recognized as he shook his head in exasperation.

SQUAK!It seemed Buckbeak was unhappy at being left out of the meeting, but when the trio bowed to him, he respectfully returned the gesture.

"Glad to see this reunion, but I believe we have a meeting to carry out, Heir Potter?"

"Indeed. My apologies Keeper."

"Not at all. I'm well acquainted with these two, so I understand the importance of this. Are we meeting here, or at your safe house?"

"That's right pup. Your letter mentioned somewhere Buckbeak and I can be safe?"

"And that is where we're headed." Pulling the bracelet Portkey off his wrist, Harry simply snapped his fingers and the bracelet expanded to allow all in the room to grasp it. With everyone holding on, the Portkey was activated, and three wizards, one goblin, and a very grumpy hippogriff found themselves standing at the gates of a massive fortress.

"Pup... what is this???"

Before Harry could answer his godfather, a dozen house elves appeared in front of them. One among them, an ancient-looking elf wearing black robes stepped forward, bowing his head in reverence.

"His Lordship has returned. Welcome home, Master."

Confused by this turn of events, Harry simply replied "I look forward to answering your questions, and mine."

Chapter 9: Ancient Heartstring


This is a long one, so strap yourselves in.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After Portkeying Sirius, Remus, Ragnok, and Buckbeak to the Isle of Wrath, Harry found himself meeting with a dozen house elves. Elves that hadn't been here the last time. The apparent leader, one wearing the black robes of a monk, bowed before him, acknowledging Harry as the new Lord of the Isle of Wrath.

"Um, who are you?"

"This one is called Redtooth. Redtooth is bound to the Lord of the Isle of Wrath. Redtooth served Lord Cicero as Chamberlain. Redtooth now serves Lord Harry Potter."

"Where did you all come from? Last time I was here, Dobby never mentioned you."

"Lord Cicero had us hide in the catacombs below Fortress. Lord Cicero then cast Old Magics, made us sleep, and stay hidden, until Lady Magic would name a new Lord. Now that Lord Harry has returned, we are ready to serve.

"The fallen have all been lain to rest, and the Royal Apartments have been prepared. Would your Lordship like your guests to accompany you to them?"

"Um... yes Redtooth. We'll let Buckbeak explore his new home while we have our meeting."

"As you will, your Lordship."

A moment later they were standing in an impressive bedroom. The room itself was nearly twice the size of the first floor of Privet Drive, and far more welcoming. The northern part of the room, where they now stood, possessed an elaborate sitting area, complete with small silver tables. The chair and couch frames were made of intricately carved wood, decorated with silver, and rich velvet for the cushioning. This sitting area also possessed a large fireplace, one big enough to rotisserie a bear, that roared to life at their arrival. In a corner of this area, the floor opened into a set of stairs that led further down into the fortress.

The eastern wall was dominated by a double door that opened outwards onto a large balcony overlooking the fortress in all its glory, while the southern area possessed a magnificent dining area. The dining table was carved of exquisite dark wood, with high chairs to match. Above it hung an ornate brass chandelier. Where one would expect to find candles, instead there were enchanted crystals, that carried a faint glow, ready to brighten as people sat for dinner.

But the western part of the room was perhaps the most impressive. A set of magically extending stone stairs led to an upper floor, one that contained a massive bed, easily big enough for three people, or more, to comfortably lie upon. Harry could also see the top of a large desk, with bookshelves lining the wall.

The stone walls, of the main floor, were lined with tapestries and hunting trophies, ranging from deer antlers to decorated auroch horns. The floor lacked carpeting, but the stonework was intricate, with flowers, animals, and even some arcane symbols carved and painted into it.

All in all, it was easy to believe this room had been made for a rich and powerful Lord.

"Will your Lordship or guests be needing anything else?"

"No thank you Redtooth. I shall call upon you if we need anything."

With a bow, Redtooth simply disappeared, no doubt overseeing the rest of the elves, and ensuring their transition into their reawakened lives was as smooth as possible.

"Well... umm... take a seat?" Harry gestured to the seating area with a sheepish look on his face.

Everyone took a chair for themselves, though Sirius also grabbed a small table to use as a footrest. Harry, meanwhile, noticed a large chair that resembled the throne. Assuming it was meant for the Lord, Harry sat down slowly and turned to face his audience. Ragnok had a calm, almost serene face, as though wanting to sit back and watch the proceedings. Remus was looking at him with curiosity, wanting desperately to ask questions, but realizing Harry would answer them on his terms.

Sirius, on the other hand, was trying his best to look calm and laid back, no doubt trying to break the tension in the room. But when Harry looked at him, he could see the concern in his eyes, worried at what Harry had gotten himself into.

"So pup, nice place you've got."

"Uh... yeah. It is. Though it's much nicer than the last time I visited."

"Yeah, Redtooth mentioned that. The first time you visited you claimed the Lordship of the island."

"Yes, although technically this counts as my third visit. Or is it my fourth? Originally, I didn't leave much left of the fortress on my first visit."

"Originally? Harry, have you been using a Time-Turner?" Remus took this moment to chime in.

"Not since Hermione and I freed Sirius and Buckbeak."

"Then what do you mean 'originally?'"

Harry simply sighed. "There's more than one way to travel through time, Moony."

Sirius sat up, seemingly catching the meaning. "Harry, are you saying you-"

"Yes, Sirius. I have travelled through time. Physically, I'm the Harry of 1994, albeit with a recent growth spurt." He gestured to the muscles that Remus had mentioned earlier. "But mentally, I am the Harry of the 2020s."

"Harry... how did you do this?"

"I'm more interested in the 'why' Moony."

"'How' is a complicated ritual, performed on the Witching Hour of Halloween at Stonehenge. As for 'why,' I came back in time to set things right. To save the lives ruined and destroyed by Voldemort. But most of all, I came back to end the schemes of Molly Weasley, and Albus Dumbledore."

Remus looked stunned and seemed like he wanted to say something, but Sirius beat him to the punch.

"Harry, I think you should tell us everything. Don't leave anything out."

So Harry told them everything. He told them how this year had originally gone. He told them about the Quidditch World Cup, and the Death Eater riot after, along with the reappearance of the Dark Mark. He told them how he was entered into the Tri-Wizard Tournament against his will, forced to compete as the school turned against him. Remus and Sirius were furious to hear how he had been abandoned by everybody, save for one kind and beautiful witch. They were beaming with pride as he told how he performed in the First and Second Tasks but became silent at the Third Task, and the return of Voldemort.

Things only got worse. The cowardice of Fudge, his letting Dolores Umbridge loose upon the school, with Sirius going pale with the mention of his death. Although, his mood did brighten quite a bit at Harry's mention of Remus marrying Tonks. Or as Harry so eloquently put it: Moony and Nymmie were getting busy. He also perked up at the realization that his brother Regulus had turned against Voldemort, and stolen a horcrux, sadly losing his life in the process.

Things didn't improve much from there, especially at the Battle of Hogwarts, and the deaths of both Remus and his wife, leaving their son an orphan. Remus, for his part though, was relieved to discover his lycanthropy wasn't hereditary. After that, came the intervening years, when Harry became an Auror alongside Ron, only to fly through the ranks while Ron barely got by on his connections as Harry's friend.

They were shocked to hear how Harry had married Ginny, while Ron had married Hermione, who would go on to become Minister for Magic. But that shock turned to rage when Harry mentioned the potions he and Hermione were given. That Ron was a knowing and willing participant, only furthered their rage. "And I gave that bastard an owl," Sirius muttered under his breath.

Then came the animagus ritual, how he had finally managed to connect with 'Goliath' as he was now called, only for the ritual to undo years of Obliviations. Harry told them how Dumbledore had intentionally weakened him, left him isolated and unprepared, all so he could die, leaving Voldemort vulnerable, and allowing him to secure his place as the greatest wizard of all time. He went on to describe the times he and Hermione had shared moments together, where they had confessed their feelings to each other, only for Dumbledore to appear and Obliviate them before they could do anything else.

All of that, he revealed, was done so Harry could, hopefully, impregnate Ginny, making her the underage mother to the Potter Heir. With Harry dead, and her underage, Molly Weasley would step in to act as regent. Molly would then split the fortune with Dumbledore, and he would be free to act as he wished, defeating Voldemort at whatever point he wished, no doubt when Wizarding Britain begged him to intervene, as had happened with Grindelwald.

By this point, Sirius and Remus were looking murderous. Sirius was clutching his chair with such intensity, his knuckles had turned white. Remus, on the other hand, was practically growling in rage.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't end there."

He went on to describe the overwhelming rage he felt, how he had been unable to control Goliath, and how he transformed into the 500-foot-long dragon that reduced an entire country to ash.

They had no words for this. But they were relieved when he told them how Hermione found him here, in the gutted ruins of this fortress, and how she had coaxed him back. She had soothed the rage of Goliath, and it had allowed him to regain control. He continued, telling them of life after his transformation, and how he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't handle being praised for avenging the people that betrayed him, especially since he was the one that killed him. He couldn't handle the fact his entire life he'd been manipulated and controlled, with even his family a product of potions.

But most of all, he couldn't stand the adulations Dumbledore continued to receive, and how he couldn't do anything about it. After all, Dumbledore's legacy had been all but secured, and nothing he did in the future would change that. So Goliath told him of the ritual that he used and travelled back in time. To save his friends and family from Voldemort, but most of all, to end the scheming traitors before they had another chance to use him.

"And that's everything up till now. I returned yesterday, met with Keeper Ragnok and his father, and secured this place to act as a safe house. This way, Sirius, you, Buckbeak and Remus have somewhere to stay until I secure your freedom."

"Not that I'm ungrateful Pup, but how do you plan on doing that? It sounds like Dumbledore will intervene if you try and get the Ministry to review my case."

"I'm still working on that. When the riots start, I intend to be there, this time, to stop the Death Eaters in their tracks. Anyone who survives will be given a trial. I'm hoping that as a witness, that allows me to speak with someone. But I don't know who yet."

"Madam Bones is the one to talk to pup. She's your best bet."

"The current Head of the DMLE? You trust her?"

"Far more than I trust Fudge, that's for damn sure. But more than that we... have a history. And from what you've told us, it sounds like she isn't even aware I wasn't given a trial. She's very 'by the books,' and didn't join the Order of the Phoenix the first time around. That might give you an opening."

"Got it: Madam Amelia Bones. You Ok Moony? You've been pretty quiet the whole time."

"It's just... so much to take in. Sirius being left to rot, you stuck with the Dursleys year after year, the potions. All of it prepping you to become a sacrifice."

"Yeah, it really is a lot to take in."

"I just wonder one thing: why did he hire me as a teacher? Surely he figured that I'd tell you about your parents, or even your legacy."

"My guess is he figured the curse placed on the Defence position would 'take care of you.' Besides that, he likely assumed that at some point, we'd meet, and he wanted it to happen in a place he can control."

Remus slumped into his chair, running his hands over his face. Before anyone could continue, Ragnok, who had been sitting quietly listening to everything, decided to speak up.

"Before you go any further, I'd like to bring up the goblin known as Griphook."

"I assume you caught the traitor?"

"Indeed, and he had many things to tell us. The most important, when it comes to you Heir Potter, is that he is responsible for far more than just abandoning you to your fate: he has actively helped Dumbledore attempt to bind you to his."

With a snap of his fingers, three pieces of parchment appeared in front of the three wizards. Taking them, they began reviewing the contents, the results of a Blood Test, and subsequent bindings.

"MERLIN'S BLOODY BALLSACK!" Sirius rose from his seat with a roar as he finished the list. "13 BINDINGS!? IS HE INSANE!?!?"

Remus was stunned by the results, and could only stare at the list in shock.

Harry, on the other hand, was slightly more focused. "How are 13 bindings even possible???"

"As I'm sure you're aware, Heir Potter, bindings placed on a magical core without any specifics involved, automatically weaken the core by half. This is why it's so rare to have more than one binding. The first already has the most effect. Your core, on the other hand, was labelledunclassifiable."

"What does that mean?"

"It means your core, at the age of a year old, was already powerful and developed enough that none of our tests could measure it. I'll wager that now that the bindings have been released, your spells are now significantly stronger."

To test his theory, he produced a quill and placed it on a table. Taking the hint, Harry produced his wand and cast a simple spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

The quill shot up like a bullet, embedding itself in the ceiling. But that wasn't what caught everyone's attention. Instead, Harry's wand burst into flames.

"ohcrapohcrapohcrap" Attempting to extinguish the flames did nothing, until his wand had been destroyed, leaving Harry holding a feather. Not just any feather, but the phoenix feather that comprised the core of his, now incinerated, wand.

"Well, goblins aren't allowed to wield wands, but even we know they're not supposed to do that."

Harry didn't respond. He simply stared at the feather, which now looked like it had just been handed to him by Fawkes.

"Messrs Sirius and Remus, do either of you have any ideas?"

"No, wandlore was never in my skillset. But... Lily might have known. What do you think Moony?"

"You're right. She studied wandlore, mostly out of curiosity, but she mentioned something like this. When the wand owner changes, the wand itself may no longer respond, so a new one is required."

"Well, I've changed from my original 14-year-old self. But the wand never did anything like this."

"Then it must have to do with the bindings being released, Heir Potter. I'd recommend you go to Ollivanders. I need to discuss some matters with Sirius while you're gone."

"Alright. I'll be back before long." Stepping onto the balcony, the three watched as Harry Apparated away.

"Now then, Sirius Black. The Black Account Manager has asked me to act on his behalf for this meeting..."

Harry walked into Ollivanders and immediately noticed Garrick wasn't out front.

"Hello? Mr.Ollivander?"

"One moment, one moment... Harry Potter! Welcome back, how can I help you?" The old wandmaker had been in the back and was quite happy to see his latest customer.

"Well, Mr.Ollivander, my wand just did something quite... unexpected."

"Oh? What happened?"

"Well, I was practicing my spellwork and..." he simply held up the phoenix feather.

Garrick's eyes went wider as saucer plates. "Mr.Potter..."

"It just burst into flames. Phoenix flames, I should think, because I was holding the wand and I never felt the heat."

"Remarkable. Mr.Potter, as I've mentioned before, it is not the wizard who chooses the wand, it is the wand that does the choosing. Sometimes, a wand will refuse to serve the wizard who originally wielded them, usually due to some great change that has occurred. In this case, the core of your wand wishes to continue to serve, but it has destroyed the holly wood, finding it unworthy. I've never heard of such a thing."

"So, what do I do?"

"Follow me. I shall craft a new wand for you, using the phoenix feather as part of the core."

Garrick led Harry from the front area into a large room. In the centre of this room stood a round table with various carving instruments, along with a stand for holding the wand in place. Lining the walls of the room were tables covered in a variety of woods and wand cores, ranging from feathers to heartstrings, to bones and horns.

"Now, Mr. Potter, go to the wand woods, and with your wand hand, select the wood that feels warmest. Then, you will repeat the process using the cores, selecting whichever ones feel the warmest. Finally, I will need a few drops of blood to determine the wand length and any stabilizing agents that may be required. After that, come back in an hour, and I should have the wand ready by then."

When Harry walked over to the various kinds of wood, he followed Garrick's instructions, holding his wand hand over them, searching for the one that felt warmest. Soon, he found it, and when he picked it up, he heard a slight gasp from Garrick, that gave way to a look of excitement.

"Elder wood, the rarest wood used for wands. They contain powerful magic, but it takes a remarkable wizard to keep an elder wand for any length of time. Those few that succeed are reputed to have been marked for a special destiny."

He has no idea how right he is.

Before either of them could say anything else, Harry walked over to the cores and repeated the process. As he went through the dozens of cores, including various feathers and hairs, he finally settled on one item: a heartstring from some manner of animal. When Harry showed his chosen core, Garrick at first went into shock, only to then look org*smic.

"Um, Mr.Ollivander? You're starting to freak me out."

"Forgive me, Mr.Potter, but, are you familiar with the Great Caledonian Fire Drake?"

Harry went slightly stiff at the question, though if Garrick noticed it, he never mentioned it.

"Very little. A dragon that went extinct 2,000 years ago?"

"Disappeared, Harry. Not extinct. In the days of the Old Tribes, these dragons were revered as the avatars of Lady Magic, the physical embodiment of her power. They were the largest, and most powerful dragons the world has ever seen, growing to lengths of 500 feet. According to the legends, they were remarkably intelligent, capable of human speech, and would pass on the greatest secrets of magic to those they deemed worthy.

"During those ancient days, they were known to offer pieces of themselves for a select few to be used as components in the most powerful of magics. Then, they simply disappeared. No one knows what happened to them, or why it happened. Many a wizard has delved in search of their ancient secrets, only to be driven mad by their discoveries.

"One wizard, a friend of my father, was one such man. An Unspeakable for the Department of Mysteries, he believed he was close to discovering what happened to them, only to barricade himself in his office for seven days and nights. When they finally broke in, he was dead from blood loss. He had used all the blood in his body to paint the walls with elaborate symbols no one in the DOM had ever seen before. That office is now a DOM research site, with a small team of Unspeakables dedicated to unravelling the mysteries they represent."

"Forgive me, Mr.Ollivander, but what does that have to do with my wand?"

"That terrible event occurred during my fourth year at Hogwarts. That summer, my father took us on vacation in the Highlands, where I stumbled upon an ancient ritual ground. Sitting atop the altar of that site, was a small box, containing that very heartsting, perfectly preserved. My father told me that it was no coincidence I found that site. He promised that one day, I would use this heartstring to create my magnum opus. Today, Mr.Potter, I fulfill that promise."

After taking a few drops of blood, Garrick ushered Harry out of the store and put out a CLOSED sign.

Well, that was interesting.

I must admit, his knowledge concerning my kind was impressive.

So it was all true?

Every word. And before you ask, no, I don't know what happened to the other Fire Drakes.

Why didn't you tell me all this sooner?

Because there was always something bigger for us to deal with: destroying the traitors, returning to normalcy, the ritual, and now getting Sirius set up. I had no intention of keeping this from you, I just wanted to tell you when you could focus on it. I'm sorry for not doing it sooner.

Apology accepted. Now, since we have some time, do we get the book shopping done?

Actually, I see someone you should talk to. It'll save you writing a letter.

Scanning the crowds, Harry noticed a very distinctive hat that could only belong to one witch.

"Professor McGonagall!"

At hearing her name, she turned from the two children she was leading, to the voice calling for her.

"Ah, Mr.Potter. Good to see you. Getting your school shopping done early?"

"You could say that. My wand is... no longer functioning, so Mr.Ollivander is preparing a custom wand. What about you?"

"Welcoming muggleborn students to Diagon Alley. Say hello to Anna Anderson, and Brian Robinson." She turned to the duo that accompanied her. "Children, this is Harry Potter, he'll be starting his fourth year at Hogwarts." The children promptly introduced themselves. Brian was a boy with shaggy blonde hair and had a fearless look to him. He took in everything he saw with wonder, and Harry was quite confident he would be exploring the castle, and breaking the rules, within his first week.

Anna, on the other hand, looked like a brunette pixie, with a small stature, even for her age, to match. She had a look of intense curiosity and fascination. Harry was quite certain this was the next Hermione Granger, even more so when she asked her questions in a single breath.

"Are you really a wizard? Do we all get wands? Can we go see the wandmaker? Do we need any extra books? What kind of spells will we learn? How many spells do you know?"

Harry chuckled at the list of questions while McGonagall shook her head in exasperation.

"Yes, I'm really a wizard. You all get wands. Mr.Ollivander's busy for the next hour. Extra books never hurt anybody. You'll first learn the useful, cool, and fun spells first. And I know 1,752 spells.

"Where were you taking them, next Professor?"

"I was going to show them Ollivanders, but if he's busy then we'll head to Flourish and Blotts."

"Ahh the bookstore." Anna's face lit up at the word 'book.' "Well, how about I accompany you? We can get the kids their books and mine, then if we have time, I'll treat us all to ice cream at Florean Fortescue's. Then we'll go see Garrick."

Before McGonagall could object, the two children gave a resounding 'YEAH!', leaving her both flustered and amused.

As they led the children to their next destination, Harry leaned over to McGonagall. "Are you certain her last name isn't Granger?"

"I was worried I was the only one thinking it."

Harry chuckled at their similar sentiment. "In any event, I was hoping to write to you. It concerns my classes for this year..."

While Harry was in Diagon Alley, Sirius, Remus and Ragnok had finished their meeting, and were lounging about, waiting for Harry to get back.

"So, Moony, the future isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Remus, on the other hand, was far from amused. "Really Sirius? THAT'S all you have to say??? 'Not all it's cracked up to be?'"

"You expected me to say something different?"

"PLENTY!!! Our deaths, Harry being deliberately kept in the dark, the bindings, Obliviations, potions, all of it! And that's all you can say!?"

"What do you want me to do Remus? Jump up and down, scream at the heavens, pull my hair out?? It happened, Harry had to endure all of that. Because I screwed up and because none of us questioned the bearded bastard when we should have. Because Dumbledore had free reign on Harry thanks to that Howling bitch Molly and her traitorous bastard of a son.

"We failed Harry, the first time around. Now we have a second chance, a chance to set things right and protect the people we care about. I'm not wasting that just because I'm furious at everything we've learned."

"I suppose you're right. When did you become the mature, responsible one?"

Grinning, Sirius replied, "I don't know, but I've always considered myself serious."

"I walked right into that, didn't I?"

"Yep! But enough about me. When did you become such a ladies' man?"

"Oh Merlin, no..." Remus went red as a tomato.

"You and Nymmie were getting busy."

"Why did Harry have to say it like that?"

"Well, look on the bright side. You know you've got a shot with her, and your kids won't inherit lycanthropy."

"I suppose that is a good thing. It still feels odd to hear about a future someone else has already experienced."

"No stranger than hearing the man we respected as a mentor and friend is secretly trying to get the son of our best friend killed."

"That's another thing we should talk about. Do we think we can handle him?"

"What, whiskers? Pfft. From what Harry told us, it sounds like without the bindings placed on him, Dumbledick doesn't stand a chance."

"Not Dumbledore, Harry."

Sirius shot Remus a look of suspicion. "What do you mean, 'can we handle Harry?"

"Don't get me wrong, Dumbledore needs to go down for what he's done, never mind what he will do, but you saw it, didn't you? Harry's angry, angrier than I've ever seen. Even when he thought you were a murderer, he didn't show that kind of rage. And I don't think Goliath is helping."

"You make it sound like he's an unhinged monster. Ragnok, you mentioned seeing Harry's memories, do you think he's out of control?"

"No, but from what he described, not to mention the 'Animagus Guardian,' I think it's safe to say that he is in control... for now."

Remus and Sirius stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"The key is in the depth of the bond they share. With a standard animagus, like you Sirius, the wizard and the animal are clearly distinct. You take on the form of Padfoot, but that's as far as it goes. The Animagus Guardian functions as an additional layer of security, protecting the wizard's mind from external influences, like Obliviation, Legilimency, and even some Potions. It's no wonder Dumbledore went to such lengths to suppress it in Harry.

"But the ritual that Harry underwent in the future has deepened the connection even further. At this point, I don't think anyone could tell you where Harry ends, and Goliath begins. They are so deeply connected that Harry can feel the influences of Goliath. He doesn't just hear his thoughts, he can feel his rage at everything that's happened, so closely I doubt he even knows anymore if it's his or Goliath's."

"Then can Harry keep Goliath under control?"

"For now, definitely. He's specifically planning for the timeline to proceed as normal, aside from a few alterations. He'll be securing the horcruxes, at which point Gringotts will remove the soul fragment, and place the restored item in his Family Vault. Hopefully, by the Third Task, we'll have disposed of all the horcruxes, and Voldemort will be vulnerable.

"From there, I don't know. Goliath spent decades imprisoned within Harry's mind, forced to watch as he underwent torture and betrayal, all while being helpless to intervene. Assuming Dumbledore or the Weasleys don't do anything stupid, or drastic, we should be fine."

"And if they do?"

Sirius answered Remus, "Then we'll be there for Harry. We can handle this Moony. Just trust Harry on this."

"I do Sirius. It's just..."


"Hurt and angry students I can handle." He looked at the parchment still in his hands, focusing on the word Unclassifiable.

"But a vengeful god? I doubt anyone can handle that."

Harry Potter, Anna Anderson, Brian Robinson, and to a lesser extent, Minerva McGonagall, were all enjoying Florean Fortescue sundaes courtesy of Harry. He'd taken a liking to Anna and Brian. Anna was proving herself Hermione's equal in terms of curiosity and desire to learn. Brian, on the other hand, was what Harry imagined himself as a child, were it not for the influences of Dumbledore and the Dursleys.

Of course, for now, at least, he had to keep that much hidden from Professor McGonagall. In the original timeline, she'd been willing to assist Hermione, and by the end seemed willing to believe that Dumbledore was not what he made himself out to be. But that would be years from now, and many things had happened. Until he knew for certain, she must be kept in the dark.

An easy matter, as Anna had by now asked question number 73, 'Why is the Forbidden Forest forbidden' since sitting down to their sundaes. She'd been too distracted by the bookstore to ask any questions, while McGonagall had graciously agreed to have Harry drop Divination in favour of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. It would leave him with less free time, but fortunately, the scheduled classes didn't conflict, and Harry was confident that, with some help, he'd be caught up in no time.

McGonagall had assumed he was referring to Hermione. He wondered how she would react when she learned he had help fromelsewhere.

"Well, it's been an hour. Garrick should be ready by now. I can get my wand, and we can get you your wands."

Brian became excited at the prospect of his own wand, though Anna was slightly disappointed to put her questioning on hold. Led by McGonagall, they four headed towards Ollivander, noticing the sign now said 'OPEN.'

"Keep it up, Mr.Potter. That behaviour is exactly what I would expect from a Gryffindor Prefect... and Head Boy."

Grinning at the compliment, Harry said nothing as they went into Ollivanders... and found Garrick looking like he was in a trance.

"Mr.Ollivander? Are you alright?"

Hearing Harry's voice seemed to snap him out of his trance.

"Yes... yes of course. Forgive me, I am simply... overwhelmed."

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear he spent the night with a Veela Matriarch.

Don't put that image in my head. Please.

"Well, I'm here for my wand, and we have two first years here for theirs."

"Right.. yes. Forgive me, I'll be with you two in a moment. First, Harry..."

Reaching under the counter, Garrick pulled out a box which presumably contained his wand. Setting it on the counter, Harry noticed the box was completely black, but the lid had a single word written on it, in gold cursive: Invictus.

"Harry, this is a wand without equal. Only the Elder Wand could hope to surpass this, and that was made, if the legends are true, by Death itself. This one has been built solely by mortal hands. Elder wood, 13 inches long, with twin cores of Phoenix Feather and the Heartstring of an ancient Fire Drake, and a single gram of the purest silver. This wand does not need you to voice a spell, or even move your wand in the required pattern. It is capable of hearing your thoughts and responding in kind. Even if someone were to disarm you, the wand would automatically return to you, for it will acknowledge no other as its master, but you."

Opening the box, Harry saw the most incredible wand he had ever seen in his entire life. It had the faintest glitter to it, as though the silver had been worked into the wood itself. Where the Elder Wand had knobs that looked like elderberries, this one had runes carved into the wood. The runes were noticeably dark, and Harry swore they looked like they had been filled in with blood. Most noticeable of all though, was the grip was shaped like a roaring dragon, with the rest of the wand protruding from its mouth.

With the barest whisper, Harry spoke "Invictus, the Unconquerable Wand."

Before he could even reach out to grab it, the wand levitated into the air, stopping just in front of Harry's chest. Reaching out, he took it in his hand, and felt a great warmth fill him, and the room. The wind blew around him, circling him like the eye of a cyclone, as his eyes began to glow with power, power that had not been seen in millennia. He could hear the song of the phoenix and the roar of the dragon.

With this wand in hand, he felt beyond powerful. He felt unstoppable. He feltinvincible. He felt... complete.

With barely a word between them, Harry paid for the wand, a new wand-holster, and a standard wand-care set, for 50 Galleons. Garrick had nearly refused any pay, regarding the work as reward enough, but Harry had been insistent, convincing him to accept it as a tip for his efforts. When he paid, Garrick whispered the wand was free of the Trace, and he doubted the wand would even allow something like that to taint it.

When he turned to look at McGonagall and the kids, they looked like they had seen the face of God.

"Are you three OK?"

Minerva didn't say a word, she merely nodded, though Harry suspected it was more to acknowledge she had heard him. A minute later she had recovered enough to push Anna and Brian forward to receive their wands. After a dozen tries each, Anna received a willow with unicorn hair (she squealed at the revelation that unicorns were real) while Brian got mahogany with a thunderbird feather (which he thought was awesome), with Harry happily paying for both wands.

When the four of them left, and it became time to part ways, McGonagall shook his hand, while Brian gave him a high-five, and Anna gave him her own brand of Hermy-hug.

"I'm back baby!" Harry had apparated into the Royal Apartments and began laughing when his sudden appearance startled Sirius and Remus.

Ragnok chuckled as well. "Glad to see you back. I take it your trip was a success?"

Rather than answer, Harry summoned his wand into his hand. His three guests went wide-eyed at the sight of the wand. Ragnok whispered in Gobbledegook, while Sirius' mouth fell open. Only Remus was coherent enough to answer. "I can feel the power radiating off of it."

"Yeah, I'll have to work on that. But how are things here? Your meeting go ok?"

Ragnok recovered and answered as professionally as he could manage. "Yes, I've discussed all I need to with Sirius. As for you Heir Potter, I believe it's time we finally went through your Family finances."

Taking a seat across from Ragnok, Harry waited for him to continue. Instead, he produced a lengthy piece of parchment and handed it over.

Gringotts Accounting Report

Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Current Owner: Harry James Potter, Heir of Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Vault 687 - Potter Family Vault (Possesses 3 Subvaults: Treasure Vault, Heirloom Vault, Library Vault)

Treasure Vault Contents:
62,375,924,605 Galleons

9 Sickles

20 Knuts

Heirloom Vault Contents:

Precious Stones (Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, etc.) Total Value: 10,799,356 Galleons, 15 Sickles, 1 Knut

Lord and Lady Rings, Heir Rings

Assorted Jewelry (Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Tiaras, etc.) 9,560,192 Galleons, 5 Sickles, 12 Knuts

75 Swords: 50 Longswords, 20 Rapiers, 5 Cutlasses

30 Spears: 20 hunting spears, 10 halberds

2 War-hammers

50 Flintlock guns: 40 muskets, 10 pistols

1,200 Bullets: 1,000 lead, 200 silver

100 Cannons, 500 cannonballs

1,000 Caskets of Gun Powder: stasis enchantments equipped

50 Suits of Armour: 30 Steel, 15 Iron, 5 Silver

12 War Robes

2 Captain Uniforms

Library Vault Contents:

Potter Family Grimoire

750 Scrolls

623 Tomes and Books

50 Stone Tablets

VAULT 704 (Harry James Potter Trust Vault)

Total Monetary Fortune: 20,000 Galleons

Note: Vault refilled with 20,000 Galleons transferred from Vault 687 on July 31 every year between 1981 and 1998

Everything so far had been familiar to Harry, having received a similar list in the original timeline, albeit much later in life. However, at the bottom of the parchment, past the family properties, was a separate list.

Gift Vaults

Vault 1180 to Harry James Potter (1981) Contents: 15,000 Galleons

Vault 1181 to Harry James Potter (1981) Contents: 50,000 Galleons

Vault 1182 to Harry James Potter (1981) Contents: 10,000 Galleons

Vault 1183 to Harry James Potter (1981) Contents: 12,000 Galleons

Vault 1184 to Harry James Potter (1981) Contents: 5,000 Galleons

Vault 1185 to Harry James Potter (1981) Contents: 9,000 Galleons

Vault 1186 to Harry James Potter (1981) Contents: 20,000 Galleons

"Keeper Ragnok, I don't recall ever seeing these Gift Vaults in the original timeline."

"When did you finally receive an Accounting Report from Gringotts?"

"Years in the future. I think it was 1999, around the New Year."

"Well, just in case my future self was being careless, as well as oblivious, I took the liberty of reviewing that list down to the last Knut. There are supposed to be three more Gift Vaults, totalling 72,000 Galleons. I know this because I received notices for the opening of each, given that you were the intended recipient."

"I think I have an idea of where they went, it's just a question of how it was done."

"Griphook. Each year, when you didn't attend your meeting with me, courtesy of one bearded meddler, Griphook would have one of the Vaults 'seized' as punishment for neglecting your duties as a Family Heir. He admitted the finances from the Vaults would instead be divided between Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley, placed in separate Vaults only they are aware of. Arthur Weasley has no idea his wife was 36,000 Galleons stolen from you."

"What do you recommend? If Griphook did this every year, then Dumbledick is expecting a fresh transfer of Galleons, probably in a matter of weeks."

"I've already placed an owl redirect on anything meant for Griphook to me. If Dumbledore sends anything to Griphook, I'll respond with a standard letter informing him the intended recipient is no longer employed, due to execution. That'll keep him away from Gringotts for the time being."

"Good enough. Anything else?"

"Just one: you have yet to formally claim this place. Also, it needs a name. According to Redtooth, your predecessor never thought to name it. So that falls to you, Heir Potter."

Thinking over his options, Harry stood from his chair and pointed his wand into the air. With a voice of ironclad authority, he spoke.

"I, Harry James Potter, Lord of the Isle of Wrath, Heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, do formally claim this fortress in the name of the Potter Family. Henceforth, this fortress shall be known as the Dragonstorm Citadel. SO MOTE IT BE."

The room briefly glowed, and Harry felt a shift in the magic of the island, as it recognized his claim and the new name it had been bestowed. When he turned to look at his audience, Ragnok was grinning, showing all his shark teeth, Sirius was nodding, and Remus looked impressed.

"That almost sounded like a declaration of war."

"We are at war Remus. We're at war against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. They are the rot that has poisoned Magical Britain as it rots from the inside out. And we are at war with Dumbledore, who fancies himself the Lord of the Light as he skulks and schemes in the shadows like a rat. Make no mistake, this IS a war. A war that will alter the course of Magical Britain, a war that will decide the fate of generations yet unborn. A war in which the final battle draws near. But with your help-" Harry turned to look outside, out into the wider world, that contained his greatest enemies.

"They willnever see me coming."


I had fun writing this one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Chapter 10: The March To War


I've edited the first conversation, so hopefully, it's easier to read.
Also, brace yourself, Vernon gets what's coming to him.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With the Dragonstorm Citadel now firmly in the hands of Harry Potter, alongside Keeper Ragnok, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin, he could begin preparing for the battles to come. Reviewing his memories, this Quadrumvirate agreed that with the Quidditch World Cup Finals in two weeks, it was best to use the time they had now. Discussing their plans over a magnificent dinner prepared by the house elves (who had been shown how and where to buy supplies they didn't immediately have access to by Dobby) they agreed to a battle plan.

Harry led the conversation, taking his first bite of roast Auroch. "So for the next two weeks, until the 16th, I'll be staying here with Sirius and Remus. I can use that time to train and exercise, getting back into form for the inevitable riots."

"Remember to visit Diagon Alley pup. You never know what you may find there that can be useful."

"Granted, but I don't want to take too many chances. If I show my hand early, we've got a whole slew of problems to deal with."

"We need contingencies planned for that possibility. You said Professor McGonagall was there for your new wand?" Remus sounded like he was a professor again, speaking calmly and with authority.

"Yeah, along with two first years. I doubt they'd pose any risk, but Minerva could be a problem."

Ragnok, who had been thoroughly enjoying the variety of meats before him, decided to chip in on this point."Don't underestimate Dumbledore. The man is a master of Legilimency. If he thinks they have answers for him, he won't hesitate to invade their minds for them."

"sh*t, he's right pup. Better be careful around them if they end up in Gryffindor. But that still leaves Minerva. Do you have a plan for her?"

"I'm not entirely sure. She did help us in the original timeline, and I'm confident she was questioning Dumbledore. The problem is most of that was done years later when he was already a rotting corpse. I don't know how she'd react to all of this today."

"If it's any help, while I was a professor, she admitted having doubts about where Dumbledore placed you."

Harry's head snapped in Remus' direction. "Really?"

"Indeed. She was the one who watched the Dursleys before you were left with them. Needless to say, she wasn't impressed. Whenever she tried to bring up the matter of your wellbeing, Dumbledore would brush it off with reassurances that you were 'where you were safest.'"

"So concerned enough to ask, but either not enough to check herself, or he somehow interfered with her whenever she did."

Remus could only shrug his shoulders. "It's possible. I know she doesn't like doubting Dumbledore, but that doesn't mean she's a blind follower. Give her enough reason to doubt him, and she'll come around."

"If I might get us back on topic, what happens from the 16th onward?" The goblin philosophy of 'time is money' is still applied at dinner conversations.

"In the original timeline, I got a letter from Molly and Ron on the 16th, saying they'd come and get me the next day. The World Cup Finals are on the 18th, so that'd be my main focus. Everyone'll be too distracted by the game to ask me questions I don't want to answer."

"After which, the Death Eaters will start their little riot, and the Dark Mark will be cast."

"Right, but before the Mark appears, I'll be confronting the Death Eaters. Between my knowledge and newfound power, it'll be an easy matter bringing them down. I don't remember the exact number of Death Eaters, but I know Lucius is one of them."

"What about Narcissa?" Given that her husband was part of Voldemort's inner circle, Sirius had always wondered if Narcissa took the Mark.

"No. She might be fine with pure-blood supremacy, but she was never given the Dark Mark like Bellatrix was. More to the point, however, the ones I capture will be given a trial, during which I'll be required to attend as a witness, considering I'm the one that brought them in."

"And that allows you to speak with Director Bones about getting a trial for Sirius." Remus wasn't much of a chess player, but teaching Defence let him see the moves before they were even made.

"Exactly. Before that though, I'll need to write a letter to her, probably under a pseudonym, so she begins taking an active interest in your case Sirius."

"I guess it makes sense pup, but why the pseudonym?"

"We can't be sure whether or not Dumbledore has spies embedded in the Ministry, specifically the DMLE. If Madam Bones gets a letter from me stating that you're innocent, and I have proof, she'll want to take immediate action. Furthermore, because I'm, technically, only 14, I'm not sure how inclined she'll be to listen to my warnings about being careful."

"Fair enough, but then why the wait?"

"Because Fudge is an idiot."

A shark-toothed grin spread across Ragnok's face at that. "HAH! No argument here, but I think you need to be more specific."

|Fudge may not be a blood bigot, at least not when compared to some of the Dark families. But he's easy to manipulate. Lucius and all the other free Death Eaters evaded justice by claiming to be bewitched, and they've been funnelling him money for years now. The connection between him, and a twice-caught Death Eater, will begin to tank his reputation, at least whatever reputation he has. He'll start looking for something that can save him, something that lets him say with some credibility he knows what he's doing."

"And getting me my trial, after being wrongfully imprisoned for 12 years, will go a long way towards that."

"That's right. He'll jump on the chance to 'right a wrong perpetrated by the previous administration' as a means of boosting his credibility. Before Voldemort returned, I saw him as a well-meaning, but bumbling politician. His connection to Lucius will make him seem far worse than bumbling. But freeing an innocent man? No Death Eater or sympathizer would ever dream of that."

Moony was nodding along, seeing how Harry had planned this out. "Quite Slytherin of you Harry. I'm rather impressed."

"The Hat did consider putting me in Slytherin, but I asked it not to."

"Lily said something similar."

"My mother was almost put in Slytherin???"

"The Hat sensed her desire to prove herself, especially as a Muggleborn in a time when they were given a difficult life. But it placed her in Gryffindor when she told it proving herself meant nothing if she wasn't brave enough to do the right thing."

"When did she tell you this?"

"Around the time we found out she was a Parselmouth." Sirius had been watching the back and forth with a grin, remembering happier times.

"She was a Parselmouth!? And you knew!? How??? When???"

"The 'when' is when she was pregnant with you. It might have been her hormones or the fact that I almost knocked a bookshelf onto the family cat, accidentally mind you, but she was very angry and all of a sudden went from yelling at me to hissing at me."

Ragnok was rather confused by this part of the conversation. It wasn't like wizards to be subtle about a rare ability, especially one they were born with. "Why did it take so long for you to learn about her Parseltongue abilities?"

"Unfortunately the ability to speak to snakes is associated with Dark Magic, mainly because of notorious Dark wizards like Herpo the Foul and Voldemort. It was quite a shock, though mainly because it's a hereditary ability."

"And how exactly did you handle it?" This was definitely not something that Harry had learned about while these two were still alive.

"Well, while we were in shock Lily realized what had happened and locked herself in the master bedroom. It was about a week before she would speak to us again. Before she said anything we assured her she was still our friend, no matter what."

The loyalty Sirius and Remus showed to the late Lady Potter was rather impressive to Ragnok. But then, he had an idea. "If you're interested, Heir Potter, I can give you a Heritage Test at Gringotts. If it truly is hereditary, we might find something we could use going forward. Especially if you never took one in the future."

"Sounds like a good idea. Now, as for the school year..."

After a magnificent dinner, Harry had unfortunately been required to return to the Dursleys. Fortunately, when he returned, the house was quiet as everyone had gone to sleep. Taking advantage of the quiet, he packed his trunk with everything he would need, from clothes to school supplies. With everything he needed to be packed, he went to sleep, eager to start the next day, knowing he would have two weeks of freedom from the bastards Dumbledore stuck him with.

Waking the next morning, he put on fresh clothes and shrunk the trunk with a thought. Pocketing it, he prepared to head downstairs when he heard something he hated without reserve.


Of course, he decides today he has a problem with my absence.

He'll have an absence of limbs if he tries anything.

Remain calm. I doubt he'll try to stop me when I tell him I'll be leaving.

Heading downstairs, Harry noticed the lack of sounds coming from the kitchen. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he realized the bellowing came from the sitting room. Sure enough, Vernon and Petunia were seated in the chairs while Dudley sat on the couch. Dudley had a smug look on his face, a proper sh*t-eating grin that was begging for a supremely savage curse to be launched at it. Petunia just had her typical scowl, the kind that one made if they were forced to smell something, particularly fowl. Vernon, on the other hand, had his regular sneer painted on, the kind he showed to everyone he wasn't trying to butter up.

Deciding to have some fun with this, Harry strolled into the sitting room, standing in the centre with the curtains closed. "You bellowed?"

Vernon's face went beet red at the sheer audacity he had. "You've been shirking your chores, boy!"

"Have I? What a shame."

"The garden needs weeding, the floors and dishes need washing, the tables need dusting, and the carpet needs vacuuming."

"My, that is quite a list."

Vernon was losing what little patience he had. "Get to it, boy! You can forget about breakfast for your lip, so no lunch until it's all done!"

"I don't think so."

Vernon looked like he'd just been smacked. "Excuse me!?"

"Oh dear, are your ears clogged with hair and fat? I said I don't think so."

Vernon was glaring with unimaginable fury. He wasn't used to being insulted, let alone challenged by someone he held authority over. His voice became dangerously quiet. "You watch your mouth, boy, or you'll be spending the summer in the cupboard."

Harry wasn't afraid. Instead, he was angry at the threat. "I am not your slave, fat man. I have other plans, and I'll be gone until the 16th. Find someone else to do the dirty work. I'm sure the horse you married is used to it. Or maybe your pig of a son can do it. I'm sure the exercise will do him a world of good."

At that, Vernon stood up, completely red in the face, his mustache twitching uncontrollably. Dudley was stunned by the display, as was Petunia. Since when did Harry have the nerve to not only defy them but insult them to their face?

"I've had enough of you, boy!" He reached out to grab Harry, by the collar or by his hair, but it would be his biggest mistake.


Fueled by a sudden surge of rage, Harry grabbed Vernon by the wrist and squeezed with all his newfound strength. Vernon's sudden cries of pain drowned out the sickening crack of his wrist bones being crushed.

"And I've had enough ofyou,Vernon."

"Why you little freak! How dare-"

Whatever Vernon was about to say, be it a threat or insult, was cut off by a howl of pain as Harry twisted his wrist, and pulled his arm in. He wasn't finished with this wretched excuse for a man. Goliath was roaring in rage, and Harry could feel it fueling his own. As Vernon got closer, Harry lifted his right leg up and stomped on Vernon's right knee, shattering it completely and bringing him down to his knees. His face was as red as an overripe tomato now, and his piggy eyes were scrunched up in agony. His voice would be filling the air with screams, but with his free hand, Harry grabbed him by the throat and squeezed.

He could still breathe, barely, but wasn't able to do more than that.

"Now, that's better. Much more pleasant without that unpleasant bellowing."

Petunia was shocked and terrified, unsure of what to do. Dudley, rather than sit and watch, had risen from the couch, no doubt preparing to do something violent. Before he could, Harry shot him a murderous glare, irises beginning to glow with power fueled by hate.

"Don't even think about it, fat boy. You and your father have given me more scars and broken bones than I can count, and I'm justdyingfor a chance to pay youback."

He sat down without a word. Now he looked as terrified as Petunia, realizing the dangerous situation he found himself in.

"Now that I have your undivided attention, I'm going to make things crystal clear. First, I'll be gone until the 16th. I won't be setting foot in this house before then. After, I'll be staying just long enough to be picked up by some friends. I won't be back for the rest of the summer. In fact, I hope to never set foot in this vile houseever again. The only thing stopping me from leaving this place, and never looking back, is the man who abandoned me here with you vile lot.

"The night my mother died, her love for me invoked an ancient and powerful magic that protected me from her murderer. That magic is powered by blood ties, so for that reason, and that reasonalone, I was left to your non-existent mercy. You, Petunia, because of your blood relation to my mother- yes my mother, notyour sister-are why I have been forced to endure your endless cruelties. But that endsnow.

"I tell you this because next year, everyone who has threatened me, the Dark wizards that have been hunting me, and the insane murderer that made me an orphan. By this time next year, each and every one of them will be dead and buried.

"And as foryouVernon," Harry lifted Vernon into the air with one hand around the blubbery throat, "if you ever call me a freak, or look at me in a way I don't like, then so help me, you'll be JOINING THEM!"

With that, Harry threw Vernon across the room, towards the couch. Dudley ducked out of the way, expecting his dad to land on the couch with a heavy thud. Instead, Vernon went straight through the wall into the dining room, crashing into the table and chairs, and shattering them under his massive weight. He rolled just enough to be clear of the wreckage that once was their furniture.

With a wave of his hand, he silently castReparo, restoring first the table, then the chairs, and finally the wall itself. Then, he simply Portkeyed away.

Over the next few days, life at Dragonstorm proceeded at a steady, if sedate pace. The first day had been dedicated to concealing the power his wand radiated. No easy feat, considering by Ollivanders description, this wand was equal to the Deathstick itself. Buckbeak had certainly taken to his new home, spending his days flying across the island and sleeping in the magical menagerie the house elves restored.

The house elves had been rather busy restoring the Citadel to its former glory. The buildings were being repaired in record time, and within five days, Redtooth proudly informed Lord Harry Potter that Dragonstorm Citadel was properly restored. To celebrate, the elves produced a marvellous feast, and courtesy of a description provided by Keeper Ragnok, made magical banners depicting the symbol of the Potter Family, that were promptly hung around the Citadel.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (7)

Remus, on the other hand, had been able to secure a second-hand wand for Sirius, one that would suffice for training purposes. He had decided to focus on bringing Sirius back up to par. Sirius, for his part, found himself in agreement, and the two of them could be found spending hours in the duelling arena.

The first few times had gone relatively poorly for Sirius, given he was adjusting to the new wand. But after landing flat on his ass after a few sessions, enough rust had been knocked off of him to keep up with Remus. By the third day, he'd been able to end most spars in a draw. By the fourth, he was on even footing with Remus. It was impressive to Harry, to see his godfather getting back into proper form. He would never forget that day in the Department of Mysteries, but where once his death dominated his memories of that day, now memories of him duelling that bastard Dolohov to a standstill.

It was then he realized Sirius had never been able to retrieve his original wand. Even in the original timeline, he had proven himself a competent, and capable, if somewhat reckless duelist. He wondered just what Sirius' fate would have been had Dumbledick actually gotten him a pardon.

And that gave Harry his first idea.

Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was not looking forward to the coming year. It was frustrating enough with the events of the previous year.

Sirius Black, a notorious mass murderer, and someone Amelia loved quite deeply, had escaped from Azkaban. To make matters worse, that fool Fudge, rather than increase her budget to train more Aurors for deployment across Britain, had instead resorted to using Dementors. DEMENTORS! She couldn't decide whether this was Fudge being stupid in a desperate bid to appear determined, or if Lucius had whispered the idea in his ear, hoping the abominations would get rid of his rivals.

Not that they had done much good, considering he'd made it all the way to Hogwarts with only the occasional sighting! Then, to top it all off, he'd apparently been captured by Severus Snape, only to escape that same night! Fudge had been quite desperate to keep that little bit of information to himself, considering the embarrassment it ensured. But one did not become a Department Head without being determined, and Fudge had cracked under her withering glare.

Now, here she was, returning to her office after a meeting with Fudge, Ludo Bagman, Albus Dumbledore, and her former mentor and predecessor, Bartemius Crouch Sr. That idiot Bagman had somehow convinced Fudge, Dumbledore, and Crouch to bring back the blasted Triwizard Tournament! The whole point of ending that insane competition was because of the death toll! Oh, but Bagman was promising, there would be 'restrictions' in place. They wouldn't be taking any 'unnecessary' risks with safety. This was coming from the moron who talked about quidditch statistics around Muggles like he was discussing the weather!

She could hardly believe that Crouch had signed off on it, though thankfully he seemed in favour of a compromise she had proposed. To help ensure there would be no 'unnecessary risks' they'd all agreed that no student under the age of 17 was allowed to put their names into the Goblet of Fire. She was grateful that Crouch was in favour of it and immediately voted in support of the motion. Fudge had been willing to support her, though she suspected that was mainly because he didn't want to risk angering her so soon after Sirius Black escaped.

Bagman and Dumbledore were another matter altogether. Bagman had been upset, talking about the spectacle that they were potentially missing out on. She had expected this, he was only interested in creating an exciting show, but he'd come around, no doubt convinced the age restriction meant fewer blocks on his ideas going forward. But Dumbledore's reaction had been concerning. Of all the people in that room, she had expected him to support her motion the most. Yet, he seemed the most reluctant. When pressed, he merely stated that many students would not be happy, and would no doubt try to find a way to circumvent that rule, hoping for the glory the Tournament promised.

He'd come around when he realized it was all but unanimous, brushing off her questions as merely him 'thinking aloud' but that did little to assuage her concerns. The entire time Susan, her own niece, had been at Hogwarts, she'd been hearing unusual things. There were rumours about a professor dying during her first year, albeit at the end, yet Susan claimed to have no knowledge of who it was, or even how it happened.

Then came her second year, and despite Dumbledore's efforts, word had reached the families of students. Students were being petrified!?!? And there were no clear suspects!? Oh, Fudge had arrested Rubeus Hagrid, but anyone with a brain could tell you it wasn't him, regardless of the record. The man was simply far too gentle for that, more interested in finding new ways to tickle creatures, than matters of power.

It sounded like the students had their suspicions, but Susan had kept quiet about them. Whenever she pressed the subject, Susan had clammed up, like she was embarrassed, or even ashamed, to admit who the suspect was.

In any event, by the end of the year, the petrifications had been stopped, and whoever truly was guilty had been dealt with. That little stunt pulled by Lucius seemed to have backfired. By the end of the school year, he went from chairing the Board of Governors to being sacked for threats made against the other members. It was only thanks to his 'friendship' with Fudge that she wasn't able to drag him before the Wizengamot for said threats.

Now she was going to have to deal with a deathtrap masquerading as a Tournament, at the very school her niece was attending. No, this was not going to be a good year.

Nodding to her secretary, she headed into her office, bracing herself for the nightmare that was about to begin... when she noticed she had a visitor. It was Tibia, the Bones Family house elf.

'What was she doing here?'She thought to herself. That was when she saw Tibia was holding something, a letter of some sort, and in a brief moment of panic she feared something had happened to Susan. Before she could voice such fears, Tibia stepped forward holding the letter out.

"Mistress Bones, Tibia asked to give you this letter by another house elf. Tibia made certain it was safe."

Thanking Tibia, Amelia graciously took the letter. Looking it over, she wondered who would try to contact her in such a manner. She noticed the letter was sealed, with the wax forming the symbol of a dragon holding an hourglass, a dragon that seemed oddly familiar. Then she opened it and had many more questions.

Madam Amelia Bones

I am grateful you have taken the time to read this letter, especially considering the unusual circ*mstances regarding its deliverance. I do wish we could meet in person, but as I'm sure you'll discover, there are many threats within the Ministry that seek to ensure my demise or my enslavement.

We have yet to meet, at least formally, and while I cannot guarantee when we shall meet, events are conspiring that will allow us a chance to meet in person, where I promise that all shall be made clear.

As a token of my good intentions, Madam Bones, I offer some information you will find quite interesting. Go to the Evidence Lockup for the DMLE, and search for any evidence related to crimes committed on 11-01-1981. You will find one of two things: a wand that doesn't belong, or a wand that contains proof.

Tell no one of this correspondence Madam Bones, for others wish to keep this information secret. The house elf Tibia knows how to contact me.

I await your response.

The Dragon of Time

For a few moments, Amelia did nothing. She simply stared at the letter, uncertain what to make of it. Before she did anything else, she called for Tibia.

"Mistress Bones calls for Tibia?"

"Tibia, I need to know, can you get in contact with the sender of this letter?"

"Tibia can, through fellow house elf. He didn't give his name, or masters, but said master who wrote the letter was 'kindest and greatest of wizards.'"

'Well, that rules out any former Death Eaters'Dismissing her with a thank you, Amelia read the letter again and found the request to search for evidence interesting. But that date, it was so familiar to her. 11-01-1981, that meant November 1st, 1981. The only crime she knew of that occurred that day was... oh no.

Without hesitation, she left her office, informing her secretary she needed to handle something of great importance, and made her way to Evidence Storage. If what this 'Dragon of Time' was implying held up, she would beveryinterested in further correspondence.

Taking a day to explore Diagon Alley, Harry hadn't been certain what to expect from this day. Of course, that was part of the fun. Diagon Alley had plenty of shops, shops that he hadn't thought to visit in his life, thanks in no small part to always being against the clock with his visits. It didn't help that he was always so uncomfortable with people watching him, considering the life he had led up to that point.

Now, he didn't really give a damn what the crowds were looking at. A smile here, a friendly nod there, and people were quite happy to simply observe and not act.

Turning a corner, he noticed a store he hadn't visited before. In fact, he was fairly certain he'd never evenseen this store. 'Tim's Tents and Trunks: Everything the camping wizard needs.' Curious about the new store, he decided to take a chance and went inside.

Upon stepping through the door, he was treated to an impressive sight. The store had the look of an old-fashioned hunting lodge, but instead of hunting trophies were large enchanted portraits of landscapes. Everything from a forest in deep winter, to a picturesque scene of a waterfall, to even the open plains. Lining the walls were shelves, each with boxes that were about as long as a broom, and thick as an arm. The floors in front had a variety of trunks, many of which looked like school trunks, while others had a more rugged and outdoorsy appearance.

In the center of it, all was a round dais, about four feet in diameter. One would think it was a display stand, but there was nothing on it. Harry must have paused at the sight because someone with a gruff voice remarked "It's for helping customers pick their tent."

Turning to the voice, he saw the source, a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard, and claw marks reaching from his left eye down to his chin.

"Wait a minute... are you, Harry Potter???"

"I am. Forgive me, but I don't think I've been to this store before."

"Then allow me to give you the introduction. The name's Tim Baker, owner and proprietor of Tim's Tents and Trunks. We specialize in creating enchanted tents for the adventurous wizard, along with various trunks for school and exploration."

"Enchanted tents sound interesting, but those trunks, especially if I can use them for school, sound especially useful."

"Thank you, though I'm especially proud of the tents. Unlike some, these ones provide all the comforts of home, without violating the Statute of Secrecy."

Thinking back to the World Cup, Harry grimaced as he remembered the extravagant tents that wereclearly magical. "I know what you mean. I don't think subtle is a word wizards use very often."

"If at all! But I'm getting off track. Are you interested in anything?"

Last time around, the main tent had been provided by Arthur, while the girls had slept in a smaller one. And more importantly, those trunks could prove useful. Deciding to indulge himself, he agreed to see Tim's stock.

One thing was clear, Tim took this work seriously and was bloody good at it. Every tent he showed had been impressive, and the trunks were practically miniature vaults. After spending an hour in the store, he eventually decided to purchase first his own tent. This tent was an impressive demonstration of Tim's skills. From the outside, like any other enchanted tent, it appeared as a normal tent, but upon stepping inside it turned into a two-story lodge, fully furnished, with eight bedrooms, three bathrooms, a dining area, and a fully functional kitchen.

When he eventually began exploring the forests on his island, this would definitely be useful.

Best of all, the tent automatically came equipped with Disillusionment Charms, Notice-Me-Not Charms, and a variety of other security measures that automatically activated as it was being set up. Arthur would be disappointed, but he'd be impressed by the work that went into this.

After finding his chosen tent, he decided to buy a new trunk, one that would come in handy during the school year. After viewing his options, he settled on the 7-compartment trunks, which included a portable library, and reinforced vault. Various add-ons cost extra but offered to include them for free in exchange for an endorsem*nt from Harry. He agreed, and after taking a few pictures in front of, and inside his tent, Tim added a self-cleaning function, fire and waterproofing, reinforced strength, password protection, the auto-shrink function, and a 'Glacius Box', the magical version of a portable mini-fridge.

Well, that was interesting.

The trunk makes sense, but did you need the tent too?

Why not? You never know when it'll come in handy. Plus it'll annoy Ron to bring it.

I'd rather just kill him, but anything that makes him unhappy works until then. Now, time to grab new clothes, you may not get another chance.

If Madam Bones were a lesser witch, she would probably be having a mental breakdown, or at the very least a panic attack. Taking a chance, she decided to investigate Evidence Lockup personally, eventually finding the drawer that contained all the evidence connected to the apparent death of Peter Pettigrew. Except when she opened it, there was indeed, a wand that didn't belong there. She'd known Sirius since their Hogwarts days, and she recognized his wand when she saw it, and THIS wand wasn't it.

Deciding to investigate further, she had this wand checked to see which spells it had last cast. Turns out, this wand was guilty of a lot, with all three Unforgivable Curses being used at least once. Needing further answers, she called for assistance and gave the Aurors assigned to this room the task of finding a very specific wand. She didn't tell them who the wand belonged to, only the description, including the core.

After three hours of searching, the wand was finally found. Checking it personally, she found the last spells used were cleaning charms and defensive spells. This wand hadn't been used for aggression, let alone something that could cause an explosion capable of killing a dozen people.

Thanking the Aurors for their help, she immediately returned to her office and penned a letter to this 'Dragon of Time'


I've gone through the evidence, as you suggested and found something most disturbing. The wand of a supposed mass murderer was not only kept in the wrong storage area, but it had nothing! Nothing that indicated it had ever been used for murder, let alone a mass slaughter.

I don't know who you are, but I'd like you to answer something: How is it, that this wasn't entered as evidence during Sirius Black's trial??

Madam Amelia Bones

When she summoned Tibia to deliver her letter, she sat and waited. She wasn't sure how long this would take, but she wanted answers, and she wanted them yesterday. Fortunately, this 'Dragon' agreed, sending a reply almost right away. But to Amelia's shock, the letter was a scrap of parchment, with one sentence.

There never was a trial.

That had been what nearly sent her over the edge. Sirius Black had been in Azkaban for twelve years, imprisoned without trial!? Finally managing to calm herself, she began to think. Millicent Bagnold had been Minister, while Bartemius was Head of the DMLE. Why had they done this??? Bad enough they denied him the right to a trial, but now it appeared he was innocent! What could possibly motivate them to do this? And... Albus Dumbledore. He was Chief Warlock then, and still was today. If anyone could get Sirius a trial, it was him. But he didn't. He abandoned Sirius in Azkaban. Why???

The Quidditch World Cup Finals were days away. She had until then to investigate. Afterwards, she would get her answers, or there would be hell to pay.

The two weeks had gone by so fast. It barely felt like anything. But Harry had gotten much done in that time. His training had given him a new kind of focus, one that he hadn't had in his old life. Now, he was more than a match for Dumbledore, or Voldemort.

Remus and Sirius were in their prime. Even with the effects of the Wolfsbane Potion, Remus could easily handle himself in a fight with Death Eaters. Sirius was still somewhat hindered by the lack of his original wand, but he was easily comparable to his Department of Mysteries self. God willing, he'd get his wand back, and Bellatrix wouldn't stand a chance.

Saying his goodbyes, he grabbed his belongings, and returned to Privet Drive, with one thought in mind.

There is no turning back.

Arriving in the early morning, he heard a tell-tale knock at the door. Answering the door before anyone else could, he found himself face-to-face with the postman. Just as before, he handed over the letter from Molly, the one that had too many stamps. Like before, he thought it was funny, but this time Harry shared a laugh with him, chalking it up to her being, a little ditzy. He then received the letter from Ron, and burned it to ashes, while Goliath gleefully imagined it was the sender.

Beyond that, the day went by quickly, and quietly. Vernon wasn't anywhere to be seen, while Dudley and Petunia were quiet, almost civilized to him. It was frankly unnerving to imagine them ever treating him like a real person.

Then, the 17th came. Harry sat in one of the chairs in the sitting room, staring at the fireplace. He was absentmindedly thinking about how the rest of the day would go. He thought about the twins and their business, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. He thought about Bill, Charlie and even Percy. He also, reluctantly thought about Ron and Molly. The git would try to get chummy with him, while Molly would try to mother him while plotting how best to slip potions into his food.

But then his thoughts were interrupted by someone else walking into the sitting room. He already knew who it was.

"If you're going to try killing me Petunia, I hope you brought something big."

She never said a word, simply sitting down in the other chair. Then came Dudley, walking slowly but surely towards the couch. Like his mother, he simply sat down and said nothing.

The seconds ticked by, turning into minutes as the appointed hour drew ever closer. Then Petunia spoke, in a voice that could barely be called a whisper.

"Do you really hate us that much?"

Harry didn't even bother looking at her to respond. "You have to ask? I didn't realize I was being subtle."

"That night... you didn't just lose..."

Harry's head snapped in her direction. "DON'T. DON'T YOU DARE."

Petunia looked back at him, terror in her eyes, but also something else... defiance, perhaps. But fueled by what?

"Don't you DARE tell me I didn't just lose my mother, and that you lost your sister. You lost her long before I was born. How many times did she try to start a conversation, only to be called a freak to her face? How many times did she reach out to you, trying to connect to you, only for her hand to be spat on? Never mind that, how many times did you insult her memory while I was growing up? All my life, you've made it abundantly clear, she wasn't your family, and neither was I. She was a mistake, and I was a burden."

The words seemed to have an effect, as Petunia looked down at her lap, at the wall, outside, anywhere but Harry. He wasn't sure, but he swore he could see what looked like tears falling from her.

"You're going after the people who killed her?" Dudley spoke up, but this time his voice was subdued, docile. Like he had just realized he wasn't the one in charge anymore.

"Yes. I'm going to find them, and I'm going to make them pay with their lives."

Dudley didn't respond, he simply nodded his head.

Then, they heard Arthur's voice coming from the electric fire. Just as before, he couldn't get through but was curious to see the electric fire for himself. Only this time, he decided he would try something.

"Arthur, hold still. I'm going to try something. If it works, you should be able to come through no problem."

Drawing his wand, he tapped the four corners of the fire, and whispered"Ut porta cursus."With that, the fire expanded to become as tall as Harry, and a green fire sprung to life, as Arthur, the twins, andRon, stepped into the sitting room.

"Ahhh, thank you, Harry. That was quite impressive, whatever you did. Have to show it to me sometime. Ah, and I understand you are the Dursleys. Petunia, and Dudley I believe? Where is the other one, Vernon was it?"

Before Harry could say anything, Dudley of all people, came to the rescue. "Hospital. Got in a car crash. We just stopped by to see Harry off."

Harry was stunned. He'd been prepared to offer some contrived reason for Vernon's absence, only for Dudley to offer a reasonable explanation that covered Harry. This was definitely new territory for him.

Of course, Arthur wasn't entirely sure what a car crash was but understood it must have been bad, offering his sympathies before sending the others back through the Floo. Harry went along with them but made sure to grab the Ton-Tongue Toffee on his way out. Dudley had earned that much of a reprieve.

Minerva McGonagall sat in her office at Hogwarts. With the Quidditch World Cup tomorrow, Albus would be expected to make an appearance. Because of that, she'd been swamped with extra paperwork, and not just the standard paperwork for the beginning of a new school year. This time she got extra work because Hogwarts would be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. But her mind kept going back two weeks, back to when she had ended up meeting Harry Potter while in Diagon Alley.

That meeting with Harry Potter had been an interesting one. She was proud of him for his behaviour with the first-years, even more so when he paid for their wands and books simply because he could. She'd been astounded when she saw his new wand, and was eager to start the new school year, if only for the chance to see it in action.

But in Flourish and Blott's, they'd had a conversation that had stuck with her.

"You wish to drop Divination, Mr.Potter?"

"Yes, and take up Arithmancy, or Ancient Runes."

"I've seen the schedule for this year, and if you're interested you can take both."

"Sounds good."

"It will be done. Frankly, I'm quite pleased you've decided to take more serious subjects, Mr.Potter."

"That response is exactly why I'm dropping Divination."

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's obvious the staff either, don't respect Divination, or they don't respect Trelawney. If even I can tell, then she can too."

"My lack of respect is why you're dropping it?"

"It's the effects of that lack of respect. She knows the staff don't respect her, so the students probably don't. To compensate, she tries to impress us. Why else would she predict the death of a student every year? Something like that would make us take her, and Divination seriously."

That part of the conversation had been brief, but it had been stuck in her mind for the past two weeks. She thought back on the years since Trelawney had joined the Hogwarts staff. And as she thought, she found herself disappointed by her own actions. She had hardly been welcoming, or even supportive of the woman, and whatever her thoughts on Divination, as Deputy Headmistress she had a responsibility to both staff and students. What did it say about her when people pointed to her as a reason not to respect a fellow teacher?

'Tomorrow,'she thought to herself, 'I shall start acting like the Deputy Headmistress is supposed to.'

That night at The Burrow had been awkward to say the absolute least. First, there were the twins. He'd inadvertently saved them a tongue-lashing from their Howler volume mother, at least for now. Ron had been acting chummy towards him, and Harry had to struggle not to let Goliath take over, and feed the pig his own intestines. The same could be said for Molly, though Goliath had something involving fire planned for her. Seeing Ginny again had been... awkward.

Harry could still remember the life he had once lived with her, but that memory was tainted by the potions that her harpy of a mother had been slipping him the entire time. Bill and Charlie were as fun as he remembered, and Percy was the same jackass he had always been.

But there was one bright side to this visit: Hermione was already here.

The past two weeks, Harry had thought of nothing but revenge, of setting plans in motion that would end with Dumbledore, Molly, and Ron all dead and destroyed, their legacies dragged through the mud as the full extent of their treachery is revealed to all. He had barely spared a thought for the one who had brought him back from the brink and saved him from madness. The one who had always been there for him. The brightest, and most beautiful witch of her age.

He must have been staring, because the twins had decided to nudge him, with gentle reminders that it wasn't polite to stare. Of course, they did the same thing for her, and she went bright red at that revelation.

It didn't help that during dinner, the conversation had turned towards Harry and his new physique. Over the last two weeks, his body had become remarkably toned. It was obvious, thanks to the properly fitting clothes he had purchased, and if the way Hermione and Ginny were looking at him was any indication, he might as well have had an Allure of his own. Considering the jealous glares Ron occasionally shot him, the comparison felt appropriate.

I think I understand how Fleur felt while at school.

I wonder how she will react to our presence now.

One thing's for sure, there is no way she can call me a 'leetle boy' anymore.

After dinner, Harry decided to show Arthur the tent he had bought. Pulling him aside, where the others couldn't see, he had set up the tent, simply laying it on the ground and tapping it with his wand. He had been impressed, but slightly disappointed as he had hoped to use the tent Perkins had given him. He had somewhat perked up when Harry mentioned that because of the size, now Hermione and Ginny could spend the night with the rest of them, though it had been a hard sell.

Then bedtime came, and that brought a whole new challenge, because like before, Harry and Ron were sharing a room. As Ron drifted to sleep, Goliath roared in Harry's mind.

He's right THERE!!! He's barely a foot from you! We can end this here and now!

NO! We can't show our hand now, it's far too early.

He must DIE!!!

And he will! But not now.

FINE. Still, nothing says we can't make him suffer.

Do you have an idea?

With Goliath and Harry both tempted by the prospect of tormenting Ron, Goliath taught Harry a new incantation, one that would prove most entertaining.

"Somnia tua cadunt cum mea voluntate. Voluntas mea fit tua visio nocturna."

Harry had whispered it, and in an instant was transported into the dreams of Ron. What he saw was disgusting to him. Ron's dream involved him sitting on a throne, atop a literal mountain of gold, an oversized Firebolt broom in hand, and a harem of half-naked witches fawning over him. But worst of all, one of those witches was a bimbofied Hermione.

Deciding to have some fun at Ron's expense, Goliath revealed the incantation allowed Harry to control his target's dreams, turning them into nightmares. For the rest of the night, Ron endured endless nightmares of being tortured by harpies, burned in molten gold, and chased through the skies by a monstrous dragon.

Needless to say, he wasn't well rested but was quite happy to be awake when morning came. Conversely, Harry was feeling rather refreshed from a 'good night's sleep' and was disappointed he had to get out of bed.

Just as before, the lot of them, minus Molly, prepared to travel to the World Cup. Before he left, Molly had decided to make her usual offer of handling the book shopping, only to be stunned when Harry replied it was already done. Before she could pester him for his Gringotts key, Arthur had pulled him away, leading the march to the Portkey.

Just like last time, they met up with the Diggorys, including Cedric. Harry remembered how he had been murdered by that traitor Wormtail. This time, he'd live a decent life. Even if it wasn't with Cho, it wouldn't be cut short by the cowardly rat, or his insane master.

Once again, they arrived at the campsite, though this time Harry would set up the tent. When everyone saw the inside they were amazed at the work that had gone into it. Bill and Charlie asked where he had gotten it, hoping they could get a custom one set up for their jobs, with Bill spending time in the desert and Charlie in the mountains, something like this would be invaluable. Percy likewise wanted one, but mostly as a gift for Ministry officials.

The twins were eager to begin exploring the limits of this kind of enchantment. Hermione and Ginny were excited that they didn't have to set up a separate tent, while Ron was silently glaring at Harry the whole time.

Stepping out for a brief moment, he turned towards the stadium, where soon the Finals would be held, and everything would be set in motion.

This is going to be fun.

Back at Hogwarts, breakfast had just been finished, and Minerva McGonagall was making her way to the Divination classroom. Like always, Professor Trelawney had taken breakfast in her office and would be in the classroom during her spare time, 'divining' the future.

'No, I have to stop that!' Minerva had already decided it was time to act the way a Deputy Headmistress should, and swallowed her pride as she entered the classroom.

True to form, Trelawney was at the head of the classroom, with a crystal ball, or Orb as Seer's insisted, though turned with a start at Minerva's sudden appearance.

"Professor McGonagall??? To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?"

"Professor Trelawney, I'd like to apologize."

One could hear a pin drop in the classroom, as neither of them knew what to say next. Finally, Sybill recovered enough to reply. "I beg your pardon?"

"I'd like to apologize for my behaviour towards you."

Trelawney didn't say anything, she simply stared at McGonagall, waiting for her to continue.

"Over the years, I have not shown you the proper respect due a member of the Hogwarts staff, or the subject you teach. Whatever my thoughts on Divination, it was wrong of me to treat you, or the subject, in a disrespectful manner. That I serve as Deputy Headmistress and am responsible for both staff and students, makes my failings in this regard all the more egregious. So for that, I apologize."

For a few moments, Sybill didn't say anything, simply staring at McGonagall in disbelief, until finally, she spoke again. "Thank you, Minerva. That means a lot coming from you."

Nodding at Trelawney, McGonagall turned to leave, when she was asked "Care for a crystal reading? I promise, no predictions of death."

McGonagall looked at Trelawney like she was barmy, but decided no harm would come from humouring her. Sitting across from her, she asked a simple question: What do you predict for the coming school year?

Gazing into the crystal ball, Minerva wasn't sure what to expect, until Trelawney started speaking.

"I see... three students. The first... a wizard, proud and strong, he soars through the skies, seeking to prove himself... now I see... a witch, as beautiful as she is deadly, her voice shall enchant even the most fearsome... now I see a wizard again... but this time, he is kind and humble, loyal to his friends... he shall a thousand voices cheering for him... but he will be ashamed of them, for what they will do..."

McGonagall was somewhat impressed. She'd managed to keep her promise of not predicting death.'I should have done this years ago.'

"But wait... there's a fourth... another wizard... but this time... he is both younger and older... for time itself has bent to his will... he is strong... powerful beyond recognition.... he wishes not to compete... but he rushes forward... determined to stop a rising darkness... he will... they..."

All of a sudden Sybill Trelawney went ramrod straight in her seat. Minerva was shocked to see her eyes glaze over, and smoke pour out of her mouth. Then came that hollow voice, like nothing Minerva had heard before.

"The three titans march to war. The Phoenix shall blind the world, deceiving it with false light. The Serpent seeks to poison the world, and spread its corruption. The Dragon shall stand against both, and defend all that was, and will be. They shall seek to conquer the Dragon, but they will fail, for they will only know to strike at the Heart. You must stop those blows from landing, Minerva McGonagall, or all shall be lost in endless fire..."

As the last of the words left Trelawney's mouth, she snapped out of her trance, and seemed unaware it had even occurred.

"Oh, dear me, I seem to have lost my train of thought. What were we discussing, Deputy Headmistress?"

"We were just finishing up. Excuse me, Professor, I have something that must be taken care of."

With that Minerva rushed out of the class, and back to her office. There she began pacing the room, thinking over everything she had just heard.

'Was that a prophecy? No, it couldn't have been, could it? A prophecy, one that mentioned her by name! But what did it mean? The Serpent was obviously aligned with Voldemort, but then who was the Phoenix, and who was the Dragon? The only Phoenix I know of is Fawkes, but that couldn't mean Dumbledore... could it?' Minerva was disturbed by this line of thought, but pursued it to the end. She thought back to the decisions he had made that she disagreed with, most notably leaving Harry in the hands of those awful relatives of his.'If the Phoenix is Dumbledore, could that mean the Dragon is... Harry Potter?'

The more she thought over this prophecy, the more she was unnerved by the implications it carried. By the end of the day, it had dominated her thoughts completely, distracting her from the paperwork she was supposed to complete. By the time she retired for bed, she had one question playing out in her mind, over and over again.

"Albus, what have you done?"


And there we go! Next up, the Finals themselves and the riots after.
Just in case anyone is upset over the timing of the Finals, I've read about them occurring on both the 18th of August and the 24th. Given what's coming after the Finals, I decided to go with the 18th, if only for the flexibility it gives me.
And finally, sorry for the lack of detail regarding Harry's time at the Burrow. I'm hoping what comes next will make up for it.

Chapter 11: The Finals


I've been looking forward to this one. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Now was the time for the World Cup Finals, and even knowing the outcome, he was excited to see the game again. There was just something about Quidditch that kept him from being bored, even with a game he had seen before. Stepping into the Top Box, he found familiar faces. Fudge was miming his way through introducing the Bulgarian Minister, Oblansk, to Bagman. The Malfoy's had yet to arrive, but someone else was here, a mass of shimmering silver. Next to it stood the house elf Winky. It wasn't hard to figure out who it was.

I take it that's Barty Junior?

Correct. That invisibility cloak does nothing to hide from us.

How is it that I can see, if not him, then the cloak itself?

Nothing can be hidden from the sight of my kind. And you've gained that power, even in your human form.

Taking that into consideration, Harry remembered that last time, Crouch Junior had stolen his wand while Winky was dealing with her fear of heights. Harry pitied her, and wanted desperately to 'trip' into the bastard, but held himself back. He had a part to play, in these plans he had set in motion. But someone had just arrived that made it very difficult to hold back. Stepping into the Top Box was none other than-


Goliath's rage flared like an inferno, and Harry just had time to grab his right arm, as it lunged forward, eager to tear into the throat of the bearded betrayer. Needing to focus, he slipped away from the main group, heading towards the Quidditch pitch.


NO!! It's too early, and there are too many witnesses!


To Harry's shock and horror, his right hand began to change. Scales began to grow out of his hand, as it began turning into a fearsome claw.



Suddenly all thoughts of vengeance faded as he heard a voice, as beautiful as an angel, coming from behind him. Turning, he saw Hermione looking at him, those gentle eyes filled with worry.

"Are you alright?"

"I... I'm fine. Just a muscle I pulled earlier. Thought it was better."

"Do you need something for the pain? I'm sure that Arthur can-"

"No. No, it's passed, I'll be fine."

"Are you certain? I'm sure it won't be a problem."

"I'm sure. But thank you, Hermione."

"For what?"

"For caring."

Smiling at him, she took him by the arm and led him back to the others, where the oblivious Minister Fudge was introducing the Malfoys and the Weasleys.

"Arthur, what a... pleasure to see you."

"Likewise... Lucius."

How the hell is Fudge this damned oblivious?

I wish I could tell you. The air is thick enough with tension you could cut it with a knife.

That was when Fudge noticed Harry, and decided to bring him into the conversation.

"And this must be Harry Potter! A pleasure to see you again, young man. I'm sure you're familiar with Draco, a fellow Hogwarts student, but have you had the chance to meet Lucius, or his lovely wife Narcissa?"

The three Malfoys turned from the Weasleys, and focused their attentions on Harry, and Hermione still holding his arm.

"I've met Lucius before, though I have not had the chance to meet Narcissa. Incidentally, Minister, I don't believe you've been properly introduced to my friend, Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age."

While the flattered Hermione was speaking with Minister Fudge, curious about the responsibilities that come with the office, Harry turned his attention back to the Malfoys.


"Potter." Draco's sneer suddenly turned into a wicked grin. "Should've known you'd end up getting kissy with the mud-"

"Be careful Draco. After all, it is a long way down."

"Are you threatening my son, Potter?" Lucius's eyes narrowed, and that scowl of his could scare a gorgon.

"Not at all, Malfoy. Merely reminding him to watch his step. I trust you are well, Lucius. Haven't seen you since my second year. A shame about your diary. Such fascinating stories within."

At the mention of the diary, Lucius, and the Weasleys, went stiff. Ginny began thinking back to when she had been at the mercy of Tom and his manipulations. Her brothers, the twins, in particular, noticed and gathered around her to comfort her. Arthur, meanwhile, shot Lucius a glare that would terrify the most murderous Dark Wizard. Draco had no idea what was going on and simply looked at Harry like he had just announced the sky was pink. Narcissa, on the other hand, only had a vague understanding of what was going on. She knew Lucius had been given a diary by the Dark Lord, and somehow it had been destroyed by Harry Potter. The full implications of the diary, and what exactly had been in her house, were unknown to her.

"It wasn't mine."

"Ah yes, that is correct. My apologies for the mistake, Lucius. Still, a pity about that diary. I can't imagine the owner will be pleased to hear what happened to it."

For a brief moment, a look of fear flickered across Lucius's face. By this point, Voldemort's survival was regarded as a distant hope by the more fanatical, or well-informed, of his supporters. While certain he had nothing to fear regarding his old master, there were others out there that might take offence to his carelessness.

Before Lucius could muster a retort, Harry had turned his attention to the last Malfoy.

"And you must be Narcissa. Draco mentions his father so very often, yet we never hear anything about you."

Looking at the woman in question, Harry remembered how the woman had saved his life by lying to Voldemort about his death. But then he felt Goliath, not roaring as he had become used to. Rather, it almost felt like he was purring.

"Harry Potter. I've... heard many things about you."

"All true, I assure you, especially when I grabbed a Golden Snitch right above Draco's head."

That little embarrassing reminder got Draco red in the face, but before he could spit a retort, Bagman announced that the game was about to start, and ushered everyone into their seats. Given the not-so-subtle glares Ron had been aiming at Harry, especially when Hermione sat to his right, Fred and George decided to intervene, by pulling Ron away from the Duo, having him sit beside Percy, while Fred sat beside Harry, and George sat next to Hermione.

As Bagman announced the game, and the mascots moved onto the field, Harry pretended to watch, while was thoughts were on Goliath.

What was that about?


Thepurring. Since when do you purr? Especially for Draco's mum?

Since I realized just how fertile she is.

Excuse me, WHAT??? Where the HELL did that come from???

I can practically smell her fertility from here. It's a wonder she only has one child.

Well, that's more than I ever wanted to hear about Lucius' sex life. Wait, you can SMELL her fertility???

I can smell her pheromones, and they reveal much about her.

For now, please keep it to yourself, unless it can somehow help us defeat Voldemort.

As the match began, Narcissa found herself having difficulty focusing on the game. She'd briefly had to hold Draco back as the Veela arrived, and their Allure hit the men in the Box. But afterwards, she'd been thinking almost exclusively about the boy she'd just been introduced to. Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. Ever since Voldemort had been defeated, she and many others had wondered who exactly this boy was. After all, the Dark Lord was feared for good reason and the efforts of Dumbledore were hardly enough to defeat him. They were barely doing anything more than delaying the inevitable.

Then, Halloween of 1981 came. Voldemort had attacked Godric's Hollow, killing James Potter, the son of the legendary Charlus and Dorea Potter, and his wife Lily, the 'brightest witch of her age.' And he had been defeated. The most powerful Dark Lord since Grindelwald had been defeated by a fifteen-month-old, with only a scar for his efforts. It had beggared belief and defied expectations.

For a decade after, the boy had been kept separate, hidden from the wizarding world. Any attempts to find or make contact with him failed, no doubt due to the influence of Dumbledore. When 1991 came, and he began his first year at Hogwarts alongside Draco, she and Lucius had been waiting to see what their son would tell them. She knew that deep down, Lucius had always been more loyal to the cause of Voldemort, rather than the man himself. And she knew that Lucius, and others who avoided Azkaban, unlike her sister Bellatrix, were secretly hoping this boy would grow to become the next Dark Lord, perhaps even more powerful than Voldemort himself.

Nothing could have disappointed Lucius more than the letters he received that year. This boy was hardly an up-and-coming Dark Lord. If even half of what Draco had written was true, at best he was an impolite boy with no understanding of proper manners. At worst, he was thoughtless and cruel, needlessly provoking others. Neither of which was what she'd expect from the Heir to an Ancient and Most Noble House. Even his relationship with the mudblood Hermione, while it was... distasteful, it was hardly unexpected given James' marriage.

Now she had come face to face with him and was no longer certain what to expect. The boy had hardly been polite, or even courteous, granted, but he spoke like a man who knew more than he should. That little talk about a diary with Lucius had been quite interesting. She had known the diary was a Dark Artifact, one given to him by Voldemort himself. Beyond that, it was a mystery, one of Lucius's secrets. And this boy spoke about its destruction as casually as the weather!

But more than anything else, were those eyes of his. Merlin, the moment she locked eyes with him, it had sent a chill down her spine.

For one, she could see the powerthat lurked behind those eyes. She wasn't sure how, but he had managed to suppress, and even conceal his power, from the rest of the magicals in attendance. But those eyes had given him away. There was power like nothing she had ever believed possible buried within this boy. And he was actively keeping it hidden! Now she wondered, all those times that Draco had written of Harry's attitude, was it all an act? Was the Boy-Who-Lived putting on a performance for Wizardkind? If so, why?

But there was something else she saw in those eyes. Something that gave her an interesting feeling: hunger. There was an intense hunger behind those eyes, and unlike the power she had stumbled upon, this hunger surged to life when it looked at her.

Throughout the match, she swore she could feel those eyes gazing at her, appraising her. And as much as she hated to admit it, she liked the feeling it gave her. It was a feeling of being desired she hadn't felt in many years.

'Perhaps,' she thought to herself,'while Lucius is having his fun, I'll see what else this boy is hiding.'

The match ended as it had last time. Viktor Krum caught the Snitch, but it hadn't been enough for the Bulgarians to win. Unlike last time, Narcissa lingered behind, looking at Harry like she was appraising him. It wasn't something he had expected from her. But that mattered not. Right now, he and the Weasleys were in his enchanted tent, relaxing after an exciting match. The twins were testing their latest creation, the girls had stepped out, thinking they saw some classmates, and Ron was going all fan-boy about Viktor Krum.

But this didn't matter to Harry. All that mattered was that every second that passed brought the riots closer.

Just a little bit longer, and then the real party starts.

Do you remember what happened when you defeated Voldemort the last time?

Yes, I spent years cleaning up the mess he and his followers created.

But it wasn't just the damage they themselves caused, was it?

No, his ideals lived on after his defeat. A few aspiring Dark Wizards emerged in the intervening years, seeking to claim the mantle of Dark Lord.

Because you just wanted the war to be over. You beat him in battle, but you didn't truly vanquish him, not for years.

And this will help with that?

Absolutely. Fear and awe are powerful tools in the right hands.

But who will fear me, and who will stand in awe?

That is what will separate friend from foe.

Then came the shouts, the screams. Arthur stepped out to see what the commotion was, while Fred remarked the Irish must be celebrating. That all changed when Arthur ran back in.

"It's not the Irish."

Everyone rushed out of the tent and witnessed the terrifying sight of the camp in flames. People were screaming, running in every direction seeking some escape. The smoke clouded their vision, giving the camp an eerie glow, as the Death Eaters spread carnage. But others were nearby, two people Harry had expected to see in the forest, if at all, and Arthur shared in that surprise.

"Draco? Narcissa? What are you two doing here?"

"Just thought it would be prudent to warn you, Arthur, that I saw your daughter and her friend earlier. They were headed towards the rioters."

Harry's blood went cold at that revelation. He barely noticed Arthur giving orders to the others, until Draco decided to chime in.

"Better hurry, Potter. They're after Muggles, but they'll have fun with your mud-"

He never finished that sentence, because Harry's rage had begun to surge. With unnerving speed, Harry punched Draco right in the face, breaking his nose and sending him tumbling down. Before anyone could react, he took off toward the riots with a snarl.

"HARRY! Dammit. Narcissa, please, get the twins and Ron out of here. Bill, Charlie, let's go. We have to help Harry and the girls."

For Hermione Granger, these last two days were among the best she'd ever had during summer. She'd arrived at The Burrow, and here she had gotten a look at a genuine magical household for the first time. It had been incredible, and given her insight into the possibilities once she graduated from Hogwarts.

It had been fun seeing the twins again, and meeting Bill and Charlie was interesting. Bill was a former Head Boy, and while Charlie had been Prefect instead, his knowledge of dragons was fascinating, if slightly terrifying, given his vivid recollections. Percy was the same ponce she remembered and was somehow made worse by his new job at the Ministry. Ron, on the other hand, was the same berk he always was. Granted, he was slightly better behaved around his family, though not by much, Even his table manners seemed unchanged.

It had even been fun, if slightly awkward, seeing Ginny again. She knew Ginny had feelings for Harry, especially after what happened in the Chamber of Secrets. And though Hermione hadn't admitted it, she knew what it was like. Ever since her first year, when Harry saved her from the Troll, she'd begun to develop feelings for Harry. At first, it was simply her thinking he was handsome, especially when he went off to face Quirrel.

Then came their second year, and the Chamber of Secrets was opened, unleashing a monster on the students. She'd been terrified of the implications, especially given that she herself was muggleborn. But somehow, when she thought of Harry, all that fear faded away, and she just knew, that things would be alright. When she discovered the monster was a Basilisk, she was so eager to tell Harry, but then she heard it approaching her. She had the mirror, but one fear overrode all other thoughts: that she would never see Harry again.

But she did see him again. And she wanted to scream at him. Taking on a basilisk, alone, with asword!?!? All the while a memory of the monster who killed his parents observed the whole thing. She had so desperately wanted to yell at him for his recklessness, but she couldn't.

How could she? It was at that moment she realized she fancied him.

And soon it was their third year. She was so excited about this one and more than a little scared! This was the year that they could visit Hogsmeade. It was silly, but she had daydreams of Harry asking her on a date to the village. She imagined walking down the streets, hand in hand, her gazing into those emerald eyes, while he gazed at hers. But that fantasy wouldn't come true. He didn't get permission. Even if he did, a mass murderer had escaped from Azkaban, with the sole intention of finding Harry in service to his master. She saw the pain he was in when he revealed that Sirius Black was his own godfather!

Then came that horrible day, when Buckbeak was to be executed. They'd visited Hagrid, to try and offer him comfort, when who should turn up but Scabbers! Ron was certainly pleased, though not enough to offer a genuine apology for being such aberkthat year. Then of course he had gotten away, only to be recaptured as Ron came face to face with a large black dog. That same dog had dragged him through a tunnel to the Shrieking Shack, only to be revealed as the animagus Sirius Black.

But Black was innocent! After Professor Lupin arrived, and Snape was stunned, Pettigrew was revealed. They'd planned to hand him over to the DMLE, so Sirius could be proven innocent, but Lupin had missed his Wolfsbane potion and transformed. They'd survived, but the rat had gotten away (again!) in the chaos. There was some good that came out of that night, however. That blasted Time Turner had come in handy, allowing them to not only free Sirius but rescue Buckbeak. And it was that night, riding Buckbeak as he flew through the night sky, that she realized she didn't just fancy Harry.

She was in love with him.

And now, seeing him after the summer, she wanted desperately to believe he loved her too. The moment he stepped through the Floo, she had been amazed at the change he had undergone. He'd not only gotten taller than she remembered, but he must have spent the entire summer exercising because he looked like a professional boxer! It figures that she'd be caught staring the first time they meet during the summer. And Ginny clearly had the same thoughts, as they were both sneaking looks at Harry during dinner.

Then came that moment in the Top Box, when she saw him pull away from the group in a rush. The suddenness of it spooked her, and the relief in his eyes was almost palpable when she checked on him. She didn't care much for Quidditch, but watching the game while sitting next to him, had been wonderful.

Then Ginny asked to walk with her. Hermione could tell right away, she wanted to talk about Harry and didn't want her brothers listening. She could sympathize, though in this case, she only cared about the one brother: Ron. The entire visit, Ron had been glaring at Harry like a jealous idiot. You would think that after three years, he'd finally come to terms with whatever issues they had. But no, he'd just sat there, glaring and sulking. If Harry noticed, he never said anything and part of her doubted he would. Ron was the first friend he'd made since learning he was a wizard, aside from Hedwig of course.

"So, Ginny. How has your summer been?"

"Good... good."

"That's... good."

The two walked in an uncomfortable silence, both unsure of what to say. After walking past a tent with a chimney, Ginny gave a sigh of resignation.

"Let's just get this over with. How do you feel about Harry?"

"What??? I... well Ginny... I, um..." Hermione went beet red, embarrassed and searching desperately for an answer.

"You don't have to answer, that tells me everything."

"Ummm... why do you ask?"

"Because I have feelings for him too. And as much as I want to be with him, I don't want to force it."

"What do you mean?"

"Mum's been... pushy, lately, asking questions about my 'relationship' with Harry, and reminding me that now I can visit Hogsmeade."

"It's not exactly a secret you like him, Ginny."

She went red at the embarrassing reminder of how she acted around Harry. "I know that. It's just... I think of you as a friend, and I didn't want any secrets between us."

They kept walking, not going to any particular destination, just allowing their feet to take them where they will.

"I love him," Hermione whispered so quietly it was audible only to Ginny. Ginny just nodded her head, acknowledging the words.

"I'll make you a deal then, Hermione." When she had her friend's undivided attention, she continued. "Neither of us will pursue him, but we won't get in the way if he asks one of us out. Sound fair?"

Nodding her head, Hermione shook hands with Ginny in agreement. Their talk complete, they began walking back to the tent, only to realize they had walked at least halfway across the campsite. As they worked on getting their bearings, the screaming started. A blast of fire could be seen in the distance, and smoke began to fill the air. Neither of them could make out what the people were shouting, but it was clearly bad if the entire camp was in an uproar.

Looking at each other, Hermione and Ginny silently decided to try and help. If someone had been careless with a spell, or an enchanted object, then there were almost certainly people that would need help. Even if they legally couldn't perform magic, they could get people to safety. Running to try and help, they found a family of four that had been knocked to the ground. A mother and father, along with two children, were coughing from the smoke and needed aid.

As the pair approached the family and helped them to their feet, they heard a voice as cold as death.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

Turning to face the source, Hermione and Ginny found themselves facing twelve witches and wizards. Each of them was dressed in robes as black as midnight, with a silver skull mask covering their faces. Ginny knew exactly what they were, and whispered with bated breath "Death Eaters."

"Clever little girl. Perhaps your father isn't acompletedisappointment." They laughed at the insult.

Hermione stepped between the family and the Death Eaters, wand at the ready.

"My, my, my. The little mudblood fancies herself a witch? How adorable." Their cackling was cruel.

Ginny responded to their taunts by launching knockback jinxes at them. Each one was deflected effortlessly by one of the dozen.

"Don't make us laugh child. You are far beneath us in power and skill. Power and skill that belongs only to thepure."

Hermione castExpelliarmus, hoping to draw their attention while Ginny got the family to safety. Like before, they batted the spell away.

"I think it's time someone taught you filth some proper manners.Crucio!"

The curse hit Hermione before she could block or counter it. Every muscle burned in extreme agony as she screamed to the heavens. Collapsing to the ground, she gasped for breath as the curse hit her a second time. Tears were streaking her face from the pain, and she silently prayed for someone to stop the pain.

She got her answer with a voice that did not speak, or even shout a spell. It roared "CONFRINGO!"

The Death Eater holding the spell on her exploded in a blast of blood and gore. Those standing nearest were hit with the spray, staining their masks with blood. Bones and viscera fell around them, along with a hand holding the wand.

Blinking to clear her eyes, Hermione now saw not the eleven remaining Death Eaters, but the one standing between her and them: Harry Potter. His voice carried concern, but a hard edge that would have been terrifying were he someone else. "Ginny, are you alright?"

"I'm OK. Harry, these people are-"

"I know Ginny. Be assured, they will not hurt you or Hermioneever again."

He sounded so confident, so assured. It was as though he had forgotten what fear even was. Hermione had many questions buzzing in her head until she heard more footsteps.

"Ginny! Hermione! There you... are." It was Arthur, and his two eldest, Bill and Charlie. The three took up positions beside Harry, blocking the girls and the family from their attackers. "Boys, get the girls out of here."

"But dad-"

"Don't argue Bill. Get them out of here." Bill acquiesced, this authoritative side to his father being rather new. Even Hermione was shocked at the iron in his voice.

"They're mine, Arthur."

"Harry, don't be reckless. We'll take them-"

"THEY'RE. MINE." The steel in his voice shocked Arthur, never expecting to hear something like this from Harry of all people. But he could see the fire within and took a few steps back. He would not leave Harry, but he wouldn't get in the way. This was his fight. He was merely a witness.

Lord Crabbe had not expected this to happen, not in his dizziest daydreams. When he arrived for the World Cup, he knew that Lord Malfoy had been planning this for a few months. The monotony of life had become too much for any of them to bare, so when he proposed they all have a little 'fun' after the Finals, he imagined it would be so simple. They'd don their old outfits, masks and all, and cause a little havoc. They never mentioned it to their wives, though they likely suspected something was going to happen when they were told to leave the campground early.

It had started off well enough. A few burning tents and some screaming fools got them going. It was just like the old days, bringing pain and fear to the unworthy! A few Unforgivables launched at those too stupid to run, and this was the best thing to happen in years! Then they found the Malcolm family, a half-blood and his mudblood wife, and things got even more interesting.

Tormenting these mongrels had been easy, and then came those two little witches. Ginny, the daughter of that blood traitor Arthur, and her mudblood friend Hermione. The little things had been brave, but foolish to stand against them. Then Lord Parkinson decided to Crucio the mudblood bitch, and that had been funny. Her screams were delightful, proper pay-back for every insult she had levied against their children at Hogwarts.

Then came the Confringo, and Parkinson had been reduced to a mess.

For a moment they were too stunned to react. Who dared to attackthem!? When they finally recovered their senses, that damnable half-blood Harry Potter stood in their way.


"I'll do more than defy you, fat man. I willdestroyyou."

Though the mask hid it, Crabbe went red in the face at that insult. He was so distracted, he didn't even hear the threat or the power behind it.


The cursed flames poured from his wand, taking the form of a massive boar. It charged at Harry with reckless abandon, crashing into him, and bathing the spot in flames.

The Death Eaters began cheering, seeing the source of their ire consumed by the cursed flames. But that excitement turned to shock, and fear, as they saw the flames begin to swirl in a cyclone.... revealing Harry Potter, standing motionless as the Fiendfyre formed around him. Crabbe's heart froze in terror as he realized he had already lost control of the fire to Potter.

The others joined in his fear as the Fiendfyre took the form of a massive dragon curled around him, its head rising fifteen feet in the air, malevolent eyes boring into Crabbe's very soul.

"No more holding back."

Those were the last words Crabbe would ever hear, when the Fiendfyre dragon launched itself at him, as he could do nothing but stare into oblivion.

Alecto and Amycus Carrow were not used to being scared. Why should they be? They were Death Eaters, the purest of wizardkind, chosen by the Dark Lord himself! Fear was for those beneath them. For the mudblood mongrels, and the wretched Muggles that spawned them. They should know, they had inflicted pain and fear on both with glee during the War.

But seeing two of their number die in a single minute? That was new to them, and they didn't like it. Nodding to each other, they knew what the other was thinking. It was time to bring this wretch in line and remind him what happens to those that defy the purebloods.



They both cast the Unforgivable, knowing he couldn't block both. And he didn't, or rather, he didn't bother trying. He just stood there, as though unfazed by the effects of the Cruciatus Curse. When they lifted the spells, he looked at them with a sad*stic grin.

"That almost tickled. Let's see if this gets a giggle."

Wand in hand, he flicked it in an upward motion for Alecto, and a downward motion for Amycus. Neither of them heard anything but were suddenly very aware of a painful wound down the centre of their bodies. Their final thoughts were the realization he had wordlessly cut them in half, from top to bottom.

"Hmmm, that wasn't funny at all. Most unfortunate. Let's see if any of you can entertain me."

Walden Macnair was an executioner; a professional butcher employed by the Ministry. He loved killing, the thrill of extinguishing life in a mess of blood. Seeing the fear in his victim's eyes as they realized their final hour was at hand, was magnificent. It was even better when they struggled, helplessly trying to stave off the inevitable, until his axe or his wand brought the final blow, sending them to oblivion.

What he didn't like was being the victim!

He'd gotten used to his kills being easy. As far as his victims were concerned, he was the physical embodiment of the reaper, here for their souls. Instead, he found himself facing a wizard who was as merciless as he was! This wasn't how it worked! He brought suffering and death, he did not suffer it himself!

Fortunately, he had learned a delightful spell from Snape before the War ended. One that only the Death Eaters could learn.


He eagerly anticipated watching Potter scream in pain as he slashed across his chest. He expected blood and agony.

But he got nothing! The Potter brat simply looked at him with a smirk. Before he could follow up his spell, Potter unleashed his own.

" Ardenti Gladio!"

Macnair felt a searing pain in his knees as he collapsed to the ground. Looking at his legs, he could see through the fog of pain that his legs had been cut off at the knees.

He screamed as his consciousness faded.

Lord Goyle was terrified out of his mind. This boy had mercilessly killed four Death Eaters and maimed a fifth! They were the ones who did the killing, not the other way around! It was time to end this.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Killing Curse could not be blocked or countered. There was no way this brat could hope to protect himself against it.

Just as with the twins, he didn't bother moving. He stared at Goyle as the Curse flew towards him. Then, he simply held out his free hand and caught the Curse.

'HE CAUGHT IT!'To his absolute horror, the Curse did not kill him, or even hurt him. The green spell coalesced in his hand, forming a sickly green orb that he simply held in his hand. He inspected it, dramatically, then turned to Goyle.

"I believe this is yours." And launched the Curse back at him, like a bolt of green lightning.

Goyle didn't have anything to fear now.

Corban Yaxley was many things, but a fool was not one of them. This little party of theirs had completely turned against them. He wasn't sure how, but this brat had become powerful enough to dispose of six Death Eaters in two minutes. They had to stop the individual attacks. It was all or nothing now.

"Everyone, ATTACK!"

Spurred on by his words, the others launched their attacks. He recognized a number of spells launched at Potter. The Flesh-Rotting Curse (Caro Pereat), the Piercing Curse (Terebrare), and a Bone-Breaker (Frange Ossa). All geared towards causing suffering and agony. A quick death had clearly been taken off the table with the death of Goyle. But this meant that Potter was distracted, too busy focusing on the spells being launched at him.

While Harry deflected the multiple spells aimed at him, he decided to have a go with one final Unforgivable. If he could be distracted while defending himself, then the Curses would hit him while his defences were lowered. That would give them the opportunity they needed to end this.

"Imperio! Drop your wand and yield."

The words echoed in his mind, and he knew Potter was receiving his command.

But he didn't lower his wand, or even slow down. He was just as quickly deflecting the spells that came his way like they were nothing. As Yaxley prepared his second attack, Potter went on the offensive.

To his right stood two Death Eaters, though he wasn't sure which ones. Their exact position had been lost since they started their fun. On his left was the blackened spot Crabbe once stood, then Lucius, and one other. The one closest to his right was the first to fall, as Potter cast a silver 'Contere Ossa,' and rather than scream in pain, a wet gurgle escaped his throat, and through the openings of the mask, he saw blood be coughed up. The poor bastard simply collapsed after.

The one next to Lucius was hit almost immediately after. A dark red'Ardeat Sanguis' struck him in the chest, and he screamed in agony. As rolled on the ground, he begged for someone to help, for someone to stop the pain. Then he went quiet, as it seemed someone, or something answered him.

The one furthest from the right was next. This time, Potter responded to his Piercing Curse with one of his own. This one struck with enough power that a gaping hole was punched through the man's chest. The force of the spell knocked him back, decorating the campsite with what remained of his internal organs.

Finally, Potter turned his attention to Yaxley himself. With a jab of his wand, he cast'Bombarda' but aimed at Yaxley's feet. The force of the explosion launched him into the air, as he felt his legs being torn apart from the blast. Mid-air, he felt a magical force grab his body, and slam him down to the ground. He blacked out as he felt more of his skeleton cracking under the force.

Lucius Malfoy was the last one standing. Macnair had since passed out, or died, from the pain of losing his legs. Yaxley had been launched into the air by aBombarda, and Nott was either unconscious or dead from whatever Potter had hit him with. All the others had died, quickly, and mercilessly.

This night could not be going any worse for him!

After being thrown back by the force of theBombarda, Lucius rose to his feet, no longer wanting to win, just hoping to survive whatever came next. Then he realized, to his absolute horror, his wand had been broken.

"Now that is a pity." Potter was staring right at him, and slowly beginning to advance.

"What will you do now, Death Eater?" Lucius began searching for another wand, hoping one was close enough that he could, at the very least, try, to cast a defensive spell.

"You are alone, Death Eater. No one is coming to save you." Lucius realized, with great reluctance, that Potter was right. He needed to escape. Fortunately for him, he could still Apparate, even without his wand, and... nothing! He felt the intense pain that came with an Apparation-Blocking-Field, but who cast it!?

"There is no escape."

'It was him' As Potter raised his wand, he could hear the incantation "Halitus Hiems" and silently prayed to whoever was listening, as he was encased in ice, that it would all be over soon,

The whole time, Arthur had been watching in stunned silence. He expected that Harry would be skilled. After all, Ron had told the family all about their adventures, ranging from a possessed teacher to a Basilisk! Even without his reputation as the Boy Who Lived, it was clear he was no ordinary wizard. When they came face to face with twelve Death Eaters, he was ready to fight. He didn't know if he'd win, or even survive, but he had to give Bill and Charlie time to get Ginny and Hermione to safety. He had seen the Confringo cast by Harry and was ready to stand by him.

Then he made it quite clear, that he would be facing them. ALONE. Any other time, for anyone else, he would have refused, and been ready to fight to the end. But there was something about Harry, something that had been awakened seeing Hermione suffer from the Cruciatus Curse. Whatever it was, it wasbeggingfor the chance to be unleashed. He decided then and there, that he would step back, but the second things began going downhill, he'd intervene and get them out of there.

That hadn't been necessary, because Harry had been unstoppable. He didn't just fight the Death Eaters. He didn't justbeatthem. He destroyed them, without hesitation or mercy. One had his legs cut off at the knees, the second had been slammed into the ground after being launched into the air by aBombarda, and the final one had been frozen solid.

It was both frightening and amazing, to see it in action firsthand.

But he wasn't done. With the Death Eaters dead or incapacitated, he turned his attention to the camp itself. The fires had been continuing to spread, reducing tents to piles of ash. Holding out his left hand, he began to summon all the fire to him. It was incredible to watch, as rivers of fire flow through the air, ending in Harry's left hand. There it all began to coalesce, into a single ball of fire, no bigger than a crystal orb. The more fire it absorbed, the brighter it got, becoming a miniature sun by the end.

With all the fire in the camp summoned to him, Harry simply closed his hand on the orb and released a puff of white smoke.

"Incredible." It was all Arthur could think to say.

"Thank you, Arthur. But come, we best find some Aurors. They'll want to-"

As he spoke, a group of wizards approached from all sides. "Aurors! Drop your wands and surrender immediately!"

"Speak of the devil. Calm yourselves, Aurors. Your job is already done."

As the Aurors closed in, they saw the carnage that had been unleashed. Of the twelve Death Eaters, only 3 had survived, one frozen in a block of ice. One of the group walked up to them, and Harry recognized it as Shacklebolt.

"Arthur, did you two...?"

"Not me Kingsley. This was all Harry's work."

"Impressive work Mr.Potter, albeit somewhat... disturbing."

"These men are followers of Voldemort," some of the Aurors, and Arthur, shuddered at the name "and they were actively torturing a friend when I arrived. As far as I'm concerned, this was the appropriate response."

"I'm not angry Mr.Potter, just surprised someone entering their fourth year would know how to do this."

Before Harry could respond, a sickly green light shone upon the campsite. Turning to the source, Harry saw the Dark Mark, floating in the air like a malevolent moon, as its baleful light covered the world.

"Arthur, where did you send the others?"

He pointed towards the forest below the Dark Mark. "There."

"BUGGER!" Harry charged off towards the forest and the source of the Dark Mark.

"HARRY! Not again! Kingsley, we need to-"

"I know. Aurors! Round up the survivors and get their identities! We'll grab the others after! Arthur, let's go!"

And with that, the two men took off, determined to catch Harry before he found the caster of the Dark Mark.


And there we go! The world has been given a taste of Harry's new power! Who wants to see more?
As a bonus, here are the original spells Harry cast during the fight.
Ardenti Gladio - The Burning Sword. A spell that functions like a cutting charm, but automatically sears the wound shut to prevent death by blood loss. A painful spell that can't be healed.
Contere Ossa - The Bone-Shattering Curse. Shatters the bones so they can't be healed. Unlike the Bone-Breaker, it requires the bones to vanish and then regrow completely. If used on the ribs, the shards of bone can eviscerate the lungs and heart.
Ardeat Sanguis - The Blood Boiling Curse. This causes the victim's blood begins to boil in their body. When underpowered, it just causes extreme agony. Overpowered, their internal organs will be severely damaged, shortening their lives by several years, or even killing them.
Halitus Hiems - Breath of Winter. A powerful elemental spell. Functions like a blizzard that freezes everything in its path. Humans caught in it are encased in ice that will not melt for twelve hours, or the caster releases them sooner.

Chapter 12: The Aftermath

Chapter Text

"Which of you is responsible for this!?!?" Harry could hear Barty Sr. shouting in the darkened air. He was getting closer.

"How dare you accuse the Lady and Heir of House Malfoy of such a deed!" Narcissa wasn't as loud, but there was no mistaking the indignation.

"Do not lie to me! You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

"Mr.Crouch, I'm telling you, they didn't do this!" Harry could now see his friends through the smoke. Crouch Sr. was pointing his wand at Narcissa and Draco, no doubt believing the Death Eaters' wife and son were connected to tonight's exciting events. Fun as it is to see them put on the spot, there was no time.

"What is going on here!?!?" Harry's voice echoed across the camp, startling Crouch Sr, who whipped around and aimed his wand at Harry.

"And who are you?!"

"I'm the wizard who handed the Aurors three Death Eaters for trial, now tell me, what is going on here!?"

Barty raised an eyebrow at the mention of three Death Eaters but turned back to the group, wand pointed at Narcissa. "The Dark Mark was cast from this area. This woman is the youngest sister of the notorious Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange. As it stands she is the most likely culprit."

"But Mr.Crouch, it wasn't them! We saw someone-" Hermione was cut off by Ron. "Why are you defending the snakes, Hermione?"

Before anyone could answer, Arthur and Kingsley came running up behind him, along with a pair of Aurors.

"Harry! There you are! And Barty! What's going on here!?" Arthur was glad to see everyone OK but worried seeing Barty holding them at wand point.

Before Crouch could answer, Bill stepped in to settle the matter. "We've been trying to tell Crouch whoever shot the spell came from the woods behind us. We couldn't see them, but we all fired stunners. We must have hit something."

"Excellent work then. You two!" Shacklebolt pointed to the two Aurors that followed him and Arthur. "Check the forest, see if you can find anything."

As they took off, Hermione rushed up to Harry, wrapping him in a Hermy-hug. Harry wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she trembled from everything that had happened.

I won't let anyone hurt her again.

"Excellent work with the three Death Eaters, Mr.Potter. It's a shame the others got away." Now that Barty had calmed down somewhat, he was managing to be civil. But his statement caused Arthur and Kingsley to share a look.

"Barty... you misunderstand. Those three were taken in because they were alive... mostly."

That line got several looks of shock, especially from Narcissa and Draco. Before either of them could ask questions, the two Aurors returned, one of them carrying a house elf.

"That's-that's impossible! Winky couldn't have done it!" Barty rushed up to the Aurors.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Crouch, but there was no one else." The first Auror, a heavy-set man carrying Winky, looked apologetic.

"When we found her, she had a wand in her hand." The second Auror, a thin witch, handed over a familiar-looking wand.

Ron, who had been glaring at Harry holding Hermione in his arms, went wide-eyed upon seeing it. "That's my wand! I thought I dropped it in the tent!"

Theories were bandied back and forth as everyone argued how she had gotten the wand. Harry wanted to tell them how she got it, that it was Barty Jr. still hidden under an Invisibility Cloak, that had stolen the wand. Winky was innocent. But right now, he had someone more important to look out for.

"We can sort this all out later. Right now, we need to find Hermione a healer!"

The rest of the night had been a long one. The Aurors had taken the three surviving Death Eaters into custody and spent most of the night picking up the pieces of the others. Harry and the others were brought to the DMLE to answer questions and provide statements to the Aurors. Hermione, along with several others, was given potions for treating the effects of the Cruciatus Curse.

The questions of the Aurors were rather standard, right until they realized that, among the dead and captured Death Eaters, were Lords of the Wizengamot, including Lucius Malfoy, after Harry released him from his frozen state. Then the Aurors became more... intense in their questioning. They began demanding if he knew the Death Eaters were Lords, and if he held personal grudges against them.

Harry's only saving grace was each of the Death Eaters was confirmed, upon inspection of their wands, to have cast an Unforgivable, the Cruciatus Curse, during the riot.

It figures they're trying to find out if I knew the Death Eaters were Lords.

Technically, you did know that Lucius was one of them.

True, but I didn't realize I turned him into an ice cube. I thought I had turned him into a carpet stain.

Please don't tell the Aurors that. I'd rather not have to kill them en masse.

It was only when the Aurors were convinced he didn't kill several Lords knowingly and intentionally, that they were free to leave. During that time, Crouch had released Winky, only with more witnesses, and Hermione was still upset over his treatment of her. Upon returning to The Burrow, Molly immediately hounded the group, demanding answers about what happened. She only relented her questioning when everyone promised to tell her everything in the morning.

When morning came, too soon in the opinion of many, Molly had already prepared a large breakfast for the household. Her barrage of questions would have to wait because the owl post arrived. Most notable, was a letter from Remus, courtesy of Hedwig, a letter from the Ministry, and the Daily Prophet. As Arthur read the Ministry letter, Harry decided to see what Remus had sent him.


I hope this letter finds you well. We never got the chance to discuss it, but these last two weeks, Padfoot and I have been going over wizarding law books in our spare time. I'm sure you've figured this out by now, but the Wizengamot is rather terrible at informing people other than purebloods of their rights.

I'm quite certain that the rioters captured are going to be receiving a trial. Brace yourself, as the defence will likely claim that you're violent and unstable, or that you knew their identities and pursued them due to petty grudges. If Lucius is paying for the defence, you can guarantee they'll pull out all the stops.

But more importantly, we've found an opening you can exploit during the trial. No doubt they'll expect it to be routine, claiming to be Imperiused to be let off the hook. However, according to wizarding law, if a witch or wizard, regardless of blood status, has been brought before the Wizengamot for crimes relating to murder, or the use of Unforgivable Curses, and claims to have been Imperiused, the Head of the DMLE can request an Unspeakable bring a DOM Truth Stone, to determine the validity of the claim.

This law has been on the books since the Unforgivables were outlawed, but it's never been used. If the Wizengamot objects, then the DMLE Head can override their objections, given the close ties to the Ministry some of them have. In any case, their being Imperiused would constitute a 'threat to the stability of the realm.'

Hopefully, this helps you.


Those two are bloody brilliant!

Pocketing the letter, Harry made a mental note to send this information to Madam Bones. But first, Arthur had passed him the Daily Prophet. The front page news was interesting, containing a photo focused on him in the Top Box after the Irish won the game.



By Barnabas Cuffe

The Quidditch World Cup is meant to be a time of celebration. A time when witches and wizards from all walks of life, from Lords of the Ancient and Most Noble Houses to students, come together in a moment of camaraderie and the noble spirit of competition. Families join together with their friends, and for a few brief hours, all the worries and challenges of life are forgotten as we revel in the thrill of the noblest of sports.

That means, it takes a certain kind of cruelty and callousness to turn what should be a source of joy, and hope for the future, into a night of pain and fear. But that is exactly what twelve Death Eaters, followers of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, chose to do. The World Cup had been over for a few hours. The Irish had won, despite Bulgaria catching the Snitch, and the fans had celebrated. Drinks were drunk, snacks were had, and memories were created. Everything needed to make a perfect night.

So what should happen next, than twelve of the worst of our society should take advantage of these moments of vulnerability, to bring suffering and terror to others. First came the fire, as tents were ignited with families still in them. Husbands drew their wands, ready to defend their loved ones, as wives rushed to get the children to safety, as they suddenly found themselves surrounded by fire. Those closest to the carnage were treated to the terrible sight of twelve Death Eaters, casting fireballs at everything in sight.

Then, came the Unforgivables. The most evil of spells were cast as men, women, and children sought to find safety or help. The screams could be heard from the furthest edges of the camp. Smoke clouded the senses, creating a panic like nothing that has been seen in years. The World Cup was turned into a living nightmare, from which none escape.

But then, one wizard chose to make a stand.

Witnesses report seeing Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, charging towards the Death Eaters, wand in hand, a look of fierce determination upon his face. There was no doubt in their minds, he was going to face the Death Eaters, and punish them for their evil! From there, the situation becomes difficult to ascertain with certainty, as few remained to watch the battle that would soon be unfolding, for fear of being targeted by the Death Eaters, or of concern for loved ones.

What is certain, is that by the end of the riot, three of the Death Eaters were in the custody of the DMLE. You might be wondering: what happened to the other nine? Well, dear readers, we here at the Daily Prophet would like to know that too! The Aurors have been unusually tight-lipped, with none of our reporters getting close to the battlefield. Though one anonymous source claims the Aurors were being required to "clean up whatever was left." One can only imagine the battle that took place that night.

Whatever the situation, one thing is abundantly clear: the Ministry must take action! The three Death Eaters now in custody are expected to receive their trial tomorrow. The unusual haste of the situation has been attributed to the scrutiny being levelled against the Ministry on how such a thing had even occurred in the first place!

Regardless, we here at the Daily Prophet thank Harry Potter for his actions last night and wish him all the best with the coming school year.

"Well, that's certainly an interesting article. 'One wizard chose to make a stand?' Who comes up with this stuff?" Harry passed the paper back, somewhat amused by the phrasing contained.

"Well, Barnabas is a massive Quidditch fan. It's no surprise he decided to take the events of last night personally." Arthur had passed the paper to Bill, who was reading it attentively.

"I'm surprised there's no mention of the Death Eaters being Lords. Or that the other nine are dead." Bill set down the paper. "You'd think there'd be a bigger uproar over it."

"My guess is the DMLE is keeping quiet over that matter, to prevent the uproar in the Wizengamot. That's why the trial is happening tomorrow, which you three," Arthur pointed at Harry, Ginny, and Hermione "are required to attend. You'll be called upon as witnesses, and will likely need to provide memories for the trial."

Molly, meanwhile, had run out of patience at being left out of the conversation. "Excuse me, but can we go back to Harry facing twelve Death Eaters ALONE!? What were you THINKING Harry?! You could have died!!!"

Impudent witch!!! How DARE she speak to you like that!

On the upside, this isn't her Howler voice.

"I was thinking your daughter and my friend were in danger. I wasn't about to let anything happen to them." Harry's calm, but firm, voice belied the rage in his heart.

"It was very brave of you, Harry," Hermione spoke softly, as though sensing the anger he was hiding, while Ginny blushed and nodded her head.

"Even so, why didn't you help him, Arthur!?"

"You didn't see him in action, love. I've never seen anyone fight like he did. The whole thing was over so fast, I doubt there was anything I could have done." That got everyone, including Ron who had been stuffing his face, to turn and look at Harry. "Although, I would like to know where you learned those spells, Harry. I've only heard of the Bone-Shattering Curse, and that spell is rather advanced."

"I read about it. The rest, I worked out on my own."

"Oh come now Harry, surely you don't expect us to believe that? A 14-year-old inventing spells? Ridiculous." When Harry didn't respond, choosing to simply stare at her, her mouth fell open and she stuttered a response. "Y-You actuallyinvented spells???HOW???"

"Sorry Molly, but that'll remain my secret."

Are you certain insinuating you're capable of magic advanced as spellcraft is a good idea?

There were already going to be questions regarding my newfound power, once Dumbledore hears of this. At least this way, I've got something believable. Imagine how he'd react if he knew I got the spells from the Potter Grimoire and the Black Family Library.

Fair point. Just remember, everyone is going to be keen on learning, if not the spells themselves, then the method you acquired them.

"Inventing spells at 14? Not bad Harikins-"

"-but if you ever need help creating-"

"-a more, entertaining kind of spell-"

"-we'd be happy to offer you-"

"-our expansive expertise-"

"on one condition, of course-"

"We get to test it out first."

Fred and George doing their twin speak was something Harry forgot he missed. Chuckling at their offers to help with pranking spells, he replied "If I decide to write a book of joke spells, I will be certain to consult the pranking experts Gred and Forge."

Albus Dumbledore was in something of an unusual situation. Sitting at the Head Table in the Hogwarts Great Hall, he and the rest of the staff were enjoying a quiet breakfast in the leadup to the new school year. It was something of a relief, as ever since the Triwizard Tournament had been revived, Hogwarts was chosen to be the host school. That had placed an added responsibility on the staff, given the extra bodies that would be present.

The Triwizard Tournament was already proving to be something of a disappointment. Oh, he had been looking forward to this. Ever since the idiot Bagman began talking about reviving it, he could see how it would fit into his plans. But Madam Bones had been opposed to it from the beginning and had only been brought around by a guarantee no student under 17 could enter. Which would not do, not for his plans.

Ever since hearing that prophecy, Dumbledore had been concerned about the child that would be subject to the prophecy. Ever since Tom had begun his rise, Dumbledore had chosen to let him continue. After all, Dark Wizards were a dime-a-dozen, but a proper Dark Lord? That didn't come along every day. Every murder committed in his name, every atrocity that had his hands involved, all built the legend of the greatest Dark Lord since Grindelwald.

Then came that prophecy, decreeing that another would be responsible! This would not do, not at all! When the Potters became the prime choice for the parents of this child, he'd convinced them to go into hiding, casting the Fidelius Charm with Peter as the secret keeper. He knew the boy had joined Tom, and would tell him the secret. It was unfortunate that he had to sacrifice the Potters, but James and Lily had been increasingly defiant towards him. That kind of attitude couldn't be tolerated.

Then came that Halloween night, and it was far from what he expected. Tom had indeed killed James and Lily but somehow had failed to kill Harry. There was no doubt then, Harry was the child destined to defeat Tom. While Sirius went in pursuit of Peter, he had taken Harry to Gringotts, where Griphook had provided the Blood Test that nearly made him choke.

'An Unclassifiable core!?!?' It had been beyond even his expectations. Never mind vanquishing Tom, this child could vanquishhim!This would not do. He'd gotten Griphook to authorize the 13 Bindings on Harry, and his other abilities, but that final binding was too unstable, and the healer didn't survive the aftermath.

Since then, he'd kept an eye on Harry, making sure the Dursleys kept him, forcing him to endure ten years of darkness. That way, when the wizarding world offered him an escape, he'd be relieved, he'd be grateful, he'd bemalleable. He'd have the perfect pawn to martyr himself, allowing Dumbledore to stand, now and forever, as the greatest wizard the world had ever seen!

The Tournament would have been a perfect opportunity, not only to test Harry but to ensure he remained a devoted pawn. His recent encounter with Sirius risked pulling him free of his influence, and the offer to help guide him through the Tournament would have been perfect. Even better, it would have been an ideal moment to begin pushing his relationship with Ginny.

The deaths of James and Lily had not only delivered him the 'Chosen One' but given him an opportunity to gain access, not only to the massive Potter fortune but to the Potter Library as well. It, along with the Black Library, was the largest wizarding library in Britain. More importantly, it contained scrolls and books that no one else had access to. Access that he'd been denied by James. His deal with Molly would gain him the knowledge contained within, and with Ron dragging Harry down, the boy would be unable to save himself.

But with Madam Bones getting that guarantee, he couldn't put his pawn through his paces. He had planned to subtly encourage Harry to enter his name, as a means of proving himself, but that wasn't possible anymore. He'd considered entering Harry into the Tournament himself, but he discarded that theory. As Headmaster of Hogwarts, he'd be the one expected to ensure that only students over 17 could enter the competition. As such, if he had entered Harry into the Tournament, it would immediately raise questions, questions he'd rather avoid answering.

Musing over the coming school year would have to wait, because the owl post arrived, bringing copies of the Daily Prophet. As he unfurled his copy, he expected to hear about the chaotic aftermath of the World Cup. Before the game began, he'd managed to overhear Lords Crabbe and Goyle discussing their plans to cause a riot. How they weren't caught earlier was beyond him. But they had their uses, and this riot would cause panic, and begin to sow the seeds of fear, that when fully matured, would generate the perfect scenario for Voldemort's return, and inevitable defeat at his hands.

But that wasn't what he was reading. What he saw was one of the last things he had ever wanted to see. The Death Eaters had been stopped in their tracks, by Harry!? How was that possible??? Harry should be withdrawn, unsure of himself, and fearful of what was coming for him. Instead, he had charged off to face a dozen Death Eaters alone. And he not only survived, but he had also actually captured three of them singlehanded!? What the bloody hell happened to makethisa possibility!? Lucius and his ilk wouldn't dream of going easy on Harry. If anything, they'd take the opportunity to inflict severe harm upon him, or even death if the prophecy didn't protect him!

Whatever happened, he needed to get a hold of the situation, and fast. Harry was still at the Weasleys, and Molly would almost certainly be questioning him. He'd need answers from her, and preferably soon.

Madam Amelia Bones should have been in a good mood. In fact, she should be ecstatic! A Death Eater riot at the World Cup had been stopped in its tracks! Nine of the twelve Death Eaters were now dead, while the remaining three were in DMLE custody.

Instead, she was in a mood that could only be described asmurderous. After being brought to their holding cells, the Aurors had gotten the identities of the Death Eaters, both dead and alive, and it had caused quite a stir. Lucius Malfoy, Walden Macnair, and Corban Yaxley! A Lord of the Wizengamot, an executioner, and a DMLE employee! That last one made her sick to her stomach, though, fortunately, he was part of the Improper Use of Magic Office, not an Auror. Merlin knows what kind of damage he could do in that position.

In any event, when Fudge got wind that his biggest ally had been imprisoned, he'd arrived in her office in a huff, demanding an explanation and ordering his release. He'd backed down when she revealed his friends had been confirmed to have cast Unforgivables during the riot. Of course, then he had begun waxing about how it had to have been a mistake, that they must have been victims of the Imperius Curse.

As much as Amelia hated to admit it, there was little she could do if that was their defence. Lucius had already claimed innocence via Imperius, and given the DMLE couldn't force a pureblood to take Veritaserum, there was little she could do. Still, there had to besomethingthat she could use.

As she was attempting to calm down and focus, Tibia popped in, with a letter, sealed with a familiar symbol. 'So, what does the Dragon have for me today, I wonder?' Opening the letter, it was everything she had hoped for, and more.

Madam Amelia Bones

Firstly, I can imagine the situation you find yourself in. Three Death Eaters have been caught, each of which is a pureblood. They can legally refuse Veritaserum, the very thing that will confirm their guilt, and because of the very laws you are sworn to uphold, there is little you can do. Fortunately, there is something you can do.

Each of the Death Eaters has been confirmed to have cast an Unforgivable during the riots. Given the punishment, their only hope is to use the Imperius defence and claim they were forced to cast the spells. While they can refuse Veritaserum, as Head of the DMLE you can request the DOM provide a Truth Stone for use in their interrogation. Normally the Wizengamot would vote on this matter, but as these three in particular can constitute a 'threat to the stability of the realm' if they were Imperiused, you can override them, and interrogate them immediately.

Best of all? Their blood status has no impact. They cannot refuse to be questioned in such a manner. This law has been in place since the Unforgivables were outlawed.

Secondly, I think it is time for us to meet. After the trials are concluded, I will seek you out. I shall identify myself with the phrase "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Once that is done, we will need to speak in private, with access to a Pensieve, and someone who can verify the validity of memories. There is something you need to see.

I look forward to our meeting.

The Dragon of Time

'A DOM Truth Stone!?'Amelia was both overjoyed and stunned. How had no one else thought to use a Truth Stone!? If this law was legitimate, then three more Death Eaters would be in either Azkaban or the grave, by tomorrow night.

But first, she needed to speak with Saul Croaker. She was owed a few favours, and this was the time to call them in.'Tomorrow can't come soon enough.'

"Order in the courtroom!" Albus Dumbledore's voice carried across the room with the authority only Chief Warlock was capable of. "Seal the doors!" A spider web of magical chains crisscrossed the large doors to the courtroom. "Bring in the Accused!"

Three figures were brought in. Only one was walking on their own. The other two were being levitated in by the Aurors, magically carried to their seats. Internally, sitting on the witness bench, next to Ginny and Hermione, Harry was feeling tremendously satisfied. These three, Lucius Malfoy, Walden Macnair, and Corban Yaxley, were Death Eaters responsible for an inhuman amount of suffering.

Lucius had been Voldemort's right-hand man, until his capture in the Department of Mysteries. Walden had convinced the giants to side with Voldemort, nearly killing Hagrid and Maxime in the progress. And then there was Yaxley, who had been head of the DMLE, and thus the Muggle-born Registration Commission. These three disgusting excuses for men would be responsible for the torture and murder of men, women, and children when Voldemort was on the loose, thanks to that corrupt moron Fudge.

Not this time. This time, they would be the ones to suffer and die. Lucius would not be funding the Death Eaters, Macnair would be the executed, rather than the executioner. And Yaxley? Yaxley would die in fear, helpless and abandoned, the very fear he subjected children to with glee. If Harry had any regrets, it was that he couldn't execute the lot of them himself. It would be a punishment long overdue.

"On this day, August the twentieth, of the year nineteen ninety-four, so begins the Criminal Trials of the Accused: Lucius Malfoy, Head of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Malfoy. Corban Yaxley, Head of the Minor House of Yaxley. Walden Macnair, Head of the Minor House of Macnair. Representatives for the Wizengamot: Chief Prosecutor Madam Amelia Bones..." Albus listed off the names of those overseeing the trial. Harry wasn't listening though, because he was very much aware he was being watched.

The entire Wizengamot had been assembled for this trial, while the observation stands were packed to the bloody brim. In several seats of the Wizengamot, were women that had never been there before, including Narcissa Malfoy. She, and the other wives of now-dead Death Eaters, would be voting on the fate of those before them. Meanwhile, in the observation stands, he could see a handful of familiar faces, including Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Greggory Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson. All of them, minus Draco, had lost their fathers to Harry, and they were staring down at him.

If looks could kill...

Let them stare. When the time comes, they will either join us, or their fathers.

"How do the Accused plead?" Dumbledore's question had brought back Harry's attention. When the three chose to plead 'not guilty' he was forced to suppress a smirk. "On what grounds are you not guilty?" They responded with the Imperius defence, and Harry wanted to shout 'Gotcha!'Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the unmistakable robes of an Unspeakable.

"Very well. Madam Bones, you may proceed."

"Before we proceed, as Head of the DMLE, I must ask Lord Lucius Malfoy to reiterate, does he claim innocence via the Imperius Curse?" In the affirmative, she offered no reaction, but Harry swore he saw a smile beginning to form. "Then, as Head of the DMLE, I call for the Department of Mysteries to provide a Truth Stone before we begin questioning the accused."

That got people murmuring. A brief look of panic flitted across the faces of the three, until their defence lawyer, one Edward Selwyn, spoke out. "Chief Warlock, I must object. Madam Bones cannot simply call for a Truth Stone during a trial."

Selwyn... that name seems familiar.

William Selwyn was one of the Death Eaters. This Edward must be a cousin.

"On the contrary, Mr.Selwyn, I can. Lord Lucius Malfoy is a known associate of Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge. Walden Macnair and Corban Yaxley both work for the Ministry and thus have potential access to records and information contained within. Given these circ*mstances, their being Imperiused constitutes a threat to the stability of the realm, and thus, I invoke my authority under Article 5, subsection 3, of the Act Concerning the Unforgivables of 1717. As such, a Truth Stone shall be present during the questioning."

Now the murmurs got loud enough to qualify as shouts, with people alternating between demands this be stopped, and demands on why this wasn't done sooner. Before the situation could get any worse, Dumbledore fired several loud fireworks from the Elder Wand, with a call for "ORDER IN THE COURT!"

Meanwhile, Minister Fudge was discussing the situation with the toad, and someone he didn't recognize. In any event, when Fudge turned back, he seemed confused but otherwise unconcerned. "The law is clear on the matter. Madam Bones is within her rights to do so. We must bring in a Truth Stone."

The Unspeakable that had been sitting on the sidelines, completely unmoving before now, stood and walked over to the accused. From his robes, he produced a stone tablet, one etched with runes that he had never seen before. From there, he simply dropped it in Malfoy's lap and stood to the side. After a moment, when Malfoy went from slight panic to serenely calm, he turned to Madam Bones and stated in the robotic voice of an Unspeakable, "He is ready, prosecutor."

"Thank you, sir. Now, Lord Malfoy, two days ago, on the 18th of August, you and eleven other wizards donned the robes of a Death Eater and started a riot at the Quidditch World Cup. Were you, as you claim, under the influence of the Imperius Curse?"

"No, I was not." The viewing gallery all but erupted into an incomprehensible mess. Again, Dumbledore was forced to silence the courtroom.

"Were any of your fellows under the influence of the Imperius Curse during the riot?"

"Of course not, they all went along with it willingly." Again, the courtroom became a mass of angry shouts and shrieks. After silencing them again, Dumbledore declared that any further interruptions from the viewing gallery would result in forced removal from the courtroom.

"What do you mean 'they' went along with it willingly?"

"It was my idea of course. It seemed a delightful form of entertainment after the World Cup." This time, no one spoke out of turn.

"If it was your idea, why did you claim to be Imperiused?"

"Because it had worked before. I had no reason to doubt it would secure my freedom again."

"You've used it before?" Amelia Bones was struggling not to grin. She and everyone else knew what this meant. Clearly, Selwyn did too, as he attempted to object, but Lucius kept going.

"When I was first arrested for my service to Lord Voldemort-" people shrieked and shuddered at the name. Rather than throw anyone out, Dumbledore just shook his head, as though he was tired of everything. "-I claimed to have been Imperiused into receiving the Dark Mark. It was a lie, of course. I served him willingly."

"Minister Fudge, I must protest this line of questioning! It has no bearing on the event we are discussing!" Selwyn attempted to stop this, but Minister Fudge wasn't listening. In fact, he looked rather shocked by this revelation.

So he did believe Lucius was innocent. Well, that's something at least.

If anything, it's a sign of his poor judgment. He'll need something drastic to regain any credibility.

"How did you receive the Dark Mark then?" Madam Bones was in command now, and given the way everyone was looking, and listening, it seemed no one but Selwyn was keen on stopping her.

What followed was a half-hour of questioning by Madam Bones, and it revealed a disturbing number of crimes committed by Lucius and his ilk. As he admitted, the Dark Mark could only be given to one who was willing, and Lucius had been quite willing. When asked how he got the Mark, he described in vivid detail how he had used the Imperius Curse on a Muggle man, forcing him to strangle his pregnant wife, before casting a Killing Curse on him.

It didn't stop there. A macabre fascination had overtaken the entire court proceedings, with Lucius revealing the atrocities he and his fellows had committed during the first war. Lucius admitted to killing at least 50 Muggles, usually after torturing them to the brink of insanity or forcing them to murder loved ones. Lord Goyle was fond of using the Cruciatus Curse on children, forcing their parents to watch as they went through hell on Earth. Lord Crabbe liked boys, and he liked them young. Lord Parkinson, on the other hand, favoured girls. The Carrow twins would take turns tormenting their victims till they were begging for death. Macnair had only used the Killing Curse once, believing it was too quick. He much preferred bleeding his victims dry. Yaxley was a sad*st who delighted in murdering children in the most violent way possible, then leaving their parents gibbering lunatics.

Every manner of evil wrought by the Death Eaters was admitted to in thirty minutes of horror.When she was finally finished, the Truth Stone was given first to Macnair, and then to Yaxley, their questioning barely lasted two minutes, with Madam Bones only asking if everything Lucius had said was true. It was. When she was finally finished, she simply turned to Dumbledore and stated "No more questions, Chief Warlock."

Nobody moved. Nobody dared to evenbreathe. After everything that had just been revealed, it was practically a guarantee these three would be getting, if not life sentences, then the death penalty.

Selwyn, no doubt sensing the same thing, decided to try to, if not salvage the situation, at least guarantee that someone else would be joining his clients. "I-I call upon Harry Potter for questioning!"

Even Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at that, no doubt wondering what exactly he was hoping to achieve with this. Nevertheless, he allowed it, and Harry stood to answer the man's questions.

"Mr.Potter, describe to us the events of the night in question."

"Well, it was after the World Cup. We were all relaxing in the tent, though Ginny and Hermione had stepped out, something about classmates. I'm afraid I wasn't fully paying attention. Anyways..." and so Harry described the night in question. How Narcissa had warned them of Ginny and Hermione being in danger, how he punched Draco for taunting him about his friends, and how he had faced the Death Eaters. "... and after that, the Aurors arrived to take them into custody."

"And yet, you only captured three of them! The other nine are now dead! Lords of the Wizengamot, dead at your hands!"

"I did not know their rank, only that they were threatening my friends. If you doubt my words, Mr.Selwyn, I'll be happy to provide my memories of the event."

"An excellent suggestion, Mr.Potter. We shall take a ten-minute recess, to set up the Pensieve, and prepare it for viewing the memories of the riot." That Dumbledore of all people was coming out in support of him stunned Harry.

I thought he was all about 'second chances' for everyone. Why is he seeking my memories instead of dismissing them?

No doubt he wants to know exactly what happened that night, and since Molly couldn't get the answer out of you, this is the next best thing.

During those ten minutes, the whole court was filled with whispers. The viewing gallery came to life as people bandied theories back and forth, wondering exactly how he had managed to kill nine Death Eaters and capture the remaining three. While they were all gossiping, Harry took a look at the three men on trial. It was then he got a good look at the damage he was capable of.

Corban Yaxley wasn't able to move on his own, as most of his skeleton had been reduced to dust by hisBombarda, and being slammed into the ground. His entire body was still wrapped in a cast, the best the healers could do on short notice. It wasn't enough to keep him comfortable, but it was enough for him to live. Macnair, while he still had his arms, was still missing his legs. Normally, magic could be used to re-attach a severed limb, so long as it wasn't too damaged in the process. But his spell had not only severed his legs at the knees, but it also seared the wound shut, preventing any efforts at re-attachment from succeeding.

Lucius was the only one looking healthy, despite the fact he was shivering. Whether this was out of fear, or a side effect of the Breath of Winter, he didn't know.

Beyond that, only one other thing caught Harry's attention: Minister Fudge. During those ten minutes, he seemed to alternate between panic, determination, and contemplation. It was a rather unusual thing, to see the bumbling fool looking like a serious politician. Which only raised more questions.

What's on his mind, I wonder?

He's weighing his options, but what would he consider options?

When the pensive was finally set up, Harry, along with Hermione and Ginny, were able to provide their memories of the riots. It was a harrowing tale, to see the girls placing themselves between an innocent family and the Death Eaters. The Wizengamot applauded the girls for their courage, and several viewers cheered at the Confringo reducing Parkinson to a stain. What came next can only be described as complete and total awe at Harry. Him seizing control of the Fiendfyre, striking down the other Death Eaters without mercy, and finally freezing Lucius in a block of ice.

By the end of it all, the entire Wizengamot was staring at Harry. He could see the looks of fear and awe as he took in the entire room. He noticed, with some satisfaction, that it was fear in Dumbledore's eyes. Selwyn, likewise, looked at Harry with unmitigated fear and sat down, offering no rebuttal, nor further questions.

From there, it was a sure thing. With everything Lucius had revealed, the Wizengamot was given the choice of life imprisonment, or death. They chose death, by the Dementor's Kiss. A fitting end for such vile wretches.

As Dumbledore was about to adjourn the court when Fudge requested the floor. Dumbledore agreed, and Fudge stood to make himself heard.

"Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot. Today we have all borne witness to a tragic event. Three esteemed members of our society were revealed to have been in league with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named while we pitied them as his victims. We have witnessed two young witches put their lives on the line to protect an innocent family, one they didn't even know. And we all watched the memory of Harry Potter facing twelve Death Eaters, without any concern for his own safety. All these actions are the actions of heroes, the very best of wizarding society. As such, for their courage in the face of extreme danger, the Ministry has decided to award Miss Hermione Granger, and Ginevra Weasley the Order of Merlin, Second Class. And to Harry Potter, for defeating the twelve Death Eaters and saving the lives of those attending the World Cup, the Ministry shall award the Order of Merlin, First Class."

Fudge finished this declaration with as much authority as he could muster, especially with everything that had just happened. There was a moment of silence, broken by thunderous applause, rising like a storm. Harry, for his part, looked stunned while Hermione and Ginny blushed with embarrassment.

I definitely did not expect THAT to be considered an option.

Apparently, the idiot can do something right, at least when he makes the effort.

Amelia was practically walking on air. After all these years, the Death Eaters that had escaped justice had been exposed for their crimes! The truth had finally,finally, been brought to light. Lucius Malfoy, Walden Macnair, and Corban Yaxley, all had been given the Dementor's Kiss. So many innocent lives were cut short by those vile fiends, and so many families were extinguished. Now justice had been gained, and the victims could rest easy, knowing their killers received their due punishment.

Of course, now she was on the lookout for someone far more important. ThisDragon of Time had decided that now they should meet. Whoever he was, he had offered vital information that would allow her to prove Sirius Black's innocence. That just left the question of who it was. Only a handful of wizards and witches would have access to the information they did, and few of them would bother with this cloak-and-dagger attitude.

As she was nodding to a friend of hers, someone had decided to introduce himself.

"Good day, Madam Bones. I trust you are well." Turning to the voice, she found herself speaking with Harry Potter.

"I am indeed well, Mr.Potter. Excellent work, subduing a dozen Death Eaters, no easy feat mind you."

"Thank you, Madam Bones."

"Though I do worry about some of those spells. While they might not bedarkspells, they did have a... sinister nature to them."

"Worried I might be walking a line between light and dark, Director? Well, perhaps an oath to assuage your fears."

"That won't be necessary Mr.Potter."

"I believe it will." Standing at attention, Harry cleared his throat. "Madam Amelia Bones, I solemnly swear,that I am up to no good."

Amelia went wide-eyed as he finished his 'oath.' "You???"

"Yes, me. Now, I believe we have a meeting to attend. Lead the way, Madam."

Upon their arrival in her office, she briefly introduced Saul Croaker to Harry, who then proceeded to reveal some fascinating things. Using his memories, Amelia saw the meeting between Sirius and Harry. How Sirius revealed the truth behind the Secret Keeper, how it was Peter Pettigrew that betrayed James and Lily, selling them out to Voldemort. But perhaps most shocking of all, Peter was still alive! For twelve years he had been hiding in plain sight as his Animagus, a rat. It had all been more than she ever expected. If she was happy before, now she was positively glowing.

'With this, I can get Sirius the trial he should have gotten all those years ago.' Nothing was going to stop her from getting Sirius what he was owed, least of all the Minister.

While others were celebrating the verdict of the court case, or mourning the loss of a friend and ally, Dumbledore was doing neither. In fact, he had returned to Hogwarts as quickly as he could once the court was adjourned. Arriving in his office, he slumped into his office chair and began to think hard about everything that had just happened.

That case had not gone as he expected. First, there was Madam Bones invoking her rights as Head of the DMLE, and carrying them out so fast, Dumbledore didn't have time to respond. Then came the questioning, and that raised a whole new list of problems. But more than anything else, the biggest concern of the entire day had been Harry himself.

Somehow, somewhere along the way, his little martyr had unlocked enormous magical power, along with advanced knowledge to boot. That display provided by his memories had been a terrifying experience, watching as Harry bent the Fiendfyre boar to his will, turning it into a dragon. All without even moving from his spot. It was more than Dumbledore had ever believed possible.

That of course had raised a series of questions, but at no point could he give himself a satisfying answer. That is until he realized something that answered a great many questions.

'The Dragon is breaking free, and his bindings are weakening.'

Both were things Dumbledore feared more than anything else. That animagus guardian would be a big enough threat on its own. Between its own immunity to charms, and extreme resistance to potions, the guardian would begin pushing Harry to become stronger, someone strong enough to defeat Voldemort without a second thought. In fact, that was probably how Harry had created those spells of his. Perhaps it had been guiding Harry, through visions or dreams, maybe even posing as James, pointing him in the direction he needed to become more powerful.

That alone would be bad enough, but the bindings weakening? That was another matter altogether. After what happened last time, there was no chance that Griphook would assist in restoring those bindings. And if one binding was getting weaker, how many others were getting ready to break? Harry could be one step away from attaining unimaginable power, the power that would not only vanquish Tom in a moment and force Dumbledore to be a footnote in history.

'That will not happen.' A promise he made to himself, as he began to consider the coming school year. Between the Triwizard Tournament and Harry's growing power, it promised to be an interesting school year. 'Thank Merlin Alastor has agreed to teach Defence this year. That's at least one headache I've been spared.'

Chapter 13: The Trial and The Locket


And here we are, lucky number 13. Thank you everyone that's been reading, your feedback and support have been incredible.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge sat in his office, trying to focus on the paperwork before him. It was the early morning hours, and most of the Ministry was just beginning to show up for work. Fudge, on the other hand, had not just shown up for work. In fact, he never even left his office. He spent the entire night there, sleeping in a conjured bed. Ever since the trial the day before, he had been pursued by a small army of reporters. All of them hounding him with questions regarding his connections with the now Kissed Lucius Malfoy.

'All these years, he was a willing Death Eater!' The revelation had horrified Fudge. For years now, ever since his ascendance to the office of Minister for Magic, he had enjoyed a good relationship with the man, believing him to be a victim of the Dark Lord's machinations. Instead, he had been a willing and devoted follower of that monster! Now, with all his horrifying crimes revealed, Fudge was forced to look back on everything he remembered about the man. All the matters of state he had discussed with him, the laws he had delayed, and the confidential information he had revealed.

'Merlin's Beard, I told him about the Tournament!' That was yet another thing he needed to worry about, the Tournament. If Lucius knew about the Tournament, who else had he told? Was he planning something like the World Cup riot, or did he have something worse in mind? He had been a vocal opponent of Arthur and his Muggle Protection Act. He had thought it was simple antagonism between the two men. Now it reeked of something far more sinister.

There was no denying that his reputation had now taken an extreme hit. He could already see the headlines: Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Death Eaters! It was fortunate then, that no one had objected to awarding Harry and the girls Orders of Merlin. He needed to show the Wizengamot that while he had made an error in judgment, he was not a supporter of the Dark Lord.

Uncertain of his next move, he all but jumped out of his chair when he heard the door to his office open. Bracing himself, he breathed a small sigh of relief when in walked Amelia Bones. Far better than a reporter, though if she had suspicions about his loyalties, this would go downhill, and fast.

"Madam Bones... a pleasure to see you."

"Thank you, Minister. I trust you are well?"

"Not nearly as well as I'd hoped. Merlin... everything that came out at yesterday's trial... Lucius and his true loyalties... it's a lot to process."

"I can imagine, Minister. He was a major supporter of you."

"Amelia, I-I swear, I had no idea that he was-" He paused when Amelia raised her hand to stop him.

"I believe you, Minister. You have your faults, but you are no Death Eater."

"Heh. Well, those faults, as you say, allowed a Death Eater potential access to classified information."

"Minister, did you-?"

"I told him about the Tournament."

There was a brief moment of silence, as Amelia processed his words and their full implications. She looked at Fudge as he turned his head, shame and guilt filling his face.

"I'll make certain there's additional security during the Tournament. If he had anything planned, I doubt it lasted longer than him. But just to be safe..."

"Thank you, Amelia. Merlin's Beard, the school year hasn't even started, and I've already bungled it up."

"Well, I have something to tell you that might make your day." Fudge perked up at that, and turned his head towards her. Seeing she had his full attention, she continued. "Earlier this month, I received correspondence which led me to look into the incident that occurred on November 1st, 1981."

"The day Peter Pettigrew and a dozen Muggles were killed."

"Well, I found the evidence storage, and it contained the wrong wand."


"Oh it possessed a wand, and that wand was responsible for enough death and destruction it could have easily caused a dozen deaths. But I knew Sirius from our Hogwarts days, and this was not his wand."

"Could it have been misplaced?"

"That's what I thought, so I had assistance in finding it, and found it in a completely different section. But more importantly, there's no sign the wand was ever used for murder, or even violence recently. The last spells that were cast were cleaning and defensive charms, and the likelihood of Sirius using both wands is between slim and none.

"But that's not all. Minister, are you aware that Sirius Black, who is now Lord Black by decree of Lord Arcturus Black III, was never given a trial?"

"Never given a-?! That's insane!"

"Indeed, but that's not all. Yesterday, after the conclusion of the trial, I was approached by Harry Potter. He asked me, first to pass on his thanks to you, for seeing justice to its completion. But then he asked for access to a pensive, as he had memories he wished me to see."

"What... what did he show you?"

"At the end of his school year, he came face-to-face with Sirius Black, as I'm sure you recall. However, in that same meeting, he learned that it wasn't Sirius that betrayed his parents, but Peter Pettigrew."

"Peter!? But then why-?!"

"There's more. Minister, Peter Pettigrew is still alive."

Fudge went pale in the face, and looked completely gobsmacked at that revelation.

"For twelve years he was living in hiding, using his animagus form to stay hidden, while we believed all that was left of him was his finger. Coincidentally, Minister, were you aware that the Weasleys had a pet rat, for twelve years? A rat that wasmissing a toe."

It took Fudge a moment, but then a look of horrified realization spread across his face. "Merlin's Beard!He was hiding with the Weasleys!"

"Based on the memory I witnessed, it seems unlikely they knew. It's possible they never suspected, or he used Charms or Obliviation to keep them from getting suspicious."

"Bloody hell, they've got adaughter! Do you think he-?!"

Amelia's face took a similar horrified look. In her focus on getting Sirius Black cleared, she had completely forgotten about Ginny. "I don't know. But here's what I do know: All evidence points to Sirius being innocent, yet he spent twelve years in Azkaban without trial."

Nodding his head, Fudge could see where she was going with this. "Give me an hour, and I'll have the Kiss-On-Sight order revoked. Hopefully, when word of this gets out, Sirius will turn himself in, and we can have his innocence declared."

"Excellent Minister. Once the order has been revoked, I will visit the Weasleys, and get them taken to St. Mungo's. Incidentally, Harry Potter is staying with the Weasleys. Perhaps he'll be able to get word to Sirius Black himself."

"If he can, we might even be able to get his trial tomorrow."

At The Burrow, Harry and the rest of the Weasleys came downstairs for breakfast. As they ate, the morning post arrived, along with the Daily Prophet. Arthur reviewed the front page, before handing it to Harry, with the comment "It looks like they've given you a new name."

Taking the paper, Harry looked at the headlining article, and its bold title:



By Barnabas Cuffe

Ever since the fall of You-Know-Who, we have been deceived. In the aftermath of his fall, several Death Eaters claimed innocence via an Unforgivable, the Imperius Curse. It wasn't difficult to believe. The Dark Lord was guilty of many an atrocity, and forcing innocent men and women to join him hardly stretched credulity. For years, we accepted them, welcomed them, and pitied them as victims of one depraved monster.

But it was all a LIE.

All these years, we believed the Lords Malfoy, Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and others were forced to do the Dark Lord's dirty work. Instead, they were his most loyal supporters, guilty of the most heinous of crimes: murder, torture, and deeds so vile they cannot be printed. For years, they lived among us, Lords of the Wizengamot, presenting themselves as respectable Lords of our society, while hiding their true natures—those of depravity and malevolence.

Old habits die hard it seems, for one of the condemned, Lord Lucius Malfoy, admitted under questioning via DOM Truth Stone, the riots were a means of entertainment. These vile men took joy in the spreading of pain and fear to the innocent. During these riots, two young witches, Hermione Granger and Ginevra Weasley, attempted to assist the Malcolm family, consisting of Brian Malcolm, his wife Victoria, and their two daughters. In doing so, they were cornered by twelve Death Eaters, including the above-mentioned Lords.

The vile Lord Parkinson then cast the Cruciatus Curse, an Unforgivable, on the brave Miss Granger, her screams punctuated by cruel laughter. That laughter was cut short by a powerful Confringo, reducing Lord Parkinson to little sticky pieces. That was how Harry Potter made his entrance, declaring in a voice laced with iron, they would not harm his friends ever again. What followed was a brief and terrifying duel, in which Harry Potter utterly destroyed the Death Eaters, striking down nine, and capturing three.

Perhaps the most shocking thing of all, revealed via memories presented to the Wizengamot, was Harry Potter was shown to beimmuneto the Killing Curse! To be more specific, hecaughtthe Curse as though it were a mere ball. After a brief moment, the Curse was sent back at the Death Eater, Lord Goyle in this case, striking him down! The remaining Death Eaters were killed or subdued moments later.

It is thanks to his efforts that three Death Eaters were imprisoned and placed on trial. And it is thanks to Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the DMLE, who questioned these men using a Truth Stone, a right granted to her by the Act Concerning the Unforgivables of 1717. It remains a question to many, however, why this law was not invoked when the Death Eaters were firstbrought to trial in the 80s. Why has it taken a decade for justice to be properly dispensed??

But more importantly, how were these men able to become such vital members of the Wizengamot!? Walden Macnair and Corban Yaxley were both employees of the Wizengamot, while Lucius Malfoy was not only a Lord, he was recognized as a close confidant of Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge! What secrets did these men have access to? What information may have already been passed on to other Death Eaters, looking for a chance to spread chaos and fear in the name of their fallen master?

These questions, and many more, must be answered by the Wizengamot as soon as possible! If only to ensure security for Magical Britain in the immediate future.

"'The-Boy-Who-Cannot-Die?' Well, I'll admit, it is catchy." Harry couldn't help but smirk as he read the new title he had been given by the media. The moment was ruined, however, by Ron snorting. "There a problem, mate?"

"I thought you hated that 'Boy-Who-Lived' stuff?"

"I do hate it because it's synonymous with me becoming an orphan. This-" he pointed to the paper now in Arthur's hands "-is synonymous with twelve Death Eaters getting what they deserved. Why wouldn't I be happy about that?"

Before Ron could put his foot in his mouth, the Floo lit up with green flames, and in stepped Amelia Bones, along with Aurors Shacklebolt and Tonks.

"Madam Bones? What's going on?"

"Morning Arthur, Weasley's. I'm here to escort you to St.Mungo's. After which, I'll likely need to question some of you."

That got Molly's attention. "What the devil do you mean 'escort us to St.Mungo's?!"

Madam Bones, annoyed by Molly's attitude, replied calmly that their home had been the secret hideout of Peter Pettigrew, a man thought dead for twelve years, now the prime suspect in the murder of twelve Muggles and the betrayal of the Potter Family. Confusion briefly took hold of the house, as Molly demanded answers, while Arthur attempted to calm her, and the remaining Weasleys became both shocked and confused at the revelation. All of them save for Ron himself, who went pale at the reminder of how the school year ended.

Only Hermione seemed to retain control of her senses. "But Madam Bones, how did you even learn Pettigrew was still alive?"

"I had a meeting with Mr.Potter after yesterday's trial. He provided the memories, and Saul Croaker, Head of the Department of Mysteries, verified they were genuine. Speaking of, Mr.Potter-" She turned from Hermione to face Harry, "By chance, are you able to contact Sirius Black? The Minister has ordered a trial be prepared for him at the earliest possible convenience."

Harry was genuinely surprised at this. He fully expected it to take longer to get Sirius his trial. Still, if he could get the trial sooner rather than later...

"Might I step outside for a few minutes?" When Amelia nodded in the affirmative, he walked out the front door. For five minutes they waited, while Molly pestered Amelia and the Aurors with questions on the necessity of visiting St.Mungo's when the door finally opened. Everyone turned to face it, expecting to see Harry and, in Molly's case, question what he had been doing out there.

To their surprise, he wasn't alone. In walked Harry, while behind him came 'notorious mass murderer' Sirius Black. Molly shrieked at the sight of him, while Arthur and his sons, minus Ron, readied their wands to protect their home. Madam Bones put a stop to all of it, raising her voice in a command laced with her iron will. "ENOUGH! Weasleys, stand down!"

While Amelia got control of the situation, Hermione looked over Sirius, surprised at his new, and sudden, appearance. The last time she had seen him was when she and Harry broke him out of Hogwarts. Back then, he had been a dishevelled mess, with messy hair, filthy clothes, and a figure attained through years of Dementor exposure. Now, he looked to be in his prime, with hair and beard clean and neatly trimmed, wearing well-made wizard robes, and showing minimal signs, if any, of ever having lived in Azkaban.

When Sirius noticed Hermione, he gave her a cheeky grin, before turning to the stern visage of Madam Amelia Bones.

"Hello there Amy. Harry says you needed something. Or did you just miss me?"

"Order in the courtroom!" Albus Dumbledore's voice bellowed out. "Seal the doors!" A spider web of magical chains crisscrossed the large doors to the courtroom. "Bring in the Accused!"

Once again, Harry and Hermione sat on the witness bench, but this time they were joined by Ron and Remus. The four of them turned to see Sirius Black being escorted by two Aurors, Shacklebolt and Tonks. Madam Bones followed right behind them. Today, instead of serving the prosecution, Amelia had elected to serve the defence, with Rufus Scrimgeour serving as Chief Prosecutor.

As the trial began, Harry glanced next to him. On his right sat Hermione, while between her and Ron, sat Remus. He knew Hermione was burning to ask him questions, questions he wasn't prepared to answer her. He knew how she felt about house elves at this point in her life and was probably already preparing her S.P.E.W badges. When she learned about the bond between him and Dobby, she would be told the truth, but for now, he needed to keep her in the dark.

Ron, on the other hand, had hardly been of help to anyone. Yesterday, when the Weasleys had been brought to St.Mungo's, he had been a proper git when the healers were examining him. He'd been uncooperative, rude, and otherwise unpleasant to the men and women attempting to examine him. The irony was this was all done under the orders of Madam Bones, to see if any damage had been done to them by Peter while hiding with them. Thankfully, they only found evidence of Compulsion Charms and Obliviation. Molly almost cried with relief when they confirmed Peter hadn't done anything to Ginny.

You would think he'd be happy about this.

Happy about what?

This is the first time he's been brought into the spotlight. Granted, it's because of the rat, but this is his chance to present himself to the Wizengamot.

He's probably still upset his breakfast got interrupted yesterday.

How you ever tolerated this fool's presence is a wonder for the ages.

As Harry and Goliath were 'talking' the trial got underway. Amelia gave her opening argument, revealing the misplacement of Sirius' wand, and how it couldn't have been used to commit the murders in question. But more importantly, she revealed the survival of Peter Pettigrew, discovered via the memories obtained from Harry, Hermione, and Ron. The trial was an unimpressive affair, though admittedly, it was fun to watch Dumbledore squirm when the question of why Sirius was imprisoned without trial.

His defence amounted to claiming he advised against it, while then Minister Millicent Bagnold and DMLE Head Bartemius Crouch Sr. had both wanted a scapegoat so they could wash their hands of Voldemort. In his own words 'While I believed Sirius was magically competent enough to defeat Peter, and in a distraught enough state of mind to get carried away', he opposed his arbitrary imprisonment.

What a load of utter garbage! Does he truly believe that will convince anyone!?

It probably will. He's Albus Dumbledore, the 'Leader of the Light' after all.

Everything was proceeding as expected. Amelia had laid out the proof of Peter's survival, thanks to the memories, and with Dumbledore all but admitting the likelihood of Sirius being innocent, it was a sure conclusion. Until one toad with a perpetual need for cough drops decided to voice her opinions.


Madam Bones bit her tongue as she turned to face the vile woman. "You have something to say,Undersecretary Umbridge?"

"I merely wish to understand how Peter Pettigrew was able to escape. From what you've told us, it sounds as though his arrest was a sure thing. How did he get away from such... brave individuals?"

It was obvious to Harry what she was after. She wanted to out Remus as a werewolf, hoping it would somehow delay Sirius's release. At the very least, she wanted to spread some misery. Much as he hated to admit it, Harry and Remus had gone over such a thing with Bones. She wanted to avoid it, but as it wasn't a secret, no thanks to Snape, they couldn't hide it if asked.

"Sadly, Professor Lupin missed his Wolfsbane Potion that night, and in the chaos, Pettigrew was able to transform back into a rat." The gallery came alive with murmuring, as everyone in attendance began whispering, and Harry knew then and there that all eyes were on Remus.

No. I'm putting a stop to this before that toad says anything else.

Careful Harry. She doesn't have the Mark, so you can't kill her... yet.

Rising from his seat, Harry turned to Amelia. "Madam Bones, might I say something before we proceed with the trial?"

The toad attempted to speak against it, but Fudge beat her to the punch. "I'll allow it Mr.Potter. But please make it brief."

Nodding to Fudge, Harry cleared his throat. "Since attending Hogwarts, I have had three Defence Against the Dark Arts professors, and I can say without reservation that Professor Remus Lupin is the best of them all. He's intelligent, and dedicated, and managed to teach three years' worth of curriculum in a single year. But more than that, he is a loyal friend and a good and honourable man-" He paused to look over the entire Wizengamot. "-and I will duel anyone who suggests he is anything less." As his eyes settled upon Umbridge, with a slight glow to them, she trembled in her seat, offering no rebuttal.

No further voices could be heard from the gallery. No one said anything, because it was clear what Harry meant. If they wished to demean Remus, they would face Harry, in a duel nobody believed they'd walk away from.

With the Wizengamot tamed, and the toad scared out of her mind, the trial proceeded with ease. Sirius was declared innocent, his name cleared, and 1,200,000 Galleons were awarded to him as compensation for his wrongful imprisonment. Running up to him, Harry gave his godfather a hug as intensely as he could. Tears were falling from his eyes, as Sirius now had what he had been denied by Dumbledore's meddling: his freedom.

Hermione was right behind him, wrapping the two of them in a Hermy-hug. When she broke the hug, Remus stepped up to hug Sirius, and the two men were laughing with joy at the results. Ron was last, still grumbling about the lack of food in his stomach. Much as the three men wanted badly to rip the Weasley brat a new one, Sirius was diplomatic enough to shake his hand, with a forced smile.

With Sirius now free and innocent, it was time for the next step of the plan.

"Are you sure about this, Sirius?"

Harry and his godfather were in one of the last places he ever expected to be, upon his return to 1994: sitting in a boat in the Crystal Cave. The very same cave that held an army of Inferi beneath its waters, and the former hiding place of the Locket of Salazar Slytherin. During their two weeks together, Sirius had asked about his brother, how he died, and how he stole the Horcrux.

It hadn't been easy for him. For years, he had hated his family, his mother most of all, but his brother too. He had always believed Regulus was their "perfect pure-blood prince" ready and willing to kill for Voldemort, obsessed with blood status, and utterly convinced of his own inherent superiority, despite all evidence to the contrary. That Regulus had not only turned against Voldemort but had pulled a fast one on him in the process, was both a source of joy and utter shock.

Because of this, he had made a request of Harry, once they secured his freedom.

"I'm sure, pup. I know this can't be easy, given your memories of this place."

"It's not the memories that concern me."

With a gentle bump, the boat reached the island. Stepping out, the two men approached the basin containing the Draught of Despair. Looking down into it, Harry recognized the familiar emerald potion, that contained the locket Regulus had switched the Horcrux with.

Looking down into the basin, Sirius hesitated. His face took on a grim look, as his eyes began misting over, "Reg, why didn't you tell me?? I could have helped!"

Harry said nothing, his thoughts focusing on Regulus. He himself had wondered why Regulus never told anyone, save for Kreacher. After all, if Voldemort ever figured it was Regulus who stole the Horcrux, he wouldn't have held back in torturing the Black Family, regardless of whether they knew anything. If not to find the location of the Horcrux before it could be destroyed, then some spiteful means of revenge against a dead man.

"I think he knew there was no way to escape from Voldemort. Not after taking the Dark Mark. Or maybe, he thought this was his only path to redemption."

Sirius wiped his eyes as Harry finished, then looked at him with a grin on his face. "He would have made one hell of a Marauder."

Smiling, Harry looked down at the basin. "Now, we don't have to drink this. It'll be difficult, but I can interfere with the enchantments surrounding the basin, and the potion..."

"I'm sensing a 'but.'"


"Close enough."

"I need to use my full concentration. That means I can't grab the locket once it's free of the potion. That job falls to you, so be quick once you get the chance!"

Sirius then stood at attention and saluted Harry. "Yes sir, Harry Potter, sir!"

Rolling his eyes, Harry held his wand over the basin and began moving his hand. At first, it was slow and steady. Every move was deliberate, part of a grander scheme that would disable the enchantments, at least temporarily. As the seconds ticked by, Sirius could swear he felt something in the cave shift, and then he saw the potion begin to bubble. At first, he worried something was wrong, but his fears were allayed as the locket his brother had placed rose to the surface. The moment it breached the potion, he grabbed it as quickly as he could, and Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he released the spell.

Before either of them could do anything, the cave trembled ever so slightly. It was just enough to be felt, and plenty to cause concern for the two men.

"Did that happen last time?"

"No, it very well didn't."

Raising both their wands, they scanned the darkness for any signs of movement. At first, they saw nothing, and Harry prayed they were simply being paranoid. But then, he heard something. A very familiar, very distressing sound. Water was being parted, as something, many somethings it would seem, had begun to emerge from the lake.

"Dammit, the inferi are awake! Sirius hit them with whatever you've got!"

Without hesitation, the two men began casting blasting curses, exploding jinxes, and a variety of fire spells. Harry wanted to call Dobby, but couldn't risk his friend getting grabbed or bitten by the walking dead. Unfortunately, there must have been hundreds of inferi, maybe more, and they just kept coming. They needed something with more power to get rid of them.All of them, so they didn't risk leaving the cave.

I could really use some ideas!

Remain calm, I have the very spell we need. But it will take some effort on your part. First, clear your mind, and focus solely on what you seek to protect...

Sirius, meanwhile, was in the fight of his life. Only the hundreds of Dementors had been such a danger to him. For his part, he knew alone it was a losing battle. There was no telling how many inferi had been left in this cave, ready to rise to kill any who sought to claim the Horcrux. To make matters worse, they were on a small island in the middle of an underground lake. As far as he knew, only Fiendfyre would burn under the water, but he didn't know the spell and didn't want to risk losing control of it. Still, he figured Harry knew something that they could use to survive.

It was then he realized he was the only one casting. Turning his head, he saw that Harry was standing perfectly still, breathing ever so slightly. He wasn't in a panic, no, he was simply,focused. Sirius wanted to call out to him, to see what he was doing, and he got his answer when Harry suddenly raised his wand in the air with a flourish and bellowed out a spell he had never heard before.

"Ignes cælestium!"

From the tip of his wand came a flash of bright light, and Sirius briefly thought it looked like a Lumos. But then he realized the light was growing, and in truth, it was fire. But this was like no other fire he had seen before. It was white, as white as snow, with tinges of gold to it. As it grew, it took on the form of a bird, maybe a phoenix, or even a dove perhaps?

Regardless, once the flame took its chosen form, it dove straight into the inferi. Each of the corpses it struck was reduced to ash, and the fire just grew bigger, and bigger. But there was no malevolence that Sirius could feel. With this, it gave a feeling of serene calm, like nothing was wrong, and nothing could go wrong.

As the flame's light grew bigger, the bird shone brighter and brighter, its light filling the whole cave, and bathing it in its radiance. No shadows were left, as it consumed the very darkness itself. Even from atop the island, Sirius could now see clearly into the lake. What he saw was disturbing, as he could see the hundreds of inferi rising to the surface. Only now, they hesitated, as if recoiling from the fire itself.

Sensing an opportunity, Harry called for Dobby, and a few moments later, they were home free, standing in Ragnok's office. Ragnok sat behind his desk, with Remus sitting across from him, the two waiting for Sirius and Harry.

"Well, you two look like you had an adventure." Ragnok looked over the two of them with a grin.

"Wow." Sirius could only say one word in response.

"We...did." Harry was bent over, taking deep breaths.

"Are you two alright? You didn't get bitten did you!?" Remus rose from his seat, worry clouding his eyes and filling his voice.

"We're... fine... Moony. Just need... a minute."

"Harry, what was that spell? I've never seen anything like it." Sirius recovered his senses as Harry slowly sat in an empty chair.

"Ignes... cælestium... the Heavenly Flame... also called... the Fires... of Creation." As he finished the sentence, he let out a deep exhale and seemed to recover his energy.

The others went, Remus in particular, went wide-eyed at his words. "The Heavenly Flame??? Merlin's Beard, the last time it was conjured, it only lasted ten seconds, and that was with seven of the world's greatest wizards working together!"

"That's because it requires a lot of magic to fuel it. It's one thing to conjure it, it's another thing altogether to keep it going long enough to be of use."

"Fascinating as this is-" Ragnok interrupted Remus before he could ask any more questions, "we'd best get started. The ritual chamber has been prepared, and Sirius can summon the house elf Kreacher from there."

At the mention of his childhood nemesis, Sirius went from having a look of awe to one of extreme dissatisfaction. "Right, I forgot about him for a moment. Well, let's get this over with. Lead on Keeper."

The three men followed Ragnok out of his office and boarded one of the mining carts. Descending deeper into Gringotts, past the family vaults, Harry was reminded that the Goblins took security veryseriously. Goblins were posted at various intersections, where the rail lines crossed, allowing the carts to change direction. Each one was wielding a large battleaxe or vicious-looking halberd, and Harry swore he could see they were just waitingfor one of them to try something stupid.

Finally, after a few minutes' descent, they arrived at a pair of large, iron doors. Standing beside the doors were six Goblins, wielding similar weapons, and wearing full suits of chainmail, complete with a full helmet.

Ragnok stepped out of the cart and approached the doors before turning to face his entourage. "Before we go any further, I should mention a few things. First, you've been given the right to draw your wands once we step inside the Ritual Chamber. However, I must emphasize that right only applieswithin the Chamber. Second, I must ask, Heir Potter, are you sure you wish to be present for this?"

"Absolutely Keeper."

"We can get past Parseltongue locks, the added risk is of no concern to us."

"I understand Keeper, and I apologize if I insinuated that it would be difficult to deal with. But this locket attempted to strangle and drown me. I very much feel I should be present for its destruction, for posterity if nothing else."

"Heh. Fair enough, now follow me."

With that, they entered the Chamber, and Harry was impressed by what he saw. The room was a massive rotunda, the domed ceiling reaching several meters high, and was big enough to fit a Horntail with ease. The walls were lined with torches in iron sconces, and six braziers were present, scattered through the room. In the center, lay two runic circles, each big enough to hold two bull elephants, so close together they formed a runic figure-8.

The centre of one of the circles was empty. The second had a large boar chained to the ground. To Harry, it looked big enough for Ragnok to ride, like an insane knight charging into battle. Two dozen goblins surrounded the runic circles, forming a similar shape, dressed in ritual garbs, some of which looked older than Gringotts itself.

Harry was startled by Sirius calling out "Kreacher! Come to me, at once!"

Suddenly, in popped Kreacher, looking as surly as ever. "Kreacher answers call of blood-traitor, even though he does not want to. What does blood-traitor Master want with Kreacher?"

Harry half expected Sirius to lose his temper, but he took a deep breath and steadied himself. "Kreacher, I know of the last order my brother, Regulus, gave you." Kreacher went wide-eyed and stared at Sirius. "I know he ordered you to take the locket and destroy it. I also know you still have it."

At that Kreacher began bawling his eyes out, and clawed his head, rocking back and forth. "Kreacher failed! Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to destroy it! But Kreacher failed Master Regulus! Kreacher is a bad elf!!!"

"Kreacher, stop! We know how to destroy the dark magic within the locket. Bring it to us, and we will finish my brother's final orders."

The elf immediately stopped crying and stood up. "At once." With that, he disappeared, and a moment later returned, carrying the locket in his hands. Presenting it to Sirius, he took it and gave it to the goblins, who levitated it into the runic circle.

Once it was in place, Ragnok turned to Harry. "Whenever you're ready, Heir Potter."

Nodding, he stepped forward and gave the locket a familiar command.

S Open S

The instant the locket opened, the evil within burst forth, knocking Harry back, but it was immediately contained by a glowing golden shield. At its appearance, the goblins began chanting. It was a deep, rhythmic chant that echoed in his chest as the voices rose higher. The black cloud of evil attempted to escape, attempted to break past the barrier, but knew it couldn't. As the goblins chanted, blood-red tendrils of magic chained the cloud in place.

As the ritual progressed, it tried a different tactic. This time, it attempted to convince Sirius. Harry knew now what it was saying, but he could hear the hollow whispers, just as it had with Ron. Somewhere inside, he wished Ron had fallen if only so he had an excuse to strike him down.

"Silence abomination!" Sirius's voice bellowed out with the authority Kreacher expected from a Lord of House Black. "I'll not listen to the lies of a desperate shadow!" He then turned to Ragnok. "Keeper, I ask for the right to strike down the boar once the ritual is complete.

Ragnok let out a hearty laugh and grinned at Sirius with all of his shark teeth. "GRANTED!"

At that, the same tendrils of magic rose from the chains holding the boar down and reached across to the black mass of evil. Gripping it, they pulled the shadow over to the boar and slowly lowered into it. For a brief moment, the boar struggled, whimpering in fear, until the shadow entered its body, and its eyes turned blood red with malevolence. With that, the ritual was completed, and the boar was now possessed by the soul fragment of Voldemort.

Before anyone could move, the boar struggled violently, determined to break free from its chains, and gore and maim everyone in the room. Then, for a brief moment, it locked eyes with Harry, and let out a loud bellow, and redoubled its efforts to free itself. To the shock of all, it succeeded. The chains began to crack and break as the boar strained against its bindings. The goblins readied themselves, and Sirius drew his wand, ready to strike it down for what it tried.

Finally, the chains broke at the ground, and the possessed boar was now free. Throwing off its chains, it turned first to Harry, then to Sirius. Bellowing at the sight of the wand, it charged toward him, eager to disembowel him and stomp the remains into a bloody paste. Sirius looked neither worried nor concerned. He had a look of pure, unadulterated rage on his face, and he faced down the boar without a second thought.

Drawing his wand back, he brought it in an upwards motion, and cast an overpowered "DIFFINDO!"

The spell was powerful, shaped like a crescent blade that sped towards the charging boar. It sliced into the beast with a sickening sound, cutting it in half from snout to tail. Even in death, the boar charged forward, until it came apart in the middle, splitting in two, its pieces falling onto the floor, sliding towards Sirius, and coming to a stop inches from his feet.

The goblins cheered this display, and the promised feast of its carcass, while Kreacher approached, first the locket, then the boar. Carefully, he inspected both, until satisfied the dark magic was gone for good, and his orders from Regulus had been completed. He then turned to Sirius, as if awaiting his new orders.

"You've done well Kreacher. Now, your new orders are to clean Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Have it ready to be a proper home for a Lord of the Black Family. But first," he reached into his pocket, and pulled out the locket from Regulus, "take this, and keep it somewhere safe."

Kreacher gingerly took the locket and looked it over. He slowly turned it over, with tears forming in his eyes, as he remembered the fate of his favourite master. Then, Kreacher did something neither Harry nor Sirius, ever expected from the old elf. He bowed in reverence and spoke with a tone that held an air of obedience. "Kreacher lives to serve the Noble House of Black, Master Sirius."


Sorry for the delay everybody. Been a bloody heatwave where I live, and I don't do well in the heat. Been an uncomfortable week for me, so I haven't been at my best.

Chapter 14: Return to Hogwarts

Chapter Text

Albus Dumbledore was not having a good day. In fact, the last week had not been a good one for him. Not at all.

First came the World Cup, and Harry's triumph over the Death Eaters. Of course, three of them had been captured, so they received a trial, and against all odds received the Kiss. But that didn't matter to Dumbledore. What mattered in that trial was getting access to the memories of the fight. What he saw was something that sent chills down his spine, for it implied the Dragon within Harry was breaking free, and the bindings placed on his core were likely coming free too. He knew Molly had been trying to get an explanation out of the boy, but that had gone nowhere. If he genuinely was creating spells, he was keeping his methodology to himself.

Then came the matter of Sirius. He had hoped that upon escaping Hogwarts, Sirius would travel far beyond the borders of Britain, well beyond the reach of the Ministry. He wasn't invested in the man's death, but he could not afford to allow Sirius any further influence over Harry. That, after all, had been the true reason he had allowed him to remain in Azkaban. He hadn't been lying during the trial. He knew Sirius wasn't the secret keeper, but genuinely believed the man had killed Peter and the twelve muggles in his grief. Peter was at best a mediocre wizard, so it wasn't hard to believe an angry member of the Black Family could destroy him.

With him being free, any chance of returning Harry to the Dursleys was dead. There was no chance he would allow himself to be taken back to them, not when Sirius was an option. Even if he tried Compulsions or Potions, anyone close to Harry, from his friends to Remus and Sirius themselves, would be able to tell something was wrong. He had considered getting Sirius declared unfit to be his Guardian but tossed that idea as quickly as it came to him. That little speech he gave during the trial, defending Remus from the insinuations of that vile toad, made it clear the lengths he would go to for his friends and family. He needed Harry under his control, and couldn't risk alienating him.

Still, he had to keep his options open. Harry's inherent resistance to Potions might become a problem, so he needed a way to, if not keep it weak, discover how strong his resistance was. To that end, he had written to Griphook, hoping to see if he could get Harry a Blood Test without him learning the results. Instead, he had gotten a very different letter than the one he had been expecting.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

I, Keeper Ragnok the 10th, am obliged to inform you the goblin you have attempted correspondence with, Griphook, is no longer available.

As of July 31st, 1994, Griphook was arrested for crimes committed against Gringotts and the Goblin Nation. The crimes were deemed to be of such significance that execution was the only appropriate punishment.

If Griphook was managing an account, organizing an event, or was otherwise providing assistance with Gringotts business, please come to Gringotts at your earliest possible convenience. One of our tellers will be ready to provide whatever assistance is required.

Keeper Ragnok the 10th

'That idiot got himself arrested!?!?' Only his skills at Occlumency kept Albus from yelling the words in anger. To anyone in the room, he appeared to barely be concerned by the contents of the letter. Then, he felt the briefest pangs of panic, for if the goblins discovered Griphook had seized gift vaults meant for Harry, it would be his and Molly's necks on the chopping block. But, he discarded that thought almost as quickly as he had it.

'The goblins don't waste time or mince words.' Albus thought over this recent revelation.'If they knew about the vaults, Molly and I would have had our vaults seized, and they'd make sure we knew.' Goblin efficiency demanded they take immediate action on all relevant crimes. So Griphook must have managed to hide the truth from Gringotts. At least that much had gone in his favour.

Of course, it also presented another problem, as though Albus wasn't facing enough of those already. While he and Molly, evidently, still had access to their 'special' Vaults, the extra Galleons, courtesy of Mr.Potter and his gift Vaults, was now dried up.

Standing up, he walked to the Floo and tossed some powder in, and called through the green flames. "Molly, are you there?" Almost instantly he received a reply.

"Of course, Headmaster. What can I do for you?"

"I need to speak with you urgently. Can you come through now, or later?"

"Of course, I can come now. I've been meaning to speak with you."

With that, Albus allowed Molly to step through the Floo from The Burrow into the Headmaster's office.

"Thank you for taking the time, Mrs.Weasley. Lemon drop?" Dumbledore offered her a lemon drop, as he offered everyone, when he sat in his chair, Molly sitting across from him.

"No thank you, Headmaster. But I wanted to talk to you about this school year."

Albus popped a lemon drop in his mouth as she spoke. "You have some concerns?"

"Mainly, I wanted to discuss the Yule Ball. I know we agreed to wait until Harry was in his fifth year, but surely we could get a head start using the Ball?"

Albus maintained a stoic, yet grandfatherly face. He had expected this, and his answer was the same as before, only now he had better excuses. "I'm afraid that may not be feasible, Mrs.Weasley."

"Why not?! Harry can attend the Yule Ball as a fourth year, and if he asks Ginny, then she can attend as well! What's the problem?"

"The problem, I'm afraid, is Harry seems to have developed a resistance to potions. A standard Attraction Potion may not be strong enough to entice him into asking her."

"Then I'll just strengthen the dose, or skip to Love potions instead. I don't see the issue here."

"The issue is that I'm uncertain just how strong his resistance is. If we give him too much, or too strong a dose, the effects could be traced back to us, and that would prove most problematic for us."

"Can't you find out how strong this 'resistance' to potions is? Why not get that goblin... what's his name? Griphook? Can't he give Harry a Blood Test?"

"He cannot. I've just received a letter from Gringotts today. As of July 31st, Griphook was executed for crimes against Gringotts and the Goblin Nation."

Molly went deathly pale at those words. "What... what did he do???"

"I'm uncertain, but because of that, I'm wary of dealing with the goblins for anything outside official Hogwarts business."

"What does that mean for us???"

"For now, nothing. I will see what I can do regarding Harry's new resistance, but beyond that, Molly, I must urge caution and patience. Harry will marry Ginny, of that I've no doubt. If possible, I will talk him into asking her to the Ball. Beyond that, we will wait, and watch for the opportunity."

Nodding her head, she found herself in agreement. "Very well Headmaster. But you said you wished to speak with me?"

"Ah, yes, I did. I wished to know if you had any success in learning about the spells Harry 'created.' I believe you mentioned Ron would be asking him how they work?"

"I'm sorry, Dumbledore, but I've got nothing for you. He won't tell Ron anything about them, beyond the fact they're dangerous, especially if they're misused. Even that nosy little mudblood couldn't get him to tell her where those spells came from."

"You doubt he actually created the spells?"

"It's' ridiculous! How could a boy his ageinventspells, especially spells that potent!?"

Albus offered her a grandfatherly smile. "One should never underestimate a resourceful mind. In any event, I assume Harry has left The Burrow by now?"

"Much to my displeasure, yes. Where on earth could the boy go?! Sirius spent a decade in Azkaban, so where would they even be able to stay???"

"The Blacks had some properties, all of which now belong to Sirius as the recognized Lord Black. Regardless, the school year shall resume soon enough. I'll be able to keep an eye on him then."

"Very well then, Dumbledore. I better get back, otherwise, the twins might start getting ideas."

Dumbledore chuckled at the mention of the infamous Fred and George. "Well, we can't have that. Thank you for taking the time, Molly."

"My pleasure, Headmaster."

Moments later she was through the Floo, and back in The Burrow. With her gone, Albus sank into his chair and grabbed another lemon drop. Privately, he hoped, against the odds, that the rest of the school year was as painless as that conversation.

Seated in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, Harry's attention was focused largely on the parchment he was reading. It was a letter from Tim Baker, first congratulating him on his exploits during the World Cup. He went on to reveal sales in his store had nearly tripled thanks to the advertising Harry had done for him. Because of this, he was asking Harry if he would consider doing further advertisem*nts, in order to help promote his work. He hadn't written up a contract yet but had provided a few bullet points in the letter, and it seemed straightforward enough.

His thoughts were interrupted, however, by the compartment door opening. In walked the best and worst of his friendships. Hermione, with Ron in tow, took a seat in the compartment.

"What are you reading, Harry?" Hermione sat next to the window, across from Harry.

"A letter from Tim Baker, the owner of a camping store in Diagon Alley, where I got the tent we used."

Ron scowled at the mention of the tent, but Hermione didn't notice. "What's he writing to you about?"

"Well, he's thanking me for dealing with the Death Eaters, and offering a contract for advertising his products."

"Need even more Galleons for your vault?" It was muttered under his breath, but Ron was just loud enough for them to hear. Hermione looked at him with a look of shock, while Harry put down the letter and glared at his 'friend.'

"As a matter of fact, I'm not interested in the money. I'm interested in the fact that he's getting more business because of it."

Before either of them could continue, Hermione decided to speak up. "So, I'm looking forward to my classes this year. How about you two?"

Grateful to her, Harry turned to her, a slight smile on his face. "I've been reading up on Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, so I'm eager to get started on those classes."

Hermione went wide-eyed, a look of glee briefly flitting across her face. "You've decided to takeboth classes???"

Before Harry could answer, Ron gave his two cents on the matter. "Divination not good enough for you anymore?"

"No Ron, I simply decided I didn't want to spendanotheryear having my death predicted on a regular basis. And now, I've decided to end this pointless conversation."

Standing up, he walked out of the compartment, slamming the door shut with enough force the windows rattled.

You should have killed him, or at least done something painful. I can help with that.

No, not yet, and not in front of Hermione. I won't force her to watch that kind of violence if I can help it.

Walking down the car, Harry heard footsteps running towards him. Turning back, he saw Hermione following him.

"Harry, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Hermione. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"It's alright. You weren't at The Burrow, but ever since the trial he's been impossible."

"That bad, huh?"

"All he does is sulk and whine if he isn't eating or playing chess. I hoped he'd get it out of his system by now, but clearly..."

"Clearly whatever his problem is, he won't mention it. Fine by me, I haven't forgotten he's the reason we had to face that troll."

Hermione looked at him with a slight shock, never expecting Harry to talk like this. But she quickly suppressed it, saying "We should find another compartment, this isn't a place to have this conversation."

"You're right... Oh! I almost forgot, there are two people I want you to meet. Come on, let's see if we can find them."

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her along as he began searching the train for the two students he met in Diagon Alley. After a few minutes of searching, he found them together in the same compartment. Opening the door, they turned to see who was visiting them, only to grin widely when they saw who it was.

"Harry!" They both shouted with glee, with Harry grinning like a loon as he sat next to Brian, while Hermione sat next to Anna.

"Hermione, this is Anna Anderson and Brian Robinsons. I met them while Professor McGonagall was showing them around Diagon Alley. Anna, Brian, this is my friend Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age."

Brian was smiling as Hermione shook his hand, happy to have met a friend of Harry Potter. Anna, on the other hand, had a look of pure awe on her face, as though she had met her idol for the very first time. The dam to contain her excitement broke almost immediately, as her questions began pouring out.

"You're really the brightest of her age? How many spells do you know? What House are you in? What kind of classes do you take?"

Harry and Brian couldn't help but chuckle as Hermione, though slightly flustered, answered Anna's questions almost as quickly as they came. It went on for some time until a familiar voice could be heard from the compartment door.

"Anything from the trolley, dearies?"

Knowing it would be a long trip, and wanting to treat his new friends, Harry bought a little bit of everything to share, along with a pitcher of pumpkin juice for the four of them. The two teens, and two kids, enjoyed their snacks as Anna and Brian asked questions about Hogwarts and magic.

"I'm a little worried about the Sorting."

Hermione turned to Anna with a friendly, but slightly worried look on her face. "Why's that Anna?"

"What if I get put in the wrong House? What if my Housemates don't like me?"

With a softening expression, Hermione wrapped an arm around Anna. "Oh Anna, there's nothing to worry about."

Remembering his Sorting ceremony, and what the twins had told Ron, Harry couldn't resist the chance. "It's easy, you just have to wrestle a troll."




Anna was shocked, Hermione was annoyed, and Brian was excited by what Harry had just told them.

"Yeah, they bring in a 20-foot-tall troll, and you have to wrestle it in the Great Hall. Whichever teacher likes your performance most invites you to their House."

Brian was the first to realize Harry was joking, given that he couldn't stop smiling while telling them this. He still couldn't help but laugh, especially once Anna began to pout, not happy at being the butt of a joke, even one told by her new friend. Hermione looked at Harry with a look of annoyance, a look that told him'You better fix this.'

"Hey, Anna, listen. The Sorting Ceremony is simple and harmless. The Sorting Hat decides which House to put you in based on various traits the founders of Hogwarts valued most in their students. And as it likes to tell everyone, it never makes mistakes."

"But what if I'm the first one? What if it can't decide which House to put me in?"

Sighing, Harry took her hand with a small smile. "I was worried about the same thing, and the Hat almost put me in Slytherin."


"Indeed. It saw that I was resourceful, determined and that I wasn't very good at following the rules." Brian was grinning at the last one.

"So why did it put you in Gryffindor?"

"Because I asked it to. And that, Anna, is the most important thing to remember. Your choicesare what will define you going forward."

That put Anna at ease, and they spent the rest of the train ride talking, with Harry telling them about some of the adventures he and his friends had gotten into, while Hermione told them about the classes they'd be taking, and what to expect from them.

Eventually, when it became clear the rain would last the rest of the night, Harry decided to teach the two first years a charm for repelling rain, as well as the Drying Charm.

It took quite a few tries for the two first years to perfect it, but by the time they got to Hogsmeade Station, they had it. As Harry and Hermione got ready to leave, he remarked to Hermione "Hopefully, they can keep the other first years dry tonight."

"Merlin, I hope so. It's practically a monsoon out there. If it gets any worse, the boats will probably flood by the time they dock. At the very least, they'll be cold and freezing until McGonagall casts a Warming Charm on them."

Eventually, the Hogwarts Express came to a stop, and the students began filtering out. Anna and Brian waved to Harry and Hermione as they went over to Hagrid with the rest of the first years. Ron, for his part, decided he didn't want to ride in the carriage with Harry and Hermione after they ditched him on the train. So, he rode with Dean and Seamus, and some other students they were with.

Harry and Hermione made their way to another carriage with Neville and Ginny, who apologized to Harry and Hermione for how Ron was acting. As they got closer, Hermione and Ginny audibly gasped at their first sighting of a Thestral. Harry knew exactly the surprise they felt, while Neville had no idea there was anything there. Pausing briefly, they were snapped out of their shock when Neville and Harry grabbed their hands and pulled them along. Before the door was closed, one final student made her way inside.

A student with near waist-length blonde hair, and silvery eyes. A student he hadn't expected to see for another year.

"You two OK?"

"What was that thing?" Ginny turned to Neville with her question.

"What's what?"

"The... 'horse' pulling the carriage."

"It's... it's pulling itself. Isn't it?"

Before Harry could respond, a distinctly feminine voice came from their new friend. "You're not going mad. I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am."

Despite her warm smile, it was obvious that Hermione and Ginny werenotcomforted by this. Deciding he needed to help, he told them "I can see them too. They're called thestrals. They can only be seen by people that have seen death." That got grim looks from the two, as they remembered the World Cup, and watching Parkinson get reduced to a carpet stain. Hermione began to shake, vividly remembering the effects of the Cruciatus Curse. She stopped as Harry put a hand on hers, comforting her with his presence.

When she calmed down, Harry looked at the fifth passenger with a smile. "I don't believe you've been introduced."

At that, Ginny cleared her throat. "Everyone, this is Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw in my year."

"Some people call me 'Loony' Lovegood, actually. But that doesn't matter. It's nice to see everyone." Luna never stopped smiling at everyone, like she was reunited with old friends.

Before long, the carriages had arrived at Hogwarts, and the students made their way to the Great Hall. Before they got there, Harry caught sight of one annoying as hell poltergeist, and the water balloons he was dropping.

This time, however, he was ready. Wand in his hand with record speed, he caught the balloons mid-air with a spell and launched them back at Peeves at full speed. As a poltergeist, Peeves was semi-solid, able to turn intangible or solid as he wished. Given the fact he was holding water balloons, he was very much solid at the time.

Peeves was, unfortunately for him, too busy laughing at the chaos he was about to cause to notice the balloons before they blasted him directly in the face. Blasted back by the sudden assault, he dropped the rest of the balloons. Likewise, Harry caught them mid-air and pelted Peeves with them. Unable to withstand the barrage of water balloons, the poltergeist took off through a wall at record speed.

At the sight of Peeves fleeing the scene, the students cheered and applauded Harry, especially the ones that had been victims of Peeves' pranks before. In the midst of this cheering, Professor McGonagall strode up.

"Impressive wandwork, Mr.Potter."

"Thank you, Professor. I figured Peeves was long overdue for some pranks."

"Indeed. 20 points to Gryffindor for handling that infernal poltergeist. Now, the rest of you, keep moving!"

Joining Hermione in the Great Hall, he found that she had grabbed a seat some distance from Ron, as she beckoned him over. Sitting next to her, they waited for the Sorting Ceremony to begin.

Soon enough, the first years were brought in, with Anna and Brian near the front of the group. Anna seemed nervous, taking in the fullness of the Great Hall, but she calmed at the sight of Harry and Hermione waving to her. When she was the first to be called, she walked to the stool with as much confidence as she could muster. It took a solid minute for the Hat to declare GRYFFINDOR.

While the table applauded, Harry and Hermione stood for Anna, and waved her over, letting her sit between them. The ceremony continued, with Harry waiting for Brian to be called up. While he wasn't surprised at the decision of the Hat, he was impressed that, like with Malfoy, it barely touched his head before making the decision of GRYFFINDOR. As with Anna, he was waved over to Harry and Hermione, taking a seat right next to Harry and Anna.

As the Feast got underway, one of the twins said to Harry "So Harry, who are your new friends?"

"Well, first of all, this is my new little brother Brian." Harry and Brian both grinned as he finished.

"That's not how that works Harry." Despite her words, Hermione couldn't help but grin alongside them.

"I don't think he minds. Do you mind, Brian?"


"See, he doesn't mind." The twins were snickering at the two of them, and Hermione had to giggle as well. Then she realized that Harry, Brian and Anna were staring at her. Anna in particular was giving, what could only be described as, 'Bambi eyes.'

Unable to stand up to such a display, Hermione sighed and said "This is Anna, my new little sister." She gave the girl a one-armed hug as she said this, getting giggles in response.

"Have you known them for long?" Neville sat closer than Ron, so it was easy to hear him.

"Long enough to say, that if anything happens to either of them, I willannihilatewhoever's responsible." Looking over the table, he made certain all of Gryffindor heard his declaration. By tomorrow, the rest of the school would know as well.

"Harry, you can't threaten other students."

"That wasn't a threat, Hermione. That was a warning. World of difference."

"Yep." Brian was readily defending his new brother.

Hermione could only shake her head at this. Anna would copy her, soliciting giggles from those that noticed.

As all this was going on, the staff at the Head Table were watching the students with interest.

"So, Minerva, who do you expect to enter the Tournament?"

"I didn't think you were the type to gamble, Filius."

The Charms professor smiled at that. "I usually don't, but one can't help but wonder at the possibilities."

"I'm more concerned with how many students will try to enter their names,despite being underage."

Dumbledore chuckled at her worries. "Have no fear, Minerva. I will be preparing the age line myself. Not even Messrs Fred and George shall pass it."

That put some worries at ease, and for a few moments, silence dominated the Head Table. After a while, Professor Sprout decided to ask Minerva something. "So, Minerva, tell us about those two first years. Anna and Brian." Pointing to the Gryffindor table, she continued. "It looks as though Mr.Potter has all but adopted them."

Minerva had the smallest smile possible as she said that. "I am hardly surprised. He met them in Diagon Alley, and he immediately took them under his wing. As for the students themselves, Brian reminds me of James, while Anna is easily another Lily. They're both bright, and curious, and while Brian is the adventurous type, and Anna is a natural scholar, I fully expect the two of them to be inseparable."

Filius was excited at the prospect of another student as bright as Lily. "Then I look forward to seeing them in class."

Albus, for his part, had tuned out the conversation by this point. His attention was focused on Harry, as he chatted with his fellow Gryffindors. It was a cause of some consternation he noticed Ron was seated some distance away from Harry and Hermione. He didn't like the prospect of Harry evading his informant in Ron. When he saw an opportunity, he sent a Legilimency probe to Harry... and felt it get violently ejected from his mind.

His failed Legilimency gave him a splitting headache, and he could feel a pain in his stomach, as though he had been viciously punched in the gut. He let out a quiet groan, unable to help himself due to the sheer suddenness of it.

"Albus? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Minerva. I think I'm just feeling my age catching up to me."

'I can't let anyone know I failed to enter Harry's mind! Bad enough I tried, but that I FAILED? That will do no good.' He then noticed that Harry was looking at the Head Table, no doubt from feeling the Legilimency on his mind. Fortunately, he wasn't looking at him, but at Snape, shooting him a frightening glare. 'That settles it. The Dragon has broken free, at least partially, but he isn't able to communicate with Harry. Otherwise, he'd know exactly where the attack came from. I have to find a means of containing it, without the Goblins. This will be a long year.'

Why are you looking at Snape, instead of Dumbledore!?

That probe was a test, to see how close to freedom you are. By looking at Snape

You've convinced him I'm still somewhat imprisoned, as opposed to having obtained my freedom.

That'll at least keep him distracted while we get to work.

After the Feast, 'Alastor' arrived, drawing the attention of the entire Hall. Hermione quickly explained what an Auror was to her new sister, but then came the big announcement: the Triwizard Tournament was being held at Hogwarts. Of course, plenty of students were unhappy at realizing they couldn't enter to compete, though it mattered little. Harry knew that 'Alastor' was already planning to enter his name in the Tournament.

In the Gryffindor Common Room, Harry and Hermione were about to show Anna and Brian around, when they got an unexpected visitor: Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.

"Gather around, students! Gather around!"

Well, this is new.

Did she ever do something like this?

No, she was always in her office if not in class.

When everyone had gathered, as she had asked, she began her speech.

"Welcome, everyone, to another year at Hogwarts! And to you first years, welcome to Gryffindor House! Here, is the House of Lions, where we value the traits of courage, daring, and chivalry." Looking to the stained glass window that carried the House motto, she continued. "Forti Animo Estote.' Be of good courage. That is what it means to be a Gryffindor, to be a lion of Hogwarts. The true mark of courage is not the absence of fear, but overcoming it."

She surveyed the room, confident she had the attention of the students now. "This coming year will be a difficult one for us all. When the Triwizard Tournament begins, one student of Hogwarts shall be selected to represent the school. While I have no doubts that some of you will be putting your names forward, evenifyou're not supposed too." She looked at the twins as she said this. Fred and George could only give a practiced look of innocence. "But no matter who is chosen, I will not tolerate anyone in this House giving Gryffindor, or the school, a bad name. I expect you to applaud the Hogwarts Champion, regardless of the colours they wear.

"To that end, I shall remind everyone, especially the older students, we are Lions. We are a Pride. We do not abandon one of our own, we stand together, and we protect each other, and that above all else includes the youngest. First years, these halls shall be your home for seven years, and your fellow students shall be your family. We stand together, and we do not abandon our own. If anyone is causing you problems, do not hesitate to inform me, or a prefect. That is all I have to say. Goodnight everyone."

With that, she simply walked out of the Common Room.

That was interesting.

It seems she's taken a more active interest in her duties as Head of House.

Well, let's see how long that can last.

Stepping outside the Common Room, Minerva McGonagall let out a sigh of relief. For the first time since 1990, she had stood before her House, not as their disciplinarian, but as their leader. For a few brief moments, she wasn't the Deputy Headmistress, but the Lioness of Gryffindor, the protector of her Pride. It was a good feeling.

Preparing to leave for her office, she paused and looked in a different direction than she had come from. She saw a tapestry depicting a roaring lion. Unbeknownst to most of the school, that tapestry hid not only the private rooms for the Gryffindor Head Boy and Head Girl, but it contained the office for the Head of Gryffindor House and their private quarters.

How long had it been, since she'd even slept in her old room? Years, at least. She'd sunk so much time into her role as Deputy Headmistress, she'd forgotten about her role as Head of House.

'No more.' She thought to herself as she made a beeline for the tapestry.'For three years straight, I have failed my lions. I have left them to figure out what it means to be a Gryffindor for themselves. And I have left them to face the other Houses, Slytherin most of all, alone. No more. From now on, my lions will not be alone. From now on, they shall have the Lioness of Gryffindor at their backs.'

Tomorrow, the new year truly begins.

Chapter 15: Crossing the Rubicon


Sorry for the delay everybody! My laptop crashed while I was typing, twice, and I lost a lot of progress on the chapter... twice.
After this, I decided to take some time off to cool down and avoid the temptation of throwing my laptop out a window. Spent some time reading, developing new stories, and conquering the world for the Kingdom of Canada (God I love Kaiserredux.)
But now I'm back, and ready for action! Also, stay tuned till the end. I'll be starting a poll, and I want as many answers as I can get.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With dawn came the start of a new day, for a new year. As repetitive as this felt to Harry, it was good to be back in Hogwarts. Despite everything he had learned about the people he once trusted, the castle had been his home for years. It had provided him with an escape from the Dursleys, and a chance to flourish where his gifts were appreciated.

Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, it seemed less like a sanctuary for him, and more like out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Heading down to the Common Room, he found Hermione there, as always, before the others. Ron, on the other hand, when he deigned to wake up, headed to the Great Hall immediately for breakfast. In contrast, Hermione insisted she and Harry wait for Anna and Brian to join them. Hermione had taken to Anna, and while Harry knew she would never admit it, she loved the idea of being able to serve as a mentor to the bright young girl.

Eventually, the two first years joined them in the Common Room and followed them to the Great Hall. True to form, the Hall was filled with students enjoying breakfast until they received their school schedule. As McGonagall came up to the four students, she paused to speak with them.

"Mr.Potter, Miss Granger, I understand you decided to teach these two first years some spells while on the train?" She remained as stern as ever, and it was impossible to tell whether she was proud or upset.

"Yes, Professor. Hermione and I, at my suggestion, taught them the Raincoat Charm, and the Drying Charm. Given how bad the rain was getting, it seemed the appropriate choice."

"You taught them well, as their boat was the only one with dry students. They even began drying out their fellow students before I could." She looked at Brian and Anna. "Mr.Robinson, and Miss Anderson, 10 points each, for helping your fellow students." She then looked at Harry and Hermione. "Mr.Potter, and Miss Granger, 15 points each, for exemplary mentoring and leadership of younger students."

As she handed the four of them their schedules, she continued. "At this rate, Mr.Potter, you'll be the first fourth-year Prefect."

Taking his schedule with a smile, he opened it and noted it was identical to the one he received last time. However, there were two exceptions. Divination on Monday afternoons was replaced with Arithmancy, and Wednesday after lunch was Ancient Runes.

After breakfast, Harry and Hermione wished Anna and Brian luck, as Transfiguration was their first class of the day.

Herbology with the Hufflepuffs was as uneventful as the last time. Admittedly, handling bubotubers was as disgusting as Harry remembered it. Given his enhanced sense of smell, the pus they extracted smelled even stronger of petrol. The upside, at least, was that given his familiarity with the plant he and Neville managed to earn extra points for Gryffindor, both in knowledge of the plant and their expert handling of the pus.

Then came Care of Magical Creatures. As excited as Harry was to see Hagrid again, he definitely didn't want to be handling Blast-Ended Skrewts again. If any creature could be classified as a mistake, it was these things. The repulsive hybrids of Fire Crabs and Manticores were as violent and unpleasant as he remembered.

We need to do something about this.

Not fond of them I take it?

Are you? There's got to be a better way of dealing with these things. Any suggestions?

Unfortunately, these are hybrids, and they don't have a clear understanding of what they are, and their place in the world.

So all this violence is just outbursts from dysfunctional teenagers?

It's them figuring out exactly where in the food chain they belong. But you're right, we definitely need a solution to them. If nothing else, it'll allow Hagrid to teach about creatures the way he would have intended.

At the end of class, while the others rushed to the castle for lunch, Harry stayed behind to talk to Hagrid.

"Harry! How are you doing?"

"So far so good. Hagrid, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you something about the Skrewts."

"Course I don't mind! What do you want to know?"

Glancing around, and satisfied no one had hung back, he spoke in a low voice. "Hagrid, did you breed these for the Tournament?"

Hagrid looked nervous at that, glancing around in a similar fashion before whispering, "How did you find out?"

"I didn't. I know the Tournament was discontinued because of the steadily rising death toll. Second, and no offence Hagrid, but unless you plan on releasing these into the wild, I don't see how useful this class is." As Harry finished, a pair of Skrewts began fighting with one another, as a third propelled itself around the paddock by launching sparks from its rear end. "Plus, these aren't exactly the friendliest of creatures."

"Well, when they agreed to host the Tournament 'ere at Hogwarts, Bagman came down to talk about creatures for the tasks. We got talking, and he had the idea of breedin' new ones. Offered me a contract, he did, to breed something for the Tournament. 'Course, he didn't mention any 'help' from the Ministry would be money for 'damages."

"They just, hoisted the responsibility on you, when they knew you had other responsibilities as a teacher?"

"Well, yeah." Hagrid looked glum at that admission. "Was planning something special for this year. Woulda been great..."

"Give me a few days, Hagrid, and I should have something that'll make caring for them easier." With that, Harry ran towards the castle for lunch, before Hagrid could reply.

Well, that's the order sent off. Think Tim'll be able to do it?

It's likely. From what I've seen, he seems able to handle any task, so long as he has a clear idea of what's aiming for.

During lunch, Harry had taken the time to write a letter for Tim Baker. While he wasn't immediately agreeing to the contract, he had instead ordered a custom tent. It was difficult, given the minimal information he could provide concerning the Skrewts, he was confident that Tim would rise to the challenge.

After leaving the Owlery, Harry was kidnap- 'encouraged' by the overzealous Hermione to hurry to Arithmancy. Despite, or rather because, of the time they had to spare, she was quite determined that Harry should be making full use of his time.

When Professor Septima Vector arrived, she decided to test Harry, using him as an opportunity to review the curriculum last year. By the end of class, it seemed Harry had impressed her enough that she only 'encouraged him to keep up the good work.'

With Arithmancy over, it was time to head to the Common Room. Hermione had insisted they meet Brian and Anna there after class before heading to the Great Hall. When they arrived, they found Neville sitting with the young duo, talking about the many plants they'll be going over in Herbology. In the corner of the room, was a sulking Ron.

"What's with him?" Harry asked Neville as he and Hermione approached.

"Professor Trelawney assigned us extra homework because Ron insulted Lavender. Speaking of, why weren't you in Divination Harry?"

"I dropped the class and took Arithmancy and Ancient Runes instead. I figured I should have at least oneyear where my death and dismemberment isn't being regularly predicted." The whole time Harry was saying this, Hermione was beaming with pride, as though he was revealing the secrets to creating the Philosopher's Stone.

Leading the group out of the Common Room, they made their way down to the Great Hall, with Brian and Anna gleefully recounting their day. Brian, in particular, was fascinated by the animagus form of Professor McGonagall and was curious about the steps needed to become one himself. Before Harry could explain the process, with some helpful critiques from Hermione, they were blocked off by a group of about ten Slytherin students, of various years.

Most of the students he didn't recognize, but he did recognize the four at the head of the group: Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Draco Malfoy. While Parkinson and Goyle looked unsure of themselves, as though they wanted to be anywhere but here, Crabbe and Malfoy looked positively murderous.

"Can I help you?" Harry asked.

Malfoy glanced around then looked back at Harry and said in a low voice, "You're a dead man, Potter. You'll pay for what you did to my father."

"Ah, the late Lord Malfoy," Harry couldn't help but smirk.

Malfoy looked angrier than Harry had ever seen him. It felt oddly satisfying to see the smug little bastard like this.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry for the death of your parents. But they were rapists, torturers, and murderers, the very worst of humanity rolled up into one. Mourn your families as you wish, butthis-" he waved his arms in a broad motion, signifying the broad group "-is pathetic."

With that, he motioned for Neville and Hermione to move, the two of them making sure that Brian and Anna went first, just in case the Slytherin students would try anything. As luck would have it, with Harry behind Neville and Hermione, and them behind Brian and Anna, only one of the Slytherins made for their wand.

You realize he's preparing to curse you.

Of course, I realize this. I just need to time this properly.

As Malfoy readied his wand, Harry summoned his own and waited for the perfect moment. When Malfoy cast his spell, he immediately whirled around and deflected the spell into the air. Before Malfoy could follow up, he fired a bone-breaker as someone yelled "OH NO YOU DON'T SONNY!"

Malfoy screamed in pain for a brief moment as the bones in his arm broke, and he was transfigured into a ferret. Harry turned around and saw 'Moody' limping towards them. His wand was out and aimed right at the ferret now shivering on the stone floor.

There was a terrified silence in the entrance hall. Neville and Hermione rushed up to Harry, checking to make sure he wasn't harmed in any way. As they did, Moody turned to look at Harry with his normal eye, while the other one was pointing into the back of his head.

"Did he get you?" Moody growled.

"No, I blocked his spell and countered before he could follow up."

"Good work, Potter. LEAVE IT!"

Neville jumped at the sudden roar from Moody, while Hermione squeaked out "Leave what?"

"Not you, him!" Moody jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Crabbe. The fat idiot had just frozen in place as he was about to pick up the ferret. Moody then started to limp toward the Slytherin group, and the ferret gave a terrified squeak and took off toward the dungeons.

"I don't think so!" roared Moody, pointing his wand at the ferret again and sending it ten feet into the air. It fell with a smack and bounced up again.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back's turned, you stinking, cowardly, scummy, back-shooting..." The ferret flew through the air, its legs and tail flailing helplessly, while onlookers laughed at Malfoy's misfortune.

"Professor Moody!" said a shocked Professor McGonagall. "What- what are you doing?"


"Is that-is that a student?" shrieked Professor McGonagall.

"Technically it's a ferret."

"No!" cried McGonagall as she drew her wand. A moment later, with a loud snapping noise, Draco reappeared, lying in a heap on the floor with his hair all over his face. He got to his feet, wincing in pain, but otherwise glaring at 'Moody.'

"Alastor, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment!" said McGonagall in a voice she usually reserved for the Weasley twins. "Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that?"

"He might've mentioned it, yeah. But I thought a good sharp shock would-"

"Detentions, Moody! Or speak to the offender's Head of House!"

"I'll do that, then," said Moody quietly, limping forward. "Now, your Head of House'll be Snape, will it?"

"Yes," Malfoy growled the word resentfully.

"Good. I've been looking forward to a chat with old Snape... Come on, you..." With that, he seized Malfoy's good arm and marched him off toward the dungeon.

Thursday finally came and with it, came Defence Against The Dark Arts with Professor 'Moody.'

This time, Harry and Hermione were among the first to arrive, well before everyone else. It was a good thing too, because soon the rest of the class arrived, forming a line behind him. When the bell finally rang, the doors opened on their own. Harry and Hermione grabbed a seat at the front, while Neville sat with Dean Thomas.

Finally, they heard the dull clunk of a fake leg, and in limped Professor 'Alastor Moody.' The silence was just as eerie now, as it was last time. Not even Snape could get a class this quiet. Every pair of eyes in the class followed his every step. No one knew what to expect, and no one wanted to miss a thing.

Standing behind the desk at the front of the room, he looked over the class with the same look a field marshal might give new recruits to his old unit. When he spoke, his voice was gruff, but commanding.

"Alastor Moody." He turned to the blackboard and began writing. "Ex-Auror... Ministry malcontent... and your new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to, goodbye, theend. Any questions?"

Nobody dared to evenbreathe.

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in apracticalapproach. But first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"

"Three, sir," Hermione answered, but she sounded on the verge of tears.

"And they are so named?"

"Because they're unforgivable. The use of even one on a fellow human will-"

"Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban.Correct. Now, the Ministry says I'm only to teach you countercurses and leave it at that. They say you're too young to see these curses in action.I say different!You need to knowwhatyou're up against! You need to beprepared! You need to find a better place for your chewing gum than the underside of your desk, Mr.Finnegan!"

Seamus was seated around the middle of the class with Ron, and he wasn't happy at being caught. "The old codger can see out the back of his head."

"AND HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS!" A piece of chalk came narrowly close to hitting Seamus square in the head. Only ducking at the last minute saved his... well dignity. "So, which curse should we see first?"

The excitement that filled his voice at that last question kept the class as silent as a tomb. Slowly, students began raising their hands, as Moody surveyed the class, until finally settling on a student, whohadn'traised their hand.



"STAND." The ginger git slowly rose to his feet, and Moody locked on him. "Give us a curse."

"Well... my dad d-did tell me about one... the Imperious Curse."

"Oh yeah, your fatherwouldknow all about that one. Gave the Ministry a bit of grief some years back. Perhaps this will show youwhy."

As Moody walked to the jar that contained one unlucky spider, Harry felt Hermione's hand in his own. She had grabbed it at the realization they were about to see the Unforgivables in action, and was not mentally prepared. He squeezed her hand reassuringly and watched their 'professor' in action.

I hate leaving the real Moody trapped like he is now.

We don't have a choice. We can't risk moving too soon.

Even so, there must be something we can do. Maybe get him some food or potions?

Not a bad idea. If Dobby can manage it, maybe he can pop extra food and nourishment potions into the trunk. Might make Junior suspicious though.

He won't suspect me. Besides, I'll tell Dobby to be careful.

While Harry and Goliath had their conversation, 'Moody' had begun his Imperius demonstration. At first, the class was laughing at the antics of the spider. Even Hermione chuckled, involuntarily it seemed, at the spider on Malfoy's face.

"What should I do next, have her jump out the window?" The laughter died almost immediately. "Drown herself?" The spider came dangerously close to ending its own life. When it was again in his own hand, the class was looking at him in total silence.

"Scores of witches, and wizards, have claimed they only did the Dark Lord's bidding under the Imperious Curse. Some job for the Ministry, trying to sort out the liars. The Imperious Curse can be fought, but that takes great willpower and real strength of character. Not everybody's got that, so it's best to avoid being hit if you can. Remember, CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" The class jumped as he barked out the last two words.

"Now, anyone else? Come now, come now... Longbottom is it?" The entire class turned to look at Neville, shocked to see him raising his hand, if timidly.

"There's the... the Cruciatus Curse."

"Correct, the torture curse. Particularly nasty." Moody returned to the front of the class, and Harry knew what was coming. The spider was going to be tortured, and Neville was going to beveryuncomfortable. "Crucio."

The spider began to twitch horribly, and Harry instantly felt something shift on his right. Looking to his side, he found Hermione had buried her face in his shoulder and was gripping him like a lifeline. No more willing to let her suffer than Neville, Harry turned to the front of the class.


At the interruption, Moody stopped the curse and looked about. He saw the stiff figure of Neville and Hermione on the verge of a panic attack. Clearing his throat, he remarked "As I said, nasty spell," while he stepped right in front of Harry.

"Mr.Potter, can you give us thefinalcurse?"

Holding Hermione against him, he reluctantly answered. "The Killing Curse. Instant death for those who get hit. There's no counterspell, and your only hope is to either avoid getting hit or block it with something big enough."

"That's correct Mr.Potter. 10 points to Gryffindor." Moody looked down at the spider and aimed his wand "Avada Kedavra." The green light shot from the wand, and the spider now lay dead on the desk.

"As Mr.Potter said, instant death. No counterspell is known, and only one man has survived being hit by it. And he's done it twice now." Moody was looking down at Harry as he said this. Harry, for his part, didn't notice. His attention was focused on the girl clinging to him for survival.

Saturday morning arrived, and before everyone else got to breakfast, Harry was somewhere important. Donning his Invisibility Cloak, he made his way to the second floor.

You were right. The Cloak does feel different now.

That damned meddler could only find you thanks to a silver thread he had sewn into the cloak. That was how he could find you while wearing Death's Cloak.

So now he truly can't find me while wearing this?

You could be standing right in front of him, and he wouldn't be able to find you with any spell.

Good to know, because we're here.

Checking to see if anyone was present, Harry breathed a sigh of relief... and stepped into the girl's bathroom. More specifically, he stepped into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. When the sink that held the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was in sight, he removed the Cloak and was greeted by a familiar, flirty ghost.

"Hello, Harry. Did you come to visit me?"

Smiling, Harry gave a polite answer. "Hello, Myrtle. I'm sorry, but I came to check something in the Chamber of Secrets." Waving his wand, he was relieved to find no Listening Charms, or anything similar was present, except... "Myrtle, do you have to report my being here to the Headmaster?"

"No, only the House Ghosts would have to do that, andonly if a student was caught breaking rules. Your secrets are safe with me, Harry." She smiled at him flirtatiously as she said that.

Grinning at that, Harry opened the Chamber, and as the sinks moved, he turned back to Myrtle. "Myrtle, I'm going to go look at the Basilisk that killed you. If it brings you some closure, do you want to see it yourself?"

The ghost girl looked thoughtful at that, before deciding. "Yes, Harry. I'd like to see what killed me."

Descending into the Chamber, Myrtle followed close behind, floating slowly to observe everything they passed. Finally, they arrived at the Chamber proper and beheld the sight of a dead Basilisk... which hadn't decayed even slightly. Myrtle floated to it, slowly looking it over, while a very angry Harry stood by.

Ragnok was right. It HASN'T decayed even slightly.

Unbeknownst to Dumbledore, Ragnok had passed on to Harry a little-known fact about the Basilisk: the King of Snakes did not decay naturally. The monster that was known as the ancient enemy of spiders, feared by them above all others, would not decompose due to the magic that defines their being. As such, Basilisk hide was extraordinarily rare and coveted, both because of its near-endless longevity, and its potent resistance to magic.

When the topic of the Basilisk skeleton was discussed, that was when Ragnok revealed the Right of Conquest. Simply put, any wizard or witch, regardless of where it's done, or how, if they kill a magical creature, they can claim the carcass, and do with it as they please. This little bit of information had been specifically withheld from Harry after killing it the first time around. If it goes unclaimed for 3 years, the carcass is considered 'abandoned' and thus, may be claimed byanyone.

This means Dumbledore had the carcass rendered the summer after Sirius died.

That tosser! We could have used the hide to make basilisk-hide armour for the Order! It could have given us an advantage during the war! Instead, he kept it down here just long enough for him to claim it for his own ends!

Indeed. But now, we can use the carcass for our own ends. Ends that will result in his destruction.

Calling for Dobby, Harry gave him a specific command. "Go to Ragnok, and tell him his hunch was right, and that I'll need the 'special' Portkey."

When Dobby returned, he was carrying a silver chain, one that up on touching the carcass, would expand until it wrapped the carcass, and transport it directly to a special room in Gringotts, where the carcass would be rendered. The meat would be sold off, while the rest of it, having uses in potions, rituals, and other scenarios, would be stored in a vault.

When Myrtle was done looking over the Basilisk, Harry promptly tossed the chain onto it and was pleased to see the chain wrap around the beast, and disappear with it.

Now that that's done, we'd best get out of here.

True. We have a promise to Hermione's little sister to keep, after all.

Said promise was fulfilled after breakfast. Ever since learning that unicorns were real, Anna had been quite eager to see them firsthand. When she learned Hogwarts had unicorns, she squealed at a volume only dogs should be able to hear.

So now, here Harry was leading the two firsties to see the unicorns. Anna was practically bouncing like she had eaten her weight in chocolate frogs. Brian, on the other hand, was more subdued.

Before Harry could ask why, they arrived at the paddock, and found two Slytherin students already there; Daphne and Astoria Greengrass.

Upon seeing their visitors, Daphne stepped up to Harry while Anna and Brian ran to the paddock, and by extension, Astoria.



Daphne Greengrass, the infamous 'Ice Queen' of Slytherin. With pale skin, dark hair, and violet eyes, she was renowned as a beauty all her life... and notorious for being considered unapproachable.

"I see you've taken up babysitting."

"What can I say, they make my life a little adventure." Looking past Daphne, Harry noticed something about Astoria; she was thin, and despite being friendly to the excited Anna, it was apparent she wasn't in the best of health.

"Is your sister OK?"

At that, Daphne's eyes narrowed, and her voice became cold as the void. "Why do you ask?"

"Because it looks like Anna and Brian have made a new friend, and I look out for friends." When that didn't put her at ease, he spoke in a more gentle tone. "Daphne, let me ask you something, has anyone in your family taken the Dark Mark?"

She raised an eyebrow at that. "No, why?"

"If no one's taken the Mark, I have no quarrel with you, or your family. I'm asking out of genuine concern for Anna's new friend. Is she alright?"

Daphne turned to look at Anna and Astoria. The two girls did indeed seem to become fast friends, bonding over a shared interest in unicorns. She sighed, then turned back to Harry.

"She gets like this often. But it isn't by choice... and it's very serious."

"A blood malediction."

It was more a statement, than a question. Harry already knew Astoria would die because of a blood malediction, and the certainty in his tone caused Daphne to look at him in alarm.

"Relax. Your secret's safe with me. I'm sorry, by the way. Is there anything I can do?"

"No, but... thank you. If there were a cure, believe me, I'd have found it by now."

"I'll look into my own avenues. Maybe I can find something."

"I doubt it, but... I'd be grateful if you could."

Do you wish to save her from the malediction?

I do. If only because it's the right thing to do. So, any ideas?

A few, but they'll take some time to procure all the necessary ingredients. For now, we have a more important ritual to prepare for.

Right, how long until we can go through with it?

October 30th. We'll wait until midnight, then head to the Room of Requirement. Once the clock strikes midnight, and the 30th becomes the 31st, we start the ritual.

During this conversation, Harry was seated in the Common Room on a couch with Neville and Brian. Neville was reading a Herbology book Moody had given him, while Brian was reviewing his Defence textbook. Moody had made an impression on the young boy, and he was determined to live up to the hype. Harry, meanwhile, was reading a textbook, but focusing on none of the words.

Harry was so preoccupied with his 'reading' he didn't notice Hermione and Anna arrive and stand before them. When he put down the book to look at them, he noticed they each had a button on their robes, a button that said S.P.E.W.

"What's with the badges Hermione?" Neville asked cautiously.

"Ahem. Today, Anna and I have decided to start the Society for Promotion of Elfish Welfare. We will advocate that House-elves be given rights, and freed from enslavement."

Brian started snickering at the name, once he realized why the badge had S.P.E.W on it. Neville looked both confused and curious. Harry, meanwhile, decided now was the time to reveal his connection to Dobby.

"That's a bad idea, Hermione."

She looked almost offended by the notion, but more confused than anything else.

"What do you mean?! Slavery is a cruel and barbaric practice!"

"It's not slavery, Hermione. It's symbiosis." When she made no response, but instead gestured for him to continue, he told her what he had learned, both from Kreacher and from Goliath.

"House elves are one of the fae. They're also called, amongst other things, faeries, or the fair folk. Naturally, there are a lot of different kinds of fae, but they all share a few things in common. Chief among these is a dependence on magic. They need magic to survive, and they can't get that magic naturally. House elves, as a species, are able to form bonds with magical individuals, or magical families. These bonds are what provide the house elves with magic, magic that they need to survive. Without these bonds, they would weaken, and eventually die.

"Without these bonds, their only alternative to survive is to live somewhere that is rich in magic, and thus form a bond with that location, like the Hogwarts house elves. Because of the magic within the very air of Hogwarts, the house elves are able to live healthy lives. In exchange, they care for the location and those that live there. At Hogwarts, this includes kitchen duties and keeping the place clean. It isn't slavery, Hermione, it's a symbiotic relationship, one that benefits all involved."

"But-but they don't get wages."

"The magicistheir payment. House elf magic is unique in that it allows them to provide, for themselves, everything they need. Because of that, work isn't considered a chore, it's considered a form of entertainment. If a house elf were to be offered a wage at the place they work, they would take it to mean 'This is temporary, don't get comfortable.'"

That had Hermione thinking, until she came up with, what she thought, was an adequate counterpoint.

"But what about Dobby? He's been free since the second year ended."

"No, he hasn't, not in the way you're thinking. The moment I tricked Lucius into giving him that sock, I unknowingly formed a bond with him, one that I wasn't made aware of until recently. Without even knowing it, I've been providing him with some magic, but only enough to sustain himself because I never knew the full nature of the bond."

"Why didn't he tell you? If he needs it to survive...?"

"Because believing he was free made me happy. And Dobby was willing to do anything to keep me happy. Did you know, Hermione, that among house elves, saying you're a free elf is similar to saying you're a drifter?"

"No, I didn't."

"That's what Dobby was doing every time he said he was a free elf. Among house elves, this is a terrible insult, because it means you have no true home, and any magic you have to sustain yourself is little better than table scraps. For him, it was worse because he was knowingly lying about the bond. But he did this because he didn't want to risk another elf telling me the truth, and possibly upsetting the twelve-year-old who saved him from a cruel master."

Hermione now had misty eyes, realizing not only what her actions nearly risked, but at the loyalty Dobby was displaying. Harry, likewise, wanted to cry, remembering how Dobby gave his life to save him and his friends. He truly was, above all others, a good elf.

"So, I should probably stop with the whole 'free the elves' movement?"

"But we worked hard on these!" Anna was not happy at the idea of her work with Hermione being for nothing. Fortunately, Harry came to the rescue.

"I know you did. That's why, when Hermione and I next go to Hogsmeade, I'll make sure she buys you a nice bag of chocolates for your work."

A now happy Anna ran off to do her homework, while Hermione looked at Harry, and seemed both amused and annoyed.

"You know you're going to spoil her."

"Of course. That's the job of an older sibling, right Brian?"

"Right." The boy was now in perpetual agreement with his new big brother. Hermione could only shake her head at this.

Midnight was fast approaching, and as Harry finished the runic circle, he thought back to the day's events.

It was October 30th, and the students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons had indeed arrived, and the Welcoming Feast soon began. But what made this different than last time around, was the presence of Aurors, and Amelia Bones. It was faint, but one could just make out a frown on his face whenever he looked her way. Clearly, he wasn't happy to have her here, especially if it meant she would challenge his authority as headmaster.

Not that she noticed, because she was keeping an eye on two men in particular: Severus Snape and Igor Karkaroff. Igor in particular was subject to her most withering glare, and the vile man made it a point to never look in her direction. The one time he did, Harry was sure he would faint from fear. Whether her disdain was because he was a Death Eater in general, or because he had done something to her family specifically, was unknown.

It mattered little, because the Headmaster gave his speech, welcoming the international students and their headmaster/headmistress. But then came the topic of their additional 'guests.'

"As I'm sure you are aware, over the summer, a close associate of Minister Fudge was found guilty of being a willing Death Eater, and was subject to the Dementors Kiss." Draco glared at Harry when that was mentioned. Igor looked terrified out of his mind.

"Because of this long-standing relationship, it is the opinion of the DMLE, and the Ministry at large, that additional security shall be needed. It is the stance of the DMLE that sensitive information concerning the Tournament might have been leaked, and thus, we shall have an Auror presence during the school year. To that end, I invite Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to speak."

Standing aside, the Headmaster allowed the stern woman to address the student body.

"Greetings, to the students of Hogwarts, and our friends from abroad. As Headmaster Dumbledore has stated, the Aurors shall be present during the school year, stationed on the grounds, and in the castle, in order to provide increased security during the coming months. HOWEVER, Prefects, that does not mean we will do your jobs. We expect to see the Prefects on patrol, as they are expected to, but likewise, if we see any instances of bullying or harassment, we will notify the staff, or handle the situation ourselves. I trust I've made myself,crystal clear."

Later that night, with everyone else asleep, Harry made his way to the Room of Requirement, his ritual supplies in hand. It had been a tense journey, even with the Invisibility Cloak, because Madam Bones wasn't bluffing about the Auror's presence. More than once, he'd had to wait in place, lest he risk alerting the men and women on patrol.

When he finally arrived, after placing a Notice-Me-Not Charm on the door, he got to work. Drawing the runic circle had been slow, but he had time to spare. Mixing the ritual components in a bowl was simple, but needed absolute precision. Finally, he needed the most important part of the ritual: Hedwig.

Fortunately, she'd been waiting for him near the Room of her own accord. She knew she'd be needed, but she wasn't sure why. Soon, all would be made clear.

As he stood in the runic circle, he readied the perch she would need to stand on.

"Alright, Hedwig. This ritual is a Familiar ritual, meant to strengthen you based on the strength of our bond. I... I'm not sure what exactly will happen, so if you don't want to participate-" He didn't even finish, as she simply flew down to the perch, and looked at him with eyes that said 'What are you waiting for?'

Igniting the mixed components, he placed the bowl between them, and let the smoke float up to them. Chanting lowly the ritual words, the runic circle glowed, and Hedwig went stiff. The ritual reached a crescendo, and the room was filled with a blinding light.

When Harry regained his sight, Hedwig was missing! At first, he was terrified, until he heard a familiar song; the song of a phoenix.

Looking up, he found the source was a magnificent bird, large as Fawkes, and white as fresh snow. But most beautiful of all, the tips of her tail and wing feathers were coloured luminescent green, red, and other colours he couldn't even begin to name.

She was beautiful. She wasmajestic. She was...

An Auroran Phoenix. A variant of phoenix that is so rare, they're considered myths. Truly, Harry, the bond you two have is unbreakable.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (8)

"The Champion for Durmstrang is... Viktor Krum!"

Finally, came the Choosing Ceremony. Once again, the Goblet of Fire was deciding who should serve as the Champions of the Triwizard Tournament. The Durmstrang students cheered their champion and fellow student, as he made his way to the adjoining room.

The Goblet began shooting flames again and soon came the second piece of parchment. Dumbledore caught it and declared "The Champion for Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour!"

The Beauxbatons students cheered for her, as she rose from her seat and made her way across the Hall. Just like last time, nearly every boy in the Hall was fixated on her backside. Several girls were also looking at her with jealousy in their eyes.

"The Champion for Hogwarts is... CEDRIC DIGGORY!"

The Hufflepuff table exploded into cheers, loud enough that the people of Hogsmeade could hear. Even Madam Bones and Auror Tonks, both former Hufflepuffs, were grinning at the chosen Champion being from their old House.

"Excellent! The three Champions have been chosen, and the Tournament is ready to begin! The First Task shall be..." Dumbledore was cut off mid-sentence by the Goblet of Fire. For the fourthtime, the flames turned red, shot into the air, and afourth piece of parchment floated down. As Dumbledore caught it, the Hall was as silent as a tomb, as Dumbledore read out the name written on the parchment.

"Harry Potter."

Every pair of eyes turned to look at him. Harry said nothing but wore a practiced expression of shock and disbelief. As Dumbledore called him again, Hermione nudged him, urging him to go. As he stood up, Goliath had only one thing to say.

Alea iacta est.


And so it begins. Now, as for the poll:
I, despite my brilliant mind, am unable to make a decision regarding the First Task, namely: how should Harry face the Horntail? Does he:
A: Fight it as a human, spells only?
B: Fight in a hybrid form, half-human, half-dragon, combining the brute strength of a dragon, with some magical prowess?
or C: Go full dragon, and hold nothing back as his animagus?
Leave a comment down below, and tell me what you want to see when the Task begins.

EDIT: OK, I'm loving the feedback, and the enthusiasm I'm getting so far, but I need to lay down the rules. As much as I love Vapoure's idea, I'm not doing it. The reason is I've already decided how the fight would end, and the consequences of the fight. As hilarious as it is to imagine the Horntail behaving like a scolded puppy, I can't go that route. Not for what I've got planned out.
So, I'll be disregarding any calls for me to use Vapoure's route, though I might, given how popular it is, do an add-on, featuring that route. Otherwise, please, stick to A, B, or C.

Chapter 16: The Fourth Champion


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Goblet of Fire had just spat out a fourth name, and the entire Great Hall was silent as a tomb. Nobody knew what to expect. No one knew why a fourth name had been chosen. And nobody knew who the fourth name was until Dumbledore said two words, just loud enough for the Hall to hear.

"Harry Potter."

With those two words, nearly every pair of eyes turned to look at the individual to whom that name belonged. Said person had a look of shock and disbelief. That didn't stop the whispering from starting.

The Gryffindors wondered how he had pulled it off, with even the Weasley twins curious when they hadn't succeeded.

The Hufflepuffs began to whisper that he must have cheated, and was stealing the spotlight from them.

The Ravenclaws likewise thought he had cheated, but they were jealous for a different reason. How had a Gryffindor managed to outsmart the House that values knowledge?

Nothing the Slytherins whispered should be heard by polite society.

Only one person knew that look of shocked disbelief wasn't genuine. And it was because only two people knew how his name had ended up in the Goblet of Fire. Barty Crouch Junior had entered Harry into the Tournament, after hitting the Goblet with an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm.

It hadn't been easy for him.

Since the beginning of the school year, Barty infiltrated the castle, using regular doses of Polyjuice to keep up appearances. He'd been eager to complete his mission and knew the risks that came with it. If the staff discovered who he really was, he'd be Kissed by a Dementor almost immediately, and he'd have failed his master.

So far he'd encountered no problems. He had the real Moody locked up in his own trunk, and kept in his office. He'd maintained a steady supply of the Polyjuice, though sooner or later he'd have to resort to making his own, lest anyone get suspicious aboutwhyAlastor Moody needed such a massive stockpile of Polyjuice potion. Fortunately, Snape was a known Potions Master, and had a ready supply of ingredients, so long as he wasn't caught.

But getting the boy's name entered into the Goblet had been the real challenge. That bitch Bones hadn't been bluffing with her speech. Aurors had regularly patrolled the halls, the night before, with two stationed in the Hall itself to watch for any tampering with the Goblet itself. It had required extremely careful timing, but he'd managed to pull it off during the shift change.

For now, he could sit back and watch as they bickered among themselves, trying to decide what to do next. He'd read up on the Tournament, and all its rules prior to his arrival. Once a name came out of the Goblet, they were considered bound to the Tournament in a magically binding contract. The Goblet itself didn't care about the participants' age, or how their name was entered. It only decided who would compete for each school. Not even Dumbledore could override it as Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump.

The only potential downside to this was the need for an additional judge. Assuming anyone else read the rules, they'd know each school provided their headmaster/headmistress as a judge. These individuals were the only judgesrequired by the Tournament, anyone else was just an extra provided by the host countries Ministry. As the contestant of a theoretical fourth school, Harry could appoint an additional person from outside Hogwarts to act as a judge.

The most likely candidate was the recently pardoned Sirius Black, though the werewolf Remus Lupin was another possibility. He'd learned a great deal about both from that coward Pettigrew, and he knew the rat was terrified of either one of them finding him again. If either of them did show up, he'd likely need to question Moody about them, if he wanted to keep up the charade.

'What's this?' he thought to himself. Harry was walking up to Dumbledore, and he looked angry and annoyed at his being chosen. That was to be expected. Dumbledore was maintaining his 'grandfatherly' demeanour, so Barty couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking. But Professor McGonagall was marching up to them, along with Madam Bones.'Well, this ought to be interesting... wait, why is Hagrid going up?'

Rubeus Hagrid had been having an otherwise pleasant Halloween. Yesterday, he'd helped to welcome the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang to Hogwarts, and he'd been mighty proud of that! Among the students of Beauxbatons, was their Headmistress, Madame Olympe Maxime. She was a fine, well-dressed woman, and he'd never met another half-giant before.

To that end, he'd been determined to impress her. Tonight was the Halloween feast, and she'd be there, along with her students. In preparation, he'd gotten the finest perfume he could, combed his hair, and gotten out his best clothes. Admittedly, his hair was still wild looking, and the best clothes he had was an ill-fitting fur coat. But he wasn't about to let that hold him back. Gryffindors charge ahead, and he wasn't about to back down.

During the afternoon, he heard a knock at the door, and when he went to answer it, found Harry and Hermione, along with the two first years Anna and Brian. He was happy to see them. He knew he shouldn't admit it, but Harry and Hermione were his favourite students, and their new friends were great fun to be around. Anna in particular was determined to learn all she could about unicorns before she could even take Care of Magical Creatures.

As they entered, Harry and the young ones began coughing, while Hermione gagged.

"You three alright?"

"Hagrid... is that perfume?" Harry managed to cough a response.

"Got it down in Hogsmeade. Yeh don't like it?" They could hear the disappointment in Hagrids' voice.

"It's... very strong. Do you have a date tonight?" Harry had a knowing smirk on his face. "A Madame Maxime, perhaps?"

Hagrid blushed under his beard and attempted to stammer out a response, but Hermione came to his rescue. "Harry! Don't tease Hagrid."

"What?? I'm genuinely curious. Trying to impress our lovely guest?" When Hagrid nodded in the affirmative, Harry continued. "Well, I'm not sure this will work on her, but don't worry Hagrid. Now that Hermione and I are here, we're gonna help you sweep the Madame off her feet."

Gently pulling Hagrid to his chair, Harry conjured a giant mirror and got to work.

It took a ridiculous amount of cutting and charms, even with Hermione's help, but Hagrid's hair was trimmed to a reasonable length and pulled into a ponytail. Likewise, his beard was trimmed, while at Hermione's suggestion, they braided parts of it. Now when Hagrid looked in the mirror, he looked like Dwarf royalty. All in all, it gave him a rather stately appearance.

While all this was being done, Hagrid was being given a crash course in French social graces, courtesy of Hermione, with visual aid provided by Brian and Anna. With his grooming done, a charm was cast to reduce the perfume to a tolerable amount, while Harry had one final gift for Hagrid.

"We don't have time to get new clothes, so we'll have to make do with transfiguration."

It took several tries, but they finally arrived at a design that gave Hagrid a far more regal appearance than was normal for him. Now he genuinely looked like a lord, and could probably even pass for one thanks to Hermione's lessons. Pouring his magic into the spell, Harry empowered the spell to last for a week, before they'd change back.

By the time they were finished, the Halloween Feast was set to begin, and the group quickly made their way back to the castle.

The moment Hagrid walked into the castle, nearly every pair of eyes turned his way at least once. The entire student body had known Hagrid, almost exclusively, in his capacity as gamekeeper of Hogwarts. Now he looked like an entirely different person. And it seemed to pay off, as Madame Maxime kept glancing his way when she was sure no one would notice.

But Harry and Hermione definitely noticed. And they were rather proud of their efforts, with Hermione even remarking, "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that Hagrid was a visiting lord. We did good work, Harry."

"That's your handiwork?" Neville asked, the disbelief in his voice palpable.

"Yep. Spent most of the day doing it too. Given the looks he's getting from Madame Maxime, I'd say we went above and beyond in our efforts." Harry was beaming with pride at the result of their efforts.

That was a good thing you did for Hagrid.

I hope things go better for him this time around. He definitely deserves happiness, for all the good he's done.

When the Choosing Ceremony was completed, and Harry had been chosen as the fourth Champion, Hagrid had been watching, hoping for the Champion to be a Gryffindor, but not expecting this. After all, he and Hermione had spent most of the afternoon helping him prepare for tonight. So, he stood and went over to Dumbledore, to let the Headmaster know that Harry couldn't have done it.

Harry was walking up to Dumbledore, a look of anger and annoyance plastered on his face. This wasn't fake, however. It annoyed him that he could already hear the whispers of 'cheater,' and being near the bearded bastard put him on edge.

"Headmaster, I did not put my name in the Goblet of Fire."

"Harry, I'm afraid that may not make a difference."

"What the devil do you mean, may not make a difference?!" Dumbledore was actually startled by the sharp voice of Professor McGonagall. Before he could reply, Madam Bones cut in.

"How did his name even get in the Goblet in thefirst place?!YOUset up the age line specifically to prevent this from happening!" The DMLE Head evidently was not happy at this turn of events.

As Dumbledore began to reassure the twoveryunhappy women, Hagrid stepped in. "Professor, 'Arry couldn't 'ave put his name in. He and 'Ermione were with me most of the day."

"Thank you, Hagrid. Nevertheless, Harry, Minerva, and Madam Bones let us join the other Champions, so we might settle this issue."

While Dumbledore dismissed the school to their respective Common Rooms, Minerva led Harry and Amelia to the adjoining chamber with the other champions. The trio were gathered around the fire and turned to look at their new guests. Harry noticed that Cedric raised an eyebrow at their appearance, no doubt wondering what was going on.

Fleur spoke first, curiosity getting the better of her. "Do zey want us back in ze hall?"

Before Harry could answer, Professor McGonagall answered her. "Unfortunately, we have a problem." Before anyone could ask what this problem was, Bagman decided to make his entrance.

"Extraordinary! A fourth Champion, and Harry Potter at that!" No child on Christmas was this excited. "This is amazing. Truly, a remarkable event."

Time to put on a show.

"AMAZING!? Do tell, Bagman, whatexactly is soamazing about this!? I've been entered, against my will, into a tournament that was discontinued because of the out-of-control death toll!" Harry's anger caused a surge in magic, bathing the room in his rage-fueled power. Professor McGonagall stepped back, startled by this surge in power. The other champions, likewise, seemed to cringe under the raw power that bathed the room, while Bagman quickly went pale as a ghost.

As Harry was emphasizing a point, through sheer force of will, the door to the chamber opened. A cacophony of voices was heard, only for it to die down suddenly. Though Harry couldn't see them, the Heads of House and the Aurors followed Dumbledore, Maxime, and Karkaroff into the chamber. The Aurors had been arguing over how Harry's name had been chosen when they felt the raw magic of Harry surging through the room. The suddenness of it, and the sheer power behind it, had startled them to the point of silence.

"Mr. Potter, I ask that you calm yourself. Your point has been made, quite emphatically, I might add." Dumbledore's voice rang out as he led the others at a brisk pace.

"Sir, how did Harry's name come out of the Goblet of Fire? He's only fourteen." Cedric asked, quite calmly, all things considered.

"I did not enter my name in the Goblet."

"It's true. The Aurors were watching the Goblet all of last night, and today. At no point did Mr.Potter even gonearthe Goblet of Fire. And Professor Hagrid confirmed that he and another student, a Miss Granger, spent most of the day with him."

With one of the Aurors confirming his innocence, that proved a point of consternation. While the 'adults' bickered over who was at fault for allowing this to happen, Harry looked about the room and noticed Amelia in the corner. She was flipping, quite madly, through a book he could only assume listed the rules and procedures for the Tournament.

"Albus, we can't allow him to compete." Professor McGonagall was standing next to Harry as she said this, her stern gaze directed at the twinkling-eyed Headmaster.

"Yes, find a way to get him out of the tournament. Hogwarts cannot have two champions!" The vile Karkaroof was not pleased with Harry's participation.

"Yes 'Ogwarts can not 'ave two champions." Madame Maxime voiced her support for Karkaroff.

"Well, if it's not too much to ask, maybe you could find outwho put my name in the Goblet in thefirst place!" Despite knowing it was Barty Junior, polyjuiced as Alastor Moody, that entered his name, Harry knew the act needed to be maintained. To that end, Harry began to pace, looking quite angry, and agitated by the proceedings. "Maybe one of the older Slytherin students lost a dad over the summer. Maybe they're hoping the Tournament will kill me where their parents failed."

Fleur looked perplexed at that reasoning, while Cedric and Viktor looked thoughtful. It was possible she simply didn't recognize the connection between House Slytherin and the Death Eaters. Given the events of the World Cup, it stood to reason Viktor might agree with that line of questioning.

"I rather suspect that someone 'oo wished to give 'Ogwarts two bites at ze apple entered the boyz name in zee Goblet."

"I quite agree, Madame Maxime. I shall be lodging complaints with the Ministry of Magic and-"

"Is that so, Karkaroff? Then, by all means, I'd love to have you at the Ministry for a chat." Madam Bones slammed the rule book shut in her hands, her voice as cold as the void. The entire room turned to her, including Karkaroff who shrank at her tone. Glancing about the room, Harry noticed Snape was stepping back, putting some distance between him and her.

Evidently, even with Dumbledore backing him, he knew better than to draw her attention when she was on the warpath.

Dumbledore attempted to diffuse the situation with his usual grandfatherly act. "Amelia, did you find any way for Harry to be released from the Tournament?"

She shook her head, frustrated with her lack of success. "No, the damned Goblet forms a magically binding contract. Even destroying the Goblet wouldn't help us. Harry is still required to compete, regardless of whether he actually entered himself."

"Which I didn't."

Madame Maxime scoffed at that and prepared to respond when a gruff voice interrupted her.

"If anyone's got reason to complain, it'sonly Potter. He is the one who has been entered against his wishes in the tournament." 'Moody' limped into the room, his magical eye scanning for threats. "What are you lot complaining for, eh?"

"Oh thank Merlin, Moody. Did you happen to examine the Goblet?" Madam Bones was seemingly relieved at Moody making his entrance. Evidently, she trusted the man implicitly.

"That I did, Madam Bones, and I'm inclined to agree with Potter. Someone's hoping he's going to die in the tournament, so he's been entered against his wishes. Beyond that, it would have taken a skilled wizard to put Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire."

"And why ees that?"

"Because, Madame, they hoodwinked an exceptionally powerful magical artifact! It would have taken an exceptionally powerful, and specific, Confundus Charm to hoodwink the Goblet into believing that there were four schools in the Triwizard Tournament. Then, they would have put Potter's name under that school's name to ensure that he is the only participant, so his name was sure to come out. Once it came out, he'd have to participate or lose his magic, in a tournament notorious for the number of deaths. Whoever put his name in wants Potter dead, and they managed to hide their magical signature."

"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye."

"It was my job to think the way Dark wizards do, Karkaroff. Perhaps you need a reminder."

"This doesn't help, Alastor." Dumbledore interrupted the two before the disagreement could go further. He then turned back to Amelia. "So, there's nothing we can do for Harry? He has to compete?"

"Unfortunately, yes. However, there might be, at the very least, a compromise that can be reached. Cedric was chosen as the Hogwarts Champion, while Harry was chosen for a non-existent school. To that end, he can participate as the Champion for his family, the House of Potter. Thus, he would be disconnected from Hogwarts." She then turned to Karkaroff and Maxime. "Does this satisfy the both of you?"

When they nodded their approval, she then turned to Harry. "Now, Harry, because you will be representing the House of Potter, instead of Hogwarts, who do wish to appoint to serve as a judge?" When voices were raised in protest, she wheeled around, shooting a death glare at the protesters. "Every institution, be it a school, or a House, must have a judge to represent it on the panel. Now, Harry-" she turned back "-who do you wish to be a judge?"

"Sirius Black, Madam."

"Very well. I'll notify him of this, and we'll handle whatever paperwork is required."

With that settled, Bagman gave instructions regarding the Wand Weighing Ceremony, and the Champions were dismissed. Professor McGonagall insisted that she and Professor Sprout escort Harry and Cedric back to their Common Rooms, to deliver the news.

On the way, Cedric asked Harry, "Do you really think someone's trying to kill you with this Tournament?"

"I don't know. All I know is I've had one near-death experience after another since coming to Hogwarts. If nothing else, it's keeping with the theme."

Cedric looked thoughtful as he and Sprout went to the Hufflepuff Common Room. When he and McGonagall arrived at Gryffindor, instead of bidding Harry good night, she followed him in.

The applause that sounded at the arrival of Harry died almost immediately upon sighting the stern Head of House. She initially said nothing, merely looking over the House like a hawk. Her face was completely unreadable.

"I see you decided to celebrate." A few guilty coughs could be heard, but otherwise, the Room was silent. "Well, before thefestivities begin, I'm here to inform the House of what transpired."

When McGonagall had the entire House watching her, she continued. "A fourth name was chosen by the Goblet of Fire, and yes, a fourth Champion has been named.HOWEVER, Mr.Potter didnot put his name in the Goblet of Fire. Alastor Moody has confirmed that someone capable of hiding their magical signature, a feat well-beyond a fourth-year student, charmed the Goblet into believing there were four schools, instead of three. As such, Harry was chosen as the Champion of this non-existent school."

Before she could continue, she was interrupted by the sound of another arrival at the Common Room. Stepping in through the Fat Lady Portrait, was Hermione Granger. She was in a huff and was startled by the sight of Professor McGonagall.

"Miss Granger, where were you?"

"I was at the library, ma'am. I... I was hoping I might find something to help Harry, ma'am."

"Well, I'm afraid there's nothing to be done. The Goblet of Fire has decreed Harry must compete, lest he lose his magic.However, as Cedric was chosen to be the Hogwarts Champion, it has been decided that Harry shall represent the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, with his godfather Sirius Black serving as a judge." Applause rang out across the Common Room, the Gryffindors were still happy to have one of their own still competing. "Mr.Potter, is there anything you'd like to add?"

"Just this: Even if I'm competing against him, I want everyone cheering for Cedric at least as much as for me. Cedric Diggory is still a fellow Hogwarts student and a good man to boot. He deserves our recognition and our support."

The applause wasn't quite as widespread, but at least it meant no one objected. Even better, Harry was quite certain he saw the faintest beginnings of a smile on McGonagall.

"Well, I believe that's everything that needs to be said. Good night my Lions."

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, unsure whether to be frustrated or excited. Against all the odds, Harry had indeed been chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. Even he hadn't been expecting this! Now he could put Harry through his paces, and see just how powerful he had become, and thereby give Albus a better understanding of what needed to happen going forward.

Of course, his joy at this was compounded by Minerva and Amelia. Both of them had moved to Harry's defence, and both were adamant that Harry was innocent, especially once Alastor got involved.

It was a mystery to Albus, just who had put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire. His first thought was Pettigrew, given his rat animagus. But he had discarded that thought, given how much of a coward Pettigrew was. It was unlikely he had the courage to return to Hogwarts, alone, especially with Madam Bones and the Aurors now on the lookout for any troublemakers.

Then, of course, there were the Slytherin students. Normally he'd have dismissed such an idea, given the inherent risks with putting Harry's name in the Goblet, let alone charming it into believing there were four schools. It was doubtful that even the seventh-years were capable of that. Of course, Harry had a point. Twelve Death Eaters, several of them parents to at least one student, or otherwise known to the others. Grief and rage did make people do foolish things. He'd have to consult with Snape on that possibility.

Then, of course, there was Harry himself. Given the sheer power of that raw magic being displayed during the meeting, it was feasible that he could have found a way past the age line. But like with Pettigrew, he discarded the idea just as quickly as it came to him. Harry's never been the best at controlling his emotions, a fact helped by his life with the Dursleys. It left him easy to read, and easy to manipulate, if somewhat stubborn.

But now there was a new problem: Sirius Black himself.

With Sirius being exonerated in court, his guardianship of Harry was all but guaranteed. He showed no signs of Dementor exposure, so whatever happened to him over the summer, it was apparently enough to remove any clear traces of instability caused by the years in Azkaban.

Since then, he'd been considering ways to get Harry as far from Sirius as soon as possible. He couldn't afford to let Sirius give Harry the valuable knowledge possessed by the Potter family. Even more so, he had to keep Harry from having a life worth living. The Harry raised by the Dursleys, and friends with Ron Weasley was not the Harry who could defeat Voldemort. The Harry raised by Sirius, on the other hand, with access to the Potter Grimoire, and is friends with the muggle-born Hermione Granger. That Harry was one that could easily dominate Voldemort.

Breaking Harry's trust in Sirius wasn't much of an option when Sirius was going to be present at the castle. And now, because of the Tournament, trying to drive Sirius away could be interpreted as interfering in the Tournament by magic itself. Albus wasn't prepared to risk losing his magic, just because of that damned mutt.

For now, he had to play it safe. Alastor and the Aurors would investigate to discover the culprit behind Harry's participation in the Tournament. Whoever they were, Albus could likely use them as a spy, or an informant.

Harry would compete in the Tournament, and no one, least of all him, would prevent it from happening.

And he would be running his little martyr through his paces.

Yes, this will be quite an interesting year.

The start of November brought both good and bad.

The good was his little fight with Ron in their dorm room after the party in the Common Room.

McGonagall's little speech seemed to change the atmosphere of the party. Where it had originally been a congratulatory party, meant to celebrate Harry's successful entrance in the Tournament, now it was more conciliatory. Students in their sixth and even seventh-year came up to Harry, offering their moral support, and in some instances even training for the First Task. Of course, he 'officially' had no idea what the First Task was, so he had to decline their offers, at least until he knew what he was up against.

After the party officially ended, Harry led the other boys back to their dorm, where a sulking Ron confronted Harry over his 'cheating.'

It had been a brief, but vocal argument, in which Ron accused Harry of being, among other things, a glory hog and a bad friend.

Harry responded by calling Ron a pig and ending their friendship.

It had left the others shocked that the Golden Trio was now a Golden Duo, though Harry intended to make Neville a part of the trio. He had always been a better friend than Ron and simply needed the chance to prove himself. Then he would become a better man than Ron had ever hoped to be.

The bad, of course, was the additional attention paid to him by the rest of the school.

During breakfast, McGonagall had stood before the entire school, and the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, in the Great Hall and declared that Harrydid not put his name in the Goblet of Fire. With Alastor Moody supporting her statement, along with the Aurors present, and a, most likely, reluctant Dumbledore, the grumbling was kept to a minimum. That said, dirty looks were still shot towards the Gryffindor table by the other houses, though they quickly stopped when people realized an angry McGonagall was watching them.

It was also during breakfast, a pair of owls flew into the Great Hall carrying a large, tube-shaped package. Catching it when they dropped it, he was relieved to find that it came from Tim Baker.

Grabbing Hagrid, the two rushed down to his hut, where they immediately got to work setting up the custom tent. It had been a remarkably painless process, and the results were astounding.

Tim had created an enchanted yurt, one big enough for Hagrid to enter without any difficulties. From the outside, it seemed normal enough. Inside, however, it was a masterpiece of enchantment. The tent opened into a three-storey kennel, designed to accommodate the large, and increasingly destructive, Skrewts. Charmed to be fire-proof, and near indestructible, it also came with a variety of diagnostic and examination charms, all of which provided information on a blackboard built-in to the tent.

All-in-all, this was probably Tim's best work. It would be a safe and secure location to keep the Skrewts in preparation for the Tournament, and the various charms would make Hagrid's job infinitely easier.

The very next day, the one class Harry was looking forward to the most was Care of Magical Creatures. With the Skrewts now safely dealt with, Hagrid was free to teach the class as he originally meant to.

The class was apprehensive heading down to Hagrid's hut. The Skrewts had been far from popular. In fact, it was probably safe to say thatSnapewas more liked by the students than the Skrewts. So it was a major surprise to everyone, Harry included when they saw Hagrid standing outside his hut with a woman. A woman that Harry recognized: Professor Grubbly-Plank.

"Right then, now that yer all here, we can get started. Now, luckily, the Ministry got their acts together, and taken the Skrewts off my hands, so we can 'ave the great term you were supposed to. Now follow me."

Hagrid was quite excited as he led them away from the hut. Several students were either relieved or terrified. The relief likely came from simply being glad to be free of the Skrewts, while the terror was the nagging fear Hagrid would have them care for something else. Nothing could have surprised the naysayers more, than the sight of the unicorn enclosure.

Interestingly enough, a group of adult unicorns had been taken from the enclosure, while the remaining adults, and all the foals, remained in the closure. Next to the enclosure was a wooden table. On top of the said table was a small number of fruit baskets, filled with apples, pears, and other fruits Harry couldn't immediately discern.

"Now then, what can any of you tell me about unicorns? Yes, Miss Granger?"

"The unicorn is a class XXXX creature, native to Northern Europe. Adult unicorns used to be ridden by magical, and even some muggle, nobles during the Middle Ages as warhorses. Nowadays, they're valued for their hair, used for wand cores, and their horns, which are used for potions."

"Right, ye are 'Ermione! 10 points to Gryffindor. Now, one of the most important things to know, is adult unicorns are very mistrustful of men, so we'll be dividing in two. Girls'll go with Professor Grubbly-Plank, lads, follow me."

While the girls went off with the substitute, Hagrid led the boys to the enclosure. Standing next to the gate, he turned to the class.

"Now, adult unicorns are slow to trust when it comes to men, but foals are more trusting, and so, we're gonna have you try to feed a foal. One at a time, yeh'll go into the enclosure with some fruit, and try to get a foal to come to you. Now, who'll go first?"

First up was Dean Thomas. Armed with a pear, he walked slowly into the enclosure and tried getting a foal to come to him. It took a minute, but one of the foals approached him and took bites out of the pear. A good start, and with Dean setting the bar relatively high, the boys braced themselves.

One by one, the male students went into the enclosure and had varying degrees of success. Most of the Slytherin students were flat-out ignored by the unicorns, while Neville got a foal to come up almost immediately.

Funnily enough, Draco had better luck with the unicorns than Ron.

When the ferret's turn came up, one of the foals began to approach, only to be cut off by its mother. The same mother began snorting in Draco's direction and made menacing movements with its horn. When Ron went in, the adults immediately became agitated, snorting defensively, and moving to block the foals from his sight.

Hard to believe that Ron had worse luck with the Unicorns than Draco.

They can sense the malice in both their hearts. But with the weasel, it's worse, because that malice is directed at a supposed friend. The ferret, at least, is consistent in his disdain for you.

Then came Harry's turn, and he could just feel the eyes on him. Some, he figured, were curious to see how he'd compare to Neville. Others, he knew, were hoping a unicorn would be to him, what Buckbeak was to Draco.

As he walked into the enclosure, he noticed out of the corner of his eye, the girls had ended their lesson and were watching to see how Harry would fare. He saw the concern in Hermione's eyes, fearful that something might go wrong, but confident he'd do well. Most interesting of all, however, was the curiosity in Daphne's eyes.

Whatever the cause of her interest, Harry grabbed a pear and began trying to coax a foal to come to him. One of them, whom Hagrid helpfully identified as Pinky, came running up almost instantly, happily taking bites of the fruit presented to him, while Harry ran his fingers through his mane.

This measure of success got a smattering of applause from the boys as well as the girls, but that died down almost immediately. Looking up, Harry saw an adult unicorn approaching him. This one, Hagrid identified with concern, as Thunder, Pinky's father, and the lead stallion of the herd.

Before Hagrid could call Harry back, or enter the enclosure himself, Pinky ran up to Thunder and ran circles around the pair as he got closer. The foal was excitedly harrumphing, clearly happy to see his father, though the stallion had little reaction to Pinky's presence.

Soon, Thunder was standing right in front of Harry, close enough he could feel his breath snorting out his nostrils. Thunder looked him over, casting curious looks at Harry, as he circled him, as though he was inspecting him.

Finally, Thunder stopped the circling, and simply stopped next to Harry, allowing him to run his fingers through his coat and mane. When Thunder looked back at Harry, he got the distinct feeling Thunder was waiting for him to do something.

Instinctively, he did something that, under normal conditions, he would have considered stupid: he climbed atop the unicorn. That had gotten shocked gasps from the entire class, girls especially. What truly set them off, was Thunder charging out of the enclosure, leaping over the fence like it was little more than a speed bump.

Thunder was remarkably fast. Harry remembered Hagrid saying a unicorn could easily outrun a werewolf. Well, Harry was convinced that was the case. In fact, he was quite certain that he was goingat least50mph around the Hogwarts grounds. Nearly every student, and teacher, paused as Harry raced past them, astounded by the sight, not only of a unicorn running at top speed, but that it had a rider to boot.

Finally, Harry directed Thunder back to the enclosure. By then, a crowd had begun to form by the unicorn enclosure, with dozens of students eager to see the intrepid unicorn rider. When Harry came racing back, it was to thunderous applause. Even the male students were impressed, applauding Harry for managing something they never would have believed to be possible.

Of course, if the men were impressed, the girls were practically swooning.

As Harry dismounted Thunder, and let him return to the herd, the girls in class, and the new crowd, gathered around him. They were practically squealing with excitement over what Harry managed. It was so loud, Harry could barely hear Hagrid awarding Gryffindor 50 points for something so spectacular.

Well, that was interesting. I thought unicorns didn't like men.

They're slow to trust men, there is a difference. They're more willing to forgive transgressions from women, but they're still excellent judges of character, especially with the Horcrux in your scar gone.

So what, with the Horcrux gone, I'm suddenly a contender for Leader of the Light?

Harry, without the Horcux, as far as the unicorns are concerned, you arethe Light.


Thank you to everyone who's been reading, and giving feedback. Your support means the world to me.
The poll is still going, and I'll probably announce the end of it, if not in chapter 17, then definitely in chapter 18. It's a lot closer than I expected it to be.

EDIT: Hagrid's makeover is heavily inspired by a scene from 'The Rise of the Last Potter' by HPfanfictioner66. Go read it, it's freaking awesome.

Chapter 17: Ddraigaraith

Chapter Text

Alright, explain this runic alphabet to me.

It had been a week since Harry's eventful lesson concerning unicorns. The very lesson in which Ron was rejected by the unicorns. Since then, Ron had become the pariah of Gryffindor. It was becoming well known amongst the Lions, and the other Houses, that the Golden Trio was now a Golden Duo. Ron's claim that Harry was a liar and a cheat lost all support, if it ever had any, in his own House. After all, unicorns were universally known as excellent judges of character, and naturally mistrustful of men. That Harry had actually ridden one, around Hogwarts, put to rest any lingering thoughts he might have cheated.

Only his siblings and year-mates had anything to do with him anymore, and even that was limited.

While Ron had been dumped in the Gryffindor waste basket, Harry had risen to become the star of Gryffindor. The same lesson that left Ron in the dirt saw Harry rise to the top like a phoenix from the ashes. Outside of Ron, the entire House had united behind Harry, far more than even the unified front of Slytherin.

But that was for later. Right now, he was seated in an abandoned classroom, working on his latest project: a cure for blood malediction.

As part of the process, Harry had ordered a new cauldron, one that he was preparing to inscribe with runes for added effect. However, Goliath wasn't talking about the standard runes learned in class, but instead an entirely new runic alphabet. An alphabet, created by the Fire Drakes.

What don't you understand? Right now, you're just recording the alphabet for reference when the true work begins.

Yeah, but you called it the Third Language. That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Right, I forgot, you humans no longer teach the lessons we gave to the Old Tribes. Well, this alphabet is the written form of the language of the Dragons, Ddraigaraith. It is, as I've said, the Third Language.

But what were the first two? What came before it?

The First Language has no true name. It has existed as long as Creation itself because it is the written form of the words spoken by what created us all. It is the Codex of Life, the Memories of Fate, and Bones of the Universe. The most common name humans gave to it, is the Language of Heaven.

The Language of Heaven? As in, the home of angels, Heaven?

Perhaps. Even we did not know the full truth behind Creation. Some humans worshipped a God of Life that, supposedly, Lady Magic was the consort of. Perhaps they are one and the same.

But that's not the point. The point is, the Language of Heaven preceded all other languages, both verbal and written and the runic alphabet associated with it allows for some of the most powerful works of enchantment ever conceived. The catch is, powering the runes takes a great deal of magical power, so it is beyond the reach of most. Even more than that, it requires unbelievable precision, and even the slightest mistake can nullify the enchantment altogether, or cause something entirely unintended. For that reason, we'll be sticking to Ddraigaraith.

So what's the second language?

Dark Speech, the Corrupt Tongue, the words of Oblivion. It has many names, but it is most simply called, the Language of the Damned. It is the written form of Darkness and Evil itself. Corruption festers in every syllable and feeds off those foolish enough to use it. Harry, I will be teaching you to identify the language, but you are not, under any circ*mstances, to create anything using these runes.

Is it that bad?

Worse. It is a twisted parody of the Language of Heaven, that feeds on all who use it. It is capable of obscenely powerful enchantments but demands far more than magic to fuel its power.

Just how dangerous is it?

During the Middle Ages, a wizard was foolish enough to create an enchanted sword using the Language of the Damned. The end result was an obscenely powerful sword, allowing him to kill anyone who stood before him. But the sword was sentient, and every life he took, the sword gripped his soul more and more. The more of his soul it held, the more blood it demanded be spilled to feed its bloodlust. When he could finally feed it no more, the sword fed on his very soul, turning him into a mindless husk, controlled by the very blade he thought made him a god.

What happened to the sword?

Recovered by a monk during the Black Plague. He wasn't a wizard but was educated enough on the nature of magic to recognize something genuinely unholy when he saw it. At some point during the Plague, the Church destroyed it, likely at a great human cost.

So how does Ddraigaraith become the third language?

What you call dragons today, are little more than the degenerate, bastardized descendants of a once mighty species. True dragons are far more than the oversized iguanas you'll have to contend with. What you think is a dragon, is little more than a few tons of flaming muscle, with a brain the size of a walnut.

And 'true dragons' are?

Intelligent. Powerful. Regal. True dragons are to the Horntail, what humans are to chimps. But whereas chimps became greater as they became humans, dragons became lesser until we became the Horntail. There are many breeds of dragon, now gone, that were all I described and more. But none of them came close to my kind.

So true dragons created Ddraigaraith?

Correct. The ancient dragons, in an age even wizards consider to be consigned to mythology, devised the language, and its alphabet, as an expression of their power and glory. They would later teach humans the runes, and how to use them. But eventually, with the disappearance of the last Fire Drake, it fell into obscurity. I doubt even your Runes Professor could tell you anything about it.

Hermione is going to flip, once she realizes I know runes even our professor doesn't.

You can teach her one day. For now, focus on creating the runic lexicon. Eventually, you'll enchant a cauldron with a specific sequence, that'll empower it for healing potions and draughts.

Finally, the day of the Wand Weighing arrived. Sitting at breakfast in the Great Hall, Harry was patiently waiting. He wasn't waiting for Hedwig. He planned to reveal that secret at a later date.

No, today was the day the Potter Stinks badges arrived. Draco had been petty and pathetic enough to pay some students to enchant the badges to display Support Cedric Diggory, only to change to Potter Stinks whenever he could see them.

Finally, true to form, the Slytherin students arrived, and Draco and his cronies were indeed wearing the badges. In fact, most of the Slytherins were wearing the badges, and they were already switching to 'Potter Stinks.'

Is it too much to hope that we avoid this drama this time around?

Do you intend to start a fight with him over it?

No, the same people wearing those f*cking badges thought I was the Heir of Slytherin. Their opinions of me are worthless.

When Potions finally came around, it was time to deal with Snape and his damn antidotes lesson. Like always, the instructions were written on the board, and they were told to partner up, and get to work. Being partnered up with Hermione meant the potion would be perfect, except for one problem.

"Harry, we have to do the mixtures individually."

For this class, the antidote they were brewing required the creation of two separate mixtures. Because it was a double potions class, Snape intended for them to brew the mixtures individually. Of course, this meant that Harry had never finished the mixture, despite Snape attempting to hold him back. Whether it was to intentionally get Harry in trouble, or the greasy dungeon bat simply didn't believe anything more important than his class, was still up for debate.

"Technically, we don't have to, we're just expected to. Very big difference."


"Look, the Wand Weighing Ceremony is today, probably during class. I don't want to leave you with extra work, just because of this damn Tournament."

She blushed at that and looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well... alright. I'll get started on the second mixture. But I'll be ready if you need any help."

With Hermione on board, they got to work on the separate mixtures. At the rate they were going, the antidote would be finished halfway through the double potions. But of course, someone took notice of what they were doing and hovered behind the pair.

"Potter! Why have you and Granger separated your duties!?"

Hermione kept her head down, trying to focus on the mixture, while Harry turned to face the dungeon bat, with a face that gave nothing away.

"Seemed to be more efficient than doing it one at a time."

Snape leaned forward, eyes boring into Harry like a hawk. "You were supposed to go through the mixturesindividually."

At Snape's insistence on the word 'individually,' Harry turned to look at the board, where the instructions had been written. Before Snape could respond, Harry turned back, a look of practiced innocence on his face.

"It doesn't say that in the instructions."

Aside from the sound of bubbling potions, nothing could be heard in the class. This was the first time someone had spoken back to Snape about a recipe for a potion, and nobody knew what to expect. Snape looked down at Harry, searching his mind for an appropriate response when an explosion came from the far side of the class.

Seizing the opportunity, Snape rushed to handle the situation, while Harry and Hermione got back to work. Before long, they had completed the separate mixtures and proceeded to combine them to create the antidote.

While Snape was looming over the cauldron, trying to find some reason, beyond the separation of duties, to give Potter a poor grade, when there was a knock at the door.

"Enter!" Snape barked out.

The door opened, and in came Colin Creevey. "Harry Potter has been called for the Wand Weighing Ceremony sir. For the Triwizard Tournament."

"Very well. Potter, take your things with you. I doubt you'll be back for the end of class."

"And our grade for the antidote, Professor?"

Snape shot a silent glare at Harry for that, before finally saying, "The antidote is... satisfactory. Now get moving."

Grabbing his things, Harry rushed out of the class. Once the door was closed, and they began walking to the Ceremony, Harry noticed something about Colin. The boy was carrying a package wrapped in parchment.

"Colin, what are you carrying?"

"Oh, I almost forgot! Your godfather, Sirius, is here for the ceremony as a judge. He asked me to give this to you. Said you'd need it since you're representing your family."

Taking the package, Harry read the note that came with it.


Moony and I were a bit shocked to find out you could name a judge as a fourth competitor in the Tournament. Moony figured it was the only way to keep the Madame and the walking sh*tstain happy, to represent your family instead of Hogwarts.

Because of this, we figured you would need a different uniform since you aren't representing your school. Ragnok was happy to provide it, and he's planning to attend the Tasks. Besides, it's one more way to tweak the bearded blighter, and who am I to refuse such an opportunity?


Opening the package, Harry was surprised to find a pair of robes as its contents. Heading into the first lavatory they passed, Harry opened the package fully and marvelled at the set of War Robes he had been sent.

War Robes were a set of robes tailor-made specifically for usage in battle and war. Each set would have a ludicrous amount of protective enchantments worked into them, making them extremely useful in the middle of a heated battle. Enchantments varied wildly, universally containing wards against most jinxes and hexes, along with a few curses, as well as strengthening charms to reinforce the fabric, turning it into a form of armour against physical threats. This also included fire-proofing charms, water-proofing charms, and lightweight charms.

Beyond that, the Robes could vary wildly in their function. Many, but not all, contained cushioning charms, for particularly rough fights, as well as self-cleaning charms. Others contained silencing and disillusionment charms for stealth, while others contained expanded space enchantments, along with various charms meant for comfort.

Of course, this added utility came with an increased price tag, and War Robes, depending on their quality, could exceed prices of 25,000 Galleons.

So it was no surprise that a family as obscenely wealthy as the Potters had a dozen War Robes stored in their vault. These Robes in particular stood out for two reasons. The first was the crest of the Potter Family, a red dragon, sewn into the back of the robes. What made them unique, however, was they were armoured, usually unheard of among wizard families. With strengthening charms, it was nowadays considered pointless to include actual armour, but Harry recognized these Robes.

These Robes had been worn by his grandfather, Charlus Fleamont Potter, during the war against Grindelwald. During the war, he had been questioned about wearing such Robes, especially as they made him recognizable to the Alliance and its Acolytes. Any element of surprise would be lost.

To which Charlus always replied, "I don't want the Acolytes to be surprised. I want them to bescared."

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (9)

This wasn't just a uniform, or even a set of armour. It was a declaration. To most, a declaration the House of Potter was back, and here to stay. For Albus, a reminder of the power he sought to constrain. Much as Harry wanted to refuse wearing the Robes, to avoid setting off alarms in Dumbledore's head, he couldn't resist the opportunity to irritate the bugger.

Walking out of the lavatory in full War Robes left Colin speechless, taking a moment to mentally restart before he lead Harry to the appointed class.

Bidding farewell to Colin on their arrival, Harry stepped into the classroom. Just as before, he was the last champion to arrive. Viktor was standing by the small window, staring out at the lake and ignoring everyone else, while Cedric and Fleur were in another corner having a conversation.

Sitting in the chairs arranged behind the desks, was Ludo Bagman, talking to one Rita Skeeter.

If she pulls you into the closet again, feel free to let me out.

Not a fan of her, I take it?

I take offence to middle-aged predatory types dragging an underage student into an enclosed space.

When Bagman caught sight of Harry, his mouth hung open for a moment, before he lunged out of his chair, scrambling around the tables to greet him.

“Harry! Our prodigal champion arrives! Well, come on in Harry, don’t be shy! No need to be worried, it’s only the Wand Weighing Ceremony. We are just waiting for the rest of the judges and the expert to arrive.”

"Checking the wands to ensure they're fully functional?"

“Exactly! Your wand is going to be the most important tool in the tasks ahead, well, other than your wit of course. Afterwards, we have a little photoshoot, and that’s it. Maybe a small interview…” The idiot turned back to Skeeter, giving her a smile. “That’s Rita Skeeter. She'll be doing a small piece on the tournament and its champions for the Daily Prophet.”

“Oh, Ludo, it isn’t going to be that small." That tone sent a chill up Harry's spine, especially knowing exactly how lacking in scruples this bint was. "I mean… the return of the Triwizard Tournament?! Four champions for the first time in history? It’s the story of the year.” Although she was talking to Bagman, her eyes never left Harry.

"Story of the year... right. Well, who are we waiting on?"

Before Rita could ask for an interview, Bagman answered. "Just the judges, and Britain's resident wand expert, Garrick Olivander."

“Do you mind if I have a quick chat with Harry before the ceremony, Ludo?” Rita was quick with her question before Harry could think of a way to stall for time. “After all, he is the Fourth Champion. The Youngest. The rebel.It will add a bit of spice."

Before either of them could ask, she had reached out to grab Harry's upper arm, only for Harry to offer a startling response.

"Don't touch me."

Rita grabbed at the empty air as he jerked his arm back, keeping himself free of her grip. But what shocked Rita most was the glow in his eyes as he made the statement. Taken by surprise, she stepped back while thinking of a response, searching for some way to justify violating Harry's personal space.

Before she could, however, the door opened again, and in walked the judges, led by Dumbledore, and Garrick Olivander. This time, Sirius was among the judges, and Harry grinned widely at his appearance. Even better, when Dumbledore got a good look at Harry in his War Robes, he paused, and colour seemed to drain from his face. But it didn't last, as he was soon beginning the ceremony.

“I see the champions are all here. May I introduce to you all, Garrick Ollivander? He will be assessing your wands to make sure they’re ready for the coming tasks.”

The old wizard hobbled to the lectern in the middle of the room, looking at all the champions with his large, pale gray eyes.

“Miss Delacour?” He extended a shrivelled hand. Fleur stepped forward, placing her wand in his palm.

He looked at the wand for a minute, running his finger along its length, “Nine and a half inches... rosewood... rather inflexible and temperamental... I presume because of its rather unique core…”

“Veela hair,” Fleur confirmed. “My grandmother’s. She gave a strand for the core of my wand, and my sister’s,” Fleur declared proudly.

Ollivander nodded, pleased that his suspicions were correct. He summoned a bouquet of flowers, handing both the flowers and the wand back to Fleur.

“Mr. Diggory?” Cedric walked up, and handed his wand to Ollivander, awaiting judgment.

“Ah! One of mine!” Ollivander was much more animated. “12 inches... ash... unicorn core... Springy and well-tuned. It’s in fine condition.”

“I polish it every night,” Cedric replied proudly.

This time Ollivander conjured up a jet of water, handing the wand back to Cedric with an approving nod.

“Mr. Krum?” Viktor Krum walked over to the wandmaker, silently pushing his wand into the awaiting palm.

“Ahh. I recognize this style: A Gregorovitch wand. Never did agree with him on anything but…” Ollivander mumbled, studying the wand. “Rigid... too rigid... a curious combination, hornbeam and dragon heartstring,” he mumbled. “Avis!” The wand let out a bang as a group of twittering birds shot out of it, and Ollivander handed it back, satisfied.

“That leaves… Mr. Potter.”

Now came a moment Harry had no plan for. Garrick would be going over the wand, and Albus would immediately see it wasn't the same as before. He could suppress the power of the wand when he held it, but all bets were off once he handed it to Garrick. Stepping up to the man, he placed the wand in his awaiting hand. The old man looked like a kid at Christmas.

"I remember this one... my masterpiece... elder wood... 13 inches... twin cores of phoenix feather... and dragon heartstring..."

Even standing in front of the old man, he was whispering the words so quietly, even Harry could barely hear him. The rest of the room leaned in, trying to hear even snippets of the man's description.

Unconcerned with the eyes on him, he looked over the wand, slowly and carefully. Drinking in every tiny detail, he inspected it like it was evidence of the crime of the century. Nearly five minutes passed with him looking it over, before he simply handed it back to Harry, with two words.

"It's perfect."

"Thank Merlin your godfather was here to save us."

The photo session was over remarkably quickly compared to the last time. When Rita and the photographer began arguing over the placement of Harry and Fleur, Sirius quickly defused the situation and negotiated a compromise. Likewise, when Rita was insistent on individual shots, Sirius convinced her to hold off until she had interviews with each champion.

Or rather, he distracted her long enough for the students to make their getaway, with Madame Maxime blocking the photographer from noticing their daring escape.

"Yeah, I owe him a lot of Firewhiskey for that."

Fleur and Krum had gone their own ways upon escape, while Harry and Cedric stuck together as they made their way to the Great Hall for dinner. On the way, they were found by two witches looking for them, Susan Bones and Hermione Granger... and Hermione was noticeably missing her large teeth.

"Hermione, what happened to your teeth?"

She began blushing at the fact Harry noticed almost immediately but answered. "After Potions class, Malfoy decided to start pestering me about your chances in the Tournament. When I wouldn't answer, he began taunting me about the badges he and the rest of the school were wearing." Susan looked unhappy at the mention of the badges, along with Cedric.

She continued, "The boys in Gryffindor, other than Ron, told him to bugger off, and that sparked a minor duel between Seamus and Dean, and Malfoy and Crabbe. Crabbe ended up puking slugs, while I ended up with fangs..."

"And you let Madam Pomfrey make them smaller than before." Harry finished the sentence with a knowing smirk.

"Does it... look good?"

"How do you feel?"

Hermione blushed at that, but answered, "Good. I feel more... confident in myself."

"Then I think you look wonderful."

Cedric was smirking at the two of them, knowing flirting when he saw it. But that was when Susan decided to speak up.

"Speaking of badges, Harry, I wanted to apologize."

"For what?"

"For the badges. I... I know one of my friends is wearing one, but I refuse to. My aunt Amelia insists you didn't put your name in the Goblet, and I believe her."

"Well, thank you, Susan. I appreciate you doing that. As for the rest of the students... f*ck 'em."

"Harry!" Hermione was scandalized by Harry's casual swear, while Cedric and Susan were stunned.

"Everyone wearing a badge now thought I was the Heir of Slytherin two years ago. As far as I'm concerned they can rot."

As it happened, another person was within hearing range of this little talk. A person that was shocked at Mr.Potter's vulgar language, but puzzled over something else.

'Badges? What badges?'

Taking out her spectacles, Minerva McGonagall was quite displeased by what she saw.

A little-known fact about Professor McGonagall was the spectacles she was seen wearing at times were not necessary, yet neither were they for show. The spectacles had enchantments geared toward magical detection. If somebody had charmed or enchanted something to be unnoticeable, either to her specifically, or to others in general, the items would appear to glow when viewed with the spectacles.

What she saw raised her suspicions. Several students had something glowing on their uniforms, presumably the badges Susan was talking about. But why would she feel obliged to apologize over a badge?

Walking up to the nearest glowing students, a pair of Hufflepuffs named Hannah Abbott and Ernie Macmillian, she fixed them with an unreadable expression.

"Miss Abbott, Mr.Macmillian."

"Professor McGonagall, is something wrong?" Hannah asked the question so casually. It seemed she didn't suspect the reason she and Ernie had been stopped.

"I'd like to see your badges." She held out her hand as she said this.

The two Hufflepuffs were surprised and initially didn't move. Until Ernie asked, "What badges would you be referring to?"

"The ones you think I can't see."

Left with no other choice, they handed her their badges. Looking down, she saw it said, in bright red, 'SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY-THE TRUE HOGWARTS CHAMPION'

'Why would Susan apologize over this?' As if to answer her question, the badges changed in her hands to display, in bright yellow 'POTTER STINKS'

Though her face was unreadable, McGonagall was furious. Insulting badges, charmed so that none of the staff could see them. This meant, to Harry, the subject of their taunting, it would appear the staff either didn't know or care enough to put a stop to them.

And she could see how that would be believable. Two years ago, during the Chamber of Secrets fiasco, the entire school was convinced Harry was behind the petrifications. She had wanted to quell these rumours, to dosomethingthat would put the student's minds at ease, or at the very least get them to treat a fellow student with somedecency. But Albus had argued against it, and to her great shame she went along with it.

'Not this time.'

Turning to the now-pale Hannah and Ernie, she asked with barely restrained fury "Where did you get these?"

"F-from Draco. He-he's handing them out to anyone who'll take them."

"I see... 5 points, each, from Hufflepuff, and I will be speaking with Professor Sprout about these badges."

With that, she sent the two on their way, while McGonagall went in search of someone she would normally avoid.

'Filch may be a spiteful idiot, but he has eyes everywhere, and knows the castle inside and out. Let's see what he knows...'

That evening, Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, thinking over what had occurred today.

The Weighing of the Wand Ceremony had proceeded, as planned. Unfortunately, with Sirius present, Albus would have to tread carefully in the future. The mutt had been rather cold to him since the summer. Nothing overtly hostile, to suggest he had an inkling into Albus' plans concerning Harry.Thatwas a ludicrous suggestion. No, far more likely, Sirius simply hadn't forgiven him for not getting him a trial sooner.

That was an issue Albus would need to address in the future, but for now, it could wait.

But Sirius had done something that raised a number of red flags in Dumbledore's mind. He had provided Harry with a pair of War Robes, straight from the Potter Vault! And not just any War Robes, but the Robes of Charlus Potter. Albus remembered the Robes, and the man who last wore them, quite clearly.

Charlus had been a veritable Titan of Magic during the War against Grindelwald. Those Robes had struck fear into the hearts of the Acolytes, and the Alliance. More than a few witches and wizards had dropped their wands at the sight of those Robes. The ones who fought would be given a brutal reminder of why the dragon was the symbol of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter for a thousand years.

Much as he was loathe to admit it, Charlus was likely the one wizard, even with the Elder Wand, that Albus feared to duel. They were both brilliant wizards, and capable duelists, but Charlus was not the type to hold back. In battle, he'd fall on the enemy like a thunderbolt, shattering his enemies, and destroying anything that stood between him and victory.

The fact that it was dragon pox, of all things, that killed Charlus and his wife, Dorea Black, was a remarkable irony, and a fantastic stroke of luck.

Seeing Harry in those robes brought back more than a few memories, none of them pleasant.

Then, of course, Garrick had inspected the wands. The first three had proceeded quite simply but then came Harry's turn. The wand he gave to Garrik was decidedly nota holly wand. In fact, it looked like it was made of elder wood. Of course, he couldn't tell because the damned fool was whispering when he looked the wand over. Not to mention, all he would say when questioned about the wand was simply, "It's perfect." It wasinfuriating!

He had to know, what had led to Harry changing his wand? Whatwas this new wand made of? And why was Garrick behaving so strangely around the wand?

The fact Sirius talked the photographer into letting the Champions go early, while the judges, including him, stayed behind was frustrating! He had hoped to corner Harry right after the ceremony, with the wand still fresh in mind. Confronting him about it later would only lead to more questions, questions he wasn't inclined to ask.

Still, he had some ideas for what to do going forward. The dragons would be brought in the day before. It wouldn't leave him with much time, but it would be enough. It only left him with the question of which dragon to pick for Harry.

After all, how else was he to test his martyr?

Chapter 18: The Lioness Roars


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



By Rita Skeeter

That was the headline for theEvening Prophet the next day. Beneath it was a picture of the four champions, with the lovely Fleur, and the armoured Harry taking centre stage. The headline and corresponding article were remarkably tame by Rita's standards, especially concerning the other Champions.

Oh, it contained its usual flourish and Rita's rather liberal definition of 'the truth,' but it lacked venom. It remarked on the dark arts being taught at Durmstrang but didn't suggest that Krum was going to use anything forbidden to get ahead. Fleur being a Veela was used to suggest she would be utilizing magics known only to 'her kind' as a means of attaining victory. On the upside, she didn't suggest those magics involved seduction, so Fleur was able to keep her dignity.

Cedric was described as the 'sweet and charming' Champion of Hufflepuff, in direct contrast to the 'rebellious' 14-year-old Harry. The part centred on Harry was as close to her usual style of "one-quarter fact, three-quarters rubbish." Mostly it devolved into an opinion and speculation piece. The speculation: How would the Boy-Who-Cannot-Die fare in a Tournament meant for witches and wizards several years senior, and several years more experienced? Would the audience get a taste of 'the ancient magics hoarded by the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter for a thousand years?' Or would they be treated to spells otherwise never before seen?

At least she got my age right.

Nobody is stupid enough to believe a twelve-year-old has muscles like a professional athlete.

You'd be surprised what people are stupid enough to believe. Though I'm more worried about the fact she's being almost, if it's even possible,complimentary, to me.

The people love their heroes, as does the media, but they both love to see their heroes fail and fall. If she's building you up, it's only so she can tear you down all the more. Tread carefully around her, if you can't avoid it.

The entire Great Hall was filled with copies of theEvening Prophet,and students were reading said copies with great interest. More than a few witches had sent glances his way when they were confident he wasn't looking. Apparently, he looked quite dashing in his War Robes. Even he could admit, the photo of him standing next to Fleur made him look like some manner of Knight, having just rescued the princess from the castle.

:"Have they told you anything about what to expect?" Hermione was seated next to him, having finished her copy of theProphet, and upset no indication of what the Champions could expect was given.

"Only that it'll test our daring, our courage, and our wit under pressure." Speaking in a presenter's voice made Hermione briefly smirk before she smacked his arm.

"Prat. Seriously, you need a plan for the First Task. You can't just wing it and hope for the best."

"Why not? It seems to have worked for me so far."

Hermione huffed when she saw him grinning as he said that.

"Harry, this is serious. I've read up on past Tournaments, and they've always been extremely dangerous, both to the competitors and the audience."

"I know, Hermione. But the Task could be anything, so if I'm going to have a plan, it can't be too rigid, otherwise, it might become pointless. I need to plan something that can be adapted depending on the circ*mstances."

Hermione blinked as he finished that little explanation. "You've really given this a lot of thought."

"I'd thank you if you didn't make it sound like a miracle."

"No, I didn't mean..." She paused when she noticed him grinning at her. "You were joking, weren't you?"

"What can I say, Sirius has that effect on people. Give me one full summer with him, and I'll give the twins a run for their money."

Later that night, as the castle slept silently, Harry crept out of bed. Donning his invisibility cloak, he made his way out of the castle down to the unicorn enclosure. In his hand, a small crystal vial.

This is messed up on so many levels.

It's not the same.

When they arrived at the enclosure, most of the unicorns were deep in slumber, not even reacting to Harry's presence. One unicorn, however, was still awake, and keeping watch: Thunder.

When the stallion saw Harry approach, he trotted patiently to the fence surrounding the enclosure. When they came face to face, or rather face to muzzle, Harry sighed heavily, deeply reluctant to undertake what he came here for.

"Thunder, I am so sorry, but a girl in the school suffers from a blood malediction. I want to help her, to free her from the curse that will kill her. But to do that, I need..." Harry couldn't finish, simply holding the vial up.

He had no way of knowing if Thunder could understand but wished to convey his reluctance at what would come next.

Which is why it was a remarkable surprise for Thunder to take the vial in his teeth, and set it down in the enclosure. Before Harry could respond or react, Thunder had raised his leg over the vial. But instead of bringing his hoof down on the vial, he lowered his head and bit into the flesh on his leg.

Harry instinctively winced at the sight of a unicorn willingly hurting itself, but he went wide-eyed at what he saw. Instead of the thick, silvery substance he had come to recognize as unicorn blood, it was instead a golden liquid. The liquid gold dribbled down Thunder's leg, until it dripped into the vial, filling it up quickly.

With that done, Thunder moved his leg back to its regular position, and picked up the vial, this time to return it to Harry. He had no words, only uttering an awe-filled 'thank you' as he turned back to the castle under his cloak.

That was... not what I expected.

I told you it's not the same. Do you still remember what Firenze told you?

Of course. The blood of a unicorn will preserve your life, but because a unicorn is so pure, you will be cursed the moment the blood touches your lips.

Yes, slaying or otherwise harming a unicorn to save yourself is what curses you, but you didn't hurt the unicorn. It hurt itself.

How does that make a difference?

Harming a unicorn to save yourself is something only a hollow, selfish person would even consider. But the unicorn freely gave its blood to you. It willingly offered a piece of itself to help save a life. No one could do that and be selfish.

So this isn't going to carry a curse?

Far from it. The blood of a unicorn, willingly offered, is among the most powerful healing ingredients of all. It carries both a healing effect and a purifying aspect. Add it to the potion, stir six times clockwise, then six counter-clockwise. Let it simmer until it turns a luminescent blue, and you will have enough potion to heal the entire Greengrass family.

While contemplating their next moves concerning the Greengrass daughters, Harry was startled by the sudden appearance of a third-year Ravenclaw girl. Startled enough that he dropped the Invisibility Cloak.

"Hello, Harry."

"Luna, hello. Uh, what are you doing out so late?"

"My housemates sent me out of Ravenclaw Tower, and said I should go sleep in the 'looney bin.' I'm still trying to find it."

That got Goliath growling, and Harry had to suppress his urge for violence. Looking at Luna, he was relieved to see her in her school robes, but furious at the lack of shoes, socks, and anything that might keep her warm. The snow may not have fallen yet, but it was still late at night, in November, in Scotland. The chance for hypothermia was omnipresent, not to mention it was just cruel to-

"Luna??? Why are you giving me a belly rub?"

"Professor Hagrid said dragons like belly rubs. Is he wrong?"

The mention of a dragon got Harry's eyes wide, and his blood ice cold.How could she know?She couldn't, he told himself. Luna may be... different, but she couldn't know about Goliath. He needed to play this carefully and answered her in a calm voice that gave away none of his internal panic.

"No, I think he's right. But why would that have anything to do with you giving me a belly rub?"

"Because you're a dragon. Or, you have a dragon. It's tough to tell sometimes."

"You... you know about Goliath?"

"Is that his name? I like it. Very strong, and noble. Just like you."

Harry's mind was swirling with questions, desperate to know how she knew when evenDumbledorehad no idea he had found Goliath.

"What do you know about him?"

"He helped you come back, to save your friends and family. He's a good dragon, not like the other ones."

She knows about the timeline change.

"You know about the timeline changing?"

"Mhmm. And I can't wait to see how the new timeline ends." She never, not once, during the entire conversation, lost that dreamy smile of hers.

"Well, I hope it turns out well. But for now, let's find you a prefect, they can..."

"Please don't. The prefects will deduct points, and that will only make my housemates unhappy."

We can't just leave her here.

But we can't bring her to the Gryffindor Common Room.

Then Harry got an idea. He'd been using Moaning Myrtle's lavatory for his potion brewing. It was still abandoned, and Myrtle was curious to see what Harry was up to in his spare time. That meant, there was one other room perfect for Luna.

Wrapping them both in the Invisibility Cloak, Harry led her to the seventh-floor corridor, near the portrait of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls ballet.

After reintroducing Luna to the Room of Requirement, who remembered the Room itself, just not where it was, Harry was pleased to see her recreate her bedroom, complete with a big cozy bed.

Wishing her good night, he turned to leave, only for Luna to call out to him.


"Yes, Luna?"

"They'll find their way into the world. Maybe not how they did before, but they'll be given their chance."

He didn't say anything in response but gave her a small smile before he left. He had a potion to finish, after all.

Sunday afternoon, just after lunch, a staff meeting was being held in the Headmaster's office. A staff meeting being held in the Headmaster's office wasn't unusual, but this meeting was. What made it unusual was it was neither pre-scheduled nor called by Dumbledore. Instead, it had been called at McGonagall's insistence.

The topic of the meeting hadn't been discussed, despite Dumbledore's attempts at sneaking an explanation out of her. She'd been tight-lipped, and Albus knew better than to try using legilimency or compulsions on her. Her training as an occlumens was top-notch and kept her mind safe from him. He wasn't prepared to risk another migraine, courtesy of occlumency.

"Now then, Minerva, what seems to have inspired this staff meeting?"

"My 'inspiration,' Albus, is a disgusting degradation of a Hogwarts student, by fellow students, in the midst of a dangerous Tournament that requires unimpeded focus."

At that, she pulled out the two badges and began passing them around to the other staff.

"I discovered that students are wearing these disgusting badges. They've been enchanted not to be seen by the staff, but I was still able to find these two being worn by Hufflepuff students." Professor Sprout, who had been looking over one of the badges, was briefly shocked to discover her Puffs would wear these badges, but that shock gave way to anger that they would disgrace Helga's legacy like this.

"None of my Lions are wearing them, that I've found, but I've seen several students from the other Houses wearing them, especially Slytherin."

"Who made them? And how are the students getting them?" Professor Flitwick, like Sprout, wasn't happy to hear his students were wearing something demeaning.

"Draco Malfoy is passing them out to any students who'll take them. As for who made them, Filch?"

Argus Filch stepped forward, in his hands he carried a wooden case. When Professor Flitwick saw it, his eyes went wide.

"We found this in an abandoned classroom that, according to Filch, a number of students have been frequenting, including Mr.Malfoy. It's a rune-carving kit, though I'm not sure who it belongs to."

"I do, I'm afraid. It belongs to one of my Ravenclaws, a sixth-year. I've seen him using it in the Common Room doing homework."

It was then Albus decided to speak up. "And what do you wish to do about it, Minerva?"

Minerva rounded on Albus, an expression of stern outrage on her face. "What Iplanto do, is to put a stop to it, now! Bad enough that students still think Harry is a cheat, despite Alastor and the Aurors confirming he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire, but to parade around, flaunting these disgustingbadges is a step too far."

"Surely that's a bit much? They're only badges. Harmless, in the grand scheme of things."

Some of the professors were looking at Albus with looks of bewilderment, especially Sprout and Flitwick. While Snape was always reluctant to punish Slytherin students, they were less inclined to blatant favouritism, especially for something like this. Meanwhile, Minerva had a look of fury on her face, one that hadn't been seen by the staff in some time.

"That's what you said during the Chamber of Secrets incident, and look howthatturned out! The entire school turned on Harry, convinced he was a monster in waiting, ready to attack at any moment! It took Miss Granger beingpetrifiedfor them to realize howstupidthe idea was!

"Since 1981, I've gone along with your reasoning against my better judgment! I backed down when you left Harry in the care of his vile relatives, I went along with your mad decision to use Hogwarts like a bank vault, and I accepted your convoluted logic concerning rumours Harry was theHeir of Slytherin! No more, Albus. I will put a stop to this vileness before it goes any further!"

Albus recoiled at the verbal assault, startled that Minerva was so furious with him. Before he could muster up a response, Professor Flitwick stepped in. Whether it was to help Albus, he wasn't sure.

"What would you suggest, Minerva? You have my support, but I want to know what your punishments will be."

"We make dinner in the Great Hall mandatory for all Hogwarts students. I've not seen any foreign students with badges, so they are free to do as they or their teachers wish. We Heads of House will summon the badges from our students, and deduct 5 points each. I will double the points loss for Gryffindor students."

"10 points."

The words came from Professor Sprout and were spoken so curtly that they startled the other teachers.

"Make it 10 points per badge. I've told my Puffs at length that Harry is not a cheat, and that he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire. And I know that Cedric has done the same. If points lost are needed to establish the truth, then make the punishment stick."

As surprising as Sprout's words were, no one disputed her reasoning, and a plan was formed for tonight.

After the teachers left to inform the students of tonight's mandatory dinner, Albus slumped in his chair, both proud and frustrated.

Since Harry began attending Hogwarts, he'd made it a point to keep McGonagall busy. Too busy to perform her Head of House duties properly. This would deprive Harry of what would be much-needed support among the staff, forcing him to turn to Dumbledore whenever possible. And now, Minerva had to bugger that all up!

Not for nothing was she called the Lioness of Gryffindor. She regarded her students as a Pride, and while she could be a stern Head of House, that all changed when her Lions were being threatened. She would circle them like a protective mother, and when she saw an opening, she went straight for the throat. He'd be proud of her for protecting her students like this if it wasn't interfering with his plans!

Albus knew about the badges from the beginning. He wasn't aware the Ravenclaws had a part in their making, but he knew Draco was responsible, and he knew that they were being flaunted by the other Houses. In fact, he wanted to encourage it! The badges would leave Harry feeling isolated, and alone. Helpless in the face of the coming Task. He'd be desperate for some guiding light, and while Albus couldn't help because of the rules, rules he knew the other schools would ignore, he could point him in the right direction.

This would further entrench Harry in his influence, giving Albus greater leeway in his control of his life. But that wouldn't happen now, with Minerva on the hunt. There wasn't much he could do to stop her now, aside from removing her as Head of Gryffindor House. For that to happen, he'd need the other Heads of House to agree, and they'd never do that, not now.

For now, all he could is sit and wait. The dragons would soon be arriving, and then he could get to work.

While this was going on, Harry was back in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Like in his second year, with the Polyjuice potion, it made a perfect brewing lab. As an added bonus, Myrtle, grateful for the chance to see the corpse of the monster that killed her, was happy to act as an assistant, watching the potion as it boiled, letting him know when he needed to visit for the next step.

This time, he was waiting for the arrival of Daphne Greengrass. The Blood Malediction Cure was ready, a luminescent blue liquid, that would act like a purging potion. Astoria was in for an uncomfortable few moments, but afterwards, the curse would be purged from her entire being. It would not only cure her, it would prevent the curse from being passed down. She, and future generations, would be free.

Eventually, Daphne did arrive, along with her sister and Tracey Davis.

"Potter, explain to me why you've invited us into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom?"

"Brian and Anna were only supposed to invite you, Daphne. But no matter, the end result is the same." He held up a glowing blue vial.

"Is that-?"

"It's a Blood Malediction Cure." Harry handed it to Astoria. "Drinking one vial will permanently..." he paused as Astoria quickly downed the vial, eager to be rid of the curse. "I was going to say, it'll cure you, but it acts like a purging potion. Well enough, I suppose. We are in a bathroom after all."

They didn't have long to wait, as once Harry finished his sentence, Astoria rushed into a stall and began retching into the toilet. Daphne followed, rubbing her back as the potion did its job, while Tracey hung back with Harry, watching with concerned eyes.

"Harry, her puke is black. Is it supposed to be black?" Myrtle was hovering over the girls, watching with curiosity the unfolding events.

"It is. She's puking up the taint in her system, and it's been killed off by the potion. If the curse were still active, it would take on a dark red colour, appearing to be blood. She'll be fine once it's out of her system."

As he said, after five minutes of uninterrupted puke, Astoria stood up. All the colour that had been drained from her by the curse had returned. Even from a simple glance, they could tell she was feeling better than she had ever believed possible.

Running off to join her friends, after giving Harry a bone-crunching hug, Astoria left Harry with Daphne and Tracey, both of whom looked at him with shock at his achievement.

"How did you do this?"

"That'll be a secret for myself, Miss Greengrass. As it happens, I've still got a full cauldron of the cure for yourself and any relatives that might suffer from the curse."

"Just me and our parents. The curse is present in all of us, but it affected Astoria the worst. She'd likely only live to her twenties, if she was lucky."

Nodding, Harry produced three vials, filled with the cure, and handed them to her.

"Send them as soon as you can. There's no real limit, but the longer the curse remains in you, the worse the purging will be. Since the caster of the curse is, I presume, long dead, once your parents take the potion, then the curse will be purged from the Greengrass family. And keep an eye on your sister for the day. She might still be feeling the effects of the potion, and make a few emergency trips to the bathroom."

Nodding, she took the vials from Harry and got ready to leave. Before she did, she turned back to Harry, walked up to him, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Harry Potter. You've saved my sister, and my children, from a terrible fate. I'll never be able to repay this." With that, she turned and left, leaving a stunned Harry, a pouting Myrtle, and a chuckling Tracey.

"I have to admit, I've never seen that side of Daphne. You realize, of course, if you ever tell anyone she did that..."

"She'll freeze my ass off. I've heard how she earned her 'Ice Queen' nickname."

Grinning, Tracey nodded at Harry but then became serious.

"As she said, you saved her sister and she's my best friend. I'm a half-blood, so I get a lot of grief in Slytherin. If you ever need anything from either of us..."

"Actually, there is something you can do for me. I noticed that the dynamic in Slytherin has changed since last year. When Malfoy confronted me about his father, some of his friends seemed eager to leave. What's that about?"

"The trials exposed more than a few skeletons in the closet, especially for our House. Goyle and Parkinson are horrified by their parent's past actions and want less to do with Malfoy because of it. He's also lost his big threat of 'my father will hear about this.' Most of the House just didn't want to cross Lord Malfoy, not when he had the Minister's ear."

"And with him being Kissed, that caused his influence to take a hit?"

"More than a hit. Only the hardcore blood supremacists are sticking by him, while others are rallying behind Daphne, not in support of you, but in the mantra of staying out of your way. Expect to have some Slytherins cheering you on for this, Harry. If there's one thing every Slytherin will do, it's protect our families."

With that, she sauntered off to find her friend, leaving Harry alone to ponder this information.

Dinner finally arrived, and Harry, like the rest of the school, was curious. They'd heard the announcement that dinner attendance was mandatory, which only happened during Feasts, and important announcements from the staff.

Eventually, upon seeing the entire school had indeed arrived, McGonagall tapped three times on her glass.

"May I have your attention, students?"

When the students turned to the High Table, the other Heads of House stood along with McGonagall. With all eyes turned on them, the Heads of Houses did something even Harry didn't expect. The four of them cast some variant of 'AccioPotter Stinks Badges.'

When the students heard those words, those wearing the badges went pale, realizing they had been caught. That they were caught was made even worse by the fact they were now being publicly punished for it.

The spell had its intended effect, as badges from three Houses flew up to the High Table, and formed stacks in front of their corresponding Head of House. To the surprise of no one, Slytherin had the most badges, and Snape had a look on his face like he had drunk spoiled milk. To the surprise of many, Hufflepuff had the second-largest pile. It was nowhere near the size of the Slytherin pile, which had badges from nearly the entire House. For Hufflepuff, it was closer to a third of the House, while Ravenclaw had even fewer.

While internally relieved none of her Lions had partaken in this disgusting display, McGonagall showed none of it. All the school saw was the furious face of the Deputy Headmistress, along with an annoyed Snape, and an unhappy Flitwick and Sprout.

"Ten points will be taken for each badge from their respective Houses." Once Minerva said that, points began vanishing from the other Houses at record speed. While Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff lost a few hundred points, Slytherin lost so many it put them in the negative. Even if anyone cared, there was no chance of them winning the House Cup this year.

"I can tell many of you are surprised by this, believing that thesedisgustingbadges were hidden from the staff. Well, their enchantments failed you in that regard. I know for a fact that Professor Sprout has told her students this, and Alastor and I told the entire school, but it seems I must reiterate:HARRY POTTER DID NOT PUT HIS NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE.

"Banish that thought from your minds students, as it is disgraceful that so many of you would turn on a fellow student,despitehaving the truth lain out to you over again. But do not think we are done." At that, she pulled out a wooden case and dropped it on the Table. It landed with a hard Thud. No one could look away from the scene unfolding, but several gasped at the sight of the case.

"This is a rune-carving kit, found in the same classroom that these badges were carved in. I would ask the students responsible for them to step forward before I tell them to step forward."

While Minerva only had an idea of who was responsible, she didn't know the exact students, or how many besides Malfoy. But her tone worked, convincing the students she already knew who was guilty, and offering them a chance to save themselves. Four Ravenclaw students, all sixth-years, stepped forward.

"Explain yourselves, now."

"A-about a week ago, Draco Malfoy approached us, offering to pay us for some rune-carving work. We initially agreed, but once we learned what he wanted us to do, we tried to turn him down. We knew Harry wasn't a cheat like you said, and didn't want to help Malfoy ridicule him. He raised the price a few times, but we eventually agreed to his fee."

"I see then. Professor Flitwick, as they are your students, I will leave their punishment in your hands."

By the end of dinner, it was decided that the Ravenclaws responsible for the badges would serve a week's detention, as would Malfoy, but he would get the added humiliation of having his mother notified of how he was spending his money.

By the time dinner ended, Minerva was feeling quite satisfied. The badges were gone, the bullies were cowed, and she could feel the eyes of her House upon her. But they weren't looking at her as the Deputy Headmistress or their disciplinarian. They were looking at her as a leader, a protector. Someone that would stand for them against the tide.

'Once again, I am the Lioness of Gryffindor.'


The Lioness is back everybody! The other Houses better watch their step!

Thank you to everyone that voted in the poll. As of now, I will no longer be accepting any additional votes and will be tallying them up to find the winner.

Chapter 19: The Calm Before the Storm


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"So, Hermione... tomorrow is the start of the first Hogsmeade weekend." Harry was walking to the Great Hall with Hermione. The double Potions class had finished, and now they were on their way to dinner.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it."

"Do you... have any plans for tomorrow? Or Sunday?"

This was so much easier in my head.

Just ask her already.

"I... didn't have any plans, no." Hermione slowed her pace, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"I... was wondering... if you'd like to get lunch... with me... at Three Broomsticks?"

"I'd love to."

She said yes... SHE SAID YES!

I hadn't noticed.

Now grinning like a loon, Harry practicallyskippedto the Great Hall, Hermione right beside him the whole time. Taking their seats, he continued grinning, not caring in the slightest at the curious looks he was getting.

This had been a fantastic day! History had given him time to plan his latest project, though this would require him leaving Hogwarts, and coming back, without anyone realizing he ever left. He also needed to finalize the details of his gift for Remus, but that could wait. Charms had been fun, Flitwick was still as marvellous a teacher as he remembered, and even Snape hadn't managed to get under his skin, though not for lack of trying.

Now, he had a date with Hermione! This day couldn't get any-

Is that a Phoenix song!?!?

Looking up, along with the entire Great Hall, Harry was shocked to see Hedwig flying overhead. In fact, the entire Great Hall was stunned silent at the sight of a magnificent white phoenix flying overhead. Harry, of course, knew it was Hedwig, but was shocked to see her now. The plan had been to wait until the New Year when they would reveal her new status as an Auroran Phoenix.

Any creature over an XXX classification had to be registered at the Department of Magical Creature Regulation. He had hoped to wait until the New Year's Eve Ball at the Ministry, where he, Hermione, and Ginny would be awarded their Orders of Merlin. While down there, he intended to stop by the DMCR and register Hedwig. Now it appeared he'd be making an early trip to the Ministry.

As Hedwig soared overhead, she didn't fly straight to Harry. Instead, she circled over the Great Hall, diving down and circling just above people's heads. Close enough to feel her warmth, yet just out of reach.

She's showing off.

She must have gotten bored staying out of sight. No matter. Tomorrow the Hogsmeade weekend begins, we can head out Sunday if need be.

Well, time for another performance.

As she flew overhead, a cry could be heard from the Ravenclaw table.

"C'est la créature la plus majestueuse que j'aie jamais vue!"

After circling the Great Hall for the third time, Hedwig turned back to Harry and landed on his outstretched hand. The entire Hall turned its eyes on Harry, as he brought the phoenix closer to him.


She trilled in response, having already been briefed on the plan. Harry would pretend to be clueless as to her transformation, both how it happened and when.

"Harry... how did Hedwig become a Phoenix?"

Before Harry could answer Hermione's question, Harry could feel a blast of Veela allure coming closer. Turning his head, he saw the Fleur Delacouer had left her fellows at the Ravenclaw table and was now rushing over towards him, speaking in French at high speed, so it was impossible for him to catch any of it. When she was a few feet away, she paused and curtsied before speaking calmly. She also managed to rein in her allure, and where his housemates were once glassy-eyed vegetables, now they were just gaping like goldfish.

"She is... majestic,non?Might I...?" When Harry nodded, she quickly stepped forward, reaching out to gently stroke Hedwig. She puffed up importantly at Fleur's respect, feeling quite pleased with the extra attention. Harry had to suppress a snort at that, watching as Fleur cooed to the majestic bird.

"Blimey, 'Arry. That's an Auroran Phoenix." Hagrid had somehow approached him from behind without anyone noticing. "'Ow did Hedwig become a Phoenix?"

"I have no idea. Oh, wait, she's carrying something." Untying the letter attached to her leg, he let Hedwig flap over to Fleur, while he read the letter.


First, quite the change in Hedwig. I have no idea how it happened, but I must admit, I'm impressed. Moony is practically... well, over the moon, that she's now an Auroran Phoenix. Even he didn't think they existed. Please get a good look at Dumbledore's face when he first sees her. I definitely want to see that memory. Don't forget, we'll need to head to the Ministry at some point to register her as an XXXX creature, but that can wait. The Ministry isn't going to interfere with your schooling this close to the First Task.

Anywho, Amelia and I will be in Hogsmeade over the weekend, and since this is your first Hogsmeade weekend, we were hoping you and Susan would stop by the Three Broomsticks at some point. If you have any other plans, let us know. We'll figure something out.

I better wrap this up, Hedwig's giving me a look that worries me. Be sure to give her plenty of bacon as a reward for a job well done.


P.S. That line about bacon seems to have improved her mood. Now she's got me trained.

Harry began chuckling at the letter. It was good to know that Sirius and Amelia were reconnecting. After spending twelve years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, he deserved at least some happiness in his life. Of course, this could interfere with his date plans. Grabbing a spare piece of parchment, he quickly wrote his reply.


I'd be happy to, but I did just get Hermione to say yes to a date with me. Maybe we could have a quick visit?


Tying the letter to Hedwig's leg, he gave her a few pieces of meat as a treat before sending her on her way.

With all the attention directed at Hedwig, and then Harry, no one noticed the Headmaster standing at the entrance to the Great Hall, staring at Harry and Hedwig with his jaw hanging open.

The carriages made their way to Hogsmeade, their passengers eager to arrive.

In one carriage sat Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Susan. While Neville had made his own plans for the Hogsmeade visit, Harry, Hermione, and Susan would be stopping by Three Broomsticks after wandering the village. At Three Broomsticks, they'd have lunch with Sirius and Amelia, catching up on the past few years, and discussing the school year.

"You can relax, Susan. Sirius isn't going to bite you."

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm just... we spent an entire year thinking he was an escaped, murderous lunatic. Even though I know he's innocent, I'm still a little nervous about meeting him face to face."

"If it's any consolation, we first met him when Ron got dragged into the Shrieking Shack."

"Actually, Hermione, I first saw him back in Surrey. I just had no idea it was him at the time."

The conversation continued from there until the carriages arrived at Hogsmeade. Harry was excited to be visiting Hogsmeade again. Even better, this time his godfather was free, and he had a date.

"I'll see you three later." Neville waved goodbye as he headed off to enjoy the first weekend in Hogsmeade.

"And I'll see you two in an hour. Hermione, keep Harry out of trouble." Susan smiled as she went to find her friends for the next hour.

"Well then, Miss Granger, that leaves us an hour to ourselves. What would you like to do for that hour?"

Offering his arm to her, like a proper gentleman, she blushed as she took his arm like a proper lady.

"Well, as this isofficially,your first visit to Hogsmeade, perhaps a tour is in order?"

For the next hour, the two of them wandered through the village, Hermione pointing out the individual sights like it genuinely was his first visit. Included in this visit was a trip to Honeydukes to restock their chocolate supplies, and of course a quick stop in Tomes and Scrolls.

Walking through Hogsmeade like this, it felt good. It feltright.It felt like this was always how it was meant to be for them. The whole time, Hermione was grinning like a child that discovered the world was made of chocolate. Seeing her smile like that, it gave him a warm feeling inside.

A feeling that was complicated by the stirring of Goliath's rage.

They took this from her. They took this from YOU. They deserve all they get and more.

Settle down. This is my first true date with her. She deserves for it to be as good as I can provide.

Fair enough. I shall content myself with imagining the multiple curses we can lay on those meddling bastards. I'm quite certain we can use Aethon's Curse on Ron.

When their hour was up, they made their way to Three Broomsticks. Susan was waiting outside for them, and upon their arrival, the trio went inside. Madam Rosmerta led the three of them to a private room, where they bore witness to a kissy Sirius Black and a giggling Amelia Bones. She straightened up immediately upon seeing her niece enter.

"Susan! And company. Thank you, Madam Rosmerta."

Rosmerta shot them a knowing smirk before answering. "One of my girls will be up to take your orders. Can I grab the youngins a drink first?"

Harry and the girls ordered butterbeer and proceeded to sit at the table with a grinning Sirius and a now-blushing Amelia Bones.

"Ahem. Well, I'm glad you three managed to make it. I'm sorry, Harry, that we interrupted your date with Hermione, but I haven't gotten many opportunities to see my niece. And I was hoping to speak to you under better circ*mstances."

Hermione was blushing at Amelia's words, leaving it up to Harry to answer. "I understand, Madam Bones."

"Please, Harry. Call me Amelia. If things had gone differently for Sirius, you may very well have grown up calling me 'Auntie.'"

"OK, Amelia."

Before anyone could continue, there was a knock at the door. In came one of the pub workers, bringing mugs of butterbeer for the guests. Setting the drinks down, she proceeded to take their orders for lunch, before leaving them to their conversation.

"So, um, Mr.Black, how long have you known my aunt Amelia?"

"Uh-uh. I absolutely refuse to go by 'Mr.Black'" Sirius crossed his arms and looked away, a pouty look on his face.

Harry chuckled at Sirius' antics, while Amelia shook her head in mock exasperation. "You'll never change."

"Who, me? Never." Sirius grinned at Amelia before turning back to the giggling Susan. "To answer your question, Susan, your Aunt and I attended Hogwarts together. She was a year older than me and my friends, but that didn't stop us from dating. We kept seeing each other after Hogwarts, and I even proposed at one point, but..."

"I said no, but not because I didn't want to. Everyone was getting married as soon as possible, thinking the next day might be their last. I didn't want our marriage to just be another 'wartime wedding.' I knew we would win, and I wanted us to marry then." Amelia then looked down into her drink. "I should have said yes. It would have given me a stronger incentive to look into your case, Sirius. But I already had enough to want answers. Instead, I left you to rot."

"We've already been over this, Amy. I don't blame you for it. Hell, even Remus thought I was guilty. If anyone's to blame, it's Bagnold, Crouch Sr, and Dumbledore. They sent me away without trial, and Whiskers never bothered getting me a trial sooner."

"Speaking of cases, Harry, I thought you might like an update on our investigation."

"I'm listening."

"We've confirmed the parchment containing your signature came from an assignment handed in, a Transfiguration essay, if I remember correctly. We've already interviewed Professor McGonagall and ruled her out as a suspect. Given the fact there's minimal security around her office, we've considered the likelihood it was stolen, and used to enter your name into the Goblet."

Susan and Hermione gasped at that, now learning how Harry's name had been entered. Harry listened intently, already knowing who entered his name, but not the specifics of how his name was entered.

"We're considering this investigation as an attempted homicide, and while Fudge is desperate to keep this quiet, he can't stop me from investigating."

"Do you think he'll try?"

"Maybe, but I've got more than enough political clout to make his life a living hell if he doesn't back off."

Harry nodded, impressed by the formidable woman sitting across from him. It was a wonder how Sirius had landed her as a potential fiancee. Then again, his own father married the woman who called him an 'arrogant toerag.'

"In any event, do you have any possible suspects you'd like for us to consider?"

That got Harry thinking. He already knew that it was Crouch Junior polyjuiced as Alastor Moody. Still, he could get her more prepared for the Third Task, and its aftermath, with his choice.

"Peter Pettigrew. It's gotta be him, or someone working for his master."

"What makes you so certain he's working for anybody? Even if he wasn't now a wanted man, people already thought he was dead before Sirius' trial. Who would he risk exposing himself to?"

"His old master, Voldemort." Susan shrieked at the mention of his name, while Amelia looked unfazed. "Hey, you didn't flinch!"

"I'd be a piss-poor Auror if I was afraid of his name. But please, I ask you not to do that in the future. Not everyone can stand that monster's name." She glanced at Susan, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But what makes you so certain he's working for the Dark Lord?"

"A prophecy, one I heard last year from Professor Trelawney."

Amelia raised an eyebrow, but before she could respond, Hermione scoffed.

"Oh please, Harry. Not more silly Divination."

"Don't be so dismissive, Miss Granger. Prophecies are not a matter to take lightly." The stern tone of Madam Bones surprised Hermione. Before either of them could continue, Harry decided to intervene.

"She's right Hermione. Divination and Arithmancy share at least one thing in common, in that they can be disproven thanks to the unpredictability of free will. Prophecies cannot be proven wrong. They are the hands of fate, reaching into the mortal realm to push events in a certain direction."

"Laying it on a bit thick, aren't you pup?"

"He's not wrong though, Sirius. The Department of Mysteries has an entire section dedicated to the preservation and study of prophecies. Anyone who tries to remove a prophecy that doesn't involve them is driven mad."

Hermione went wide-eyed at Madam Bones's words. Prior to their fifth year, she'd never held any faith in Divination, let alone prophecies. To hear from Madam Bones herself, that an entire wing of the DOM was dedicated to their study, was a shock. But Madam Bones wasn't done.

"But what concerns me is this prophecy. You believe Pettigrew is working for his master, the Dark Lord. Why should the prophecy apply to him, specifically?"

"Because he's not dead." With a now shocked Amelia and Susan Bones listening intently, he and Hermione described their first and second years at Hogwarts: the Philosopher's Stone, Quirrel being used as a host for Voldemort, the petrifications, and coming face to face with the shadow of Voldemort, in his Hogwarts years.

Both Amelia and Susan were shocked to hear Voldemort's true name, even more so when Harry wrote the name as Riddle had done, and rearranged the burning letters to spell 'I AM LORD VOLDEMORT.'

The realization that Harry had faced off against a basilisk, while this abomination watched with a sneer, led to hugs from both Hermione and Susan, equally warm, and equally capable of crushing his bones. Madam Bones, on the other hand, looked ready to kill someone.

"A basilisk... abloody basilisk!?!? And I'mjusthearing about thisnow!? What is that bearded buggerdoingin that school!?" The Head of the DMLE rose from her table, as though preparing to either confront Dumbledore personally or summon every Auror she had to join her in storming the castle. Only Sirius grabbing her arm kept her from storming off.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Harry. Susan, from now on, you are going to answer my every question regarding your schooling, and I'll be getting you checkedregularly for compulsions, obliviations, and any other mind magics."

If she thinks Dumbledore does all that, why would she announce it to Susan, when he can just pluck it from her mind using legilimancy?

It's a warning. Shewants him to know she's watching him, and once he slips up, nothing will save him from her.

It was at that moment the food arrived, and the five of them settled down to eat. The conversation took on a friendlier atmosphere, with playful banter between Amelia and Sirius, and the kids laughing at stories of the Marauders and their exploits. If she wasn't before, Susan was convinced that Sirius was the perfect man for her aunt, and she was smiling broadly by the end of lunch.

"Before we send you on your way, pup, there is something I wanted to let you know." Harry raised his eye, waiting for Sirius to continue. "When Amy and I first arrived, we ran into Hagrid. He wanted us to ask you to stop by his hut around midnight tonight. Says you need to see this for yourself and to bring your cloak."

Susan piped up. "Is it about the First Task?"

"Couldn't both of you get in trouble for giving Harry clues?" Hermione was worried, both for Harry's godfather, the only decent family he had, and Professor Hagrid, who had not only been a wonderful friend since they'd arrived but had steadily been becoming a better teacher since the incident with Buckbeak.

"Why Hermione, I'm shocked. I wouldneverthink about giving Harry an unfair advantage.Naughty-naughty!But passing on a message for Harry, my godson, to meet a friend at his hut, just outside the Forbidden Forest, well, there's nothing in the rules against that. I know, I checked." Sirius was grinning by the end of his little spiel. But then he suddenly became more serious.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Harry, my cousin Andromeda Tonks and her husband, Ted, will be at Hogwarts to watch the First Event. Keeper Ragnok also mentioned he'd try and attend."

"Wait, Tonks? Isn't she Dora's mum?" Susan remembered quite clearly the pink-haired prefect for Hufflepuff. She also remembered that shehatedher first name with a passion.

"That's right Susan. She's also an Auror, so she'll be attending the event, but as security. Still, they are family, Harry, so they'll definitely be cheering you on."

"I remember seeing her during our first year at Hogwarts. If she's related to Harry, why didn't she ever mention anything?" It wasn't a surprise that Hermione had been more attentive to the goings on around them than Harry had been. Frankly, it was small wonder he ever made it through his schooling the first time around.

"Apparently, somebodytold her that Harry was being exposed to a lot of new information, and didn't want to'overload'him." Sirius's tone left no doubt as to who he considered thatsomebodyto be.

"Finding out I have family that actually cares wouldn't have been overwhelming, it would have been wonderful." It was muttered, quite darkly, under his breath, but the others were able to hear it. Susan looked confused, Hermione looked apologetic, and Amelia looked cross. Harry wasn't aware of this, but Sirius had given Amelia small details about Harry's life with the Dursleys up until that point. Needless to say, she was even angrier with Dumbledore than before.

Eventually, the Hogsmeade visit came to an end, and the trio rejoined Neville in the carriages back to Hogwarts. They'd been discussing their day when Susan decided to broach the lesser of two evils.

"Harry, what do you think Hagrid wants to show you?"

"Well, if it's Hagrid, it probably has something to do with creatures. The Forbidden Forest means something dangerous. So he probably wants to warn me about creatures that are going to try and eat me in the First Task. Not exactly a small list."

"Harry, I'll be joining you tonight." Before he could respond, Hermione continued. "I am not letting you go into the First Task unprepared. We both need to see what you'll be up against if you're going to form a plan."

"As grateful as I am for the support, Hermione, we only have two days to prepare. We'll need someone who knows more about creatures than either of us. Any ideas?"

Hermione looked thoughtful before answering. "Daphne Greengrass. I've seen her spend plenty of time with Hagrid, and I know she's the top Slytherin student for Care of Magical Creatures."

"Well then, I'll have Hedwig pass on a request for her to join us."

"Someday, you're going to have to tell mehow exactly Hedwig turned into a phoenix."

"I promise, Hermione, I'll tell youexactlyhow Hedwig turned into a phoenix... just as soon as I figure it out myself."

As midnight approached, an unusual trio made their way to Hagrid's hut. Harry, the fourth Triwizard Champion, Hermione, the brightest witch of her age, and Daphne Greengrass, the Ice Queen of Slytherin.

Hermione had been apprehensive about approaching Daphne. While she had no problems with the girl herself, she worried the Gryffindor-Slytherin animosity may give her reason to pause. But she was glad, and grateful, that Miss Greengrass had been willing to help Harry with this.

When they arrived at the hut, the door was answered by a very dashing-looking Hagrid. His beard was still trim, he'd pulled his hair back into the ponytail again, and he was wearing a dark green cloak, with large hunting boots. All-in-all, he very much looked like a lord on the hunt. It was very impressive.

"'Ello 'Arry, 'Ermione, Daphne. Glad ye could make it."

Stepping aside to let them in, Fang bounded up to them, soaking up all the affection being shown by Daphne. Harry noticed only the faintest hints of perfume. Enough to please the lady, but not nearly enough to overwhelm her. Hagrid had been paying attention.

"You know, ladies, I think our beloved professor has adate." Harry was smiling as Hagrid blushed. "The lovely Madame Maxime, perhaps? Youdevilyou."

"Harry, don't tease Hagrid." Hermione was trying to sound cross with Harry, but her smile told him she was just as happy for Hagrid as he was.

"Well, if it's a date we're interrupting, Professor, we'll make sure to keep quiet." Daphne straightened up but continued scratching Fang behind the ears.

As they discussed the week's events, with Hagrid still blown away by Harry's riding of Thunder across the school grounds, they heard an approaching carriage. Hagrid immediately became more attentive. After briefly fussing over his appearance, he grabbed a bouquet of flowers he'd set aside, and turned to the trio.

"The cloak! Get under the cloak!"

While hesitant, Daphne joined Harry and Hermione under the cloak, impressed by how well-made it seemed to be. She kept her questions to herself, however, because Hagrid had opened the door, and was preparing to step outside. They followed him, quickly and quietly.

The trio watched Hagrid and Maxime with great interest, noticing how Hagrid behaved like a proper lord, while Maxime hung close to Hagrid. As they followed behind, they noticed a glowing in the distance. Harry already knew what was coming, but Hermione and Daphne did not. Briefly sharing looks of confusion, they got closer, and those looks of confusion turned to horror.

"Are they insane???" Hermione whispered, but it was clear she wanted to scream.

In the clearing up ahead, were four massive dragons. A small army of dragon handlers ran about the clearing, casting one spell after another, attempting to get the beasts under control. While Hermione was trying not to panic, Daphne was behaving more clinically.

"A Common Welsh Green, roughly 18ft long. They're more subdued than most dragons, so you'll have an easier time with it." She then turned towards a silvery blue dragon. "The Swedish Short Snout, roughly 22ft long. They live in mountainous regions, so they're good on the ground and used to higher altitude flight, but they're not very agile." She then noticed the scarlet dragon. "A Chinese Fireball, roughly 25ft. They're good fliers, but comical klutzes on the ground. Stay low against it."

"And that big one, with the spikes on its tail?"

Daphne grimaced at Harry's question but answered. "The Hungarian Horntail. 50ft long, and probably the most dangerous of them all. It's practically a living weapon, armoured snout to tail, and with a taste for human flesh."

Hermione, who had been watching with morbid fascination, groaned at Daphne's description but perked up. "Wait, I see something. They're nesting mothers, but look at the nests." As she pointed the nests out, Harry noticed the glint of gold.

So the eggs are already with the mother dragons.

How else do you think they convinced the beasts that you were trying to steal one of their eggs?

"So I don't have tobeatthe dragon, I just have to outwit it enough to steal a golden egg. Well, that's much easier than fighting a dragon."

"Come on, let's leave Professor Hagrid to his date. I have a few ideas for you to use."

At Daphne's insistence, the trio left for the castle. Hermione wanted to track down Bagman and hex him to oblivion, while Daphne was considering the best options for facing the dragons. Only Harry remained totally calm, unconcerned with the coming Task. After all, with Goliath's power and knowledge, there was nothing that could stop him.

Unbeknownst to these three, the dragon handlers soon received another visitor. This time, they weren't hiding as they approached Charlie Weasley.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, this is a surprise."

"Hello, Charlie. I just wanted to stop by and see how the dragons were being handled."

"You needn't have worried, Headmaster. We're the best for the job, and we're not taking any unnecessary chances."

"I understand. I just wished to make certain none of the residents of the Forbidden Forest were disturbed by our..." Albus was interrupted by a blast of fire from the Horntail, a blast that sent the other handlers running. "temperamental guests."

With Albus watching the dragon handlers, and occasionally helping, the four beasts were subdued, and the dragon enclosure was soon deserted... except for Albus Dumbledore. As he watched the last of the handlers leave, he quickly approached the Hungarian Horntail.

'I better work fast. I'll need to ensure this is the dragon Harry faces, but first, I need to make some... adjustments.'

The day of the First Task finally arrived. Harry had warned Cedric early on about the dragons. Hermione had given him a lengthy list of possible strategies for each of the dragons while trying not to panic any more than she already was. Harry hated seeing her like this, despite his assurances he'd be alright. He couldn't tell her that he'd done this before, or that he had help from the mightiest dragon breed of all.

On the way to the Champions Tent, he'd been intercepted by Andromeda and Ted Tonks, both of whom were overjoyed to finally meet him, despite the circ*mstances. He'd easily gotten a promise they'd sit with Hermione and try to keep her calm as they watched. She'd already been excessively nervous the last few days, and he doubted seeing him in action would improve her mood.

In the Tent, they were joined by the judges, which now included Sirius. When they drew their dragons, the selection was identical, with Hary once again receiving the Hungarian Horntail.

The others had gone ahead of him, so now it was just Harry sitting in the tent, waiting for his turn. All of a sudden, he felt strange magic coming from the arena.

What the hell is that???

Something's wrong. Something is very, very wrong with the Horntail.

What are you talking about?

The Horntail is already a powerful and dangerous dragon, but the magic we sense was been forced into the beast. Somehow, it's become even more deadly than before.

Is that even possible?

I'm not sure how it was done, but I know this: Forgo the plan, and kill it.

Are you serious???

Deadly serious. Whatever's been done to that dragon has empowered it. The only way to ensure this doesn't end in a massacre is to end it decisively. Cast to kill.

Stunned by Goliath's insistence, Harry took a deep breath once he heard his name called. Standing at the arena entrance, he mentally braced himself. This would be his opening move against Voldemort and Dumbledore. It was time to show them, what he was made of.


Annnnd cut! I know, I know, I'm evil for doing a cliffhanger. But don't worry. When the Task is shown, it'll be worth the wait.

Aethon's Curse - A reference to Erysichthon, a figure from Greek and Roman mythology. In Ovid's telling of the tale, Erysichthon cut down all the trees in a sacred grove of Demeter. As punishment for the 'hollow, empty man', she placed a unique curse on him. Basically, the more food he ate, the hungrier he became, until he ate himself alive.
How long do you think Ron could last?

Chapter 20: The First Task


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hermione had been dreading this day since the moment Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire: The First Task. 'A test of courage, skill, and wit,' according to a brainless twit who thinks tossing students into an arena with an angry mother dragon is entertainment.

As the students and staff made their way down to the arena, Harry had been asked by Professor McGonagall to wait before heading inside the Champions Tent. She had stood by him, unwilling to leave her boy-best friendalone during this trying time.

Eventually, a man and a woman approached them, and Harry's day became much brighter. They introduced themselves as Edward 'Ted' Tonks, and his wife, Andromeda Tonks nee Black, a cousin of Sirius. Of course, this introduction also came with the knowledge she was the older sister of Narcissa Malfoy, and the younger sister of Bellatrix Lestrange, an insane Death Eater still locked up in Azkaban.

That Madam Tonks had not only married a muggle-born, but her daughter was the ever-popular metamorphmagus, Nymphadora Tonks, was frankly astounding.

They'd happily introduced themselves, with Andromeda pulling Harry into a motherly hug, and Ted shook his hand, treating him like a grown man worthy of respect. Seeing Harry reunited with a family that wanted to see him almost brought a tear to Hermione's eye. She couldn't cry, though. She had to be strong, for Harry.

After a few minutes of talk, with Andromeda gushing about how handsome he looked in his War Robes, Harry had to enter the Tent, so Hermione led Ted and Andromeda to the stands, looking for good seats. On the way, as thunder rumbled overhead, she could faintly hear Miss Tonks muttering about 'searching for over 10 years.' She was trying to keep quiet, but it was a subject of great passion for her. The thunder didn't cover her voice as much as she would have liked, and Hermione could feel the anger in her voice.

They quickly found seats in the Gryffindor stands, near the twins who were taking bets on the Champions. The twins dialled it down when they noticed, not only that Hermione was now in adult company, but that the matter of Harry's odds was a source of great discomfort for her. Still, Ted was confident of Harry's odds, while Andromeda reassured her in a way only a mother knew how.

Soon, however, they were joined in the stands by a goblin smoking a clay pipe. At the strange looks he received, he promptly introduced himself as Keeper Ragnok, Account Manager for the Potter family. He was here, he continued, to see his chief client compete in the Triwizard Tournament.

Taking a seat next to Ted, the lawyer and the accountant started to chat. Some of it went over Hermione's head, with the Tournament drawing all her brain power, but she got the sense it involved legal disputes Gringotts might be asked to advise on. But then Andromeda, who was sitting between Hermione and Ted, whispered something in Ted's ear. Ted, in turn, spoke lowly to Ragnok, repeating whatever Andromeda had whispered.

Whatever Ragnok's reply was, it only angered Andromeda even more. It was enough that she turned to the judges, and shot a frightening glare. Hermione was quite certain she was tempted to start firing curses before Ted wrapped his arm around her.

She wanted to ask, what had her so angry, but that would have to wait. The First Task was beginning. First up, was Cedric Diggory, facing the Swedish Short-Snout. He certainly held up, using his skills at Transfiguration to turn a rock into a dog. The dragon took the bait, chasing the dog, while Cedric went for the egg. Unfortunately, the dragon turned back to Cedric, and his face was burned.

Still, he managed to grab the egg and pass the Task. The judges briefly deliberated, until they awarded Cedric a score of 45 out of 60. Hermione was displeased to note that Karkaroff awarded the lowest score, a four out of ten.

Second, was Fleur Delacour, who faced the Welsh Green. Privately, Hermione groaned. The Welsh Green was the most subdued of dragons, which left the Chinese Fireball, or the Hungarian Horntail. She wasn't happy about the choices left for Harry.

Still, Fleur competed, using a Veela song to sing the dragon to sleep, but while retrieving the golden egg, the dragon snored and let out a jet of flame that set her skirt alight. She extinguished the flames, but the judges must have docked points for that. She only got 41 out of 60.

Next was Viktor Krum, facing the Chinese Fireball, and now Hermione was genuinely worried. She hadn't told Harry, not wanting to worry him, but she did some research about the four dragons, and the information on the Horntail was enough to haunt her dreams. A genuine monster and Harry would be facing it.

Meanwhile, Krum faced his dragon. He used the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon, but while it was flailing about in pain, it crushed half of its own eggs. When he retrieved his egg and got his score, only Karkaroff was happy, giving him a perfect 10. Still, it wasn't enough to carry him ahead, and he received 45 points, tied with Cedric.

Now, finally, the moment they'd all been waiting for. It was Harry's turn, and he'd be facing the most vicious dragon: the Hungarian Horntail. She closed her eyes and silently prayed that Harry would make it through this in one piece. She heard the gasps as the Horntail was brought in, and she opened her eyes.

Her prayers, it seemed, werenotbeing answered.

In the Slytherin stands, Daphne Greengrass sat with her friend Tracey, and her little sister Astoria. Unbeknownst to the other Houses, a struggle for power was brewing in the House of the Serpent.

The death of Lord Malfoy, via Dementors Kiss, meant that Draco had lost a great deal of influence, with only hardcore blood purists standing behind him. A second faction was coalescing behind Daphne, in opposition to the vindictive Malfoy. While Draco had been quite determined to get payback on Potter for the death of his father, few in the House were so determined.

As Draco's increasing malevolence became apparent, many in the House began to drift away from Draco and his blood-supremacist ideals. Those who wanted the least to do with him, and his personal vendetta, began drifting together for mutual support. The views of this group: stay out of Potter's way as necessary, court his favour if possible.

The news of Harry's newfound power had startled, and even terrified, many in Slytherin, especially when it became apparent Draco was hellbent on revenge, no matter the cost. When Harry promised to help Daphne cure her sister, he unknowingly found an ally in Slytherin. As such, she emerged as the natural leader of this faction.

When the Task began, the Slytherin stands were divided in three: Draco and his supporters on the left-hand side, Daphne and her growing faction on the right, with the undecided forming a barrier between the two. Slytherin always presented a united front, but anyone who knew the internal politics of the House recognized the growing divide.

The First Task would entrench that divide further. If Harry did poorly, it would weaken support for Daphne's faction, and give greater influence over the House to Draco and his vendetta. But if Harry did well, especially against a dragon, then the undecided would drift closer to her, and she could hopefully cement this influence, and keep Draco from getting any other students involved in his madness.

It didn't hurt that Pot-that Harry had created a miracle cure, for her and her family. She'd taken the cure and sent the other vials to her parents. They'd been overjoyed to hear about Astoria's new lease on life and were discussing the possibility of inviting Harry and his godfather to Greengrass Manor over the holidays. Whether this was simply to thank Harry with a fancy dinner or offer Daphne's hand in marriage, she didn't know.

Personally, she wasn't opposed to the marriage offer. If Harry could save her sister's life with a miracle cure, he was brilliant beyond belief. If he was doing it simply because it was the right thing to do, he was nobler than any wizard she'd ever dreamed of. Marriage with him was sure to be a good thing.

"Do you think he can do it?" Tracey's question broke Daphne out of her thoughts.

"Harry? Well, normally I'd say no, but if he's half as brilliant as I think he is..." She let the words hang in the air, letting Tracey piece the answer together herself.

Then the beast was brought forth, and even Daphne began to worry.

Susan Bones sat in the Hufflepuff stands, her Aunt Amelia sitting next to her. They'd both cheered Cedric's performance, and they both agreed, he made a very good effort. Even if he didn't take first place, he demonstrated the kind of courage and skill needed to win this Tournament.

While Fleur and Viktor competed, Amelia's attention was diverted away from the arena, to the judge's stand. Specifically, she was focused on one bearded meddler.

Since learning of the last three years, all years in which Susan was a student, she'd been suspicious of the Headmaster. He'd used the school like a bank vault, hired a teacher possessed by Lord Voldemort, and allowed a basilisk to rampage through the school. That no one had been killed was frankly astounding to her.

Add in the fact that Sirius and Harrybothhad come dangerously close to being Kissed by Dementors last year, and she had more than enough reason to be suspicious of Dumbledore.

Right now, what she desperately wanted, was to haul him into the DMLE, force-feed him Veritaserum, and drag his ass before the Wizengamot to answer every question she'd ever had regarding Hogwarts and its operation. But she couldn't. Not yet, at least. So long as this Tournament was going on, Fudge would make any moves against Dumbledore difficult.

For now, she would continue to gather evidence. When she saw an opportunity, she'd take it, and Dumbledore would have nowhere to run.

Her thoughts were interrupted by gasps of shock and fear. Turning back to the arena, all the colour drained from her face.

Albus was feeling quite proud of himself. The moment he learned that Harry would be competing in the First Task, he had done nothing to dissuade Bagman from ordering the biggest, most ferocious dragons he could. It was somewhat disappointing that the Welsh Green had been included, but he'd been quite pleased to hear the Horntail was among the chosen dragons.

When the dragon handlers arrived, he'd made a point of 'supervising' their delivery to their enclosure in the Forbidden Forest. Charlie and the others were so distracted, they hadn't bothered escorting him out of the enclosure once the dragons were pacified. Their oversight had given him a unique opportunity, one he had taken full advantage of.

While the Philosopher's Stone is the most famous creation of Alchemy, it is far from its only. The oft-forgotten potential of Alchemy is its capacity for transmutation and purification, both on the physical and spiritual levels. He had to go digging deep into his notes for this, but he'd achieved the first of his tasks.

The second, and arguably more important of these tasks, was to devise a means of influencing the Horntail into doing his wishes, without anyone ever noticing. It had been tricky, but he'd successfully created an enchanted ring, that he now wore, that would enable him to influence the dragon's behaviour. It had required him to literally carve the runic array into the now-empowered dragon, but thanks to the Elder Wand, it was far from an impossibility.

Now, all he needed to do to control it, was push some of his magic into a corresponding rune on the ring, and the dragon would obey. A rune for attack, defending, enhancing aggression, pacifying it, and others all added up to a perfectly malleable war monster.

With this, he'd give Harry enough of a near-death experience the boy would become more malleable himself. He'd be looking for someone to guide him, to help keep him alive. If he was lucky, he might even get answers on justhowthe boy had turned his owl into the rarest variant of Phoenix. He might even be able to use it on Fawkes, give the old bird something of a kick.

But that could wait. His pet monster has arrived. Time to run his little martyr through his paces.

Harry stepped out of the Tent, bracing himself for what he was about to face. He could feel the raw magic radiating from the Horntail, and as he entered the Arena, he got a glimpse of the Horntail. Only now, it was something far worse.

The first thing Harry noticed was how much bigger it was. Where once it had been 50ft long, now he swore it measured anywhere from 75 to 80. The scales had also changed. Where once it had a dark brown underbelly, now its entire body was coated in black scales. But this black, it was as though the scales themselves swallowed the light.

The spikes on the dragon's tail had also changed. Where once they were simple, yet lethally effective spikes, now they looked more like vicious serrated blades. Each blade ended with a faint green colour, almost certainly poison. Even a scratch would prove lethal.

Following the tail up the body, the limbs ended in fearsome-looking claws. Each digit ended in a terrifyingly sharp claw, claws that now dug into the rocky arena, eager to launch their owner at its prey.

The back of the beast was covered in metallic spikes, each as long as his forearm, and just as thick. The spikes travelled from down the tail, up its spine, and down again to the head. Where the neck attaches to the head, the spikes dispersed, creating a mass of pain and death.

But the head, that was what stood out the most. The array of spikes protruding from its head had lengthened, with armoured skin stretching between the spikes to create an armoured crest. The jaws had lengthened, and Harry could make out the teeth inside. The teeth had lengthened, thickened, and curved inwards, now resembling oversized sharpened railroad spikes.

Yet above all that, it was the eyes that drew his attention. They were no longer yellow, with a cat-like slit. Now, they were blood red, devoid of anything that might indicate even an animal's intelligence. Instead, the eyes burned with a hateful malevolence, driven by an insatiable need to kill and destroy all that it beheld.

What. The. Bloody. f*ck. Is that!?

The Horntail. But it's been mutated almost beyond recognition.

How in the bloody f*ck did the dragon handler NOT see the problem!?

Compulsions, no doubt. Either way, don't bother with stunning it. KILL. IT.

For the moment, Harry circled the Horntail as it crouched over its eggs. Sidestepping around the arena, he maintained direct eye contact, never breaking his gaze. The dragon snarled and growled, smoke beginning to billow from its nostrils. With every step he took, it grew more agitated, back hunching as it prepared to attack. Wand in hand, he raised it to his eye level, like a sword in a duel.

Both man and monster stood poised, ready to strike. It only left the question, of who would show their hand first.

The Horntail moved first, blasting fire at Harry. But this fire, it wasn't normal, even for a dragon. As Harry cast a shielding spell, he noticed the flames gave off blackened smoke, even when nothing burned in its wake. It was as though it was blasting fire straight from the darkest pits of hell.

The shield held against the wave of fire, barely, and Harry began acting. Casting a spell he had been preparing for just this occasion, he transfigured four rocks. But instead of transfiguring them into dogs, he had a much different animal in mind.

The rocks grew into bipedal creatures, approximately four feet tall, and twelve feet long. On both feet, it possessed a large, sickle-shaped talon on the second toe. The creatures had smooth, scaly skin, similar to other reptiles.


I thought it was Deinonychus.

Velociraptor sounds much cooler.

With a flick of his wand, the raptors circled the Horntail. The angry monster stopped blasting fire at Harry, turning her attention to the much smaller creatures now circling it. They moved with remarkable speed and agility. Each blast of fire would miss as the raptors would duck into the trenches that crisscrossed the arena or jump onto a rocky ledge to hide behind a larger rock.

As they ducked, jumped, and ran circles around the beast, Harry began casting powerful spells. Elemental spells of lightning, frost, and even fire unleashed lightning bolts, ice spikes, and massive fireballs on the dragon. Yet the fire and lightning did nothing to the beast, while the spikes of ice shattered on the armoured hide of the monster.

With each failed attack, the Horntail grew angrier and turned away from the raptors to blast fire at Harry. Fire that he would block with his enhanced shield spell, allowing him to stand his ground, while the raptors moved in closer.

The raptors drew closer as the Horntail was distracted. Three of the raptors would draw its attention towards them, running and ducking as it attacked, while the fourth would try to get closer, and grab the golden egg.

The strategy was working. Between Harry's casting, and the three raptors running circles, they were keeping the Horntail angry and disoriented, preventing it from noticing the fourth getting closer and closer. Just a little bit closer, and the match would be over in record-

The Horntail spun around to face the raptor closest to the nest. With lightning-fast reflexes, it snapped its jaws forward, catching the raptor and crushing it between its jaws. The other raptors attempted to get in closer, to draw its attention away from the unlucky fourth, or make a move for the egg.

The Horntail was quicker, swatting with its massive tail, shattering a second raptor, and sending what remained of it flying. A third went, not for the egg, but the Horntail itself, leaping through the air onto its neck. With talons, claws, and teeth, it began attacking the neck of the dragon, attempting to kill it while the fourth went straight for the egg. But it was to no avail. The fourth was crushed with the massive claws of the Horntail, when it turned back to Harry, and let loose another blast of fire.

Harry again cast his shield spell but could feel the overwhelming heat, even through the shield. Slowly, he stepped backwards, towards one of the trenches, as he felt the shield beginning to weaken from the repeated onslaught.

Just before the shield broke, the fire stopped, but the Horntail grabbed the last raptor in its jaws, pulling it off its armoured body, and throwing it at Harry. The raptor struck hard, turning back into rocks as it crumpled from sheer force of impact, and knocking Harry into the trench.

Recovering quickly, he pressed up against the sides of the trench and began reviewing his options.

You were right. It's even stronger than I thought possible.

Which means you have to kill it now. The longer you fight, the more of a chance it has of doing something permanent.

That might be more difficult than we thought.

Then unleash meupon it.

Fleur Delacouer was in the healer's tent with the other Champions, wondering how the Fourth Champion would handle himself.

When she first learned about Harry being the 'Fourth Champion,' she'd been quick to dismiss him. He was, after all, just a little boy, and she wasn't going to be shy about expressing that opinion. But then in his anger, he'd let loose a wave of raw magical power, and any thoughts of dismissal went out the window.

She had never seen, or felt, anything like it. It was as though she had been struck by a massive wave, after drifting to sleep in the gentle tides. She and the others had physically recoiled at the display, and for a few brief moments, she was genuinely concerned for her safety, and the safety of the others. Anger like this, even at their age, was capable of triggering all manner of accidental magic, and she didn't want to see whatelsehis anger could unleash.

Now, she waited in the Healer's Tent, grateful to Madam Pomfrey for tending her singed hair, and thankful she extinguished the flames on her skirt. She very muchdidn'twant any of the drooling idiots in the stands getting a look at her bare backside.

As she thought back on her performance, she and the other Champions could hear the sounds of battle. It sounded as though Harry was activelyduellingthe Horntail, but that was insane! When Madame Maxime told her of the presence of dragons for the First Task, she reviewed the four breeds. She'd almost cried with relief when she was given the Welsh Green, while the prospect of facing the Horntail horrified her. Stories abounded of the vicious beast killing and maiming its handlers without hesitation, and needing dozens of handlers working in concert to pacify the beast.

And that foolish boy was going to try and duelit!?

Her thoughts on his foolishness ended as abruptly as they started. When the fourth match started, she could sense the magic emanating from the Horntail. It was powerful and wild, untamed yet corralled. She pitied the boy, having to face something like that.

Now, something else was radiating from the arena. She could feel the magic emanating off of...something.But this was beyond her wildest dreams. It was powerful magic, more powerful than she had ever beheld.

To feel its influence, was like standing in the warmth of the Mediterranean sun, after wandering the forests of Siberia.

'What is happening out there!?'

Hermione had been shocked and horrified at the sight of the Horntail. This most definitely wasNOTthe dragon she had seen in the forest. Either the dragon handlers had been casting glamour charms on the dragon, or this was connected to the attempt on Harry's life.

Then Harry had begun fighting the dragon, and she was even more stunned. Harry had transfigured rocks intodinosaurs, of all things, and been casting elemental spells! Evenshedidn't know the kind of spells he was using. A bolt of lightning, a man-sized spike made of ice, and a fireball bigger than anything Krum's dragon had blasted.

Bagman had been playing commentator for the fights, and he'd practically been jumping for joy with every strange and powerful spell Harry cast. At the very least, he'd been entertained enough that Harry could expect a decent score from him.

But then the Horntail had crushed three of the deinonychus, and thrown that final one at Harry, knocking him into the trench.

Now she was holding her breath. If Harry didn't move quickly, the Horntail would be on him, and any of that dark fire blasted into the trench would spread, and he'd be caught in its-


Lighting flashed overhead but confined itself to the clouds above. The suddenness of it caused Hermione, and others, to visibly flinch, as all their attention was directed into the arena.

But something strange was happening. Instead of pressing the attack, the infamously vicious and aggressive Horntail was holding back. In fact, it looked agitated, as though something was scaring it. But what in the world could be frightening to a monster likethat!?


She got her answer, as from the spot where Harry fell into the trench, emerged an enormous scaled arm, digging into the rocky terrain with unimaginable strength, breaking the terrain into tiny pieces, where the claws dug into the surface.

Before she could process this turn of events, the scaled arm hoisted its owner out of the trench. First came the head, that massive head, attached to a long, scaly neck, with a frighteningly large maw, snarling at the Horntail. Above the snarling jaws, were a pair of green eyes, of a shade only one other wizard in Hogwarts had.

Behind the snarling head came the neck, and the rest of the body, a 75-foot-long dragon, with red-golden scales, thick legs, massive and powerful wings, and a long tail. This was like no other dragon she'd read about. It radiated raw power, unleashed upon the world.

As it fully emerged from the trench, the dragon Harry roared a frighteningly powerful roar at the Horntail, lightning thrashing overhead, adding to the symphony of unbridled power. The Horntail roared back and stepped around the nest.

Briefly, her attention was drawn to the nest, as she noticed a translucent green dome form over the nest. She wondered what it was for until she saw the Horntail step on its nest as it moved to charge Harry. The Horntail slipped on the dome, stumbling as it attempted to charge.

That slip gave Harry an opening. Lunging forward, mouth wide open, Harry snapped at the Horntail, attempting to bite its head. The Horntail pulled back just in time, with Harry missing completely, and the Horntail snarling in response, before attempting its own lunge.

Harry drew back, but instead of stepping back, he lunged forward in a counter-attack. This time, his attack worked! His massive jaws latched around the Horntail's neck, just behind the massive spikes along its head.

The Horntail screeched in shock as Harry's jaws closed around its neck. But Harry didn't just bite it, it lifted the Horntail bodily by the neck, and threw it backwards across the arena. It crashed into the walls of the arena, just below the judge's stand. The Horntail thrashed about as it rose to its feet, and turned back to Harry.

Harry had advanced towards the nest and the Horntail. Seeing the rival dragon approaching its nest, the Horntail screeched and let loose a blast of fire. Harry, didn't respond with a fire blast of his own. Instead, his green eyes began to glow white, and just before the flames hit their target, a translucent green barrier, similar to the dome covering the nest, appeared before Harry.

The barrier was massive, blocking Harry's entire dragon form. But as the flames burned against the barrier, the barrier took on a more solid colour, becoming more solid by the second.

Finally, when the barrier became completely solid, and Hermione could no longer see through the barrier, it suddenly shrank to the size of a tire and flew straight toward the Horntail at breakneck speed. The bolt of green energy hit its target with the force of a lightning bolt, and a similarly large explosion to boot.

The Horntail was blasted straight into the walls of the arena, striking the magically reinforced sides with such force, the judges fell from their seats, and she could hear Headmaster Dumbledore yelp.

Anything else would have been brought low by a blast of raw power like that, but the Horntail stood again and roared in rage at Harry. Instead of blasting him with more fire, it charged forward, jaws gaping wide open, ready to latch onto Harry and tear him to pieces.

Instead, Harry reared up onto his hind legs, and with his forelegs, he swatted at the Horntail, knocking it to the ground, and sending it tumbling. But as it fell, its massive bladed tail came up, striking Harry across the face.

Hermoine cringed as the tail made contact, knocking Harry's head to the side. He roared in surprise, but no blood could be seen. The blades hadn't pierced the scales, but that still left the potential problem of the poison.

While Harry shook his head, trying to regain his focus, the Horntail righted itself and launched itself at Harry again. Once again, Harry reared up on his hind legs, and the Horntail locked claws with Harry.

The two dragons began tearing and clawing at each other, Harry leaving deep gashes in the Horntail, while the Horntail made little progress. Blood flowed freely from the wounds on the Horntail's neck and underbelly, as they bit and snapped at each other.

Suddenly, Harry dropped on all fours, and body slammed into the Horntail, sending it tumbling back to the ground. But as the Horntail rose again, Harry spread his wings and took off into the sky.

The Horntail screeched in fury as its enemy flew away, and rather than let it escape, it too spread its wings and launched itself into the sky.

The two massive dragons now soared beneath the steadily darkening clouds above the arena. The Horntail was right on Harry's tail, wildly blasting fire at Harry, trying to catch him in the dark flames. But Harry was too fast.

Whenever the Horntail let loose a blast of fire, Harry would suddenly gain a burst of speed, surging ahead as the two dragons circled the arena, never going far enough that they couldn't be seen.

Soon, the Horntail became visibly frustrated enough to propel itself with all its strength. In a few brief seconds, it closed the distance between it and Harry, reaching out with its jaws to clamp around Harry's tail.

At the last second, Harry pulled his tail in closer, raised his body up, and suddenlyhewas behind the Horntail. It surged ahead until it realized where its prey was. Flapping its wings, it turned its body and charged straight at Harry, as he held himself in the air, directly above the arena.

The Horntail was getting closer, roaring at its intended target, jaws opening and snapping shut in a menacing show of violence. It was eager to kill Harry, and it wasn't about to let him get away.

Then, just as it was getting uncomfortably close, Harry drew his head back, and let loose a bolt ofblue flames. The fire took on the shape of a massive fireball, one that the Horntail flew straight into!

It roared and screeched in surprise and pain, as the flames coated its entire body. From snout to tail, from one wingtip to the other, it was engulfed in blue flames. It twisted and turned its body, trying to extinguish the flames, to no avail. It flew past the arena, and the audience couldfeelthe ground shake from the force of its impact.

Harry let out a snort and gently flew down into the arena. People began to cheer as he made his way to the nest, stepping slowly towards it, extending his neck at the barrier.

The applause died down at the sound of a horrifying screech, coming from the air. Harry turned his attention skyward, as did the audience, and beheld the still-burning form of the Horntail charging at Harry.

It was too fast for Harry to react, and the Horntail crashed into Harry, the force of the impact violently shaking the entire arena. People screamed as they nearly fell over the railing into the arena, the last place anyone wanted to be right now.

The dust from the impact was cleared by the frantic flapping of massive wings. Harry was now underneath the Horntail, as it began clawing into his back. Harry roared in pain, before forcing the Horntail off of it by lifting itself off the ground.

The two dragons faced each other again, and Hermione could see how the Horntail was still alive: it wasregenerating! The blue flames, whatever they were, burned the scales of the Horntail and opened holes in the wings of the vicious monster. Those same injuries healed almost as quickly as they formed. Craning her head, Hermione saw the neck of the Horntail was no longer covered in deep gashes from Harry's claws. They had already healed!

Now Hermione was scared, as Harry was up against a monster that healed itself as fast as he could hurt it! She had no idea how Harry could beat this thing!

But that didn't stop Harry. He lunged at the Horntail, successfully grabbing it by the throat in his jaws. The Horntail struggled and roared, trying to break free, but it did no good. Harry held an iron grip in his jaws, and hepulledthe Horntail closer to him.

It struggled to break free. It tried twisting its neck to snap at Harry. It even tried kicking and clawing at him. None of it worked, as Harry reared up on his legs again, this time to place his forelimbs on the Horntail's neck, gripping it in its massive claws.

The Horntail let out a massive roar, as the arena reverberated with a loud, sickening, wetSNAP. Then the Horntail roared no more, it only gurgled, as it snapped its jaws fruitlessly.

But Harry wasn't done.

With the neck now snapped, the body began to go limp, but the legs still kicked, and the wings flapped fruitlessly. The body was still trying to fight, even as its spine had been snapped.

Harry pushed the Horntail onto its back, and placed its hindlegs on the Horntail's body, keeping his forelimbs on its neck. He growled menacingly as he began topull. Slowly, the scales began to crack, as flesh was being torn. Suddenly, with a loud, wet sound, the head and half of the neck separated from the Horntail's body, spraying the arena with blood.

Harry then tossed the decapitated part away, and roared to the heavens, letting loose a massive blast of fire, turning the sky red with his furious might. The entire arena erupted into cheers at this, and as Harry approached the nest again, he began to turn back into a human.

When he finally reached the nest, he waved his wand, and the barrier protecting the nest disappeared, allowing him to reach down and pick up the golden egg, holding it aloft with one hand as he took in the audience's reaction.

The cheers of the audience must have been heard from Hogsmeade village. The Gryffindors went wild, cheering Harry for his victory, and an awesome display of might. The Ravenclaws likewise cheered, astounded by his performance. Even the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins cheered, but both of them were more subdued. The Puffs because Cedric was still one of their own, and the Slytherins were more inclined towards polite clapping.

The Gryffindors raced down into the arena, and Harry briefly had time to notice the bushy-haired missile coming at him at Mach 3. Hermione tackled him into one of her strongest Hermy-hugs, and they both fell onto the ground. Harry looked up at the sky, briefly stunned by the surprising strength she had displayed before a pair of familiar redheads appeared.

"Well done, Harrykins-"

"-I dare say, you've managed to impress-"

"-Even the notoriously stoic Slytherins."

"That'll go into the history books."

They both grinned as they finished that sentence together and helped Harry and Hermione to their feet. Harry then turned to the judges, who were busily conferring among themselves. When they finally turned back, they gave their final score.

Madame Maxime-9

Ludo Bagman-10

Albus Dumbledore-9

Barty Senior-10

Igor Karkaroff-8

Sirius Black-10

That put Harry in the lead with 56 points. Gryffindor cheered loudly at that, with the twins patting Harry on the back, as Hermione slowly disentangled herself from him. Before Harry could speak with her, he noticed a familiar presence.

"Heir Potter, that was the most incredible fight I've ever seen!"

"Thank you, Keeper Ragnok. Now, I hate to give you more work, but I hereby claim the Horntail's remains by Right of Conquest."

Ragnok grinned at that, showing all his sharp teeth. "After that display? I consider it anhonour, to be given that task."

"I don't think I can handle any more surprises today."

Harry complained as he and Hermione were led back to the Gryffindor Common Room by Colin Creevey. After receiving his score, Madam Pomfrey had been insistent he receive a full medical check-up, while Hermione hung back with him. The rest of Gryffindor made their way back to the castle, under orders from Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster.

She'd been brimming to bursting with questions about his performance. Where did he learn those spells? What were those spells? Did he make them himself, or was he taught them? But most importantly of all, she was desperate to know, how did he turn into a bloody dragon!?

The only thing holding her back was Madam Pomfrey's insistence she holds off on her questioning, along with a promise. Harry promised that, if he didn't tell her by the end of the school year, he'd tell her over the summer. Now that he was living with Sirius, and not the vile Dursleys, he could actually visither during the summer.

When the trio reached the portrait, the Fat Lady congratulated Harry on his successful performance in the First Task. When she opened up, Colin let Harry take the lead. When he stepped into the Common Room, he was shocked by the massive party that had been prepared. Snacks and drinks could be seen in abundance, and the Gryffindor Lions had been turned into Dragons for the momentous event.

As Harry was handed a butterbeer, he couldn't help but grin. He'd just displayed a sample of his immeasurable power to the world. While he enjoyed himself, along with his friends, his enemies would panic. Tonight, at least, he could relax, and live as the teenager he was again.

In his office, Albus Dumbledore was in a panic. At first, the Task was going exactly how he wanted. The ring allowed him to manipulate the Horntail, now transformed into a proper beast of war, and give Harry a proper challenge, and near-death experience.

But then Harry hadtransformedinto the dragon!!! It shouldn't be possible! Harry'sneverdone the animagus ritual! Nevermind the fact that it takes a great deal of time and effort, both of which he wouldn't have during the school year, but there was no chance in all the rings of hell that Harry could undergo hisfirsttransformation as an animagus, and itnotbe international news!

Never mind the fact he was a national treasure, and a hero thanks to the World Cup, but a dragon animagus!? That would make headlines across the world!The fact that he had transformedwithoutundertaking the ritual, raised an uncomfortable number of possibilities.

Did his unique abilities mean he could transform without the ritual? Did he find another way to become an animagus? Or did the dragon somehow overpower Harry's will, and take temporary control to face the Horntail??? It was certainly a possibility, given the intensity of that fight had caused a magical backlash, one that destroyed the control ring while he was still wearing it. The suddenness of it had caused him to yelp in surprise.

Only one thing was certain now: the bindings had broken. That...monsterburied inside of Harry is now free. And there was no telling what could happen now.

He needed a plan. He neededsomethinghe could use to bring Harry under his sway.

Failing that, he would have to find a more,permanent solution.


Uh-Oh! Looks like Dumbledore is becoming desperate! And desperate men, do stupid things. What does this mean for Harry going forward? Only one way to find out.

Chapter 21: The Aftermath II


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I'm telling you, I don't know where that dragon came from!!"

Charlie Weasley was feeling rather agitated. It was hard to blame him, of course. At the moment, he was being interrogated by Madam Amelia Bones, as part of an investigation into the attempted murder of Harry Potter.

The interrogation room was a bare, grey room, with a single table and two chairs in the centre. Charlie was seated across from Amelia, while an Auror, one he didn't know or recognize, stood behind him. He wasn't chained to the chair or the table, but that offered him little comfort, while Amelia was recording everything said with a Dictation Quill.

"So you're telling me youdidn'tbring that dragon over from Romania, instead of the Hungarian Horntail, as you were supposed to?"

"Madam Bones, I'm certain I would remember transporting,across the Continent, an 80-foot dragon, with scales as black as the void, and blood-red eyes that burn a hole, right through your very soul." Charlie shivered at the memory of the monster that Harry had gone up against.

"Explain to me what happened up until the Task. Walk me through the day's events."

"We arrived at Hogwarts on the 22nd, shortly after midnight. The dragon enclosure had already been set up, thanks to Professor Hagrid and the Ministry. It had been built to required specifications, both physically and magically, so we had no complaints."

"Can you tell me who, if anyone, visited the enclosure that night?"

"Professor Hagrid, and Madame Maxime They were... on a date. Hagrid was showing her the dragons, and Maxime thought they weremagnifique. I'm fairly certain I saw Karkaroff skulking about around the same time."

"Anyone else?"

"Just one, Headmaster Dumbledore. He stopped by to make certain the dragons didn't disturb any of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest."

"So all three school Heads came to see the dragons."

"That's correct. Anyway, after we pacified the dragons, including the Horntail, we went back to our quarters, getting our schedules organized to care for the dragons."

"What was the schedule?"

"Monday morning, we do a complete medical check-up on the dragons, make sure they aren't carrying anything that might be contagious, or they haven't contracted anything. Feed them afterwards, keep them under watch for the day, intervene as necessary."

"What qualifies as 'necessary intervention?'"

"If the dragons attempt to leave the area, or they become aggressive towards each other. They're nesting mothers, so they aren't too keen on leaving the eggs unattended, especially with unfamiliar dragons close by."

"Did the Horntail behave in any manner that could be considered abnormal?"

"No, I wouldn't think so. They're already aggressive dragons, so it's impossible to say whether they're behaving in a more or less aggressive manner than usual."

"Did anything happen on Monday that seemed unusual, or could indicate tampering with the dragons?"

"No Madam."

"What happened the day of the Task?"

"We got the dragons unconscious, giving them a quick final check-up, to make sure they were in peak health. We already knew the order the dragons would need to be brought in, we just needed to know when to move the dragons out of the arena."

"So at what point did you realize you had brought inthe wrong dragon???"

"When Harry's turn came up. We brought in the dragon, stunned, and got the nest set up. We heard people gasping in shock and fright but figured it was because nobody expected the Horntail. Anyway, we got out of the arena, revived the dragon, and that was when we realized-"

"You realized the Horntail had been switched or tampered with?" When Charlie nodded, she continued. "What was your first reaction?"

"Shock. Horror. Confusion. None of us had any idea what had happened to the Horntail. We wanted to stop the Task, but by the time we got to Bagman and the judges, it was too late. Harry was already in the arena, and Bagman was too excited by the fight to listen."

Nodding her head, Amelia stood from her chair. "Excuse us a moment." With that, she led the unknown Auror out of the room, and into the corridor. In the corridor, she found Aurors Shacklebolt and Dawlish waiting for her. She then turned to the unknown Auror.

"You can drop the disguise, Auror Tonks. It's no longer necessary."

With that, the Auror morphed into the familiar form of Nymphadora Tonks. The usually cheerful Auror looked sombre as she looked at Madam Bones. "So, what do you think, Madam?"

"He's telling the truth. Their stories line up, and they've remained consistent while being questioned. It looks like either they or the dragon were charmed to prevent the handlers from noticing the difference before they brought it to the arena." She then turned to Dawlish. "I assume you have news from the goblins?"

"Yes ma'am. The dragon was claimed by Right of Conquest by Harry Potter, despite the attempts by the Ministry to claim it themselves. Given the law was clear on the matter, the goblins took charge of the carcass and prepared to harvest it, on his behalf. However, they did send us a full report on the dragon, as per the wishes of Harry Potter. It seems he's not too thrilled about what happened either." Dawlish then produced a large scroll of parchment and handed it to Madam Bones, who proceeded to read it.

"Give me the big picture."

"Well, for starters, thatwasthe Horntail." When a startled Madam Bones looked at him, he continued. "They found that it had been mutated into its new, and frankly more terrifying form, via alchemy and ritual magic."

"Well, that certainly narrows down the list of suspects. Did they find anything that could help us narrow the search?"

"Only what the dragon was capable of, and it's a lengthy list: a reinforced hide, with empowered magical resistance, regenerative capabilities, enhanced strength and senses, a startling variety of poisons located in the mutated tail-spikes, and a magically empowered fire, capable of causing far greater injury than standard dragon fire."

"Then we can assume it's part of the attempt on Mr.Potter's life. Is there anything the goblins are willing to send us for use in the investigation?"

"I'll check, but they haven't started the harvesting process yet. They're being cautious with the carcass in the event it has any surprises for the goblins, even in death."

"So it'll probably be a while until we get all the answers. Very well. In the meantime, bring in the school heads, including Dumbledore. Maybe they saw something we missed."

The morning after the First Task, Harry came down to the Common Room to find every first-year Gryffindor waiting for him. Led by Anna and Brian, they swarmed him as soon as he made his appearance, begging to know how he transfigured the raptors, how he conjured fire and lightning, and most importantly, how he transformed into a dragon. Interspersed with these requests were declarations he was the coolest wizard in school.

Sitting in a corner of the Common Room, Hermione watched the unfolding events with a big, goofy smile on her face. She called out to him, as he looked at her with a similar grin on his face.

"The burdens of celebrity."

"In this case, totally worth it."

It took a great deal of effort, but the impromptu gathering of his newest fans was dispersed. With this opportunity, he and Hermione made their way down to the Great Hall, but she had questions of her own.

"Harry, you still owe me an explanation."

"I thought I gave you an explanation last night."

"No, you told me you'd show me those spells during the summer if you didn't during the school year. What I want to know iswherethose spells came from?"


"They aren't in any of the books I've found, least of all the dragon transformation. In fact, self-transfiguration is one of the most risky of all spells, as it risks altering your mind as well as your body."


"Harry, don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, it's..."


"I... I think whoever put my name in the Goblet isinthe castle. I promise, Hermione, you'll get your answers. I'm just... keeping my cards close to my chest right now."

"I don't like being kept in the dark for security reasons, Harry."

"And I don't like keeping you in the dark, not after all we've been through. I just... I just need you to trust me. Just until this Tournament is over."

'Sigh'"Alright Harry. I'll let you keep your little secrets for now. But I expect an explanation on the train back home."

They made their way to the Great Hall in silence, with Harry wondering how he was going to explain all this to Hermione. He wanted, desperately, to tell her the truth. Of Goliath, of Dumbledore, of their former friend Ron. But he couldn't. For one, he had no physical proof. Everything he knew came from the future, a future that would no longer happen because of his time travel.

He had his memories, but there was a reason he hadn't brought Hermione back with him. Her memories might be gone, but so was the pain. Was it so wrong for him to wish she would never have to endure that kind of hardship again?

He didn't have an answer that would satisfy him. All he could do now was press forward.

In the Great Hall, the eyes of most of the staff, and nearly all the students, were turned his way upon his arrival. He could feel their stares but heard none of the whispers he expected.

I figured the Hall would be filled with gossip-mongering.

Your performance left an impression on the school, especially the teachers. They don't know whether to be amazed or to be terrified. In their eyes, you've achieved something that shouldn't be possible.

Before he knew it, the familiar sound of flapping wings could be heard overhead. The owl post had arrived, along with today'sDaily Prophet. When Harry got his copy, he was surprised by the front page.


By Rita Skeeter

Beneath the headline was a picture of Harry transformed into his dragon form. The snarling visage of an angry Goliath looked back at the reader, and occasionally roared as lightning flashed behind him. All in all, it was an impressive picture, and would definitely be drawing the attention of many a reader.

As with all of Rita's articles, this was a mass of exaggerations, half-truths, and blatant lies, sprinkled with the occasional fact.

It was a recounting of the First Task, in which Harry, facing a 100-foot dragon of 'undetermined breed,' had transformed himself into a 100-foot dragon. Several dragon enthusiasts couldn't name the dragon Harry had turned into, but 'contacts' in the Ministry have confirmed it to be a scaled-down version of an emerald-eyed Great Caledonian Fire Drake, 'the most powerful dragon the world has ever seen.'

She described the fight between him and the Horntail, exaggerating the violence and carnage, including claims that nearly two dozen spectators fell into the arena because of how violent the battle was.

Now, of course, came Rita's speculation.

In her article, she ponders on the question of justhowHarry had managed the transformation. The first possibility was that Harry was an animagus. That would mean that not only was Harry's animagus a dragon, something unheard of before, but it would also make him an illegalanimagus, as there is no record of him registering with the Ministry.

The second possibility was that Harry had discovered a spell for self-transfiguration, a typically dangerous route to take, as it can affect the mind as well as the body. That, of course, would also mean that Harry had been expanding his spell-crafting capabilities, as no spell is known to exist that is capable of such a complete transfiguration while maintaining one's mind.

The third possibility, the one she was clearly building towards, is something far more sinister. Rita reminded her readers that for a decade, Harry had been completely absent from the wizarding world. At that time, nobody had any idea as to where he was. She wrapped up the article by suggesting that during that decade, Harry had been subjected to 'dark and forgotten magics' in an attempt to discover the secret to his surviving the Killing Curse.

This is ridiculous, even by Rita's standards.

Leave it for now. There's another letter coming your way.

Looking up, Harry did indeed see Hedwig flying his way. When she landed, he realized the letter was from Gringotts. Taking the letter, and after giving his Phoenix some bacon, he read it briefly.

Heir Potter,

As I write this letter, we have begun harvesting the Hungarian Horntail. Prior to this, we sent Madam Amelia Bones of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement our preliminary findings regarding the Horntail and its mutations, as per your instructions.

We fully intend to harvest the Horntail in its entirety, but because of the unusual circ*mstances, the harvesting team is proceeding much more carefully than normal. Some of the team have sworn the dragon is still regenerating its wounds, so the process may take some time.

On a similar note, the DMLE is requesting that we continue to send them information regarding the Horntail, and any further discoveries made in the harvesting. Do we have your permission to go through with their request?

Please notify us at your earliest convenience.

Keeper Ragnok the 10th

So the DMLE is going forward with their investigation?

Send them whatever the goblins discover. If it's Dumbledore, it'll help neutralize him sooner. That'll only leave Voldemort and the Weasleys.

Still, there is the issue of our status as an illegal animagus.

Oh, that's easy to solve. Go talk to 'Moody' at the High Table.

Following his instructions, Harry made his way to 'Moody' at the High Table. The polyjuiced Death Eater looked at him hesitantly.

"Can I help you, Potter?"

"Actually, yes Professor. I assume you know the spell for revealing an animagus?"

"Of course. Why does that matter?"

"I'd like for you to cast the spell on me, up here in the Great Hall, in front of everyone tonight."

'Moody' blinked a few times, but agreed to his request. As Harry made his way back to Hermione, he argued with Goliath.

What exactly is the point of this?

The 'Reveal Animagus' spell is only able to reveal those that have completed the rituals using mandrake root. You used a ritual of the Old Tribes, so the spell will have no affect.

Let's hope so. Otherwise, things are about to get very interesting.

"So, what did the goblins send us?"

It had been three days since the First Task. Madam Bones sat in her office, reviewing notes taken during the questioning of the school heads. As they weren't under arrest, she couldn't use Veritaserum on them, much as she wanted to.

Questioning Madame Olympe Maxime had proven pointless. She admitted to being present in the Forbidden Forest the night they arrived but steadfastly maintained she had only observed them before continuing her walk with Hagrid. As far as she knew, only she and Hagrid had seen the dragons prior to the First Task. She had no doubts the other Champions would be informed of the dragons, but she had no idea whether they would stop by themselves, or someone else would inform them.

Amelia knew that there was no chance that Igor Karkaroff had any part in this. Still, she wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to make the whinging coward suffer. The bastard had been part of the Death Eater team that killed her brother and his wife, leaving little Susan an orphan. Since then, she'd been dreaming of a chance to take him down - hard.

Bringing him in had proved easy enough. She sent a pair of younger Aurors to bring him in, and he offered no resistance. It seemed he thought these two Second-Class Aurors would be easy for him to handle. He barely made a fuss when he was brought to the interrogation room.

Then she had walked in, with Scrimgeour right behind her, the most menacing scowl he could conjure on his face.

In between Karkaroff's whimpering, they extracted an admission that he had seen the dragons that night. He swore up and down that all he did was tell Krum the potential dragons he'd be facing and help him devise a strategy.

The memory of that interrogation would power a patronus capable of clearing Azkaban. Amelia was willing to call that a win, even if they didn't get anything useful.

Questioning Albus had been a tricky matter. That bearded blighter had a tendency to tell half-truths, and a talent for spinning the facts to suit his own narrative.

He'd admitted to visiting the dragon handlers that night, as he wanted to make sure they didn't disturb the residents of the Forbidden Forest. He trusted them to do their jobs, of course, he just wanted to be thorough. After all, there had been enough surprises this year already. They didn't need angry centaurs, hippogriffs or thestrals rampaging through the castle grounds.

All in all, it hadn't been very informative. Igor lacked the intelligence, and the nerve, to pull off something like this. While Nicholas Flamel might have been a student of Beauxbatons, Madame Maxime had none of the knowledge needed to achieve an Alchemy project quite like this. That only left Albus, a meddling tweaker that had been tutored by Nicholas Flamel himself. Much as she hated to admit it, she didn't have enough evidence to suggest it was him.

He had the skills to pull off something like this, of that she was certain. However, she couldn't find any motive to speak of. He was a meddling bastard, convinced that he knew better than everyone else, but she doubted he was this much of a sociopath.

So when Dawlish arrived with news from Gringotts, she was eager for something they could use.

"I'm afraid there isn't much for us to go on. According to the goblins, the dragon was still trying to regenerate its wounds, right up until they removed the still beating heart. They've given every piece recovered so far a thorough look, but they've found nothing that either of us can use to identify the culprit. No magical signature can be found, or any other identifying markers."

"Dammit. Well, keep on it. As long as the goblins are willing to send us information, we'll keep accepting it. Maybe one of us will get a breakthrough."

Nodding, Dawlish left her office, leaving her to her thoughts.

'Someone managed to mutate a Horntail into a monster, and completely cover their tracks. This bears watching. Albus might try to hide things from the outside world, but he can't keep my Aurors from reporting to me. Looks like I'll need to increase security.'

In his office, Albus sat pondering his immediate future. The day after the First Task, he was questioned by the DMLE as a possible suspect in the attempt on Harry's life. It was only thanks to his Occlumency skills that Amelia hadn't caught his worry. Privately, he damned those infernal goblins!

When Harry had done what he hadn't even considered possible, and killed the dragon, he had hoped the Ministry would claim the carcass before Harry could. After all, a dead Horntail, especially one so... unique, would prove a goldmine for greedy bureaucrats. But what he was more concerned with, was covering his tracks. If any evidence could be found linking him to the mutated Horntail, Amelia would have no problems dragging him into Azkaban in chains.

The Ministry would be careless, sloppy, and only concerned with acquiring a quick profit. The goblins would be careful, methodical, and interested in getting the most value possible out of the dragon. That meant they would be thoroughly examining the remains. He could only imagine what they already uncovered. The only upside at the moment was if Amelia hadn't arrested him yet, it either meant she was waiting on more evidence, or there was nothing conclusive.

Then, later that night, Moody cast the Reveal Animagus spell on Harry, in the Great Hall, in front of the entire school. When nothing had happened, Harry used this to assure the students he wasn't an illegal animagus.

That might have alleviated the legal issues for Harry, but that left an entirely new set of issues for Dumbledore. This meant, that somehow, Harry had achieved this transformation without performing an animagus ritual. Which, naturally, raised the question of how he had done it in the first place!

He needed information, and he needed it now! It was maddening to imagine Harry, a student inhisschool, having knowledge that hewas denied! First came his spells during the World Cup riots, then came that bloody owl-turned-phoenix, and now this! It was intolerable!

To make matters worse, he had no way of getting information! Ron had been cut out of Harry's circle of friends and was thus denied any information he might otherwise have learned. But even that was doubtful because his legilimency had failed to produce results, regardless of who it was being used on! Harry was keeping that information to himself, and if he didn't know any better, he'd swear it was being done to spite him!

Still, he couldn't lose focus, not now. The Yule Ball wasn't far off, and it would be an ideal time to...push Harry towards a proper date to the Ball. If he played his cards right, he could get things back on track, and all the secrets of the Brat-Who-Cannot-Die would behis.


I'm gonna be honest, this felt more like a filler chapter than anything else I've done. Still, the plot is getting moving, and it looks like Harry is having a bit of a crisis of conscience.
Hopefully, he can resolve it soon, giving him peace of mind again.

Chapter 22: The Question


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Silence Wormtail!"

It was a week into December, and ever since the First Task, the Daily Prophethad been regularly printing stories about the damnable brat, Harry Potter. Today, he'd been reading the latest article, which included pictures of the brat riding a unicorn.

Despite his current physical state, Voldemort was more than capable of using magic, as the cowardly Peter Pettigrew was being reminded of. The fool barely managed to dodge the Cruciatus Curse sent his way, tumbling out of the chair he'd been sitting on. On his knees, he whimpered before his master.

"F-forgive me, Master."

"Silence!Crucio!" He didn't dodge it this time and writhed in pain on the floor as the spell took hold. "The praise heaped on that boy is an affront to me!"

"Y-y-yes m-master. Please, f-forgive me, master."

"Enough of your snivelling! Nagini will be finishing her patrol of the grounds. Ready her food, and prepare the potion!"

Peter whimpered in fear as he limped away to carry out his master's bidding. He feared many things, but that maledictus was an absolute terror. It wasn't just the poison in her bite, though that didn't help. Neither was it the strength in her body, enough to strangle him quickly, yet leave him aware of each final breath. No, it was theintelligencein her eyes. It was a cruel, malevolent intelligence, not unlike that of his master.

Those eyes always told him the same thing:I'm watching you, coward. Peter was quite certain that if his master ever became displeased enough with him, he would be fed to her, paralyzed, but alive, so his final thoughts could be of his slow and painful demise.

While the coward whinged in fear as he imagined the many painful fates that might befall him, Voldemort sat and thought. In the privacy of his own mind, he had to admit, he was worried.

In all his life, he had never heard of a wizard doing the things the Potter brat could, not even himself. His own talent and drive for power had set him far above those around him, yet what this brat had achieved seemed beyond him. Self-transfiguration, into an extinct species ofdragon, of all things, was something even he never would have considered, lest he lose his mind to the rage of the beast. And yet, he had pulled it off without a single hitch.

But that was just the latest issue. His worries went back to the World Cup. That fool Lucius had decided to organize a bit of sport for his fellows, those who pretended to renounce him, and lived in luxury while he struggled to survive. That they wound up dead or Kissed was of no concern to him. What was a concern for him, was the ease with which they were defeated.

The boy had completely, and utterly,destroyedhis followers. They fell before him like wheat before the scythe, and he had shown himself to beimmuneto the Killing Curse!

Yes, that boy Potter would prove to be a major problem. Still, with Junior in the castle, he could keep a close eye on him, searching for a weakness they could exploit. Unless... there was one other option they had, but it would involve sending Wormtail and Nagini on a little trip, something he was hesitant to do.

His current physical state required constant attendance. The Body potion needed to be consumed at regular intervals, and the recipe required venom milked from Nagini, a task he was physically incapable of, requiring the cowardly Wormtail. But, if his plan worked, then the risk would be far outweighed by the reward.

Now was only one question left: who had earned an early release?

It should be right... here.

December had begun, and with it, came the student's excitement for the coming Christmas break. He knew plenty of younger students would be going home, while the older students would be remaining, especially once they learned about the Yule Ball.

This excitement meant students were distracted. And distracted students meant he couldfinallyretrieve the Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw.

He'd meant to get to it sooner, not wanting to leave a horcrux in Hogwarts any longer than he needed to. But with the rituals he completed and the sudden upsurge in fame from being the Fourth Champion, as opposed to being ostracised as a pariah, meant he didn't get many opportunities to sneak back into the Room of Requirement, specifically the Room of Lost Things.

The Diadem was exactly where he found it last time, where he would hide the Potions Textbook in his sixth year. The very same book Snape had left modified potion recipes, and where he would record spells like Sectumsempra. Fortunately, this time the horcrux would be removed, and the Diadem, and the Room, would be spared the ravages of Crabbe's Fiendfyre.

With Dobby at his side, he gingerly removed the Diadem from its hiding place and dropped it into the lead case Dobby was holding.

"There we go. Now, remember Dobby, take it straight to Keeper Ragnok."

"Dobby will do sir!" And just like that, he popped away. Smiling to himself, Harry walked out of the Room of Requirement, and back into the Hogwarts halls. They were quiet, devoid of the sounds of students moving about, but that was to be expected. It was, after all, a Wednesday after breakfast, but before his Charms class. He had a free period and made use of it.

More importantly, however, it was December 9th. The day before McGonagall announced to her class the Yule Ball. This had been on his mind increasingly over the past few weeks.

In the immediate aftermath of the First Task, Hermione had been somewhat... pushy. He knew she was the inquisitive type, and the fact he had unveiled magical skills she didn't believe were evenpossiblesent her mind spinning. He should have known she'd start questioning him about the magic he used. He should have had a better explanation than simply thinking the person behind his entry into the Tournament was in the Castle. They were, of course, but he wasn't about to reveal that now.

During her library visits, he'd noticed her reading advanced Transfiguration books, especially self-transfiguration. She'd also been studying elemental conjuration, the branch of spells that contained the prerequisite knowledge to throw lightning bolts and fireballs.

He'd already promised to tell her how he learned these spells by the end of the school year. Now he was just pondering how to do it without freaking her out any more than she already would.

As he walked, and thought, he ran across two Ravenclaw students in the halls: Cho Chang, and her friend Marietta Edgecombe. Harry briefly thought back to his original fifth year, when he taught the D.A. (Dumbledore's Army, what a stupid name in hindsight) and she had betrayed them to the Toad, otherwise known as Dolores Umbridge. He remembered her wearing a balaclava to hide the pimples on her face, as the spelled out "SNEAK."

The pimples would fade after several months, but the scars remained. As did the fear, as she not only never attempted an apology, to Harry or the other members, but she never took part in the Battle of Hogwarts. She abandoned her friends out of fear, even the only one who stood up to Harry on her behalf.

Disgusting as he found her now, he decided to talk with Cho, figuring she would be the best way to get his point across to Ravenclaw. Striding over to her, the two girls looked at him, curiosity in Cho's eyes, suspicion in Marietta's.

"Ms.Chang, might I speak to you for a moment?" At her raised eyebrow, he continued. "It's nothing you can't tell Cedric about. It concerns another Ravenclaw."

After a few seconds of thought, she nodded her head. "Alright, Harry. I'll hear you out." She then turned to Marietta. "Head back to the Common Room. I'll meet you there."

Edgecombe gave him one last look of suspicion, before leaving for Ravenclaw Tower. It was so very tempting to follow her and demonstrate the full extent of his powers. But this Edgecombe, despite being a suspicious bitch, had done nothing overtly deserving of such a display. But his thoughts were interrupted by Cho.

"So, what did you want to talk about? If this is about those badges, I promise neither I nor Marietta wore them."

"Well, that's good to know, but that's not what I'm worried about. It's about Luna Lovegood, though I know several of her fellow Claws like to call her 'Loony.'"

"Wait, you know Lo-Luna?"

"I do, and she's one of the few students who told me, before the badges, that she believed I didn't put my name in the Goblet of Fire. She keeps quiet about it, especially from the Prefects, but I know she's being bullied. My message, Cho, that I want you to pass on to the rest of Ravenclaw is this: back off. I'm not asking them to be besties with her, but I want the bullying to stop."

"Is it... is it really that bad? I know people call her Loony because she's... different, but as far as I know, that's-"

"Cho, a few nights before the First Task, I found her wandering the halls of Hogwarts late at night, without any socks, shoes, or something to keep her warm. Her housemates locked her out of the Tower and told her to go sleep in the 'loony bin.' I found her while she was searching for it."

Cho went wide-eyed before he continued. "She didn't want to bring it to the Prefects, or Flitwick because she didn't want to get her House in trouble. Well, I'm not going to let the bullying continue if I can help it. Let the Claws know if they don't back off, it won't be an angry Flitwick storming the Tower, it'll be an angry Potter. And I promise you, Flitwick would have a muchsunnier disposition."

Cho's face went pale, likely as she imagined an angry dragon assaulting the Tower, but she quickly nodded her head. "Got it. I'll make sure the rest of the Tower knows, even if I have to tell everyone personally."

"Thank you, Cho. And see if you can get some of the stuff that's been stolen back to her, especially her shoes."

"Her shoes? Is that why she... right. Get people to back off, and try getting her stuff back."

"Thank you again, Cho." Harry turned to leave, letting her head back to Ravenclaw Tower, but she called after him.

"Harry?" He paused and turned back to Cho. "You're a good friend. A little terrifying, but still good. Luna's a lucky girl."

Harry smiled back at Cho, before walking away. He had a class to prepare for, after all.

"That was a fascinating lesson, don't you think Harry?"

Hermione was in a good mood, but then she always was after a good lesson. In Ancient Runes, they'd been finalizing their lessons before the end of term. At the moment, they were refining the process of creating wards using runes, and it had indeed been an interesting lesson. With Goliath's lessons, he was already tied with Hermione for the top spot in the class. Professor Babbling had even remarked her disappointment he was exempt from their final exam because she wanted to see how well he would do.

For now, they were on their way to the Gryffindor Common Room, to drop off their school bags. Afterwards, they made their way down to the Great Hall for dinner, with Harry continuing the conversation.

"Absolutely. I wonder, though, if can add other wards to the box. Defensive wards, that would repel an intruder, if they try to open it."

"Harry, we have to be careful with our projects. We don't want to go overboard with them, or Professor Babbling might dock points."

"She's not Professor Snape, besides, you're her best student, she'd never dock points from you."

Hermione blushed at the compliment but became sombre after.

"Harry, can I ask you something?"

Harry paused in the hall, uncertain of what to expect.

"Of course, Hermione. You can ask me anything."

"It's about the house elves. Or, it's about a house-elf." When Harry said nothing, she continued. "It's about the house-elf Winky. The one we saw at the World Cup, that Crouch freed?"

"What about her?"

"I've just been wondering, what happened to her? I know you said house elves can get magic from other sources, so I was just wondering what happened to her afterwards?"

Harry sighed deeply before he answered her.

"She's here, in the Hogwarts kitchens, but... it's not good Hermione."

"What is it? What's happened to her?"

"She's here at Hogwarts, but she's not properly bonded to it, so she isn't getting the full magical payment needed to stay healthy. Even worse, she's begun drinking butterbeer, which is very bad for house elves. But that isn't what's killing her. She's depressed, Hermione, over being released by Crouch. Her family had been bonded to the Crouch family for generations, and whatever your thoughts on Barty himself, by all accounts he was a good master to her. Being set free by him, it hurts."

"Can't she bond with another family, or another witch or wizard?"

"She can, but most families wouldn't bond with an elf that's been freed by their master. But more than that, I don't think she wants to. I... I tried getting her to bond with Sirius after the First Task. I asked Dobby to take her to him, so she could Bond, and hopefully get better. But I think I just made it worse. The Blacks are an old magical family, just like the Crouchs. Asking her to bond with a Black, I think it just reminded her of what she's lost."

Hermione looked shocked at what she was told. Her desire to save house elves stemmed from the treatment of Winky she witnessed after the World Cup. To imagine her suffering so deeply afterwards, it horrified her, but it got her thinking. Her mind processed the information before she looked back at Harry.

"What about me?"

"What do you mean?"

"What about me? Would she form a bond with me, since I'm not from an old magical family?"

"That... might actually work. It would be a fresh start for her, and it's better than nothing. Dobby!" The house-elf appeared next to Harry.

"Great Harry Potter calls for Dobby?"

"Dobby, meet us in the kitchens. We're going to see if Winky will form a bond with Hermione."

Dobby's face lit up at that. "Dobby will do, for Great Harry Potter and his Hermy!"

When he popped away, Hermione snorted at the nickname. "'Great Harry Potter and his Hermy?'"

"Let him have it. Come on, it'll be hectic, but I'll show you the entrance to the kitchens."

With that out of the way, Harry led her down to the portrait of a bowl of fruit. At Harry's prompting, Hermione tickled the pear, and the portrait opened up into the kitchens. Just as before, there were dozens of house elves, at least, working busily in the kitchens. But at the sight of two students stopping by, some of them immediately came up to them, happily offering them a seat at the tables, as dinner was ready to serve.

When they politely declined and informed them they were here to see Winky, they were happy to point out Dobby, who was waving them over. As they walked over, after hearing some elves wishing them luck in forming the bond, Hermione whispered to Harry, "They really are happy with this."

"Every house-elf bonded to Hogwarts lives under the same... contract, I guess, that Helga Hufflepuff formed at the founding of Hogwarts. And she would have killedthe Malfoys for their treatment of Dobby. Slowly, andpainfully."

Dobby had been standing next to a pile of towels. When Harry and Hermione reached him, he snapped his fingers and the towels vanished, revealing the sleeping form Winky. She was snoring, surprisingly loudly, and hiccupping in her sleep. She'd been drinking recently.

“Winky be waking up now,” Dobby said gently. “You be having a new Mistress today.”

“Winky a bad girl. Winky –hic-don’t deserve newMistress!”

“Of course you do, Winky,” Hermione said as she knelt beside her. "You don't deserve to suffer."

“Bushy-hair –hic– be Winky’s new -hic- Mistress? Winky don’t be needing –hic– bushy-hair as Mistress. Winky –hic- remembers how bushy-hair-hic- angry with Older Master Crouch-hic- for treating Winky! Winky -hic- did bad job for-hic- Master Crouch! Winky-hic- deserves-hic- this!"

“Winky, no one deserves to suffer like this. You're suffering because you need a Master or Mistress. But I can help you, Winky. Be my house-elf, so I can help you."

Winky had been lying down as they spoke, but now she sat up. Her eyes widened as she stared at Hermione. “Bushy-hair –hic– mean it? Bushy-hair not –hic- joking?” She looked at Dobby as she finished the sentence, as though disbelieving the situation.

“Great Harry Potter’s Hermy is Hermy, not Bushy-hair! Great Harry Potter's Hermy be Winky’s new Mistress!” Dobby said it with such enthusiasm, you would think he was declaring his discovery of the Philosopher's Stone. It brought a smile to Harry's face when he realized that this seemingly minor change, had improved Dobby's life immensely.

At Dobby's declaration, Winky stood up as straight as she could, and looked at Hermione. “Then Winky be wanting Hermy as Mistress.”

Hermione smiled, then gently took Winky’s hand. The two of them formed a bond, there in the kitchens with dozens of house elves watching.

"Winky, your first order, is to go with Dobby and get better. No more drinking, and no more punishing yourself either. When you are healthy again, you can come and serve me. Okay?"

"Wink happily be accepting new Mistress Hermy’s orders." It was faint, but Harry swore he could see Winky already improving. She had stopped hiccuping, and she even seemed to look healthier.

"Dobby will return soon, Great Harry Potter. Dobby be back with Winky, soon as Winky ready, sir."

"Take all the time you need, Dobby." With that, the two elves disappeared with a pop. As Harry led Hermione out of the kitchens, he could swear the house elves were grinning at them, grateful for helping Winky. Or they were just happy to be rid of her. It was tough to say, given they kept her around mostly out of pity.

"That was a good thing you did for her, Hermione." Harry placed an arm around her shoulder as they left.

"I know. Oh dear, I wonder how I'm going to explain this to my parents. They're definitely going to want answers."

"Tell them the truth. Strange as they may find it, you may have saved her life."

She smiled, and leaned into him, letting him pull her closer. They didn't see it, as they left the kitchens, but the house elves were smiling even more as they left.

"Harry, Neville, those are fantastic!"

Today was the day. Thursday, December 10th, in their first class, Transfiguration. This was the day Professor McGonagall announced the Yule Ball after their lesson transfiguring guineafowl into guinea pigs. Not exactly the most creative idea, but it at least worked.

This time, he, Neville, and Hermione were seated next to each other, with Hermione on his right, and Neville on his left. Hermione's transfiguration had been flawless, as always. Out of the entire class, only Harry's was done on a comparable level. It had taken some coaching on their part, but Neville's had turned out pretty well, at least when compared to some of the other examples of work in the class. It at leastlookedlike a guinea pig, if a slightly sickly one.

Looking around the class, Harry caught sight of Ron's pathetic attempt. It was about the same size as a guinea pig, but it had feathers instead of fur, and it still had a beak. Frankly, it looked repulsive.

Turning back to his own guinea pig, Harry grinned as he got an idea.

"Thanks, Hermoine. But I wonder if I can get it to sing?"

"Harry, no. This is transfiguration, not Charms. Besides, Professor McGonagall won't like fooling around in class."

"It's not fooling around, Hermione. It's... expanding the limits of one's abilities."

"Is that so, Mr.Potter? Then, by all means, let's see you,expand your limits." Without either Harry or Hermione noticing, McGonagall had appeared next to them. Hermione blushed at the sudden appearance of the teacher, while Harry decided to test his luck.

"Really, Professor? You're giving me permission to charm a guinea pig tosing?"

McGonagall kept a straight face but raised her eyebrow. "I am giving you a chance to test yourself. Whether you succeed or fail is on you."

Taking that in stride, Harry turned to his guinea pig. Everyone else in the class had been graded and was watching the interaction closely. McGonagall was known for her stern, no-nonsense attitude. The fact she was allowing a student to do something as frivolous as charming a singing rodent got everyone's attention. Everyone was either curious to see what Harry would do with this rare privilege, or hoping he'd embarrass himself in front of the teacher.

Grinning like a loon again, Harry decided to take the chance and run with it. With a wordless incantation and a quick tap on the cage, the guinea pig immediately stood on its hind legs and started to dance, as it sang.

"Do a little dance, make a little love. Get down tonight. Get down tonight."

The class burst out into laughter. The students familiar with disco, like Hermione and Dean Thomas, laughed especially hard as they recognized the song. The rest of the class simply found the silly lyrics, and the sight of a dancing guinea pig, to be funny.

McGonagall, for her part, remained as stoic as ever, though Harry swore he could see her mouth twitchever so slightly into a grin. As the class finally calmed down, she spoke again.

"Excellent Transfiguration, Mr.Potter. I trust you put the same effort into Charms, given your display."

With that, she simply walked to the front of the class, before speaking again.

“Now then, before class is finished, I have an announcement. The Yule Ball is approaching, a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our guests. The ball will only be open to fourth years and above, although you may invite a younger student if you wish...”

Lavender giggled, even as Parvati nudged her hard in the ribs. No doubt she was imagining who would be asking her to the Ball.

“Dress robes are mandatory, and the ball will start at eight o’clock on Christmas Day, in the Great Hall, finishing at midnight. Now, the Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to... let our hair down.”

Lavender giggled even harder, pressing her hand against her mouth to quiet herself. Harry couldn't blame her. Even after attending the Yule Ball in the original timeline, Professor McGonagall looked as though she had never let her hair down, in any sense.

“But that does NOT mean we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if any Hogwarts students, especially my Lions, act like a bumbling, bambling, band of baboons.” As she finished her speech, the bell chose to ring at that exact moment.

“Keep your guinea pigs, or your half-attempts, on your desks. I’ll take care of them. Mr.Potter! A word, if you will.”

Harry had yet to make a move toward the door. He knew exactly what she wished to talk about. Hermione was still standing beside him, while Neville had begun to make for the door. He paused when he heard Harry being called for, and looked back to see what was happening.

“Go on ahead, I’ll catch up.”

They both visibly hesitated, while Hermione looked like she wanted to say something. At the last moment, she decided against it, and she and Neville followed the rest of the class out the door.

“Yes, Professor?"

"As you may, or may not know, champions of the Triwizard Tournament, and their partners, are expected to open up the Yule Ball.”

"Partners? You mean our dates?"

"Yes, but they will be yourdance partnersduring the opening dance of the Ball. Now, Mr.Potter, do you know how to dance?"

Harry was about to answer when his voice caught in his throat. How long had it been since he'd danced? The Yule Ball was decades behind him, and he was never a fan of those fancy balls hosted by the Ministry. Especially not when other Lords used it as a chance for further politicking.

"Erm... I know how to dance, but I'm a little out of practice."

McGonagall huffed at that. "Very well then. For the next two Saturdays, you'll be receiving dance lessons from me, in the evenings, to ensure you're dancing is acceptable. You might be the Champion for your family, but you represent Gryffindor just as much, and I'll not have you making a fool of yourself. You are welcome, and encouraged, to bring your date, otherwise, you will be practising with me. Understood?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Very good, you're excused. Oh, and Mr.Potter? 30 points to Gryffindor, for you and Miss Granger. You two performed the only perfect transfiguration. Though, save the singing for Flitwick's class."

With a grin, Harry nodded and left the class. He was surprised, but happy, to find Neville and Hermione waiting for him outside. Once he closed the door, Hermione stepped up to him, worry written across her features.

"What did Professor McGonagall want?"

"She told me that the Champions are expected to open the Yule Ball first, along with their... dates?”

“Well, that's to be expected, of course. The Yule Ball is a tradition, like she said, and the Champions and their dates are all announced to the rest of the guests at the Ball in a grand showing, to start off the Ball.”

"Right. Well, mainly she was interested in whether or not I could dance."

“And what did you tell her?"

“I told her I was... a little rusty."

“Oh. That's... a surprise. From what you’ve told me about the Dursleys, they don’t seem like the type of people who would teach you how to dance. Or even taking you to social events where you might have danced with anybody.”

"They didn't. I learned in my last year of school before Hogwarts, for a school event. Haven't danced since, so she's going to be giving me lessons for the next two Saturdays, to make sure I don't embarrass myself, or Gryffindor."

“Oh, really?! Can you invite anybody?”

“I’m... supposed to invite my date."

"So you’re only expected to bring your date." Hermione looked, and sounded, rather disappointed at that.

Harry cleared his throat. Now came the moment of truth. "Hermione? Will you go to the Yule Ball with me… as my date?"

Hermione looked stunned, as she stared up into Harry's eyes. None of them moved or even breathed. It was as though time had stopped. Then, a great big grin spread across her face, and she jumped up, crying out"Yes, yes, YES!"

As she finished, she wrapped her arms around Harry and pulled him into the strongest Hermy-hug he'd ever experienced. It was a lesson on what Remus must have felt when he hugged him in the Leaky Cauldron. Neville, meanwhile, watched this with a small grin on his face.

"The twins are going to love this."

Hermione broke the hug to look at Neville. "What do you mean?"

"They've been taking bets on whether you two would be going to the Ball together."

"Wait, when did they learn about the Ball? McGonagall just announced it."

"Since their shopping list included dress robes. They're only required when a formal event like a Ball is being held."

"How long have they taken bets?"

"Since the Tournament was announced. Apparently, the pool is up to 100 galleons, especially since the First Task."

Harry then got an idea. If people were betting on them, why not give them a show to decide the winner?

"Hermione, what do you say to us giving the school, a bit of a performance?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, since people are betting on us, why don't we publicly announce each other as dates?"

"You want to ask me to the Ball again, but in the Great Hall during a meal?"

"Only if you're OK with it."

Hermione looked thoughtful but nodded her head. "Alright then. We'll do our little... performance, at dinner tonight. Neville, do you mind keeping quiet until then?"

Neville simply nodded, and the trio were startled by the door to McGonagall's class opening behind them.

"I trust you three have a reason to be loitering outside my class?"

Hermione blushed, but Neville quickly stammered out a response. "I was just asking Harry and Hermione if they could help with my Transfiguration, ma'am."

McGonagall simply looked at Neville, before she nodded. "Very well, though perhaps save such a conversation for somewhere other than an empty hall." She walked past them but paused to look back. "Mr.Potter, Miss Granger? 30 points to Gryffindor. Your work in class was exemplary." And then she walked away.

"She gave us points after telling me about the lessons."

"You don't think she heard us, and gave you points for asking me to the Ball, do you???"

"Well, on the plus side, I think you can trust McGonagall to keep quiet about this."

"Professor McGonagall. Honestly Neville..."

"Here we are, Hermione. Ready for the show?"

Harry and Hermione stood outside the Great Hall. It was time for dinner, and most of the school had assembled by now. A few stragglers may be elsewhere, or coming down later for dinner, but otherwise, the school was in full attendance.

The plan the two of them had devised was so simple, even Ron could figure it out. Hermione would go into the Great Hall first. Harry would wait a minute before going in after her. He would go up to her, and loudly ask if she would go to the Ball with him.

"I'm still nervous, but I'm ready to go."

"If you don't want to, you don't have-"

"No, it's alright. I'm... just a little jittery. But Gryffindors charge ahead." After taking a breath, she walked into the Great Hall, while Harry waited outside.

Why do you really want to make this public?

Because I don't trust Dumbledore to keep his meddling nose out of this. After everything that's happened, everything we've learned, I'm shocked he didn't resort to using potions on us the first time around.

He couldn't risk the potions getting discovered too early, or them affecting you negatively and leading to your early demise.

Too early for his liking, you mean.

Exactly. Still, I suppose if you make this public, people would notice if you two suddenly broke it off.

Well, enough of that. It's showtime!

Stepping into the Hall, Harry noticed that several eyes were on him. Several Gryffindors were watching him, along with a number of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Even a few Slytherin students were watching him. Harry then realized the international students were present and were among those watching him. Even the staff were watching him, including the bearded blighter.

Let's see how you like this, you miserable bastard!

Putting on his most confident face, he strode to the Gryffindor table, right next to Hermione. He noticed she was blushing, and struggling not to smile too broadly. She didn't want to give the game away. It didn't help that Harry dropped to one knee beside her, and wandlessly produced a bouquet of periwinkle blue flowers. Her favourite colour.

"Hermione Granger, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

The Hall went silent, as every pair of eyes turned to the Gryffindor table. Hermione must have felt them because she was blushing more than ever. But she had the biggest smile he'd ever seen on her, in this or any timeline.

"Yes, Harry. I'd love to go to the Yule Ball with you."

Harry did a not-so-discreet fist-pump, as he handed her the bouquet, and sat down next to her. As he did this, the Hall became filled with applause. It was hardly the most impressive round of applause, but the Gryffindors were enthusiastic in their clapping, while the others were polite. Harry noticed, with some satisfaction, that even Krum seemed to be clapping.

Well, hopefully, that means he won't be a problem.

If he does become a problem, there's more than one way to deal with him.

Harry was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of two irreverent pranksters.

"Attention, everyone! We'd like to announce the winner of the 'Who Harry will ask to the Ball' pool." One twin spoke.

The second twin followed up, holding a small notebook in his hands. "The winner of the pool is Gryffindor's own, Ginevra Weasly, for betting on Harry asking Hermione."

Harry swore he could hear a discreet'Yes!' but thought nothing of it.

"We'll award Gin-Gin her galleons tomorrow at breakfast once we figure out how much she won."

While the twins were announcing the winner of one bet, the High Table was discussing another pool. Pomona Sprout turned to Septima Vector, seemingly quite pleased with herself.

"I believe, Septima, that this means Iwin the jackpot."

"Actually, Pomona," Minerva spoke up before Septima could answer. "If you'll recall, you bet that Harry would ask Hermione by the end of the week. I bet he would ask her by the end of the day."

At the far end of the Table came a dry voice. "I didn't know you were the gambling type, Minerva."

"Betting against Pomona isn't gambling. It'sinvesting."

One person was oblivious to all of this discussion around him. In his mind, Albus Dumbledore kept saying the same thing, over, and over, and over again.

'Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!!!!'


The Yule Ball is getting closer, and we've got a Harmony date ready to go!
Looks like Whiskers isn't too happy about that. Oopsie.
Sorry about the Dr.Dolittle reference. I just couldn't help myself!

Chapter 23: Schemes, Slander and Salvation

Chapter Text

"Attention everyone!"

"As I'm sure you all know-"

"Last night, the winner of the"

"'Who Harry will ask to the Ball' pool-"

"Was none other than Gryffindor's own-"

"Ginevra Weasley!"

The Gryffindor table broke out into applause as the twins carried out their task of awarding the prize money to the winner of the betting pool.

"Our dear sweet Gin-Gin-"

"Has won a grand total of-"

"193 Galleons!"

The twins handed her a sack of Galleons, after which Ginny promptly did a fist-pump, and sat back down. Most of the students in attendance were amused by her eagerness. It was an open secret that Ginny had feelings for Harry Potter, but she was also friends with Hermione. To most, it seemed she was simply happy for her two friends.

Of course, not everyone was happy with this.

No one was less pleased with this than Albus Dumbledore, sitting on his golden throne as he watched the proceedings. Despite his appearance of faint amusem*nt, inside he was raging at this turn of events.

From the moment the Yule Ball became a certainty, he had planned the various ways he would push Harry towards asking Ginny Weasley to the Ball. The first and most obvious benefit was it would set Harry down the path of impregnating the Weasley's only daughter, well before Harry claimed his Lordship. With Harry inevitably dead, as the greater good required, Ginny would become the mother to the next Heir to the Potter legacy, including their unimaginable fortune.

Of course, she would be far too young for such a responsibility, as her mother and browbeaten father would agree. After all, the poor girl would have just lost the father of her child and the love of her life. She would not only be too young for the burdens of Regency, but she would not be in a sound state of mind. This would leave the Regency to Molly, and with her in control of the Potter's obscene wealth, she would split it with him, giving him more than enough resources to secure his legacy of greatness for all time.

The second, and less obvious benefit to Harry asking Ginny, was it would open the chance for Ron to re-enter his circle of friends and, hopefully, become Harry'sonlyfriend going forward. This, of course, would be helped along by some potions and compulsions. To anyone but Ron, it was obvious the boy was too stubborn, and too stupid, to ever admit he was wrong, and it was likely he was still convinced Harry had entered his name in the Goblet of Fire, despite all evidence to the contrary, but he blamed Molly for that.

Still, the idiot had his uses, for now at least. The first use was in keeping Harry from performing his absolute best. The boy was not only a fool, he was a lazy fool, and his bad habits needed to rub off on Harry. His magical power, knowledge, and skill, needed to be stunted, leaving him easy prey for Voldemort. With Harry dead, and the prophecy fulfilled, someone elsecould defeat the Dark Lord. Someone more fitting of the glory and praise befitting the deed.

The second use the boy had, was despite his idiocy, he had proven to be a useful spy in the past. He had kept Dumbledore up-to-speed on Harry's thoughts and ideas, giving him an unobstructed view into the boy's mind. This view into Potter would prove especially useful now that...monsterwas free of its bindings. Now, there was no telling just what the Brat Who Lived is capable of unless he got it back under control.

But now, all that was out the window. Ron had been cast aside, Harry had been developing friendships with the rest of Gryffindor, and if rumours were to be believed, the rest of the school. This would give him a broader circle of friends, of people he could count on, people who would make him more potent, and push him to be the best. None of them would do so more, than the frustratingly brilliant mudblood sitting next to him.

Granger had been useful to him, at one point. Her slavish devotion to authority meant she would be quick to follow his instruction. But now, he was genuinely wishing she had died when Quirrel brought that troll into the school. She had earned the nickname 'Brightest witch of her age' and this would push Harry to his best. Clearly, it was working, as he was now Hermione's equal, or better, as far as grades went, both in practical and theoretical subjects.

Now he needed to consider his options. Judging by looks of jealousy, from both Hogwarts and International students, splitting them up was still a viable option. However, this would involve setting Harry up with a witch other than Ginny. The fact she was betting on Harry asking Hermione meant she supported their relationship, and people would be suspicious if he suddenly became enamoured with her.

But that didn't leave many options. Susan Bones was too close to her aunt, and the last thing he wanted Harry to have was deeper ties to the DMLE. Daphne Greengrass was a Slytherin, but more than that, her family was part of the neutral, or grey, faction. In fact, Cyrus Greengrass led the neutrals, and this would draw Harry away from Dumbledore. Lavender and Parvati were too close to Hermione, and that really only left the international students. That, sadly, was too risky. If Maxime or Karkaroff got wind of one of their students being potioned, I mean,pushedtowards a Hogwarts student, he'd have an international incident on his hands, even if said student was the Boy Who Lived.

But then again... maybe he should just let this play out. For now, at least. The Second Task would come after the Yule Ball. What would Harrysorely miss more than Granger, especially after a lovely night? With that, he might just eliminate two birds with one stone, so to speak. Without the mudblood pushing him forward, he'd sink into a rut, leaving him vulnerable to his influence. Ginny would be pushed to comfort him, and things would be back on track. Harry might even be willing to die to be reunited with Granger, depending on how far their relationship went.

'Yes... that could work out quite nicely. Enjoy yourself, for now, Boy-Who-Cannot-Die. Because come the New Year, Iwill have the last laugh.'

With Saturday came the weekend, two days of freedom, with one exception. Tonight, he and Hermione would be meeting Professor McGonagall in the evenings to practice their dance skills. Even in the original timeline, Harry had never been that much of a dancer, preferring to avoid the Ministry Balls and the politicking that came along with it.

But this was the Yule Ball of the Triwizard Tournament. Last time, he had been Parvati Patil's date and an unenthusiastic one at that. It wasn't just that he was so unused to social events like the Ball. It was because that was the night he realized he loved Hermione Granger. When she walked down those stairs, she looked more beautiful than he had ever imagined possible. Seeing her at the Ball, as the date of Viktor Krum, it had left a pit in his stomach, as he thought that she would never care for him, the way he did for her.

Potions weren't to blame for that. It was his own cowardice, and obliviousness, that the blame fell upon. But this time, he had asked her to the Ball the very day McGonagall announced it, and she had eagerly said yes. If nothing else, Parvati would hopefully get a better date than him, and have a better night from the start.

Sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast, he felt much more confident about the Ball. With the added bonus of McGonagall's dance lessons, this looked to be a very good start to the weekend.

Until, he saw theDaily Prophetheadline, and he seriously considered letting Goliath loose again.

The day started simply enough. Hermione was sitting next to him, along with Anna and Brian. The two first years would be heading home for the holidays next Saturday, the day after term ends. They were both excited to tell their parents about everything they'd learned, and all the friends they'd made. It was heartwarming to see them so energetic about their education. It was a reminder that, for now at least, Harry truly was back in simpler times.

Then came the owl post, and with it, came the Daily Prophet. As he took his copy, he automatically looked at the headlining article and froze in shock.



By Rita Skeeter

December has arrived, dear readers, and with it comes the Christmas season, and the Yule Ball. For those unfamiliar with the Triwizard Tournament, the Yule Ball is a traditional event, for the participating schools to set aside their competitive spirit, and embrace the spirit of cooperation and unity, the very thing the Tournament seeks to promote. During the Ball, the Champions, and their dates, would open the Ball with the first dance.

This year, the Tournament would have not three, but four champions to open the ball, and one of them, of course, is none other than Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, or to those who witnessed his devastating victory over a dozen Death Eaters, the Boy-Who-Cannot-Die. But it would seem he is now the Boy-Who-Loved.

That's right dear readers, Britain's most eligible bachelor is now taken, by the muggleborn witch known as Harmony Granger.

Two days ago, the Yule Ball was announced to students, and many witches and wizards began to consider who they would ask, and who they hoped would ask. No doubt many a witch was hopeful to be asked by the Fourth Champion. But, it would seem he had other plans. The very same night, in the Great Hall at dinner, Harry confidently walked up to Miss Granger, dropped to one knee, bouquet of flowers in hand, and asked her to the Ball. To the shock, joy, and disappointment of onlookers, she said yes.

There was no hesitation when she agreed to be his date. This begs the question, was this a show put on for the students? Did Potter ask his friend to the Ball earlier in the day in private? Or was she afraid if she didn’t accept immediately, he might ask someone else?

Or is something else at play here?

Statements given by students claim the two have been inseparable since their first year, when, according to rumours, Harry Potter saved the girl from a troll that attacked her. While not everyone could verify those rumours, what is known is since Halloween night of 1991, she has never been far from him. Is this the natural development of their relationship, or something more sinister?

"Granger's been following him like a lost puppy, but he's never looked twice at her before. Understandable, she is rather plain looking, even if you ignore the buck teeth. Now, I'm not saying she's been potioning him, but she is at the top of her class. If anyone could pull it off, it'd be her."

The above quote is attributed to a student in Harry and Harmony's year but wishes to remain anonymous.

Now, as my readers are certainly aware, Love Potions are banned at Hogwarts, and this reporter hopes they will take these allegations seriously. If not, then your favourite journalist will be there to find out the answers.

Holding the paper in his hands, Harry began to shake with rage. A murderous fury rose in him like nothing since his return to the past. He could hear Goliath roaring in rage, demanding they find Rita and make hersufferfor this. As Goliath devised a means to discover how loud Rita could scream before her lungs popped, Harry looked to Hermione, to see how she was faring.

A look of shock and horror spread across her face. It was no surprise, she was being accused of potioning him into asking her to the Ball. It did little to help that Harry could hear people whispering around the Hall. As he reviewed his options, he suddenly got an idea. Grabbing some parchment from his bag, he began writing letters, before calling for Hedwig.

As the students began fawning over her, boosting her ego even more, he gave her three letters to be delivered as soon as possible. A letter for Sirius, a letter for Rita, and a letter for Keeper Ragnok. Assuming everything went as planned, he'd have Rita under his thumb by Monday. But now he needed one final thing. Something that would silence the chattering fishwives he was forced to call students.

Looking to the High Table, he noticed that Madam Pomfrey wasn't seated there, but Snape was. Loathe as he was to deal with the greasy dungeon bat, he would suffice.

Turning to Hermione, he whispered to her, "I trust you, but this will shut everyone up."

He stood from his table and walked up to Snape, who looked at him with suspicious eyes. Leaning in close, he whispered to Snape, who whispered right back. The entire Hall watched curiously, wondering what exactly would happen next. They were surprised to see Professor Snape nod his head, before standing up. As he did so, Harry turned to the Great Hall and spoke with a voice, powered by an iron will.

"As you've all read by now, Rita has accused my friend Hermione, of something truly disgusting. She has accused her of using potions to influence me into asking her to the Ball. I know I am under no such influence, but because some of you seem to believe the venomous lies spewed by that woman, and I hesitate to call her that, I've asked Professor Snape to run a diagnostic on me for potion influences."

As Harry finished his speech, the dry voice of Snape could be heard.

"Amusing as it is to imagine you a love-sick fool, I can find no potions in your system, though I doubt they would make a difference." Harry turned to look at Snape, who was holding a piece of parchment in his hands and was looking it over. "It would seem you've developed an immunity to potions, Potter. Or at least your resistance is strong enough, the difference between it and immunity is practically irrelevant."

Handing over the parchment, Snape sat back down and resumed eating his breakfast, while Harry returned to his seat. As he did so, he got a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek from Hermione.

"You didn't have to do that, Harry."

"I know. But I wanted to. I know what it's like to be the subject of rumours."

Before she could answer, Ginny spoke up.

"Well, I'm glad I don't have to give up my winnings because of that woman's slander."

"It is not slander, and I am shocked you would call it that." The students around Harry looked stunned by what he just said until he continued. "Slander is spoken. When it's in print, it's called libel. Ain't that right Brian?"

"Right!" The enthusiastic first year got the rest of the table chuckling, as Hermione shook her head whispering 'Oh, Merlin.'

That would have been the end of it, until the next day.

Everyone was seated at their tables again, waiting for the owl post. Harry in particular was waiting for Hedwig. She hadn't returned last night, and he was wondering whether he would have to wait another day. He knew Rita would continue to be a problem unless he got her back in line.

At the fluttering of wings, he noticed an unusually large amount of owls flying in, but he could identify Hedwig with ease. She was faster than any other owl, and landed gracefully before him, allowing him to retrieve three of the four letters she carried. Once he had them, and had devoured some bacon as payment, she flew over to the Headmaster and dropped it in front of him before flying away.

As Harry looked over his mail, quite satisfied by what he had received, especially from Ragnok, he was surprised by the sudden influx of letters being dumped in front of Hermione.

Over two dozen owls had delivered a letter to her, so many she barely had time to process them all. As Harry, Anna and Brian tried helping her, Ginny spoke up.

"Clear the table! Errol's on his way!"

Looking up, Harry could indeed see the flying feather duster known as Errol. It was always a shock to see him, mainly because it was always a surprise he had even managed the delivery. Harry could still remember his first morning in the Burrow when Errol had flown into a closed window when delivering the post. Later that same year, he crashed into a bowl of crisps when delivering a Howler from Molly.

Everyone at the Gryffindor table, aside from Ron, who was too busy stuffing his face, heard Ginny and those closest to a Weasley began to move dishes around, giving Errol a nice, clear landing zone to crash into. It didn't work, as he somehow managed to hit a jug of orange juice on the way down, and crash-landed... right in front of Hermione, scattering her mail.

In his beak, was a red Howler. Taking it gingerly from the half-dead owl, he took off as she briefly considered leaving the Hall. But she took a deep breath and opened it. The unmistakable voice of Howler Molly resonated through the Hall: HERMIONE GRANGER, YOU SCARLET-

Anything further was cut off, as the Howler was incinerated by a blast of fire from Harry. More specifically, a blast of fire from hismouth. Before anyone could question him about this, Ginny asked Harry a question.

"Harry, do you still have that parchment from Snape?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because I'm going to send my mum a letter telling her how stupid she is to believe Rita."

Now everyone was looking at Ginny in shock before the twins spoke up.

"Is our dear sweet Gin-Gin"

"Planning to send a Howler of her own?"

"If I can get away with it."

The twins nodded, impressed that their sister was defending her friends, better than Ron was, as they looked at him with disgust. The entire event had passed without him even bothering to look up from his plate. As the twins glared at their idiot brother, Hermione whispered to Harry, "Maybe I should set these aside, in case any of them have surprises."

"Don't worry. I'll have Dobby check to make sure they're safe. And once Winky's better, she can intercept any other Howlers sent your way."

"I must admit Harry, I didn't think you'd write to me so quickly."

Right now, Harry was in the Three Broomsticks, seated at a table across from a woman he very much would like to strangle: Rita Skeeter. His letters had been sent in order to get this meeting set up as quickly as possible. The letter to Sirius had been asking him to pull him out of school for the day, allowing him a chance to meet with Skeeter. The letter to the bitch across from him was an offer for an interview.

And the letter to Ragnok? Well, she was about to find out what it was.

"What can I say, I have a weakness for scandal-mongers."

"Oh Harry, such cruel words. And I was hoping we could be friends."

"Do you tell all your friends not to stomp on water beetles? Specifically, water beetleswith round markings around their eyes."

Skeeter went pale.

"Yes, Rita, I know all about your Animagus. I also know you never registered."

"So-so what? If you're trying to threaten me, I can always go and register. Then what will you do?"

"Oh, Rita, don't be an idiot. The past casts a long shadow. You've worked for the Daily Prophet for years now. In that time, you've illegally gathered intel on several people, including powerful individuals, and dragged their names through the mud. Even worse, you've done your spying by trespassing on private property and eavesdropping. Who knows? You might even have done so to take family secrets. Perhaps even the secrets of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

"That last crime alone is enough to get you Kissed. Even if it wasn't, you've got a long enough list of enemies they'll demand a life sentence in maximum security. I wonder what they would learn if they dosed you with Veritaserum? Even if you were a pureblood, the DOM would happily lend a Truth Stone for the trial, just to make sure you haven't been snooping around there. If that's not enough, remember that my godfather, Sirius Black, the only man to escape from Azkaban, is engaged to the Head of the DMLE. It wouldn't be difficult to get you dragged before the Wizengamot."

As Harry spoke, he noticed Rita was slowly moving her hands closer to her bag.

"Don't even think of trying to obliviate me, Rita. I'm a lot faster on the draw, and I doubt you're good enough to do it in apublicsetting."

At the words 'public setting,' Rita stiffened, realizing that she had walked into a trap. With that in mind, she could only do one thing, short of grovelling: bargain.

"Wh-What do you want?"

Harry grinned as he pulled out the contract. "Sign this, and your problems go away."

Skeeter gingerly took it from him, and read it over. She went wide-eyed and hissed at Harry.

"This practically puts me into your employ!"

"You already work for me. The Potters have the largest interest in the Daily Prophet and with the Blacks, that becomes a controlling interest. Right now, you have a lot of freedom to write whatever you want, and there's not much I could do, at least legally.

"The contract just states you will not write anything negative or fabricated about me, my family, or my friends. In addition, you will protect all of my secrets, and I will review all the articles you write regarding me before they're published. Furthermore, you take my requests to write articles on people when I ask you to and publish them in the Prophet, and anywhere else I want."

Rita looked at him, wide-eyed, before she spoke again.

"What's in it for me?"

Harry leaned back as he looked at her, dead in the eyes.

"I protect your secrets, and not turn you into the Aurors. In short, Rita, you get to live."

She didn't say a word after that and chose to sign the contract. Harry likewise signed it, and the contract glowed, the terms sealed by magic.

"Very good Rita. Now, for your next article, you're going to write an apology for making such an insinuation about my friend, Hermione. Not Harmony, Hermione. You can include whatever else you want, but it will include the apology, and it better be good. Afterwards, I might have some information about the Second Task that hasn't become public knowledge yet."

As Harry stood to leave, he paused, before turning back to Rita.

"Oh, and Rita. One more thing." He leaned in close, his voice dangerously quiet. "If you ever publish such libel about Hermione again, not only will I drag you before the Wizengamot, in acage," He reached out and took both her hands in his. His hands partially transformed, growing scales and claws that dug, ever so slightly into Rita's flesh, leaving her wiggling uncomfortably, "but I will tear off these soft, pretty hands, and nail them to the front door of the Prophet."

With that little threat, Harry walked out of the pub, leaving a thoroughly terrified Rita Skeeter sitting at her table, questioning every life choice she's made up until now.

"You sure that this will work, Harry?"

It was Sunday, the 20th of December, and Harry and Sirius were in St. Mungo's. More specifically, they were in a private room set aside thanks to Sirius' cousin, Andromeda Tonks. The Healer had been quite happy to help Harry with his latest project and was hopeful it would work.

But Harry and Sirius were not alone in the room. In front of them were two patients who had been here since 1981. They had been tortured to insanity by Death Eaters and had seen no noticeable improvement, or even change. The only time they ceased screaming was in the presence of their son. Right now, Harry was finishing writing runes on the sleeping couple's forehead, using a special ink made of his own blood, and tears from Hedwig.

"I know it will, Sirius. Just be patient."

"I'm sorry, pup. I'm just... anxious I guess."

"Have no fear. By the end of the day, your friends will be restored, and Neville will get his family back."

Frank and Alice Longbottom lay on the beds in St.Mungo's, after having been given a Dreamless-Sleep Potion. The first step of the process required the pair to be unconscious, preferably not stunned. Without their dreams, the pair would have a peaceful sleep, and Harry could work through their minds without the interference caused by dreams.

"Ladies first, I suppose."

Standing behind Alice, Harry placed both hands on the side of her head and whispered the invocation.

"Quod fractum est, corrigatur. Quod confractum est, reddatur. Haec mens sit iterum sana."

The runes on her head glowed, and a luminescent white orb formed around her head. Slowly lifting both hands, Harry lifted the orb above her head, and was both stunned and horrified, by what he held.

The orb greatly resembled a plasma globe, with a single round mass in the center, connected to dozens, possibly even hundreds of glowing beams that reached the edge. But most of the beams, instead of the white that was expected, were an ugly dark red. In some places, the beams had been broken altogether, shattering her mind further.

"I take it you weren't expecting that, pup?"

"I'm... not sure what I expected. A healthy mind would be white in colouration, but these beams, the ones that aren't shattered at least, are a dark red."

Reaching into the orb, he gingerly took one of the beams in hand, and suddenly he gained access to her memories. This particular memory was of Alice meeting Lily in Hogwarts, during their first year at school. It was wonderful, but it felt... off. As he examined the memories, he gained an understanding of what had happened to drive them insane.

"Well, now I understand. This might take a while, but it'll work."

Holding the beam, he whispered the incantation and felt the magic take effect, purging the taint from her mind.

"Did that work?"

"It's a step. The mind has several defence mechanisms in place to ensure that it remains, relatively intact, during particularly stressful or painful times. When the Cruciatus Curse was used on them, the mind sought refuge in the various memories of their lives. It's a way to disconnect themselves from the agonizing pain. But if the curse is held long enough, it begins to taint those memories, corrupting them so that they bring further pain to the victim."

"And if enough memories are damaged in this way, their entire life becomes tainted by the curse."

"Exactly. It's why they calm down when Neville is around them. They still feel a connection to him as his parents, but because they never saw him grow up, they don't associate him with the pain."

"Sort of like how I kept sane remembering I was innocent because it wasn't a good memory?"

"That's right. Now, let me focus. This is gonna be delicate."

It took two and a half hours of painstaking work, but slowly, Alice's memories were healed of the corruption spread by the torture. It was slow going, not helped by the moments when the beams were broken altogether. In those instances, the taint had become so concentrated that it began spreading throughout the rest of the mind. In order to try and save itself, the mind would simply snap the connection, severing the memories altogether, but leaving gaps in their memory.

This required a great deal of focus to purge the taint, and at times, he worried the taint would remain. But eventually, the red taint was purged from her mind completely, leaving a pristine white orb in Harry's hands. Slowly lowering it back onto her, it disappeared as it fully enveloped her head, and she let out a quiet sigh.

"Did it work?"

"I think so. Once I finish with Frank, we'll wake them up."

The process again took two and a half hours, but it functioned in much the same way. Frank's memories were tainted by the influence of Cruciatus, and the taint needed to be purged completely for it to work. But by the end, he lowered the orb back into place, and the mind was ready. Before Harry could say anything else, they heard the rush of feet, as someone came running towards the door. It swung open suddenly, and there stood the recognizable figure of Augusta Longbottom.

"Sirius Black, what do you think you're doing!?!?" The woman might be old, but she clearly had powerful lungs, as even Sirius was stepping back from her.

"Calm down Augusta, I'm not-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!! Explain to me why I received a notice that my son and his wife had been placed in a special room at YOUR arrangement!!! Why wasn't I notified about this earlier, and WHAT have you been DOING to them!?"

"Sirius hasn't been doing anything to them." The old woman jumped at the second voice and turned to see Harry standing next to her sleeping son and daughter-in-law. "It's me you should be yelling at."

The sight of Harry seemed to calm her a bit, and she composed herself before speaking, "Heir Potter, would you care to explain what you've been doing here?"

Harry smiled, and walked up to her, drawing his wand, and turning back to Frank and Alice. "I'm getting Neville's parents back."

Before she could say anything, he flicked his wand, and the potion was removed from them. As she took a breath to speak, Frank and Alice began to stir. They groaned as they slowly sat up, Frank rubbing his eyes as though he had awoken from a lengthy sleep. He blinked a few times, before settling on the recognized form of his mother.

"Mum? Sirius? And... James?" What's going on? Where are we?"

"F-Frank? Are you... are you alright?"

"I'm fine mum, I'm just... confused. The last thing I remember is fighting that bitch Bella, and then... it's all fuzzy after that."

"A great deal has happened since then, Lord and Lady Longbottom. But for now... welcome back."

Harry spoke with calm confidence, before leading Sirius out, letting Augusta be reunited with her son and daughter-in-law.

"So pup, where to next on our journey of miracles and discovery?"

"Heh. How about the Leaky Cauldron? I'm starving."

Neville sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. The topic of discussion for today? Harry Potter, as nobody had seen him since yesterday. All that was known was he was again pulled from the school by his godfather Sirius, but unlike last time he hadn't returned to the castle. That got people curious. Even if it was technically the holidays, nobody expected him to be gone from the castle for any serious length of time.

As the discussion veered into more outrageous rumours, concerning the possibility of him investigating a serial killer stalking the streets of London, the doors to the Great Hall opened. Everyone, including the staff, turned to see who was arriving. First, in strode Harry, as calm and confident as ever. Right behind him came Sirius Black. But instead of heading toward the Gryffindor table, they took up positions next to the doors. They didn't move or speak until they were confident they had everyone's attention, including Neville's.

"Neville, I know it's early, but Merry Christmas."

And with that, he and Sirius opened the doors of the Great Hall fully, and everyone froze in shock.

There, in the entrance to the Hall, stood Frank and Alice Longbottom, and they walked calmly through the doors into the Hall. The teachers recovered their wits first, casting every kind of revealing and identification spell they could, while one young man slowly stood from the bench. He advanced slowly towards them, a mixture of sheer disbelief, and hope on his face.

"Mum? Dad?"

"Son, it's us."

"Sweetie, you look so handsome."

Neville froze in place, as the words made their way through his mind. A split second later, he ran at full sprint into his parent's waiting arms, pulling him into a group hug. Neville burst into tears, tears of joy at his parents' return, and tears of misery as he remembered the last decade of their lives.

And now, here they were, holding him tight, his father rubbing his back, while his mother kissed his head, promising him it would be OK.

Simply nodding his head, Harry walked past the reunited family and mentally took note of the teacher's reactions. Hagrid had tears in his eyes and was trying his best to dab at them with a napkin. McGonagall was on the verge of tears but had the biggest smile anyone had ever seen on her face. Flitwick was likewise smiling, as was nearly every other teacher.

Only Snape, 'Moody,' and Dumbledore had looks other than joy on their faces. Snape looked shocked at the reunion, while 'Moody' had a look of total disbelief on his face. Only Dumbledore surpassed them, with his mouth hanging open for a few brief seconds before he recovered himself.

But that all faded from his mind as he sat next to Hermione, and she pulled him into her biggest Hermy-hug yet.

"How did you do this?"

Rather than answer, he simply handed her a scroll. A healing spell like this, there was no harm in sharing it with others. But rather than look through it, she simply smiled at him again.

"You're the most wonderful man who ever lived, Harry." She kissed him on the cheek again, as his face blushed beet red.

"I'm not sure if I am, Hermione. But I promise, I'll never stop trying to be."

Chapter 24: One Remains


Heads up, this is a brief chapter, wrapping up loose ends, and getting ready for the Yule Ball.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"You wanted to see me, Headmaster?"

Harry walked into the Headmaster's office with Minerva right behind him. It was the day after Neville's reunion with his parents, and Harry had been expecting this. He knew it was only a matter of time before Albus decided to try and question him, hoping to gain some insight into justhowHarry had managed the magical feats he had performed.

"Yes, Harry. Please, take a seat. Thank you, Minerva. You're excused."

"As Head of Gryffindor House, my responsibilities include chaperoning meetings involving my Lions and the staff," Minerva spoke politely, but her tone spoke volumes, informing Albus she would not leave under any circ*mstances. Frankly, it was impressive after so many years of her absence.

The old man looked thoughtful at this and seemed like he wanted to argue. But he simply nodded and motioned for her to take a seat next to Harry.

"That was a noble thing you did for Mr.Longbottom, Harry. Not to mention rather impressive."

"Thank you, sir."

"Might I ask, how exactly did you manage such a thing? Frank and Alice have been in the care of St.Mungo's for a decade, yet you manage to heal them in a day. If I didn't see the results myself, I might imagine someone making the claim was a liar or a drunk."

"I can imagine, sir. It's a little too complicated for a meeting like this, but the simplest explanation is I removed the taint caused by the Cruciatus curse from their memories."

"I wasn't aware that was the solution. Or that it was even possible."

"I won't bore you with the details, but I devised my method through the study of a non-magical understanding of the human brain. The magical world is far behind in such things, even with the aid of magic."

"How did you determine the Cruciatus curse was affecting their memories?"

"The mind seeks refuge from the horrors of reality in pleasant memories. Cruciatus is capable of tainting those memories if it's held long enough."

Albus simply nodded along with Harry. "You've been rather busy lately."

"I had a busy summer."

"Albus, did you summon Mr.Potter for an actual reason, or simply to prod his brain?"

"I did indeed Minerva. I wanted to check in on Harry's progress with the Golden Egg. I was concerned this latest project might be distracting him from the Tournament."

"Oh, I figured that out after a week."

McGonagall and Dumbledore both looked at him with a start. Neither of them had expected him to make such progress so quickly. Albus in particular, though it was very brief, had twitching eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, a week did you say? And how did you manage that?"

"A bit of dumb luck to be honest. I kept the thing with me at all times, on the off chance I might get a clue during the day. One morning, I took it with me into the washroom, and I knocked it into the sink while it was partially filled with water. It started to glow, and I figured water was the solution. Went to the lake with Hermione, and held my breath while I held it underwater.

"Right now I'm just trying to figure out what will be put at the bottom of the lake, and how to get to it within an hour. Bit of a challenge, but that's part of the fun, I suppose."

After recovering from the shock of Harry's admission of figuring out the clue, Albus continued to nod along.

"If I might make a suggestion, Harry. You may find the answer with your fellow students."

"I'll do that. Thank you for the advice, Headmaster. I must admit, it is a relief to know Bagman isn't in complete control of this Tournament."

"Oh? Not a fan of him, I take it?"

"No, it's not that. It's just that if even half the stories I've heard are true, he'd probably be insisting you put people down there, instead of objects."

At the mention of putting people in the lake, Albus visibly hesitated. It wasn't much, but it was enough for Minerva to notice.

"Albus, tell me Bagman isn't planning on puttingpeople at the bottom of the lake."

"He's been... rather insistent on that point."

The room became so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Harry looked at McGonagall and swore he could see the anger building to a boiling point. He was hopeful for some entertainment, but she simply spoke, without looking at him, in a curt manner.

"Mr.Potter, you're excused. Albus and I need to discuss something important."

Taking the opportunity, Harry left the Headmaster's Office, though as he closed the door, he could hear McGonagall raising her voice, but couldn't make out the words. Evidently, she wasn't very happy with the bearded lighter. In fact, she sounded rather peeved.

Why did you tell them that?

What, me figuring out the clue?

Yes, that. Speaking of, why did you jump in the Lake with the Egg?

Considering the extent of Dumbledore's meddling, we need to be certain of what changes, and what stays the same. A dip in the lake was a small price to pay for certainty.

Fair enough. Do you plan to tell the other Champions?

Maybe. If one of them doesn't tell me during the Yule Ball, I'll tell Cedric the next day. I can say Hermione had an idea during the Ball, and that it turned out to work. Last time around, Junior passed off that information to Cedric, knowing he would tell me. This time, it's doubtful he'd offer the same assistance.

Let's hope this turns out in our favour, then. We still need to finish the Tournament.

Sitting in his office, Albus wondered just who he had angered in a previous life to make the universe hate him like this.

For the last hour and a half, he'd been forced to endure the lecture of a stern McGonagall. He called it a lecture, but it was more akin to an angry rant, at Bagman's stupidity, at the Ministry in general for its incompetence, and at him for going along with all of it. Much as he hated to, he'd had to sit there and endure it, promising that he would continue to oppose Bagman on that point.

He didn't like being told what to do, especially by someone who was working for him. But he was already working out ways for Bagman's plans to go forward, without implicating himself in them.

How else was he to get the Potter brat back under his control?

But that wasn't even the worst of it. The day before, after the 'heartwarming' reunion of Neville and his healed parents, he'd had to endure more of Howler Molly's screeching. Apparently, she wasn't too happy to receive a Howler from her own daughter, especially when Arthur was in earshot. He wasn't happy with Molly for sending out the Howler in the first place, telling her she had 'overreacted' especially considering the article was written by Skeeter of all people.

But that wasn't the only thing she was angry about. Ginny had included in that Howler, a diagnostic report on Harry's resistance to potions. She had shown Albus the parchment, and even he had been shocked by the contents. They all but verified that Harry had developed an extraordinarily strong resistance to potions. In fact, as Severus had said, it was so strong the difference between it and immunity was basically meaningless.Harry was immune to potions, and that put all their plans in jeopardy.

Molly wasn't happy about that. She wanted Albus to fix this, and she wanted him to do it NOW.

It had taken the better part of an hour to calm her enough that he could speak to her. Even then, the most he could do was promise to look into a means of getting past that infernal immunity.

The things he did for the Greater Good.

Are you sure this is the only way?

After dealing with the meddling fool, Harry briefly visited his dorm room, grabbing all the necessary ritual supplies. This time, he wasn't the one preparing the ritual, and it wasn't to his benefit.

The only way, no. But it is the best way.

The best way?

There are a few ways to truly cure lycanthropy, but none of them are pleasant. The easiest is effectively similar to the creation of a Horcrux...

And there isn't a chance in hell Remus would agree to make one.

Which is why this is the best option.

The original ritual that Harry undertook, the one that gave him access to Goliath and his power, was modified to fit a different situation. Now, the ritual wasn't about connecting to an animagus but taming the wolf within.

Are there any risks?

There are always risks. In this case, the ritual requires him to submit the wolf to his will. That requires a strong enough will to tame the beast. It will be difficult, but even if he fails, he will simply have to try the ritual again.

Well, we don't have to worry about that. If this is the best way to free himself from his curse, Remus won't back down.

"Hey Neville, welcome back!"

Right now Harry was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, with Hermione and Ginny. Neville hadn't been seen since his parents returned. By now it was Christmas Eve, and some people had begun speculating that he might not be back until the new term begins. Augusta had taken him out of school so he could spend time with his parents, after years of visiting them in St.Mungo's.

While Hermione had happily greeted him, Neville didn't say anything. Not until he strode over to them, and wrapped Harry in the biggest bear hug he'd ever felt, repeatedly saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"OK, Nev... love you too... now... can you... put me down?"

As the Common Room was chuckling, Neville let Harry go and sat down with the trio.

"We were wondering if you'd be back in time for the Ball. How was being with your parents?"

"It was wonderful Hermione. They don't remember life at St.Mungo's, but that just meant they wanted to hear everything again. Even better-" Neville pulled out a wand, that only Harry recognized. "Cherry, with a unicorn hair core. Gran finally let me get a wand of my own, now that my dad needs his again."

"Wait, you've been using your dad's wand from the beginning? Why didn't it work for you, if you're his son?"

"According to Ollivander, Ash wands only work for their original master. Plus, the core was a dragon heartstring, so it was never going to work well for me. At least, that's what he said."

"Well, now that you have a wand that recognizes you as its master, maybe you'll see an improvement." As always, Hermione was focused on the academic side of things, but she was clearly happy that Neville would be able to cast spells with greater efficiency. Harry still remembered Neville after he got his wand in the original timeline. With Frank's wand, he had been timid. But with his own wand, and his true skills no longer hindered, he had the heart of a warrior, one that would make Godric proud.

"You should know Neville, Ginny was getting worried. We were starting to think you'd skip the Ball to spend the day with your parents." Harry was lightly teasing him, but he could see the blush on Neville's face.

"I... was considering it. But, they wanted to see me enjoying myself at the Ball. Even better, Sirius got them invitations to the Ball, so I'll still be able to see them."

"Which means, dear Neville-"

"Your parents will see you dancing-"

"With our dear sweet Gin-Gin."

"Don't worry though-"

"We won't embarrass you."

The twins had appeared out of nowhere, and finished up their twin speak with cheeky grins on their faces. Before Neville could respond, Ginny spoke up.

"You two better not. This is set to be the best Christmas ever, I won't let you two ruin it for a laugh."

"Best Christmas ever?" Harry was curious at that.

"Neville has his parents back, you two are dating, and I won almost 200 Galleons off of it. Yes, this is a very good Christmas."

With Harry and Hermione blushing, the conversation continued until it was curfew. Tomorrow was Christmas, and everyone wanted to wake up early for the happiest day of the year.

Heading up to his dorm room, Harry was pleasantly surprised by the sight on his bed: a small parcel, wrapped in parchment.

Picking it up, he read the note that came with it.

Heir Potter,

I know it's early, but I think you'll want to open this gift alone. There's only one left.

Good luck.

Keeper Ragnok

Opening it, he was pleased and surprised by what lay inside: a single ring. But this wasn't just any ring. It was the Gaunt family ring, with the Resurrection Stone remaining, and the Horcrux removed.

Only the snake remained, and Voldemort never went far without it. Once the ritual was complete, she was dead, and her master would be vulnerable.

Harry climbed into bed, thinking one thing.

Count your days Tomny. Your death isn't just overdue.

It's inevitable.


And there we go!
Next up is the Yule Ball, and I intend for that chapter to be longer than normal, as it'll encompass most of the day, up to the end of the Ball. It might take a bit longer, but it's coming.
Until then, thank you everyone for reading, and I hope to see you in the Comments.

Chapter 25: The Yule Ball


At long last, the Yule Ball has arrived!
Grab some popcorn and strap yourselves in, this is gonna be good.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Christmas Day had arrived, and Harry awoke to find a pile of presents at the foot of his bed. To be frank, he wasn't entirely sure what to expect from the pile. Ron was out of his life, Neville was the new member of the Golden Trio, and Sirius was recognized as a free and innocent man. Needless to say, there were sure to be surprises in the pile.

Well, no time like the present.





Please tell me you didn't mean to do a pun that bad.

Hey, you were the one getting cheeky during the dancing lessons.

For the past two Saturdays, Harry and Hermione had spent the evenings in the company of Professor McGonagall. To ensure that Harry didn't make a fool of himself on the dance floor, she had been running the two through a dancing lesson. It was good to get the practice in, especially considering both in this and the original timeline, he had about as much experience dancing as Ron had self-restraint.

But the lessons had gone surprisingly well. Hermione was a natural, and her enthusiasm was infectious. She'd been looking forward to this more than he had. During their final lesson, she leaned in close during the waltz and rested her head against his chest. McGonagall was actually smiling, though she tried to hide the fact, while Goliath had decided this would be a good time to practice his singing.

Tales as old as time...

Don't you dare finish that.

Don't pretend the song hasn't been going through your mind during this dance.

I fully expect an evening full of teasing from Sirius. I don't need you getting a head start.

The rest of the lesson passed in peace, without any cheek from Goliath.

As I recall, I stopped when you asked me to.

Yeah, but you were thinking of the song the entire night.

Alright alright. I'll be quiet tonight, so long as you avoid any more terrible puns.

Deal, though I assume no responsibility for any 'Sirius' puns.

Speak of the devil, the first gift Harry picked was from Sirius, a new silver wristwatch. Putting it on, he was pleasantly surprised to find it fitted with a resizing charm, letting it rest quite comfortably on his wrist. Next was an enchanted penknife from Remus, perfect for sneaking around the castle. It even came with a note that during their Marauder days, he and the others had penknives like this, and they'd proven helpful on more than one occasion.

Hermione had gifted him a new pair of seeker gloves, while Neville had provided a deluxe wand care kit. Seated next to it, was a large package from his parents, Frank and Alice. Opening the package, he had tears in his eyes as he held a photo album, filled with pictures from their Hogwarts days. While Frank had never been a Marauder, he was a lifelong friend of James and Sirius, while Alice was practically a magical sister for Lily.

Drying his eyes, he set it aside, promising to thank the Longbottoms for their kindness.

Not much else stood out. There was the yearly jumper from Molly, that he resisted the urge to incinerate, though set it aside to be 'lost.' Perhaps his favourite gifts were from Anna and Brian. Anna had sent him a large box of Christmas cookies, that her mum had helped her make, while Brian had sent a red scarf with gold lions. Both of their parents were grateful to hear about how wonderful their first year at Hogwarts was and wanted to thank their 'big brother' for his kindness.

Smiling at the years haul, he went down into the Common Room, where Hermione was seated on a couch next to the fire, Crookshanks curled up in her lap... and a bell tied around his neck.

"Merry Christmas Hermione."

She turned to look at him, smiling widely at the sight. "Merry Christmas Harry. I love your gift. But where did you get it?" She reached up with her free hand and touched the necklace she was wearing.

The necklace was one of many pieces of unenchanted jewelry in the Potter Vault. To that end, Harry had spent a week endowing it with every manner of protective enchantment he could think of. Occlumency shields, strong enough that even Dumbledore wouldn't be able to pass them. Charms for detecting potions, and for resisting them, in the event Dumbledore or Molly decide to push ahead with their plans. Charms that allow only her to remove it, along with a tracking charm in the event that she lost it (or was kidnapped.) He'd already included a note on how to perform the tracking charm, just to keep her from panicking over feeling it merging with her magical core.

All in all, it was a masterwork, both in enchantment and in craftsmanship.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (10)

"The Potter Vault in Gringotts. There are a few pieces of jewelry in there, and frankly, it looks better on you than in a dusty treasure chest."

She blushed at that, flattered both by the praise and his willingness to give her something so precious. "Thank you, Harry."

"My pleasure, but tell me something. How on earth did you get Crookshanks to wear a bell?"

She chuckled and looked down at the miniature tiger in her lap. "It was a gift from Anna. She loves Crookshanks, and I think he likes her almost as much as he likes me. He's been insufferably pleased with himself, and the noise he can make, since."

The cat in question looked up from Hermione's lap, and Harry swore that the normally grumpy-looking cat was smiling. Before he could do anything, Crookshanks jumped down from her lap, the bell jingling the whole time.

The Common Room was otherwise empty, so Harry sat next to her. For a few brief minutes, he felt at peace. No Dumbledore, no Ron, no Molly, and no Voldemort. It was everything he ever wanted.

Well, except for the jingling cat. Hermione was right. He did look insufferably pleased with himself.

"Incoming attack, right flank!"

Breakfast was a quiet, and simple affair. Most of the younger students were gone, leaving the school to the older students here for the Yule Ball. Thankfully, Ron kept his distance during the meal, far too focused on stuffing his face to do any more than glower at Harry and Hermione sitting together.

Hermione herself was full of energy, excited because it was Christmas Day, and because of the Yule Ball. Most of the girls shared in her sentiment, and while they were chatting with Hermione, officially welcoming her into the sisterhood of girly girls, Harry chatted with Neville. The usually timid boy was full of life and loved his gift, a copy of Lunar Gardens: A Treatise on the Lunar Cycle and Herbology.

After breakfast had come the Snow Wars.

What began as a simple snowball fight, evolved into a four-way war, with the Champions leading an army of their own, constructing snow forts with magic in the likeness of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang.

Harry had rallied Gryffindor behind him, holding a small pocket of territory on the northern part of the grounds, while building the biggest of the forts. Cedric had united the Hufflepuffs as they held a broad stretch of territory further south. To the east, Fleur Delacour held total control, directing the Beauxbatons students with precision, preferring quick maneuvers in response to their opponents. Finally, to the west, Victor Krum commanded the Durmstrang students.

The Ravenclaws divided their loyalties between Fleur, Cedric and Harry, while the Slytherin students preferred to stand by Durmstrang. This left Krum in command of the larger force, in direct contrast to Fleur, who only had a handful of Claws reinforcing her side.

To that end, the three smaller sides decided to call a truce and direct their forces against Durmstrang, launching multi-pronged attacks that pushed Krum to the limits. But he proved himself a capable leader, holding firm against the onslaught, and even managing to launch a counter-attack against Harry.

But none of them counted on the brilliance of the twins, Fred and George. Those two may have shared a brain, but this meant they knew what the other was thinking, and they had remarkably quick reflexes. Reinforcing their position with a snow bulwark, they led the forces of Krum into a firing line, and neither the Durmstrang nor the Slytherin students anticipated the coming ambush.

The Massacre of the Flying Field forced a rout back to New Durmstrang, spreading chaos among the defenders as they attempted to reorganize. Seizing the initiative, Harry led the final push, driving Krum from the field, and seizing the fort, and a handful of surrendering Slytherins joined his side.

However, this did not end the war. Those students leading the defence against the other two forces decided to switch sides, while Fleur and Cedric decided to maintain the alliance against the new threat of Harry.

Now Harry was in a dire situation, as he had led most of his forces to New Durmstrang, leaving Gryffindor Castle vulnerable to attacks from Northen Beauxbatons, reinforced by allies from Hufflepuff Keep.

With only a dozen defenders, Hermione, who had been left in command, faced a dilemma. She needed to buy time for Harry to return, but their enemies were advancing quickly and were ready to storm the Castle. She was in a conundrum, until Neville rallied the remaining defenders, and she got a bold idea.

The forces of Beauxbatons and Hufflepuff were surprised when Neville launched a counter-attack, with only six students following him into battle. But the surprise attack worked, with Neville excelling in shock combat, forcing the allied forces to dig in, when Harry led reinforcements back to the Castle, driving back the alliance.

Recognizing her situation, Fleur decided to retreat from Beauxbatons to Hufflepuff Keep, combining their forces for a final stand against the armies of Imperial Gryffindor.

With total victory on the horizon, Harry recognized that he only had one recourse if they were to end this war before it dragged on any longer than it needed to. (i.e. it was almost lunch, and he wanted to end this before they had to quit the field) Gathering his forces, he advanced on Hufflepuff Keep, reinforced by the combined efforts of Beauxbatons and Hufflepuff.

Establishing forward operating bases, the Gryffindor forces launched probing attacks, testing the Keep for weaknesses. They held firm, as neither Cedric nor Fleur was willing to go down without a fight.

Forced to dig in, Gryffindor surrounded the Keep, keeping the defenders occupied as they looked for opportunities. It wasn't until after the third assault, launched from the Greenhouses, that they were finally able to break through the walls and invade the Keep.

With Neville in command of the surrounding forces, Harry led the push into the Keep, forcing Cedric and Fleur to surrender and secure victory in the name of Gryffindor Castle.

Just in time too, as lunch began and the Snow Wars had managed to work up an appetite in everybody.

Cold, wet, and laughing so hard their sides were aching, the students filed back into the Great Hall, filling up their cold bellies with warm food.

At the end of lunch, the girls began disappearing in groups at various times, Hermione among them as Lavender and Parvati roped her and Ginny into getting ready with them.

While Hermione underwent the torture regiment known as Yule Ball preparation, Harry mostly relaxed in the Common Room, reading the letters he received from Brian and Anna, while Neville read his gift, regularly saying "amazing" out loud. Eventually, the appointed time came, and the boys began preparing for the Ball.

Taking a hot shower, Harry felt refreshed in ways he didn't think possible and applied some Sleekeazy to try and tame the mess he called his hair. It mostly worked, and he donned his dress robes. Like before they were green, and went quite well with his eyes, but this time they were brand new, and well-made, tailored perfectly for his impressive physique. Add a touch of cologne, and he was ready to join the others in the Common Room... until he looked in the mirror and saw one final thing.

His glasses. He hadn't needed them since coming back, replacing the lenses with cheap fakes that did nothing to help or hinder his eyesight. He had kept them to help keep up appearances, to maintain the illusion he was still the same Harry the others knew. But now, after displaying his unfathomable might, why bother?

Ditching the glasses, he went down to the Common Room, finding Neville, Dean, and Seamus ready and waiting, but no Ron.

"Where's Ron?"

Neville turned to him to answer. "With his brothers. They're working on charming the robes so they look better. Turns out, his date is Padma, and they want him to make a good impression."

"Padma? Seriously? How did he get her to go with him? She's sweet as a marshmallow, and Ron's been a royal arse since Halloween."

"I'm going with Parvati, and she wanted her sister to have a date, and I figured a night of fun might get Ron out of his funk. You two still on the outs?" Dean answered Harry's question.

"Does he still think I put my name in the Goblet of Fire?"

"Well... he hasn't said it out loud."

"But he hasn't said, 'I was wrong, Harry isn't a liar or a cheat' has he?"

"No... he hasn't. He just glares and sulks if anyone brings it up."

"Then we'll stay on the outs until he grows up and admits he was wrong. Until then, I hope his brothers at least keep him from making a complete ass of himself."

Before any of them could respond, the boys heard one of the girls yelling into the Common Room. "Boys! Head to the Entrance Hall! We'll meet you at the stairs!"

Shrugging their shoulders, the boys filed out of the Common Room, heading down to the Entrance Hall where a large crowd had already formed. Gathering at the foot of the stairs, they had fun joking about the other students and their dates.

"Oh Merlin, look at Malfoy. He looks like a vicar."

"And Pansy looks like she's attending a funeral."

"She looks like that's what she'd rather attend."

"Steel yourselves boys. Here comes Fleur."

"Who's that walking up to... no! Roger Davies? She said yes to him!?"

"He's gonna embarrass Ravenclaw tonight. I can already see the drool forming."

Chuckling at the apparent misfortune set to befall Davies, they were interrupted in their talks by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Turning their heads, they saw the remainder of Gryffindor, including Ron, coming down the stairs. The git didn't even bother looking at him and went off to find Padma.

Ignoring the bastard, he turned his attention back to the stairs, looking for Hermione, but couldn't find her. In fact, she wasn't the only girl missing. Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson were missing, but Fred and George, their dates, were here.

"Is everything OK up there?"

Rather than respond, the twins simply smiled at Harry and stood next to him. A moment later, their dates came down, minus Hermione. But halfway down, Angelina and Alicia stopped and cleared their throats.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!"

With everyone watching them, they raised their hands and called out.

"Miss Hermione Granger!"

And then she appeared.

Coming down the stairs was Hermione, and Harry felt his breath hitch in his lungs, as his jaw hit the floor. She walked slowly, and deliberately, as though floating on air. Her periwinkle-blue dress added to the effect, moving ever so slightly, as though it was floating around her. It was cut in a manner to show off her curves, without revealing too much. The necklace he gave her hung around her neck, beautifully complimenting the dress. She was wearing make-up, and it was done in a manner that seemed to radiate grace and beauty, with her hair sleek and shiny, done in an elegant knot at the back of her head to complete the ensemble.

She looked magnificent. She lookedperfect. She looked... beyond human description.

As Harry gaped at his date moving down the stairs, Alicia and Angelina led their twin dates over to Ginny and Neville, watching with shock on Neville's face, and a broad smile on Ginny's.

"Think we overdid it?" Angelina was worried.

"Are you kidding? Not even Fleur can compete with that! Those two are going to be the stars of the Ball tonight." Ginny was showing none of Angelina's concerns.

"Still, I think we might have broken the brain of the Boy Who Lived."

"Give him a minute. He'll come around. But Fred, George, we have something more important to discuss."

"And what would that be"

"Oh, dear sweet Gin-Gin?"


She spoke the name bluntly like she just wanted to get it over with. The twins, normally cheeky devils, became serious at the mention of that name.

"Is he already doing something?"

"We told him not to ruin this night for them."

"I know you two, I know. He hasn't done anything, yet. But I'm still worried he might do something stupid. Just look at him!"

Turning their heads, they found Ron standing next to Padma Patil. He was staring at Hermione, gaping like Harry, but that was replaced by an ugly look of jealousy. Padam felt the mood shift, and it was clear she wanted to be anywhere but there.

"Great. He's set to ruin Padma's night."

"Are we sure he's not adopted?"

"Maybe we're adopted. Can't see how we're related to him."

"Focus you two! Look, let's just keep an eye on him. If he looks ready to do something, to Padma or Harry and Hermione, whoever's closest will move to intercept. Deal?"

The twins readily agreed, with their dates and Neville following suit. Ron's behaviour had made him the pariah of Gryffindor, and none of them were willing to let him ruin this day for any of their friends.

"Harry? Are you OK?"

"Hermione... you look... incredible."

She smiled, blushing at his attention.

"So do you. Are you wearing contacts?"

"Yep. Got them for tonight."

Before she could respond, they heard the familiar voice of Professor McGonagall.

“Attention students! Everyone who isn’t a Champion or their date should now go into the Great Hall! The Champions must be introduced before the Yule Ball can begin!”

With that, the rest of the students filed into the Great Hall. Soon, only the Champions and their dates were left. Cedric Diggory was standing next to a gorgeous Cho Chang. Viktor Krum was with a student Harry thought he recognized as a Ravenclaw. Fleur Delacour was with Roger Davies but was promptly ignoring the drooling idiot, as she stared at Hermione. When he found the Beauxbatons Champion looking envious, Harry couldn't help but smirk.

"Line up with your dates, Champions! Miss Delacour, you shall go first, then Mister Krum. Mister Diggory, you and Miss Chang are third. Finally, we'll have..." she looked with a start at Harry and Hermione. She clearly wasn't expecting this. "Harry? Hermione?"

"The one and only, Professor," Harry smirked as he answered her.

"I like your outfit, Professor McGonagall." Hermione complimented the red tartan dress robes of her Head of House.

Smiling, Minerva replied, "Thank you, Miss Granger. You look beautiful tonight. Now, you two shall be the last to enter. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

Nodding at Harry's response, she cleared her throat and walked over to the doors. They had been closed after all the other students had entered. With a wave of her wand, she opened the doors. Instrumental music began in the room, and McGonagall motioned to Fleur and Roger Davies. The pair walked into the Great Hall as Dumbledore announced them. A minute later, Krum and his date walked in.

After Cedric and Cho were announced, McGonagall turned to her two favourite Lions. "I'll follow after you two, but I'll be walking around the students, so don't worry about me walking past. Understood?"

They nodded their heads, and she smiled. "Good. Now, in you go."

“Hogwarts Champion, Harry James Potter, and his date, Hermione Jean Granger!" Dumbledore's voice carried to the end of the Hall as they entered. Applause erupted around the Great Hall, along with cheers, murmurs, and whispers, and frankly, Harry neither blamed them nor cared enough to. Hermione looked like an angel from heaven, while he had developed to the point he truly had the physique of an Olympian God. As people reacted to their appearances, Harry and Hermione took in the sights of the decorated Hall.

The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The House tables had vanished, replaced by a hundred smaller, lantern-lit tables, each seating about a dozen people. Harry noticed that Ginny, Neville, Fred, George, and their dates were seated together, while Ron and Padma were seated further away, with some other Ravenclaws and... Luna of all people.

Harry and Hermione made their way toward the end of the Hall, where a large table was seated, along with the judges and other Champions and their dates. Professor McGonagall, who true to her word went around the audience, was standing near three vacant chairs, where Harry and Hermione were supposed to be seated. Ignoring Dumbledore’s stares, they sat down, with Professor McGonagall on one side, and Sirius Black on the other, with Amelia Bones seated next to him as his date. Sirius was smiling broadly at them, while Amelia was blinking her eyes, as though disbelieving these two Gods among mortals were the students she had lunch with before the First Task.

Madame Maxime, in a flowing gown of lavender silk, greeted them politely, before turning to speak to Fleur Delacour in French. With the way Fleur was looking at Hermione, it was apparent she was still envious of how the younger witch looked. And she was obviously somewhat peeved that Hermione looked much more beautiful than her. Hagrid sat on Madame Maxime's other side, dressed in fine dress robes, his beard and hair looking nice and trim. He was smiling broadly at them, happy that his two favourite students were together.

Also seated at the table, was Frank and Alice Longbottom. They sat further from Harry and Hermione, but they smiled at Harry as he walked by. But Hermione realized that Barty Crouch was not at the table. Instead, Percy Weasley was speaking to the Longbottoms.

Looking down at the table, there was no food yet on the silver plates, but small menus. As Harry and Hermione looked through them. Sirius told them to simply speak clearly what they wanted.

Case in point, he spoke clearly, "Prime rib and roasted potatoes!"

And a hearty plate of Prime rib, with roast potatoes and green beans appeared before him. Smiling Harry ordered the same thing, with an addition of butterbeer. Hermione ordered Boeuf Bourguignon, a French beef stew, as well as butterbeer.

As they began to eat, Hermione started the conversation. "The Hall looks gorgeous. The elves outdid themselves, assuming they decorated the Hall?"

"They did indeed, Miss Granger. I didn't realize you were so supportive of our smallest, yet most vital staff members. I was under the impression you were trying to see them freed." Dumbledore replied, maintaining the illusion of a benevolent grandfather figure.

Karkaroff snorted at that, but before he could say anything, he realized he was receiving Death Glares from Harry, Sirius, Minerva, both Longbottoms and the one person he feared more than Voldemort: Amelia. The Durmstrang Headmaster then turned back to Krum, attempting a conversation, despite Krum looking annoyed with the man.

"I was working on false information, Headmaster. The library doesn’t seem to have the proper books about house elves. The authors write a great deal about the benefits to magical society, but so little about the benefits to the elves themselves. It's no wonder I thought of it as slavery, rather than symbiosis."

Dumbledore blinked at that but soon had a small smile. "And yet, you seem to have found the solution already: speak to the house-elves. So simple and obvious, yet no one had thought of it before."

"Indeed, Headmaster. How has no one thought to write a book after interviewing house elves? I know plenty of families have at least one, so why hasn’t anyone interviewed their house elf and written a book consisting of the information they received? First-hand knowledge is readily available."

"Sadly, eet is not so obvious, Miss Granger." Madame Maxime spoke calmly. "Too many British witches and wizards treat zem like slaves. I imagine ze Hogwarts house-elves are well treated, but others?" She shook her head solemnly.

"Actually, Madame Maxime, some of the books I read were from France, written by one Gerald Duplessis." At the mention of that name, Maxime went red and turned her attention to Hagrid. Evidently, he wasn't someone she wanted to talk about.

"But Hermione, if everything you read was wrong, how did you learn about house-elves? From the Hogwarts elves?" Cho had been watching the conversation with great interest.

"Actually, I have Harry to thank for that."

With the attention being diverted towards him, he realized he now had to explain his connection to Dobby. He was hoping to avoid telling Dumbledore that, but he doesn't work for the man, so he has little prior knowledge of him if any at all.

"It's thanks to my friend Dobby that I know this."

"Dobby!? One of the Malfoy house elves!? How on earth did you get him to talk to you???" Amelia Bones was shocked at the mention of that name. Evidently, she knew he was a Malfoy house-elf, but didn't know he had been freed.

"At the end of my second year, I tricked Malfoy into giving Dobby a sock. He was free of Malfoy, and I didn't learn this until later, but that act of kindness formed a bond with him. It wasn't until later that I learned about the Bond, and how it affects house-elves."

"Why didn't he tell you sooner?" Now Cedric was curious, wondering how this brief story played out.

"Because I still thought of the relationship like Hermione said, a slave and a master, as opposed to a symbiotic pair. Because of that, I was happy seeing him 'free' and Dobby was willing to do anything to keep the twelve-year-old who saved him from a cruel master happy." Harry allowed himself a small smile before Hermione raised her drink.

"A toast to good elves like Dobby."

"To good elves!" The whole table joined in the toast, though Karkaroff was looking unenthusiastic about it. Deciding to rub it in, Harry raised his glass again.

"And to jerks like Malfoy getting what's coming to them."

Sirius laughed at that, before raising his glass again. "I'll drink to that pup!"

When dinner was finished, Dumbledore stood and asked the students to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, all the tables moved back along the walls, leaving the floor clear. Realising what was happening, the Champions stepped out into the middle of the Hall. Hermione was smiling the whole time, excited not only to begin dancing but to show Professor McGonagall they listened to her during practice.

McGonagall allowed a small chuckle as Harry and Hermione moved into their proper spots. Once they were ready, the Weird Sisters, who had taken positions on a raised platform while the Champions moved into position, started playing their own version of a traditional waltz. Harry took Hermione’s hands and they began to dance.

The lessons paid off. Cedric and Cho were performing well, moving with a practiced grace that only came from familiarity. Victor Krum and his date, while not as bad as they could have been, were not as good as Cedric and Cho. The movements were a little stiff, though it was difficult to tell whether it was Krum, or his date, that was the cause of this. Roger was quite frankly, almost embarrassing himself. It was obvious he was trying to impress Fleur, and was overperforming. At the very least he didn't step on her toes, but when he lifted her into the air, he was staring at her low neckline a little too much.

But none of them held a candle to Harry and Hermione. Thanks to McGonagall and her lessons, they were dancing as if they had done this for years. They kept to the right steps, and when Harry lifted Hermione, the crowd applauded them. The eyes of the entire crowd seemed glued to them as they danced. Even the boys were watching Hermione instead of Fleur, though, in fairness, more than a few girls were ogling Harry while they danced.

When the opening dance ended, the rest of the students joined them on the dance floor. This time, the music was slower, more for gentle swaying in circles. Hermione rested her head against his chest again, while Harry noticed Sirius looking at him, a broad smile on his face.

Eventually, Harry and Hermione decided to take a quick break, when they noticed a gathering of their friends. Moving over to them, they found Parvai sitting with her sister, comforting her as she tried not to cry. Ginny, likewise, was comforting her, but like the twins, she looked pissed off at someone. Concerned, Hermione pulled Harry over to see them.

"Padma, what's wrong?"

Before she could answer, Ginny responded. "My idiot brother, Ron, is what's wrong. Not even an hour into the dancing, and he already made an ass of himself."

"He-he kept muttering about how he was 'stuck with me,' and it was Harry's fault hehadto take me to the Ball." Padma was fighting back tears, while Parvati looked ready to strangle someone.

"Where is he now?" Harry asked the question quietly, with an air of danger in his tone.

Parvati pointed to the doors, but before Harry could leave, Hermione spoke up. "Padma, would you like to dance with Harry?"


"What?" Harry and Padma both asked the question, out of surprise if nothing else.

"If it's Harry's fault you got stuck with Ron, then Harry should fix this with a quick dance." Hermione was smiling up at him, a look in her eyes that said'Please don't fight me on this.' Unwillling to ignore her request, Harry held out his hand to Padma.

"Padma, might I have the honour of a dance?"

The poor girl looked shocked at this, and ready to faint, before Hermione grabbed her hand and placed it in Harry's. Pulling her up, Harry led her onto the dance floor, while Hermione sat with the others.

"Was it really that bad?"

"If I didn't think I'd get detention, I was ready with a bat-bogey hex. She was way worse a few minutes ago."

"Last time I try to do him a favour." Dean muttered under his breath, but when Hermione looked his way, he spoke up. "I set them up for Parvati, so her sister would have a date. I thought if he had some fun tonight, he might get that stick out of his ass."

"Yeah, well I'm ready to rip that stick out of his ass, and beat him to death with it." Parvati had been quiet until now, and her voice was laced with enough venom to kill a dragon.

While the twins plotted how to prank their idiot brother, and the girls tried to lighten the mood, Padma was having the time of her life. She was shorter than Hermione, so Harry by contrast towered over her, but she was soon smiling like the whole incident with Ron hadn't happened. In his mind, however, Harry was furious.

Just like last time, but even sooner.

The fool can't help himself. He thinks Hermione belongs to him, and you asking her is a betrayal in his eyes.

Yeah, well if he tries anything, you're quite welcome to tear them out.

When the dance concluded, Harry led the smiling and giggling Padma back to Hermione and Parvati.

"Thank you, Hermione. And thankyou, Harry. That was wonderful."

"My pleasure, Padma."

"Well don't get comfy, Harry, now the others want a dance." Hermione was smiling as she said that, and Parvati led him back to the dance floor.

This kicked off a chain reaction, as now Harry danced with, in order: Parvati, Ginny, Hermione, Susan, Hermione, Daphne, Hermione, Angeline, Hermione, Alicia, Hermione, Amelia, Hermione, Luna, and Hermione. By the time the clock hit 11 p.m. Harry needed to sit down. Grabbing seats next to Cedric and Cho, Cedric looked at him with sympathetic eyes, while Cho and Hermione were giggling.

"Ready to call it a night, Harry?"

"Don't get cute, Cedric. There's still an hour to go. I just need a quick break."

"Sorry, Harry," Hermione said the words, but none of them seemed sincere. She seemed rather entertained by how flustered Harry was.

Kissing her cheek, he replied, "I know, Hermione. Say, Cho, I noticed that Luna had a date, but I haven't seen him since. What's the story about that?"

"Oh, that. His girlfriend was called home for a family emergency, so he was planning on sitting this Ball out."

"Then why'd he ask her?"

"I may have browbeaten him into asking her so she could have a fun night with the rest of us." There was a mischievous smile on her face as she said this.

"You have something on him, don't you?"

"Well, if I did, it wouldn't be right of me to tell you, would it?"

Before Harry could respond, he heard voices approaching him.

"There he is!"

"The King of the Dance Floor!"

"Wooer of Maiden's Hearts"

"And the Dasher of Lad's Dreams"

"The Boy Who Can Dance."

The twinspeak left the girls in giggles, including Angelina and Alicia.

"Ah, if it isn't Tweedledum and Tweedledee. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The twins looked briefly confused but decided to press on ahead.

"Well, we have a little disagreement"

"That we were hoping you could settle, Harrikins."

"But first things first"

"Which is which?"

"I can never tell. But what's this disagreement you speak of?"

"Well, our good friend Lee Jordan"

"Noticed that McGonagall is sitting alone"

"But none of us have the guts"

"To ask her to dance"

"But then we thought"

"Harry is the truest example of a Gryffindor"

"The Fearless Pride of the House"

"And Lee thinks you wouldn't ask her to dance."

"Is that so?" This was actually amusing to Harry.

"Indeed it is, Harrikins."

"He's so confident he bet against you"

"In a pool that now totals 50 Galleons."

"So I win 50 Galleons if I manage to get a dance with McGonagall?" When they nodded, he looked around the Hall, and true to their word, she was sitting alone, watching the dance. Shrugging his shoulders, he stood up and said "Gryffindors charge ahead."

Approaching McGonagall, he said to her, "Good evening, Professor."

"Evening, Mr.Potter. I trust you're enjoying yourself?"

"Quite so, Professor. Quite so, but I notice you're sitting here all alone. Would you care for a dance?"

McGonagall looked at him with a raised eyebrow, before her lips quirked into a small smirk. She was suddenly reminded of another Gryffindor student with messy black hair who once asked her to dance. He had used similar words, and his friends looked on in anticipation. Noticing the twins watching the events unfolding, she decided to humour Harry, as she once did James.

"Very well, Mr.Potter. But I warn you, step on my toes, and it'll be 20 points and a detention. Understood?"

"Perfectly reasonable, Professor."

McGonagall extended her hand and Harry took it, leading her to the dance floor. Several students and most of the teachers stared at them as they started dancing. None more so than the Weasley twins, who were laughing and high-fiving each other.

When the dance ended, he strode over to them, like a conquering hero. "I believe you owe me 50 Galleons."

"Here you are, Harry."

"You're the truest Gryffindor"

"Since Godric himself." With that, the twins walked away with their dates. Hermione and Cho were giggling like little girls, while Cedric was trying not to.

Sitting with them, they relaxed together, until finally, the final song of the night. A slow, swaying song, for couples to end the night on a soft note. Therefore, it wasn't hard for Harry and Hermione to convince each other, and themselves, to go onto the floor one last time.

Dancing together, he felt his heart racing. The night was nearing its end, and it had been better than he had ever dreamed possible. Hermione was having the time of her life, and Ron had disappeared, so he wasn't able to spoil it with his jealousy. Krum had done nothing to interfere with them, so he wasn't a problem. Ginny and the twins were fully supportive of him, and were actively watching for Ron, should he try something stupid tonight.

This was it. This was the perfect night. But he had one final thing to do, and Gryffindors charged ahead.


"Yes, Harry?" She looked at him with those beautiful brown eyes. He felt his breath hitch, afraid to say it. Afraid of how she might respond. But he knew he had to do it.



"I... I love you."


He placed his right hand on her cheek, leaning in closer as he whispered. "With all my heart."

She leaned up to him, and whispered back, "I love you too."

They leaned in closer, and pressed their lips together, into a loving first kiss.

And with that, the Bond was formed.

To everyone watching, Harry Potter, the Fourth Champion, and his date, Hermione Granger, the shining Stars of the Yule Ball, were sharing a beautiful kiss. It was a heartwarming moment, perfect for ending the night.

But what happened next changed all that.

When their lips met, the wind picked up, as magic swirled through the room in a cyclone of raw power. Nobody had ever seen anything like it, but that was nothing, compared to what came next. The young couple, oblivious to everything going on around them, began to glow, as golden rings formed around them. The rings emerged from their abdomens, and roped around them, before meeting above their heads.

Where the rings met, and fused into one, a golden sphere appeared, as though made from liquid starlight. From one side of the sphere, above Harry, emerged a glorious golden dragon, spreading its wings, as it roared to the heavens. But above Hermione, a magnificent golden phoenix emerged, spreading her wings as the Hall filled with the sound of a Phoenix song.

The entire Hall was spellbound, amazed at the display before them, few of them understanding it, but recognizing it as a thing of purity and beauty.

Everyone except for one jealous redheaded berk at the entrance to the Hall.

Ron had been having a rotten year. Ever since Harry's name came out of the Goblet, and it didn't matter what everyone said, RonknewHarry put his name in the Goblet. Even worse, he entered his name and hid how he did it. He didn't want Ron competing with him for the glory, he wanted the spotlight to himself. So he lied to Ron, and he lied to the staff, convincing them to join in on the lie.

Or maybe he didn't use words. Maybe he used Galleons, flaunting his wealth, using it to get away with this betrayal!

But now, he had done something even worse, he hadstolenHermione fromhim! Mum promised that Hermione would be hisgirlfriend, not Harry's, and Mum knew best. But that didn't happen! Harry had stolen her, and what's worse, the idiot twins and Ginny had gone along with it.

The twins he understood. They were idiots, and couldn't be trusted with anything important. But Ginny!?!? Mum always said she'd end up with Harry, and here she was encouraging his relationship with the filthy little mudblood!

Because ofPotter, he'd been forced to go to the Ball with the bookworm Padma, rather than Hermione like he was supposed to! Worse still, Harry and Hermione had been happily dancing in front of everyone, rubbing their betrayal in hisface!!

But now, Potter had the nerve to kisshisgirlfriend!!! But more than that, the arrogant half-blood, and the filthy little mudblood had thegall to put on a disgusting display likethis!?!?Seriously!? A dragon and a phoenix!?

'No more,' he thought to himself as he readied his wand.'They deserve this for their betrayal of me.'


Dumbledore had been struggling to maintain his grandfatherly demeanour.

Ever since the dancing started, he observed Harry and Hermione dancing like they were meant for each other. The two of them seemed perfectly synced with each other, and it frustrated him to no end.

He had plans to remove Miss Granger from the equation, despite Molly claiming her for Ron, and as he watched them dance, he began to wonder just how to handle the fallout from her death.

He was able to deal with Molly easily. She trusted him completely and would go along with whatever he said after she had vented her Howler rage. But he was more worried about Ginny.

She had been supportive of Harry and Hermione and would be hesitant to move towards Harry if he was grieving her friend. Obviously, he would either need stronger potions or another way around his defences.

As he considered that, he nearly choked on his drink when Potter and Granger kissed. A normal kiss was nothing to worry about, but what he was witnessing was no ordinary kiss. It was the formation of a Soul Bond.

'No wonder they're drawn to each other.'

Now Dumbledore was reconsidering his plans for the Second Task completely. Never mind Minerva and her rage, a fractured Soul Bond could be extraordinarily dangerous. He had read of one Soul Bonded pair, long ago, in which the woman was kidnapped by a rival kingdom. That act triggered a ten-year war and it ended only with the complete destruction of the kidnapping kingdom, its people driven from their homes as the conquering victors salted the earth. If he killed Granger, there was no telling what would happen to Harry.

The boy would become unstable, uncontrollable, and a danger to everyone and everything, even him. Especially him, if he ever learned the truth of the matter.

Unless... that could work for him. If Harry dies to save Granger, perhaps after siring a child with her, he could draw her into his influence, and convince her to name him as Regent. She'd be unstable, and with her unfailing trust in authority, especially a wizard as great as him, it would be easy to pull off. Molly wouldn't be happy about that, but he would find a way to smooth things out.

For now, he had to leave them both alive, much as he was loathe to do, until he found a solution. It would mean many sleepless nights of research, but as the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way.

'Wait, is that Ronald? What is he-' Realizing exactly what Ron was about to do, he rose from his chair, bellowing "WEASLEY, DON'T!!!!"

Barty Junior was enjoying himself, despite the situation.

He was a Polyjuiced Death Eater, acting like one of his master's greatest foes until he could lure Potter into a trap, from which his master would return to the world, and make his enemies tremble in fear.

Still, it was a Yule Ball, and while he couldn't dance himself, the drawbacks of a fake leg, he was enjoying the food and music. It took him back to his days as a student at Hogwarts before he pledged himself to his master.

He'd had to keep his father isolated, 'on sick leave,' to keep people from recognizing the effects of the Imperius Curse being resisted. He'd need a contingency plan, in case he ever managed to completely break free.

But that all ended once Potter and his date, the Granger girl, kissed, and a Soul Bond was formed.

It was incredible, like nothing he had ever seen. But he had made the mistake, of looking into the golden sphere. It wasn't his good eye, his natural eye, that caused him pain, oh no, it was the magical eye.

Through that eye, he beheld in that sphere, an endless abyss. An incomprehensible void, a vast sea of power, in which one could find themselves lost in it for eternity.

He looked into that abyss, and it looked back.

A pair of pale white eyes, somehow everywhere within that void, yet nowhere, looked back at him, as if to declare'I see you, and I know what you are.' It tortured him with that knowledge, that certainty of truth until he collapsed on the floor, tore the magical eye out and threw it aside.

It gave him a brief peace of mind, so much so, that he didn't even notice the bearded fool shouting... something.

Everyone heard the Headmaster shouting at Ron, and soon a dozen wands were drawn on him, from both staff and students.

But they need not have bothered.

As Ron brought his wand down, to cast whatever spell he was preparing, a bolt of ethereal lightning flashed from the couple. It flew straight at Ron, striking his wand, and sending him flying backwards into the Entrance Hall.

Nobody moved, spoke, orbreathed.Nobody had any idea what had just happened, until the kissing couple stopped glowing, and the dragon and phoenx disappeared into Harry and Hermione respectively.

Making a split second decision, McGonagall strode over to them, as they began talking.

"That was wonderful, Harry."

Everyone's staring at us.

"Who said that?"

"Who said what?"

"That people were staring at us?"

She can hear me!?

"Yes I can hear, whoever that is. Can't you hear it?

"Mr.Potter, Miss Granger, if you two would follow me." McGonagall had appeared out of nowhere, and ushered the two of them out of the Hall. As the marched up the stairs, Harry noticed the dust on the floor, and wondered what had happened during the dance. As they went up the stairs, to whatever destination McGonagall had in mind, the strangeness continued.

I hope we haven't done anything wrong.

"Don't worry, Hermione. We'll be fine, just stay calm."

How did he know I was worried?

"You're not exactly being subtle about it, Hermione."

"Both of you,STOP. Please, just stay quiet, and focus on what's in front of you. We're here."

The trio now found themselves in front of a large painting, of three magnificent lions. Before anyone could ask what this was, McGonagall turned to them.

"This is the entrance to the Gryffindor Head of House quarters. It also contains a Common Room for the Gryffindor Head Boy and Girl, and their dorm rooms. The reason I've brought you here, is you two have formed a Soul Bond," Hermione went wide-eyed at that, "and it's the reason you two can hear each other without speaking. You're capable of telepathy, at least in close proximity. You'll be spending the night here, until we can figure out what this means for you two going forward.

"And Harry? I'm sorry that I haven't brought you here sooner."

Turning back to the portrait, she spoke the words "Strength and Honour," and the lions roared as the portrait opened. Stepping inside, they found a corridor, with a door on the right hand side, with the nametag, 'Minerva McGonagall, Transfiguration Professor.'

"I need to head back to the Hall, try and keep things under control. For now, you two, just... relax. I'll try to stop by at tonight, in case you have any questions. If not, I'll be here in the morning."

The portrait closed behind them, leaving Harry and Hermione alone. Following the corridor, they found it opened into a Common Room, similar to the Gryffindor one, but more luxurious. This was a reward for the top students, a place for them to kick back and relax between classes and their duties.

But most notable of all, were the many portraits hung around the room, and the two full sized ones on either end of the fireplace. One was of a lady, in the robes of a Gryffindor witch, standing next to a window, showing the Great Lake. The second portrait, was of a broad-shouldered man with messy hair, in scaled armour, made of steel, and a lions pelt wrapped around his shoulders, pinned in place with a dragon sigil. It was this portrait that spoke first.

"Hail and well met, young ones! I must admit, I am surprised Minerva brought in new students. I thought the Head students were Ravenclaw and Slytherin this year."

"They are. He and I... are a Soul Bonded pair."

The portrait smiled at that, "Then I congratulate you two on finding each other! It's quite rare, you know. But you two have found each other, where so many others keep searching. Tell me, young ones, what are your names?"

"Hermione Granger, sir."

"Harry, sir. Harry Potter."

"A Potter you say? Then I say, well met kinsman! I am Aurelian Potter, grandson of the founder of our Noble House, Octavian Potter, and one of the first students at Hogwarts, as well as the first Gryffindor Head Boy. My counterpart over there, is Victoria McGonagall, the first Gryffindor Head Girl."

"You-you're my ancestor???"

"I should hope so. You've the same hair as me lad, HAH! Never goes away, does it?" The portrait was smiling, but he saw the shocked disbelief on his descendants face. "But you know, there's a portrait for every former Gryffindor Head Student in this Room, and I think I know who you want to speak to."

A pair of portraits next to Aurelian moved, and suddenly, there he saw the portraits of James and Lily Potter. They looked at him with shock and joy.

"Harry? Is that you?"


"Yes, Harry. It's me, your father James. Or at least a portrait."


"Sweetheart, you look so handsome."

They were smiling at him. They were happy to see him. They werehere. The whole time. THEY. WERE.HERE.

Collapsing to his knees, Harry wept from misery and pain. His parents hadportraits made, when he thought they were lost forever. He had never found his parents portraits, even as Lord Potter. But here they were, in the castle thewhole time. And he was denied their presence. He was denied their comfort. He was him.

"That bastard! That miserable, meddling bastard!!!" Harry slammed his fist on the floor, his tears staining the carpet, while his strength shook the tower. Before he could do anything else, he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.


"Hermione... I... I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. Please," she helped him up and led him to one of the sofas, and sat down next to him. "Just... tell me what's wrong."

"I... I don't know where to begin."

She grasped his hand. "We've got time. Whatever happens, we'll get through it, together."

She leaned against him, resting against his broad shoulders. They looked at each other, and leaned in for another kiss.


Harry drew back, surprising Hermione. Before she could respond, he continued.

"If we're going to face the future together, there's something I need to tell you tonight."

"What?" Hermione had concern in her eyes. Concern and love, for the boy who saved her life, and made every trial at Hogwarts worthwhile.

The truth.


And there we have it!
What does Harry mean by 'the truth?' What secrets is he letting Hermione in on?

Also, for those who might be wondering why the dragon and phoenix, I got the idea from East Asian culture, specifically China. The Chinese dragon, typically described as male, is used to symbolize the divine powers of the Emperor, while the phoenix, or Fenghuang (personally I think it looks like a mutated pheasant, but that's just me), is considered female, and used to symbolize the divine powers of the Empress.

What does this mean going forward? Stay tuned, and find out the answers!

Chapter 26: The Truth


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The portrait closed behind her, as McGonagall raced through the castle. A thousand thoughts were going through her mind at once. Harry and Hermione were a Soul-Bonded pair, Ronald Weasley had tried to do... something. It was something stupid, no doubt, as he only managed to be struck by lightning. But that lightning, that wasn't just any lightning. It had a tinge of purple to it, instead of the pure white she expected. But that could only mean it was Ethereal Lightning, something she'd heard of only in legends.

Whatever it was, it mattered little. Madam Bones was here, along with Moody, though most of the Auror security had been sent from Hogwarts for tonight. The reasoning behind that was it was not only a holiday, but with the wards on high alert, and the number of trained staff already in attendance, compared to the number of Ministry events being held tonight, it was considered a low priority, even with Amelia as a guest.

That, of course, didn't even fully address the primary concern: What happens to Harry and Hermione now? Soul Bonds mean they are recognized as married in the eyes of Magic, meaning Miss Granger was now Mrs.Potter, Lady Potter when Harry claimed his Lordship. How would they inform her parents? How would her parents react? Sirius was no doubt happy for them, but would the Grangers share that sentiment? They were still students, and so they might look unfavourably upon it.

In any event, she soon arrived at the Entrance Hall, where Sirius waited at the foot of the stairs. He looked up at her and motioned towards the Great Hall.

"Better get back in there Minerva. It's a bit of a madhouse in there."

"Thank you, Sirius. But what are you doing out here?"

"Making sure Ron doesn't go anywhere, now go!" The urgency in his tone gave her a burst of energy, and she rushed into the Hall, where she did indeed find a sort of chaos.

The students were scattered throughout the Hall, in various-sized groups, chattering with each other at varying volumes. Some were speaking just loud enough that only those in the immediate vicinity could hear, while others were speaking at volumes loud enough to be heard in Hogsmeade. Up at the end of the Hall, Dumbledore and Madam Bones were arguing, while the rest of the staff either lingered uncomfortably or attempted to maintain some semblance of order.

When she got closer to the Headmaster and Madam Bones, she could hear their argument.

"Amelia, please be reasonable."

"You first, Albus. You're not sending anyone back to their Common Rooms."

"We need to clear the Hall, especially after what just happened."

"Not until I get some Aurors in here to take statements!"

"Surely you don't intend to cart people off to the DMLE?"

"Merlin old man, do you hear yourself sometimes? The only one getting 'carted off,' is the Weasley boy that just got struck by lightning. None of the students will leave the school, but I NEED to get those statements. For Merlin's sake, your students are claiming the boy attempted the Killing Curse!"

Before Albus could attempt a retort, Minerva stepped in. "Albus, she's right. If Ronald attempted the Killing Curse, we need confirmation. I and the other Heads of House can separate the students most likely to have heard Ronald attempt his cast and send the others back to their Common Rooms. Amelia and her Aurors can take their statements, and take Ronald afterwards."

Amelia looked grateful, while Albus simply sighed in resignation. "Very well, that does seem the best course of action. I'll lower the wards for Apparition unless you wish to use the Floo network?"

Eventually, Amelia was able to bring her Aurors in, while Minerva, Severus, Pomona, and Filius separated the various Houses, and determined who was closest to the doors when Ron attempted his curse. The Aurors were finally able to get their statements, while the remaining students were allowed back to their Common Rooms. It took some time, but they were able to complete it in a reasonably quick time.

With the last of the students gone, Amelia was better able to relax. By now, Aurors Shacklebolt and Tonks would have placed Ron in a DMLE Holding Cell. She hated having to leave Sirius like this, but she needed answers from him. Like what was he thinking!? Most of the Gryffindor students had confirmed he and Harry had been on the outs since Halloween, with Ron somehow convinced that Harry had entered his name in the Goblet, and kept how from him.

But it was quite a leap, to go from being jealous of someone, to being ready to kill them. There was more going on here, and the sooner she got those answers, the better. Stepping out into the Entrance Hall, she wasn't surprised to see Sirius there. What was a shock was seeing Shacklebolt and Tonks were still there. The trio were laughing and joking like nothing was going on.

"What the hell are you doing!?" The suddenness of her words surprised even her, as Shacklebolt and Tonks turned to her, while Sirius had a cheeky grin on his face. "You were supposed to have him in a holding cell by now. Why are you still here???"

"About that, Amy..." Sirius spoke ahead of either Auror. Motioning for her to step forward, she did and got the shock of a lifetime. On the floor in front of her, past the Entrance Hall staircase, was a pair of old dress robes, frayed at the edges, along with some shoes, and splinters of wood. All of this, was covered in a fine layer of dust, with the robes themselves filled with dust.

"This is all that remains, of Ronald Bilius Weasley."

"If we're going to face the future together, there's something I need to tell you, tonight."

"What?" Hermione had concern in her eyes. Concern and love, for the boy who saved her life, and made every trial at Hogwarts worthwhile.

The truth.

While Amelia took care of business in the Great Hall, Harry and Hermione remained in the Head Student Common Room, where Hermione looked at Harry with worry in her eyes. She loved Harry, and wanted to know what was bothering him, what had made him collapse to his knees, crying with rage about a 'meddling bastard.' She opened her mouth to speak, but a voice cut her off.

Don't speak, Hermione. Use telepathy. I don't know if the portraits are obliged to report to McGonagall or Dumbledore, so I want this to remain between us.

Professor McGonagall, Harry. But, alright. This feels so strange.

Believe me, it gets stranger. Do you remember the time-turner from last year?

Of course. That thing caused me no end of trouble. But what does...

Her eyes went wide from realization.

Harry, did you...?

In the 2020s, I completed a ritual that brought me face to face with three figures: The Father of Time, the Master of Fate, and the Mistress of Fortune. They sent me back in time, with all my memories and power, arriving this year, on the day of my birthday.

Why though?

Because I had to set things right. I had to save our friends and loved ones from Voldemort... and Dumbledore.

Dumbledore??? Why would you need to...

Please, let me explain first. I shall tell you what happened in the original timeline, and the nightmare Voldemort was responsible for. Then, I shall tell you of Dumbledore, and his crimes.

First, at the end of the Third Task, Cedric and I would be portkeyed to a graveyard in Little Hangleton, where Pettigrew will be lying in wait. He killed Cedric and immobilized me, using my blood in a ritual that brought Voldemort back to life. He would attempt to kill me, but I escaped with Cedric's body and warned everyone of Voldemort's return.

But Fudge, a coward in Malfoy's pocket, didn't believe me, and spent the next year running a smear campaign about me, all while Voldemort rebuilt his forces and plotted his conquest of Britain. Eventually, though, he was revealed ahead of his plans, and even Fudge was forced to admit the truth. But it did little good. He had spent an entire year, doing nothing to prepare Britain for the coming storm, while Voldemort was launching attacks the very next day.

A lot of good people died, including Amelia Bones and Sirius. But we did eventually learn the secret to how Voldemort survived that night in Godric's Hollow. He had made Horcruxes, vile artifacts created by splitting your soul in half. He made six intentionally, and one by accident. So long as even one remained, he would eventually return., no matter how many times we killed him.

But before we could kill him, Death Eaters invaded the school, thanks to Draco, and Dumbledore would end up dead. With him gone, Voldemort was easily able to take over the Ministry, and you, me, and that bastard Ron became public enemy number one. Because of this, we went on the run, hunting for the horcruxes, and eventually, we found them all, rendering Voldemort vulnerable.

Eventually, he attacked the school with his army, beginning what would become known as the Battle of Hogwarts. Death Eaters, Dementors, Werewolves, and Giants attacked the school, defended by us, those still willing to fight Voldemort's evil, centaurs, house elves, and various other defences. All the while, over a hundred Acromantulas rampaged across the grounds, attacking both sides.

That battle was a nightmare, and we lost several of our friends, including Remus. But in the end, I killed Voldemort in single combat, securing victory for us, but at a heavy cost.

Years passed, and we grew up. You would marry Ron, while I married Ginny, and we both started our own families. Ron and I became Aurors, but I would rise to become Head of the DMLE, while you would eventually become Minister for Magic. But in that time, one feeling never left me. It was the feeling I had lost every connection to my parents. The Marauders were gone, and all I had were pictures that told me too little.

But eventually, I hit upon an idea: become an animagus. It was the one thing I could think of that would grant me a connection, even an indirect one, with my father, and Sirius. But there was a problem: every time I did the meditations to begin the process of becoming an animagus, I would hit a roadblock. I'd hear my animagus, but never see it, and thus never begin to properly complete the ritual.

I got desperate enough to seek help from McGonagall, who was by then Headmistress of Hogwarts. She gave me her notes on the animagus rituals of the Old Tribes, and after 2 years of trial and error, I finally completed the amber potion, the catalyst for the ritual, and it was through that ritual, that I learned of Goliath.

Who's Goliath?

That, Hermione, would be me.

That voice... it was you?

Indeed. I am Harry's animagus guardian, a sentient being born within Harry's soul. I exist for the sole purpose of protecting Harry and guiding him through life. But because of Dumbledore, I was locked behind bindings that kept me from helping Harry, when he needed me the most!

Why would he do this?

Because he fears me, and what I can do. When my mum and Alice were pregnant with me and Neville respectively, a prophecy was made. A prophecy that decreed as the seventh month dies, a boy would be born to parents who defied the Dark Lord three times. This boy would be marked by the Dark Lord as his equal, and have powers the Dark Lord knows not, and would be the one to vanquish him. Not defeat, vanquish,because neither of us could live while the other survives.

The reason Dumbledore fears me is because he fears being surpassed. Because of that prophecy, it was decreed that I would one day surpass him, vanquishing the greatest Dark Lord since Grindelwald. He can't stand that, and from the moment my parents died, he has done everything he can to ensure that I would grow to become weak so that when the time came, I would be killed by Voldemort. With the prophecy fulfilled with my death, Dumbledore could swoop in and save the day, remembered as the greatest wizard of all time.

It's why I was left with the Dursleys, people who hate magic and would spend a decade trying to beat it out of me. When that failed, they would suppress it as best they could, leaving me, theoretically, magically weak, and so starved for affection I would follow Dumbledore willingly no matter what. Even to my death.

But why would you need to die?

That seventh horcrux, the one he made by accident? It was made the night I became the Boy Who Lived. When his Killing Curse rebounded on him, his soul was so unstable a piece of it attached itself to me. It's why I have the scar in the first place. I had a piece of Voldemort's soul, embedded in my forehead, for a decade and a half. Dumbledore knew about the horcrux, and he left it in me.

Because you would willingly die if it meant Voldemort would finally be destroyed.

That's right. But that's only the beginning. After my parents died, he had Hagrid bring me to him, ostensibly to keep me safe. While Sirius went after Peter, who Dumbledore knew was the Secret Keeper, he took me to Gringotts, where I received a Blood Test from a corrupt Goblin named Griphook.

He was hoping the Test would reveal just how Harry had survived, but instead, it revealed he possessed an unclassifiable core, and several magical gifts, including me. Knowing that I would help and protect Harry throughout his life, he had me bound within double bindings and placed thirteen bindings on his magical core. But the moment Harry completed the animagus ritual of the Old Tribes, the bindings were broken, and Harry attained his full power. But he also received his memories back.


Not just that, but memory modifications, and he's been doing them for some time. Think back to our first year, Hermione. Do you remember that Halloween?

Of course. Ron made me cry, and I hid in the bathroom. But during the Feast, a troll was let in by Quirrel, and it ended up in that same bathroom. I thought I was a goner until you and... no, wait. It... it was just you. Ron wasn't there, but why would I-

Keep going, Hermione. You'll get your answer soon enough.

Fine. You arrived and... you grabbed a shard of wood from the shattered doors. You climbed onto the troll's back and shoved the shard up its nose, not your wand. After, you used Wingardium Leviosa, and dropped the club on its head. It collapsed, and hit its face on the floor, shoving the shard up its nose, and into its brain. You killed the troll... and then Ron showed up. I... I then felt I should trust him, and thought that you both defeated the troll, but knocked it unconscious instead.

That was Dumbledore's doing. When I went off to find you, I told Ron I didn't want to be his friend anymore. I saw him for what he was, a bully, and I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. While I went to save you, he went to find Dumbledore. Under my father's Invisibility Cloak, he modified our memories, convincing us that Ron had helped us and that we only knocked it unconscious. Years later, when I found out just how much he'd been tampering with my memories, he admitted to it, and the reason he did it, was because he needed me to trust Ron.

He did this-

"OH MY GOD!" The sudden outburst startled both Harry and the portraits watching them, curious as to what the pair were mentally discussing.

What!? What!?

When I was petrified, I could still see events passing by, but when the petrification was undone, the memories faded like a dream. I remember Ron being there, and he was... he was touching me like I was his plaything... before Poppy caught him. She reported it, but Dumbledore...

He tampered with her memories. I'm going to rip his bloody head off.

That's far too quick!! They both deserve to suffer for all they've done!!! BURN THEM ALIVE!


As Harry said this, he reached out and pulled Hermione into a gentle hug.

I promise, Hermione. None of them will ever hurt you again.

Thank you, Harry. And thank you, Goliath. But that isn't all you two went through, is it?

No, it isn't. Third year, he didn't Obliviate me, but do you know what a Pensieve is?

Of course I do, they used one at Sirius' trial. It's a magical artifact, used to... view memories.

Dumbledore has one in his office. But instead of saying to Fudge 'These two claim to have seen a long-thought dead man, let's review their memories' he told us to use the time-turner. We might have set Sirius free, but we didn't prove his innocence. He was still on the run, and thus unable to fulfill his duties as my Godfather. Because of this, I didn't learn much about my family until years later, when I could have used that information!

But more on that later. During the lead-up to the Yule Ball, I did ask you to the Ball, but Dumbledore learned about it, and it was in a private spot, where no one could see us, or so we thought. The bastard uses the portraits to spy on students, and he used them to ensure I never went to the Ball with you. I instead went with Parvati, and I was a poor date for her. Because that was the night I realized I loved you, and I thought you would never love me back.

During the summer of that year, after Cedric's death, you decided that enough was enough. I'm not sure how, but you eventually figured out where the Dursleys lived, and this where I was being imprisoned. You came to see me, and we both confessed our feelings. But before we could do anything else, Dumbledore arrived. He'd been keeping me under watch since the summer began, ostensibly to protect me from Death Eaters. The real reason was to make sure nothing happened that Dumbledore didn't approve of, like having visitors from school.

Afterwards, to help keep me isolated, he moved you into the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, a vigilante group headed by Dumbledore, where the Weasleys were staying. Furthermore, he had you and Ron swear not to contact me all summer. By the time hefinallydeigned to have me move to Headquarters, temporarily mind you, I would be back with the Dursleys next summer, I was angry at you for seemingly abandoning me. It didn't help that you became a Prefect... alongside Ron.

RON as a PREFECT!?!? What the HELL were they thinking!? He's lazy, rude, obnoxious, and he hates everyone in Slytherin, no matter who they are!!!

It was Dumbledore's reward, for his good little minion. I'm certain he had you under mind magics to not be bothered by the fact you were doing the work of two Prefects, but that's just me. More importantly, it was a way to further the divide between you and me. You, who would push me to become the best wizard I possibly could be, posed a threat to Dumbledore's plans to mould me into an obedient little martyr. He needed me to feel isolated and alone so that I wouldn't mind dying 'for the Greater Good' when the time came.

If I was such a threat to his plans, why didn't he do more to remove me from your life?

Because Molly claimed you for Ron, but we'll get to her in a minute.

That was the same year Sirius died, and Dumbledorefinallydecided I was ready to hear the prophecy concerning me and the Dark Lord. Not much good came of that, on either account. When Sirius' will was being read, Dumbledore intentionally kept me from attending the reading and lied to me about the contents. He told me I received a 'modest amount' of gold when the Black Family is richer than the Malfoys. Sirius would also name me his Heir to the Lordship of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, the second Lordship I would receive, though I wouldn't learn until later.

Eventually, during our sixth year, Dumbledore finally decided it was time to hunt for Horcruxes, but the only one that was actually found during this time was a ring, that he foolishly put on, triggering a curse that would later kill him, were it not for Snape. Snape, a Death Eater who would turn on Voldemort because of his feelings for my mother, was tasked to kill Dumbledore, securing his place as Voldemort's right-hand man.

After this, Voldemort took over, and we went on the run hunting Horcruxes. Ron would later abandon us during the hunt, but it was too late to make a difference. I was still so thoroughly indoctrinated by Dumbledore, that I never thought to confess my feelings to you, because I wanted to be the 'good friend' to a git who was never a true friend, and so nothing happened until he eventually returned, and we resumed our hunt.

We would succeed, but Voldemort would eventually kill Snape, hoping to secure the allegiance of the Elder Wand. He failed, but that's beside the point. The last thing Snape would do was give me access to his memories, where I learned that, according to Dumbledore, I needed to die so the Horcrux in my scar could be destroyed.

And I did. I willingly walked into the Forbidden Forest, where Voldemort would strike me with a Killing Curse. I was sent to Limbo, along with the fragment of Voldemort's soul. But I returned to life, and eventually killed Voldemort, ending his evil.

Years would pass. You and Ron married, while I married Ginny, but that wasn't because of love, not on our part. From our fifth year onwards, ever since we were living at Headquarters, Molly would be potioning us.

Potioning us? You mean she was slipping us Love Potions!? Is that even legal?!

Yes, and no. It's legal to give someone a potion, the legality comes into question based on what happens next. And what happened to us, was very much illegal.

You were both Potioned to be attracted to your respective Weasley, and repulsed by each other. It didn't work as well as the Howler bitch would have liked, both because of Harry's natural resistance to potions, despite Dumbledore's weakening of it, and the latent Soul Bond protecting you both. She'd be slipping you potions during meals with the Weasleys, and in those care packages she sends. I don't know how much she upped the dosage, but they eventually worked. You two fought over meaningless things, and you were angry with Harry for protecting himself when the ferret tried using the Cruciatus Curse on Harry.

Oh my god...

Years later, when Ginny was pregnant with our third child, she would catch Molly preparing the Love Potions, but Molly would emotionally blackmail her, convincing her I'd hate Ginny and our kids if I learned about the Love Potions.

She never knew about the Potions?

No. She was kept in the dark because of the Chamber of Secrets incident, and Molly wanted to make her dreams come true, by believing I was genuinely courting her. Ginny would keep her secrets, until... until the twins.

Do you mean Fred and George?

No, Hermione. You had two children, until your third pregnancy. You were going to have twin girls, but when I got promoted to Head of the DMLE, Ron's jealousy came to the forefront. You defended me against his insults, and he beat you. He beat you so savagely, that you lost the girls before you ever held them. That was too much for Ginny, and she confessed to me the truth.

Like an idiot, instead of assembling a force of Aurors, I went to confront Molly myself, where Ron ambushed me. They modified my memories, but I took a few kicks to the gut from my so-called 'best mate.'

All this, and more, would come rushing back to my mind when I completed the ritual, overpowering the bindings, and releasing Goliath. And with it came an unfathomable rage. Anger and hate I never believed possible, I felt it burning inside me. I lost control and transformed into Goliath's full form, a 500-foot dragon, capable of reducing armies to dust.

And... that's what I did. I went on a rampage across North Korea, reducing the country to ash, and killing millions of people. For a few moments, I thought I was lost. I never thought I'd regain control. But you found us. You faced us down and brought me back from the brink. You saved me, but I couldn't save you, not from the lies we were forced to live.

With all my memories restored, I couldn't stand the accolades I was receiving for 'slaying the dragon,' especially since in my dragon form, I killed Ron and Molly. But worse, I couldn't stand the praise people heaped on Dumbledore for 'preparing me' to protect Britain from evil. It drove me mad until I resolved to return to change the past, and hopefully, save the future.

The two Soul Mates sat there in silence, unsure of what to do, or even say, next. After a few minutes, Hermione's voice could be heard.

There's just one thing I don't understand. If you were supposed to die, why was Molly set on having you paired up with Ginny?

Another of Dumbledore's schemes. The Potter Family is obscenely wealthy, but more than that, we have access to books that are considered myths by the rest of magical society. Because of this, he worked out a deal with her. According to him, I would die before my 17th birthday, when I could normally claim my Lordship of House Potter. If Ginny were to become pregnant with my child, that child would become the Heir to the Potter Family and its fortune. But because Ginny would be underage, she wouldn't be able to claim the Regency...

But Molly could, giving her and the Weasleys access to your money, while Dumbledore gets the mythical books.

Bingo. But that didn't happen. Ginny and I would get married, but Molly would never get her hands on the fortune. And I know that must have pissed off Ron to no end.

So... what happens now?

For now, I'm going to compete in this stupid tournament. I'm going to face Voldemort and destroy him. I'm going to see Molly and Ron ruined for what they've already done, and what they're planning to do. And finally, I'm going to destroy Dumbledore, for EVERYTHING he's done, to me, to you, and to our true friends. I will reduce his reputation to dust, because I want him to realize, in his final moments, that I'm the one man who beat him.

Meanwhile, the Headmaster's office was an interesting sight. Dumbledore sat in his chair, while across from his desk, Arthur and Molly sat, and were talking with Amelia Bones. Amelia was attempting to explain the events of today, and the tragic death of their youngest son, Ron.

"Arthur, Molly, I'm truly sorry for your loss-"

"Save your apologies, just tell us what happened!"


"Don't 'Molly' me Arthur. According to her, Ron is dead, and she-"

"And she is trying to explain what happened! So please, calm down, and let her finish."

Albus and Amelia may have had their differences, but they both gave silent thanks to Arthur for getting Molly to, if not calm down, at least be quiet in her anger.

"Tonight, just before midnight, Harry Potter and his date, Hermione Granger, were finishing the final dance of the night. At the end of the dance, the two kissed on the lips, and a Soul Bond was formed."

Arthur and Molly went wide-eyed at that, but while Arthur waited for Amelia to continue, Molly glared at Albus. It was a glare that demanded answers, answers he wasn't sure he had, to questions he wasn't keen on hearing.

"As the Soul Bond formed, Ron, who had left the Great Hall at some point prior, returned to see the Bond forming. The reason for his following actions, I and others are unable to guess, but those closest to the entrance can confirm they heard him preparing to cast a Killing Curse."

"Forgive me Amelia, but I'm not familiar with Soul Bonds. Why would Ron end up dying from this?"

"I'm glad you asked, Arthur. Moody, you're more familiar with these things, can you explain?"

Moody, who had been staring out the windows since the meeting began, turned to face the Weasleys. He still held his magical eye in his hand, reluctant to put it back in its socket, but he was ready to speak.

"Right... well... Soul Bonds are unions ordained by Magic itself, and the formation of one is a very serious matter. Magic doesn't look kindly on those attempting to interfere, and thus it responds... proportionally to threats. If Ron had attempted to cast a Stunner, the Bond would have left him comatose, but still alive. But instead, he was preparing to kill, either Harry or Hermione, or perhaps both. Either way, Magic responded in kind, striking him with lightning, and ending his life."

As Alastor finished speaking, Dumbledore produced an urn on his desk. The urn was red, with gold trimming, the Weasley crest embossed on the front. It was a burial urn, that contained all that remained of Ron Weasley. Taking it in his hands, Arthur thanked everyone for their patience, and led Molly out through the Floo, though it was apparent she had more to say.

"Thank Merlin that's done. That could have gone much worse." Amelia was relieved at the relatively easy informing of the deceased's family.

"It would have been worse, had I told her the rest."

"You left something out, Alastor?" Albus was curious to know what Alastor had left unsaid.

"If I'm right, that was Ethereal Lightning. It doesn't just destroy the body, it purges the soul."

"Moody, are you saying...?"

"Madam Bones, Ronald Weasley isn't just dead. Magic itself has denied him an afterlife."

Before anyone could respond, Minerva McGonagall strode into the office, looking about for the Weasleys.

"I trust everything went well?"

"More or less. Minerva, have you brought the Grangers?"

"I have indeed, Albus. They're right behind me, with Sirius."

"Bring them in. Let's get this over with. It's been a long night for all of us."

True to her word, Minerva brought the Grangers, Dan and Emma, into the office, with Sirius following.

Normally, if a Muggle ever came upon the castle, all they would see were the ruins of a once mighty fortress. However, if they were to be invited in with the Headmaster's blessing, as the Grangers had, then they would behold Hogwarts in all its glory. The pair of dentists were taking everything in, impressed by what they saw, but eager to know why they had been brought in at such a late hour.

"Ahh, Mr. and Mrs.Granger. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"It's Drs. Granger, Headmaster. But what's this about? Seems strange that we've been brought here at this time of the night."

"Daniel, please, give them a chance to answer."

"It's quite alright, Dr. The reason we've brought you here is concerning your daughter and her date tonight, Harry Potter."

Dan raised an eyebrow at McGonagall's words, waiting for an explanation. "You see, Harry and Hermione... are now a Soul Bonded pair."

Dan and Emma looked at each other, before looking back at Minerva. While she was struggling to find the best words, Sirius spoke up.

"If I may, Minerva? Dan and Emma, may I call you that, my name is Sirius, Sirius Black. I assume Hermione has mentioned me in her letters?"

"Ah yes, you're Harry's godfather. The innocent man that was sent to jail without trial." Emma sounded friendly enough, but one could just hear the unhappiness with the magical society in her words.

"The very same. You see, a Soul Bonded pair, are a couple that are, for lack of a better word, ordained to be together. They're... oh, what did Lily say about that one story... true love, I think. And a Soul Bond is formed with... true love's first kiss."

Emma was wide-eyed at that, and one could just see the glee in her eyes. Evidently, Emma was the romantic type. But Dan just remained stoic.

"And, what does this mean for them?"

"It means that Harry and Hermione, with that kiss, are now recognized as Mr. and Mrs.Potter."

"WHAT??? But... but they're too young! And they're still students besides!"

"I know, Dan, I know. But this is one of those strange quirks of fate. Harry and Hermione were always meant to be together, and God, Magic, Fate, whatever you want to call it, has recognized them as a married pair."

When Sirius finished, nobody said anything for a few brief moments, until Dan turned back to McGonagall.

"What does this mean for them going forward? Will this affect their education in any way?"

"Heaven's no! Hogwarts has had students who were married couples before. For now, because of their... unique situation, they'll be provided with Private Quarters, which will have enchantments set up to prevent any... inappropriate activities from occurring, though I doubt they'll be needed. If I know Hermione, she'll actively avoid anything that could cost her an education."

The meeting went on for some time afterwards, the Grangers filled to bursting with questions concerning the Bond, and the future of their daughter. It ended with Minerva promising to keep them regularly up to date on the goings-on between Harry and Hermione.

Returning to the Head Student Common Room, she walked up to the portrait of Aurelian Potter and then saw something that made her smile.

There, lying on the sofa next to the fire, was Harry and Hermione. Harry lay on his back, with Hermione sleeping atop him, her head resting on his chest. His chest would rise and fall with gentle breaths, while an arm was wrapped protectively around Hermione, using his robes as a makeshift blanket.

Even asleep, he still sought to keep her safe.

Smiling at this, she walked up to Aurelian and spoke quietly to the portrait.

"Lord Aurelian, what can you tell me of their discussion?"

The portrait glared at her, before responding.

"I know better than to reveal the matters discussed between a young lad, and his pretty lass. In any event, even if I wished to reveal their secrets, I can't. They've made use of their telepathy, so I know not what they were saying, not that it's any business ofyours,Minerva."

"Please, forgive me, Lord Aurelian. I merely wished to know how they were handling recent events. Big changes are coming for them, and I wish to help my Lions as best as I am able."

"Well, they seem to have taken recent events quite well, but that's all you're entitled to know."

"Of course, thank you." Turning to use her quarters, she stepped away, before being called back.


"Yes, Lord Aurelian?"

"I don't know what game your Headmaster is playing, but James and Lily had portraits made before their untimely deaths. This is the first time they've ever seen their son, and they know for a fact, that their portraits are not where they're supposed to be.

"Albus is up to something, something concerning to me, both as a former Head Student and as a Potter. Sooner or later, you'll have to make a choice, whether to be a Toad for Dumbledore or a Lion for Gryffindor. Choose wisely, Minerva. You won't have a second chance."

The portrait didn't speak after that and made no indication it would if prompted. Looking at her two favourite students, she thought back, back to her Sorting. The Hat had faced a difficult choice, whether to place her in Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor. According to the Hat, she would have been quite comfortable in either House. But it was her choice that landed her in Gryffindor.

'Then as now, I choose Gryffindor. I choose to be a Lion.'


Before anyone asks why one thing was revealed, but not another, I only have so much to write before it becomes tedious rambling. Hermione will learn of everything, but the rest will come at various points in the story. So, be patient, and watch for your answers.

Chapter 27: New Wands, Ancient Houses


Another heat wave, another few days where I get two hours of sleep a night, and wake up drenched in sweat. God, I miss having a swimming pool.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry awoke the next morning and was surprised to feel a weight on his body. It wasn't heavy, but it was just enough to be noticeable. Looking down at his body, he was pleasantly surprised to find Hermione, his Soul Mate, asleep on top of him, nuzzling into his chest. She looked so at peace like nothing was wrong with the universe.

Wake up, love. It's morning.

"Mmmf... comfy..."

Rather than respond telepathically, she curled herself up, nuzzling further into his chest as she murmured. Smiling to himself, he reached up with his spare hand, the one not wrapped around her, and gently began stroking her hair. She smiled in her sleep and sighed peacefully.

God in Heaven, you're missing an angel. I'll keep her safe.

The moment was ruined as he was suddenly aware of someone standing behind him. His fears were confirmed when a stern voice said, "Good to see you're finally awake."

Harry recognized the voice. More importantly, so did Hermione, as she yelped in surprise and tumbled off of Harry and the couch, landing gracelessly on the floor. As she attempted to make herself presentable, Harry looked behind him and found Professor McGonagall standing behind him. He was about to start babbling about how they weren't doing anything when he noticed the usually stern professor was smiling.

"I've seen more embarrassing mornings in this room, though I don't think anyone has ever yelped before." McGonagall chuckled at this, while Hermione went red as a stoplight. "Now, before you say anything, you two should freshen up for the day. Harry, and Hermione, go to the Head Boy and Head Girl rooms. You'll find a fresh pair of clothes waiting for you, along with a private bathroom. Then, come back for breakfast, and we'll discuss your living arrangements going forward."

Quickly nodding, Hermione went to the portrait of Victoria McGonagall and disappeared as she went through it. Following her lead, he shared a smile with Aurelian Potter before going into the Head Boys' quarters. It was an impressive room, at least as large as the dorm rooms of Gryffindor students. The windows provided a magnificent view and bathed the room in the soft light of the sun's morning rays, illuminating the red and gold colours of Gryffindor.

Shaking his head, he remembered why he was up here, and went through a door inside the room, which led to an impressive bathroom. It wasn't quite as large as the Prefect bathroom, but it was similarly decorated, albeit with more red and gold, along with a stained-glass lion, instead of a mermaid.

Taking a quick shower, he donned the casual clothes he had been provided with and went back into the Head Students Common Room. There, he found McGonagall sitting at a table with three chairs, a table that wasn't there before, sipping tea, while Hedwig sat on a perch and watched the unfolding scene. As he walked towards the table, he heard the sound of an opening portrait door and turned to see Hermione walking out, likewise in casual clothes, rather than the uniform of Hogwarts.

Blinking at the sight of McGonagall at the table, she joined Harry at his side, and both took their seats across from McGonagall. Before Harry or McGonagall could speak, Hermione asked a quick question, "Are we not heading to the Great Hall today?"

"Not for breakfast, no. You may join your fellow students in the Hall for lunch or dinner, but first, we must discuss some things."

"Such as?" Harry raised an eyebrow at her answer, curious about the coming discussion.

"Such as what happened last night, and what it means for you two going forward. I imagine the Headmaster is giving a similar speech to the students in the Hall."

"Is this a discussion he wants us to have with you?"

McGonagall raised an eyebrow in response but answered him. "He hasn't forbidden me from having this conversation, but neither has he asked me to have it. Make of that what you will. Now, before we continue, Mallory!"

A house elf appeared, one who looked much more healthy than Winky had before forming her bond with Hermione. With a snap of her fingers, platters of food appeared on the table, along with pitchers of water and juice.

As the trio loaded their plates with food, Harry felt a frustration rising up inside him. Something that had been nagging at his mind since they were first brought here.

"Professor, before we continue, I need you to answer a question of mine."

"You want to know why I haven't brought you here sooner?"

Harry fixed her with a hard stare before answering. "That's a lot more polite than what I was going to say, but yes."

McGonagall sighed, before answering. "I'm sorry to say that is as much my doing as Dumbledore's. I had intended to bring you here sooner, but he advised me to 'wait until you were more prepared,' before introducing you to your ancestors."

Harry didn't respond, simply glaring at her, wanting to say something, but waiting to see if she had anything to say in her defence.

"Mr.Potter, I'm truly sorry for not bringing you here sooner. I have no excuse, nor justification, beyond a misguided sense of loyalty. This is partly why I wish to speak to you about the events concerning last night. Now, what, if anything, do you two know about Soul Bonds?"

What should we tell her?

Tell her what you knew beforehand. I'll keep quiet, given Dumbledore's obsession with keeping me in the dark.

"Not much, Professor. The amount of information concerning them is shockingly sparse, at least in the library. I know we can communicate using telepathy, and the Bond is activated by our first kiss, but beyond that, nothing."

McGonagall nodded at Hermione's explanation. "You are correct on both counts. However, there is more to it than just that. Soul Bonded pairs are recognized, upon the forming of the Bond, as a married couple. That means, that you two are now Mr. and Mrs.Potter."

"MARRIED!? But- but we're still students! Aren't we too young for this!? Oh dear, what will my parents-"

"Hermione, please, calm yourself. Your parents were brought to Hogwarts last night and brought up to speed on everything. Their reaction was similar to yours, but they seem to be supportive of you both."

Did you know about this?

No, and Goliath has never mentioned this to me. Goliath?

I knew it was recognized by Magic, I didn't think the Ministry would recognize it. Or, frankly, even be aware of it. They haven't exactly impressed me with their competence.

"Now, because of this, there are going to be some changes to your living arrangements. First and foremost, these quarters will be yours. The Common Room is yours to share both with each other and those you trust enough to welcome into this room. Otherwise, I would ask you to keep the location to yourself. Married students are normally provided with a set of private quarters elsewhere in the castle, but considering what happened last night, I would prefer you two remain close enough for me to protect you easier."

"What exactly happened after we kissed, Professor?"

"All in good time Miss... Mrs.Potter. Now, the Head Boy and Head Girl rooms will be yours. However, as a Soul Bonded pair, you will likely feel inclined to share a bed. In such instances, the Head Boys room shall be provided with a bed for both of you. Simply inform Aurelian of your wishes, and it shall be so. While we eat, the house elves will be moving your belongings from your dorms to your new quarters.

"While technically not Head Students, as you now occupy their quarters, I feel it would be appropriate to allow similar privileges. Namely, you are welcome to have meals, outside Feasts, and any other events with mandatory attendance, here in the Common Room, or in your rooms. Likewise, you may invite others to join you here in the Common Room for these meals. However, in that instance, I would ask you to inform me in advance, so I know whether to be concerned by a lack of appearance at meals."

"What if another Gryffindor becomes Head Boy or Girl before we graduate?"

"Then, Mr.Potter, we will provide you with private quarters elsewhere in the castle, as we would any other married couple. You will still be allowed to enter Gryffindor Tower, you are still members of this House. However, that remains up to your discretion. Now, as far as your quarters go, charms and enchantments will be put in place to prevent any...inappropriateactivities between students."

Hermione and Harry were blushing red at that statement.

"Now, as to what happened last night... there's something else that you need to know about Soul Bonds. Each pairing is, effectively, ordained by Magic, and Magic itself takes a dim view of those who interfere in them, and especially their forming. As such, whenever a Soul Bond is formed, if anyone, regardless of who they are, attempts to interfere in their formation, Magic responds in kind."

"What are you trying to tell us, Professor?"

"Hermione, Harry, I am sorry to tell you, that Ronald Weasley, is dead."




"When you two formed your Bond, Ronald was at the entrance to the Great Hall. Whatever his reasoning behind it, he decided to attempt the Killing Curse on one, possibly both of you, and Magic responded in kind, with a bolt of lightning, ending his life."

Neither Harry nor Hermione spoke. McGonagall assumed they were processing the betrayal, and death, of who they once considered a friend, and gave them time before continuing.

He's dead?

Lightning did she say? That's interesting...

What's so interesting about lightning?

If Magic itself simply wanted him dead, it would have rebounded the Curse back on him. More likely, he was struck by Ethereal Lightning, which purges the soul of its target. It would seem, that Magic itself has denied him an afterlife for his actions.

Didn't you want revenge on him? Something involving fire, and a painful lack of limbs?

If the staff are informing the students of what happened, then they'll be told that the insufferable git attempted to kill us last night. It may not be a violent dismemberment, but the entire school knows he's an attempted murderer. That's enough, at least as far as he's concerned.

Likewise, I can at least be appeased knowing his name is now mud. Not even Dumbledore can salvage this in the fool's favour.

"Now then, there is a theory I wish to test before you two decide on anything today."

"What do you need us to do?"

"I need you, Hermione, to cast a minor spell. A Soul Bond can make one, or both, members of a pair magically stronger. This also means your wand may not be as responsive now as it was before."

Nodding at McGonagall's reasoning, Hermione drew her wand. Rather than levitate a feather, Hermione cast a basicLumos. The wand tip did indeed light up, but it was dim, at first. Suddenly, it grew brighter and brighter with each passing second. It became brighter than the sun, until suddenly, it exploded into a dozen wooden shards, startling everyone in the room.

Hermione now held in her hand, a single piece of dragon heartstring, in place of her wand.

"That's... unexpected. Are you alright, Miss... Hermione?"

"My... my wand... it's..."

"That happened to me during the summer, Hermione. All we need to do is visit Ollivander's. He'll happily make you a new wand. If nothing else, he'll be interested to hear about a core rejecting the wood for a second time."

Before anyone could respond, Hedwig, who had been watching the events unfold, suddenly gave a trill cry, and flew down towards the trio, landing on Harry's arm as he held it out for her.

"Hedwig you... you want to give her a feather for her wand?"

She gave another cry and nodded her head. In response, Harry brought his arm closer to Hermione, who was staring wide-eyed at Hedwig. When she was brought sufficiently close, Hedwig reached down and plucked one of her own feathers. It was white as snow, with the tips glowing ever so slightly in luminescent colours. It was as though Hermione held the Aurora Borealis in her hands.

"Thank... thank you, Hedwig. This... this is incredible."

Hedwig trilled in response and grabbed some bacon off Harry's plate before taking flight, disappearing in a flash of white fire.

Dumbledore sat in his office, silently reading an old spell tome. This tome was one of many he had 'collected' over the years. This one in particular was taken from a wizard he had 'persuaded' into providing to him for 'safe-keeping.' The wizard in question no longer remembered ever owning the tome, but that was a small price to pay. It was, as with everything Dumbledore did, for the Greater Good.

His research at the moment was into rituals used by the ancients. The Old Tribes had many secrets, secrets that were now out of his reach, but they were hardly the only ones. The Mediterranean civilizations, the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians, were some of the most advanced practitioners of magic in history. Egypt in particular, one of the oldest civilizations on the planet, had known some of the most powerful practitioners of magic, both Dark and Light, before any other.

Greece may have been the home of Herpo the Foul, but he learned many of his secrets in the hidden tombs and archives of Egypt. The first necromancers had come from Egypt, and it was their understanding of death, and the soul, that enabled him to create the first Horcrux. No wizard or witch had ever truly managed to conquer Death, but nobody had come closer than the Egyptians.

It was this knowledge, the very knowledge that allowed Herpo to commit a deed most foul, that Dumbledore hoped would provide a solution to his problems.

Harry's power was growing, day by day, and by now it was certain that Harry would prove more than a match for Voldemort. At this rate, he may very well soon become stronger than Dumbledore himself. For the sake of the Greater Good, that could not be allowed to happen. Harry needed to be weak, vulnerable, and easy prey for Riddle. It was for the Greater Good that Harry must die, along with the Horcrux in his scar, so that Dumbledore might defeat Riddle and secure his place in history.

But that wouldn't happen at this rate! Harry was rapidly becoming too powerful to be controlled. Even if he wasn't that...monsterburied inside him would offer him secrets. Secrets that should be in Dumbledore's hands, not Harry's! The boy was not ready for the responsibility such knowledge came with.

And, for the Greater Good, Harry wouldneverbe prepared for that knowledge.

But now, Harry and Hermione had formed aSoul Bond! Of all the things that could have happened, this was one of the worst, and it was something even hedidn't expect! Instead of feeling isolated and alone, Harry now had the love of the mudblood to motivate him to become even stronger than he already was. Now, with Hermione at his side, he would be determined to survive, to live a long and healthy life with his Soul Mate. He would never willingly sacrifice himself, certainly not if thatmonsterever found a solution to the problem of the Horcrux.

Getting rid of her was no longer a valid option, as the effect it would have on him would be too unpredictable. A fractured Soul Bond could have any number of unintended or unforeseen consequences. Those very same consequences might very well come back to haunt him, especially if Harry ever realized Dumbledore was connected to her death. No, he was stuck with the mudblood, whether he liked it or not.

This, of course, meant Dumbledore needed to find a new way to bring Harry under his control, but that would take time. Until then, he needed to keep Molly off his back. The woman was going to be expecting answers to this, especially with the death of Ronald, and he wasn't sure what, if anything, he could tell her. For now, Harry was beyond either his or her reach and would stay out of their reach, until he found somethingthat could be used in that regard.

At least she was preoccupied with her family. Before breakfast, when Dumbledore was forced to announce the death of Ronald, and the creation of a Soul Bond for Harry and Hermione, Ginny and the twins returned to the Burrow to be with their family in this time of mourning. He wasn't sure when to expect them back, but he knew that as soon as they returned, he would need to find something to placate Molly, and fast.

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of McGonagall, giving him just enough time to put the tome away, lest she ask any unwelcome questions.

"Minerva, what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to inform you, Albus, that Harry and Hermione will be leaving Hogwarts with me for the day. I'm not certain when we'll be back, but I shall ensure their return prior to curfew."

"Excuse me, you're pulling them out of school for the day? I trust you have a reason for this?"

"Several, most of them private, and not within your purview."


"If it satisfies your incessant 'curiosity,' I expect us to spend most of the day with Sirius or the Grangers."

"Family visits?"

"They just learned that someone they once called a friend tried to kill them, Albus. They need the comfort of their loved ones, and they've asked me to accompany them in case either of their families had questions they couldn't answer."

Dumbledore sighed, before removing his spectacles, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Very well Minerva. I wish you luck dealing with their concerns."

As Minerva left, Dumbledore sighed and returned to his research. He was in for many long, and sleepless nights. The things he did for the Greater Good.

"Here we are, Ollivanders."

Led by McGonagall, the trio arrived at the wand maker's shop, after travelling from Hogwarts to Diagon Alley. McGonagall had been prepared to have Mallory elf-travel one, while she side-along Apparated the other. To her surprise, both Harry and Hermione had elves who were quite happy to do the job.

Minerva had never seen Dobby before, but he seemed familiar with her, referring to her as 'Professor Kitty,' the nickname the house elves of Hogwarts gave her. The startling thing about him was how energetic and excited he was. Upon learning that 'Great Harry Potter and his Hermy' were now a Soul Bonded pair, the elf had cried as he danced with joy. He had then hugged Winky, another elf she didn't recognize.

To her shock, Hermione explained that Winky was once Barty Crouch's elf, and she had been given clothes after the events of the World Cup. Apparently, she had been brought to Hogwarts afterwards, but never truly bonded with the school, falling deep into depression, until Hermione had convinced her to bond with her. Since then, Winky had been recovering, only returning to active duty Christmas Day. Learning that Winky was now healthy was one of the best gifts she had received, according to Hermione. Like Dobby, Winky was crying with joy at 'Missy Hermione' finding her Soul Mate.

It was touching to see, especially when McGonagall realized that, as a former Malfoy elf, and a recently freed elf, these two likely had little to rejoice about. For bringing such happiness to their lives, McGonagall was tempted to award points, but couldn't think of any reason to justify it to the other Heads of House.

Shaking such thoughts from her head, McGonagall led the trio into the shop and was happy to see Ollivander up front, rather than appear out of nowhere.

"Ah, Harry, Hermione, and Minerva! Good to see you, but what brings you here?"

"Mr.Ollivander, one of my students needs a custom wand."

"Really? Well, I assume it must be Miss Granger? Vine, with dragon heartstring, as I recall. Has something happened to it?"

"It's Mrs.Potter now. Harry and I... are Soul Mates and my wand is..." She trailed off as she produced the dragon heartstring that served as the core of her now destroyed wand. Garrick's eyes went wide as dinner plates when he realized what had happened.

"Incredible... I didn't think I'd ever see such a thing again... well, I'll be happy to provide a custom wand, Mrs.Potter. We just need the wood, a second core, and-"

"Actually, Mr.Ollivander, we already have the second core." Hermione then held up the feather given to her by Hedwig. Garrick again went wide-eyed. So much so, in fact, that Harry fully expected his eyes to pop out of his head while he looked over the feather.

"Remarkable... a feather from an Auroran Phoenix... I didn't think they were even real... and you were given this?"

"By Hedwig, Harry's snowy owl turned phoenix."

"Incredible... well, we best get started. First, we'll decide on the wood..."

Garrick then took Hermione to the back room, same as with Harry, where she picked a piece of Elder Wood. After providing a few drops of blood, the trio left the shop, as Garrick promised to make a wand worthy ofInvictus.

Was he like that when you got your new wand?

No, he was actually worse. He looked practically org*smic at times.

When we received the wand, he looked like he had spent the night with a Veela matriarch.

Thanks, I really needed that image in my head.

"Shall we wait at the Leaky Cauldron, or is there someplace else you wish to visit?"

"Gringotts, ma'am. I think I need to speak to my Account Manager about this."

Nodding at Harry's reasoning, Minerva led them to Gringotts. Making their way through the Boxing Day crowds, they entered the bank and were pleasantly surprised to find it only slightly busy. Not questioning their good fortune, Harry led them to the nearest teller, where he promptly asked to speak with the Potter Account Manager. A minute later, they were led into the office of Keeper Ragnok.

"Keeper Ragnok! May your enemies fall, and your gold overflow."

"And may your gold overflow and your enemies fall, Heir Potter. I was wondering when you and Hermione would stop by."

"You've been expecting us?"

"I have indeed Miss Granger. Or should I say, Mrs.Potter?"

Hermione was shocked that Ragnok already knew, and it showed on her face, as Ragnok began chuckling.

"Gringotts keeps up to date on its clientele, Mrs.Potter. We knew last night that Heir Potter formed a Soul Bond with you, making you the next Lady Potter, when Harry took up his Lordship."

"Uhmm, Harry, can you explain all this?"

"Let's take a seat first, this might take some time."

With the three of them seated across from Ragnok, Harry turned to Hermione and began to explain.

"I am the Heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, one of oldest families in Magical Britain. This means I am guaranteed a seat on the Wizengamot as a Lord when I claim the Lordship. Normally, this can only be done when the Heir turns seventeen. However, legally I can claim the Lordship as early as eleven because I am the last member of the main Potter line. But, because of everything going on, I've elected to remain the Heir until a later date."

You mean until Dumbledore and Voldemort are dealt with.

Just old Moldybutt. Beating Dumbledore involves taking the Lordship early. But I beat the murdering bastard as 'just Harry' and I can do it again.

"OK, so what does 'Ancient and Most Noble' mean? There aren't any books detailing that in the Hogwarts library."

Minerva swore under her breath and received a raised eyebrow from Ragnok. But Harry ignored her and continued speaking.

"To understand that, you have to understand the classification of families, or Houses, in Magical Britain. First, are the 'New Houses.' These are automatically formed whenever a Muggleborn reaches seventeen. You, as a Muggleborn, would technically be considered 'Hermione, of New House Granger,' were it not for our Soul Bond automatically making you the next Lady Potter.

"Second, are the Minor Houses. These are families that have at least three generations of magical heritage. If you passed the name Granger onto your children, they would still be considered of a New House, as would your grandchildren. However, once your great-grandchildren showed magical potential, then New House Granger automatically becomes Minor House Granger."

Hermione looked at Professor McGonagall and saw that she was nodding along.

"Next, we have the Noble Houses. Noble Houses are given a seat in the Wizengamot, and the Head of House, unlike the first two, is acknowledged as a Lord, or Lady. Any House, be it New or Minor, automatically becomes a Noble House if one of its members receives an Order of Merlin, First Class. For a Noble House to then become 'Most Noble,' a Lord or Lady would have to receive another Order of Merlin, First Class.

"The Ancient Houses are where some contention is found. When the Wizengamot was founded, there were a number of noble magical families, but some were older than others. This included the Houses of the Hogwarts founders, the Peverells... and the Potters. The Potters, in particular, are distinct in that our family is in fact older than Hogwarts itself. Because of this, it was decided that these especially old and respected Houses would be distinguished from others by being acknowledged as 'Ancient Houses.'"

"So where's the contention?"

"Back in the 1930s, a book titledThe Pure-Blood Directory was published. Technically, it was done anonymously, but it's an open secret that Cantankerus Nott was the author. It listed twenty-eight families that, by the '30s, had remained 'pure,' at least according to Nott. The book became quite popular among blood supremacists and is today pointed to as something to be proud to be part of.

"The contention arises because of two things. First, the book purposely excludes the Potter family, despite still being considered 'pure-bloods' at the time. Because Nott was the author, and he had a well-known rivalry with the Potters, an Ancient and Most Noble House, the book is considered by some to be an elaborate attempt to 'one-up' his old rivals. The second point of contention is that the Wizengamot in the 30s, decided to do a little... re-classification. Those families listed in the Directory were promoted to 'Ancient Houses,' while those Houses already considered Ancient became 'Most Ancient.'"

"But not the Potters?"

"No, because according to a bitter old fool, we weren't considered 'pure enough' for that honour. In fact, Nott attempted to get our Ancient status revoked because of it. He only failed because my great-grandfather, Lord Fleamont Potter, threatened to declare a Blood Feud against the House of Nott. A Blood Feud means that every member of the House of Potter, by order of the Lord Potter, would be obliged to fight and kill every member of the House of Nott wherever, and whenever possible."

"And that got him to back down?"

"No, it just convinced everyone else that supporting his measures against the Potters would have ended very badly. My family has more resources than some countries. If we wanted to wipe out a family, we definitely have the means. Nobody but Nott was stupid enough to give us a motive. In any event, the old fool died of a heart attack almost immediately after his proposal to strip us of our rank failed. Collapsed in front of the entire Wizengamot mid-rant about their cowardice in the face of 'blood traitors and mongrels.'"

"Does this mean anything for you or me?"

"As far as politics goes, not really. Being Ancient or Most Noble doesn't afford us additional votes on the Wizengamot. My House only gets one vote, like the others. Socially, however, it means I'm considered important enough to be invited to all the fancy Balls and parties where stuffy idiots attempt to butter me up in support of one cause or another. That said, there are some things that you would like to know.

"First, as a winner of the Order of Merlin, Second Class, you receive a vote on the Wizengamot. It can't be passed down like a Lordship, but for as long as you live, you have a voice. Likewise, I have a second vote because of my Lordship and receiving an Order of Merlin. The only difference between First and Second Class is First can affect the entire House, while Second is for the individual.

"And for the record, while some in the Wizengamot may expect you, as my wife, to name me Proxy for your vote, I will never expect or ask this of you. I will never attempt to speak for you, or claim your voice as my own."

Hermione blushed and smiled at that, and kissed Harry on the cheek. Smiling at her, Harry then turned to Ragnok.

"Sorry for that, Keeper Ragnok."

"Not at all. It all needed to be explained at some point, and the sooner the better. Now, if you aren't claiming your Lordship yet, then I assume you have a reason for this visit?"

"We do. I wished to give Hermione a proper ring, signifying our marriage to others. I also wished to know if there were any changes that she or I would need to know."

"Neither of you can claim money from the Family Vault until you claim your Lordship, though she might use money from your Trust Vault if you give your permission."

"She has it."

"Excellent. Now..." With a wave of his hand, a display case appeared on his desk. Opening it, Harry saw several rings paired together. All manner of design was present, some of which Harry had never seen before. "These are the marriage rings of the Potter family. Simply pick a pair you both prefer and place it on Hermione's finger. Couldn't be easier."

With Hermione guiding him, they picked a pair of Celtic rings, and Harry placed one on Hermione's finger. It automatically resized for her, and she smiled looking down at it. She might still want an official ceremony for her parents to attend, but this made it feel more official.

After meeting with Ragnok, and being brought up to speed on the accounts of House Potter, the trio returned to Ollivanders. An hour had passed, and upon entering the store, they found him up front again. He didn't look like he was in a trance this time, but he still looked somewhat out of it. He snapped to attention when the trio entered his store

"Ah, there you are. Mrs.Potter, I've finished your new wand. While it pains me to say this is not my magnum opus, it is closer to Invictusthan any other wand I've made." Producing a pure white box, he beckoned Hermoine over. Harry noticed that, as with his wand, the box had a single word in gold cursive:Lux.

Lux? That's it?

It means light. If I'm right, Garrick intends for it to mean the light of knowledge.

"Elder wood, 13 inches long, with twin cores of dragon heartstring, and the feather of an Auroran Phoenix. This wand will never miscast, or produce a spell that is either over or underpowered. Every spell, whether performed wordlessly or spoken, will be cast to perfection. As withInvictus, this wand will acknowledge no other as its master, but you. It will return to you by its own will, should it ever be lost or taken"

Opening the box, Hermione saw an incredible wand, perhaps the most beautiful she had ever seen. The wand, like Hedwig's feather, was white as snow. However, while this had no runes like Harry's wand, it glowed. It had the faintest glow, like the feathers of the Auroran Phoenix. But the grip was what stood out to her. Similar to Invictus, the grip was shaped like one of its cores. However, while the Unconquerable Wand had a roaring dragon for its grip, this had a phoenix, wrapping its wings around the wand.

Lux, the Wand of Light.

Reaching out, she took it in her hand, and a great warmth filled the room. The wind blew around her, like the eye of a cyclone, as her eyes began to glow with power. McGonagall held her breath because this reminded her of the day Harry received Invictus. The wind was less forceful, and the glowing eyes were less bright, but there was no mistaking that kind of power. It was more than Minerva had ever thought possible, especially from students. She felt proud to see her Lions coming into their own, but she couldn't help but shudder. She could only imagine the kind of power these two had and feared what might happen if they ever were given a reason to unleash it on the world.

She now understood why the prophecy had warned her to protect the Dragon's Heart, lest the world be lost 'in endless fire...'

After paying for the wand, and a new holster, the trio left the shop, with Hermione grinning at Harry.

"Well, now that the excitement's out of the way, time for what you've been looking forward to the most."

"And that would be?"

"Meeting the in-laws."



Ah, every man's worst nightmare: meeting the in-laws.
And what secrets is Dumbledore after? Nothing good, I can promise you that.

Chapter 28: The In-Laws


This is a short one, but I had fun with it. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry had faced off against Dark Wizards, Dementors, and Dragons. He faced off against the countless monsters the magical world had to offer, and each time he emerged triumphant. Even without Goliath and his unstoppable might, he had proven himself capable of handling the horrors of war.

So why is it that he felt uncomfortable facing off against his new in-laws?

The trio of Harry Potter, his new wife Hermione Potter, and their Head of House Minerva McGonagall were seated in the living room of the Granger house. It was a lovely place, far more pleasant than the Dursleys had ever managed. It wasn't just a more expensive house (something that would have irritated the daylights out of Vernon) but it actually felt more welcoming. It was like the people who lived here, happy to have people over for tea, to chat, or simply to be good neighbours.

Right now Harry was feeling none of that. Dan Granger was seated across from Harry, giving his best attempt at a hard stare. Normally, anyone trying to intimidate him would be met with faint amusem*nt, or a menacing glare of his own. With Dan, however, it was actually just enough to make him feel uncomfortable. He silently prayed that Emma Granger, Hermione's mum, would soon return from the kitchen with the tea and biscuits. At the very least, she seemed more amenable to the situation than Dan did.

"Dad, do you remember my letters about the Triwizard Tournament?"

"I do, yes."

"Then you'll remember that Harry faced off against an angry mother dragon just over a month ago."

Dan made no response, just maintained his hard stare.

"Daddy, Harry isn't going to be intimidated by the 'protective dad' routine. Please stop trying to make him uncomfortable."

Oh good, reverse psychology. Don't let him know it's actually working.

At that moment, Emma returned from the kitchen, carrying a tray weighted down by a silver tea set, tea cups, and biscuits.

"Dear, stop trying to scare our daughter's boyfriend. It's just plain rude."

"But he's not her boyfriend, he's her husband."

"Boyfriend, husband, either way, it's impolite to try and intimidate him when's he a guest in our home."

Emma set the tray down and took her seat next to Dan. Dan remained quiet as the tea was poured, and everyone began sipping their drink.

"So, Harry, tell us about yourself. We've never had a proper introduction."

Dan grumbled under his breath but otherwise remained quiet.

"Well, Mrs.Granger-"

"Oh please Harry, this is hardly a time for formalities. Call me Emma."

"OK, Emma... well, there's not much to tell about me. I lost my parents when I was fifteen months old, and until this summer, I was living with my relatives. I would prefer not to talk about them if it's all the same to you."

McGonagall frowned at that, remembering quite clearly her discussions with Dumbledore, and his decision to place Harry in their care.

"It's quite alright Harry. You don't have to tell us anything you're not comfortable with."

Dan was frowning, like he wanted to say something, but was keeping quiet.

"Well, what I will tell you is that I love Hermione, and I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy. Even if I have to build her a private library by hand."

Harry smiled at Hermione as he said this, and she blushed under his gaze. When he turned back to the Grangers, Hermione leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Dan retained his scowl, while Emma smiled at how much her daughter clearly adored Harry.

"Well, it seems like you know our daughter quite well. How did you two meet?"

"We met on the Hogwarts Express. She was helping another student find his missing pet, when she barged into my compartment, asked if we had seen a toad, and cast a spell to fix my glasses."

"You performed aReparo before even being Sorted, Hermione?" McGonagall looked at Hermione with a raised eyebrow. Hermione blushed when she thought back to that day.

"I've always read ahead. It seemed like a useful spell to know."

"Anywho, we didn't talk much until that Halloween. She, unfortunately, spent much of the day crying in a bathroom, because of rude comments made towards her. During the Feast, a mountain troll snuck into the castle and cornered her. It was risky, but I managed to save her from the troll. We've been friends ever since."

"Considering you were the reason she was in there, it was the least you could do." Dan finally spoke up. His voice was curt, and he clearly wanted to say more but held back.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Dan, that wasn't Harry who made her cry. It was theotherone. The ginger boy? The one who hates Crookshanks."

Realization slowly dawned on Dan, as he went wide-eyed, and smacked his forehead.

"Good heavens Dan, you've been trying to intimidate thewrong boy. This is Harry, the one with a walrus for an uncle, and a horse for an aunt? Remember?"

Harry snickered at the apt description of the Durselys, as Dan groaned in embarrassment.

"Harry, I am so sorry for my husband. He's a good man, and normally he's smarter than this. He's just having a slow day, it would seem."

"Not a problem Emma. I'm just glad to know Hermione gets her looks and her brains from the same place."

"Harry!" Hermione spoke up against Harry's comment, but further words were stopped by Dan.

"No, he's right. I deserved that. I am so sorry for that, Harry. This definitely isn't one of my finer moments."

"It's quite alright, Dan. It happens to the best of us. I'm just we managed to clear that up."

With Dan Granger's misunderstanding cleared up, the atmosphere became much friendlier, with the Grangers even hosting the trio for lunch. It was a simple meal, but it was much more pleasant than the meeting had been prior.

During lunch, the Grangers learned a great deal about Harry's life, with Dan swearing under his breath as he realized, from Harry's reluctance to discuss the Dursleys, that they had been abusive. The Grangers were also introduced to Winky and had house elves, and the bonds they formed explained to them. It was awkward at first, but the Grangers were proud of their daughter for doing the right thing. Winky, for her part, had never been in a non-magical home but quickly realized Hermione's parents were just as kind and lovely as their daughter.

Eventually, however, they had to part ways. The Grangers had been met, now it was time to go see Sirius.

Elf-popping away, they stood in front of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Contrary to the last time he had been here, this place looked much cleaner and well-maintained. It retained the darker paint job, but at least it didn't look like a dilapidated ruin.

Stepping inside, they were greeted with a great deal of red and gold. Somehow, it didn't completely remind them of Gryffindor, as it maintained a darker shade to it. Evidently, either Sirius preferred the darker shade, or the bloody house just made everything a darker shade.

Reminiscing on the paint job would have to wait, as Sirius strode up to them, all smiles at the sight of the trio.

"Godson! Godson's wife! Minnie! Glad to have you here!"

McGonagall rolled her eyes at the nickname, as Harry rushed forward and wrapped Sirius in a big hug. The two men laughed and smiled until Hermione came up. When the hug was broken, Sirius was treated to his first Hermy-hug, and he was still smiling and laughing.

"Glad to have you all here. What do you think Harry? Like what I've done with the place?"

"I do. It says, 'sexy vampire aristocrat,' as opposed to 'demented mountain troll.'"

Barking with laughter, Sirius led them into a sitting room, where snacks and cold drinks were waiting for them. Taking a seat, Harry noticed the distinct lack of screaming.

"From the lack of vulgar language, I take it Walburga's been evicted?"

"Close enough. I told Kreacher he could keep her portrait, but he had to keep her somewhere her screaming wouldn't be heard."

"Walburga? Who's that?"

"That, Hermione, would be my dearly departed blood-supremacist mother. The charming woman had her portrait made, so she could remind me even in death, just how much of a disappointment I am."

"Oh Sirius, I had no idea..."

"It's quite alright Hermione. I got the last laugh in the end, since I'm Lord Black, and my father got skipped over in favour of me, so she never became the Lady Black."

"I take it from Kreacher's willingness to follow that order, that means you two are getting along?"

"More or less, pup. Ever since giving him Reg's locket, we've come to a 'live-and-let-live' agreement. At the very least, his cooking has improved, though I think that's because Amy's brought Tibia over to make sure Kreacher didn't poison me by accident."

"I notice Moony hasn't joined us. Is he resting, or out and about?"

"Out and about. I set him and Nymmie up on a date. Last I heard, it was going pretty well."

Before the conversation could continue, Mallory popped into the room.

"Begging your pardon Mistress, but Professor Snapey accuses Gryffindor students of stealing from Sanpey's storeroom. You are asked back to handle the situation."

Sighing, McGonagall stood up. "It never ends, it seems. If I'm not back sooner, I'll return to bring these two back before curfew. Until then, take care, Lord Black."

With Minerva gone, Sirius turned to Hermione, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, Hermione, now that you two are telepathic, learn any embarrassing secrets?"

"Forget it, Sirius. I told her everything last night."


"Well, the broad strokes at least. Might have missed out on some finer details."

"Too tired to tell her the rest?"

"Gimme a break, I spent what, three hours straight dancing? My feet still hurt from that."

Hermione and Sirius chuckled at Harry's complaint. But Hermione then had a grim look on her face.

"Harry, there's something I'd like to know."

"What is it?"

"How did my parents handle me being married to Ron? I mean, my dad glared at you because he got you two confused. I can't imagine they were happy with me for marrying the real thing.

Sirius laughed at that but eventually calmed down. Harry sighed as he sunk into his chair.

"They weren't pleased, but there was more to it than that. During the Horcrux hunt, you Obliviated them of their memories of you, or even having had a daughter. After, you sent them away to Australia. Eventually, you did restore their memories, despite Ron and Molly's reluctance. They weren't happy with you, and unfortunately, your relationship with them never recovered.

"Part of the reason is because they never approved of Ron. What's more, you never properly reconciled with them, remaining on the outs for as long as I can remember. When I asked you why you never patched things up with them, you told me that because your parents were Muggles, they didn't understand what life was like for you as a witch. I didn't think much of it at first, but considering everything they did already..."

"Sounds like a loyalty potion. Molly probably had it keyed to the Weasleys, so that you would always choose them over your parents. They have a tendency to mess with the way people think, so your brain probably came up with a 'logical' explanation for your sudden preference for the family of the Howling bitch." Sirius spoke in a calm, clinical voice. It was so weird to hear him like this, but Harry could just make out the suppressed anger over what these two went through.

It did little to help, as Hermione began softly weeping at the thought of her relationship with her parents being destroyed. Harry wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a gentle hug. He calmly stroked her back, softly kissing her, promising to protect her, and her family. After a few minutes, she looked Harry dead in the eyes.

"I'm glad the git is dead. Tell me you have something planned for Molly?"

"I do. Three gift vaults, totalling 72,000 Galleons, have been illegally seized from me, and their contents split between Dumbledore and Molly. Arthur has no idea that Molly has stolen 36,000 Galleons from me, but Ragnok knows. He's been tracking any withdrawals or deposits to her secret vault. All he needs is a letter from me, and Molly will be answering to goblin law."

"I can't imagine that'll be pleasant."

"It definitely will not. The goblins hate thieves like a cat hates water. Speaking of water, how fares Amelia when dealing with Bagman?"

"Not as well as I'd hoped, pup. Bagman's been pretty insistent on using hostages for the Second Task."


"Right, I never mentioned that. Well, the mermaid song mentions'what you'll sorely miss,' but it's a trick. 'What we'll sorely miss' is our friends and loved ones. Instead of objects, people were placed at the bottom of the lake, and we had to rescue them from a mermaid village."

"That's just... why!?"

"Well, according to Amy, Bagman thinks it'll be more 'dramatic' and entertaining for the viewers. She's fighting against it, but it isn't going very well. Crouch is practically a no-show, Whiskers has been keeping his opinion to himself, and Fudge is too indecisive to make up his mind. Unless she can get something useful to push the others, you might have to rescue Hermione from the lake."

The trio became quiet and thoughtful. Harry was about to suggest using Rita Skeeter to stir up public opinion when Hermione had an idea.

"Actually, let them go through with it."

When Harry and Sirius looked at her, it was as though she had grown three heads. At their stunned looks, she continued.

"Look, Dumbledore is a meddler, and he thinks the rules don't apply to him, right?"


"Well, if he's told he'll have to use objects instead of people, he's liable to look for a way around that rule. If he does, then we'll be unprepared for when it happens, and any number of things could happen. But, if Amelia offers Bagman a compromise, where he gets to use his... insane hostage idea, but he has to comply with every safety measure Amelia and the DMLE can think of. That way, it's not just one thing Dumbledore has to contend with, it's a list of obstacles, and we know what to look for."

Sirius and Harry said nothing, simply looking at her.


"You are a devious little lion. Lily would be proud of you."

Hermione blushed at Sirius' compliment.

"I'll talk to her about it, see what she thinks. She might not be thrilled, but if she thinks it's the safer option, she might be mollified."

"Won't you get in trouble for talking about this with us? Will Amelia be upset?"

"Oh please, I told her a week ago you and Harry figured out how to open the egg, and the clue inside. It's part of the reason she's on the warpath with Bagman. She doesn't like people she's supposed to be working with pulling a fast one on her."

"I almost pity the idiot. Well, in any event, what else is new, dogfather?"

The conversation continued from there, going on until McGonagall returned from Hogwarts. According to her, Snape was convinced the twins had stolen supplies from his private storeroom before returning to the Burrow. Turns out, it had been a pair of Slytherin students who stole the supplies, and it was a Ravenclaw prefect who caught them afterwards. As she put it, the look on Snape's face was 'priceless.'

The trio remained at Grimmauld Place for dinner, with Harry pleasantly surprised by Kreacher's willingness to cook for a half-blood and his muggleborn wife. Whether Sirius knew it or not, he was a good influence on the insane house elf.

By the time they returned to Hogwarts, it was curfew. McGonagall escorted them to the Gryffindor Head Students Common Room, before bidding them good-night.

Cautiously, the pair walked up to the portrait of Lord Aurelian.

Hermione, you know you don't have to spend the night with me.

I know.

Smiling at the two Potters, Lord Aurelian opened his portrait without a word, and the Soul Mates walked through. On the other side, they found a magnificent bedroom, complete with desks, wardrobes, and a king-sized bed, with their trunks at the foot of the bed.

Slowly, and carefully, the pair walked to their wardrobes and changed into their pyjamas. It was awkward for the both of them, as this would be their first night sharing a bed. Their second night, as husband and wife.

The two climbed into bed, next to each other. Harry was nervous, wanting to hold Hermione close, to let her know she would always be safe in his arms, and that he would protect her, no matter what. She shared his thoughts, and without warning, she wrapped her arms around Harry and cuddled up next to him.

I love you, Harry.

I love you, Hermione.

The two Soul Mates soon drifted off to sleep, each knowing they were safe and loved. And not even Dumbledore would take that from them.

"Master, are you certain you wish to-"

"Silence Wormtail! I know exactly what I'm doing! And you should know better than to question me!"

"But if the Ministry finds out where-"

"By the time the Ministry realizes where we are, it'll be too late. I will have returned to my full power, and the Boy Who Lived shall be forever known, as the Boy Who Failed! Now, make ready the final preparations! Azkaban is calling us!"


Uh-oh. Looks like old Moldybutt is planning something of his own. This won't be good...

Chapter 29: Normalcy


All I have to say, is never get your hopes up when dealing with government bureaucracy.

Chapter Text

When Harry woke up, he felt warmer and more comfortable than he could remember. Opening his eyes, he found the woman he loved, Hermione JeanPotter, sitting up in bed next to him. She was casually reading a book while sipping a cup of tea. It was a picture of domestic bliss he never realized how much he wanted.

Realizing he was awake, she turned to look at him, smiling all the while.

"Good morning, Harry."

"Mmmph... morning Hermione. Been up for long?"

"Not too long. Just enough to let McGonagall know we would be having breakfast in bed. Whenever you want, I'll call Dobby and Winky."

Sitting up, Harry stretched his arms as he began to wake up fully. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he noticed Crookshanks curled up at the foot of the bed. Looking around the room, he noticed Hedwig sitting on a perch. She was looking back at him, with what he swore was a smile on her face.

"This a special occasion, or do you want us to have a private conversation?"

"Both, actually. I figure it can be our 'honeymoon' breakfast, and we need to discuss a few things."

A few minutes later, the married couple were enjoying a pleasant breakfast, served on trays that were perfect for such a situation.

"I can only imagine how Snape would react to this. 'Special privileges for a spoiled brat' would probably be the kindest thing he'd say."

"Professor Snape, Harry. But he's not important right now. First, I'd like to talk about the Weasleys."

"Any one of them in particular?"

"For now, Ginny and the twins. We need to decide what happens with them going forward?"

"Are you expecting trouble from them?"

"From them, no. But their mother? Absolutely, but we'll get to here later."

"So, what's the problem?"

"Based on everything you've told me, one of two things will happen once the Weasleys come back from the Burrow. One: they'll either blame us for Ron's death and likely start helping their mother with her potions schemes. Or two: they'll recognize what happened to Ron was his own fault. Normally, I'd say the first is unlikely. However..."

"Given Molly's penchant for potions, you think she might potion them into opposing our relationship?"

"Or she might getthemto help in her potioning. She might consider it 'just deserts' for the death of Ron."

"If she does, she'll find out that tickling a sleeping dragon is far less dangerous than pissing off an active one."

"Harry, you can't just kill her, and if you set Gringotts on her, Dumbledore will know you're on to him."

"True. In any event, I doubt she'll resort to potioning her children. More likely she'll send Dumbledore daily Howlers until he comes up with something to break us up."

Hermione paused to look at him. "She would actually refrain from potioning someone?"

"She never used potions on Ginny or the twins. God knows she probably wanted to, at least to get the twins interested in having 'respectable careers' working for the Ministry. With Ginny, she's more likely to use emotional manipulation to get what she wants. I think it just never occurred to her that not everyone will listen to her, no matter how loudly she yells."

"Well, that's something. Second, I need protection from mind magics, like legilimancy and obliviation."

You already have it. When in close proximity, I can protect you both, while the necklace you were gifted has such protections, along with potion-detecting and resisting charms. The necklace can only be removed by you, and it must be done willingly. Plus, it can be charmed so that only you can see it if you're concerned about it appearing too fancy for day-to-day wear.

"You two thought of everything."

"Mostly. But, if you want, we can start on occlumency training in the new year. It requires meditation, so we'll probably do most of it during the weekend, so we have fewer interruptions."

"Good enough. Now, third, I'm assuming the plan is to defeat Voldemort during the Third Task?"

"Correct. If everything goes as it did last time, the Cup will be a Portkey to the Little Hangleton graveyard. Pettigrew will be waiting there, planning to ambush me and use my blood to resurrect Voldemort. Given that he never goes anywhere without Nagini, I can kill her, destroying the Horcrux in her, and then kill Voldemort."

"So what do we do about Dumbledore then?"

"During the summer I'll claim the Lordship, and we'll work on tearing him down, piece by piece. I doubt it'll be easy, given his fetish for secrecy, but the bearded blighter can't help but meddle. He'll slip up, and when he does, we'll go for the throat."

"Alright. Now, what about the summer? We're married, but I'm not sure if I want to move out of my parents now, and I know they'll want to spend the summer months with me."

"As far as houses go, we can decide that when you're ready. Potter Manor is in Gloucestershire, while Potter Castle is in Wales. There's also our overseas properties, but I think we can worry about those later."

"Who's taking care of them? Gringotts, or house elves?"

"The family house elves. They're still following their last orders from when my parents went into hiding, 'preserve the properties and live your lives until a Potter returns.' There's enough ambient and family magic that they can survive until I claim the Lordship."

When Hermione looked skeptical, he sighed before continuing. "Look, Hermione, I don't want them getting hurt because of Dumbledore. If he thinks I don't know about them, or that I haven't called upon them, he's more likely to ignore them and focus on me. I don't want him using them as pawns."

Hermione accepted that, and with nothing left on her mind, they ate breakfast together, enjoying the warmth of each other's presence, until an owl flew into the room. In its claws, it held theSunday Prophet. Looking at the front page, they saw a picture of their kiss at the Yule Ball, complete with a glowing sphere rising above them, the headline boldly proclaiming:



"Huh, figured they'd have released this earlier. Anything involving you tends to be big news, and the Boy Who Lived finding his soul mate sounds pretty big to me."

"It's theProphet. They probably figured they could sell more copies by initially holding out. At least they got an impressive picture. But what does the article say?"

"Its written by Barnabas Cuffe, not that Skeeter woman, so it's at least accurate. Mostly describes the night from the start of the Ball to the kiss, but... ahh here we go. There's a paragraph mentioning Ron trying to kill us, and Magic itself striking him down."

So all of magical Britain knows he's a traitor and an attempted murderer.

He's also dead Goliath, so that solves most of our problems regarding him.

True, but there is something you two need to start doing today.

And that would be?

It's time to start teaching me.

At breakfast, Dumbledore relied on his Occlumency skills to avoid scowling at theProphet's headline picture, and the accompanying article. Harry and his mudblood soul mate, are locked together in an eternal snog, while the article denounces the now-dead Ronald Weasley as a coward and attempted murderer. Why couldn't that fool be useful?!

The boy had done his task splendidly for the past three years. Thanks to Ron, Dumbledore was kept fully appraised of Harry's actions, and his thoughts. It had proven remarkably useful in predicting his actions, and guiding him as he saw fit. Now, not only was he denied that information, but there was no chance of him getting his informant back into Harry's graces.

He had considered using theotherWeasleys but dispensed that thought as quickly as it came. The twins were hardly useful and would be stubbornly opposed to the idea of spying on a friend. Ginny might have had potential, but this potential was hampered by her open support for Harry and Hermione and thus would be reluctant to intervene, even with the prospect of marrying her hero.

Still, he shouldn't complain. His research into the Egyptians had given him many new insights, and they'd come in handy once this damned Tournament was over, and the Boy Who Lived could be dealt with.

Speaking of, where was he? And for that matter, where's Granger? The two of them had returned last night, he knew that much for certain. So where were they now?

"Minerva, it seems you're missing some Lions. I don't see Mr.Potter or Miss Granger anywhere."

Minerva, who had been in conversation with Flitwick, reluctantly turned to the Headmaster and spoke in a tone she usually reserved for stupid students.

"It's Mr. andMrs.Potter now, Albus. You were there when we informed the Grangers of the Soul Bond and everything it means. As far as their presence goes, I would assume they're eating in their private quarters. Given their relationship status, I elected to allow them that freedom going forward."

"You can't do that, Minerva."

"Actually, I can, Albus. As Head of House for Gryffindor, that is well within my rights, and unless you intend to trade jobs, you have no right to interfere with that decision."

With that, Minerva simply turned back to Filius to resume their conversation. Inwardly, Dumbledore cursed, frustrated at the fact he was losing control over his martyr. Still, he shouldn't dwell on it. Many avenues were being opened thanks to his research, and they could be used to great effect.

He only hoped that Molly had the sense not to jeopardize everything.

At the moment, the Burrow was a tense place. The day before, Molly and Arthur had brought Ginny and the twins home from school, while Bill and Percy took time off work to be with their family. Charlie had already returned to Romania, so there was little chance of him returning before the New Year. Arthur was planning a proper funeral service for Ronald, but he wanted to wait until all his children could be together for it.

At the moment, Arthur was in his workshop, tinkering with some small project or another, while Molly was going about the house looking for one thing or another that needed her attention. Breakfast had already been finished, and the dishes were washed, dried, and put away. She was doing little more than keeping herself busy.

She needed to because it was the only way she could avoid screaming at the first person she saw. Ronald, herRonald, was dead. He'd been killed by a Merlin damned Soul Bond. She'd read about them, but always thought they were just legends, or misremembered truths built up to be more grand than they really are. The fact that they actually existed, and that mudblood Granger was the soulmate of Harry Potter... defied any explanation.

'Of all people, why did it have to be themudblood?' Such thoughts went through Molly's mind many times as she went about the house. Those two had been inseparable for as long as they had been friends. She was the one friend Ron was never able to keep away from Harry. It had its upsides. Given how bright she was, she'd been able to help Ronald pass more than a few of his classes. Though she would never say it out loud, she knew exactly how dim-witted her son was, which meant she would be useful in getting her son ahead in life.

But she became a problem this year. For one, she had stood by Harry while Ron, for reasons she still couldn't understand, had ruined his friendship with him. With the mudblood taking Ron's place as his best friend, it had been no surprise he had asked her to the Ball. Because Ron had distanced himself, he couldn't persuade Harry to ask Ginny to the Ball, while Ron would ask the mudblood. If he had, things could have been perfect! Ginny gets the hero of her dreams, and Ron gets someone useful for his future!

But no, Harry had asked the mudblood, and she couldn't do anything about it! Albus had already forbidden the use of potions at this point, fearing the consequences of their discovery. Even more so, he didn't want the potions to affect Harry's ability, preventing him from competing in the Tournament. On that, Molly was certainly in agreement. Ginny couldn't marry him if he died during the blasted thing.

But now that wasn't going tohappen!Harry and the mudblood were soulmates, which meant the moment they kissed, their bond was activated, and they becamemarried! That mudblood was nowMrs.Hermione Potter, and would soon beLady Potter!!!

Much as she wanted to act, to dosomething, she knew she shouldn't. Albus had pulled through before, and he would pull through again. She just needed to be patient. Besides, she still had her secret Vault, and the Galleons stored within. Sooner or later, Albus would figure out what to do, and she'd be ready.

As Molly privately fumed, the Weasley children had gathered in Bill's room. Of the children's rooms, his was the biggest, and it was still usable. At the moment, Bill was trying to get a clear understanding of what happened during the Yule Ball from his siblings.

"So Ron was out of the Hall for theentiredance?"

Ginny, still bitter over how he had treated Padma, answered. "After making a royal arse of himself, yes. He left Padma crying at the table and stormed out of the Hall while the dance continued. I don't even know where the idiot would have gone."

Bill looked to the twins with his next question. "What about you two? Did you notice anything strange from Ron during the dinner?"

"Sorry Bill, but we didn't notice anything unusual."

"Our brother was behaving like, as Gin-Gin said, a royal arse most of the year though."

Bill raised an eyebrow at that, waiting for the twins to explain.

"Ever since the Goblet picked Harry as the fourth champion, he's been acting like a git."

"He accused him of being a cheat and a liar. As far as any of us are aware, he still thought Harry put his name in the Goblet."

"Even though Moody and all the Aurors stationed at the castle said he couldn't have done it?"

When the twins nodded at Bill's question, he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing as he did so.

"What about you Percy? Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?"

"Sorry Bill, but I spent most of the evening talking to Madam Bones, Bagman, or the Longbottoms. I didn't even know Harry and Ron were on the outs until now."

"It's alright, I'm not accusing you of anything. This is all new to me too." Bill turned back to Ginny and the twins. "But everyone said the same thing, that Ron attempted the Killing Curse?"

When the trio nodded, Bill sighed again. As much as he loved his family, he hated this. He hated having to be the responsible parent at times like this. When he arrived the day before, he could already see the signs. Mum and Dad had been arguing. Or rather, Mum had been ranting while Dad tried, and failed, to calm her down. Thank Merlin Percy was already there. He'd put up silencing charms, letting his younger siblings get through the day without hearing everything. It was a good thing too, because they'd already heard their Mum use some pretty foul language.

It didn't surprise Bill that Ron's death put Mum in a foul mood. He was the youngest son, he'd always been her baby, no matter how old he got. But this was ridiculous. He knew that Dad was in his workshop, trying to keep himself busy. It was just how he was trying to process his grief. He didn't blame Dad for it, but he wished that sometimes he would put his foot down more often.

From what Percy had told him, Dad had recognized that Ron's death was his own doing. The boy had tried to use the Killing Curse as a Soul Bond was forming. Anyone with even a basic understanding of Soul Bonds knew that Magic itself protected these unions, and responded proportionally to threats. But Mum wasn't having any of it. As far as she was concerned, this was Harry and Hermione's fault, not Ron's.Theywere the reason he was dead, after attempting the Killing Curse.

"So what do you three want to do now?" When his younger siblings looked confused, he continued. "Right now, things are tense in the house. We all know it, and much as I hate saying it, Mum isn't helping. I don't what's going through her mind, and frankly, I don't care. You three-" He paused to point at his siblings, "-are what's important right now. So, what do you three want to do?"

The twins looked at each other, then at Ginny, before she decided to speak. "I'd like to go back to Hogwarts."

"Are you sure Ginny?"

"Yes, Bill. All my friends are there, and I think I'd rather spend time with them than listen to Mum vent again."

"Harry and Hermione will still be there. Are you OK with that?"

"Bill, they didn't kill Ron, no matter how many times Mum says it. He got himself killed by his own stupidity. And they've been like siblings to us, ever since we met them. I just... I don't want any bad blood between us. Harry's a friend, and Hermione's like a sister. I don't want them to think any of us blame them."

The twins nodded along to Ginny. Much as they acted the part of irreverent pranksters, Bill knew they were good kids deep down. They might freely bend the rules, but their hearts were always in the right place.

"Fair enough. Percy, what about you? Do you want to stay, or do you need a place?"

"They've given me an allowance because of the tournament, so I can stay or get a room in Hogsmeade for a few days."

"Alright then. Make sure they've got everything they'll need for the new term. I'll let Dad know you're heading back to school, and I'll keep Mum busy while you get them there. Sound good?"

They all nodded, and Bill took that as his queue to leave. Times like this, he wished he was the younger brother instead. But he was the oldest, and he needed to look out for them. Even from his own parents at times.

"Remember Hermione, use a happy memory, the happiest you can think of."

With breakfast done, Hermione had been anxious to get started on her new training. Given she didn't want to risk damaging the portraits, Hermione thought it best to have her lessons in their shared room. Of course, the moment he agreed, he realized that Hermione meant forHarry to begin the lessons, not Goliath.

But that wasn't too bad. Turns out, Harry still had a knack for teaching, even with his encyclopedia/teaching assistant communicating with them both telepathically.

Right now, the focus is on the Patronus Charm. In the prior timeline, Hermione hadn't learned it until the D.A. and her corporeal Patronus was an otter. Given everything that had happened, he was curious if it would still be an otter, or if it had changed. Better yet, had his changed? He hadn't even thought of doing a Patronus since coming back, even to give messages. Seemed redundant given Hedwig was now a phoenix. Granted, she still seemed to prefer flight to flame travel, but the point stood.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Hermione cast the spell, and on her first try, she succeeded, to a degree at least. She hadn't created a corporeal Patronus, but she had created the silvery shield. It was good, extremely good, but Harry knew she could do better.

"Almost there Hermione. What memory did you use?"

Hermione blushed at his question but answered. "I was thinking about the night we flew on Buckbeak. That was the night I realized, that I was in love with you."

Harry smiled, but his teaching assistant had an explanation.

That is a good memory, but it's tainted.

Tainted!? By what!?

By your fear of heights. You were flying through the sky, on a hippogriff. You were calmed by Harry, but you didn't forget that you were high in the sky.

"I hate to say it, but it sounds like he's onto something. It's a good memory, but do you want to try another?"

Hermione looked thoughtful but then smiled as she turned to Harry. She readied her wand and cleared her throat. With a flourish of her wand, she cast the spell again.


This time, she succeeded in creating a corporeal Patronus. But instead of an otter, her Patronus took on the form of a magnificent silver phoenix. It flew across the room, flying circles about them, before dissipating. Harry was smiling broadly at Hermione.

"Fantastic Hermione! You got it faster than I did!"

"Well, it was all about the right memory."

"What did you pick?"

"Our dance at the Ball. I forgot everything around us as we danced."

Harry smiled, then quickly crossed the room. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply on the lips. For a few seconds, they held the kiss, until breaking away.

"Now you've got another memory."

Hermione giggled at that, but a look of curiosity spread across her face.

"What was my Patronus before?"

"An otter. It was cute. It would swim through the air, chirping and squeaking. Not sure if the phoenix is an improvement, but it was beautiful."

"Has your Patronus changed?"

Harry was about to answer when he remembered he didn't know. So, releasing his hold on Hermione, he grabbed his wand and cast the charm. This time, instead of the magnificent stag he remembered, it was a glorious silver dragon. It soared through the room, before coming to a stop before Harry and Hermione. Before it disappeared, Harry got a good look at it and was shocked to find it resembled Goliath to an uncanny degree.

Goliath, is this your doing?

Not intentionally. The Patronus can change depending on the person, and the life they've lived. You haven't forgotten that Snape's Patronus is a doe like Lily's, have you?

Wait, Snape's Patronus is like your mother's?

Yeah, he had unrequited feelings for her. It didn't help that they used to be friends, right up until he called her a mudblood in front of the entire school.

Hermione looked shocked at this revelation before she responded.

Is that why he hates you? Because you're the son of the woman he destroyed his friendship with?

Pretty much. It's petty and somewhat pathetic, but the bastard can't let go of his hatred for my father. The Marauders did pull plenty of pranks, some of which were definitely excessive, I won't pretend otherwise, but my dad became a better person for my mum. Snape tried to impress her by becoming a Death Eater.

How does anybody misread a situation THAT badly???

Beats the hell out of me. Anywho, that's the seventh spell you've learned since breakfast. We've got about a half-hour till lunch. Do you want to try learning another spell, or call it early?

Let's call it early. I definitely want to learn more, but I think it can wait. I have something I'd like to ask.


Should we expect anything during the New Year's Ball?

Worried about someone else trying something stupid?

No, just curious. You've been to these in the future, I assume?

A few. Was never a big fan of the politicking, but a few were mandatory. It's not far off from the Yule Ball, with a few differences. First, while we'll be receiving an award, we're not expected to dance. People will probably try and ask, but we're under no obligations.

Is that all?

Nope. Second, because there'll be an awards ceremony, for our Orders of Merlin, the Minister will ask one of us to give a speech. Given that I'm receiving an Order of Merlin, First Class, it'll probably be me but don't count on it. Have something brief in mind.

Will anyone unpleasant be there?

Absolutely. The wives of Death Eater Lords will be there, probably along with their Heirs, so we'll probably be subject to glares and whispering, but little more. That said, Dumbledore will definitely be there, as the Chief Warlock, and Molly will probably be there, as Ginny's mum. Dumbledore might try some pontificating about how we're 'too young' for a Soul Bond, and Molly might engage her Howler voice, but that's it.

Anyone we should think about who isn't out to kill or manipulate us?

Kill, no. Manipulate, pretty much all of them. I've become an even bigger celebrity in magical Britain, and with you as my soulmate, you'll likely be just as popular, or close enough that the difference is irrelevant. As far as specifics go, I can't think of anyone off the top of my head. Madam Bones will be there, along with the Longbottoms, so we'll have sufficient backup if people get too close.

The only person of interest who isn't hostile to us is probably Cyrus Greengrass. He might approach us during the Ball.

Daphne's father? Why would he approach you?

His family was suffering from a blood malediction, a hereditary curse that caused them no end of grief. I was able to cure it, so he might approach us looking to be friendly, or looking for something from us. I'm not sure which though.

Well, we can worry about that when it happens. Come on, let's head to the Hall.

I thought we were spending the day in?

Harry, we can't avoid everyone forever. Let's join them for lunch, and see how it goes. If it goes poorly, we can have most of our meals in private.

With nothing left to say, Hermione made for the portrait. Much as Harry wanted to argue, he knew she was right. They had to face the school at some point, and it was best to just get it over with.

As they made their way to the Hall, students noticed them going by. These same students began to whisper. Whispers of'It's them!' or'Lucky bint' or the occasional'They're so cute.'

It was a damned improvement over the whispers he was used to being the subject of. Whispers of being a freak, a madman, a monster waiting to be unleashed. Idle chatter and gossiping fishwives were nothing to be concerned of, not when they were too scared or star-struck to do or say anything more.

Entering the Hall, all chatter ceased almost immediately. Looking up at the High Table, the Headmaster and the rest of the staff were already seated, enjoying their meal. Albus, however, briefly looked Hermione's way, before wincing in pain.

Did he just try to use Legilimency on me?

He did. Have no fear, even without my presence, he can't pierce through the defences guaranteed by your necklace.

I can't imagine how you're able to handle being in the castle with him.

It takes a toll, believe me. Don't think I haven't been tempted to say 'Bugger it!' and blast him into little sticky pieces. But then I'd simply be an unhinged psychopath, on par with Voldemort himself. I need to tear him down before I break him.

Well, whatever your chosen course, we'll face him, together.

Sitting at the Gryffindor Table, the pair became the immediate subject of discussion, with Lavender and Parvati instantly moving to sit across from their former dormmate. The two girls questioned bombed Hermione, though theirs were more along the lines of'Are you two really married? Are you going to have a public ceremony? Did Harry get you a ring?'

After showing off the ring, a feat which had the girls nearest sighing dreamily, the pair began to re-acclimate to their regular lives. It was different, of that there could be no doubt. The entire house knew the pair were now married, and thus, would no longer be living in the Tower with the rest of Gryffindor. However, given how well this meal was proceeding, they weren't going to lock themselves away, never seen outside of mandatory Feasts and classes.

Then the chatter died down again, as a new group entered the Hall. A familiar trio, of redheads: Twin boys, and their younger sister. Fred, George, and Ginny. The Weasleys made their way to the Gryffindor Table and politely asked Lavender and Parvati if they might sit there. The girls looked hesitantly towards Harry and Hermione, but the soulmates gave a nod in response.

They shuffled over, enough to let the trio sit across from Harry and Hermione, with Ginny seated between Fred and George.

The entire Hall held its breath, waiting to see what would happen. Though nobody noticed it, Minerva, Filius, and Moody all had their wands drawn. Even though he didn't have a wand, Hagrid's body tensed, as he braced himself to move with the utmost haste. He might not be allowed to cast spells, but he'd be damned if something happened to his favourite students and he didn't do anything to help.

"Fred, George, Ginny. Welcome back. We weren't sure when you'd come back." Harry opened up the discussion after a brief, and unbelievably tense, silence.

"Bill and Percy helped us get back."

"Things have been tense back home."

The twins did their usual twin-speak, while Ginny simply nodded along.

"Oh? And why would it be tense? Because of the Yule Ball?"

Ginny sighed in response to Harry's question, before continuing. "Look, Harry, Hermione, none of us blame you for what happened. We all heard it, and we all saw it. Our idiot brother attempted the Killing Curse on one, or evenboth of you. We don't want you two to think we blamed you for this."

With that, the mood at the Table eased, with everyone becoming more comfortable with the situation. Sure, the Weasleys might mourn their brother, but they weren't looking to avenge him. They recognized who was at fault, and it wasn't the soulmates in front of them. Soon, the Hall again became filled with the sound of chatter, as normalcy, at long last, began to return.

Nothing exemplified this more than the twins resuming their good-natured teasing.

"So Hermione, you've landed a real winner."

"No no, my less handsome twin, Magic has handed her a win."

"All the same, my thick-headed twin. There's no more eligible bachelor in Hogwarts."

"True, true. Magic has broken many a heart with this most wonderful pairing."

"There couldn't be a more golden pairing."

"And there isn't anyone with more golden Galleons than our noble Harrikins."

Ginny rolled her eyes at her brothers. "I hope you two aren't implying she's only interested in his Galleons."

Hermione smiled at Ginny, before leaning into Harry. "Don't worry Harry. Even if we weren't soulmates, I'm here for you. Down to your last two Knuts."

Neville was, unfortunately, drinking some juice when Hermione finished that. That same juice quickly came out of his nose, while Hermione went red in the face, realizing what she had just said. The twins, and everyone in the immediate vicinity, heard what she said, and peals of laughter broke out across the table.

Hermione buried her face in Harry's shoulder, as he wrapped an arm around her. He couldn't help but smile, and decided to add his own little bit.

"Don't worry Hermione. You'll never lose me, or my Knuts."

Chapter 30: New Year, New Problems


Took a little break from this to write some chapters for The Veil of Death. Might take another break in the future for Daphne's Gift, but I'll wait before doing that.
Until then, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With the return of the Weasleys, life returned to normal for most of Hogwarts. Harry and Hermione may have had their own private rooms, but they never distanced themselves from the rest of Gryffindor. The library remained a favourite haunt of Hermione, while Harry always found reasons to be with her. Likewise, Harry would spend many an hour in the Head Students Common Room, speaking with the portraits of his parents and many ancestors. Hermione would always be with him during this time, comforting him when the emotional weight of everything that had happened came crashing down.

During these talks, Harry learned that, during his time as Gryffindor Head Boy, Dumbledore had spent many hours trying to coax the secrets of the Potter family out of the various portraits, none more so than Aurelian himself. It had frustrated the boy to no end that he had no luck in this endeavour. So much so that when he became Head of Gryffindor and later Headmaster, he tried again to coax the Potter's secrets from Aurelian, attempting to pull rank explicitly.

He'd had just as much success in that regard as before. Only this time, it left Aurelian suspicious of Dumbledore. Suspicious enough that he actively refuses to speak with the man unless explicitly necessary by his standards.

It was interesting and further cemented, in Harry's mind, the importance of bringing Dumbledore down.

But most of all, their spare time was dedicated to Hermione's education. Specifically, she was learning everything that Harry already knew, either from future experience, or the boundless knowledge of Goliath. At the moment, they were in their Common Room, Hermione hunched over some parchment, while Harry stood beside her, looking over her shoulder in case she needed any explanation.

This is amazing! An entire runic alphabet and I'm learning it straight from the source!

Glad to see you're enjoying yourself. It was a pain in the arse writing out the lexicon.

How did you write it the first time around?

Trial and error. Goliath would explain the design to me, and I'd attempt to copy it until he figured out a way for me to 'see' the runes written out. Then it became a matter of tracing the runes.

Their discussion was interrupted by the arrival of a Ministry owl, carrying an envelope. Accepting the envelope from the arriving owl, Harry looked over the contents.

A letter from Sirius, reminding us to be ready for the New Years Ball. There's also a bad joke about us sleeping together and... ah, a registration form from the DMCR.

The Department of Magical Creature Regulation? Why do you need to register with them?

Hedwig is now a Phoenix, and any creature over the XXX classification needs to be registered with them. Says here Sirius went to the DMCR to make sure we had everything we needed. Looks like I can simply fill out the form, and send it in.

How DID Hedwig become a Phoenix? You still haven't told me.

A ritual for Familiars. The basic premise is it empowers the Familiar, in this case, Hedwig, based on the strength of our bond. Next to Hagrid, she's the first friend I ever had, and she's been by my side ever since.

Do you think I could perform the ritual?

Do you mean on Crookshanks? Maybe... Goliath? What do you think?

She can... however...


However, the ritual will empower Crookshanks, and transform him into something else. The smallest of these, the Catsidhe, is a black cat as big as Padfoot, while the biggest could be the size of a Nundu.

Oh. So, that's out of the question.

Not necessarily, I'm simply telling you it would require greater preparation. We would need a plan for dealing with the potentially super-sized Crookshanks. Give me some time. If you're serious about wanting to perform the ritual, I'll figure something out.

Well, now that that's taken care of, finish up the Ddraigaraith alphabet. After that, we'll move on to the Language of Heaven.

Hermione squealed with joy at the thought of learning so many new things and immediately re-focused her attention on the runic alphabet.

McGonagall and the other Heads of House had gathered in the Headmaster's office, to discuss a very important matter. The exact details of said matter were left unsaid until the meeting began. Now that it had begun, McGonagall and Flitwick were united in their ire, this time towards Bagman and this bloody Tournament.

"I thought you were going to put a stop to this Albus!"

"I tried, Minerva, but Bagman wouldn't let up. Crouch was absent and Fudge couldn't make up his mind until Amelia put forward her compromise."

"So if I understand this, Bagman plans to take four students as hostages, leave them tied up at the bottom of the Lake, in the middle of a merpeople village, and expects the Champions to rescue them in an hour?"

"They... wouldn't necessarily be students, Minerva."

"That's not an improvement Albus!" Flitwick might be small, but his lungs were powerful. "You're talking about takinghostages! Does Bagman even expect their families to consent to this idea!?"

"That was part of Amelia's compromise, but please, let me finish. Yes, we will be required to gain the consent of the participant's families, regardless of their age, but she also required additional safety measures. These safety measures, she hopes, would be put in place with your assistance, given that three of the Houses are expected to be represented, either as contestants or as the... hostages."

That seemed to calm Minerva and Filius, but only slightly. Snape took this as an opportunity to speak.

"Is there anything in particular she requires?"

"Only that it be as foolproof as possible, and that it be used to guarantee the safety of the participants. I'm confident the merpeople will assist us in guaranteeing their safety, but this would go a long way to easing Madam Bones' concerns."

The four Heads of House discussed the various methods they might employ to ensure the safety of the four hostages until they agreed to what Albus had requested of them. With a sigh of relief, he dismissed them, waiting until the last of them had left. With them gone, he retrieved the latest tome he had been studying and resumed his important work.

He had found an intriguing ritual, employed by the Egyptians on those who had angered the Pharoh to such a degree, that death alone was deemed insufficient. For what he was after, it seemed shockingly effective, and the perfect solution to his problem.

But he needed to be certain. That was why he continued his research. There would only be one chance, and it needed to be perfect.

Sneaking through the castle to the Room of Requirement wasn't easy at the best of times. Doing it as a pair, with one of them carrying a cat, was even harder.

Harry and Hermione, with Hermione carrying Crookshanks, had arrived at the Room of Requirement. The journey had been easy, compared to sneaking through the castle when the Aurors were on high alert, watchful for any disturbances. The Prefects, by comparison, were hardly attentive, no doubt watchful for the occasional sneaking student, when much of the school had left, and wouldn't be back till next week.

Replicating the ritual that had empowered Hedwig was proving to be easy to set up. Most of the ingredients he already had access to, having secured extras before the school year began, as backups in the event he ever needed to use them. A few required him to sneak into Snape's private stores, but that didn't bother him in the slightest, and one or two needed to be purchased.

One of the required components was a simple cat collar. It was periwinkle, Hermione's favourite colour, and would prove invaluable for what came next.

Right now, Hermione was drawing the runic circle, following the directions given to her by Harry and Goliath, to the smallest detail. She had already mixed the ritual components in the required bowl, and would soon be ready to complete the ritual.

An interesting quirk of this ritual was it required the work to be done by one individual. Harry might offer instruction, and point out any details or flaws that she might miss, but otherwise, everything must be done by her hands alone. Otherwise, the ritual would prove to be a dud.

You're sure I've done this right?

Absolutely. The circle is perfect.

And the ingredients? Are you certain that I mixed them properly?

Hermione, calm down. If there was a problem, we would have told you already.

I know, I know. I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. If this is going to be affecting Crookshanks, I have to do this perfectly.

With Hermione satisfied, now came the most important part of the ritual: Crookshanks. Hermione didn't even need to approach him, the intelligent beast simply walked into the runic circle, and sat where he was needed.

Smiling at Hermione, Harry stepped back and let her do what they came here for. Hermione ignited the mixed components and began the ritual. It was interesting to observe the same ritual he had already completed. Watching Crookshanks go stiff as Hermione chanted the ritual words got his attention, and then the runic circle glowed. It was dull, at first, but grew into a brilliant golden light, and suddenly, a bright flash and the ritual was complete.

Opening their eyes, Harry and Hermione both stared in shock, at the biggest lion they had ever seen. At 7 feet tall at the shoulder, and 10 feet long, this lion deserved the title 'King of the Beasts.'

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (11)

The Nemean Lion... I can honestly say I didn't expect that.

The Nemean Lion? As in, the beast Heracles slew as the first of his Labors?

The very same. Its hide is as resilient to magic as it is to conventional attacks.

If that's true, then will the collar even work?

The collar in question was now in Harry's hands. He had held it to prevent it from interfering with the magic of the ritual. It was designed so that, once placed around the neck of the newly transformed Crookshanks, he could be turned back to his original form at will. After all, while the school would allow a phoenix, it was doubtful they'd allow a super-sized lion to freely roam the halls.

Of course. We prepared the collar for any eventuality, as a precaution if nothing else. It... just might be a two-person effort getting the collar on him.

Taking the collar from Harry, Hermione walked up to Crookshanks. The lion looked at her with familiarity in his eyes and gently brushed against her. This was indeed Crookshanks, and Hermione returned the affection, gently petting his snout, as she moved to his side. It took some effort, but she was able to get the collar around his neck. When she clicked the collar shut, the lion transformed back into Crookshanks and was caught by Hermione.

Now you can transform him back will.

Hermione wasn't listening, as she stroked the purring Crookshanks, still held in her arms.

My god, I forgot how big an event this is.

It was finally time. The New Year's Ball was being held, and Harry and Hermione, both recipients of an Order of Merlin, were required to attend. Ginny had Flooed home to meet with her father, who would bring her to the Ministry. Neville, Daphne, Susan, and others had likewise returned to their homes to prepare for the Ball.

Right now, the soulmates were entering a large ballroom located within the Ministry. This room was used regularly by the Ministry to host large events, the most regular of these were the balls held throughout the year.

The room was massive, with dozens of round tables set up around a large dance floor. At the far end of the room was a stage, where Minister Fudge would award the Orders to Ginny and the Potters, along with anyone else receiving commendations from the Ministry. Afterwards, there'd be dinner, and dancing until midnight, and the beginning of the New Year.

After taking their seats at the table reserved for them, Harry looked about the ballroom, taking in the decorations. Gold and silver featured heavily, with ribbons, curtains, and other wall decorations all featuring either colour. Above them hung silver chandeliers, with enchanted silver stars floating between them. The chandeliers and stars would glow silver, until the countdown to midnight. Once midnight hit, they would change from silver to gold, bathing the room in a brilliant gold light.

Anyone in particular I should worry about?

Harry diverted his attention from the decorations to the guests as they filed into the room. Nobody stood out to him that he hadn't warned her about already.

Narcissa was here, as Lady and Regent for the Malfoy family, along with Draco, though his situation was hardly unique. Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson, and Nott were also in attendance, their mothers acting as both Lady and Regent for their Houses, following the World Cup Riots, and Harry's devastating display of power.

The rest of the Dark faction was present, the various Lords and Ladies attending with their Heirs. None of them in particular stood out to Harry, little more to him than an assortment of yet-to-be-outed Death Eaters and their sympathizers. Every now and again, one of the Lords or Ladies would look his way and regard him with equal parts fear, disgust, loathing, and curiosity. That bore watching, but that would be for another time.

The Grey faction was centred around Cyrus Greengrass and his family. While none of this faction were counted among the Death Eaters, they were far from steadfast allies against them. It was an eclectic mix of families and opinions. Most of the Lords and Ladies of this faction were conservative, yet rejected the blood purity doctrine that dominated the Dark faction.

What separated them from the Light was they held to the traditions of magical society, given that they had done an effective job of guiding and stabilizing that society since the foundations of the Wizengamot. The Greys simply believed in doing more to integrate muggle-borns into magical society, as opposed to the Dark, who regarded muggle-borns as beneath them. This included familiarizing them with their traditions and customs, some of which the Light wished to dispose of.

Then, of course, there was the Light faction. Dumbledore's dutiful followers believed he could do no wrong, and followed his word to the letter. As with the rest of the guests, none of them particularly stood out to Harry, either being a dutiful little minion for the bearded bloviator, or they were disconnected enough from him to warrant not taking an interest in them.

With none of the families standing out for their political views, that just left the ones that already were connected to Harry and Hermione's lives. Amos Diggory was here, along with his wife and Cedric. Arthur and Percy just arrived, with Ginny in tow, but no sign of Molly, which was unusual. In the years following his ascent to the Potter Lordship, he'd attended enough of these New Year's Balls to know that woman never passed up the opportunity to attend one of them. Either she was told by Arthur she wasn't attending, which was unlikely, or she had contrived some other reason to justify her absence. That possibility bore watching.

Such thoughts were dispelled by the beginning of the ceremony. Minister Fudge stepped onto the stage, welcoming everyone to the annual New Year Ball, and all the other generic greetings reserved for formal affairs. It was all rather dull, especially given the amount of times Harry had heard a near-identical speech, and Fudge was far less attention-grabbing than Hermione.

Then came the awards, doled out to 'individuals of outstanding merit' for actions taken during the past year. Some of the awards were of genuine value, recognition given to Aurors for their service in apprehending fugitives. Some, on the other hand, were of questionable value, awarded to individuals who had given the right amount of gold to the most popular cause of the week. But then, finally, came the Orders of Merlin.

"And now, finally, we award the Orders of Merlin. It gives me great pleasure to award, Miss Ginevra Weasley, and Mrs. Hermione Jean-Potter, the Order of Merlin, Second Class, for their heroic actions during the World Cup Riots."

The room applauded, mostly, when the two witches confidently strode on stage to receive their award. The Order of Merlin consisted of a gold medal, hanging from a coloured ribbon to indicate the class. For Second Class, the ribbon was purple, as opposed to the white of the Third Class, and the green of the First Class.

Speaking of, as Hermione and Ginny returned to their seats, Fudge spoke again.

"And finally, the last award of the night. For outstanding heroism, in facing twelve Death Eaters, and saving the innocents attending the Quidditch World Cup, it gives me great pleasure to award the Order of Merlin, First Class, to Harry James Potter!"

The room burst into applause as Harry walked on stage to receive the award. After shaking the Minister's hand, and posing for the required photos, Fudge continued.

"Mr.Potter, would you care to share a few words with us?"

Smirking, Harry nodded his head and turned to face the ballroom.

"Well, thank you, Minister. I'm truly honoured to be receiving this award. I won't bore everyone with some long-winded speech, and instead, answer a question I've been asked many times since the riots. 'What were you thinking, facing a dozen Death Eaters? What went through your mind as you faced twelve murderers, torturers, and rapists?' I tell them the same thing each time. I was thinking of my friends and all the people I stood to lose to those bastards. Fighting Death Eaters became easy after that. I'm proud to accept this award, but I dedicate it to my friend Ginny, and my wife Hermione."

The applause was polite as he stepped down from the stage, though some younger witches were looking at the aforementioned women with jealousy in their eyes. But that meant nothing to Harry, because right now, he was with his soulmate, and she was safe and loved.

With Harry's little speech over, the awards ceremony was finished, which meant the Ball could begin in earnest. Music started playing, from a band Harry didn't recognize, and menus appeared on their plates. In a repeat of the Yule Ball, the guests merely needed to state clearly what dish they wanted, and it would be provided by the house-elves of the Ministry.

This doesn't seem so bad. Aside from the need to give a speech, I don't see what you were worried about.

The real problems don't start until after dinner. After about an hour, it's assumed everyone is finished, or at least close enough, that it's not considered impolite to get up and start approaching the other Lords and Ladies over matters of politics. That's when the political talk starts.

Does it really get that bad?

I'm probably overthinking it, given how unprepared I was for all of this, no thanks to Dumbledore, but I had more than a few Lords approach me with proposals for political alliances, legal support, and even marriage proposals.

Wait, marriage proposals??? For you or your children?

... Both. But... mostly me.

Why the hesitation? Is there something about marriage laws I need to know about?

...Maybe. I... was hoping this wouldn't be a topic, but we might have to discuss it... in the worst-case scenario.

Why would marriage proposals be such a heavy... you were married to Ginny when you received them, weren't you?

Yeah. But they weren't trying to become the new Lady Potter. They wanted to become the new Lady Black.

Polygamous marriages are legal in magical Britain???

Technically no, but... there are exceptions.

Such as?

After Sirius died in the original timeline, I became the Lord Black, as well as the Lord Potter, though I wouldn't learn this until years later. During my time in the DMLE, I learned that as the Head of two separate Houses, I was expected to marry two women to keep the lines separate.

What's the justification behind that?

Well, I was given a few reasons. The first is to try and prevent dynastic conflict. The belief is that, if my children through Lady Potter are fighting over the title of Lord Potter, then the conflict would become much worse if they were also attempting to claim the title of Lord Black. But by having children through a Lady Black, the hope is that it minimizes the conflict, and prevents the Statute from being threatened.

Because the children of Lady Black would work together to prevent the children of Lady Potter from threatening them.

Right. The second is to try and prevent a single family from holding a monopoly on power. I already have two votes, in my capacity as Lord Potter, and the winner of an Order of Merlin, First Class. Theoretically, that becomes three votes since you, as a winner of an Order of Merlin Second Class, have your own vote, and would likely vote alongside me, if you didn't name me your proxy. If I became the Lord of a second House, that becomes four votes, which may not seem like much...

But in a system where every vote counts, it could prove a deciding factor, especially when voting on the passage of a bill into law.

Right. The Wizengamot can tolerate having me around for a few decades, maybe a century at most, but having to deal with thatindefinitely is a big problem for them, especially if I'm unlucky enough to only have one child with Lady Potter.

I doubt that'll be a problem, but is that all of them?

Two more. The third is to prevent the hoarding of magical power. I still know a frightening number of spells, mostly curses, thanks to studying the Black Family grimoire. Those spells are known only to recognized members of the Black Family, especially since if anyonebuta Black tries touching the grimoire, it'll give them a painful death. Combine that with the secrets of the Potter Family grimoire, and there are a lot of them, and I could out-duel nearly anyone my age, and even older.

More than a few families are jealous of the power the Potter Family has access to, both in terms of magic, and resources, both of which could lend to extensive political power. Same with voting power, the Wizengamot can tolerate one overpowered individual, but not an overpowered family, especially with the number of spells I know. Technically, I could have added everything I knew from the Black grimoire to the Potter grimoire, which would have offered my descendants an enormous advantage over other magical, even more so than before.

The last reason is it simply prevents families from going extinct in the most literal sense. Enough of the old families have died out, thanks to Grindelwald, Voldemort, and simple blood bigotry, that the Wizengamot is particularly invested in keeping the ones around still going. Every now and again, a once-thought-extinct family is discovered to have an heir kicking around, not knowing about their heritage until later. But that's rare, thus the law.

Did I ever try and change the laws?

Oh yeah. But even with my support, and Molly shrieking from the viewer gallery, the bills died in the first reading. Not even the Light faction was willing to overturn the law, mainly for the reasons I just listed.

How did you handle them then?

I didn't. I did pretty much what Dumbledore taught me to do, both by example and by never telling me anything: I ignored the proposals and blew off any talks that centred on them. It kept Ginny happy, and Molly quiet, but it did me little good politically. That's part of the reason you were willing to propose the legal changes more than once, including as Minister. You were trying to help out a friend.

Is it possible you'll deal with it again?

I hope not. With Sirius free and restarting his relationship with Amelia, I'm hopeful we'll be seeing a new generation of Black children. But, there's always the possibility that Azkaban affected his ability to have children. I've read enough accounts of men and women being rendered sterile thanks to Dementor influence to know it's not a certainty, but it is a possibility.

Does our being soulmates affect us in any way?

I have no idea. I never found any record or law pertaining to soulmates in that manner. They're so rare as to be statically non-existent, so I'm guessing the Ministry never created laws for what they considered an impossibility. I figure best-case-scenario, as my soulmate you would automatically be considered my... 'first wife' I assume.

Hermione had no answer. For a few minutes, she simply ate in silence, listening to the conversations being carried out by Sirius, Amelia, and Susan. Eventually, she responded to Harry.

I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this, but if anyone proposes marriage, then we'll deal with ittogether.

Afterwards, the duo joined in the conversation, laughing at Sirius and his bad jokes. Eventually, came the time to dance. At first, it was slow going, with only a handful of pairs stepping onto the dance floor. Slowly, it began to pick up, and it felt like a true ball.

As the night dragged on, Harry took note of the mood in the room. Much of the Dark faction was keeping to itself, as they usually did. However, there seemed to be an unusual amount of discussion amongst the remaining Lords. Discussions that most of the Regents were being kept out of. The key exception to this was Narcissa Malfoy. The question remained, however, if she was speaking for the other Regents, or speaking for the faction.

Lucius had led the Dark faction, and his execution no doubt left a power vacuum, one the Dark faction may very well be attempting to fill.

On the other hand, the Light faction was making the most of this time to enjoy the Ball. With Lucius dead, they likely believed the Dark faction would be rendered weak, and f*ckless without him. But there was also the possibility that they simply wished to celebrate, and believed without him, they had more breathing room. It was possible the Wizengamot was in for a potential shift in alignment.

Dumbledore, perhaps most strangely of all, was simply sitting with the Minister with the other high-ranking Ministry attendees, minus Madam Bones. He was chatting with Fudge, and anyone else who came over, but he seemed wholly disconnected with the entire event. It was like it didn't even matter to him at the moment.

And considering how invested Dumbledore was in political power, and his image as the 'Lord of the Light' that definitely meant something was going on. The only question, was what?

As far as the Grey faction was concerned, this could go either way. For every Grey family on the dance floor, another was gathered among their peers. This was hardly unusual, as the Grey faction was led by Cyrus Greengrass, and he led with a firm, but fair hand. Which was what made it strange when Harry realized he was barely involved with any of the larger discussions. In fact, he had barely left his table since the dancing started.

Three of the four Greengrass's were present for the Ball; Cyrus, Cassandra, and Daphne. Harry could distinctly remember Cyrus holding talks with several of the Lords in all three factions. The man was stoic and quiet, but a political juggernaut, and he would shine in political discussions. But tonight, he had barely left his table, speaking with one or two Lords, and mostly when they approached him.

Something was going on, and it seemed he might get his answer, as Cyrus stood from his table, and made his way over to Harry's.

"Heir Potter, Lord Black, Madam Bones, a pleasure to see you all tonight."

"Harry, I don't believe you've been formally introduced yet. This is Lord Cyrus Greengrass, head of the Grey faction of the Wizengamot." Sirius handled introductions as Cyrus firmly shook Harry's hand.

"Lord Greengrass, it's a pleasure to meet you. Might I introduce my soulmate, Hermione, and my year-mate Susan Bones."

"I've yet to meet Susan in person, though I know her and Hermione through my daughter's letters home. She speaks highly of you both, especially you, Mrs.Potter. 'The Brightest Witch of her Generation' I believe was Daphne's description."

"I'm flattered, Lord Greengrass."

"Not that I'm unhappy to see you Cyrus, but is there a reason for this visit? I figured you'd either stay with your family or the rest of the Greys."

"My family is the reason for this visit, Lord Black. Heir Potter, I'd be honoured to have you, your Godfather, and your lovely wife, as guests at Greengrass Manor for dinner. I had hoped we might arrange something before the end of the holiday, but with all the excitement after the Yule Ball, my daughter believed it was inappropriate to extend the offer herself."

Harry was surprised by this but kept his voice neutral. "Is there a particular date you have in mind?"

"I'm willing to be flexible, given the importance of the upcoming Second Task."

What do you think Hermione? Any ideas when?

There's a Hogsmeade weekend on the 16th. We can spend the day together, and visit the Manor for dinner.

"Would the 16th be appropriate? It's a Hogsmeade weekend, so it's probably the easiest to arrange."

"That sounds excellent. I look forward to it, Heir Potter." Cyrus then bowed respectfully and walked back to his family.

The night continued afterwards, with Harry and Hermione eventually going out onto the dance floor. They danced perfectly, a mirror image of their experience at the Yule Ball, with the added bonus of no Ron to spoil it. Near the end of the night, however, he noticed Cedric speaking with his family. Remembering how Cedric had helped him before, he decided it was only fair to return the favour. With Hermione beside him, he calmly made his way to the Diggorys. When they reached the table, Cedric greeted them as he had always done, with a genuine smile, and a kind word.

"Harry, Hermione, congratulations on the Orders of Merlin. You definitely earned them."

"Thank you, Cedric. I'm just glad Harry intervened when he did."

Cedric nodded his head, remembering how Harry had mentioned Hermione needed a Healer. That same night, he learned she was suffering the effects of the Cruciatus Curse. She might have gotten an award out of it, but Cedric wouldn't blame her if she would trade it for never having to suffer the effects of the Unforgivable ever again.

"Harry, thanks again for warning me about the dragons."

"My pleasure Cedric. Krum and Fleur both knew about them, it was only fair you did too. Besides, Professor Sprout told me how you told the rest of Hufflepuff I wasn't a cheat, and I thank you for that."

"It was the right thing to do, Harry. I just wish it didn't cost us so many points when the badges were discovered."

Harry smirked, remembering how many points had been lost in the other Houses because of said badges. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, despite the best efforts of their students, had barely managed to recover the points lost, while Gryffindor commanded a still significant lead. Slytherin had only just managed to escape the dreaded negative points zone. Harry almost pitied them, considering how furious Snape must have been with a points loss that humiliating.

"Well, thanks again, Cedric. Oh, and by the way," Harry leaned in close, and spoke in a whisper, "any luck with the egg?"

"None. Cho thinks there's a way to muffle that shriek, but we're not sure what to use."

"It's a mermaid's voice. Water is the key."

Cedric went wide-eyed but nodded his head. "Thank you, Harry."

"Good luck Cedric. After dragons, I shudder to think what's next."

After that conversation, the night began to reach its zenith, and soon came the countdown to New Year. Above the stage, the countdown was conjured in the form of a silver clock, counting down the final seconds of the year. As it did this, the silver lights would slowly dim, until it went pitch black at "1" and would light up in brilliant gold with the beginning of the New Year.

In some years, highly enthusiastic, and somewhat inebriated attendees, would fire off the Vermillious charm like fireworks. This had a tendency to break the chandeliers decorating the ballroom. Though it was rare, it was still possible for people to get injured by a broken chandelier falling from the ceiling. The upside to that was it was usually the thoughtless idiots who dropped the chandelier on themselves, so that problem usually took care of itself.

But all such thoughts dissipated because the clock was now on stage. The countdown began.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

The crowd cheered the beginning of the New Year, and Harry kissed Hermione beneath that golden light. Eventually, though, they had to separate and return to Hogwarts. The soul-bonded pair returned to their quarters, climbing into bed, and cuddling with each other. A new year lay ahead of them, with all the opportunities it brings.

Their joy and optimism remained come morning. Even with the revelations over Christmas, the new year still felt like a new beginning for them. Hermione's training was going remarkably well, with the brilliant witch eager to put her newfound knowledge to work in the class. The two of them laughed and giggled as they enjoyed another breakfast in bed, given the special occasion.

Then the Daily Prophet arrived, and when Harry took one look at its headline, all such thoughts of happiness went right out the window.




Well, this is definitely new. Wonder how Harry plans to deal with this?

I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed in you guys. Nobody tried guessing who was going to be broken out of Azkaban. Everybody seemed to think Moldybutt was going to do another mass breakout.

Chapter 31: Courage

Chapter Text

'This is not how I wanted to spend my New Year.'

Such thoughts dominated Amelia's mind, as she arrived at Azkaban. The night before, almost perfectly aligned with midnight, Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the most violent, sad*stic, and unhinged of Voldemort's followers, had escaped from Azkaban prison. The psychotic bint had been one of the Death Eaters who were proud of their service to Voldemort, with Bellatrix proclaiming the inevitable return of her master, even as she and others were carted off to Azkaban.

And now, she was free. But the question remained, how?

Looking over the side of the boat, she took in the full sight of Azkaban Island. It was a miserable place, and not just because of the prison. The island was located in the North Sea and was little more than an oversized rock protruding from the ocean. So much of the island was comprised of little more than rock, the pathways had to be carved out using magic.

The boat rocked ever so slightly as it came to a stop, arriving at the Azkaban docks. On this desolate rock, this area had been the only one open enough to be used as a docking point. It was a small area, with only two stone jetties for those landing, or leaving. A few feet away from the jetties, was a low stone building, a guard post, set up here to monitor anyone arriving at Azkaban. It was also the only point on this island that wasn't covered by the anti-Apparition and Portkey field, possessing a designated landing zone for both forms of arrival inside.

In the event of a crisis, the field could be extended to encompass the building by the warden. With the escape of Bellatrix Lestrange, this security feature had been put into full effect, forcing Amelia to arrive by boat, to inspect the breakout.

Waiting for her outside the guard post was an Auror guard, one who was eager to get out of the bitter cold.

"Madam Bones, welcome to Azkaban." The man was forced to raise his voice, so he might be heard over the waves hammering the sides of the island.

"Let's make this quick. Is Warden Aiden ready?"

"He's waiting for you in the guard barracks. Follow me."

The Auror led Amelia to the one pathway available. The path consisted of stone stairs, carved into the rock of the island, with waist-high walls on either side. The walls did little to block the wind, instead providing another view of the island. The rest of the island was comprised of rocks so jagged, that it was nearly impossible for anyone to traverse them. This was made worse by the fact that the island was constantly hit by stormy weather, and the presence of the Dementors combined to create a dangerously icy surface anywhere not protected by magic.

Soon enough, however, the path opened into a wide landing, with only one defining feature: the guard's barracks. Similar to the guard post, the barracks was a low building, with only a single floor on the surface. However, she knew from personal experience most of the barracks had been built underground, with the warden's office, and the one Floo connection, located at the lowest level. As with the anti-apparition field, the Floo network had been temporarily shut down due to the emergency caused by Bella's escape.

Waiting just outside the barracks was Warden Aiden. A grizzled veteran of the war against Grindelwald, Aiden had been serving as Azkaban's Warden since the 70's. Like Alastor Moody, the man had several scars across his face and a rough stubble that combined to give him an intimidating appearance. Around his neck was a Ministry amulet, one issued only to Aurors and Ministry officials expecting to be near Dementors. While not as effective as a Patronus charm, the amulet carried enough enchantments to get Dementors to stay away, unless a large enough number of them were interested, thus overwhelming the amulet's protection.

"Madam Bones, glad you made it. Where do you wish to start?"

"How did this happen?"

"Follow me."

Aiden led Madam Bones, and her Auror escort, up another path, one that led directly to Azkaban itself. Looking up, Amelia shivered as she beheld the prison in its totality. A towering edifice, the fortress projected an aura of brutality and fear. Built by a malevolent Dark Wizard, one driven to madness by his twisted experiments, the fortress had been repurposed as a prison, and it remained an effective one.

One way in, and one way out, and a hundred ways to lose your mind within its walls. The lower levels housed the less dangerous offenders, those whose crimes warranted only a minor punishment. But even so far down, they could still feel the effects of the Dementors. From the highest levels, she could see the soulless demons patrolling the outer walls, watching the prisoners through the bars of their cell windows.

Up ahead, she saw the black iron doors that led into the fortress proper. But the prison itself wasn't their destination, as they took a left, down another path that led around Azkaban. And up ahead, she saw their destination: the Azkaban burial grounds. Perhaps the only spot on the island that was more dirt than rock was where the bodies of those who died in Azkaban were buried if nobody outside the prison was willing to claim them.

Off to the side of the graveyard, was a brick building only slightly bigger than Hagrid's hut back at Hogwarts. This was the morgue, where bodies meant to be taken from Azkaban were cleaned, and placed within coffins for transport back to the mainland. This was where Aiden was leading them.

Inside, they found another Auror, standing watch over a middle-aged man, with a hollow, empty look in his eyes. Amelia immediately realized this man had been Kissed. It took all of ten seconds for her to realize this was an Auror.

"Madam Bones, I'm sure you recognize Auror Percival Addams."

"I do. An Auror regularly posted here for his disreputable conduct. But he didn't deserve this."

"Maybe not, but we found him in Bella's cell, already Kissed by the Dementors. That was when we conducted our investigation of him and found traces of mind magic. It's difficult to tell, thanks to the influence of the Dementors, but we're confident it's the Imperius Curse. I've already inspected every wand on the island, and I'm ready to submit my own wand for inspection. But we've also found remnants of Polyjuice in his body."

"Any theories on how this happened?"

"Just one, though I don't like it. An outside source, likely another Death Eater, was able to arrive on the island by some means currently unknown to us. Said individual was able to place Addams under the Imperius Curse and have him lead the perpetrator to the relevant cell. Addams was then forced to drink Polyjuice keyed to Bellatrix, while she drank one keyed to Addams. The infiltrator then led Polyjuiced Bellatrix out of the prison, while Polyjuiced Addams was left to be Kissed by the Dementors. Their means of fleeing the island remain unknown, and we're currently investigating."

"Very good, Aiden. I'll be rotating the Aurors currently here to undergo a mental scan for potential memory modifications, including you, so be ready to leave at any time."

"Understood, Ma'am."

'A breakout from Azkaban, quite the way to start the New Year. If she goes for Hogwarts, I'll need to increase security.'

Right now, Harry and Hermione were using the Marauders Map, heading off to find the one student most affected by the news: Neville Longbottom. After breakfast the pair went down to the Great Hall, hoping to catch him leaving. However, according to the other Gryffindors, he had finished breakfast early, and nobody had any idea where he had gone.

Quickly pulling out the Map, Harry's fears he might have left the castle were allayed when they found his name in an unused classroom. As they approached said classroom, they could hear the sounds of spell casting.

Opening the door slowly, they saw Neville facing off against a training dummy. He was casting several, overpowered spells, ranging from a Stinging Hex to the Disarming Charm. Each spell hit the dummy and it was steadily knocked back by the barrage Neville was unleashing.

I had no idea a new wand would do him this much good.

Once he got a proper wand, he became a whole different person. He once told me he thought he had been put in Gryffindor by mistake. By the end of Voldemort's reign of terror, his was the heart of a warrior, one that would make Godric proud.

"I think you got him, Neville."

Harry spoke so calmly, that he was mildly surprised when Neville spun around, aiming the wand at him and Hermione. But he quickly lowered it, taking deep breaths as he did so.

"Harry. Hermione."

"We read the news. Thought we should check on you." Hermione spoke calmly, but the worry in her voice was clear.

"Thanks, but I'm fine."

"Hmm. So that's why you're in an abandoned classroom, hitting a dummy with every spell but an Unforgivable?"

Neville turned away from Harry, but he continued.

"Neville, please tell me you aren't planning on hunting Bellatrix down."

No response.

Neville! Why would you even think of doing that?"

"Because that bint is the reason my parents were in an asylum!" Neville snapped at Hermione but quickly realized what he had said. "I-I'm sorry. That... that was uncalled for."

"It's alright Neville. Nobody is blaming you for being upset. How do you think I felt when I thought my own godfather betrayed my parents?"

Neville thought over Harry's words and soon nodded.

"I know it's dangerous and stupid. But I lost my parents for more than ten years thanks to that maniac. I just got them back. I... I can't go back to not having them. Not again."

Hermione walked up to Neville, wrapping him in one of her signature Hermy hugs, while Harry slowly approached him. When she broke the hug, he placed a hand on his shoulder... and turned him back to the dummy.

"You're putting too much power into the spells, Neville. Overpowering can be useful if you're aiming for a specific effect, but if you're just trying to hit your target, it can be counterproductive. Try again, but go for a clean, precise cast."

Neville looked at Harry in surprise but followed his instructions, casting his spells much more cleanly, and efficiently. After hitting the target about ten times, Harry decided to take the next step.

"Good, good. But casting efficiently means little if you can't hit your target. Part of what makes Bellatrix so deadly on the battlefield is she moves like a murderous ballerina. She doesn't need to block or deflect incoming spells if she can dodge them. Not all spells can be countered effectively, while dodging allows her to conserve magical power, allowing her to last longer in the fight."

With that, Harry waved his wand, and the dummy began rolling in multiple directions. First, it'd move to the left, then the right, then forward at an angle, and back again. The movements were slow and somewhat jerky, but it was just enough to provide an increased challenge.

The addition of movement threw Neville off at first. The first dozen or so spells missed entirely, either cast too soon or too late, missing the dummy completely. However, after a while, Neville regained his focus and began timing his shots. After a great deal of patience, he could time his shots almost perfectly, hitting the dummy 8 out of 10 times.

Then Harry sped it up, increasing the challenge.

For the next few hours, Harry trained Neville, while Hermione offered helpful insights during breaks. When Neville's skill became sufficient at one speed, Harry would increase the speed, posing a more difficult challenge. After a while, however, Neville was worn out, being kept going solely by his drive to become strong enough to beat Bellatrix before she could threaten his family.

Lunch is in an hour. Should we call it early, and head to the Hall?

I got a better idea.

Casting the Patronus charm, Harry sent it to McGonagall, with a message that Neville would be joining him and Hermione for lunch in their Common Room. Exiting the classroom, they led Neville to the portrait of the three lions. After giving the password, they brought him into the Head Students Common Room, where Neville looked around in shock.

"So this is where you two have been staying."

"Yep. Welcome to the Gryffindor Head Students Common Room, a separate area for Gryffindor Head Students, and their trusted friends. McGonagall decided, after the excitement of the Yule Ball, that this would be an appropriate place for us."

"Everybody in Gryffindor is wondering where you've been staying since you and Hermione became soulmates. Never would have guessed you were so close."

"Well, it also comes with some privileges. We're allowed to have meals in here, outside mandatory Feasts, along with any friends we invite, so long as McGonagall's given notice in advance."

After summoning a table and chairs, the trio sat for lunch, with Winky and Dobby providing the dishes. Midway through it, after friendly banter, Harry had to ask an important question.

"Neville, what exactly are you hoping to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you simply training in the event Bellatrix comes after your family again? Or do you plan to take the fight straight to her?"

Neville sat in silence, as he thought over his answer. During the silence, Harry and Hermione shared a look of equal parts curiosity and concern. Finally, he spoke.

"I have to be strong enough to protect my family. I know going after her is stupid. She could be anywhere in Britain. Hell, Sirius was considered at least as big a threat as her, if only because he was the first to escape. And they didn't even come close to finding him."

"So if they haven't found her by summer, what do you want to do?"

"I just want to protect my family. I can't lose my parents, not again."

"Well, if you're not planning on running off to hunt her down, I can help with that. After lunch, there's a special room I'll show you."

"What room?"

"That's a surprise. All I'll tell you now is I found it recently, and it's been immensely helpful."

What's the room?

Sorry, Hermione. But you'll have to wait to find out.

Not even a hint for your beloved wife?

Well, I suppose I could give you a hint. We found it during our fifth year, and it has some of the most impressive enchantments you've ever seen.

Now I want to know even more.

Sorry love, but that's all I'll tell you.

In the solitude provided by his office, Dumbledore considered the implications of this morning's news. Since the summer, so many things had been going wrong for him. The biggest of these was the sudden display of absolute power by Harry. The boy was growing in power at a tremendous rate, so much so that he stood ready to eclipse both Tom Riddle and himself if he hadn't already.

While he was hopeful that such a thing would never happen, he hadn't been completely oblivious to the potential risks. Thatmonster buried in Harry's soul posed the biggest risk of all. And yet, he was confident that if things ever got too far out of hand, he could handily reapply his bindings, weakening him for his appointed task as a martyr.

But Griphook was dead, executed for crimes against Gringotts, and the Goblin nation. The loss of his contact was annoying but manageable. Like most assets, he could be replaced. What annoyed Albus was the reason for his execution was unknown to him. Griphook had provided Albus with thousands of Galleons, courtesy of Harry and his gift vaults, vaults that were much better off in his far more capable hands.

If the goblins knew this, they would have seized his vaults, and frozen his family finances, and potentially those of Hogwarts. They did not tolerate theft, nor did they mince words. So he hadn't been executed for anything relating to him or Molly, that much was certain.

But then whatwas he executed for??? Even if it was for something inconsequential to him, that knowledge would provide him valuable insight into the goblins and their legal proceedings. That was information he could always use to his advantage. That this knowledge was out of his reach only served to further irritate him.

Even if Griphook was still alive, he doubted he'd be able to get the bindings placed on Harry again. Sirius had become a free man, thanks to Harry's and Amelia's efforts, and thus full guardianship was transferred to Sirius. This placed him even further beyond his influence, doubly so given Sirius had been cold towards Albus since his trial.

The upside, at least, was nobody was interested in investigating why Sirius had been imprisoned without trial. If anyone found out about his use of Compulsions, everything would be in jeopardy.

But this escape from Azkaban raised new questions, new possibilities, and new problems.

Bellatrix had been aided in her escape, that much was certain. The question was, who had helped her, and how had they done it? None of his contacts in the DMLE were being of any use in this, either because Madam Bones had ordered silence on the subject until they learned more, or simply because the DMLE was uncertain. Either possibility annoyed him.

But this raised one question above all others: was this the work of ambitious Death Eaters, or Tom? The signs all pointed to Tom's return to power, by the end of the summer at the latest. If this was his doing, then we might be closer to his return than he thought. If so, this could prove useful.

But for now, he would watch and wait. He had more experience than anyone at playing the long game. For years now, he'd been forced to wait for his glorious moment, when he would be immortalized as the Defeater of Grindelwald and the Vanquisher of Voldemort. He could wait, a little longer.

"Why are we standing next to the dancing trolls?"

Neville had asked this question, just as soon as they arrived at their intended destination. Pointing to the correct wall, he grinned as he spoke.

"Right here, is one of Hogwarts' greatest secrets. The house elves call it the Come and Go Room. But history remembers it, as the Room of Requirement."

Pacing in front of the wall, Neville gasped in shock as a pair of doors appeared on the wall. Opening the way, Harry led them into the Room as he remembered it. Here, he had trained the D.A. both to fight back against the encroaching influence of that miserable toad and to prepare his friends for the inevitable fights against the Death Eaters.

He'd had some success, until Edgecombe ratted them out to the toad, neither knowing nor caring what would happen to the rest of us. Afterwards, came the battle in the Department of Mysteries, Sirius had died, and Dumbledore's grip on him had been secured. He would dance to Dumbledore's tune for the remainder of his fight against Voldemort, even with the bastard's early death, courtesy of Snape. Even then, it would be remembered as a noble sacrifice to give a young man a chance at redemption, never mind the fact he had already killed to earn the Mark.

Reminiscing, husband?

Just thinking back to what happened in this room. I trained so many of us, but it wasn't enough for us to escape Dumbledore's influence. Even that f*cking name, the D.A. stood for Dumbledore's Army. I was fighting under the banner of the very bastard who was trying to kill me. I might as well have joined the Death Eaters, at least Riddle was honest in his intent to kill me.

Nevertheless, I think Neville is hoping for an explanation.

Turning back to Neville, he found his friend looking about the room wide-eyed.

"As you can see, this room is capable of arranging itself into whatever you want: a bathroom, a storeroom, a place to relax..."

"Even a training area. Harry, how did you find this place?"

"Bit of dumb luck. Was looking through the castle for a place to train for the Tournament, and stumbled upon this room I'd never seen before. Spoke with the house elves, and learned this place's history. Now I'm passing the knowledge of it on to you and Hermione. Use it well, Neville. This place will be the perfect area for you to train. If you ever need to use it, either for training or just to blow off steam, you now know where to find it."

"Thank you, Harry. This... this is incredible."

"You're welcome. Now then-" Harry walked to the center of the room. Drawing his wand, he turned to face Neville, wand at the ready. "show me what you can do."

The remainder of the winter holidays were occupied with training. Neville had truly come into his own, learning a variety of new spells he wouldn't learn until later, and mastering spells he had previously had difficulty with. Harry knew with absolute certainty, that once lessons started up again, McGonagall and Flitwick were in for a big surprise.

Sunday, the day before classes resumed, the Hogwarts Express arrived, returning all the students who had gone home for the holidays. Among them were Brian and Anna, Harry and Hermione's new siblings.

The pair of first years eagerly ran up to the pair of fourth years. Anna was so energetic, it'd be easy to assume she had eaten her weight in chocolate before returning. Brian was less so, but there was a look in his eyes, one Harry had come to recognize, both from his experience with Sirius and with the twins. It was a look of mischief, and Harry instinctively knew, the boy was planning a prank.

His suspicions grew after watching him talk, in hushed whispers, to Fred and George, while Hermione explained to Anna what soulmates were.

Classes started up again the next day. Neville was present for two of the three classes, neither of which required much wandwork, so his progress had yet to be revealed. However, come dinner, his suspicions about Brian were confirmed.

As the students all filed into the Great Hall, Harry took stock of everything in the room. The teachers were all present, including Maxime and Karkaroff, while Snape had yet to show up. The Durmstrang students were still sitting with Slytherin, while Beauxbatons had moved to Gryffindor. Strangely, Fleur seemed to be waiting for Harry and Hermione, as she waved them over once they made an appearance.

Sitting across from her, Fleur smiled warmly at the pair and congratulated them on their soul bond. For Veela, passionate creatures of fire and air, soul bonds were highly important among the Covens. Any Veela who found her soulmate was considered blessed by the gods, and Fleur had the honour of witnessing the formation of one.

The moment had been ruined by Ron, but his fate was fair as far as she was concerned. In her own words, anyone who would interfere with something so pure had a rotten soul.

Anna and Brian would soon join them, with Anna question-bombing Fleur about Beauxbatons, which amused the girl, amazingly enough, while Brian seemed distracted. He wasn't affected by the Allure, he was too young for that, but he was waiting for something or someone.

His attention was drawn to Snape, who suddenly arrived, with an even more annoyed look on his face. Something had managed to annoy him, even more than usual, so he ignored the students and made his way to his seat. The dour potions master promptly took his seat at the High Table... and made the loudest, rudest noise anyone had ever heard in their entire lives.

The Hall burst out into laughter, with everyone, from the first years, all the way to the seventh years, including the foreign students, laughing hysterically. Not even the Slytherin students were immune, as several of them struggled to maintain their usually stoic appearance.

Fighting to keep his eyes open, Harry saw Snape lift, of all things, a whoopee cushion from his seat. The potions master had a furious look on his face, like nothing he had ever seen before. The whoopee cushion was promptly incinerated, and the greasy dungeon bat stormed out of the Hall, as Dumbledore and the teachers attempted to restore order. It wasn't easy, as soon the first years were rolling on the floor, laughing so hard.

Eventually, dinner was able to proceed as normal, though several students couldn't help but giggle throughout the meal, especially Brian, who was receiving interesting looks from the Weasley twins.

After dinner, Harry and Hermione joined the rest of the House in the Gryffindor Common Room. While Brian talked with his fellow year-mates, Harry cornered the twins.

"You two wouldn't happen to know about what happened tonight, would you?"

"Why Harrikins, I'm shocked by your suspicion."

"Surely we are known as honest, upstanding students."

"Uh-huh. Just tell me, did you guys come up with this, or did someone else? Say, a first-year with a protective, yet thoroughly amused, big brother?"

The twins grinned at each other, deciding to come clean with Harry.

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't be out of the question..."

"For said first-year to approach us with an idea for a prank..."

"One that would involve sticky charming the entrance..."

"To the lair of the greasy dungeon bat, before dinner in the Great Hall."

"It also wouldn't be out of the question..."

"For us to teach the Notice-Me-Not charm..."

"And how to place it on stationary objects."

Harry smiled at the twin speak and laughed internally at how Brian had pulled off a huge prank on the first day of term, and had lucked out enough to have gotten away with it. As he looked at Brian and his friends, grinning like a loon the whole time, the twins continued.

"Be honest with us Harrikins..."

"How proud are you of him?"

"You realize, of course, he is the Chosen One."

"They will tell stories of this day."

"They shall sing songs of his exploits."

"Generations from now, he will be remembered eternally..."

"As Brian the Bold."

Harry chuckled at the apt description. Even with the news of Bellatrix, the world still kept going. Things had fallen apart, yet, there was still time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

"I am unworthy, Master."

"Rise, Bellatrix. You are indeed worthy, and it is for this reason I have chosen you for a vital task."

"I am ready, my Master. What is your will?"

"The hour of my return to power draws near, and I shall leavenothing to chance. There are several witches and wizards free, who carry the Mark, and others willing to take it. Here is what you must do..."

Chapter 32: Cyrus Greengrass


Hey everyone, hope you all had a spooky Halloween.

OK, so I've had a great deal of time to think over what I want to happen as far as the question of additional wives goes. This isn't an easy choice, nor one that I'm making lightly, as this one will upset several readers, regardless of the choice I make. With that said, enjoy the latest chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In a private room in Three Broomsticks, Harry and Hermione were enjoying lunch with Sirius and Remus. For now, the four were enjoying reminiscing and catching up on the past week's events. Tonight, while Remus enjoyed a dinner with Tonks, courtesy of Sirius, the others would dine in Greengrass Manor.

The two Marauders were eager to hear about everything that had occurred since school started back up. Sirius had howled with laughter at the retelling of Brian's prank on Snape, while Remus was more subdued, yet still thoroughly entertained. The two of them had pulled their share of pranks, yet it took them years to work out ways to prank the teachers in the Great Hall. Even Remus was impressed.

After Sirius had calmed down enough, the next topic was Neville.

With the start of classes, Neville finally got his chance to shine in front of the rest of the staff. McGonagall and Flitwick were both stunned by the sudden shift in Neville's attitude and performance. Where once he had been shy, now he radiated confidence. His poor performance in class was now a thing of the past, as he was now only behind Harry and Hermione in perfecting spells.

By the end of the first week, he had earned Gryffindor 150 points for his performance.

He had done so well, that the staff had written multiple letters to Frank and Alice, praising Neville's performance. This was paired with McGonagall, after learning the reason for Neville's lack of success, writing a furious letter to Augusta, condemning her for having Neville use Frank's wand. Afterwards, Neville received a letter from his grandmother, which he kept private, but admitted it was a letter of apology. Nobody knew exactly what was written, but it was sincere enough that Neville would read it multiple times over the next week.

Potions class was another matter altogether. After the by-now legendary prank in the Great Hall, Snape had been in an even fouler mood than before. Throughout the entirety of the class, he was actively hunting for reasons to dock points, especially from Gryffindor. As it happened, the consensus among the staff was that the Weasley twins were behind it, but there was no proof of it, especially given Snape's hasty decision to incinerate the whoopee cushion.

As with his other classes, Neville had done a complete shift. He was no longer scared of Snape, or clumsy in his presence. Having the greasy dungeon bat looming over him was enough to make him stumble in class, causing more than a few accidents. But now, thanks to Harry's training, and some mentoring from Hermione, he was calm and collected in class. His first potion after the start of term was nearly perfect, enough that even Snape had to congratulate him, though he looked like he'd taken a lead pipe up his backside while he did so.

Defence Against the Dark Arts was interesting, to say the least. Hermione had already been brought up to speed on the situation with Moody. She knew he was an imposter, and had been keeping the real Alastor Moody as a source for his polyjuice potions. She hadn't been happy, but she had agreed to go along with Harry's plan, provided he continued to smuggle food and potions to keep the real Moody healthy.

Talk then diverted to the Second Task, an event Harry was not looking forward to. Diving down to the bottom of the lake, to rescue hostages held in a merpeople village, in the middle ofbloodyFebruary was only slightly less insane than the First Task. The only upside was Amelia's support. According to Sirius, she had won her point on the safety features, and that the task of devising them was left in the hands of the Four Heads of House.

Given that all but one were guaranteed representation in the Task, it made a certain amount of sense. Even better, it took that authority out of Dumbledore's hands. Harry might have issues with Snape, but even he wouldn't be stupid enough to draw the wrath of Madam Bones because of a faulty security feature.

Finally, the discussion turned to one event Harry hadn't been counting on, the escape of Bellatrix Lestrange from Azkaban.

As it stood, his original plan was to allow himself to be caught by Pettigrew, but he would willingly give his blood for the ritual. A key ingredient in the ritual, the blood depended on being harvested from an enemy, someone who would never give their blood willingly. If Harry were to give the blood willingly, then it would disrupt the magic of the ritual, restoring Voldemort to a physical form, but leaving him weak.

According to Goliath, Voldemort would still be able to perform magic, and he would still have access to his spells, but his core would be left temporarily drained. Even better, by nature the ritual was parasitic. If the magic of the ritual wasn't satisfied with the offerings provided, it would leech power from the subject, until it was satisfied. Given that Voldemort's life was expected to be measured in seconds after his revival, the likelihood of him regaining his power was between slim and none.

"Here's what I don't understand, pup. You already know where Moldyshorts is, or at least where he's going to be. Why not just pop over and finish him when he's a... what did you call it? A baby zombie?"

"I could, but I have reasons not to. First, is the issue of Nagini. Right now, she is the last of the horcruxes and is Tom's familiar. That snake is deadly, not just for her venom, or her strength. She's intelligent and capable of following complex orders. While she is certainly capable of ambushing me, or any Aurors who join me in attacking Tom, that's not my biggest concern.

"If Tom genuinely senses the battle is lost, he'll just send her away, not wanting to risk losing her. When he learned we were hunting the horcruxes, he had her placed inside a magical barrier he only ever lowered when it was time for her to feed, or kill. Tom won't risk losing her unless he's certain of victory, or he has no other choice. She's simply too valuable to him.

"The absolute worst-case scenario is that I attack Tom, and destroy his rudimentary body, but the snake manages to escape. If that happens, I could spend years hunting for her, and not even come close. All the while, Tom is reduced yet again to his wraith form, still capable of possession, and thus still capable of posing a threat and making a return. Only this time, I have no idea where, or when, it would happen.

"Second, after his resurrection, Tom will summon his Death Eaters, about 30 in all. Even as Head of the DMLE, I never did learn the names of everyone who had been present at the graveyard. Because of this, as many as two dozen Death Eaters are still roaming free. By letting Tom summon them, I'll have them all in one spot for me. In one fell swoop, I can end both Tom and the influence of his followers. All in a single night. But Bellatrix throws all that into disarray."

"So, if she was freed by Tom, and is by now at his side, what do you think she'll be doing?"

"That's the million-dollar question, Hermione. It's been a week since she escaped, and yet, nothing has happened. Nobody's been reported missing, no attacks have been staged, and not even a threatening message has been found. It's like she simply dropped off the face of the Earth."

"And knowing my demented cousin, that's only something she'd do if ordered to. If Tom did free her, then he's got something else in mind for her, something that he figures he can use her for, without requiring her to commit any mass killings. Something that would require subtlety."

"And since that isn't a word she's familiar with, that's not a very big list. That also means we don't have any leads at the moment. This is a delicate situation, and we need to time our responses perfectly. If any of you hear something, even something minor, that could connect to Bellatrix, let me know. It might give us an idea of Tom's larger plan. Otherwise, we'll be stuck fumbling in the dark."

Hours later, the trio of Sirius, Harry, and Hermione, were walking up a stone pathway, to a beautiful Victorian manor. This was Greengrass Manor, the home of the Greengrass family, and where the trio were being treated to dinner by Lord Cyrus Greengrass, along with his family.

This was a night he was both anticipating and dreading in equal measure. His efforts to cure the Greengrass family of their Blood Malediction, something that had previously been considered an impossibility, was the most likely reason for this dinner. A chance for Cyrus to properly thank him for helping his family overcome a curse they had carried for so long, that even they don't remember how it began.

But Daphne was the one who was supposed to have invited them. The reason she didn't invite them sooner, was because of everything that occurred during and after the Yule Ball.

While not a certainty, there was always the chance that Cyrus wished to discuss a marriage contract with him. While neither he nor Sirius had heard any indication, there was nothing to suggest it wasn't a possibility.

He and Hermione had discussed the topic over the past few days, and while neither of them was enthusiastic about the idea, they had both decided to, at the very least, hear out the offer. If a marriage proposal was indeed what Cyrus was after, they would neither agree nor disagree outright. If anyone was going to make the final decision, it should be Daphne.

The entrance to the Manor opened automatically, and as they entered the building, they were greeted by the Greengrass Family. Cyrus, of course, was standing next to his wife, Cassandra. A beautiful woman, with long black hair, and violet eyes, she smiled at the trio as they entered. Next to her was her eldest, Daphne, and Astoria after her. Cyrus stepped forward, shaking the hands of Sirius and Harry, and bending over to kiss Hermione's hand.

"Lord Black, Heir Potter, Mrs.Potter, welcome to Greengrass Manor. May I introduce my beloved wife, Cassandra."

The lady in question stepped forward, accepting hand kisses from Harry and Sirius while curtseying to Hermione, who curtseyed herself. However, once that was done, she turned her attention back to Sirius... and wrapped him in a big hug.

"SIRI! Oh, it's so good to see you again! Have you been well? Can't believe those idiots sent you of all people to Azkaban. And without a trial! How could anyone think you were guilty?"

Sirius could only laugh at Cassandra's rapid-fire questioning, before turning to Harry.

"What did I tell you, pup? She's a hugger, and friendly as they get. I'm well, Cassandra, all things considered. Azkaban was hell, but knowing I was innocent kept me sane. However, I don't think you were ever able to properly meet Harry, did you?"

"I did not!" Cassandra immediately turned her attention to Harry and Hermione, wrapping them both in hugs. "I'm so glad to finally meet you. Aww, it's true what they say, you DO have Lily's eyes. The pictures are nice, but they don't nearly do you justice. And you must be the lucky Miss Granger, now Mrs.Potter. I've heard so many good things about you."

Harry was still mentally stuck on Cassandra's line about 'pictures.'

"You... you knew my parents?"

"Of course I did. Siri! You didn't mention Lily's study groups?"

"Things have been... pretty hectic, Cassie." At Cassandra's nickname, Daphne snorted, and Astoria started giggling, drawing attention back to themselves.

"Ah! But where are my manners? Everyone, these are my lovely daughters, Daphne and Astoria." The girls curtseyed at their mother's introduction before she continued. "At least one of whom, I had hoped, would introduce herself sooner."

"Mother, I told you, he's always with Miss- with Hermione, or that pig Weasley. Not to mention the ferret constantly seeks an opportunity to antagonize him."

Did you know she was familiar with your parents?

No, I didn't, and I was never introduced like this. Only a handful of people knew how little I knew about my parents, or magical society in general. Even fewer tried to help me learn more, instead of profiting off that ignorance.

"Oh, pish posh. That's no reason for bad manners, my dear daughter."

Before Daphne could muster a response, Cyrus cleared his throat. "Follow me to the dining room. Dinner is ready."

The group was led into a large dining room, complete with a long table, and a beautiful chandelier hanging above. Taking their seats, a moment later a magnificent dinner of roast lamb appeared.

Throughout dinner, the conversation remained friendly, with Cassandra leading most of them. The woman was not only intelligent, but she put the 'social' in 'socialite.' Somehow she managed to maintain three separate conversations with her daughters, her husband, and her guests, never once losing track of the assorted topics. It was fascinating to watch her talk business with her husband, only to shift to her daughter's love life, then shift again to talking about her time at Hogwarts with Harry.

Eventually, however, dinner began winding down. Cyrus, who had been rather reserved for most of the meal, decided now to talk.

"I suppose you're all wondering why the invitation?"

"I'll admit, Lord Greengrass, that question has crossed my mind. I assumed it had something to do with the Blood Malediction cure, but I didn't want to presume."

"You are at least half-right, Heir Potter. My daughters are my greatest treasure, and you've spared them the pain and heartbreak that damned curse has brought on my family. No words can adequately describe my gratitude to you. That said, there are things I wish to discuss with you, things that should not be discussed over greasy plates." Cyrus rose from the table, turning to his daughters.

"Girls, we're heading into my office. You two will remain in your rooms, or the drawing room until called for."


"I know this is unusual, Daphne, but I have my reasons. Now please, follow my instructions."

The girls complied, exiting the dining room through one door, as Cyrus led the rest of them through another. Making their way to one of the upper floors, Cyrus led them into an impressive office. It was large and well-appointed, but what stood out to Harry was the ship in a bottle on the desk. It was a model of the HMS Victory. As Cyrus took his seat, he conjured chairs for the rest of them, waiting patiently for them to take their seats.

"Now that we have some privacy, we can talk freely."

"I can't imagine what would motivate this kind of secrecy."

"Half of the reason, Hermione, is I don't wish to lead my daughters on or to get their hopes up. The other half, is I don't wish to scare them."

"This sounds more ominous than I was expecting, Cyrus."

"It is, Sirius, and I apologize for the cloak-and-dagger act, but this is important. Now, Harry, part of the reason for this invite, is I did indeed wish to thank you for saving my daughters, and their children, from our curse. The other reason is I wish to discuss the possibility... of a marriage between you, and one of my daughters."

The room went quiet, as Harry and Hermione processed that information.

I was afraid of this.

"I'm flattered, Lord Greengrass, but I'm not certain I even would be able to marry one of them."

An awkward silence followed as Cyrus looked at Sirius with an apologetic look. When Harry and Hermione looked at him, he appeared dejected, before speaking.

"I... I didn't want to tell you like this, pup. But... Azkaban did a number on me."

"Sirius... are you saying...?"

"Yeah... I can't have kids... Amelia already knows... we just weren't sure... how to tell you..."

Harry wrapped Sirius in a hug, with Hermione walking up to them, and wrapping Sirius in one as well. Sirius sniffled, as he hugged both of them in response.

Damn you, Dumbledore! One more crime you'll pay the price for!

Wait, Goliath, is there anything-

No. I'm sorry, but no. I know ways to increase an already present fertility. But to undo sterilization requires methods that are... dubious, to say the least.

When the trio broke the hug, Harry saw tears in Cassandra's eyes, as Cyrus poured a glass of scotch, before handing it to Sirius. Sirius took the drink gingerly.

"For what it's worth, Sirius, I would gladly forego any marriage if it helped undo Azkaban's damage."

"Thank you, Cyrus." The words came out quietly, only slightly louder than a whisper.

After Sirius took a few sips of his drink, Cyrus continued.

"I am sorry for what your godfather has gone through, Harry, and I'm not trying to profit off this situation."

"Thank you, Cyrus, but why me? Surely there are other wizards your daughter would be happy to marry."

"I'm not so certain. Though I have never brought this up to them directly, there have been offers of betrothal contracts from other Lords. I've turned them all down, on the pretext of the uncertainty caused by the blood malediction. With it gone, I've already begun receiving renewed offers of marriage and betrothal, for both my daughters. Daphne in particular is sought after, by young Lords, or Lords seeking beneficial marriages for their sons and Heirs.

"But I know my daughter, and I cannot in good conscience arrange her marriage to someone that she would hate. And several of these wizards, are men she would grow to hate if she didn't from the start. Spoiled, and petty fools, with little more to their credit than Galleons in Gringotts, and a family tree with as many branches as a wand. If I am to arrange her marriage, it should be with someone who would treat her as she is, an intelligent, capable young woman, instead of the well-wrapped womb they want."

"But Daphne and I barely know each other."

"Yet that didn't stop you from offering to cure the blood malediction. You didn't ask for a reward, or hold it over her head to make demands. You simply did it because it was the right thing to do. Only a handful of people would attempt something like this without the promise of a reward, and only you ever succeeded. You've got a noble heart, Harry, one that matches a brilliant mind. I can think of no one better for my daughter."

"Is this something she would even want?"

"As I said, I've not broached the subject with either of them, but we do receive letters from them. You'd be surprised how often they mention you. More than that, they speak often of a power struggle developing in Slytherin, over whether to support you. And Daphne leads the faction that supports you. She would not involve herself in this if she didn't believe in you. And yes, Harry, the letters speak very highly of you. She cares for you, even if she won't outright admit it."

Harry was silent after, searching for something to say. Something to refute his point. But he could think of nothing. As he turned to Hermione, he saw her thinking, her brow furrowed as she contemplated something on her mind, before she spoke.

"Lord Greengrass, you mentioned not wanting toscare your daughters. Does this have something to do with Bellatrix escaping?"

"It does, Hermione."

Cyrus turned from the group and reached into a drawer in the desk. He withdrew a stack of papers, setting some on the desk, and handing the others to Harry and Hermione. They were newspapers, headlines from theDaily Prophet. But only one of them was recent, an article mentioning the disappearance of Bertha Jorkins, one of the witches involved in the Triwizard Tournament. And the latest victim of Tom, her death being used to create a horcrux of Nagini.

The others were a decade old, from the first War. They told the story of magical Britain, before the miracle that was his survival. Headlines detailing the latest attack by Death Eaters. Of assassination, arson, and cold-blooded butchery. The fear in the headlines was palpable. Every line of the accompanying articles carried with it the absolute terror Tom held magical Britain in.

But there was one other article. An article about that night. The night he lost his parents. The night Dumbledore knew heralded his own irrelevance. The night he became the Boy Who Lived.

There was so much hope in the article, it was as though the writers couldn't believe what they were printing. Voldemort was gone, and Harry became the only person to ever survive the Killing Curse. But the article was careful in its wording, especially as it included an interview with Dumbledore.

The blighter lied through his teeth about Harry's situation, promising he was somewhere safe, with loved ones. But on the subject of Voldemort, his wording was curious. He stated that Voldemort had been beaten, but was neither vanquished nor dead. Only beaten, the means of which remained unknown.

When Harry turned his attention back to Cyrus, he realized the man had lit a clay pipe and was quietly smoking it, watching him with an unreadable expression. He then spoke, calmly, as he realized Harry had finished reading.

"Do you understand what I want to say, Harry?"

Harry looked back at the headlines. Then the articles. And then he saw the pattern. These were all about the fear Voldemort had caused. Except one, the very article in which Dumbledore had explicitly avoided the word 'dead.' It all clicked together.

"You think Voldemort's alive, don't you?"

Cassandra flinched at the name, though Cyrus remained stoic.

"Yes, Harry. I do think he's still alive, and not just because of that article. My family is primarily involved in trade, especially the potions trade. In that line of work, sometimes I have to deal with... unsavoury types. In recent days, they've become scared, and uncooperative, and even more importantly, some of them have refused to deal with me at all. Something is growing in the shadows, something that has the underworld scared. Only one man in all of Britain was capable of such a thing."


Cyrus nodded, and a heavy silence fell over the room. Cyrus had pieced together the truth, that Voldemort was still alive, on his own. Harry had to give him credit, he was more astute than he had ever given him credit for. But something still was missing.

"But why me? Forgive me if I'm being obstinate Cyrus, but what do I have to offer that you cannot get with money, or through politics?"

"Harry, you are one of two wizards that, I believe, are capable of fighting Voldemort and winning. I can't hire that kind of protection, and as far as politics goes, my influence only extends to a certain point. I command respect for my political stances, but that only goes so far. I'm not willing to risk my family's well-being on anything less."

"Forgive me for interrupting Cyrus, but why now? You maintained your neutrality during the first war, and while you were never a supporter, you never actively fought against Voldemort."

"This is true Sirius. But you must understand, in the lead-up to the night of Voldemort's first defeat, the Death Eaters were ramping up their pressure. For months they'd been courting my favour, trying to win me over to their side. I could only stall them for so long before they began issuing threats. It got to the point where we were actively considering fleeing the country.

"And then, just like that, it was over. You had survived, while Voldemort was gone. You've saved my family twice now, Harry. The first time, you didn't even mean to, it simply happened. The second time, you didn'thave to. You did it because it was right. If my hunch is right, and Voldemort somehow does return, I can't imagine he'll take no for an answer this time. I have to make a choice this time before it's made for me."

"I'm flattered you think so highly of me Cyrus, but I can promise you, if it's protection you're looking for, I happily offer it. I'm not going to leave you to the wolves, simply because of political differences."

"I believe you, Harry. But it's not just you that Voldemort will be fighting."

Cyrus then reached back to his desk and pulled the last of the papers from it. Handing them to Harry, he read through them, and quickly realized they were older than the last ones. These went back decades, to the war against Grindelwald, and they spanned the entirety of that conflict.

"The only person Voldemort fears as much as you, if not more, is Dumbledore. I know all about his Order of the Phoenix, and even if I were part of the Light faction, I would not join the Order. Not when that man leads it. Grindelwald and Voldemort had years to spread destruction and fear, while the vaunted 'Lord of the Light' sat in Hogwarts and watched the carnage unfold. Even his little 'Order' could only do so much, hamstrung by his foolish policy of 'stunners only.' Is it any wonder magical Britain was so close to falling?

"But more than that, both these men feared Dumbledore. Both of them believed he was the only one who could defeat them. And yet, it took years before he could finally be bothered to face Grindelwald, and I'm not certain he ever once dueled Voldemort. After everything that has been lost because of his pontificating, he has the gall to present himself as the saviour of Britain?! I refuse to leave my family's safety in the hands of that bloviating nitwit!"

Cyrus, normally a very calm and reserved man, had steadily been gaining steam. It was as though years of anger and frustration were being let out at once, and it took a touch from Cassandra before he calmed himself.

"Forgive me, I should not have lost my temper, but I hope you understand my point. If I go to Dumbledore for protection, I'll be expected to make grand concessions for vague promises. Promises I don't trust him to keep. I know better than to take him at his word. He'll protect my daughters so long as its convenient, after that, they'll be on their own. I won't let that happen to them. I know you will protect them if I ask, but I need something that'll keep even him off your back. The only way I see that happening is a potential marriage between you, and Daphne."

He makes a good point. Dumbledore preventing you from protecting one of your wives would be political suicide.

But we're planning on killing both Voldemort and Dumbledore.

True, but unless you intend to tell Cyrus that, I'm not sure how you could refuse him, especially after all that.

So what do we do?

While Harry and Hermione conversed telepathically, Cyrus went over everything that they discussed in his mind. What worried him most was Harry's reaction to the idea of Voldemort still being alive. He was barely fazed by it, like it was something he had been told time and again. Which meant... he already knew. Somehow, he already knew that Voldemort was alive. Even bigger, perhaps he already knew that Voldemort was planning his return. But how?

'Amelia.' It made sense, that he would learn of this from the Head of the DMLE. Or did he know some other way? It was curious, but at the moment, unimportant. If Harry knew, then he was likely already preparing himself for the showdown. Voldemort would never let Harry go untouched, not after he had been responsible for his first defeat. It was a gamble, him placing his family under his protection, especially his daughter. Voldemort would target them for being close to Harry. But then, he would target anyone for standing against him. At least with Daphne married to him, perhaps there was more he could do for her.

"Alright Cyrus, here's what we'll agree to." Harry's voice broke Cyrus out of his thoughts.

"I'm listening."

"First, you must understand that Hermione is muggleborn, and I am muggle-raised, so our ideas of marriage are somewhat different than those of magicals. We won't be penning a marriage or betrothal contract, not right away. However, I'll begin courting Daphne, and we'll let any relationship develop on its own. I also promise, that I shall not entertain any other proposals for Lady Black, so long as I am courting Daphne. But, if at any point, for any reason, Daphne is unhappy with the relationship, or believes she would be unhappy with us, then she is free to call it off, with no penalties to either of us.

"I give you my word, Cyrus, I shall protect you and your family with all my strength. But Daphne's love life will be in her hands. Even if you are right, and she'll be guaranteed a lifetime of happiness and love with us, there shouldn't be any doubts."

"Very well, Harry. I accept your terms, and I thank you for protecting my family."

The two men shook on it, and minutes later, Harry and Hermione were back in Hogwarts, curled up beside each other.

Well, that wasn't quite what I was expecting.

We've officially announced our willingness to allow other women in the marriage. How long until the rest of the castle hears of this.

A week. Two at most, before you both start getting marriage proposals.

As long as Romilda Vane doesn't get any ideas, we should be fine.


And there you have it. I've decided to go with the multi-pairings. As I said, this was a decision where people would be upset no matter what I decided.

However, I'm not going to turn this into some bizarre sex fantasy. Why do you think I haven't done anything more explicit than snogging? Seriously, give me at least some credit.

I've gone with Daphne as an additional partner both because I think she would add an interesting dynamic to the relationship, without degrading it, and because I want to include her more going forward. Plus, I really liked writing the talk with Cyrus.

Chapter 33: Courting


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Daphne Greengrass made her way to the carriages. It was still a Hogsmeade weekend, something she wished to take advantage of. The night before, her family had hosted Lord Black and the Potters for dinner. Afterwards, her father had retreated to his office, their guests in tow, to discuss several matters of import. Among them, was the possibility of Daphne marrying Harry, as Lady Black.

The exact details were unknown to her, but her father had confirmed Harry and Hermione were willing to bring her into their marriage. They had been reluctant, both because of their situation, and their upbringing, but they had agreed. Harry would begin courting her, but if at any point she wished to end their relationship, she would be free to do so, with no repercussions for either side.

It was a far better arrangement than she could have predicted.

She wasn't opposed to marrying Harry, far from it, given how he had saved her and her family without any thought of a reward. He'd already shown himself to be kind, powerful, and intelligent. But she also was walking into a soul-bonded marriage. A union that was meant to be, from the moment they were born. Whether it was Magic, Fate, or one of the many Gods humanity worshipped, one of them decreed that Harry and Hermione were meant to be together.

To call her nervous was an understatement.

This is probably why her friend Tracey, an irreverent girl with a Muggle father, was accompanying her down to the carriages.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were nervous Daph."

"And here I thought I was being subtle."

"Well, it was tough to notice, but you get this delightful wrinkle in your brow, that makes you look a bit like McGonagall. You've also been fiddling with your coat since we left the Common Room. Are you sure you're OK Daph?"

"I'll be fine, Tracey. I just need to... get through this weekend."

"Daph, if Harry's anything like I think he is, he'll understand if you want to call this off until the next Hogsmeade weekend."

"That won't be for a month, and I'll just be thinking about it until then. Better to just... grit my teeth and go through it."

"Daph, it's a date, not your NEWTs. All you have to do is talk, make nice, and it'll be over before you know it."

"But what do I talk about? How do I broach certain topics? What do I call him? What do I call Hermione? What if I say something that upsets one of them? What if I upsetboth of them? What if I-"

"DAPH! Breathe, like a normal person. What's got you so nervous?"

"Tracey, I'm about to involve myself in a soul-bonded marriage. Why shouldn't I be nervous?"

"So they glow when they first kiss. Big flipping deal. Nothing says you can't be a part of their lives because of that."

"But that's just it! Until now, I've barely been part of their lives! At best Harry thinks of me as the girl he helped just because he could, and Hermione thinks of me as her rival in Arithmancy. At worst I'll be thought of as a 'slimy snake,' one of Professor Snape's spoiled wards."

"Well, I will admit, thinking of Snape does sound like an instant mood-killer. But working yourself up into a panic because of whatmight be will only interfere with what could be. Just take a deep breath, and whatever happens, happens. If it doesn't work out, no harm, no foul. If it does work... well, that'll be up to you three."

"You're right... you're right... I can do this. I just need to... go ahead and do it."

Tracey patted her friend on the back as they made their way to a carriage that Harry and Hermione were standing next to. They smiled, politely, and waved her and Tracey over. Tracey would ride along with them, but do her own thing until the end of the visit, just to offer Daphne some support. Daphne smiled in response and walked briskly up to Harry.

"Hey there Hermione!"

'Well, this isn't as bad as I worried.'

After Harry got over his brief embarrassment from Daphne's flub, and after Daphne stopped hitting the laughing Tracey with Stinging Hexes, they boarded a carriage for Hogsmeade. Tracey was still snickering, likely from remembering how Daphne face-palmed herself. That wasn't one of her proudest moments.

After arriving in Hogsmeade, and Tracey had left, the trio had taken it slow. They'd walked through the village, enjoying the sights, and stopping at their favourite shops. In Honeydukes she and Hermione discovered a shared love of Sugar Quills, and both laughed at Harry's misfortune at getting some Every Flavour Beans... and his first one being vomit-flavoured.

The trio continued to enjoy the visit to Hogsmeade, before deciding to head into Three Broomsticks for lunch.

This is where Daphne was now, sitting across from Hermione, while had stepped out to use the washroom. So far, lunch had been pleasant, with friendly banter between her and Harry, while comparing Arithmancy notes with Hermione. But with Harry gone, now things felt awkward, as the two girls sat across from each other, uncertain of what to make of the other. Finally, Hermione tried to break the tension.

"So, Daphne, enjoying yourself so far?"

"I am. It's been... better than I feared."

"Well, that's... that's good."

The girls awkwardly avoided eye contact, until Daphne sighed in resignation.

"Look, Hermione, I don't want to make you or Harry uncomfortable. If you want me gone, just tell me."

Hermione looked Daphne in the eye for a few seconds, as though contemplating exactly what she should say. Finally, she sighed in resignation before replying.

"I'll admit, there's very much a part of me that wants to say, 'Stay away you Slytherin bitch.' But I've also read into the politics of the Wizengamot. And since Nymphadora- don't ever say that name around her- doesn't want to take charge of the family that gave her mum the boot, that just leaves Harry or Draco to assume the Lordship. And the ferret is already insufferable, I can only imagine how much worse he'd be with two Lordships."

"You have no idea. Half of his influence in Slytherin came from him claiming he'll be Lord Black AND Lord Malfoy one day."

"And I'm assuming the other half came from his father and his money?"

"Well, it certainly wasn't due to his charm and good looks."

"Does he have either?"

The girls chuckled at Draco's expense before Hermione continued.

"Look, Daphne, neither of us is thrilled with this turn of events, but that doesn't mean it has to be awkward. If something's bothering you, just tell us."

"It's not that I'm bothered by anything, it's just... this almost doesn't feel real."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, for as long as I can remember, I've known two things with certainty: I'll likely have an arranged marriage, and the blood malediction will make my life uncomfortable and short. Before coming to Hogwarts, I was at least comforted by the knowledge that even if I had an arranged marriage, I could at least trust my father to find a good match for me. But then I came to Hogwarts and saw for myself the kind of suitors I could look forward to. Spoiled, petty, and cruel little bastards, who would imagine themselves lording their new position and wealth over my father while using me as a broodmare for their mediocre spawn.

"By our third year, I'd resigned myself to a future with one of these brats, only comforted by the knowledge that even if my sister and I were cursed, at least she would have the chance to marry for love. And then, who should come along but Britain's most famous wizard, who with no thought of a reward, would try to cure me, my sister, and our family of the curse that has caused us no end of suffering? And that he alone, where so many others had failed, would succeed, giving us a new lease on life.

"It's not that I'm uncomfortable with this arrangement, Hermione. It's that it feels like a dream. I'm free of the curse, along with the rest of my family, and I have a chance to spend my life with the wizard brilliant enough to cure us, and kind enough to do it just because he could. This almost feels like one of the storybook romances my sister loves so much."

"And the fact it's a polygamous arrangement doesn't bother you?"

"Compared to imagining me, or my sister, dying before we reach our thirties? Not even slightly."

"That's good... I guess. This whole... arrangement isn't ideal for any of us, but Harry and I want you to be comfortable, Daphne. If anything is bothering you, just tell us."

"Thank you, Hermione. I do want to make this work, just... please be patient."

Hermione smiled and nodded, and the pair made small talk until Harry came back. For the rest of the date, Daphne noticed he had the slightest smile, regardless of what was occurring. The smile continued for the remainder of the date when they all climbed back into the carriage with Tracey.

"So, how'd it go?"

"It went well."

"So, no threesomes on Thursday yet?"

Daphne and Astoria will be here soon. Are you ready?

I'm ready.

Two weeks had passed since their Hogsmeade date, and now the Gryffindor Head Students Common Room was playing host to a pair of Slytherin students. In the immediate aftermath of the Hogsmeade weekend, things had progressed slowly, but steadily, for the new trio. After overcoming their initial hesitance, Hermione and Daphne became fast friends. While Hermione certainly knew more than Daphne, thanks in part to Goliath's boundless knowledge, and Hermione's eagerness to learn more, Daphne had shown herself to be both brilliant and sophisticated.

Their now all-but-confirmed relationship had made waves among the Houses, especially in Slytherin. The House of the Serpent had experienced a strong shift in alignment. Ever since the First Task, the balance of power between Daphne's pro-Potter faction, versus Draco's anti-Potter faction, had been maintained by the large number of undecided students. Since Harry's rather dramatic display of brilliance and power, the undecided students had begun drifting towards Daphne, giving her a slight edge over Draco.

These newly minted pro-Potter students were motivated, not by confidence or respect, but by fear. Fear of the unbridled power Harry had displayed. Fear of the sheer unlimited potential he seemingly possessed. Fear that at any moment, the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin could escalate, and the House of the Serpent would be torn asunder by the Dragon of Gryffindor.

Daphne's new relationship offered a new perspective. It demonstrated Harry's willingness to play by the purebloods' rules of etiquette. It also displayed an apparent political mind, as he was building a relationship with the daughter of the leader of the Grey faction. Now more of the undecided had joined Daphne's faction, while Draco had been left in the dust. Now Daphne commanded the majority of Slytherin, especially the younger students.

First and second-year students were not expected to participate in the politics of Slytherin (not that it had stopped Draco from trying) but Daphne had taken the majority under her wing. It helped that her sister was a second-year student, and thus commanded a great deal of influence among them. As a result, her word was law in the dungeons. Even Malfoy's goons were hesitant to confront her, or her supporters, given the overwhelming support she now had.

Daphne's reputation had also begun rising among Gryffindor. While the traditional animosity between Gryffindor and Slytherin remained, Daphne had become something of an exception. The internal politics of Slytherin were kept to themselves, but it was well known that several in Slytherin were more inclined towards peace with Gryffindor, as opposed to Malfoy's permanent hostility. This had bought Daphne a measure of respect among the Lions. It also helped that by now, Harry and Hermione led the Gryffindor students as the near undisputed King and Queen of the Pride.

Politics in Gryffindor had been far less cutthroat than in Slytherin and were based less on active politicking, and more on respect. Respect for an individual for any reason. Be it the courage and chivalry valued by Godric, skill with a wand, or simple popularity, Gryffindors were a true Pride. Last year, despite being Head Boy, Percy never commanded the kind of respect, or popularity, that Oliver Wood had, leaving him as the closest thing to a leader for the Lions. It didn't help that in his final year, his determination to win the Quidditch House Cup became a manic obsession, but Harry had stepped into the role, accidentally, but quite nicely.

Harry was broken from his thoughts by the opening of the portrait door, and in stepped Daphne and Astoria Greengrass. The two sisters walked slowly into the Common Room, taking in the sight.

"Daphne, Astoria, welcome to the Gryffindor Head Students Common Room. I trust you found your way without difficulty?"

"Thank you, Harry, and yes, but your friend Neville made sure we knew exactly where to go. I'm not surprised the Head Students dorms are so close to Gryffindor Tower."

"Oh? You've seen the Slytherin Head Students Common Room?"

"There's a portrait of two king cobras across from the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room. I've never seen Snape use it before, but I've seen the Head Boy this year use it regularly."

"Hmm. I wonder if it's the same for all the Houses?"

"Perhaps. But enough of that. Thank you for inviting me and my sister here."

"It's our pleasure, Daphne," Hermione spoke this time, gesturing to the table that had been set up. The sisters sat down in their seats, while Daphne noticed the murmuring portraits.

"Is there a portrait for every former Head Student?"

"There is indeed. From my ancestor, Aurelian Potter, to my parents, and probably more recent."

"Fascinating. I can only imagine the stories they could tell. I'm certain they'd make History lessons more interesting."

Daphne's fascination with the potential history the portraits could tell began a deep conversation between her and Hermione. Hermione, having been here since Christmas, had listened to the portraits at length, taking in the sheer amount of historical knowledge these portraits had, that Binns neglected in favour of the umpteenth Goblin Rebellion.

I'm glad these two have gotten along better.

It'll certainly help keep the peace going forward. Though I admit, I'm surprised you two have decided to give this a try.

You're surprised, but not disappointed?

Not at all. Large families are a good thing. Dragons can lay up to twelve eggs in a single clutch. Humans are lucky to have one a year. Multiple wives help guarantee a large family.

Assuming I have more than one child per wife.

One child from multiple wives is still better than 'one child, one wife.'

So, this is a numbers game for you?

I have no reason to support or oppose either outcome. Be it with your soulmate only, or with a wife for every House you can claim, you'll have a family again. One that isn't a product of potions from that Howling Bitch.


"Come on Neville, you've almost got it. Silent casting is difficult, but it becomes easier with practice."

In the Room of Requirement, Harry was continuing Neville's training. The boy had progressed well enough that Harry had decided to begin teaching him silent casting, a difficult skill only taught in the final years of Hogwarts.

"I've almost got it, Harry. I just need a few more rounds whispering it."

The biggest difficulty in silent casting came from the force of habit most wizards have, in speaking the incantation. The trick to overcoming this handicap was to steadily lower your voice each time you cast the spell. First, you would speak the incantation as normal. Then, you would speak just slightly quieter, just enough to cast the spell. Steadily this would continue, until you whispered the spell, and then finally, silent casting.

"Remember, magic is directed by your intention, and powered by your will. So long as your mind is clear on what you want to happen, the spell can be cast without the incantation."

Neville nodded his head, as he turned to face the dummy again. Right now he was trying to silently castExpelliarmus, and while he hadn't got it yet, he was close. He was whispering the word, just loud enough that even Harry could barely hear it, but it was still heard.

Their practice was interrupted by the arrival of Hermione, who quietly took a seat to observe the training.

"Everything alright Hermione? What did Professor McGonagall want?"

"Just checking in with me. She promised my parents she'd check with me regularly, just in case anything came up in our marriage."

Alright, so that'll satisfy Neville. What's the real reason?

The Second Task. They're going ahead with the hostage idea, but they asked our permission in advance.

Seriously? It's a week away. Last time they just told you to do it the night before.

Part of Amelia's deal I assume, given that she was there when I was asked.

What about your parents?

Amelia and McGonagall already cleared it up with them. They aren't very happy, but they trust you and McGonagall to keep me safe during the Task.

Assuming the blighter can avoid meddling for once in his life.

They went over the safety measures in place. I won't bore you with the details, but it looks like we're safe.

Any idea who else is going to be put under?

No idea. It was just me when they asked, so I figure I'll find out when they put us under. But enough about that. How's Neville doing?

Do you have everything ready for today? Got everything planned out?

Since the New Year. I don't remember the layout of the Lake, at least not in detail, especially since Moaning Myrtle helped me out last time. But with my enhanced senses, and my new trick, I should be able to progress with no problem.

Do you still plan to save all the hostages?

Last time, only Fleur didn't make it to her hostage. Assuming history repeats itself, I'll grab whoever they brought for her as a precaution.

Who did she have to rescue last time?

Her little sister. This time, I figure it'll be her mother or her father.

I wonder which one. Well, I better get going, before Professor McGonagall comes looking for me.

As Hermoine left their room, Harry cast the Tempus charm. It was seven in the morning and in two and a half hours, the rest of the school, and any guests, would make their way to the Black Lake.

Taking a light breakfast in the Common Room, Harry went over the plan over and over again. He knew the runic layout, so that wasn't a problem. He'd perfected his new skills, and they would serve him well. All that remained unanswered was the question of Dumbledore's interference. If he would interfere, which was likely, what form would it take? Would he simply try to slow down Harry, and weaken his standing in the points? Or he would do something that affected Hermione and her safety, even with Madam Bones watching everything like a hawk.

Still, worrying about it would serve no one. He knew what he was capable of, and he knew what Dumbledore was capable of. So long as he focused, nothing would stop him from unravelling the old fool's schemes.

Grabbing his swimming shorts, and a spare shirt, Harry left the Common Room. Making his way to the Entrance Hall, Harry was greeted by well-wishers every step of the way. Even some Slytherin students had given him nods of support, while Tracey and the Greengrass sisters hugged him, wishing him luck.

On his way down to the Lake's edge, he paused to take in the sight. The towers and the stands had been set up, possibly overnight, and he could see the students lining up to grab good spots. He could see the judges' stands, where his godfather sat mere feet from the man responsible for his twelve years of hell. And stretching out from it all, the Black Lake.

Somewhere down there, his best friend had been placed. Somewhere down there, was his soulmate.

As the final bell began ringing, summoning any stragglers, Harry shook his head and made his way down. The Second Task was about to begin.


Aren't cliffhangers fun?
Don't worry, I've already got the Second Task planned out. Hopefully, I can get this out before Remembrance Day, since I won't be typing anything then.
Until then, thanks for reading, and thank you to everyone who stuck with me this far.

Chapter 34: The Second Task


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Welcome to the Second Task!" Dumbledore's voice echoed across the Lake, as the students and Champions took their places."Last night, something was stolen from each Champion. A treasure most dear. These treasures now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. To win, they must find their treasure within one hour. After that, their time is up, and no magic will save them. Champions, take your positions! You will begin at the sound of the cannon."

Taking his seat, Dumbledore looked over the Lake, and the towers being used to observe the Second Task. Each of the towers had five levels, with the top level being the largest. Set up on each level, was an enlarged mirror. These mirrors were similar to standard communication mirrors, allowing viewers to see and hear what was on the other side. These same mirrors would allow the crowd to watch the Second Task, as though they were in the Lake itself.

This had been part of Amelia's safety measures, one that Bagman had been eager to make the most of. Initially, the mirrors were to be used by Aurors on the surface, watching the Task unfold from boats that now drifted across the surface of the Lake. These mirrors would tell them if any of the hostages were in danger and would allow them to intervene as necessary.

Of course, once Bagman realized these could be used to watch the Task from the stands, he eagerly endorsed them and pushed for additional ones to be set up on the towers. This would overcome a major obstacle he had yet to find a solution to: how were the students supposed to watch the Task if they couldn't see what was happening in the Lake? It had been costly and had to be done on short notice, but Sirius had called in a few favours to help ensure they were done promptly.

Much as it annoyed him to admit, Amelia's intervention would work to his benefit. Right now, Hermione Potter was at the bottom of the Lake, the 'treasure' that Harry must find. While securing a marriage between Harry and Ginny was still part of the end goal, a task that became even more difficult with Daphne Greengrass being courted as the Lady Black, trying to 'remove' Hermione from the relationship was out of the question. Fracturing a soulbond was far too dangerous, especially at this stage.

Instead, the mirrors would allow him to watch Harry, and discern his progress. Understanding just how much he was capable of was the key to bringing thatmonster back under control. Afterwards, he could march Harry to his destiny, to die at the hands of Voldemort, allowing Dumbledore to defeat him, and secure his legacy of greatness!

All, of course, for the Greater Good.

"Are you ready Harry?"

"Ready as I'll ever be Neville."

As Dumbledore began his speech, the Champions took their places in the central tower. The bottom level was where the Champions would begin, diving into the Lake, and beginning the search for their lost treasure. The other three were calm but were looking about. Cedric was looking at groups of Ravenclaw students, while Fleur and Viktor were looking in every direction. Either they were looking for a fellow student, or they were looking for family members, but there was no doubt who Cedric was looking for.

"I wonder where Hermione is? I figured if anyone would be here for you, it'd be her." Neville wondered aloud as he looked about for Hermione. For a few moments, Harry silently considered whether he should reply, or even how. Finally, he settled upon something.

"She's here, just not in the stands."

"What are you talking about?"

"The 'treasure' we're after? It wasn't taken last night. It was taken this morning."

"What are you talking... no."


"Are theyinsane!?"

"What are you going on about???" Cedric turned his attention from his search for Cho to Harry and Neville.

"What do we treasure more, than our loved ones?"

Cedric went wide-eyed at Harry's question. "They putCho down there!?"

English may not be their native language, but Viktor and Fleur knew enough to understand what they discussed. Viktor began to curse in Bulgarian, while Fleur began to panic. Her French came out so quickly it could barely be understood, but Harry picked up that she was panicking over her family.

"Calm down, all of you. If you panic, you'll make a mistake, and our loved ones can't afford that. Stay calm, stay focused, and we'll get our families back."

"Well said, Mr.Potter."

The unmistakable gruff voice of 'Moody' came from behind, as Harry turned to look at the imposter.

"Thank you, Professor."

"If you can figure out what's been taken from you, I trust you at least have a plan for getting her back?"

"Always." The sound of a cannon firing off ended any further discussion, as the other Champions dived in. But not Harry. He turned to face the Lake but spoke in a tone that would brook no dissent.

"Everyone, stand back."

Discarding his shirt, Harry wordlessly summoned his wand, transfigured it into a gleaming silver dagger... and brought it up to his chest. Taking a deep breath, to the shock of those closest to see, Harry began carving into his chest. Despite the speed at which his hand moved, it felt remarkably slow. Every time the blade bit into his flesh, he tensed up and focused solely on what was waiting for him in the Lake: Hermione. That thought helped make the pain fade, as the runic circle took shape from the blade's path.

As he moved on to the individual runes, he became acutely aware of how others were watching him. Bagman had barely been offering commentary on the Task, as all eyes were turned to him, and wondered why he was so slow. Then, they turned away as they recognized the self-mutilation.

God-f*cking-dammit this can't go fast enough!!!

You're almost done. Ready yourself, because once the circle is finished, you'll demonstrate a power you would have had, even without the ritual that unleashed my full power.

The runic circle itself was complete. Now it was time to do the individual runes. Rather than the longer path taken for the circle, quick and clean cuts into the flesh were needed. This let the runes be finished much quicker, despite the number that needed to be done. After several minutes of agony, and the dock stained red with his blood, the runic circle was complete. Transfiguring the dagger back into a wand, he tapped to his chest one time, and the circle began to glow. The pain faded, as he felt the magic coursing through his veins, as the circle did its work.

Now was the time for the show-stopper.

With a thought, his body began to change. Crouching down, to launch himself forward, Harry felt the wings sprout from his back. With them free, he launched himself from the dock, on powerful legs that burst forth. His body expanded in size, with a tail sprouting from him. His arms grew scales, as the hands became claws. He felt his neck lengthen, and his head grow to accommodate a mouth of razor-sharp teeth. From his head sprouted horns, his hair disappearing into the scales that covered his body.

His change was complete, but he was not a full Fire Drake. Instead, he was the next best thing. He had taken a form unique to those fortunate enough to be born with animagus guardians: the hybrid form.

The Dragon of Time - Canadian_Caesar - Harry Potter (12)

This feels so strange, even when compared to the full transformation.

The hybrid form is the perfect combination of your human form and my draconic form. The full manual dexterity afforded to humans, along with the magical resistance and physical might of a dragon. Combined with a natural affinity for wandless magic, had you access to this form in the original timeline, nothing would have been able to stop you.

Flying over the Lake, Harry looked down into the murky depths. It wasn't called the Black Lake for nothing, as normally he would barely be able to see anything down there. But the hybrid form included the enhanced senses gifted by Goliath. He could peer through the murky depths with clarity. Circling the waters, he watched for anything that stood out to him. The masses of seaweed growing in the Lake obscured his view.

Then, he caught a glimpse of something through the weeds. Something solid, and looked unnatural. Something that was, for lack of a better term, manmade.

With few other options, Harry soared high and twisted his body around, to dive straight into the murky depths. Tucking his wings in, he struck the water with frightening speed and began to swim.

The runic circle is doing its job. I can breathe as though I was on land.

It functions similarly to gillyweed with two exceptions. First, it doesn't change your physical form. Second, it wears off after you return to the surface. The upside to that is if we finish early, then we don't have to worry about the air burning as we inhale.

But did I have tocarve the runes into my chest?

Yes. Nothing you could wear would maintain the effects of the runes for long enough, not when you transformed. Carving them into yourself might have been painful, but it won't wear off prematurely.

As he swam through the murky depths, zeroing in on his target, Harry was surprised. Despite the fact this body was 12 feet tall, it moved through the water with surprising speed. The length of his body, including the tail, allowed him to propel himself forward like a crocodile. The muscular tail would undulate, from side to side, while his limbs, including the wings, were tucked in close. To change direction, the wings would be extended slightly, allowing him to almost glide through the depths of the Lake.

As he descended into the deep, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was faint, but he caught sight of... something. These waters could hold any number of risks, especially with the old meddler around.

Swimming ahead, but remaining alert, he continued his descent. He hadn't quite reached the bottom yet, but he could see the outline of rock formations. Formations that likely meant the approach of the bottom. But first, he needed to get past this mass of seaweed.

Then, from his right, he sensed a fast-approaching danger. Pausing in the water, he twisted his body to face the oncoming threat. It sped past him as he did so, striking his right side as it passed. Before turning to try and follow it, he sensed a second attack, coming from his left... then a third threat... and a fourth, and a fifth. Five creatures circled him, striking at him as they passed by, attempting to take bites of him as they did so.

As Harry gained his bearings in the swirling waters, he finally got a good look at his attackers.

Kelpies!? Since when do Kelpies attack in groups!?

Since now apparently! Don't get distracted! Keep your-

The voice of Goliath was drowned out as a Kelpie struck from behind, biting into his left arm. The sheer pain of it shocked Harry. Kelpies were shapeshifting water demons and thus were known to be dangerous. But their preferred tactic was to trick humans into riding them like horses. Once the unfortunate human was in place, the kelpie would dive underwater to kill their prey. Attacking out of the blue made no sense!

But before he could react, a second kelpie moved in, attacking one of his legs. A third went for the other arm, while the fourth went for his wings. Finally, the fifth attacked from behind, locking shockingly strong jaws on the back of Harry's neck. It wasn't enough to be fatal, but enough to be painful.

And in that haze of pain, something bubbled to the surface of Harry's mind. Something angry. Something primal. Something... predatory.

"Bloody hell, where'd the Kelpies come from!?"

Seamus' outburst went unanswered, as the rest of the students gathered on the Champions launchpoint watched the mirror above them with shock. They had seen Harry make his startling transformation and watched in awe as he swam through the waters. Watching a 12-foot-tall, bipedal dragon, as it swam through the Lake was an eerie affair. It moved with so little effort, it was as though the waters themselves were guiding Harry forward.

But as Harry swam through the depths, a group of Kelpies ambushed him. It was so unexpected, that even Professor Moody hesitated when answering Seamus' question.

"All the activity setting things up must have drawn their attention, looking for fresh prey."

"But then why are they swarming Harry??"

"It must be his new form. The Kelpies see him as a threat, so they've decided to try and remove him from their territory."

The students watched in macabre fascination as the Kelpies launched themselves at Harry. The dragon thrashed about, as all five Kelpies locked their jaws on him, ready to begin tearing flesh from his bones.

Then, a loud primal roar echoed from the mirrors, as Harry spun his full body. The Kelpies were pulled along, holding on tight with their powerful jaws. But this worked to Harry's advantage, as with his right arm, he reached to his side and grabbed the tail of the Kelpie latched on his left arm.

The Kelpie released its grip on Harry, as Harry's powerful claws dug deep into the Kelpie's flesh. It twisted to attack the hand that held it, only for the hand it had released to reach out and grab it by the throat.

It thrashed and screeched in Harry's grip, only to be silenced by Harry's powerful jaws biting into it, tearing its body in half and swallowing the massive chunk of flesh whole.

The two halves of its corpse were discarded, as Harry roared in triumph and fury. The now free left arm grabbed the throat of the Kelpie tearing into the right arm. As it pulled the Kelpie loose, it thrashed about as it tried to break free. With shocking swiftness, the right claw was swiped, tearing the head of the Kelpie from its neck.

The headless corpse was tossed aside, as the now free hands reached back, while the head leaned forward, and grabbed the Kelpie tearing into the back of Harry's neck. Like the others, it thrashed in Harry's grip, desperate to free itself. It screeched in pain as claws dug into its flesh, and tore its head in half.

The Kelpie that had been tearing into Harry's leg released its grip, only to launch itself upward, going straight for the throat. It moved with shocking speed, but it wasn't fast enough. Harry turned his head downwards, and lunged at the oncoming Kelpie, catching its head in his powerful jaws. It thrashed momentarily, and ceased all movement, as the jaws crushed its head, and tore the remains from its body, swallowing them down.

Only one was left, the one attacking his wings. Harry twisted and turned, but couldn't reach behind him, or past the wings. Finally, in desperation, he began flapping his wing. Faster and faster the wingbeat picked up until the Kelpie was dislodged from its grip. Realizing the battle was lost, it turned to try and swim away.

But Harry wasn't finished. Faster than seemed possible for something that large, a clawed arm surged forward, gripping the Kelpie by the tail. As with the others, it thrashed to try and escape, but its screech was different. It wasn't a screech of anger or frustration. It was a screech of fear, one that was well-founded, as Harry pulled it in closer to himself, before tearing its head off with his jaws.

After that, he just... floated there. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, as the remains of the five Kelpies drifted to the bottom, and a cloud of Kelpie blood floated around him. With some difficulty, Neville and the others could make out something unusual with his eyes.

Even when transformed into a massive dragon during the First Task, one feature about Harry remained unchanged: his eyes. Despite being several times their normal size, Harry's eyes retained their distinct green colour. Right now, this dragon's eyes were glowing yellow and were far more reptilian in appearance. However, slowly, their colour changed. They reverted to their distinct green, and after shaking his head, Harry resumed his search for Hermione.

As Harry swam off, Bagman resumed his commentary, remarking on the progress of the various champions. Cedric and Fleur were making effective use of the Bubble Head Charm, while Viktor had performed a partial self-transfiguration into a shark. But Harry in his hybrid form, even with the attacking Kelpies, remained in the lead, coming closest to finding the treasure that had been taken from him.

Unfortunately, Fleur's progress was ended prematurely. As she swam through the seaweed, searching for her hostage, a swarm of Grindylows attacked her. She fought bravely, but the sheer number of them overwhelmed her, pulling her back, until suddenly she surfaced near the launch point.

Madame Maxime descended from the upper floor to meet her at the launch point. As she came down, she was joined by an older couple, comprised of an adult man who exuded confidence, and a woman that, if Neville didn't know better, he would swear was Fleur's older sister. The woman looked like she had barely entered her twenties, while the man looked closer to what Neville suspected his age to be. Odds were, then, these were Fleur's parents.

The Headmistress, along with Fleur's parents, came to the edge of the launch point and helped pull the witch up. Conjuring some towels, they wrapped her in them as they began talking with her.

Neville wasn't particularly fluent in French, but he knew how to listen to a person's tone. And something about their tone made him worried. Fleur sounded upset, but also frantic. Even her parents sounded concerned, despite the reassuring tone Maxime was using. All of them referred to someone called 'Gabby' or 'Gabrielle.' Assuming they were the same person, this was likely Fleur's hostage.

After their talk, Fleur looked back out over the Lake, as though expecting 'Gabby' to make an appearance. But nothing happened. Slowly, Fleur began to panic, while her parents spoke with a forced calm with Maxime. The Headmistress herself sounded confused, as though expecting something to happen.

It didn't take Neville long to piece it together. Something had gone wrong with the Task, and 'Gabby' wasn't returned like she was supposed to. Which could mean very bad things were happening down there. Stepping back, where hopefully no one would see him, Neville drew his wand and focused on the happiest memory he could.

'If something's gone wrong down there, someone needs to warn Harry.'

What the bloody hell happened back there!?

That would be my fault. It seems that, in my surprise at the attack, I let my baser instincts take over.

Your baser instincts?

Make no mistake. I am still a dragon, an apex predator. I still possess the instincts of one, but I am in control of my mind. Most of the time, at least.

That fight... tearing them apart... it felt natural, it felt right.

The instincts of a predator. They can still rear their head in an appropriate situation. And it seems that I thought that was an appropriate situation. I'll keep a better grip on my instincts going forward.

Please do. I'd rather not end up in a literal bloodbath.

Their discussion was interrupted by the approach of a silver light. As Harry braced himself for another battle, he realized he needn't bother. This was the light of a corporeal patronus. And not just any, but Neville's lion patronus. It raced up to him, before delivering a message.

"Harry, Fleur's been eliminated, but something's wrong. Her hostage, someone named Gabby, should have been returned, but she hasn't yet. Keep an eye out down there, and good luck."

That can't be good. Is it the Merpeople, or Dumbledore?

Almost certainly the Merpeople. They have been the sworn enemies of the Veela since the Golden Age of Ancient Greece. They must be reluctant to release Gabrielle.

She's achild!!! They would threaten even a Veela child!?

Two things one should never underestimate: the severity of a grudge, and the cruelty of cowards. A helpless victim is perfect for both.

We'd better move, FAST.

Redoubling their efforts, Harry soon found his way to the outskirts of the Merpeople village. Just as before, the merpeople gathered about, singing that creepy song, reminding him he was on a time limit.

And there, in the center of the village, were the hostages: Hermione, Gabrielle, Cho, and a woman he didn't recognize. This was a middle-aged woman, so unless Viktor had a thing for older ladies, this was likely his mother.

But what drew Harry's attention was the looks the Merpeople were giving the hostages.One hostage in particular. Gabrielle simply floated there, asleep from whatever they had used on her. But the Merpeople looked at her with unnerving looks. These weren't simple looks of disdain, but those of malice. They circled the hostages, but as they passed closest to her, they raised their weapons, as though taunting the unconscious girl.

How did I not notice this before!?

Too busy trying to survive a Tournament you wanted nothing to do with. Get to Hermione first. You'll likely need her help with this.

Swimming up to Hermione, Harry found the claws on his feet made standing on his legs perfectly viable. Hooking himself into the rocky terrain, he stood before Hermione. She looked so at peace, as though she wasn't being used as a hostage in an insane Tournament.

But griping could wait. Raising his hand, a bubble of air formed in it, and he placed it over Hermione's mouth and nose. The presence of fresh air broke whatever magic had been placed on her, and she looked about in surprise.

I thought I'd be waking up on the surface.

Change of plans. The Merpeople aren't letting Gabrielle go. It would seem their grudge against the Veela is strong enough to justify threatening a child.

While Hermione processed this information, Harry bent down and tore the ropes to pieces with his claws. As Hermione kicked herself free, she summoned her wand.

What do you need me to do?

Help me free Gabrielle, and place a bubble charm over her head, like I did with you. I'll keep the Merpeople away from you.

The pair swam to the side, allowing them to free Gabrielle. As Hermione prepared the Bubble Head Charm, one of the merpeople swam up to them, holding a spear at the ready.

"Only one!"

It held the spear at Harry's throat, as though expecting that to be a viable threat to the dragon. Instead, Harry snatched the spear up in his jaws and bit it in two. The merman that had threatened them looked stunned at this, never expecting someone to dare threaten them in their territory. As Harry snarled at him, he swam away, seeking safety in numbers.

As Harry did this, Hermione placed the Charm over Gabrielle's mouth. The girl awoke with a start and began babbling in French, saying Fleur a great deal. The poor thing no doubt expected her sister to be the one to save her. Instead, she'd been woken up at the bottom of a cold lake, surrounded by strangers, including a 12-foot-tall dragon.

Fortunately, Hermione's knowledge of French allowed her to calm the girl, and when she mentioned the name'Harry Potter' the girl looked at Harry in his hybrid form with wide eyes.

Everything OK?

Of course. Seems Gabrielle here is a fan of those 'Boy-Who-Lived' books. This is a chance to meet her hero in person.

Harry turned to look at Gabrielle, and best as he could, offered her a smile. It was difficult, but he could twitch the sides of his mouth into something of a grin. That changed when he felt a sudden pain in his side and looked to see the same merman had returned, with a dagger in hand.

Furious at this cowardly attack, Harry swatted him away, striking him with the back of his hand, turning away from Gabrielle, and facing the village. The other mer-warriors looked on in shock, and some looked angry. Whether at their comrade's cowardice, or Harry's retaliation, he didn't care.

Tell Gabrielle to hold on. We're leaving!

Summoning his magic, he created a powerful current and used it to blast the merpeople far from him and the hostages. Those who could, took shelter in the various buildings in the village. The rest were blasted back by the sudden current. Amidst the cries of startled, scared, and angry merpeople, Harry turned back and pulled the girls into his arms.

Holding tight to them, as they held on for dear life, Harry launched himself upward. There was no need for subtlety or grace. Only power, and speed.

Within seconds, they breached the surface, and Harry launched himself further into the air, flying out of reach of the merpeople, just in case they got overly confident. As the girls cancelled the Bubble Head Charms, the audience roared their applause. Turning to the towers, Harry saw they were cheering his victory with all their strength.

Smirking internally, Harry flew back to the launch point, setting the girls down, as he turned back into his human form. Unfortunately, in his haste to escape the village, he had forgotten the dagger plunged into his side. It remained there as he transformed, and now that things were calming down, it hurt a great deal. Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey had already been summoned to the launch point, and after pushing others back, she conjured a seat for Harry and got to work.

The dagger itself was an unremarkable thing. An oversized piece of sharpened bone, with a piece of seaweed wrapped around what passed for a handle. But the merpeople were known to poison their weapons, and Madam Pomfrey was not happy to have people crowding her as she worked. However, it seemed this merman neglected to add the poison to the dagger, so Harry was safe in that regard. After some deft wandwork, the wound was healed, and bandages were applied to the injured area.

With the stab wound wrapped up, she then turned to the Kelpie bites. As it turned out, they had left a fair few, mostly on his arms and back. Fortunately, while the wounds were painful, they were only shallow. The kind of injury that's painful, and bleeds enough, but heals quickly. In this instance, Essence of Dittany was the primary means of treatment, and Harry felt immense satisfaction as the wounds closed.

When she was finally satisfied Harry wasn't about to drop dead, she finally backed off, allowing Hermione to hug and kiss him. Of course, after she broke the hug, Fleur came up to him.

"You saved my little sister. Even when she was not yours to save. Thank you!" Fleur wrapped him in a hug and kissed him on both cheeks. Before Hermione could say anything, Fleur turned to Hermione, hugging her as she said "Thank you!"

"We can't take all the credit. If Neville hadn't sent a Patronus message, I might not have realized something was wrong." As Harry said this, he pointed to Neville, who stood at the front of the Gryffindor students. When Fleur looked at him, she likewise went to wrap him in a hug, while kissing him on the cheek. The poor lad was blushing furiously as the rest of Gryffindor, at least the ones who were still coherent, laughed and cheered.

While all this was going on, the other Champions surfaced, Cedric with Cho, and Viktor with his mother. But it was so close, that it was practically a tie. As they were brought out of the water, Madam Pomfrey ran diagnostic charms on them and tended to any injuries they might have suffered. Luckily, they seemed no worse for wear, and the worst they suffered were bites from a few Grindylows.

But apparently, it was a close thing. They must have arrived soon after Harry departed the village, as the merpeople were scrambling in the village, grabbing all manner of weapons. When they saw Cedric and Krum, the merpeople attempted to drive them off, and the two wizards were forced to work together, with Cedric distracting the merpeople, while Krum used his transfigured shark teeth to bite through the ropes holding their hostages.

"Attention everyone!" Dumbledore's voice echoed across the Lake, grabbing the attention of everyone."We shall now announce the score. In fourth place came Fleur Delacour. While she might not have reached her hostage, she was freed from the Lake, and so the judges have decided to award 30 points for her effort." The applause was polite, but scattered. Fleur seemed upset, not at the lack of applause, but that she was being awarded points at all, remarking how she had failed.

"In a tie for second and third place come Cedric Diggory, and Viktor Krum. Cedric displayed effective use of the Bubble Head Charm, while Viktor made impressive use of self-transfiguration. For the skills displayed, and for their willingness to work together, we award each of them 50 points." This time the applause was louder and more genuine.

"And finally, in first place, comes Harry Potter, who used a remarkable combination of runes and self-transfiguration. As the first to arrive, and for ensuring the safety of both his, and Fleur's hostage, we award the full 60 points." The applause this time was deafening, and Gryffindor students began firing red and gold sparks into the air.

"The third and final task shall be held at dusk, on June 24th. Exactly one month beforehand, the Champions shall be told what is to come. Thank you all for coming, and good fortune to the Champions!"

One more task, and then we can deal with Dumbledore.

The end is approaching. Are you sure you're ready?

Only one way to find out.


Final score in case you want a reminder.
Harry - 116 of 120
Cedric - 95 of 120
Krum - 95 of 120
Fleur - 71 of 120

Chapter 35: Warnings

Chapter Text

"TO HARRY!" The toast rang out through the Gryffindor Common Room. Mere hours ago, Harry had achieved first place in the Second Task, finishing with the full 60 points, leaving him with a firm lead. Now, he was enjoying a party, held in his honor, courtesy of the Weasley twins. Plenty of drinks, snacks, and music made the party a lively experience.

As Harry took a swig of his butterbeer, he truly felt like a teen again. There had been few instances when he had felt like he was a teenager, so focused on payback against Dumbledore and his 'greater good' schemes. But now, with Hermione beside him, he was free to eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow he dies!

Or whatever Epicurus meant.

At the moment, Harry and Hermione were sitting together on one of the couches, taking swigs of their butterbeer. Now and again, Harry would subconsciously touch his side, and feel the bandages wrapped around him through his clothes. His fingers would follow the outline down to the now healing wound, caused by one of the merpeople attacking him in a cowardly manner.

Madam Pomfrey had been reluctant, to say the least, to release Harry from the hospital wing. While he'd finished with the better score, he'd also been the one to suffer the worst injury. The other three had gotten off with little more than Grindylow bites, and maybe some magical exhaustion. Diving to the bottom of the Lake was no easy task, especially when you're expected to defend yourself.

He, on the other hand, had endured an attack from five Kelpies at once, and only minutes later been stabbed in the side with a dagger. Luckily the dagger hadn't been poisoned, by that made little difference to Poppy. She'd only agreed to let him leave the hospital wing under the pretext he'd take it easy until tomorrow morning when she would remove the bandages, and check the healing progress. Otherwise, he risked opening the wound, and that would result in him being held until the wounds healed to her satisfaction.

Thanks to his enhanced healing, he knew that the wound would be healed by morning. Still, he'd take it easy tonight. No need to go testing fate.

Soon, a new set of voices could be heard coming from the entrance. Turning his head, Harry smirked when he saw the new arrivals: Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, along with Tracey Davis. Right behind them came Cedric Diggory, with students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, including Luna. The rest of the Houses were beginning to arrive. While her friend and sister mingled with the rest of the party, Daphne sat next to Harry on the couch.

"Congratulations on your performance in the Second Task Harry."

"Thank you, Daphne, although I'll admit, I'm a little hurt you didn't join us at the launch point."

"It was already getting crowded when I got there. Besides, someone has to remind the ferret he's not in control of Slytherin."

Smirking, Harry took another swig of butterbeer as Hermione and Daphne began talking. The two girls had initially been hesitant around, but after the past few weeks, they'd gotten much more comfortable around each other. Hermione was thrilled to have someone who could keep up with her mentally, even surpassing her in some instances, while Daphne was happy to have someone other than just Tracey she could freely speak.

Soon after, Harry felt the familiar sensation of the Allure and turned his head to see that Fleur had arrived with friends from Beauxbatons. Right behind them came Viktor, and some Durmstrang students. Realizing this meant all four Champions were in one place, Harry rose from the couch.

"Attention, everyone! Cedric, Fleur, Krum, get over here! It's time for a toast!" As the others gathered around him, drinks in hand, he continued. "Here's to us four making it this far! One more Task and the Tournament will be over. And win or lose, Gryffindor will host the biggest party Hogwarts has ever seen!"

The students roared in approval as the laughing Champions drained their drinks. Even Krum, notoriously stone-faced, chuckled at the thought of the coming party.

Afterwards, they resumed their mingling, with Harry asking Fleur a question that had been bugging him since the Task ended.

"Fleur, why was your sister down there? She can't be older than eight, yet she was your hostage, instead of your mother, or your father?"

"Eet seems zat once Gabby 'eard about ze need for an 'ostage, she volunteered herself. Gabby and I 'ave always been close, and she wanted to help me in ze Tournament. Unfortunately, Maman and Papa 'ave never been ze best at telling her 'non.'"

Harry smiled at the mental image of a pleading Gabrielle. "That's cute. Little sister wanted to help her big sister. But is she going to be alright? I know Veela and cold water don't exactly mix, never mind the merpeople."

"She'll be well. Zey were not under for long, and Madame Pomfrey is quite skilled at 'er work."

The Champions continued to mingle as the party carried on. Soon, Harry was back on the couch, Daphne on his left, and Hermione on his right. Leaning back onto the couch, he was warm and comfy, but his thoughts were disrupted by the sound of giggling coming closer. Opening his eyes, he saw Luna being helped along by Cho. When Cho saw she had Harry's attention, she spoke.

"Sorry Harry, but I wasn't sure who else to bring her to."

"Is she alright?"

"She's alright, just a little tipsy. I'm still not sure if someone gave her something stronger, or if she found the twins' fire whiskey on her own."

Luna giggled as Cho helped her along. "Everything's so pretty."

Cho smiled in exasperation. "Yes, it is, Luna. Here, I thought you might like to see Harry."

Cho tried helping Luna to the couch, but the girl somehow slipped from her grasp and stumbled forward. Harry leaned forward, catching her before she fell. The suddenness of her fall forced him to fall back onto the couch, Luna clutching to him. Now that she was stationary, she cuddled up into Harry, clinging to him like a giant teddy bear.

"Mmfff... comfy Harry..."

The sight of the small Ravenclaw nuzzling into Harry's chest made Daphne snort in amusem*nt. Hermione looked at the girl in bewilderment, before stroking her hair gently, a calm smile on her face. Cho mouthed an apology, before going off to find Cedric. All Harry could do, or even felt like doing, was lean back, and close his eyes. For the moment, life was good.

Dumbledore sat in his office, sipping a glass of whisky, while reviewing everything that had happened that day. First was the annoyance caused to him by the merpeople. This was an issue he could honestly say wasn't his fault.

He had gotten an agreement from the chieftess of the merpeople, that they would allow the use of their village for the Second Task. He had also informed them of the possibility that a Veela would be a hostage and impressed the importance that she did not come to harm.

So why did the merpeople decide to ignore his signal, and try to keep her until the end!? Did they actually think they could keep her after the one-hour limit!? Loathe as he was to admit it, he might have been saved an even bigger headache, not only thanks to Amelia talking with the Delacour parents, and Madame Maxime, but by Harry's actions. Pulling young Gabrielle out of the Lake before the merpeople tried anything might have saved his hide.

Then, of course, there was the matter of Harry himself.

Choosing to merely observe the Task was a good idea, as it allowed him to focus solely on the talents Harry had access to. And what a display of talent it was! A hybrid transformation, rune-carving directly into his chest, and wandless magic! Then there was the sheer physical might of the hybrid, displayed by that sudden onslaught of Kelpies. Their sudden display of courage and coordination raised many questions. Alastor seemed to believe it had something to do with Harry's new form. It was a possibility, but not a very satisfying one.

Then there was the matter of Harry's magic. Carving runes into his skin, was not only unorthodox, but it appears to have been quite effective. Pity he never got a good look at the runes, as he had no idea what the runes were supposed to do. But the wandless magic was something else entirely. He had seen the current Harry conjured, and used to great effect against the merpeople. The sheer power of it was amazing, forcing the entire village to take cover in their homes.

But then, there was the dagger.

During the Task, a merman attacked Harry with a dagger, trying to prevent him from freeing Gabrielle. He had managed to land a strike, stabbing Harry in his side with the dagger, before Harry struck him with enough force to shatter his skull. The merman in question hadn't survived, and so his dagger went unclaimed.

It was an unimpressive thing, at first glance. It had the appearance of an oversized piece of bone, sharpened to a point, with a makeshift handle wrapped in seaweed. But it had done something incredible. Something that neither the Cruciatus Curse nor even the Killing Curse had achieved: it had hurt Harry. More importantly, it had hurt Harry while in the hybrid form, a form possessing both great strength and powerful scales.

Using every spell he could think of, he had examined the dagger as best he could. It was old, that much was certain. It was at least older than him, perhaps even older than Hogwarts. But that was just the bone itself. The handle was fairly new, likely from being replaced as needed. Perhaps most interesting of all, however, was that it wasn't a bone, but a tooth. A tooth from a creature he had never seen before, and at one point had lived in the Black Lake.

So that just left one question: what creature could have teeth strong enough to pierce the hide of a Great Caledonian Fire Drake?

It was the first weekend of March, a Hogsmeade weekend. At the moment, the trio of Harry, Hermione, and Daphne were enjoying their walk through the village, making light conversation. However, the mood turned grim as Daphne brought up yesterday's events.

"So what was Karkaroff so worried about?"

The day before, Karkaroff had burst into Potions class, interrupting Snape's lecture. Despite the man's efforts, Karkaroff would not be dissuaded, and Snape had been forced to call an end to class prematurely. Leaving a Listening Charm behind, Harry had heard every word of their conversation. As he expected, the Dark Mark was beginning to show, signalling the return of Voldemort to full strength. Daphne, ever perceptive, had noticed Harry leaving the Charm as they left.

"It's the Dark Mark. Karkaroff's convinced it's becoming dark again."

"Which means my father was right. He is still out there."

Harry and Hermione looked at her with a start. The whole point of Cyrus holding their conversation in his office was to prevent the news of Voldemort's survival from scaring his daughters. And Daphne had just mentioned it so casually, as though she were discussing the weather. She must have caught their looks because she smirked as she continued.

"Give me some credit. My father may have kept quiet around me, but I do pay attention to what he does in his office. He's been worried about the Death Eaters since the World Cup. It wasn't hard to piece everything together."

Her smirk vanished after, and she spoke in a serious tone.

"Please tell me you have a plan, Harry? Something in the event the worst-case scenario actually happens." Daphne wrapped her hands around Harry's left arm, "Something that will make sure that if he tries anything, you'll come back."

Harry smiled softly at her. "I promise, I'll find a way back, no matter what."

She smiled in response, trusting that he knew what he was doing. Afterwards, they continued their walk through the village, until they were startled by an unfortunate pedestrian stumbling into them. As Harry helped the man to his feet, he saw who it was, and his breath momentarily hitched.

"Mr. Crouch?"

The man looked up at Harry as he was helped up, and it was indeed Barty Crouch Senior. However, the man looked like he had aged a decade. His skin was pale, with dark circles under his eyes, and sunken cheeks. Even in the light of day, his face could be mistaken for a skull. But his eyes were the most unnerving of all. There was a wild look to them, a hint of madness, which most would assume to be brought about by whatever sickness had been keeping him at home. But Harry knew the truth, that he had been placed under the Imperius Curse by Pettigrew, and now had managed to escape its influence months in advance.

"James... James, you have to help me... It's Peter! He's with them! I saw it myself... he's one of them... He's with the Dark Lord... Please... you have to believe me!"

Crouch had grabbed Harry, rambling on about what he had seen. The sight had begun to draw a crowd, and in a display of quick thinking, Hermione cast a minor Sleeping Charm on him. Just enough to keep him from creating an even bigger mess.

"Thank you, Hermione."

"You're welcome, Harry. But what are we going to do about him?"

"You two enjoy the visit. I'll take care of this. Hedwig!" At Harry's call, she appeared in a burst of white flames. Raising his hand, he continued. "To the Hogwarts Hospital! Hurry!"

Reacting instantly, Hedwig grasped Harry and Crouch, disappearing with both of them in a burst of fire. With them gone, the crowd started to disperse, leaving Hermione and Daphne to themselves.

Harry, when Crouch escaped in the original timeline, he was murdered by his own son. Whatever happens, Harry, please be careful.


"Master, please! I-"


The curse landed on Wormtail, the coward never having time to even attempt to dodge it. As it took its effect, he collapsed on the floor, writhing in unimaginable agony. Were it not for the Silencing Charms set up to prevent their activities from being heard, his screams might have been heard in the next county.


"Master! I swear! I didn't-"


Voldemort held the spell longer this time, making sure the coward understood the price of his failure. His master was most displeased, and he was suffering the consequences. Bella's cackling could be heard amidst his agonizing screams, and it seemed to divert their master's attention.


Bella immediately stopped her cackling, dropping to her knees before her master. Though she appeared calm, she felt unimaginable terror at the sound of his rage.

"No, my master."

"We are unimaginably close to the hour of my ascension, and YOU," Voldemort turned his attention back to the panting figure of a tortured Pettigrew,"allowed the ONE PERSON who knows of us to ESCAPE!!!"

"Master, I beg you, let me explain!"

"Explain WHAT!? That you FORGOT to place him under IMPERIUS!? That you NEGLECTED your most vital task, keeping the ONE PERSON who has seen us both from REVEALING US!?!?"

"Master, I swear to you, I fulfilled my duties. I don't know how he escaped!"


The spell allowed Voldemort to see into Wormtail's memories. The fool wasn't nearly skilled enough in Occlumency to craft false memories to deceive him, so what he would see, is what happened. Peering through the haze of pain and fear, Voldemort found every relevant memory, every time that Wormtail was supposed to cast the Imperius Curse, to ensure he never escaped from them.

And to his shock, Wormtail was telling the truth. Memories abound of the coward checking on Crouch, ensuring the Curse was doing its job. He had done his duty, as he was instructed. And yet, somehow, Crouch still managed to escape.

Exiting the coward's mind, Voldemort pondered over this, while Wormtail lay on the floor, curled in the fetal position, whimpering in pain and fear. The heavy silence was broken by Bellatrix speaking in a timid voice.

"Master, might I speak?"

"What is it Bellatrix?"

"Crouch doesn't know where we are, so he can't bring the Aurors here. He also doesn't know that his son is in the castle with him. Junior will keep us informed of what transpires, my lord."

Voldemort sat and considered his options. True, as Bellatrix had said, Junior was still able to spy for him. But short of using a Patronus messenger, there was no way to get a message to him quickly enough. Worse, if they tried the Patronus messenger, then they might expose him too soon. It seemed he had only one option available: wait patiently, and then, strike when his enemy was weakest.

In the Hogwarts Hospital Wing, Harry passively observed the events unfolding before him.

Upon arriving with an unconscious Crouch, Madam Pomfrey began treating him immediately. The lingering presence of the Imperius Curse was only part of his ailments. According to her, his use of Apparation to Hogsmeade he had drained his magical core to a dangerous extent. The weakened core, combined with the lingering mind magics, caused further damage to his mind, leaving him delirious at best.

As she treated him, Harry sent a Patronus message to Madam Bones, alerting her to what had transpired in Hogsmeade. Barely an hour later, she arrived at Hogwarts, storming into the Hospital Wing. Behind her came two Aurors, Shacklebolt and Tonks, both of whom looked like they had just run a marathon trying to keep up with her.

The sight of an angry Madam Bones, facing off against an irate Madam Pomfrey was frightening enough that even Harry considered leaving the Hospital Wing. But, the tension was broken by Hermione's spell wearing off, causing Crouch to stir. Before Madam Pomfrey could do anything, Amelia was next to him.

"Barty? Can you hear me? Do you know where you are?"

"Amelia? Where am... the Hogwarts Hospital... when did I get here?"

"An hour ago. You were found in Hogsmeade, delirious and alone, stumbling through the village."

"Hogsmeade... why did I..." As Barty gathered his wits about him, his eyes went wide as he turned to face Amelia. "Amelia, it's Peter! He's alive, and working with Voldemort!" Madam Pomfrey cringed at the name.

"We know Peter's alive Barty. Remember the trial? For Sirius Black?"

"The trial... right, I... I'm sorry, but my mind is still foggy... I don't know how long I was under the Imperius Curse..."

"It's alright Barty, you've been through a lot. We can have this talk-"

"NO! No, you have to know... Voldemort is alive. I've seen it myself!"

Even when empty, the Hospital Wing had never been this quiet. Madam Pomfrey sat on one of the beds, fear overtaking her, while Shacklebolt and Tonks shared a look of grave concern. But Amelia remained stoic, never letting her emotions show, as she waited for Barty to continue.

"I don't when, but they arrived at my house. Amelia, I... I made a horrible mistake... my son... I kept him locked in my house... and theyknew. I don't know how, but they knew I was holding my son prisoner in my house. Peter, he... he was holding something in his arms... It looked like an inferi made from an infant, but it wasalive. It washim. I don't know how, but Voldemort isstill alive!

"They... they tortured me, looking for information on the Tournament. It's somehow the key to his return! They have something planned, but I don't knowwhat! But I know this, somehow, my son is responsible for Harry's entry into the Tournament. I don't know how he did it, but he's the reason Harry's a Champion."

As Barty regained his breath, trying to clear his mind, Amelia remained stoic, as though nothing that had been said affected her. Finally, she spoke as calmly as ever.

"Thank you for telling me, Barty. But your son... you know what the Wizengamot will do once they-"

"I know Amelia, I know. You're a better Head of Department than I ever was. I'll face whatever judgement they decide, but please, don't let that monster win! Don't let him come back!"

"We won't, Barty. I promise."

That satisfied Barty, as exhaustion overtook him, and he collapsed back onto the bed. Madam Pomfrey, with some prodding from Amelia, resumed her treatment, while Amelia began giving orders. Shacklebolt and Tonks were instructed to guard him with their lives andto allow no one but Pomfrey, and herself, near him until they moved him to the Ministry. Not even Alastor was to go near him. Conjuring her corporeal Patronus, a bulldog, she sent it off with messages for the DMLE. Whatever she was planning, she wasn't hesitating.

So Crouch escapes early and warns Amelia of Voldemort.

Thus giving her a chance, and further incentive, to prepare for whatever might happen during the Third Task. This is either very good or very bad.

Chapter 36: Final Steps

Chapter Text

"This session of the Wizengamot will be brought to order!"

As Dumbledore got the Wizengamot under control, Sirius watched the proceedings from his seat as Lord Black. It had been two days since Barty arrived in Hogsmeade, revealing to Amelia the release of his son, and the survival of Voldemort. Amelia had scrambled afterwards, preparing a special holding cell in the DMLE, knowing that Barty would be placed on trial for releasing his son and using the Imperius Curse to keep him imprisoned in his house. She'd also taken steps to ensure his safety while at Hogwarts, and Sirius knew for a fact Harry had tasked Dobby with watching Junior until the Aurors relocated Senior.

But Sirius also knew the impact this was having on Amy. For all his issues with the man for sending him to Azkaban without trial, he knew Amelia respected Barty a great deal. The man had been her mentor when she began as an Auror and was her immediate predecessor as Head of the DMLE. Having to bring him before the Wizengamot, even for freeing someone as heinous as Junior, wasn't something she looked forward to.

Even Sirius felt, begrudgingly, a measure of pity for the man. For all his faults, the man had been uncompromising during the War. Authorizing the use of Unforgivables, including the Killing Curse, against Death Eaters was controversial, even today, but every Death Eater killed by Aurors was another attack delayed, or a family spared. Looking back on the events of the War, the biggest limiting factor in success against Voldemort, beyond the covert support he enjoyed among the pure-bloods, and Peter feeding them intel, was the Ministry's complete inability to get things under control.

The man had been ruthless, but that very same ruthlessness had offered a chance to turn the tide.

Now as the man offered his testimony, he listened for anything that could help Harry.

"It all started soon after my son was sentenced. I knew he was guilty, I saw the signs during the War. But I ignored them or thought his mother's love would be enough to dissuade him from that path. When he was caught with the Lestranges, after what they did to Frank and Alice, I knew how badly I had failed. I thought that the trial would be the end of it, that he'd face justice for his part in their cruelty. But I should have known better."

Sirius noticed that Frank, now sitting in the Wizengamot as Lord Longbottom, was watching with a stoic expression. As did his wife Alice, watching from the viewing gallery. Augusta, on the other hand, showed none of their restraint, a look of pure fury painted on her features.

"My wife, she was ill, dying, and she couldn't stand the thought of our son dying in Azkaban. Even after all he did, she still loved her son. She begged me to help her rescue him... and I agreed. She prepared Polyjuice Potion, enough for her to last some time and enough for Junior to be smuggled out. The Dementors never realized it. All they knew was I walked in with an ill person and then walked out with an ill person. Once back at home, I fed him Veritaserum, and I learned just how much worse it was. His only regret was getting caught before he could help finish off the Longbottom family, and he desired only the chance to continue Voldemort's war."

The Wizengamot members cringed and screamed at the name. After people calmed down, Barty continued.

"I knew I had to keep him imprisoned. I couldn't give him the chance to escape and cause even more havoc. I set up his room to serve as his new cell and spent months searching for ways to keep him restrained. At first, I used Compulsions to keep him under control. Later, I added Potions to the mix. But slowly he began to resist them until I finally resorted to the Imperius Curse. I tasked Winky with being his keeper and caretaker, keeping him hidden using an Invisibility Cloak. The only thing I hadn't counted on was Bertha Jorkins.

"For twelve years, I kept him hidden, until she came to my house, with papers to sign. I was out, but while there, she overheard Winky talking with my son, enough to figure out he was hidden under an Invisibility Cloak, and she decided to confront me. I used a powerful Memory Charm to erase that knowledge, but I overdid it. I damaged her memory, and when she went to Albania, she was vulnerable. And that was when Peter Pettigrew found her."

At this point, Sirius took a more personal interest in Barty's testimony. As others in the chamber murmured and whispered, all while looking his way, he focused solely on what Barty had to say about the rat.

"I'm not sure how it happened, but at some point, Peter made his way to Albania. It was there that Peter found Voldemort, somehow still alive."

Several people screamed at that revelation, and it took several minutes before Dumbledore could bring the Wizengamot to order. During the panic attack the Wizengamot was going through, Sirius got a good look at Fudge, and it wasn't encouraging. The man was pale as a ghost and looked even more terrified than Sirius had thought possible.

"While there, Bertha somehow met with Peter, and she was led straight to him. He... he tortured her, broke what was left of her mind until he learned about my son being free, and the Triwizard Tournament. With that in mind, they decided to return to Britain. While they did this, my son was resisting the effects of the Imperius Curse. Winky, she... she convinced me to bring him to the World Cup, thinking it was what my wife would have wanted.

"But he finally broke free and somehow stole that wand before the riot. As Harry was fighting Death Eaters, I sent Winky away with my son to keep him from joining the fight. I had no idea he had that wand, or that he had broken free. When the Dark Mark was cast, and Winky was found stunned, I knew what it meant. He had finally broken free and had stolen the wand himself. As everyone left, I searched and found his stunned body, still underneath the Cloak. I sent him back home under the Imperius, and would later rejoin him."

Several murmurs could be heard, as spectators remembered the duel between Harry and a dozen Death Eaters. Maybe Sirius was being overly optimistic, but it sounded like that memory was giving people hope. Pity Fudge didn't seem to share that sentiment.

"That was when Peter came to my house, and I got a look at Voldemort's body. It was hideous, like nothing I'd ever seen. It looked like some inferi, made from the rotting remains of an infant. But it moved, it spoke, and it could still wield magic with deadly efficiency. They disarmed and stunned me before I could even react, and it was over. They freed my son from the Imperius, placing me under it, and sent me to Hogwarts to serve as a judge.

"When Harry's name came out of the Goblet, I had no choice but to ensure he competed in the Tournament. The rules made it easy to do this, forming a magically binding contract. I don't know what their plan is, but I do know this: somehow it relates to Voldemort's return."

If the Wizengamot had been panicking before, now it had gone mad, with screams he was wrong, that he was delusional, alongside people demanding action be taken. Things got so out of hand, that the Aurors were called in to bring some measure of stability to the chambers. As the Aurors got things under control, Sirius groaned to himself. This was looking to be a very long day.

Still nothing?

Not a word. It's like the whole thing never happened.

Sitting in the Great Hall, Harry read through the latest edition of the Prophet. It was breakfast, and most of the school had arrived, but that mattered little to Harry. What mattered was the disturbing lack of information available in the Prophet.

A week had passed since Crouch Senior gave his testimony to the Wizengamot. Sirius had written to them afterwards, filling them in on everything that had happened. Barty's testimony had been pretty damning, once he admitted to not only freeing a convicted Death Eater but to keeping him prisoner using the Imperius Curse. Even if it was being used against someone like Crouch Junior, it still was considered a crime, and the man had been sentenced to life in Azkaban.

During his testimony, he admitted to coming face-to-face with Voldemort, and that somehow the Tournament was the key to Voldemort's return. Yet, the papers said nothing. In the week since the Daily Prophet had said nothing of this. Instead, it spoke a great deal about the illegal actions Barty had taken and made numerous mentions of Barty's mental state when he had been found in Hogsmeade.

It's Fudge. It has to be.

I didn't think we'd have to deal with it this time around.

Never underestimate that man's cowardice. That seeing Voldemort in person was enough to convince him is something of a miracle.

So what can we expect from him?

Anything. When Voldemort returned, he used all his influence over the Prophet to run a smear campaign against me, and anyone who dared speak out on my behalf. Right now, it's limited to Barty warning everyone about Voldemort's survival, so he's likely focusing his efforts on silencing him.

This means, that nobody who attended the Wizengamot will be able to have their opinions on what happened printed in the Prophet. Fortunately, we have another media outlet to consider.

Do you mean the Quibbler?

Exactly. Xenophilius is willing to print anything, regardless of the stance of the Ministry.

As Harry considered the possibilities, his thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Hedwig. As always, she drew the most attention and preened with pride as nearby students reached out to stroke her feathers. But she carried a letter, one from Sirius. Taking it from her, and giving her some bacon as a reward, he read through the contents and was reminded of Fudge's other irredeeming qualities.

What is it?

It's from Sirius. According to Amelia, Fudge is ordering the Aurors away from Hogwarts during the Third Task.

What!? Is he insane!?

No, just cowardly and stupid. This is likely some convoluted attempt to give off the appearance that 'all is well.'

Does Amelia have a choice in the matter?

She can fight it, but that would cost her political capital. If I had to guess, she's going to keep her best Aurors here at Hogwarts, or at least close by, during the Task. Any Aurors with family at Hogwarts are going to be given 'time off' so they can watch the Task. That gives her an unofficial presence of Aurors that Fudge can't fight against. Add to that her presence as Susan's aunt, and the fiance of a judge, which at least allows her to ensure some measure of security.

Does that affect you going forward?

Not really. I was counting on the Ministry being incompetent during this whole thing. Amelia's done well this past year, at least with what she's had to work with, but the Task itself isn't what counts, it's the aftermath. Unless she intends to station a hit-wizard squad in Little Hangleton, they won't make much of an impact.

What about Junior?

His only job during the Task was to ensure my success. I've done well enough that he probably doesn't even expect to do much. But keep an eye out for him during the Task. That maze had more than enough surprises last time.

Daphne Greengrass was looking at the Quidditch pitch with unease. One of the hills situated around the castle itself was just high enough for her to get a clear view of the inside of the pitch, and what she saw unnerved her. A hedge maze, grown on the Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch for the express purpose of the third, and final task, of the Triwizard Tournament. Two days ago, Harry and the other Champions had been shown the maze, and the Task had been explained to them: get through the maze, and claim the Triwizard Cup.

While running through a hedge maze might seem harmless, especially when compared to facing a mutated mother dragon, or diving to the bottom of the Black Lake, that only meant it would be filled with dangers. Those bloody Skrewts Hagrid was raising would be a prime candidate for a maze obstacle. And then, of course, there were all the dangerous beasts to be found in the Forbidden Forest. Trolls, werewolves, even Acromantulas, at least according to Harry. Any of them, and possibly all of them, were candidates for the maze. And that didn't even consider the numerous beasts across the world that might be imported.

Daphne was worried for Harry. And that thought made her smile, even if she had to hide it. For the past few months, she'd been spending more and more time with Harry and Hermione. It had been... wonderful. They were both as kind as they were brilliant, and despite their initial misgivings, she truly felt like an equal partner in this... relationship. The last thing she wanted, was for it to end.

"Nervous, Daph?"

Daphne turned to look at Tracey, standing on her right. Despite her irreverent nature, she was protective of her friends and shared her concerns for the coming Task.

"You could say that."

"Your boyfriend's dealt with way worse than some stupid hedge maze. Unless he has a crippling fear of topiary, he'll be fine."

"It's not the maze that concerns me, Trace."

"Then what's got you so worried about a guy who can change into a dragon at will?"

"It's what'll beinside the maze that worries me."

The pair stood in silence, as even Tracey had nothing to say that would reassure her friend. They were preparing to leave, when a familiar, cheerful voice, came from behind.

"Hey there, Daphne!"

Daphne turned to look at the approaching figure of Susan Bones. Oddly enough, beside her was a Ravenclaw one year their junior, Luna Lovegood, if she remembered correctly. The pair walked up to them, a sunny smile on Susan's face, and a dreamy look on Luna's.

"Susan, Luna. What are you two doing here?"

"Well, I was helping Hagrid with some of the Nifflers. I know a few spells for healing injured creatures, and Luna came by as I was leaving. We started talking about creatures, and we found you here. Simple as that."

"I was hoping to find a Crumple-Horned Snorkack at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Instead, I found Susan. She's much more friendly, and doesn't hide from everyone."

Daphne raised an eyebrow at Luna's mention of a... whatever she called it, but didn't say anything. She simply smiled and nodded, turning back to the Quidditch Pitch. Susan stood beside her, while Luna stood next to Susan. The four of them looked at the Pitch, saying nothing until Susan spoke quietly.

"One more month, and it's finally over."

Daphne nodded, before replying. "Think there'll be any more surprises?"

Susan hesitated before answering. "If the Death Eaters are going to try anything, it'll be then."

"Is that why Amelia's been pulling Aurors out of Hogwarts since Crouch spoke to the Wizengamot?"

Susan didn't answer, but Tracey did. "Do you think he was telling the truth? About... You-Know-Who?"

"My father thinks so, but Fudge disagrees. Says the man was delusional and dangerous."

"Aunt Amelia thinks Fudge is wrong. She's keeping her best around for the Task, and wants as many Auror relatives present as possible."

"Think it'll be enough?"

Before Susan could respond to Daphne, Luna chirped, "Harry's going to be fine. He's a dragon."

Tracey chuckled at Luna's cheerful response. "See? Even Luna thinks he'll be fine. Stop worrying over nothing. Win or lose, Harry's gonna be fine, and you'll be snuggling your dragon in no time."

Daphne blushed at Tracey's response, but Luna added, "Make sure to give him belly rubs. Dragons like belly rubs."

Susan and Tracey chuckled at the mental image of Daphne giving Harry a belly rub, while Daphne just shook her head. The girls began making their way to the castle, with Luna lingering behind. She looked at the Pitch, before turning to face the Black Lake. As she gazed in its direction, a grim look was on her face.

'Harry, whatever happens, be careful.'

'Four days until the Third Task.'

Albus reminded himself of how close they were to the end of the Tournament as he walked along the shore of the Black Lake. Looking about, he was pleased to see how few students were around. As a surprise, he had decided to allow one final Hogsmeade visit, for the last weekend before the Third Task. At least, that was what he told the staff. In truth, he wanted as few students around for his current experiment.

Ever since the Second Task, he had been running test after test on the dagger that had injured Harry in his hybrid form. He knew it was the tooth of an unknown creature, one strong enough to hurt a Fire Drake, even a hybrid. That it was in the hands of the merpeople likely means it was found in the Lake itself.

Something like that, he needed to find it.

That was what he was doing now. Using a modified Tracking Charm, he was using the dagger as a compass, pointing him toward where the merpeople had found the tooth. And now, standing on the shores of the Lake, he knew he had to go under.

Drawing the Elder Wand, he cast a spell he had prepared for this situation. Similar to the Bubble Head Charm, rather than encase the head or face, this spell created a bubble large enough for a man to stand in. Within this large bubble, air would be replenished by a second charm, one that worked best in enclosed spaces. Combining these spells, he'd be able to explore the Lake and uncover its secrets, for hours on end without any difficulties.

Still, he held onto an emergency Portkey, one that would take him directly to his office. Just in case.

Levitating himself into the Lake, he began to sink. Schools of fish swam by, and seaweed brushed the sides of the bubble as he travelled down. It was fascinating, to see the Lake in this manner. The mysterious depths of the Lake, so close to Hogwarts, yet always unknown to those above. Even the Grindylows, unable to enter the bubble thanks to his warding, appeared no more dangerous than the post owls.

Eventually, he hit the bottom and followed the direction given to him by the spell. The spell led him directly to a cave, seemingly innocuous at first glance. But the Lake held many secrets, and there was no telling what was down there.

Casting a floating light, he went forward, descending into the cave.

The journey was silent, save for the sounds of Albus' breathing. No fish swam through the pitch-black cave, lit for the first time in untold centuries. And still, he went deeper, the cave going steadily downwards. As he went deeper, the cave became narrower, becoming a tunnel that was constricting on itself with every few feet. Soon he began to worry, believing the bubble would need to be modified to fit without touching the walls.

Until, suddenly, the tunnel opened again, into a massive underwater chamber. Looking around, he realized he was at one end of the chamber. Several feet below him, he could see a sandy surface. Descending lower, he floated forward, searching this chamber for the source of the tooth, until he found the wall, the end of the chamber. This surprised him, as he had expected it to be bigger.

Shrugging, he approached the wall and noticed something unusual. It was smooth, so unlike the cave or the tunnel had travelled through. Tweaking the bubble charm ever so slightly, he reached out and placed his hand on the wall, and felt another shock. It was indeed smooth, but he could feel the power in the rock. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. Searching the wall for clues, he noticed that it curved upwards, and as he looked up he could see the stalactites, and-

'Wait, stalactites? In an underwater cave?'

Floating upwards, he was shocked to discover the ceiling went much higher than he had initially believed. Higher, even, than the tunnel entrance. Going past the formations jutting out of the wall, he amplified the power of the light charm and looked down. And his breath hitched in his lungs.

What he had thought to be the end of the chamber, was barely a fraction of its size. And what he thought to be rock formations were anything but stone. Looking down, he saw the outline of the 'rock' and saw massive pits on the surface.

As his eyes tracked the 'cave' he had been in, he realized it was no cave. Instead, he had been inside a massive skull, bigger than anything he had seen in his life. Those 'stalactites' were its massive teeth. Descending to their level, he inspected them, one by one, until he found the shattered tooth the dagger had come from. As he put the dagger back in place, he could feel the dagger absorbing the power stored within the skeleton.

He had found it. He had found something beyond his wildest dreams, something that answered a question he had asked for weeks. What could possibly threaten a Great Caledonian Fire Drake?

Another of its kind.

Albus grinned like a madman and laughed like a maniac. With something likethis, nothing would stop him.

Chapter 37: The Third Task


Ugh, colds. The wussiest of all illnesses, yet the only one that leaves me light-headed enough to affect my writing ability.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

'Finally!' Albus thought to himself, as he finally arrived back in his office.

For the past three days, he'd been keeping himself quite busy. After discovering the cave beneath the Black Lake, containing the skeletal remains of a Great Caledonian Fire Drake, he'd been hard at work. With clever use of Charms, Runes, and Transfiguration, he'd created a pocket of air within the cave, which served as an excellent landing point for Apparation and Portkey travel. This had allowed him to travel to and from the cave instantly, without the need to dive through the Lake again.

As such, he'd made active use of it, studying the skeleton, and the cave, with a near obsessive fascination. And it was hard to blame him. Hogwarts had been founded over a thousand years ago. But this skeleton was older by far, having died in an age when mankind dwelled within caves. How it died was another question altogether, one he simply couldn't answer. There was no sign of battle on the old bones, and any residual magic had long since faded.

It was entirely possible the titanic creature had simply fallen to the passage of time.

In any event, the ground itself would swallow the remains, trapping them within this cave, while the Black Lake was formed overhead. And centuries later, the castle was built by the Founders.

Fascinating as this information was, it paled to what was contained within the skeleton itself. The power contained within these bones was unlike anything he had ever encountered. All dragons contained powerful magic within themselves, it was what made their various parts so valued in various tasks and rituals. But these were so far beyond those of modern dragons. Theythrummed with power, theyradiated power, a power built into their very being. A power so far beyond what Albus had considered to be even remotely possible, he understood why these titans were once worshipped as the avatars of Lady Magic herself.

With that in mind, he set out to perform a very difficult task: taking one of the bones to the surface.

It was somewhat difficult, and rather annoying, given that several tons of sand were burying most of the skeleton. But the true difficulty in the task came from the bone's innate resistance to hostile magic. Even in death, the skeleton was near impervious to magical attacks, as he learned rather quickly after seeing a Bombarda Maxima didn't even make a crack in the bone, nor did a Bone Breaker, or a Bone Shatterer. Even shrinking it down was difficult, requiring much more power to be poured into the spell, even with the Elder Wand at his disposal.

Finally, after moving who knows how many tons of sand, he'd found the forelimbs. Among these was a bone about as tall and wide as Hagrid. It took a great deal of effort, but he finally shrank it down a third of its size. Taking it quickly, lest the magic wear off prematurely, he activated the Portkey, returning to his office.

And just in time too, as in an hour, the Third Task would begin. Much as he wanted to take a nap after his recent exertion, he knew that was out of the question. He would be needed for the beginning of the Third Task. The best he could do was take a Pepper-Up Potion and go to bed early afterwards. With this bone, now stored in a proper location, he could finally get his martyr back under control!

For the Greater Good, or course.

Harry watched as the lines of people made their way to the Quidditch Pitch. Tonight was the Third Task. The night he would run through a hedge maze, and come face-to-face with Voldemort again. Last time, it had been the night Cedric died, and Voldemort returned.

Not this time.

This time, Cedric would live, and Voldemort would suffer a death long overdue.

"Are you OK, Harry?"

Harry turned to see where the voice had come from and saw Hermione approaching, with Susan, the Greengrass sisters, and Tracey. Harry smiled as he saw them approach.

"I'm fine, Hermione. Just waiting for Professor McGonagall. I guess she wants to wish me luck in person."

Nodding her head, Hermione stood beside Harry, as did the rest of the group, watching as the Quidditch stands filled with spectators. Briefly, silence hung in the air, until Susan spoke.

"Auntie will be with me in the Hufflepuff stands, but she'll have Aurors stationed throughout the audience. If anything happens..."

"I know Susan, I know. I trust Amelia, and I know she knows what she's doing."

"Do you really think any Death Eaters are dumb to try something tonight?" Tracey asked her question in a tone of disbelief, but Harry could hear the concern buried beneath. Though she was trying to hide it, even she was worried somebody might try something.

"If there are, between the Aurors, the staff, and me, they won't last long."

As Harry finished his answer, Hermione took his hand in hers. She'd been silent, even disregarding their telepathy. Instead, she simply held his hand, tightly, seeking the surety of his presence. He smiled at her, gently squeezing her hand, letting her know he'd be alright. Before any of them could continue, they heard two high-pitched voices from behind them


Turning to the source, Harry smiled as he saw Brian and Anna running up to them, with Luna skipping along right behind them. But what drew his, and the other's attention, were their hats. Unlike the pointed hats common among magicals, these hats were shaped like the head of a Fire Drake, making it look like the dragon was eating their heads. The eyes of the dragon were the green of his eyes, while red ribbons extended out the back, draping down around the heads of the wearers.

"Hey, you two! Where'd you get those hats?"

"Miss Luna made them for us! Aren't they great?" Brian was smiling broadly as he pointed at the hat he was wearing.

"They sure are! Did you remember to thank Luna for making you those?"

"We did! We did!" Anna made her declaration quite emphatically, as though offended by the idea she forgot her manners.

"Watch this!" Brian pulled out his wand and tapped the hat with it. The hat made a loud, and surprisingly accurate roar, while smoke came out the nostrils. "Isn't that cool!?"

"That's awesome!" Harry was all smiles as he high-fived Brian, laughing as he did so. These two were just impossible to be scared or worried around. Looking at the others, he saw they shared his sentiment, as Hermione and Daphne were smiling, Tracey was chuckling, Astoria was giggling, and Susan looked like she wanted to melt at their cuteness.

"If I might interrupt?" From the side came the stern voice of McGonagall. But looking at her, her face was anything but stern, as even she smiled at the sight before her.

"Professor McGonagall, you wished to speak with me?"

"Yes, Mr.Potter." The pause in her words, and the look she gave the others, were taken to mean 'alone.'

Knowing this, Hermione and Daphne both kissed Harry on the cheek. Astoria gave him a quick hug, while Tracey just smirked at him. Susan would give him a hug of her own, promising to cheer for him and Cedric, regardless of who won. Brian and Anna would hug him tightly, as would Luna, who would follow up with a kiss on the cheek. The group made its way down to the pitch, while Harry could hear Tracey asking for another of Luna's hats. As they got further, he vaguely made out the words'Sticking Charm' and'Malfoy'.

Smiling at Tracey's apparent plot, Harry turned to face his Head of House. Her smile was gone, and instead of her usual stern countenance, she looked worried.

"So, what did you want to tell me?"

"Mr.Potter, Harry, are you certain you're ready?"

Harry blinked at the mention of his first name. She had only ever done that once: when she feared for him over Goliath's influence.

"I'm ready, Professor. I can handle whatever we're facing."

McGonagall nodded slowly, before continuing. "We'll be patrolling the maze perimeter, and we'll be ready to intervene if anything goes wrong. But... we don't know what's in the maze. The Ministry is being quiet about it, even with us. So just... be ready for anything."

Harry simply nodded at her words. She then led him down to the pitch, where the other Champions were waiting with their families. Cedric was standing with his parents, and Krum stood with his. Fleur had her parents and sister with her, while Sirius and Remus stood waiting for him. Harry rushed over to them, giving them both a quick hug, when he heard the band start playing.

It was time.

Amos Diggory and his wife went first, with Cedric right behind them. Fleur and her family went next. From where he was standing, Harry could see Gabrielle trying to encourage Beauxbatons students to cheer louder for Fleur, and it seemed to work. He smirked as the Krum family went next, and finally, Sirius and Remus went ahead with him. Sirius, ever the showman, fired sparks into the air that turned into a roaring red dragon that set the crowd wild as they entered the clearing.

Before them stood the maze, while behind them the crowd cheered loudly for the Champions. Turning to face the crowd, Harry smiled as he immediately found Hermione, with Brian and Anna standing right next to her. He waved to them, and the trio loudly cheered for him as they applauded. Brian was jumping with excitement, and the sight of it made Harry laugh again. Even with the final task moments away, the boy couldn't help but laugh at his 'little brother.'

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Harry was brought out of his thoughts by the amplified voice of Bagman."Welcome to the Third and Final Task of the Triwizard Tournament! In third place, we have Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons with 71 points!" The students of Beauxbatons cheered for their Champion. As they quieted, Bagman continued."Tied for second place, with 95 points each, we have Cedric Diggroy of Hogwarts and Viktor Krum of Durmstrang!" The students from their respective schools cheered loudly, as Karkaroff tried encouraging the crowd to cheer for Krum."And finally in first place, we have Harry Potter of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, with 116 points!" The crowd went nuts, and Harry could hear three dragon roars at once and chuckled as he realized it was Luna, Brian, and Anna setting off their hats.

"Earlier today, Professor Alastor Moody hid the Triwizard Cup in the maze, and only he knows its exact position. The first Champion to find and touch the Cup will be the winner! However, the maze is filled with creatures and traps the Champions must find a way past. The Hogwarts staff will be patrolling, and if any Champion wishes to withdraw from the maze, they need only send up red sparks with their wand. As he is in first place, Mr.Potter will be the first to enter, followed by Mr.Krum and Mr.Diggory, and finally by Ms.Delacour. At the sound of the whistle, we begin! Champions, take your position!"

As Harry got into place, he glanced over to Cedric, giving his father one more hug. Last time, these were the final moments the two of them would share. The sight of his son, dead from an Unforgivable, had broken Amos.

Not this time. With or without Cho, you'll live a long, healthy life.

"Mr.Potter, are you ready?"Harry simply cracked his fingers at Bagman's question."On three - two - one -" the sound of the whistle blew, and Harry took off into the maze.

Just as before, the sounds of the cheering crowd died down as Harry entered the maze, blocked out by enchantments. The walls towered above, and fog filled the ground, creating a dark and hostile atmosphere. Every turn seemed to hide a new menace, and shadows appeared as the hiding places of nightmares. The maze might have been filled with creatures and traps, but the biggest trap of all was the maze itself, playing on their senses so that only the most determined would advance.

After a few minutes, and an unknown number of turns, Harry heard the whistle blow a second time.

Cedric and Viktor are now in the Maze.

Don't get distracted! Junior will likely hinder them, perhaps even placing Krum under the Imperius again.

Of course, that also means Fleur might get hit with the Cruciatus again.

I know, but that is something she can recover from. Only we can survive the Killing Curse.

The whistle blew a third time, signalling Fleur's entry into the maze.

Now we're all in. And no obstacles yet, just like last time.

Junior must be working overtime with how fast we're moving.

Soon enough, Harry felt the chill of the Dementor-transformed Boggart. A quick'Riddikulus!' and the Boggart was gone. Afterwards, they found the Limbo Mist, but Harry dispelled it with a wave of his wand. As he found, and tore apart, a Blast-Ended Skrewt, Harry heard the distinct scream of Fleur. Junior had gotten Krum, and Krum had gotten her.

Shaking his head, he rushed onward, following the same route he had taken the first time. Soon, he found what he was looking for, the Sphinx. With the body of a large lion and the head of a woman, it was one of the more recognizable creatures of the hedge maze.

"Hail, Great Sphinx. I seek entry to the path you guard."

The Sphinx looked at him with large brown eyes, appraising him. Finally, she spoke in a deep voice. "To pass, you must answer my riddle. Answer correctly, and you may pass. Answer wrong, and I will attack. Remain silent, and you may leave unscathed." When Harry nodded, accepting her terms, she gave the riddle.

"First, think of the person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

And finally, give me the sound often heard,

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together and answer me this,

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

Harry smirked as he realized it was the same riddle. "The answer is 'spider,' Great Sphinx."

The sphinx smiled, and stood up, stretching her legs, and moving to let him pass. Nodding at her, he ran forward and soon came upon the Acromantula. He wouldn't waste time on it. A bolt of lightning was fired from Harry's wand, directly into the face of the charging spider. It was blasted backwards, landing flat on its back, as its smoking husk curled its legs in on itself.

Smirking, Harry raced forward and soon he could see a familiar blue light: the Triwizard Cup. He had done it, he had finally reached the end, well in advance of the others. Stepping forward, he confidently grabbed the Cup and felt the familiar pull on him as the Portkey was activated. The world spun around him as he felt himself being taken from the maze, and as he landed on his feet, he suddenly felt a massive wave of nausea overtake him.

This wasn't the normal effect of Portkey travel on a first-timer, and he'd had plenty of experience with Portkeys since. Instead, he stumbled about briefly, as the world shook around him. He felt light-headed, and dizzy, and struggled to suppress a desire to vomit.

What... what's happening?!


As he readied his wand, he felt a sudden blast hit him from behind. It knocked him forward but failed to knock him off his feet. The suddenness of it snapped him out of his nausea, but he failed to react in time. A second blast struck him from the side, knocking the wind out of him. Another three came at him from various directions, throwing him about like a rag doll in the wind.

Each blast was the result of aBombarda, and on anyone else, the spell would be lethal. On Harry, the spell was far from lethal, yet each time he was hit, it felt like someone swinging a sledgehammer at him. Worse, he was being hit by multiple blasts at once, being blasted into another spell, barely having time to react.

As he was thrown about, he cast spells in the directions he was being attacked from. A bolt of lightning here, a fireball there, all cast with intent to kill whoever was attacking him. But there must have been at least a dozen attackers, because even though he heard screams of pain from when his spells hit true, the attacks never ceased, nor slowed.

Finally, he was blasted with such force backwards, that he felt his ribs crack as he hit the statue behind him, and fell before it. As he rose to his feet, he could hear the cracking of marble but gave it little thought. His anger spiked, as he looked about. His enhanced senses were clearing, and he could see the outline of figures, hidden in the fog that surrounded him.

There were at least a dozen, but that didn't matter. He would tear them apart, by hand if needed. As he readied a powerful spell, one that would shatter their resistance, an exceedingly heavy object struck him on the back of his head. It knocked him flat on the ground, and everything went black.




"...willingly sacrificed..."



"...resurrect your foe."

A pain in his leg dispersed all fog from Harry's mind, as he looked down. There, below him, was the mad witch herself, Bellatrix Lestrange. In her hands, was a silver dagger that she had already used to extract his blood, slicing into his leg, rather than his arm. As he reflexively moved his hand to attack, he felt excruciating pain. As he looked away from her to his hands, he realized he hadn't been tied to the statue.

He'd been crucified, with his hands nailed to the wings of the Angel of Death. Calling them nails, however, was underselling the pain he now felt. These nails were as large as railroad spikes, and he had one going through each hand. As he looked back down, he saw the ropes holding him up against the statue. But worse, he saw Bellatrix walking away from him, dagger in hand.

Ahead of her, the cauldron stood, and within Harry knew, Voldemort was waiting. Beside it, Wormtail writhed on the ground, clutching the stump that was once his elbow. Past the cauldron, surrounding them in a semi-circle, were nearly two dozen robed Death Eaters. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a large white blanket covering, what Harry estimated to be, six bodies. The ones he had hit in his attack.

But nowhere, did he see Nagini. The horcrux wasmissing! Where the hell could she be!?

"The Dark Lord shall rise again."

Bellatrix tapped the dagger three times, dropping three drops of blood, and moved to rejoin her fellow Death Eaters, while Wormtail crawled away. The potion began bubbling violently, as the fires beneath the cauldron roared into an inferno, rising high above the cauldron. The Death Eaters, minus Bella, instinctively stepped back and ducked for cover when the cauldron exploded outwards.

But the potion held in the air, and in the fires, Voldemort began taking form. Arms and legs stretched out from the black mass, as the body took its form. Finally, the head rose from the mass, and his physical form was complete. And as the Death Eaters knelt before their master, Harry realized the grim truth.

He had failed. Voldemort had returned.

Stronger than ever.


That's right, you f*ckers didn't really think I was ending Voldemort this easily? We are far from finished with him.
As a side note, in the books, Luna's lion hat was a pointed hat with a stuffed lion on top. But the one in the movies was designed by Evanna Lynch, and it's her favourite prop from the movies. I thought it'd be a nice homage.

Chapter 38: Duel among the Dead


BTW, anyone seen the Batman The Animated Series episode, Mad Love? Where we get Harley Quinn's origin, and hear Batman laugh. It's a good reference point.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

'At long last, my return begins.'

For years, he, Lord Voldemort, the Heir of Slytherin, had been forced to live like a parasite. Deprived of his physical form, forced to exist as a sentient cloud, he had moved from one body to the next, using and discarding them as the situation demanded. It had been a decade of hell, but he had endured. He should have been more careful. It figures that the witch Lily would have found a way to protect her son, even in death. He had been careless, and overconfident, and he had paid the price for it.

But that had all changed. Quirrel had gotten him close to the Stone, and even better, he had come face to face with the source of his misery. Harry Potter, the unassuming boy with an unusual scar. Had he not known of the prophecy, he never would have believed that this boy, this child, would be his greatest enemy. Yet Harry had proved himself to be just that, when his mere touch destroyed Quirrel's physical form, forcing him to flee.AGAIN!

But that coward Wormtail had arrived, and that had changed things again. He would not be so careless with his followers, even if Pettigrew was strong enough to house his spirit in his body. No, he would need to create a new body, and while the potion he regularly consumed provided him with one, it was barely suitable for his needs. This ritual was the solution, if only he could get the blood of his enemy. And the Tournament would do just that.

Potter's unnerving displays of knowledge and power meant another problem needed to be solved. It mattered little if they were able to bring him here if he was able to eradicate them all with a thought. Bellatrix had proven her value time and again, securing not only the necessary ingredients for their little trap but also bringing in more recruits. Most of them were young having barely graduated from Hogwarts. But each one, nearly thirty in all, had proven their dedication through silence, ensuring nobody, least of all that fool Dumbledore, heard of their plans.

And now, here they were. Harry had indeed fallen into the trap, and proven more resilient than even he had expected. The Portkey itself had an array of Disorientation jinxes worked into it. Booby-trapping Portkeys was difficult, and risky because it required extremely precise spellwork to ensure the Portkey both delivered the target and affected them with the inlaid spells. But the benefits were worthwhile, as the inlaid spells could override all but the most potent forms of magical resistance, and even then, it would still have the desired effect. The catch was it had a time limit, forcing you to be extremely careful with timing, otherwise, the spells would degrade the Portkey to the point of complete failure.

But the timing had worked out well for him. It had dropped Harry inside a runic array that, when activated, should have crippled him. It was an array containing every spell of disease and decay he could think of. Everything from feelings of weakness to temporary blindness, and paralysis. Bloody hell, the boy should be vomiting blood. Instead, he was simply nauseous, a state that passed once the first spell knocked him out of the runic array.

From there he had gone on the attack, firing spells in every direction, and hitting some of his followers. A good thing then, that he had Nagini waiting in a secure location, far from the graveyard. He couldn't risk losing a horcrux, not at this early stage. She had to be kept secure, as the others were. There was no telling what would happen if Dumbledore learned of their existence.

Still, the spells and runes had done their job... well enough he supposed. The magic-suppressing runes engraved on the spikes holding Harry in place kept him from regaining consciousness too quickly, and the rag being used to gag him had been soaked in a mixture of Draught of Living Death, to keep him pacified, and a potion meant to suppress the abilities of a Metamorphmagus, modified for tonight specially. There was no guarantee it would prevent Harry from transforming into a bloody Dragon, but it should keep him from springing any surprises on them.

And now, the ritual had been completed. He had a physical body again.

And bloody hell, it wasglorious! Even now, he felt stronger than he could remember. Magic flowed through him as freely as water in a rushing river. His senses tingled as they took in the sensations that came with physical form, for the first time in years. And as he ran his hands over his scalp, he knew using Nagini's venom had served him better than he dreamed possible. He could feel the beginnings of claws emerging from his fingers, and his head... it had the beginnings of a bony crest atop it. The venom, and his heritage as Slytherin's Heir, had worked in unison to bless him with the visage of the King of Snakes.

Watching from his position, crucified to the Angel of Death, Harry watched as Voldemort finished inspecting his body, before commanding his followers to robe him. The old Voldemort, the one he had beaten in the Battle of Hogwarts, possessed smooth skin, reminiscent of a snake, complete with a noseless face. But this... was something else. This didn't look like snakeskin. It bore more of a resemblance to an albino crocodile, or even dragon-hide. Instead of a smooth scalp, there were the beginnings of a crest sprouting from his skull, not unlike the hybrid form.

How in the hell is this possible!?

The ritual takes strength from the enemy. Before, it took a portion of your mother's protection. Now, it has taken some of our power. He is stronger than before, but even less human.

Their talk was interrupted by the sounds of Voldemort, commanding Bellatrix to present her arm. Happily complying, Voldemort pressed his wand to the Dark Mark and summoned the remaining Death Eaters still free. It wasn't many—about a dozen in all, no doubt a result of Harry's performance at the World Cup. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson, Avery, Yaxley, Macnair, Nott, the Carrow twins, Gibbon, and Jugson were all dead, either by his wand directly, or executed by the Ministry.

He had been counting on that. What he hadn't been counting on was arecruitment drive while in hiding! Bloody hell, he was a fool. He should have forsakenpreserving the timeline, even if it was meant to give them an advantage. He should have travelled here the first chance he got and nukedVoldemort at the first opportunity. He could worry about tracking down this lot later. He tried being clever and it had worked against him.

Well, as they say, hindsight is 20-20. They were still here, and while he could sense the immense power radiating from Voldemort, he was far from invincible. Still, he had to be careful. While Voldemort was never the type to retreat or admit defeat, he wasn't a fool. All the steps he had taken tonight, freeing Bellatrix, recruiting all these extra Death Eaters, and the trap he had lain, it all pointed to Voldemort's survival instinct winning out over his pride, and his paranoia.

As he began chewing through the gag, not an easy thing given something was suppressing his transformative abilities, he analyzed the situation. All that time spent as an Auror had to count for something in this scenario. Two dozen Death Eaters, including Bellatrix and Wormtail, though given he was still writhing on the ground in pain meant he was hardly a threat, along with the twelve that had just shown up. Thirty-six Death Eaters, and Voldemort himself. It would be tough, but doable. The only question was where thatbloody snake was!?

"My friends, welcome! It has been far too long. Thirteen years, to be precise. Thirteen years it's been, and yet, here you stand before me, as though it were only yesterday. Here we stand, united under the Dark Mark, in service to the cause of the purebloods! But then..." he paused, sniffing the air dramatically, "why do I detect the stench of guilt? Of treachery?"

Those dozen who had arrived fidgeted where they stood. Some of them seemed to try and fall back in with the crowd but were pushed forward by the newcomers. Twelve Death Eaters, veterans of the first war, stood before their master, heads bowed, both in reverence and abject terror of their master's wrath.

Oh Merlin, not this bloody speech again.

On the upside, the longer he talks, the more time we have. Now, hurry up with that gag. The sooner it's out, the sooner you regain your power.

Back in Hogwarts, Hermione sat in the stands with Brian and Anna. The two students had been one of the best things about this year, and seeing their enthusiasm was infectious. Even knowing what Harry would be facing in the maze and the graveyard, she couldn't help but feel confident in Harry's chances.

But now, as the minutes ticked onwards, the crowd became restless over the disappearance of the winning Champion, especially after Cedric had carried Fleur and Krum back out of the maze, claiming Krum had been bewitched with Imperius to use the Cruciatus curse.

Looking over at Sirius and Remus, she knew, as they did, that this had happened in the original timeline. Minus Cedric surviving, a definite improvement, the timeline was still on the same course.

Even so, she felt something, something within her soul. A deep sense of unease at the situation.

Whatever happens, Harry, please be careful. Don't leave me alone.

Back in the graveyard, Harry had almost finished chewing through the gag. He didn't have dragon teeth, but he still had his strength, and he was almost ready to spit the gag, and whatever noxious concoction it had been soaked in, out of his mouth. All the while, Voldemort continued his speech, reminding Harry of the control he had over his followers. Not one of them, new or old, had moved a muscle as he spoke. When he cast Cruciatus on one of his older followers, nobody had even twitched at the sound of his screams.

And still, Harry continued to chew through the gag, as Voldemort laid out his plans. The Dementors would be recruited when Azkaban was cracked open, Fenrir Grayback would summon the werewolf packs and the giants would be recalled from their banishment. He would rebuild his army of dark creatures and Death Eaters, and Harry was hearing all of it.

Until he finally finished chewing through the gag and spat out the rag that had been stuffed in his mouth. Then, all eyes turned back to him.

"Ah, Harry Potter, ourguest of honour. I was so caught up in my little reunion, that I had almost forgotten you were here, standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you, but I daresay, you're almost as famous as I am.'The-Boy-Who-Lived' and now,'The-Boy-Who-Cannot-Die.' Such lofty titles, Harry. A pity your legend begins with a lie."

"Where's the lie,Tom?" Harry's voice was laced with venom, "That you bungled killing a baby, or that you were outsmarted by a muggleborn?"

"Bold words, Harry, especially from one nailed to a statue, to be expected given how brave your fool parents were. But you are correct, I did make a mistake that night. I underestimated your mother. You see when dear sweet Lily Potter placed herself between you and me, I thought her a mere fool. But she had lured me into a trap. That night, when she gave her life for you, she powered a form of magic I hadn't anticipated. Her love had invoked Old Magic, something I should have foreseen, powering the ultimate protection. I could not harm, or even touch him. But the tables have turned, Harry. I can touch you, now."

With that, Voldemort grabbed Harry's leg, right where the dagger had cut into him to draw blood. The wound hadn't healed, and Harry felt the sting of pain in his leg as Voldemort's claws dug into his skin. The hiss it drew from him was far from the cry of pain from when he still had the Horcrux lodged in his skull, but Voldemort didn't know about that then or now. Now, he could only content himself by bringing this small amount of pain to his adversary.

"New body or not, you lost that night, and I've beaten you again since."

"But you haven'tkilledme, not before, and not now," Voldemort paused as he returned to his followers. "Nor will you, or that fool Dumbledore ever kill me, now that I have achieved immortality."

"Really? Well, congratulations. I can only imagine the depths you sunk to just to hold the reaper at bay for a few more seconds."

Voldemort's face twisted into a cruel sneer, as the Death Eaters shuffled backwards, minus Bellatrix, too eager to see what her master would do.

"Your glibness does you no credit, Potter, nor will false bravado save you. But, I am a merciful Lord, and you have impressed me this past year. So, I offer you this one chance: join me. Swear your allegiance to Lord Voldemort, and I shall spare not only you but your dearly beloved wife."

Harry was stunned by this turn of events. He had been thrown off by the presence of additional Death Eaters, an oversight on his part, and it had cost him. But now, Voldemort, the man who had tried to kill him based on a prophecy, was offering to spare his greatest enemy, in exchange for subservience. Now he realized just how badly he had disrupted the timeline.

Voldemort was scared of him, especially after everything he had demonstrated. He had already feared what he was capable of, enough to try and kill him as a baby, but now that he's seen a taste of Harry's true power, he must have been terrified. But now, now that he had a new body, one empowered far beyond its natural limits by the ritual, he was confident, but no doubt still wary of his enemy. With that in mind, Harry could only do one thing.

"... heh... heh heh heh... hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The laughter echoed across the graveyard, once silent as a tomb. The Death Eaters had heard the mortal enemy of their master, an abnormally powerful teenager, be offered a chance he had never extended before, a chance for mercy. They had heard their master offer the Boy-Who-Lived a chance to not only save himself but to save the life of his soul mate.

And now, he was laughing at the proposition like a maniac. It bounced across the tombstones, echoed within their hearts, and reached deep into their very souls to grab hold with a grip as cold as the void. They feared their master, his power, and his infinite cruelty and wrath. Now, they feared his enemy as much, perhaps even more so, than their master. Even Bellatrix Lestrange, the mad witch whose loyalty had seen her broken out of Azkaban, looked decidedly uncomfortable as she shuffled backwards, while Pettigrew looked ready to soil himself if he hadn't already.

When Harry's laughter died down, he looked at Voldemort, now glaring with a cold fury, and smiled at him.

"A very generous offer, Tom, but I'm going to have to decline."

"Is that so? Then you leave me no choice, but to end your life, and extinguish House Potter forever."

"Quite ambitious of you, but see, you'llnever be able to kill me."

"Oh? And why isthat, boy?"

The Death Eaters, and Voldemort, went silent as they waited for Harry's response. They had expected some verbal retort, perhaps a quip of Voldemort's prior failures, or even some obnoxious speech about the Light, or whatever rot he might have heard from Dumbledore. What they were not expecting was for Harry tofree himself. But the boy hadn't used magic to do it. He didn't use some wandless incantation to do it. He had simply freed his right hand by pulling it off the spike, allowing it to pass through his hand in its entirety!

With his free hand, he had pulled the spike in his left hand out and drove it into the ropes holding him up, breaking and dispelling them at once. Dropping to the ground, he had stood tall, and held his hands up, allowing the Death Eaters to see the holes in his hands. Then, as he closed his eyes, they watched in stunned disbelief as his hands healed themselves, the holes sealing themselves perfectly, leaving not even a scar to mark their former presence. Lowering his hands, he looked at the now wide-eyed Voldemort and spoke with a cold certainty.

"You can't kill me,Tom Riddle, because I'm stronger than you."

Flicking his wrist, his wand, having returned to the holster of its own volition, appeared in his hand, and Voldemort snapped out of his stupor. With a roar of hatred, he cast his first spell, with Harry responding in kind.



The two spells collided, exploding in a wave of magical power, shattering the nearest tombstones. The Death Eaters behind Voldemort moved forward, ready to assist, but Voldemort barked at them.


A second Killing Curse was fired, intercepted by a shattered chunk of tombstone. Soon, an avalanche of broken stone flew toward Voldemort, the remaining tombstone shards flying at lethal speeds. With a jab of his wand, a Bombarda was sent directly into the mass of broken stone, blasting the pieces outwards, as Voldemort cast a third Killing Curse, only for it to be cancelled out by another Bone-Shattering Curse.

"Come now, Tom, is this really the best you can do?" Harry's voice called across the graves, infuriating Voldemort, who sent a flurry of curses at Harry.

Some he recognized, a Whithering Curse, the Organ Rupturing Curse, and the ever-feared Flesh Eating Curse. These were backed up by spells he didn't recognize, not without Goliath's input, forcing him to dodge them, leaping out of the way, as he sent his own barrage of spells, the Blood Boiling Curse, the Burning Sword curse, Sectumsempra, and a Lightning Bolt.

Dodging Harry's spells had been easier for Tom, but not the Death Eaters. Two were sliced in half by the Burning Sword, a third was decapitated bySectumsempra, and a fourth was blasted backwards by the Lightning Bolt.

Voldemort sneered at Harry as the two men locked eyes.

"Impressive spellwork, Potter, but you're still no match for me!"

"Funny, I was about to say the same to you,Riddle."


In Hogwarts, the restive mood had given way to a growing sense of unease. The minutes had continued to tick by, and the staff were becoming increasingly concerned. Harry should have returned by now, and even 'Moody' appeared nervous. Sitting in the stands, Hermione could guess why the fake was becoming nervous, he had expected his master to have finished with Harry by now, sending his corpse back using the Portkey. Instead, his disappearance was being dragged out, and the longer he remained, the more he feared being caught.

The more he feared being caught, the more likely he was to try something.

Looking over to Sirius, she saw him in conversation with Amelia and the judges. While it was now undisputed that Harry had reached the Cup first, there was still the question of where he had gone. She knew, and Sirius likely knew too. But Sirius couldn't admit that without revealing the disruption to the timeline. But she could.

Signalling Sirius, she motioned, with her eyes and hands, that she wanted to talk with Sirius and Amelia. As Sirius made their excuses, Hermione rose from the stands, promising Brian and Anna she'd be back as soon as she could.

Stepping away from the crowds, she met with Amelia and Sirius behind the stands, where Sirius cast spells for privacy, and Amelia appeared frustrated.

"Mrs.Potter, you have something to tell us?"

"I do, Madam Bones. I... I think I know where Harry is."

Amelia's eyes went wide. "How do you... of course, your Soul Bond. Are you certain you know where he is?"

"I am. I can't give it a name, but... I think I know a way for you and the Aurors to learn. We'd need to step out of the anti-apparition wards first though."

Amelia fixed Hermione with a hard stare, before nodding her head. "I'll grab my off-duty Aurors. Whatever this is, be ready for anything, Hermione."

As Amelia went off to gather her Aurors, Sirius turned to Hermione. "Think the pup's doing OK?"

"I... I don't know, Sirius. I really don't. Harry never said how long he was gone the first time, but somehow... I just know something's gone wrong."

"And... do you know how to Apparate?"

"I haven't had the chance to actually do it yet, but Harry and Goliath have been teaching me, a lot. I know I can do this."

Sirius nodded at his godson's wife. "Alright. Be safe, and bring our boy back."







Back and forth the spells were cast, as Harry and Voldemort unleashed their power upon each other. The Little Hangleton Graveyard was being torn apart as the spells collided with each other, releasing powerful shockwaves of magic, and grinding the terrain to dust. The statues had been pummelled into dust by the free-flying spells, rendering the area a flattened wasteland.

The Death Eaters had remained close, but scattered, and under heavy shields. Already another three had joined the four killed at the beginning of the duel, and the remainder were determined not to be added to the list of collateral damage.

But this was immaterial to Harry, and to Voldemort. The two men were totally focused on each other, their mutual enmity cancelling out all other interference, and fuelling the intensity of their casting. The Death Eaters were bearing silent witness to a clash of titans, and none of them knew who the victor would be. Despite his youth, Harry had shown himself to be not only skilled but powerful beyond belief, unleashing spells that were far more advanced than should even be possible for a student still in their fourth year. But their master, Voldemort, was still the older, and more experienced of the two, and he had cast spells that some of them hadn't even heard of.

This was a duel, that they would remember, for the rest of their lives.

But their focus on the duel was interrupted. Half of their number snapped to attention, having heard or sensed something arriving in the graveyard. Rising to their feet, they looked about, watchful for any signs of an enemy. Their focus was rewarded, as when the red lights flew their way, only two of them were hit, stunned by theStupefy cast their way. But their focus gave way to fear, as they heard the familiar, iron-laced voice, of Amelia Bones.


A dozen Aurors appeared from seemingly nowhere at Bones' command, casting every spell they could think of. This wasn't the war, and the restriction against using the Unforgivables had been returned, even against the Death Eaters. But that didn't stop them from casting spellsfar more painful than a simpleStupefy. And they cast with unnerving precision, forcing the surrounded Death Eaters to divide their attention between facing the oncoming Aurors and evading the destructive spells cast by their master and his enemy.

But Bellatrix was thrilled at this turn of events. Cackling with glee, she unleashed an unknown, but doubtlessly nasty spell, on an Auror who barely evaded it.

"Ohhhh, time for some fun! Come on little blood traitors,let's play!"

Her second spell was intercepted by a silver-white spell, drawing her attention towards its caster: a young woman, wearing Muggle clothing, with bushy brown hair. A young woman who had become one of Hogwarts most famous students, and was glaring at Bellatrix.

"This little mudblood wants to play, bint."

In an instant, she unleashed a volley of spells aimed straight at Bella. Dodging with acrobatic grace, she cackled with glee at having the Potter brat's soulmate as an opponent. Bringing her down would inflict unimaginable agony on the wretched half-blood, and he would beg her master for the sweet release of death. But first, she wanted to have fun.





The two traded spells with the same ferocity that Harry and Voldemort did, but with less of the power... on Bella's part. Hermione's spells were unbelievably powerful, far more than Bella's were, and she was forced on the defensive, as none of her spells could pierce through the mudblood's defences. Even worse, none of Bella's defences were strong enough to stand up to the barrage of destructive spells being unleashed on her. Her reflexes were the only thing saving her at this point, as other Death Eaters began to collapse from the Auror's spells, she knew she had one chance left: escape.

But while she wouldn't leave without her master, others attempted to apparate and collapsed as they felt the pain of an Apparition-Blocking-Field, set up by one of the Aurors. Now, while fighting for her life, she was forced to watch for an Auror holding back. One of the key things to remember about Apparition-Blocking Aurors is they would have one of their number set up and maintain the field. They could still fight, but if they were stunned or killed, the field would collapse, and the people they were trying to trap would be able to escape. To that end, the Aurors would have the designated individual hang back, ostensibly to provide support, but in truth, to limit the possibilities of their targets escaping.

All such thoughts were interrupted as the area lit up with a golden glow, and all eyes turned back to Harry and Voldemort. The two were still locked in a duel, their spells locking with each other in two beams of green and white. But in an instant, a golden beam was fired from Harry's wand, overtaking the white spell he had cast, and pushing back against the green of Voldemort's Killing Curse, until it struck Voldemort's wand.

In a flash of light, the wand in Voldemort's hand exploded, leaving him with nothing but a phoenix feather.

"It's over, Tom. You've lost."

Staring in shock at his now-destroyed wand, Voldemort was snapped out of his stupor by Harry's words. Furious at the loss of his wand, and humiliated beyond belief by this insolent brat, Voldemort screamed in anger and hate as Harry prepared to bring him down... permanently. His rage and fury fuelled his power, and in a surprise turn, a shockwave of raw magical power was unleashed from Voldemort, knocking back everyone in the graveyard, including his Death Eaters. And somehow, this shockwave brought low the Apparition-Blocking-Field.

"No, NO!"

Rising to his feet, Harry cast a powerfulBombarda straight at Voldemort, strong enough to reduce his upper body to mush. But he was too late. With a crack, Voldemort vanished from sight, and his Death Eaters began to follow, including Bellatrix.

Soon, the graveyard was empty, save for Harry, Hermione, the Aurors, and the fallen on both sides... including Wormtail.

I... I failed... he's back... stronger than ever...

We can beat him, Harry.

Last time, I bungled my way through that war, and he wasn't nearly this strong. Now...

Now you have me, you have Sirius, and you have Goliath. He won't win. We won't let him.

As Hermione moved to comfort her husband, Amelia took stock of the situation. Despite her shock and absolute horror at the sight of that monster, a monster she could only assume was none other than Voldemort, restored to a new body, she had to get the situation under control. Of the twelve Aurors she had brought with her, three had been injured or incapacitated, while one was dead. And she had twelve dead Death Eaters, and about a half-dozen stunned ones, including Peter Pettigrew.

A good haul, despite the situation, but one final thing to confirm.

"Mr.Potter, are you injured?"

"I'll be fine. First, I need to get back to Hogwarts."

With a wave of his wand, he scanned the Cup that had brought him here. Fortunately for him, if there was another trap built into the Portkey, it had been degraded to the point of collapse. Now, it was an ordinary Portkey back to Hogwarts. And despite the situation, he had one final thing to take care of. Pulling Hermione into a one-armed hug, he grabbed the Portkey and felt himself and his wife brought back to Hogwarts.

And then the cheering began.

Despite the unusual passage of time, neither the judges nor the staff had seen fit to dismiss the students back to the castle. This meant, the entirety of Hogwarts, the international students, and the various officials in attendance, were present to witness the Fourth Champion arrive with his soulmate and pull her into a kiss.

Feeling dramatic, are we?

Just setting things up. I can already sense Junior approach.

Whipping around with frightening speed, Harry castRevelio Polyjuicem on 'Moody' and watched with cold satisfaction as the man turned from the respected, and feared, retired Auror, into a man who should by now be dead. Realizing his cover had been blown, Junior readied his wand to bring Harry down, only for him to be encased in ice by Harry'sHalitus Hiems. Raising his wand high, he bellowed his next words.


With the crowd silenced by this display, Harry turned to leave, only to fall to one knee after his first few steps. Looking at his leg, he saw that the gash by Bellatrix had only gotten worse thanks to his battle with Voldemort, and the pain was only getting worse. Rushing to his side, Sirius and Remus helped him to his feet, while Hermione followed right behind.

"Come on pup, let's get you to Poppy."

"Harry my boy," fighting the urge to groan, looked at Dumbledore approaching them, and suppressed his urge to tear out his throat with his teeth, "I need to know what happened while you were gone."

"You can ask my godson those questions later, Albus,if he decides to answer."

"Sirius, it is of the utmost importance..."

"For Merlin's sake, Albus, Harry needs to see a healer!" Professor McGonagall came up from behind Albus and silenced him with her words. "What's of the utmost importance is finding the real Alastor Moody!"

Albus hesitated, briefly, but finally nodded his agreement. "You're right, Minerva. Organize a search of the castle, starting with his quarters. I'll help the Aurors transport their prisoner."

While Albus seemed to get the situation back under control, Harry and Hermione were led back to the castle by Sirius and Remus.

"I failed, Moony, Padfoot. I failed to stop him."

"Pup, we'll worry about that later. Right now, you need to see Poppy before she decides to Sticky Charm you to the bed for treatment."

Chuckling at his godfather's words, he let himself be brought to the Hospital Wing. There, he could already see the other Champions on their beds, including a still-breathing Cedric.

At least one thing went right tonight.

Sitting on the bed, Poppy ran her diagnostic spells and soon retrieved a variety of potions for him to take. After which, it would be time to sleep so they could do their work.

"Sirius, Remus, Hermione, I'm sorry."

"What for?" Hermione asked, concern in her voice.

"For letting you down. I got overconfident, and it just might cost us..."

"Harry," Remus placed a hand on Harry's shoulder as he spoke, "this isn't on you, and this isn't your burden alone to bear. We're here, and we're not going to back down. Voldemort might have come back, but he's not invincible. You know that better than anyone."

"But he's stronger now, stronger than ever before. He might even be as strong as..."

"Doesn't matter pup." Sirius was calm, cool, and confident in his words, so different from his usual light-hearted self. "You beat him when you weren't nearly as strong as you are now, and you can beat him again. Get some rest, pup. When you wake up, we'll tackle this, together."

As sleep began to overtake him, Harry lay back in bed and smiled softly. Voldemort may have gotten away, but they were right. He'd beaten him before, and he could do it again. But this time, whatever they came up with, he wasn't going to flounder about in the dark. He was going to fight with everything he had, he was going to destroy Voldemort, and ruin Dumbledore. He was going to face the two most powerful wizards of his time and win.

That, was a promise, not for himself, but for his loved ones.


For those about to ask why Albus relented so easily in his interrogation of Harry, it's because he realized there were potential prisoners he could get the information from.

Chapter 39: The Aftermath III


You've begged, you've pleaded, you've sent me creepy as f*ck e-mails (you know who you are) and I have answered. Here is the next chapter of Dragon of Time!

Chapter Text

The Ministry was in chaos. That was the polite way of putting it, at least. The impolite way was to describe the situation as an absolute cluster-f*ck. Following the attempted kidnapping of Harry Potter, Madam Amelia Bones led a strike force of Aurors to a cemetery in Little Hangleton, where they not only confronted a sizeable force of Death Eaters but came face to face with a living nightmare: a resurrected Voldemort.

For many in the Ministry, this was the worst-case scenario. The Dark Lord had returned from death. Aurors were scrambling as they prepared to deal with the inevitable panic such news would bring. The Unspeakables of the Department of Mysteries were exploring all possible avenues of research to determine how such a thing was even possible. And muggle-borns of all branches of government feared for their future.

For others, this was as much opportunity as it was danger. Many held views sympathetic to the Death Eaters. They would not be opposed to seeing the rise of Voldemort over the entirety of Britain. But the Dark Lord also had a new challenger, one that was not only supremely powerful but willing to put it to use: Harry Bloody Potter. The Boy Who Lived had become the Boy Who Cannot Die, and as the muggle-borns feared the arrival of Death Eaters in the night, so did the blood supremacists fear the arrival of a dragon when they least expected it.

Through it all, the only one who even seemed to be trying to keep a level head was Madam Bones.

"No, put them in special containment! Highest clearance required! I don't want anyone finding out who's who before we're ready for trial!"

She barked her commands, knowing they would be followed to the letter. Nobody in the DMLE was foolish enough to test the iron-willed woman's patience. Not when this many Death Eaters had been captured in a single evening. When an Auror ran up to her, those nearby held their breath.

"Madam, there's a group of parents in the Atrium. They're demanding to see their children."

"Find out how they even knew to come here, and if any of them even mention the word'Imperius' throw them in a holding cell. I'll deal with them!"

The Auror ran off to carry out her orders, knowing this was a bad time to make a mistake. Every Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin in the Ministry was learning what happens when you meet a supremely pissed-off Hufflepuff. It was a tale they would recount to their grandchildren.

Assuming Madam Bones didn't castrate them in her increasingly terrifying fury.

"Madam Bones!"

'Oh for Merlin's sake...' Amelia grumbled to herself as she heard the voice of Minister Fudge.

"What is it, Minister?"

"Is it true? What everyone has been saying?"

"Iswhat true?"

"That... thatheis back!"

Amelia paused as she considered the Minister's words.

"Where, exactly, did you hear that?"

"It's all anyone in the Ministry can talk about. I had five wizards who aren't even Ministry employees ask me that question on my way here."

"Bugger! Look, follow me to my office." Amelia took charge, leading Fudge to her office, where she poured two glasses of fire whiskey. Downing hers in one shot, she poured another for herself before continuing.

"I trust you understand nothing you hear in this roomleaves this room until I say we're ready?" At Fudge's nodding, she pressed on.

"When Harry didn't return to the maze entrance, I was ready with a strike force to find him. Fortunately, because of his soul bond with Hermione Potter nee Granger, we were able to Apparate ourselves to a village called Little Hangleton, where we found Death Eaters gathered in the local cemetery. There we discovered the Death Eaters,somehow, had resurrected Voldemort." Fudge stiffened but Amelia ignored it.

"We interrupted what was, frankly, one of the most terrifying duels I've ever seen in my entire life. Harry went toe-to-toe with Voldemort, and very nearly managed to win. But the bastard escaped at the last minute, and now we don't know where he or his followers are at the moment."

Amelia took a sip from her glass, watching as the Minister simply stared numbly at it.

"He's back... he's really back... how is that even possible?"

"I don't know, Minister, but the Unspeakables are already looking into it. I'm confident we'll have our answer before long. In the meantime, we need to keep a handle on this situation. The last thing we need is for total panic to break out."

"Right... you're right." Fudge took a breath, trying to center himself. "What should I tell the press though? They'll start demanding answers soon if they haven't already."

"For now, just confirm the issue of Death Eaters attempting a kidnapping using the Tournament. We've captured enough of them that should, at the very least, keep total panic from breaking out. As for Voldemort... I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

A furious knocking at the office door drew the attention of Fudge and the ire of Amelia. She wasn't sure what it was, but from the desperate-sounding knock, it was considered a problem. That only left the question of if it was a problem or an overreaction. When she called out for them to enter, Scrimgeour stepped inside. That got her attention.

"Scrimgeour? What's going on?"

"It's Pettigrew, Madam Bones. It... it seems he managed to strangle himself."

Dumbledore stood outside of Pettigrew's holding cell, looking inside with a weathered look on his face. When he heard the sound of rushing feet, he turned to see Madam Bones arriving with Rufus Scrimgeour and Minister Fudge. It was Amelia who noticed him first, and she seemed equal parts suspicious and confused.

"Dumbledore? What are you doing here?"

"Helping with the transport of prisoners, Madam Bones. We captured Barty Crouch Jr at Hogwarts after you left."

"JUNIOR!? You caught him!?"

"Well, technically Harry did. I'm uncertain, but I do believe he learned about Juniors' deception while captured by the Death Eaters."

Amelia filed that information away for later. Right now, she needed to focus on one problem at a time. Looking into Peter's cell, she saw that the rat animagus had indeed strangled himself. Wrapped around his neck was a hand that seemed to be made of silver. It was a strange sight and one that demanded an explanation. "How did this happen?"

Scrimgeour cleared his throat. "We're not sure. We had no issues when we brought him in, he was still unconscious at the time. We left him in here, and minutes ago, the alarm went off signalling an inmate requiring medical attention. But by the time we got here, he'd already killed himself, snapping his neck with one hand. The weird part is when we found him, it looked like he was using his good hand to pry the silver one off of him."

Dumbledore remained silent. In truth, he had, at the very least, a good idea of why it happened. Arriving with Junior gave him access to the prisoner-holding cells, and with a few Compulsion Charms and minor Obliviations, he was able to find Pettigrew. It was a natural choice, given he was a largely mediocre wizard, Dumbledore knew he lacked the mental training required to resist Legilimancy, giving him full access to his mind. With it, he saw everything from Harry's capture right up until Amelia arrived with the Aurors.

Upon exiting Peter's mind, the man had begged Dumbledore for mercy, for his help. When he even offered to serve as a spy for him, the arm moved of its own volition, immediately grasping Pettigrew's neck and strangling him with unnatural strength. It stood to reason, then, that this replacement arm was somehow able to tell if someone was betraying Voldemort, and responded appropriately. Dumbledore pitied the man being denied an opportunity for forgiveness and redemption, but at least his sacrifice was in service to the Greater Good.

"Do we... notify anyone, Madam?" Scrimgeour asked, genuinely uncertain what to do about this. As far as he knew, Pettigrew's remaining family died while he was in hiding, so it wasn't his relatives he was talking about. What Scrimgeour wanted to know was if they should notify Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Harry Potter. All three of them had suffered because of Pettigrew, Sirius and Harry in particular. It might be unprofessional, but a part of him felt like they deserved to know the coward had died an ignoble death.

"I'll worry about that, Scrimgeour. For now, get a team of Unspeakables in here to examine that arm. I want to know exactly what we're dealing with. If they want the body for further testing or just the arm, it's theirs. Otherwise, it goes to the morgue."

Scrimgeour left to carry out her orders, leaving Fudge and Amelia with Dumbledore.

"Shouldn't you be getting back to Hogwarts, Albus?" Amelia asked with barely concealed annoyance.

"Indeed. Minister, Madam, I bid you good evening." Albus needed to review his memories and the information he acquired. Letting Amelia do the heavy lifting of getting things around here in order was the only sensible thing to do.

"Minister, I think it goes without saying that this death will not be mentioned to the press right away."

"Right, Madam Bones, right. I... I'm sorry, I... I think I need to sit down." Fudge made to move, but paused at the hallway entrance to turn back to Amelia. "And Amelia? Good luck. Merlin knows we'll need it."

Amelia only nodded at the Minister's words. "Same to you, Cornelius. Same to you."

The Hogwarts Hospital Wing. Harry's home-away-from-home. It was annoying how, even with an entire lifetime's worth of memories, he still immediately recognized it after waking up in the morning. Judging from the distance to the main doors, he figured he'd been placed in 'Harry Potter's Official Recovery Bed' a hospital bed with a bronze plaque attached to it, a result of his many, many trips to the Hospital Wing.

Sitting up, he took in the familiar sight of the Hospital Wing and noted the presence of one additional patient: Alastor Moody. The real Auror must have been found the night before, and judging by his appearance, he'd at least made the right decision to have Dobby smuggle food and potions to him during the year. He still had patches of hair missing from where Junior had taken too much, but he was less emaciated and otherwise looked much healthier than one would expect from a man kept in a trunk for an entire school year.

"Ah, good to see you awake, Mr.Potter."

Harry turned his head to see Madam Pomfrey approaching him, wand in hand.

"Morning, Poppy. So, what's the damage this time?"

"Well, that gash in your leg was about the worst of it. The cracked ribs were nothing to sneeze at, but they healed easily. Right now I will change the bandages, then we'll go from there."

Harry sat back and watched in silence as Poppy removed the bandages, revealing a by-now completely healed leg.

Thank God for accelerated healing.

Comes with the job description.

Surprised, but otherwise happy, Poppy decided to allow him to leave, but only afterhe got some breakfast in him. By the time she returned with breakfast, Sirius, Remus, Hermione, and Daphne had arrived. Without a word, Hermione rushed to his side, enveloping him in a Hermy-hug.

Thank God you're alright!

Of course, I'm alright. You didn't think one night was going to change anything, did you?

No, but I wasn't sure if Dumbledore tried anything after returning from the Ministry.

Pity he didn't. We could have used a midnight snack.

"Good to have you back among the living, Harry." Daphne's voice caught Harry's attention.

"Daphne, good to see you too. How have things been in Slytherin since last night?"

"Interesting, to say the least. Everyone heard your threat against taking the Dark Mark, so more than a few who might have considered taking it are terrified you're somehow watching their every move. The rest are weirded out that you would make that warning, so there is that problem to deal with?"

"I see." Harry looked at Remus and Sirius. "Have you told her what happened last night?"

Sirius nodded. "Mostly. She knows you were kidnapped, just not by who. Figured the finer details should be left up to you, pup."

"Yes, speaking of finer details," Daphne turned to look Harry in the eye. "What exactly happened last night?"

Harry sighed, and with a deep breath, told Daphne everything. He told her about the trap Voldemort had set, he told her about the mass of Death Eaters gathering for the resurrection of Voldemort, his plans going forward, and the duel that took place in Little Hangleton. He told her everything, leaving out that this was the second time it had happened to him, but otherwise holding back nothing. After a solid twenty minutes of talking, Harry had finished everything, leaving Daphne with an unreadable expression on her face. Finally, after some careful thought, she responded.

"So, he's really back."

"That he is, Daph, that he is."

Daphne looked bewildered by the nickname but otherwise said nothing. "So, what's our plan going forward?"


"Yes, Harry,OUR plan. You didn't think I was going to sit this fight out, did you?"

"I... I promised your father..."

"That you would look after me and my sister, regardless of if we married. Well, I for one don't intend to sit idly by while my husband-to-be risks his life against a power-hungry maniac. I'm going to help you, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Understood?"

Harry stared at Daphne, never having expected this from Slytherin's Ice Queen. Even in the original timeline, he never imagined she would be this willing to take a stance against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. While she did take part as one of the few Slytherin students during the Battle of Hogwarts, he believed at the time it was more a matter of saving herself than anything else. Voldemort's failures were becoming more and more apparent despite his hold on the magical populace, so he expected some followers would defect as a matter of practicality. For her, he realized now, it was a matter of principle.

And you were hesitant about marrying her.

Nodding dumbly at her, while he tried to gather his wits, Daphne smiled, seemingly pleased with herself. "Good boy. Now, as it so happens, I do believe I have some idea of how we're going to win this fight going forward."

Remus and Sirius had by now grabbed chairs, entertained by the sight of Harry confronted by Daphne. Now, they leaned forward, invested in whatever ideas Daphne might have.

"Now, to defeat the Dark Lord, we need to have three things in our favour. The first is we need magical power to defeat him personally. Fortunately, if last night is any indication, you already match or even surpass him in terms of raw magical power, correct?"

"Yeah, that sounds more or less right."

"Second, we need numbers. You're good Harry, but you can't be everywhere at once, and the Death Eaters won't sit idle while you're hunting down their master. They'll launch attacks to divert your attention, and simply for the sake of hurting your supporters. So, if the Dark Lord is building an army, we need one of our own. How do we get that?"

"I might have the answer to that, but what's the third thing?"

"Simple, Harry: influence. We need political influence if we're going to limit the damage the Death Eaters do manage to do."

"I thought the private army was for that?"

"Yes, but attacks will always slip through, and more importantly, the army can't force the Ministry to stop acting stupid, unless you intend to use it to stage a coup."

"Good point. But that can't be all of it, can it?"

"Simply put, Harry, before the World Cup, a good chunk of the Wizengamot was comprised of marked Death Eaters, along with their quiet supporters and sycophants. The marked ones might have been taken down a peg, but their quiet supporters are still a potential problem. They'll be looking for any edge they can give their friends in the coming war, and we need to be able to counter them. To put it in simpler terms, Harry: to keep the Ministry clear of Death Eaters, you need to acquire power and influence, and once you have it, wield it like a weapon.

"To that end, you need to claim your Wizengamot seat as soon as possible. You'll have the Potter vote, a second vote thanks to your Order of Merlin, and Hermione's Order of Merlin vote will automatically become valid once you become Lord Potter, as it elevates her to Lady Potter rather than simply the wife of the Potter Heir. That's three votes you automatically hold, not to mention the support you'll get from Sirius as Lord Black. Are there any other votes you can secure?"

"What, you mean through Noble Houses? ...Maybe. I'm technically descended from the Peverll brothers. If I can claim the seat..."

"Then you gain another vote. And given how interconnected the Noble Houses are, there's bound to be one or two more Houses you can claim, it's only a matter of claiming them before anyone else can."

"Hmm... alright, I'll talk to Gringotts, see if they can help. Now, before we go any further, Sirius, Remus, what happened last night after I was brought in?"

Sirius blew out a breath he'd been holding as he leaned back. "It was an absolute mess, pup. The teachers were in a frenzy trying to find Moody, escort the students to their Common Rooms, and get any guests in attendance to safety. I made it to the Ministry, and it was in a total uproar over the raid in Little Hangleton. Plenty of influential figures or their heirs were captured in the process. Amelia kept everything mostly functional, but it looked like there was always a chance of someone saying the wrong thing and sparking a riot. Things are going to get interesting, pup, that much is certain."

"There is another matter we need to discuss." Everyone turned to Remus, waiting for him to continue. "Dumbledore's getting ready to reform the Order of the Phoenix. Last night, he tried getting me to 'warn the old crowd.' I refused him, but that won't delay him for long. How do we deal with him going forward?"

Rip him apart, and decorate the Headmaster's office with his intestines.

Charming as ever, Goliath.

It's a valid question though. We know Dumbledore will try to interfere with our efforts while trying to get you under his control. He will become a problem sooner rather than later.

Yes... but... right now, he doesn't know, that I know what he's going to try doing. And that might be our biggest advantage.

"Alright, I think I have an idea."

"All ears, pup."

"Sirius, I want you and Remus to talk to Dumbledore about rejoining the Order. We don't have time to rally two separate forces to fight Voldemort, and the Order is at least somewhat recognizable. More importantly, it'll give us insider information in regards to anything he might try. But do not make any vows for him, or agree to demands or requests. At most, offer to use Grimmauld Place as a headquarters for the Order, but with you as Secret Keeper, no matter how much he bloviates."

By the time Poppy arrived, a plan had been formed between the group. When Poppy allowed Harry to leave, a thousand thoughts were racing through his mind. Yet through the haze of what could be, and what might be, a single overriding thought dominated all such considerations.

We're entering the endgame now, Whiskers. For you and Voldemort, one way or another, this will be the beginning of the end.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.