The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1: 1 THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 21, 1933 AGE THREE Outstanding Southern 1 Conference Lightweights NC CAPTAN SOUGH NATIONAL NORMENT CHAMPION TWICE CONFERENCE CHAMPION NORTH STAR BOXERS IN COMING TOURNEY Quarles, North Carolina, and Burns, Have Not Been Defeated The lightweight division in the Southern Conference boxing tournament will present held of young glove slingers, includ. fast two who have not been tented this winter, Norment Quarles of North Carolina, and Harold Burns of Maryland. Bobby Goldstein, Virginia's cap ula and' rational: collegiate champion in this clare, is anotho of the favored contenders for this title.

Goldstein's only defeat college boxer came at the by hands of Quarles in match the Tar. Heels In Chapel FilL Twice Goldstein won the BouthConference featherweight He hopes to add the Dixie 135-pound title to string, which will mean that he'll here to scrap his way through tough opposition and defeat the nan who is credited with rictory over him three weeks ago. Dangerous Contenders Captiin Micky Doyle of V. M. 1.

and Joe Yeggi of VA P. I. are tre dangerous contenders who may slip home under the Doyle lost a close decision to Goldstein and was floored by Quaries, but last week went to draw with Bennett of Army. f. U.

Watts, of South tina, won t. the Conference title in this 135 pound division a year by defeating Tom Fishburne. of Virginia in the semi-Anals and LeRoy 8'des of Duke In the Anal bout. Watts la doing some les donal fighting as means of working his way through school. sides and Fishburne are factors colorful welterwe'ght tangle this seaton, leaving the light.

weight division open to comers. Burns. Goldstein and Quarles constitute a triangular threat at the lightweight trophy, with Doyle, Yeggi, and: Duke's Rip Scott and South Carolina's Rivers as possible dark horses. Two tablespoons of grated yellow cheese added to salad dressing used for fruit salads gives added flavor. YOUNG CORBETT PICKED TO WIN Meets Jackie Fields, Welterweight Champion, in Frisco, Tomorrow SAN FRANCISCO, Feb.

-Their training behind them and keyed up like pair of race horses, Jackie Fields, welterweight champion, and Young Corbett, Fresno challenger, are eager for their 10- round title fight here tomorrow afternoon. Boxing fandom continued its speculation over. the outcome of the Fist important battle here in nearly 20 years, Thrust into the unusual role of strong favorite aver a champion, Corbett continued the popular figure in the eyes of those who back up their Judgments with money. Odde of 10-7 with the Freeno southpaw on the long end prevalled, although shortening up was looked for in some quarters. The regular drying out process was the order of the day in the two camps with each principal balancing the scales a pound or so over the 147-pound No dimculty In making the weight was anticipated on either side.

Each has $2,500 forfeit posted. The official weighIng In be Wednesday morning. Rules Laid Down Rules. governing the contest were agreed to following a conference between the ngut manager, members of the State Athletic Commie elon and Lieut. Jack Kennedy, U.

S. who will referee, They include the "accidental foul" rule. In case of an tional low punch, judgment of which will rest with the referee, the arbiter will be permitted to halt the contest pending recovery of the inijured boxer. Three gears ago tomorrow in this city Corbett scored a close 10-round decision over Fields In non -title bout. The Fresno left hander is confident he' will repeat his victory, this time to be rewarded with the crown.

The Fields delegation not only looks a win but expects It will he through a knockout. Jack. Dempsey, former heavyweight. champion, now a promoter at large, renewed an offer to match the winner with Jimmy McLarnin, Vancouver, B. Irishman.

There were nearly as many accidental deaths in homes as in trame, and more injuries in the home than in tramc. rears ago 25 by C. toda KESSLER FRANK OAKLEY. FAMOUS CHRON CLOWN. UNO AS MAKING GOOD A VAUDEVILLE.


AGLAST NEARERS OF FEATHERS. 3-11 SAYS COLLEGE BOXERS SHOULD STAY AMATEURS Goldstein Says Ring Game Must Be Secondary to Other Sports Bobby Goldstein, captain of Virginia's Southern Conterence boxers, thinks that the future of college boxing reste in the sport remaining just that, and nothing more, Paradoxically while Goldstein helleves that boxing is the finest of all intercollegiate activities, he hopes that It will. not much more in will be doomed whenever it threatens to override football In ularity. "As boxing In conducted in the colleges, especially in the South. ern Conference, no other sport can equal it developer of 2k01, speed, character.

nerve and self-confidence." the Cavalier captain; 'But A should not become too big. if it ever sets to be the big money sport, It will be nearing the end. Should Stay In Line "it would ruin college boxing if the professional game should begin to men from it. It would soon lose that quality of fine sportsmanship that adds. 80 much to its present popularity.

When college hoxers begin: to. look forward to a professional ring career the whole status of the sport will change. "College boxers should remain college boxers, and not try to beamateur. champions," thinks Gold stein. who speaks with authority because he has competed.

in come of the nation's greatest, amateur tournament: This week Goldstein lan't thinking. as much about the fuof college boxing as he le about Virginia's Immediate Southern pros pect of retaining Conference team championship in the seventh annual tournament here next Friday and Saturday. Twice Goldsteln has won the featherweight title of the Dixie win the National organization. Last spring. on to legiate lightweight championship.

He'd like to add the conference trophy in this weight to his col- he'll lection. If he can do that be the Aret man in the history of the tournament to win three cam. Won, Lost Same Might Goldatein wasn't always of the opinion that college boxing 10 erior to the general amateur or the professional ring game. He changed his mind 'after competing In two National Amateur championship tournaments. His most dimcult naht and his most 1 painful experience came together In Madison Square Garden in the semi-final round of the National Amateur finals.

Goldstein went through three fast rounds with Grandinetti of Philadelphia. 'At the end the refcree awarded him the match. He left the ring the winner, with the applause of thousands ringing in his ears. In his dressIng room meet officials notified him that he had lost the match. Why--he doesn't know until day.

Something unexplained happened to cost him his Anal chance at the national LaRowe Wine Acclaim Goldstein has, in the course more than 100 bouts, met almost every college boxing coach In "Keeping Up With SOME PRESENT, ILL SAY: FINIS GNING ME THE COLISEUM OPERA Corbett's Big Chance BY BURNLEY CORBETT BEAT FIELDS. BEFORE WITH HIS LEFT HOOK TO THE HE EXPECTS TO WIN THE TITLE WITH THAT FAMOUS Young CORBETT WHO MEETS. FIELDS FOR THE WELTER TITLE AT CAST! "I'VE WAITED A' LONG TIME FOR FIELDS THIS SHOT AND I WONT MUFF IT Schuyler SCHUTLER, Feb. 21 -A "Womanless was staged in the achool auditorium here Wednesday evening. The play was under the direction of Sties 'Margaret Belmore.

The cast of characters contained: Mrs. Capt. Raymond Lawl F. H. Hill; Noel Gooleby, Bill Mayo, Joe Wade, joe Brocks Nick George, Peter Adams, Ben Giannini, Breynard Belmore, Alvin Elwyn Walker, Earl -Kirby, Edmund Kit: by, 8am Gamble, J.

H. Cartwright, Buddy. Johnson, Mrs Strickland, Paul Parker. The play was given for the benent of the Athletic Association of Schuyler High School. The Benlor class had a Volentine party In their clans room Tue day night, J.

D. Tyree was painfully Infur. ed Thursday while unloading barrels of oll from a freight when. he slipped and fell, one "of the barrels falling on bim. R.

F. Hicks and William Amith attended. the State Baptist Association. in Charlottesville last week. Mr.

and Mrs. William Smith have moved into the house formerly occupied by Noel Goolsby and family. new kind of non-akid flooring for bridges 1s made of metal gratling with a flat, even surface. WHAT TELL MG LooK TO AT DEED QUICK COLISEUM IF MAX BAKE clubs his way to over Max Schmeling in'? their proposed Chicago meeting and then on to scuffle Jack i Shatkey and thereby gaining a win 0. Pr the Boston ghh, and, incidental.

Iv. the wit hensyweight title. may, without question, be balled 'an the center of the universe Hit by bit, sport by' sport. the Ari. Sinte has taken the existing championetops until now only the heavy wright title and the world series clown trinain tor be conquer- hi California shirady has produced world heavy wright champion in Coshelt two others- Am de Muses and Jack Hempaey were Iraidenta of that slate during their respective cigns.

But Baor, a prodiet of mote, would re: turn the. title to him state. SPYING ON I SPORTS BY WILLIAM RITT tr. ANYONE: doubts California's cinary. in the world of sport look at this list of Golden State ti the holders.

Vines, world and na: tonal tennis champion. Milan Helen Jacobe, national wom an tennis champion. Olin Dutra, national Professional Golfers' association champion, Lofty Toul, National league hat. ting champion. Jake Hrhaefer, world 18.2 balkline billiard- champion.

Fred Frame, winner of the 1083 Indianapolla speedway rare. Welker Corbran, world three. cushion billiard champion. of world eight-oar rowing champion. U'niversity of Southern California, national football champion.

Jackie Fields, world welterweight, boxing champion. GOT ENOUGH? No: Read on: Frank Wykon, holder of world record for the 100-yard dash. Buster Crabbe, a world swimming Mine Georgia Coleman, a world diving champion, MIRR Dorothy Poynton, a world diving champion. Mickey Riley Galitzen, world div. ins champion.

Jack Van. Bebber, national amateur wrestling champion. National track and Meld titles are posseared by the following Califor: niane. Herman Hrix Bob Kiesel, Ren Eastman. Bill Graber.

Ralph Hut, Stiller, Bob Jones and others. Othet trined California tennis MIRIN Include such brilliants an MIA Lielen Wills Mundy, Kauh Gledhill and Alice Marble. In Baer, C'alifornia has good chance to take over the wurld heavy weight title Hut AR -for the world baseball crown that will lave to wait until 1. Anzeira and San Franciaco got into the big leaguer- if they over do THE PAY CHECK GRIN CHICAGO, Fob. 21.

(An-Amile! for a smile in worth a lot there days In fact, said Mina Father Weldhmamer, busineas girta'. necretary for the Y. W. C. a cheery' mile Parceda lapeedy typewriting and accurate japalling as the beet insuranre for staying on office payrolls.

Li Eight. big league pitchers are, or will be before the end of next season, 40 years old. They. Jerk Quinn, 48; Red Faber, AS; Adolfo Laque, 43: Epps Jephtha Rixey, 42; Sam Jones, 41; Dazzy Vance, Jean Haines and Burtrigh Grimes, all 1 10 Your Suit. should bo tailo red to meas ure for that extra per.

son al touch. S. our new terials. All suits expertly tailored, and made to L. F.

MARKWOOD TH' COUSSUM WHY IT'S THAT. closed FOR THE TWO YEARS OPERA i's the nation. He thinks that Johnny La Rowe, the Cavalier ring tutor for more, than 10 years, has qualities that make him the perior of the others. It is not Coach 'La Rowe's great. skill as teacher of boxing that Goldstein.

admires, but the genuine tion the coach. has for the men under him. When he took athletics at Tech High, In Washington; Gold. stein was more interested in oth-. er sports than in Then an.

older Goldy- 'Ahern, began to make a name for himself in the professional ring. Thy took up the sport, and. became Golden Gloves champion of Washington. Goldstein had notions of doing some professional fighting on his own hook after finishing the univerelty. He changed his mind last summer after competing in the Anals of the tryouts.

He is positive now that the college trained boxer should not 80 pro. Goldstein has "practiced his own preachings AN to letting studies come Aret, boxing second, while in college. lie his been on the. "dean's list" of students almost every terms This year he entered the law? arhool. ALLIANCE, Feb, 21-- UP -Jack Bicknell, private tective, im't pleased with the conduct of his bloodhounds.

Insterd 'of staying home to await. a Aleuthing call they followed rabbit hunter. Not knowIng who owned them, he asked police to take. them away. Meanwhile Jake appealed to the lice.

They told him where to And his bloodhounds. The Joneses" WELL, CLARICE, OL' GAL GUESS WHAT FINIS GIVE ME? Opportunity Knocks--Eddie HEY YOU MM- I CANT TH' CHANCE WHAT ONLY, TOLD TO OWN EXERT MYSELF CLOSE 1 OPERA MUCH, AL, YOU YOU, YOUR TH' NOT TO 1 MY BLOOD AND PICTURE PRESSURE ANT UM BARGAIN FARES Week end tickets sold for use on Fridays, fol- 1'1-5 fares urdaye, date Bundays, of sale limited to Round Trip return Tuesday lowing tickels. On daily. between stations 1 1-3 fares distance of 150 miles or less Round Trip 1 6-Day ticketa, On sale dally between stations 1-2 fares 150 miles or I less. Round Trip.

MARDL GRAA Presidential Inauguration New Washingten, D. March 4th, 1833 Mobile 2c per mile round trip each mile Feb. 11-28th, 1918 traveled for individuals 1 1-3 farce for Ic per mile round trip each. mile ROUND TRIP traveled for parties 25 or more For Information concerning FARES, SCHEDULES, and other details CONRULT YOUR LOCAL TICKET AGENT oF write CHAR F. BIGELOW.

Division Washington, D. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM NOIR RECITAL. The choir of. the First Metho iliat Church of the city.

directed by E. floelzle, wall give a rerital in. Crpert Methots t. Church Friday night at A o'riork There wilt hr choruses, male quartetta, coins, old time muse both religious and secular, spirit. vela and by rhythmic band.

BUNION IN THE MAKING. SAN PRANCINCO. Feb. A thief hurled rock through stole window and a pair of They were Kurd but both were fur the left foot. EVERY.

UP TO IS GETTING PLENTY FOR THIS! By POP MOMAND PROMOTER, EH? 1 SURE YOU DON'T BUT IM PROMOTE YOURSELF TO OPEN IT- I INTO TH' POORHOUSE PROMOTER IT WONT BE YOUR FAULT, MY DOT Crispy Bread Stick Pans Of Cast Iron! When the golden, criepy, crunchy, hreed sticks. onme from three bread stick panewill And them light, der and delirious: 7 Stick size 50c 11 Stick size 65c We have a complete Has el cast Iron skillets, griddles, Dutch evens, mumn pans, pat. ty and timbale irons. Charlottesville Co. ANT 1 1 1 3 a 3-11.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.