ICD2O7 Review Notes | Knowt (2024)

Session 1:

  • Computer languages are specific ways for instructions to be given to the computer and make it do what you want it to

  • Python is one such language

  • “Syntax“ of a programming language can be thought of as the grammar/rule for the code

print(“~HeLL@ wOrl$d\“)

  • Print function will return whatever is put inside of it to the console

  • Identify legal/illegal variable names

  • Def. Variables

    • Variables are a named location used for the memory/storage of data of a specified type

    • For good form, variables should be declared at the beginning of each program and not ‘on the fly’

  • Rules for variables:

    • Variable can not contain any spaces

    • The first character of the name must be a lower case letter(not digit, uppercase letter or special character), all characters succeeding the first character can be a digit, upper case letter or a special character(only _)

    • Can not use any special characters except ‘_’

    • Uppercase and lowercase letters should be distinct

    • Can not use keywords(words that are reserved for python, it will confuse the compiler and result in error)

  • Primary data types in Python

    • String

      • A collection of characters within quotation marks(“0.5 7”, “-9.92”, “hafk widd bei hd 6 y8Y*&”, ‘bo O’)

      • String Manipulation:

        • Concatenation: str3 = “str1” + “str2”

        • Python can only concatenate strings

        • print(“hi”*3) → hihihi

        • print(“hi”, 5) → hi 5

    • Integer

      • Any number below, above or inclusive of zero that is not having decimal properties(0, -5, 6, 7, 8, -28)

    • Float

      • Any number, positive or negative, with a decimal point(4.0, 5.03, 1.57, -8.56)

    • Boolean

      • Used to represent the truth value of an expression(True or False)

  • Type Casting(note: python will cast with only 1 step, if more than 1 step needed, it’ll give error)

    • print(type(15)) → <class ‘int’>

    • print(type(1.5)) → <class ‘float’>

    • print(type(“15”)) → <class ‘str’>

    • print(type(True)) → <class ‘bool’>

    • print(type((int)”5.1”)) →Error(missing bracket around 5.1)

    • print(type((float)(5))) → <class 'float'>

    • print(type((int)(5.1))) → <class 'int'>

    • print(type((str)(5))) → <class 'str'>

    • print(type((str)(5.1))) → <class 'str'>

    • print(type((float)(”5.1”))) → <class 'float'>

    • print((int)(“5.1”)) → error

    • print((int)(“5”)) → 5

    • print((float)(“5.1”)) → 5.1

    • print((int)(5.7)) → 5(directly cuts off the decimals)

    • Make sure to check the # of brackets, there shouldn't be brackets around “type”

Session 2:

  • Boolean Conditions

    • Def. A python data type with two values(True or False)

    • Boolean operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

    • Compound Boolean operators: not(toggles boolean value), and(true if both conditions are true), or(true if either condition is true)

  • Selection If Statements

    • Conditionals(selection constructs), are used in programs that require different execution paths which are dependant on the evaluation of certain values

    • 1 path if statement: condition must be a statement that evaluates to boolean value and indentation is needed to be inside the if statement

    • The else statement does not have any given condition, if the first condition is false, the compiler executes the else statement

    • There can be infinite elif statements, conditionals can be nested, elif statements need to have conditions

    • Multi-path conditions:

If condition:




If condition:






  • Character and ASCII conversions

    • ASCII: American Standard Code for Informational Interchange

    • It’s a numeric value given for characters for computers to store and manipulate

    • ord() converts a character into an integer and chr() does the reverse

    • This function actually returns the Unicode code point of that character, Unicode provides a number to a character

      • ASCII only has 128 characters, current Unicode has 100,000+ characters

    • A = 65, ASCII value = 65x + 1 - 1 where x is the order of the letter in the alphabet

    • a = 97, ASCII value = 97x + 1 - 1 where x is the order of the letter in the alphabet

    • Generally:

      • “0” < “1” < … < “9”

      • “A” < “B” < …”Z”

      • “a” < “b” < … “z”

      • A blank precedes any digit or letter

      • All digits precede all letters

      • Upper case letters precede lower case letters

  • String Conditionals

    • You can compare strings b/c the compiler will convert it into a numerical value

      • “hello”<”hi”

  • Random library

    • The following functions will generate pseudo(random) numbers

      • random.randint(a, b) inclusive returns a random integer from a to b

      • random.random() returns a random float from zero(inclusive) to one(not inclusive)

      • random.uniform(a, b) inclusive returns a random float between a and b

  • While Loops

    • A.k.a. Conditional loop, only follows though when the given condition is true and keeps checking the condition until the condition becomes false

    • If the condition is false, it will skip over the loop and execute whatever is after it

    • Sentinel value

      • Used to indicate that the wanted set of values has been reached

  • Formatting input and output

    • Rounding numerical values

      • Ex. print(round(math.sqrt(88), 2))

    • + vs , for concatenation

      • “+” only concatenates two strings and does not automatically add a space in between

      • “,” can concatenate any floats, integers or strings and adds a space in between

    • Printing on one line

      • print("Line 1: ", end ="")

      • print("continuing on line 1...")

  • For Loops

    • A.k.a counted loop, repeats whatever is inside it a specified number of times

      • for i(can be any variable) in range(starting_num, ending_num(exclusive), interval_num): (tab)Do_something

      • In this case, “i” is the special counter called the index which is only usable within the loop

  • use while loop when the number of repetitions is unknown, and vice versa

  • Four Types of Errors

    • Syntax or compilation error is caused by error in the syntax of the program(occurs when you try to run it, so it will not run at all)

    • Runtime error occurs when the program is running but crashes

    • Logical error: is not an error given by the compiler, the program will still execute but it does not do what is intended

    • Style error: is not an error given by the compiler but it is when the format of the program does not conform to the regular practice

    • Programs should be made robust so that they can they can check the user’s incorrect input and make sure it doesn’t cause the program to crash

Session 3:

  • String Manipulation

    • Length Function

      • Returns length of the function you specify

      • Ex. len(“Hello World”) = 12

    • Accessing a specific character

      • To access the first character in the string variable ‘name’ with name = “Williamson” use the following syntax: name[0] = ‘W’

    • Accessing a substring

      • A substring is a portion of a string

      • Access from the 3rd to the 5th characters as follows: name[2:5] = ‘lli’

      • First number is inclusive, second number is exclusive

      • name[-1:2:-2] = “nsal” # start from the last letter and print every other letters until the third letter backward

      • find()

        • The method find() looks for a particular substring within a string

        • It will return the index of the location of the first occurrence of that substring or -1 if the substring does not occur

        • string.find(value, start, end)

      • index() vs find()

        • If the value is not found, the find() method returns -1, but the index() method will raise error

      • replace()

        • The replace() method replaces a specified phrase with another specified phrase

        • string.replace(oldvalue, newvalue, count)

      • count()

        • The count() method returns the number of times a specified value appears in the string

        • string.count(value, start, end)

  • Robust Input

    • Make sure user is entering the value that the program is expecting so that it doesn't crash

    • Use: isalpha(), isdigit(), isupper(), islower() functions to verify

  • Mutability of strings

    • Strings are immutable(you can’t change an existing string)

    • Ex. Using [] operator on the left side of an assignment

    • Ex. greeting = 'Hello, world!' greeting[0] = 'J'

    • = TypeError: object does not support item assignment

  • Lists

    • An array assigns one name to multiple locations in memory and uses an index to distinguish between the different locations.

    • Python does not have support for arrays but has lists which work similarly

    • Ex. info = [“kate”, 4, True]

    • Uses an index system similar to strings, ex. [0] is = “kate”

    • List functions:


Adds an element at the end of the list


Removes all the elements from the list


Returns a copy of the list


Returns the number of elements with the specified value


Add the elements of a list (or any iterable), to the end of the current list


Returns the index of the first element with the specified value


Adds an element at the specified position


Removes the element at the specified position


Removes the item with the specified value


Reverses the order of the list


Sorts the list

Session 4:

Def. Function:

A block of code that will only run and/or impact the program. It will return a processed result based on a given input

Def. Procedure

A block of code that will only run when called upon. It will process a result based on a given input but won’t return anything.

  • parameters vs. arguments

    • Both are information passed into the function

    • Parameters are given in the brackets where the function is defined

    • Arguments are passed through the brackets where the function is called

  • localvar. vs. global var.

    • Local variables are declared within the scope of a function or procedure

    • Global variables are declared outside of a function and are accessible throughout the program(excluding the function)

  • The keyword ‘def’ is the signature of a function as it indicates the declaration of a function

Session 7:

  • The skeleton

    • the general template for a html program uses the below tags:

      <!DOCTYPE html> <!--Define the document as html-->
      <html lang="en"> <!--says that whatever is between these tags is html english-->

      <head> <!--header tag has general information about the document-->
      <meta charset="utf-8"> <!--defines the charset-->
      <title>replit</title> <!--title of the page-->
      <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <!--connects another css to this html page-->

      Hello world <!--whatever is between the body tags are what displays on the page-->


  • HTML vs. CSS

    • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language add the functionalities

    • CSS stands for Cascading Style sheets and is used to style and design the page

  • Relative vs absolute hyperlinks

    • absolute links go directly to the page needed, it has a specified path

    • relative links will only have the domain name in the URL

<!--Creating Hyperlink-->
<a href="google.com/monkeys">click me<a>

<!--Comments work like this in HTML!-->

ICD2O7 Review Notes | Knowt (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.