Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide - Acupressure Points (2025)

Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide

The Foot Reflexology Chart is essential in recognizing the Foot Reflexology Points. The following therapy is a form of acupressure developed in America.

The chart aims to help regulate your blood circulation and the immune system in the body.

Different reflexology types exist, from foot, hand, and face Reflexology to ear reflexology. The easiest one to understand is Foot Reflexology.

Learn the essential acupressure points, and you can self-treat. Today, we will discuss the primary reflexology areas on foot, sole, outside foot, toes, and inside acupressure points to help.

By massaging or stimulating these pressure points, you can help ease discomfort associated with various pains.

Basic Foot Reflexology Chart

The following basic foot reflexology chart displays the areas in the whole body and the organs connected with the foot area.

Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide - Acupressure Points (1)

After you know these spots on your foot, you will know which pressure point to apply to for specific body organs.

The primary area comprises the whole body, and you need to remember that your right foot is associated with the right part of the body, while the left foot works the left side.

When massaging the toes, you treat your head and neck while the inside of both feet works the spine.

However, you will massage the dark area underneath your toes to heal the chest.

For the waistline, you apply pressure to the thinnest part of the foot while the stomach is on the high side of the waistline. The intestine you find on the below side and the pelvis are at the bottom of your foot.

Therefore, you will apply pressure on the left foot to treat the stomach.

Foot Reflexology Sole Chart

Learning the Foot Reflexology Sole Chart is uncomplicated, and for first-time users, it is the best chart you can use. The diagram mentions all body organs associated with the sole area.

Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide - Acupressure Points (2)

The chart helps you work on specific pressure points to relieve tension and pain in particular organs.

You will find the massage pressure points described in the illustration on both feet for treating eye strain, pain in the eyes, tired eyes, or any eye-related problem.

Below are the eye regions on your second and third toes. To relieve pain, apply pressure with your hand to specific spots. Always remember to hold the point for a couple of seconds and then leave. For more ease, repeat the procedure.

Furthermore, remember to do this on both feet one by one. These are only one example; as you can see, there are other acupressure points you can use as well for treating the ear, lungs, heart, spleen, and more.

You need to apply the same method for all the mentioned reflexology spots as for the eyes.

Foot Reflexology Outside Chart

On the chart, you can see various parts of the body displayed on the outer side of the foot. With the Foot Reflexology Outside Chart, you can treat the following:

  • Elbow
  • Knew
  • Lymphatic System
  • Shoulder
  • Chest and More
Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide - Acupressure Points (3)

You can heal tension in your elbow yourself using Reflexology. You can use your thumb to apply pressure but do it gently. As mentioned, you need to apply pressure to the foot on the side where your elbow is sore.

As you can see, the acupressure points are in the middle section between the toes and the center of the foot. To relieve elbow tension, you can massage the area up to three times daily.

The same applies to other organs found on the chart.

Foot Reflexology Inside Chart

On the inside of the foot, you get the most essential reflexology points and areas found in the body. These include:

  • The Groin Area
  • Bladder
  • Lymphatic System
  • Spine
  • Sciatic Nerve and More
Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide - Acupressure Points (4)

Therefore, knowing the critical pressure points will help you treat various parts of your body. For example, you can massage the area around the chest at some of these crucial spots.

The chest region is shown in the diagram. Furthermore, you can repeat applying pressure to the area up to three times a day to improve the results.

Foot Reflexology Toes Chart

In the Foot Reflexology Toes Chart, you can see all the Meridians from the big toe, second toe, and last toe. These pressure points connect to the following:

  • Bladder
  • Gall Bladder
  • Stomach
  • Spleen
  • Liver
Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide - Acupressure Points (5)

Applying gentle pressure on the Meridian points, either clockwise or anti-clockwise, helps relieve aches and pains faster.

The Foot Reflexology Chart provides the best knowledge and research for applying self-treatment to your body. If you are uncertain about which one to use, consult a Reflexology Expert to help you select one best suited for your needs.

How safe is Reflexology?

Stimulating the acupressure points on the reflexology foot charts is considered safe; however, you should not use it if:

  • You are pregnant as it might increase labor, but it has not been proven yet, so it is best to stay safe.
  • You have a contagious disease or infection on your hands or feet, such as chickenpox, psoriasis, or eczema.
  • Do not use it on the feet or hands if swelling is present.
  • Never use it if you have unhealed wounds, gout, or a fracture.
  • Furthermore, prevent using it if you have a type of blood clot or large varicose veins.
  • Stop doing Reflexology if you have a severe reaction during or after a session.

Side Effects:

The truth is that not all people respond the same to reflexology treatment, and patients have reported:

  • Drowsiness
  • Short headaches
  • Emotional
  • An increase in urination keeps your body hydrated before and after a session.

Final Thoughts:

To get the most out of a foot reflexology treatment, it’s essential to take it easy. Drink plenty of water to remove the build-up of toxins in the body.

Always remember that different foot reflexology charts are available, and each differs from the next. Furthermore, the treatment you need to view it as a complementary therapy and not replace your medical one.

You can use it alongside your medical treatment, not as a stand-alone treatment.

Foot Reflexology Chart Complete Guide - Acupressure Points (2025)
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